(2007/01) Jan

Mommies!! my meeting got cancelled n i took leave liao. so let me know where to meet.

Event: January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 24 Oct 2008, Friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: TBC

1. Sushi Tei, Raffles City
2. Shokudo, Raffles City

Confirmed List

1. icylemon & Rachel
2. mymelody
3. AMM
4. aquarius
5. msn queen & Darrius
6. faeriekim & Enbi
7. zenn & Estelle
8. nana & Ryan
9. Jenbibi & Belle

1. bluesky
2. sugarbean & Kimi
3. milderina
4. janey
5. sherl

Thanks you!

I have same problem like u. I m very tiring to latch on... so I decide to latch on after baby bathing, the rest just pump out and give ebm. I totally can understand ur feeling. I also no time with my elder son. So, I will just give watever how much bm then just give NB, if really no enuf then give fm. I dun want to stress myself "y the supply so low?" "enuf for NB?"... I can feel that I have some 'blue' now. hopefully dun want to make myself unhappy and neglect my elder 1. Keep telling myself, fm also can let NB grow up well.

For me, I stress up to handle NB and toddler. Hopefully i can handle well after my confinement. That's y I dun want to persistence to give NB bm although I knowning bm is the best. Thanks Hui keep encourage me during these period.
<font color="ff0000">Event: January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 24 Oct 2008, Friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: Holiday Inn Park View Singapore
(Window on The Park Cafe Restaurant)

Behind StarHub Center

UOB Promotion : 1 for 1 Buffet Lunch ($29++)

Confirmed List

1. icylemon &amp; Rachel
2. mymelody
3. AMM
4. aquarius
5. msn queen &amp; Darrius
6. faeriekim &amp; Enbi
7. zenn &amp; Estelle
8. nana &amp; Ryan
9. Jenbibi &amp; Belle
10. Sugarbean &amp; Kimi

1. bluesky
2. milderina
3. janey
4. sherl
<font color="ff0000">Event: January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 24 Oct 2008, Friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: Holiday Inn Park View Singapore
(Window on The Park Cafe Restaurant)

Behind StarHub Center

UOB Promotion : 1 for 1 Buffet Lunch ($29++)

Confirmed List

1. icylemon &amp; Rachel
2. mymelody
3. AMM
4. aquarius
5. msn queen &amp; Darrius
6. faeriekim &amp; Enbi
7. zenn &amp; Estelle
8. nana &amp; Ryan
9. Jenbibi &amp; Belle
10. Sugarbean &amp; Kimi
11. Kate &amp; Kerryn

1. bluesky
2. milderina
3. janey
4. sherl

If yr bb dozes off during a feed, try to tickle his cheeks or move yr nipples so that he'll sense movements and hopefully then he won't fall asleep. That was what I did when I BF my boy =P

Anyway, my milk supply then was a lot. So it'll be only a max of 3 hours after BF before my breasts were engorged again hence made me feel like a cow then =(

I was expressing about 4 times a day and sometimes even middle of the night when I couldn't take the engorgement. The fridge then was always filled with bottles of expressed milk so much so that sometimes I'll throw it away if it's after like 6 hours as the supply was more than sufficient.

Did you try eating more fish? It does help with increasin the milk supply... well at least for me it worked as each time when I pumped I can get about 120ml minimum.
<font color="red">Event: January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 24 Oct 2008, Friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: Holiday Inn Park View Singapore
(Window on The Park Cafe Restaurant)

Behind StarHub Center

UOB Promotion : 1 for 1 Buffet Lunch ($29++)

Confirmed List

1. icylemon &amp; Rachel
2. AMM
3. aquarius
4. msn queen &amp; Darrius
5. faeriekim &amp; Enbi
6. zenn &amp; Estelle
7. nana &amp; Ryan
8. Jenbibi &amp; Belle
9. Sugarbean &amp; Kimi
10. Kate &amp; Kerryn

1. bluesky
2. milderina
3. janey
4. sherl
5. mymelody
wow.. would really like to join you ladies for lunch! some more you all are bringing your babies.. but gotta take half day leave to do so.

will try to confirm soon.
hi ladies,
Ya, I will be taking leave on 24 oct.
Anyway, Darrius will not be joining me to the lunch, as he is down with cough &amp; flu. Just bought him to see dr today.

cfm won't be joining for the gathering too. clumsy me fell down on monday while carrying jk, bruised my lips, now so ugly. luckily jk only had small bruise on his arm. feel so guilty n bad for hurting him.

its okay. tot u also need few discs, u can sms me. thanks!

alethea, karen,
think both of u give yourself too much pressure. relax..... fish is good, but most important drink more water, remember cindy drank abt few litres per day and she really can pump alot!!! that's the trick! sorry cindy, din mean tt as a joke, but trying to lighten the atmosphere. hahaha...
zenn, aqu,
yar, the new enfa also made en bi poo poo lots and more watery. def the diff in milk powder cos it's supposed to 'aid digestion'.

alethea, karen,
yar, relax relax... no blues, juz stay positive!! me oso now at home wif en bi n 8wk old bb n a maid tat i have to monitor as well! no joke, but gotta stay sane to have good BM supply.
harlow mommies,
GREAT to have met up today! really fun to see the kids all 'grown up'
absolutely warmed my heart esp when they took pics tog. pity my ML ending soon in mid Nov., otherwise, wld lurve to make it a mthly affair. keke..

where will u b posting pics at? let us know ok?

thanks for organising!

thx for bringing me tat bowl of loh mee!

trf oredi, but via UOB.

Amount : SGD22.00
Transfer Date : 24/10/2008 (Immediate)
Transaction Reference : 100001107639216

claire is such a guai gal! cute hairdo n cute bear!
hello mummies!!!

it's nice meeting up with so many mummies &amp; all the lovely kids! i think we should really do it more often

icy, thanks for arranging!

here are the photos taken. it's really super challenging to take photos for a group of kids kekekeke






faeriekim, thanks!

Thanks for taking the photos! Nobody else thought about bringing camera? LOL

It was nice meeting up with everyone and I think Claire had lots of fun meeting her friends too. We really should do this more often, maybe can organize some weekend informal playgroups or outings to let our kids interact more often.
It's really amazing how the kids have grown hor!
thx for loading up the pics!
it's so hard to get 1 single pic where they're all looking at the camera huh? *phew*

i took out the camera the nite before, but din put inside my bag. next time we have the outing, def will not only take out the camera, but oso put inside my bag. haha..

my sweetheart is the one in turqoisygreen. hee..
no problem fae &amp; sherl. yes yes we should ve more gathering for the kids! think the kids enjoyed most in the bookstore -LOL
Hi Mummies,

Apologies for intruding into your thread.

I'm letting go of my Jujube Bag - Packabe in drip drops design. It is brand new with the tag and comes with a matching changing mat.

Retail price: $230
Selling price: $170

Please find a pic of the bag here:



Ju Ju Be - Packabe
-mommy pocket with key clip, cosmetic pouch and cell phone pocket
-picture pocket to keep photos handy when bragging to friends
-side bottle pockets for quick reaching in emergencies
-3 way adjustable handle
measurements: 11x14x6 (width x height x depth)

Please email [email protected] for enquiries..

Meet-up is required as it is too bulky and expensive to send via postage..

Thank you for taking yourtime to read it..
yoz mildy!

when u popping ah?
yar, sugar oso say tat enbi beri diff... haha, but hor i everyday see oso can't see diff. oni diff is getting more n more heavy for me to carry...
Hi Mummies

the babies are all grown up...can't recoganise who is who.

Just brought Malcolm to Hong Kong Disneyland. Weather is terrible, super hot. Even the Peak was not cold at all. But we do have a wonderful time bonding with each other.

SUppose to come back on this Monday. But while in the airport, malcolm started to have high fever. We were not allowed to entre the flight and have get him out of the immigration to see dr. Thus got to stay another nite at the airport hotel to monitor him. Luckly his fever went down and we get to fly back the next day.

Here is 1 ironic incident during our visit to the dr. We seen the dr at 5pm that day, so the dr asked us what time we gave him the fever medicine, what is the dosage and how old is he?

Answer is: gave him at 3.30pm, 3.5ml and he is 3.5 yrs old.

I didn't even realised what is wrong with my answer until the dr said: Are you playing a joke on me? 3.5, 3.5, 3.5...... then he started laughing.
hi mummies,

can see all of u enjoy the gathering lunch... realised no boys turned up? tot sugar bringing kimi? is it kimi overslept n missed the lunch? my guess.. haha..

seems like u'r always travelling...but this time round with family, that's nice. visit doc overseas, is it very expensive? till now hubby still think jk too small, not suitable to go travel.. envy all of u who's been travelling in n out.

saw ryan in the qiao bao bao show, he's cute n funny too, cries only after zhong qin said he din cry when fell. haha..
nobody's here when i login... so i'm reading up your blogs.

sugar, zenn, lawpei,
really impressed with the work u've done for home teaching... maybe i should really start somewhere n sometime...

but first of all, where do u all get the printouts of worksheets etc? or dun tell me u all draw on your own.... i'll faint, coz i'm lousy at drawing.

Also, where can we get baby scissors, paints or colouring which is mess free one? i'm quite particular abt cleanliness, i can't stand jk messing up n i have to clean up the place leh... any good ideas? thanks.
STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters.... S.T.R.

My nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word.
I agree.

If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.

Please read:


During a BBQ, a ! friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) .she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening

Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke... totally . He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for wi! thin 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read
and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S * Ask the individual to SMILE.

T * Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. It is sunny out today)

R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other , that is also an indication of a stroke.
*pull sherl out of the tinny peeping hole* POP out she goes hahahhahahhaha btw, how's claire? sms u over the wkends but nv hear fm u, guess u should b bz. hope she is well?

sugar, dun mind me sharing right? more fees for u kekekeke

hui, i m not so hardworking to draw -LOL- here r some websites that help :





Basically for me, i try to teach her 2x (if not once a wk). This wk I am teaching her letter C, so I try to show/read to her or do art &amp; craft/painting related to letter C. For the once or twice a wk, I will go thro for details but the rest of the wk, I just do on ahhoc basis.

For mess free paints, u can get Crayola brands.

Sorry, sometimes over weekend me just glance through messages but forget to answer coz so hectic... heehee... I do vaguely recall someone msging me... LOL

Thanks for your concern, she is almost back to normal le.... heeheehee.... now still doing occasional purging of bad stuff from tummy, then mostly ok le.
hey zenn
thx for the useful info on STR.

say what hui wrote about you, sugar and lawpei are doing wrt teaching your little ones.. and i also went to your blogs to check it out. wow! i am so inspired!

just to ask.. did you all read any material on how to start home-schooling before you started the prep work for each session?
i wish i had more time to spend with kienan to do such stuff...
charmaine, hui

I didn't really read up on homeschooling, just look through the worksheets and activities in the links zenn posted above and think through how I want to teach Trisha and make it fun through the play and learn. also dun know if she really absorb or not. I'm no good lah...sugarbean and zenn are the good ones....

dun have to be inspired by me hor...I just follow cos kiasu and really, there's nothing to do here in Holland. I so wish I can send Trisha to school for half a day! It's not that I need time to rest, I want her to socialise and learn thru peers and play.

I realised she always stick to me when we go to the playgroups and she doesn't like to explore on her own and very careful to the extent that I think sometimes, she's too timid. eg, once she get up the slide, dun dare to slide down, hold on so tight. even if I say I'll catch her, she's really not adventurous in anything!

thanks for the story on sroke. actually sometime in Aug, my mum got a mini stroke. just suddenly felt numb in one side of her face and body but still can move. She waited till my dad came home from dinner then told him and stil dun want to see doc till my dad scold her, then she relented, go see GP then get referral to A&amp;E. luckily, doc check everything ok but must be careful lor cos this could be sign of major stroke coming. She's given aspirin to thin the blood. I'll forward this story to my parents and get my dad to remember this.

I was so worried and scared something will happen to her and I'm so far away, really lucky she's ok now.
charmaine, i didnt do much read up too. actually mine not exactly a 'proper lesson'. sugarbean's one is definately better. i try to roughly plan wat i wanna teach estelle n see wat's available online or wat i can get. for mine, i did more art &amp; craft and cookery as i notice estelle enjoys more
alot of trial n error.

lawpei, same here. duno how much estelle absorb but as long as she learns abit, i m happy. even if not, take it as playing wif her lor hahaha

np. my hb's uncle had stroke after a fall in toilet. very lucky that he is able to walk wif help now.
morn mummies!

lawpei / zenn:
i feel that the effort you've put into planning the lessons are really commendable already! and i'm very encouraged and inspired.
hahaha.. keep up the good work. i will try and get started. to start off, i think i need to invest in one of those table/chair set to get kienan to sit down and focus. hahaa.

you think the children's garden will be very crowded at the carnival this sunday? thinking of bringing kienan... do you know if we have to get tickets first?
morning charmaine, i ve to admit its quite abit of preparation required. guess will b crowded. not sure abt tix leh.
actually last nite fae, icy &amp; i were talking online n thinking of havin a xmas party for the kids. wonder how many r keen? i suggested at gymboree but seems like they ve alot of restriction on food.
wow. christmas party sounds cool. and gymboree sounds good. actually, to make it easier.. why don't we not have food.. i.e. just meet and let the kids play together? and can also do christmas party stuff.. gift exchange? limit it to a certain amt?

haha. sorry, i talk so much.


i'm also thinking of bringing jk to the carnival this sunday, but like u all say, think it'll be SUPER crowded! my hubby hates crowds!!

gymboree sounds nice, i've wanted to bring jk there to explore, but haven't once visited yet. wonder how much will the costs be like? children get-togethers sounds good, but have to prepare food, really ma fan.

zenn, lawpei,
both of u dun be so modest lah!! u all did great! tho none can surpass sugarbean here in this thread yet. haha. i told my hubby abt the idea, he's not very ON. he thinks just let jk play play play good enough for his age! hiaz... but i'm also into the idea of doing this when i have time.

i also thinking of getting proper table n chair. if u happen to know where to get them, pls let me know. thanks.

dun peep. come out n say something...
else, any new BPs worth joining nowadays?
