(2007/01) Jan

<font color="0000ff">bb milk, zenn, snow &amp; janey, change to sunday, 10 December can??</font>



Date : 9 December 2006, Saturday

Time : 3pm - 5pm (4.30pm last order)

Venue : Tea House @ China Square

Address : No. 51 Telok Ayer Street, Level 3

Price : $16.80 ++ per pax


1. icylemon
2. bb milk &amp; family (3)
3. zenn
4. snow
5. janey &amp; hubby (2)

Total 7 Adults 1 Baby</font>

serrich, ashleymom, aqua, the RL tees u collected from karen or via postage? cos initially it was said that inclusive of postage but now need to pay postage. she said will send out yesterday, and refund the one for mens tee, but havent received yet leh
yosimite, i'm here...
still surviving...

Me??? Mmmm... old liao...
oso not 18-19...
this oso mine first baby!

hui, how come i dun noe i suddenly become so famous?
*scratch head*

snow, I WANT! I WANT! wifey loves chilli crab!

zenn, mine wifey lor...
she popped 2 fish oil at one go...

will contact you again for collection of the diaper...

mayb you can popped by baby kingdom / baby hyperstore..
they do carry tie string clothes...

kate, mine baby still at breech position...
*wat's a breech position??*

icylemon, me nv logged in u toking behind mine back hor!!
how come u can link me n Yos together??

Sherl, Janson oso very active...
daytime i at work, he dun move...
guai guai sleeping...
then when i back from work...
he seem to know daddy back hm...
started to kick violently...
all the way till aft midnight...

sometimes can actually see the stomach like "kallang wave"...
moving up n down...

babymilk, long time nv see u post...
first post then "arrow" me...

nana, iceblue too busy at work..
so no time to log in...
but MRS iceblue do log in to see the posting...

bluegrapes, in fact... all mine NB clothes all tie string one..
the knob will be at the shoulder there...
cos mum was saying then if wear front button type, when baby turn n lying on the tummy, the button may cause some pain...
therefore just took the advice lor...
zenn, ya quite siong if you have a lot of colls.
<font color="ff0000">Mini BP for Jan Mummies : Soft Play Cloth Book</font>

1. Nick : Milderina
Title : My First Mother Goose Rhymes - $12.90
Qty : 1

2. Nick : Mrs Wong
Title : Noah's Ark: My First Bible Story - $12.90
Qty : 1

3. Nick : Snow
Title : Elmo Is So Silly - $14.90
Qty : 1

4. Nick : Hui - To confirm
Item : Where's Elmo? - $14.90
Qty : 1

<font color="ff6000">Nana &amp; Ashley mum</font>, are u still keen?

Price b4 10% discount. Design available :

<font color="119911">Small one (6" x 6")</font>
1) All the Elmo series - $14.90

2) My First Mother Goose Rhymes - $12.90

3) My First Busy Book - $12.90

4) Noah's Ark: My First Bible Story - $12.90

<font color="119911">Big Book (8" x 8")</font>
1) Busy Baby: My First Words Book - $27.90

2) Zoo Train: My First Counting Book - $27.90

3) Things That Go: My First Opposites Book - $27.90

4) On The Farm: My First Colors Book - $27.90

5) Hide &amp; Seek Puppy - $23.90

6) Baby Animal - $23.90
I was there ard 7plus.. Too bad we cant get to meet..

I collected my items from her last Sun at Clementi.. Maybe u can email her to check if she has sent out ur items? Also ask her abt ur refund..

I cant find the thread on the Hush Hush pants.. Is it deleted by CL??
Morning all...

Didn't sleep well last night - couldn't find a comfortable position, and it was so HOT. Ended up with backache and giddiness this morning. Grrrr...

will check with Mr Sherl and let you know again...
<font color="ff0000">Please Take Note</font>
<font color="ff0000">Date changed : from 9 December to 10 December</font>



Date : 10 December 2006, Sunday

Time : 3pm - 5pm (4.30pm last order)

Venue : Tea House @ China Square

Address : No. 51 Telok Ayer Street, Level 3

Price : $16.80 ++ per pax


1. icylemon (ok)
2. bb milk &amp; family (3) (ok)
3. zenn
4. snow (ok)
5. janey &amp; hubby (2) (ok)

Total 7 Adults 1 Baby</font>

<font color="ff0000">Zenn can you make it??</font>
Good morning all

<font color="ff0000">Icy</font>, Sunday is fine with me....
<font color="0000ff">Iceblue</font>, me not 'arrowing' you lah..... it is a compliments

Wah, you gals very ON for BP.... I see the posting very scare leh. But somehow recently me started to feel 'contented' on the stuffs I have for baby, so no urge to purchase any more..... Aiyoh, zip my mouth, better dun say too fast , hee.

BTW, any updates on Alethea conditions?
<font color="ff6000">icy</font>, thanks for organising. should not b a problem but i will recfm wif u again. thanks!
Hi Zenn,
Ashley_mom will give the soft books BP a miss.. Her acct is suspended so she cant log in at the moment..

Hi bb_milk,
Yah the mommies here all super siao onzz in joining the BPs.. Kekeke.. Bt i find that its also cost savings to join the BPs here than to get it on ur own from departmental stores..


Date : 10 December 2006, Sunday

Time : 3pm - 5pm (4.30pm last order)

Venue : Tea House @ China Square

Address : No. 51 Telok Ayer Street, Level 3

Price : $16.80 ++ per pax


1. icylemon (ok)
2. bb milk &amp; family (3) (ok)
3. zenn (tbc)
4. snow (ok)
5. janey &amp; hubby (2) (ok)

Total 7 Adults 1 Baby</font>
Good morning mummies!

Jus gonna pop in for a while, later go gai gai...

<font color="0000ff">icy</font>, i'll also check with hubby n get back to u regarding outing. tks.

<font color="ff0000">ORDERING BEANIE PILLOW:</font>
Ladies, the seller has replied my email, sad to say, no BP. this is what she wrote:

<font color="119911">I am sorry to inform you that at this moment we are not considering doing bulk purchase as the price of the pillows we sell are already quite low (as compared to some other website), and therefore unable to make it lower for BP.
On top of that, we are in the middle of revamping our web site so, might not be able to cater for huge production.</font>

Hence, i'll go ahead with my order. Collection point: Punggol. No postage coz i intend to ask my sis to collect. Those interested can either order on your own or add on to my list:

Nick: Hui
Item: 1 long beanie pillow + 1 extra casing
Design: 18 &amp; 24
Cost: $10 + $3 = $13

<font color="aa00aa">zenn</font>, sorry leh...still can't decide whether to buy or not to buy the small where's elmo book.... give me some time to consider, i'll make up my mind b4 u end ur BP. Tks.
<font color="0000ff">zenn</font>, sorry leh, pls cancel my name for your BP. the babysoft organiser gonna start a BP soon on this book- (Big) where's Elmo at $14.80.


<font color="ff0000">Beaniepillow website:</font>


<font color="aa00aa">icy</font>, i dun really know exactly how it looks like leh....i only saw it on website. Perhaps u want to check with <font color="0000ff">bluegrapes</font> coz she bought 1 at home! designs wise some might feel auntie lor... i dun mind, so up to individual....

<font color="aa00aa">ashleymom</font>, so sorry to hear that...hope u successfully reinstate ur status!

Nick: Hui
Item: 1 long beanie pillow + 1 extra casing
Design: 18 &amp; 24
Cost: $10 + $3 = $13

think i woke up too early, now im falling aslp after pancakes :S

ashleymom, wad went wrong

Nick: Snow
Item: 1 small beanie pillow + 1 extra casing
Design: 13 &amp; 25
Cost: 7 + 2 = $9
Hui, can help me check if she still has design 15, web says OOS, if got then i'll get design 13 &amp; 15 instead.
Good morning all.

Icy, won't be joining in the gathering. Getting very tired nowadays...only want to stay at home over the weekends. Enjoy everyone.
Snow - Coz I kpoh lor, help mummies who kept asking for a particular dress to contact my supplier (coz I have bought the same thing privately from her). Then moderator say the dress not real (also dunno how he/she knows) but I was very clear that buyer gotta judge for themselves coz I dunno how to differentiate also and I paid exactly the same price, never gain anything from it. So end up being suspended
So now hubby says don't be kpoh, just stick to buying from people. No big deal lah, just that with the new ruling, I can't buy from the BP thread... gotta trouble you ladies if I want anything lor.
icy, err..am not sure what you mean by how the pillow looked like..haa...its juz a long elogated pillow with husk inside. I went around to compare and found that the ones provided by beaniepillow are relatively longer. I find it a worth buy as its really one of the cheapest around and we never know whether our baby is in favour of it. Furthermore, it would only be used for a few months...so no point getting an expensive one.
zenn, actually you can easily get new born front tie bb top at any of the departmental stores. Also quite a good range at kiddy palace. Go check it out.
Zenn - No. Not me. That mum got someone to post after her account was suspended. She damned pissed also coz the thread just got removed without prior warning... Anyway, only can say I kpoh lor
Coz I saw mummies asking for the dress so I offer to help them...

Thanks for the info!

1) Nick: Hui
Item: 1 long beanie pillow + 1 extra casing
Design: 18 &amp; 24
Cost: $10 + $3 = $13

2) Nick: Snow
Item: 1 small beanie pillow + 1 extra casing
Design: 13 &amp; 25
Cost: 7 + 2 = $9
*Hui, can help me check if she still has design 15, web says OOS, if got then i'll get design 13 &amp; 15 instead.*

3) Nick: sherl
Item: 1 small beanie pillow + 1 long beanie pillow
Design: 35 (for the small one)and 10 (for the long one)
Cost: $7 + $10 = $17

I pass you the money during class this week can?

aiyo. Are you appealing for your account to be reinstated? Wonder why they are suddenly so strict on the BPs... got cheating case izzit??!!
Sherl - Email already, gotta wait for reply. Apparently the RL organiser earns $2 for each dress (according to moderator). But I really never profit from it, not even $0.20... I emailed moderator from my company email and told him I don't need this extra $$ from BPs lah.

What's wrong with Aqua?
no la, she say she feel very tired nowadays mah... kekekekekkekeke

So the moderator got you mixed up with the RL organiser ah?
