(2007/01) Jan

Maybe u can pump more than 3 times a day will be more efficient. After lactch on, do u empty all the milk out by expressing? Then your body will tot your bb need more milk, & thus more production of milk.The more time u empty your milk, the higher will be the supply of milk.

Hui & Snow,
I also ate alot of pizza but am ok ...so I dun think is the pizza fault. Hope to have such gathering again in near future. Ryan was enjoying himself very much cos after he back home, he slept for 3 hours.

hi gals...

wah... how come the thread so quiet....

congrats!! jonaven looks so ham... hehe...

liyen, snow, hui,
i hope next time able to join u all as well... quick have another gathering again...hehehe...

hope K is the one... hehehe...(saw his photo at liyen's blog liao...)
next time bring him along again hor.. :p
bianca is so pretty & sweet...
<font color="aa00aa">Event: January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 24 Oct 2008, Friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: TBC

1. Sushi Tei, Raffles City
2. Shokudo, Raffles City

Confirmed List

1. icylemon &amp; Rachel
2. mymelody
3. AMM
4. aquarius
5. msn queen &amp; Darrius
6. faeriekim &amp; Enbi
7. zenn &amp; Estelle
8. Sherl

1. bluesky
2. sugarbean &amp; Kimi
3. milderina
4. nana
5. janey
Snow, hehe.. I saw u with K quite a few times in the neighbourhood. One time at the minimart, he is carrying Bianca. A few times along the road and @ FaJar.
Harros, me so kaypoh! Went to LY's blog to view K! Snow, wishing you and K all the best!
Bianca is super babelicious (pretty and tall)even at such a young age!
yeah, finally got gathering...

aqua &amp; sherl,
u all on leave that day har?? nvr bring desiree &amp; claire along??
hi tea ahh?? wah, i doubt i can eat in peace w my boy... cannot enjoy leh... boo hoo... u all help me entertain him har...;p

<font color="aa00aa">Event: January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 24 Oct 2008, Friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: TBC

1. Sushi Tei, Raffles City
2. Shokudo, Raffles City

Confirmed List

1. icylemon &amp; Rachel
2. mymelody
3. AMM
4. aquarius
5. msn queen &amp; Darrius
6. faeriekim &amp; Enbi
7. zenn &amp; Estelle
8. Sherl
9. nana &amp; Ryan

1. bluesky
2. sugarbean &amp; Kimi
3. milderina
4. janey</font>
kekeke nana, yeah on leave...think not bringing deszi.
We help you entertain your boy bah. lolx.

Snow, saw your post in the quarrel thread. I think hor it's getting out of hand and the thread starter keep repeating the same thing over and over again even though she say forget about the $9...mod shld just remove that thread.
alethea keke thanks
post up some pics of baby jonaven soon!

aqua, yeah didn't want to be kpo at first but I was checking up some other threads and that poster "posted" like in a few other threads her whines and accusations in caps as well -_-

2ndbaby, cya there haha

Woooo gathering again
I got class booohooo
hi mummies,

update: another jan thread mummy has given birth!

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Congrats to karen, her 2nd baby boy was delivered this morning!</font></font>

oops.. i didnt know. ok. now noted. then we will not go there.

yeah!! ya! hi tea pls. but where?? dun want hot pot can... bery hot leh... too heaty for me oso. hehehe....

any suggestions where to for hi tea?? *eyes aiming for AMM to suggest* (coz AMM got a tai tai look!)

who is snow de K?? can i kpo abit??

karen CONGRATS!!!

ya lor. you joining us or not? i want to see my SIL leh.

supposed to be lunch de. but AMM, sherl &amp; aqua purposely took leave on tat day. so we changed to hi tea.
good afternoon,

aleathea, u r not the oni one. i also went to LY's blog to kpo hahahha

snow, i was looking at appletree too but estelle has to wait till 2010 cos they go by yr borned

karen, congrats!!!
my dil going right? i still thinking, coz i can't eat outside with jk. he forever dun want to sit still n eat, he will walk here n there and want me to chase after him... i dun think i will have a chance to eat! n bad thing is: he doesn't like to be carried by unfamiliar faces....so even if any of u want to help also no use. sigh.
hi mummies sorry cant join u guys for the gathering as im working but can i suggest the place,can try zhou's kitchen..dim sum buffet with some cold n hot dishes,quite nice n price reasonable..
Congrats to Karen!

Icy, I also feel like going Hi Tea. Maybe check out UOB promo? They usually have good promo.

Mymelody, yeap taking leave. COme join in the Tai Tai day out.

My leave approved le.
i dun mind dim sum too!

RE : Enfagrow - for those who started the new enfagrow, does ur bb stool become more watery?
aqua, u all taking 1 day leave to be tai tai huh. so where u all going to pamper yourself :). ITBC 1st. must see can take leave or not

zenn, won't leh still the same for the stool. is estelle stool more watery.
mymelody, not sure yet leh that's why we considering hi tea. Was thinking GWP's hi tea buffet. What you all think?

Zenn, won't also for deszi. In fact a lot of times her stool a bit hard cos she dun drink enough water.
zhuzhu, my baby started brushing already. We started out with letting watch us brush, and then we bought her one and she started to mimic our brushing actions; thus no resistance
mymelody &amp; aqu, the new enfagrow which has 4x DHA? ya estelle poo more frequent n sometimes watery. she used to poo once a day but lately sometimes 2-3 days, of which 1 or 2 might b watery. hmmm...
aqua, wah so nice. u all can go do hair, mani &amp; pedi then high tea. tai tai lifestyle

zenn, ya it's the new 4x DHA. the one u ordered for me the last time.
Sorry ladies, gotta put me under KIV list instead. I might have some meeting to attend on that day, may not be able to go.

Event: January Thread Lunch Gathering

Date: 24 Oct 2008, Friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: TBC

1. Sushi Tei, Raffles City
2. Shokudo, Raffles City

Confirmed List

1. icylemon &amp; Rachel
2. mymelody
3. AMM
4. aquarius
5. msn queen &amp; Darrius
6. faeriekim &amp; Enbi
7. zenn &amp; Estelle
8. nana &amp; Ryan

1. bluesky
2. sugarbean &amp; Kimi
3. milderina
4. janey
5. sherl
wow there's another lunch gathering again! But I can't join in next week cos be working and workpl is far from city hall.... Feel free to PM me if other mummies free this week to meet up instead with our little ones for them to play together cos I'm on leave this week ya!
Hi Alethea

Congrats on yr newborn... guess u can try taking more fish to help increase the milk supply. I took quite a lot of fish after delivery and I guess it helped to some extent as the milk supply is a lot (not that my boy is drinking very little).

Also I heard that getting stress up will also reduce milk supply hence must try to relax and not get stress up.

Hope that helps =)
Thanks, MK28 and Hui!

Tho' my son latches on well, he dozes off after suckling for a while. So my BF session usually lasts 1-1.5 hours (both breasts) when he's sound asleep. But after half an hour or 1 hr, he will wake up crying and I've to latch on again. Very tiring, and I never know if he's full also, this constant latching on leaves me no time for the twins
Do you still pump after each BF session to make sure your breasts are emptied? And can I give FM for night feeds so as to sleep better?
actually i total latch on. i also dunno if the baby is full or not, but i always heard demand=supply, so i constantly give when he wants. now abit regret, because i never pump. Not becos of supply, but becoz he's so used to latching, he rejects bottle n subsequently FM.

for your case, i actually would encourage you to pump out to make sure your breasts are empty, since u want to increase milk supply. N u can also store n give jo BM in bottle, also can pass to another person to help u feed so u can take a rest.

although i total breastfeed, but i encourage u to give FM for night feeds, so tt he would not be resistant to FM. dun follow my case, now weaning off jk is a total headache.

how r u, janson n family? so long never see u in here.
forgot to add: u will also need to get up once and pump at night coz supply increase very fast in the wee hours, u might feel engorged if baby din suck.
Thanks, Hui. I didn't pump on Fri night, from 1-7am cos' I took the advice of hubby, CL and mum, who urged me to rest (since I delivered BB, I only sleep an average of 4-5 hrs). When I woke up on Sat morning, my breasts were super engorged and I developed a fever. Thankfully, the fever has susided after seeing the doctor, and I've continued latching my boy. Guess 2 of my biggest challenges now are:

1) How to position myself and BB for night latching while lying down, so that my sleep could be minimally disrupted; and

2) After latching, even when I pump, the quantity is a miserable 50-70ml. How to use these for night feeds?
i had fever developed when super engorged too! can understand how u feel.

in fact, i only managed to use lying down position when jk is much bigger. So far, all this while, i've been lying down n latch on during the nights...n bf while sleeping. haha..

u prob can try this if it works for u:

1)the biggest problem with lying down is baby's mouth too low n nipple too high. What i did: baby still lay down flat, but i re-position myself with the help of pillow n bolster. i lie my back using the longer side of my pillow, and use the bolster (place it underneath my pillow) so as to raise my body, so that i'm sleeping Resting my body weight on the pillow at roughly a 45 degree angle. I can therefore shift nipple to a lower position to reach baby's mouth while he lay on his side.

u can take a look at the picture in this link here: http://www.ameda.com/breastfeeding/started/lying_down.aspx

2) dun worry abt how much u can get after pumping. If u r latching on, most milk would have been drank by baby, if you feel too tired to pump, then dun need to force yourself to pump.

I pump when i cannot tahan the engorgement. N with latching, i think my super sensitive milk ducts also cannot produce much milk with pumping! i can only let-down when baby sucks.

i dun think we mummies pump out solely for feeding in bottle...usually pump out to empty your breasts so it can re-produce milk again. not enough for night feeds, never mind, use FM lor.

Hope you can be more relax n enjoy your 4 mths ML. At least now's the only time when u can spend so much time with your kids.
aletheat, hope that you are feeling better now. when bb was younger, I let bb lie on a pillow so that bb is just nice height to suckle when I lie down.

If you are really very tired, before you sleep you express out and then quickly express it the next morning you wakes up. don't be too stress, if really too tough for you during the nite, maybe you want to give FM and when the routine is more regular and you get used to the sleeping position, then you switch back to nite feed.

Hi to All,
Being a LO........NG time since i last login. Hav just switched job &amp; my new company "ban" forum surfing :-(. Miss those days when i can surf during Office hr...hahahaha....Hope all doing well.

hehehe.....noe tat i "own" u something. Hav burn the disc already, will sent out soon. Sorly, was very buzy....haiz
