(2007/01) Jan

Firstbaby, you can call up gynae to make appt and go see gynae le
Then can scan and see your bb already!

Hi gals,

I am 7 weeks pregnant. Can I join this thread too?

I read some of the posts..very informative

Mrs Wong, can I know where do you get your organic snacks? I am "gian-ing" to eat tibits leh...
Hi ladies,

Just back from dinner n 'coffee' session wif hubby and friends. First 'outing' since preggie hee

KC, email u liao. haha I will remind Mrs wong on next visit. Her appt is just after mine.

Mrs wong, ur maid v good life leh haha

capricornbabe, my spotting stop but come back again yest. But today seems to stop. Keeping my fingers crossed

janey, welcome!!!
Hazel, I get my organic snacks from organic health food stores.
I normally get drief fruits cos they are naturally sweet and alot of vits

Zenn, actually, ever since preggie, I have been going out everyday with hubby...to meet frens, go shopping, etc etc...even went drinking session with the guys...but I onli drink orange juice cos we were trying for bb

now i got a v weird craving..i got craving to go KTV and sing my heart out!!
Hi Mrs Wong. I m actually travelling this sun. A bit rush to find a gynae. Safe to travel at this stage? Wont be back 2 mths later cos hb working overseas. I m so lost now.
Hi firstbaby and hazel,

Welcome! Wow looks like our Jan list is getting longer...

Firstbaby, u ve any gynae in mind?
Firstbaby, you should at least see gynae tml to get medication. Usually they dun encourage travelling at this stage but if you really need, u can get some medication first.

Gals I going to zzz... tired and got meeting tml morn. Sian... nite...
I dun have any gynae in mind leh. Any recommendation? I went to c GP to cfrm my pregnancy today and the doc gave me vitamins to take.
Firstbaby, which area you stay and which hospital you intend to give birth at?

Best is choose somewhere convenient for you lor...Plus you must be comfy with the gynae also la...
Mrs Wong, can you let me know some of the locations of these organic stores? I quite tut when come to shopping..especially now..don't feel like walking with a big crowd..anyone feel the same?
Hazel, I usually go to Kovan MRT that area. Got a organic store there. V big and they do delivery if you want them to deliver fresh fruits and vege to your place

firstbaby, I'm not too sure about west side cos I stay AMK. You can try looking through the threads, i tink got pple recommend a doc at sembawang?
Firstbaby, I think best you discuss with your hubby also. Cos different gynae and hospital got different pricing, must find someone within your budget also. Esp if got emergencies crop up, bills can get quite high.
Zenn, my maid v close to me, she machiam my fren...
I allow her to watch tv with me cos she is a fast worker. She can finish cleaning the whole house in the mornin, usually by lunch time, nothing much left for her to do already!! imagine she sweep, vacuum and mop floors everyday...then she will prepare breakfast...then wash up...then wipe the staircase railings...then cook lunch and usually nothing much left to do le..other than play with my dog...heeehee...

So i always ask her to watch tv with me..sometimes she will massage my back when she know my back pain...sometimes my dog will watch tv with us then she will sayang my dog until my dog sleep on her lap...

When I told her i'm pregnant, she was so excited...started to clean the extra bedroom and tell me if i wanna paint the room, she know how to do it...then she took initiative to go medical hall to ask auntie how to cook tonics for me...

we v lucky to get such a good maid..actually she is transfer maid...the previous employer dunno hwo to appreciate her...their loss, my gain!!
Morning ladies...

Capricornbabe, Firstbaby & Hazel, welcome to the thread.

Capricornbabe, did ur gynae gave u mc to rest at home. Most impt is to rest well, do not walk too much, carry heavy thing. Try to relax n do not stress urself too much.

I oso have spotting during my 3rd & 4th wk..

Mrs Wong,

Ur appettie is really good. So have u put on any weight? Do u buy any organic food from the the store in Tanglin Mall (Brown Rice Paradise)?
Jas, I have the discount card for Brown Rice Paradise. But I find their things expensive, even after discount.

I dunno if I got put on weight or not. I refuse to weigh myself...heehee...
hi ladies,
some of u were talking abt the test. i tik after hearing so much of ur experiences, i will not be taking any dow synd tests.

im looking forward to seeing my bb next gynae visit. still gt to wait for 1 more week...haiz...

hi jas, dun worry abt spotting. jus make sure u do less house wk n get lots of rest!! i have spotting n discharge too.. i can understd the feeling of going to the toilet n worrying to see "something" on ur panties. make sure u put some panty liner. cos its more hygienic during this period.
hi firstbaby,
congrats to u! when is ur EDD? i tik u better avoid travelling during our 1st trim.
my gynae is at kkh, female. if u interested, let me know.
Hi Jasmine. Thanks! My EDD is on 20 Jan. I m actually 7 wks preg. Today jus went to a gynae near my place. Opp beauty world centr - Dr Chua Yang. Did a scan n saw the heartbeat.. baby only 0.85cm.. hee... Gonna sleep now. Tmr flight is at 630am..
got your mail liao. thx u.

Mrs Wong
curious leh! u said u teach in school, u teach wat huh? once i heard a colleague's wife gave birth and took one year leave of absence 2 take care the bb, do u intend to do tat? i tin it is nice to still ve a job, after 1 yr of matern. leaves. me, 3 mths leave already worried that come back to office might find my things in a box ready to "ship out". sigh! talk abt job security.
Good morning ladies,

Mr wong, u are lucky to ve such a good maid ya! We will be geting a maid but maybe when I am 8 mths preggie. Think better start training dan to wait till bb is born.

Kc, you are welcome!
KC, I teach home economics and nutrition
My speciality
I got dip in food science and nutrition and apparel design

I intend to take 2 years unpaid leave to look after bb
also depends la..cos i trust my current maid alot, so if she wants to renew her contract to look after bb for me, I might consider going back to school earlier
Or I might consider half-load or part time teaching, which means I get lesser work load and can go home right after school to look after bb

My couz was worried about her job also. She worked out with her boss and they made an arrangement: her 3rd month of maternity leave, she convert it to 2 month of part time work. Means 3rd month suppose to be at home resting, she was doing work from home and meeting some important clients...then the 4th month, she need to report to office, but mornings only (8.30am - 1pm)...

Pay wise she still get full pay for both months
So she got to enjoy more time with baby during first few months. It's a nice transition also, instead of having to suddenly return to work from resting at home all day...

And her promotion/bonus were not affected at all

I think her company very 'family-frenly' thus are willing to come up with such an arrangement.

Zenn, best to get the maid slightly earlier, say around 6 months. Cos you might not like the first maid you get, at least got time to change. Plus at 8mths, you will be too tired to train the maid le...plus must give the maid some time to get use to the family also

Advise for choosing maid, bring someone experienced to help you choose. My mum can see which maid is good and which maid not so good on first look (imagine we got maids every since I was born!!)... Plus, not all transfer maids are bad...u looking for indon or filipino? I can rec'd e agency we use, good service and reliable...my maid with us almost 6mths already, agent still call up to ask how is my maid coping and talk to my maid, ask if she is happy, etc etc...

And impt thing is that if you want your maid to treat your kids like family, you gotta treat her like family first...my maid eats at the same table as us during meal times and when we eat out at restaurants, she gets to come along...
firstbaby, your gynae gave you the ok to travel? Just be careful during your travel

If possible, check online for numbers of some gynaes over at the place you are heading to, just in case
Hi Mrs wong, will definatly ask ur advise when choosing. No experience for me at all. Ve not decided indon or filippino. Any diff? Was told filippino can be more vain?

Btw, how much you paying urs now?
milderina, me very tempted too. will call n ask how many mths dan can go for pre natal massage haha

btw u gals know if we can go for armpit waxing now?
Zenn, I wanted Filipino cos we wanted someone who can look after our kids in future. But when we went to the agency and saw my current maid, we decided that Indon also can

Her monthly pay is S$290 cos she has 5 yrs experience in msia, so add S$10. If no experience, is S$280. Levy wise we are paying S$295. After give birth (if got child belowe 12 years old or elderly above 65), can write in and levy will be onli S$200

My experience bring brought up by maid is that there is not much diff btw Filipino and Indon, both got pros and cons...impt is get someone mature and love kids...most of my maids treat us like their own kids, they buy use presents with their pay, bring us out on their off days, mother us when we are sick...

Zenn, I'm going for my regular waxing session next week
Full body waxing
All the pregnancy books I read said that waxing is the safest hair removal option during pregnancy, other than plucking

Zenn and Milderina, I checked with Rustic Nirvana, they advised that the pre-natal massage should only be done during our second trimester with your gynae's approval as every pregnancy is different.
oh ya, tell u why we changed our minds and got my current maid...

she is transfer maid..her previous employer owns a coffeeshop and hired a maid to help out at the coffeeshop (illegal to do so)...then everyone at the coffeeshop tell the employer it is illegal and if get caught, have to go jail...

so the employer scared, return the maid to the agency...
then she became transfer maid waiting for new employer to take her...

when i went to the agency with my mum, there was no one inside except this maid...then she opened the door for us, told us to take a seat and served us drinks...then she went inside to call the staff out...

when the staff came out, this maid very 'auto' went to take water and cloth and started wiping the glass doors...

when my mum saw, my mum liked her...cos she v polite and v hardworking...cos it is not her duty to clean the agency premises, but she did so on her own...

then my mum asked to see her portfolio, turns out she had experience working for a big family in a big house in msia, and she looked after a baby from birth till 2 years old...

my mum called her previous employer on the spot and chatted with her, satisfied that this maid is a good worker, we brought her home immediately...

first thing she did when she reached my home was to clean my fridge, then she asked me what I like to eat...then she said she wanted to go market the next morning, ask me what time she can go to the market...I told her I will go with her at 9am, so wake up at 8am can already...I even set alarm for her at 8am...

but, 6am she woke up, sweep and vacuum the floor, mop the floor...wipe all our glass shelves and displays...wipe the piano, clean the glass, wash the clothes...
by the time i wake up, she already finish all the housework...

My whole family v impressed with my maid, even my aunt tell me if I decide not to renew her contract, my aunt wants her...

She listens v well to instructions though sometimes she can do really farnie things...

once, my sis ask her to use the maggie mee pot to cook 2 pieces of fish for my dog...
instead, she cook 2 packs of maggie mee with the fish for my dog in the maggie mee pot...
it was so farnie when we found out...i tink my sis nvr tell her properly tt's why got misunderstanding...haha...

but seriously, when getting maid, must open eyes bigbig lor...my aunt's maid is realli headache...
my aunt tell her to heat up the pie in the oven, we waited for 1 hour and the pie not out yet...then my aunt go and check, the maid nvr on the oven at all, just put the pie inside...pengz lor...some more this one is filipino hor...so it's not the country of origin, it is the maid itself!!!
Hi mrs wong, think you are really lucky ya. I heard most of the maid not very initially one and ve to tell them again n again. So the maid still wif u now? Actually 2 of us like nothing much for the maid to do leh.

Where do you go for your waxing? How much for full body?

As for rustic, did you check out the price too? Actually I ve package wif body wellness which includes pre & post natal too. I remember they also told me 2nd trimester. Looks like we ve to continue waiting
Zenn, the maid still with me
actually we also got nothing much for her to do, so now send her to CC to learn how to cook nice dishes
She knows alot of chinese and malay food from her experience in msia, so now send her to learn western cuisine (her red wine rib eye steak is good)...

I normally go to my usual beautician for full body, then for bikini wax I go to another lady at tanjong pagar...Full body I usually pay S$150 (upper and lower legs, upper and lower arms, armpit, chest, tummy and back)...but my beautician now only allow me to do leg, arm and armpit, so she charge me S$60.

Hazel, good maid really hard to come by..i'm gonna hold on to mine like gold...heehee...
Mrs wong, wow u still send her to learn cooking ya. Actually good idea hor hehe So ur maid must speak english very well? Did you give her off day?
Zenn, her english is ok only. I send her to those classes taught by old ladies cos they can speak malay
But she learns fast...when I teach her how to make biscuits and pies, she can do it all on her own after 2 tries...

Her contract dun have off day, so we bring her out when we go out shopping. when got festivities will bring her out also to see lor...
Anyway, anyone know where got classes that teach how to cook confinement food?

Cos my hubby say if my maid know how to cook, then dunnid to get confinement nanny already...can save to $$ to send bb to bb playgroup...
yo gals,
was at my parents' place over the weekends...so no log in ...n so many archive pages liao...even my hubby also amaze by u gals....hehe....

tomor going to see gyane again. 2nd appt. hopefully can see heartbeat liao ba...me should be 7 weeks liao ba.....so excited...prob going to ask him if i can go holiday cos i have already downpay the deposit. 1K liao.....

Mrs Wong,
ur maid good leh....last time my aunt's maid initially quite good then after a while go abit haywired liao....hmm....dunno what happen also but think got bf or what n everytime got many phonecalls....so my aunt send her back.

i dun dare go for the armpit waxing leh....so shave now .....

hey gals,
can we drink vitagen? dunno if can drink anot so dun dare to drink till now.
Janice, my maid got no friends here. She got bf in msia (3 yrs already!), always write to him, but she nvr make phonecalls de...only write letters to her bf...

vitagen is good! but I find it abit sweet so sometimes I take plain yoghurt mix with fresh fruits
Mrs wong, hey good idea leh! But is there course to teach confinement? Since I need to get the maid earlier no harm sending her to learn and save on confinement lady hee

Janice, oh must update us after ur visit! Should be able to see the heartbeat liao.
hmm..yeah!..then later i go buy vitagen.....these few days have been drink only milk n vitasoy cold....all my other drink either plain water or warm drinks like milk....hehehe.....
Janice, I order vitagen from the vitagen auntie cos lazy to have to keep going to buy...heehee...for brands I also order direct from brands, free delivery plus cheap cheap!! alamak, i like so auntie like tt...

Zenn, I remember seeing one CC near stevens road there (tanglin CC??) that got a course for confinement foods...
I now trying to ask my aunt to teach my maid la..heehee...my aunt cook confinement food v good...when my couz doing her confinement, I every night go over for dinner..heehee...my mum specially go and learn from my aunt so that I will go home to eat...heehee...
btw, John Little now got shorts and pants on sale...the design look like those maternity pants type...and material v comfy...the pants can wear to office...

Shorts is S$12.90, long pants is S$26.90...

i tried it on and the material is v comfy...design also good for bulging tummies (if not bulging wear le also comfy
Brand also got free delivery ah? cheap? tot the price should be the same as what u buy from outside?

next time ur bb look after by maid also??.......i think my mil will quit her job n look after for me ba....anyway think she has been looking forward to this day ever since we got married last yr. hehe......i didnt know got course on confinement food one....hoo.....
hey Mrs Wong,

the pants is cotton type? what is the brand name>? prob when i go jurong pt later i can go JL see see look look
Mrs wong, you are lucky lah. Maybe next time get my maid to learn fm urs hahaha

Janice, ya most likely. Cos I am in insurance and hrs are irregular so think getting a maid will be more appropriate.
Janice, brands one is cheaper than buy from outside
Cos got free bottles/discounts...

You staying with your MIL now? Mine can only rely on ourselves le..my parents still gotta support my sis through uni (she now in lower sec)...then my bro stil overseas studying, dun tink my parents will quit to help...at most is my dad will come over more often to supervise onli...heehee...
hmmm.......prob i go Brands website n see see later.....

Mrs Wong,
u only 21...so think ur sibling should be quite young too...hehe.....if no choice maid also a good choice mah,....somemore ur one good!

ok gals,
i go watch movie liao....chat later
Janice, the brand is under bods and bodynits called we2 (something like that, my pants in washing machine now, can't see)...it is cotton one...v comfy...heehee...

Zenn, just need to choose carefully and ask for unlimited changes in your contract with the agency can le

really ah? i got a shock leh. i thought its august then in the end i eat le its march. i not scare what i scare will harm the baby only. ah...........y i am so blur.............
