2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Hi Ava! One's Summer and the other? Identical twins right? Cute cute!
How am I coping? Well, the NB period is really tough. I'm reliving the nightmare again (it's been 21 months) and it sure takes some getting used to. I've recently packed my twins off to full-day CC so the maid and I get a bit of respite in the day. But when the twins come back from school, all hell breaks loose and 2 pairs of hands ain't enoughto handle them and the baby. Help!

Mesh, I'd sent my maid back via Garuda but it was only to Jakarta, not to Jogjarkata. Amt. was S$200-250.

JSJMum, jia you! plan for no. 4 and 5 now... so that it'd not be too much gap between our next nightmares.... :p

thanks for sharing, i think mine is $500.... :p arrrgghhh..... how i wish i can ask them to pay.. haha
value air fly to medan, but i dunno the price ler, i saw from ad once from medan promo is O, but have to pay tax lo. dunno how much.

love your twins pic. hvnt heard from weiwei for quite some time hor.

r they identical? they dont really look very alike ler.
deasy, nice to hear from you too! i like that photo too....haha but now my gal lost alot of weight leh...not so chubby n cute liow!
u back in sg??? how ur twins doing? haven't heard from weiwei n petals too...cos the other thread suddenly flooded by alot of MTB! hee hee..

mesh, JSJmum, when u all send the maid back for holiday, if want to get them back to work another 2 yrs, must we pay the agent to do all the nec paper work or can we do them online/at embassy ourselves? cos i check the MOM website like must pay quite a sum of money to re employ them back???

JSJmum, salute to u , taking care of a NB not easy, plus u need to handle ur energetic two!!
Hi mummies,
Can I join u gals here? I've got 7mth old B/G twins. Been reading the postings on and off but hardly have the time to sit down and ask all my many silly questions...

Hi Deasy & Dawn,
how are you? No time to read the other threads recently as my bbs have been sick. Can I check with you how do you change your babies over to the follow on formula milk (step 2), starting with one scoop a day then increase? Also how many bibs do we need? I saw some bps selling some very nice ones. Tempted to get a few. :p
Mesh, u planning for #4 and #5??!!!!!! Or are u encouraging me to do so???!!! Either way, it's madness!! Suicidal!!! Hahahaha

Ava, did you carry your twins to full-term? They look to be of very good weight. Good job! How's Gor Gor taking to his twin sisters? My twins like to kiss their didi and sayang him. But sometimes, they can be over-eager and be a bit rough with him. I still dunno if they are aware that he's another human being, or if they're treating him as a toy....

Dawn, I'm not sure. I sent my ex-maid packing on the spot, cos' I found out that she had a bf and doing a lot of farnee things behind our back. Only sent her to Jakarta, didn't pay for her tptn to Jogjarkarta, but then again, we gave her 1 month's bonus (in hindsight, we shouldn't have, considering the damage she's done) which more than covered that leg of the journey.
Yes. identical. look totally alike when asleep, but sometimes their expressions are different in pics so look different.

I carried till 37 weeks. they were 2.68 and 2.75kg at birth. My FB also loves to kiss them...a bit too enthusiastic like your twins
same situation as u, in reverse!
jsjmom, yes i'm encouraging u to start planning... as fo me... no way i'm going thru another round of the nightmares... haha'

dawn, me first time employer, don't know how to extend maid's contract too.... will find out when i get nearer to the date.

Ava, nice pic there... your elder boy must love the 2 mei meis very much. so sweet.

deasy, thanks for the info on valuair... i jsut found out i made a m istake, it's not medan but bandung.

me thinking to send her to jakarta and aks her take taxi herself to bandung whch is 2 hours away... think ok hor..... else i think the tickets very ex to bandung.
dawn, deasy

hihi. really miss u all!! how r you gals doing? deasy, u go back to work already? dawn, how u cope with ur work? how r your lovely babies? heee, so many questions......

mu boys r with my mum right now n i hav not seen them for quite long already. mummy s too busy n my gal fell sick often. my mum s feeding them all kinds of foods n they love anything tat u put into their mouths. both eating 10 pcs of grapes each time.... here s their pic

nice pic, ur boy must be a good big brother n will take care of his meimei

i enjoy being pregnant, so maybe will try about 4-5 years later for no. 4. haha...
Ava, pic is sooo sweet..........really love it. think will be a lovely memory when u look at this photo when the kids r older.

weiwei, they so big already! ur gal has put on so much more weight liow! u must be missing ur boys lots! I have been back at work for 2 weeks liow. still ok....haha no withdrawal symptoms yet.

petals, harlow! really long time no see. i just introduce one stage 2 milk feed per day, then slowly to 2 feeds...then all feeds r stage 2. urmmm...think about 8bibs should be enuff for twins bah. 2 for lunch , 2 for dinner...buy those bibs with plastic/waterproof backings cos the kids usually get those porridge/puree all over their bibs n if no water proof backings can actually wet the clothes they wearing beneath it.

J&S, mesh. ok, i tot u all renewing your maids contract....hee hee. J&S, i will be paranoid if i know the maid does funny thing behind my back, but cannot scold them right, cos they will ill treat our kids?
wa, all the pictures so cute!

Long time no hear! Your triplets looks happy and growing well... How many months already?

Need to check with the experienced twins mummies here,
When you celebrated their first birthday, did you get 1 birthday cake for them or 1 each? As mine is a girl and a boy, I am comtemplating to get a girly one for Alena and a boyish one for Alonzo, keke... Or should I just get a generic one for both? Any advice?
how r ur twins doing? how many teeth liow? can they stand or walk on their own? my boys both have 6 but gal only 4. all of them dun seem to be intersted in crowing but they love to move around in their walker. my boys will visit each n every room to look for my mum and finally they made their way to the kitchen. my gal also can stand up and walk few steps with little bit of help. they are more smart nowadays, my gal know how to make faces to make my mil laugh and happy enough to carry her.

hi. they are 9mths liow, boys 9.5kg n 10kg. gal smaller, only 6.1kg. woo, ur twins turning 1 ah, so exciting!! post their lovely pic here la, all waiting to see.
Hi dawn,
oh i see. Did u stick to the same brand of formula? I'm starting them on friso2 since they were on friso1. At this age now, i find that they are so fun...smiling and laughing and all those cute babbling noises they make.

Hi Dodo,
1st bday for your little ones? So cute! I can't wait for my bbs to turn 1 so that i can throw them a big bash, to make up for their low-key full mth celebration earlier...

How r u? i just got the walkers for my bbs...but so far they are moving only in 1 direction...mostly backwards.
Not very steady yet, so have to keep an eye on them.
Ava, it's a very heartwarming pic. And Gor Gor's a handsome boy!

Mesh, perish that thought. It will be suicidal if I ever get knocked up again. No #4 for me, no no no

Dodo, I got a 3.5 kg cake from Pine Gardens for my twin B/G, with the Pooh theme. I think it's fine for them to share a cake but it's up to you. But I did order 2 agar agars, one for each twin
JSJMum, what flavour cake did u get for their birthday? Pine Gardens cake v good rite? how much u paid for it?

*sigh* i can't decide if i want to celebrate their 1 year old grand style or low key with oni immediate family leh. so headache.

petals, i stuck to the same brand. yes they r still very cute this stage...hee hee...think they going to progress to monsters too...so better cherish these few months!!!! mine started fighting for toys/books/pillow and can pat or beat each other's head...haha. so every day my maid n i become policewomen to pull them apart!

weiwei, i seldom put them in walkers so they crawl and cruise most of the time. can't control their walkers as i oni let them tried a few times only. mine oni got 2 teeth nia....hee hee...tot the 2 upper one going to come out last week as they were drooling like crazy, but didn;t leh. i not sure about their weight cos no more assessment with PD till 15months leh. how u check their weight? :

dodo, how u going to celebrate their 1 year od birthday? share ur experience hor...cos i v headache now.
I've got a Pooh cake for my twins for their 1st birthday. I thought that's the only time they'll get to share a cake. Probably by 2nd birthday, they'll have their own favourite characters and it's going to be different from then on, especially for the B/G twins. hehe.
Dawn, think my cake was around $160-180 incl. of delivery.

For their 2nd birthday (in 2 months' time), I shall be getting them individual cakes, like what Irin has commented.
Irin, JSJMum,
Thanks for sharing your experience! In this case, will probably get a generic cake for both to share as they still blur blur... haha...

I love your cake and agar agar.. so so pretty!!

btw, here's a couple of recent pix of Alonzo and Alena @play ... ;)




I will be celebrating over hi-tea buffet at Ellenborough Market Cafe at Merchant Court Hotel... ;P will be inviting only close relatives and close friends... quite a crowd already, ard 60 to 70 pax. So for the cake, I think I will settle for a simpler one cos hi-tea will have cakes for desserts anyway... keke.. The birthday cake is really just for show... haha..
mommies, anyone know if its possible to convert the avent toddler cup to a straw cup? i love that the avent bottle does not leak, but it does not have straw version... and my kids are used to straw....
dodo, u have the FP laugh n learn table! i was thinking of buying it...is it a good buy? the kids enjoy it?

hmmm, so their 1st year old birthday will be buffet at E market...sounds nice.
no need to have headache to think of deco too! so what cake will u be getting?

JSJ, woah, lovely cake!!!!! and the agar gar looks so nice too...does the agar agar has diff flavour too? i not an agar agar person....does it taste nice?
Alena is soooo sweet!

Your triplets looking good ah! You're back to work already I assume? Your boys are staying with your mum? So who take care of your girl when you go to work?

I love the picture of your kids! Nicely captured!

Is the haenim play yard from Cheong Choon same as the ones from Kiddy Palace? Is it authentic? Cos I've never been to the store and I read somewhere that I can call CheongChoonStore and they'll deliver the play yard free also. I wanted to do that but my hubby ask me about authenticity and I simply have no idea!

What's a reasonable price for it?
lefty, i bought quite a number of things for Cheong Choon. they are reliable and offer good price. this time i didn't get the play yard from Cheong Choon cos they increase the price. 6 piece cost $210, one month ago was $190 i think, so i got from the WTS thread from a lady who was selling a brand new set for $180 with delivery.
u getting too?
yes, they njoy it! they like to put stuff in the bowl, haha...

hmmm... I have not decided where to get the cake from and yes, holding their birthday bash over hi-tea buffet is one of the most convenient way to do it, minimal hassle! I am thinking of doing up some goodie bags for kids though... they will be so delighted!!

Alena is the naughty and restless one! haha... ;P A favourite toy of gor gor can occupy him for quite a while but not mei mei... she's always busy and kapoing, haha...
Dodo, Alena has lovely eyes!

Dawnsy, the agar tastes good. Certain layers are made of coconut milk. I just ordered another one (Mickey Mouse design)last week to celebrate my newborn's 1st month. It's still yummicious!
Dodo, you may contact Mrs Chan @ 96350758 to get her to email you the designs before you take your pick. Enjoy the tasty treats!
nope, me still in medan, came back from penang last two weeks, baby girl got pneumonia then two days after tht baby girl also admitted to hospital, so both were hospitalized but thx God now ok liao.

hi hi... hvnt heard from you for so long, triplets very cute liao hor. i go back to work liao lar, but still go to office after midday. hahahaha... babies come first, must bathe them, cook porridge, tell maids wht to do in the afternoon so on so on lar. then MIL will come over and look after them. lucky me. hihihi..

for mine, when i switch i use 1spoon of formula 1 then the rest is formula 2. for 2 or 3 days, then 2 spoons of formula 1. my boy very sensitive, first day he drank the mix of form 1 + 2 vomitted until so many times, each time drink each time vomit but he still wanted to drink, then we went to buy formula 1 again, slowly we gave him a little only but frequently then adjusted lor. how much your babies drink now?
as for bibs, i dont use much cause i give them handkerchieves cause if i put on their bibs, they will bite on them.

i think you can ask your maid to take train from jakarta to bandung, or, bus is cheaper. taxi is also quite ex ler if from jakarta to bandung. or otherwise you ask her lor. domestic flight in indonesia is more expensive than international e ar. thts why many indonesians go holiday outbound, not around indonesia. hahahaha... except for bali. yeiiiii.. baliii.. must go to bali lar.
Deasy, hope ur gal better liow. wow ur work so good...can go in the afternoon one!
wish i can do that leh......

JSJmum, thanks for the info...tempting to try leh! hee hee

i m fine, only tired. heehee... ur babies can use walker already? how many months? my babies hav no prob switching their formula. as long as they like the taste, anything can swallow.


my gal got fever n brought her to gp tat's how i get to knw her weight. my dad's friend own a small clinic near their place, so my dad will just bring them for free service. haha... dare not to put my gal alone on the play mat leh. got once she fell off frm the bed, head down style, really scary. luckily nothing happened.
also she dun hav the idea of danger, anywhere she wil go n play, put her in e walker also not safe liow, my mil just gone for toilet break and she half body over the adge liow. if nobody around for long enough, she can really climb out of the walker. haiz......


today saw u in yahoo, tried to chat with u but u never response leh, sad....

ya, u luck gal, can work half day one. me often hav to work overtime ah......

tat dayi hubby dream tat i m pregnant again n he really dun knw what to do liow, haha... i tell him not tat easy to get pregnant one. even if i preg again, tat's bonus from GOD n we hav no excuse to reject it. hubby agree but can see he s more stress now. poor man... anyway, we already dispose the embryos liow n no plan to do ivf again, so if i really preg, tat's really really God's gift, no matter how hard i will keep him/her.


hihi. i started work in aug liow. how about u? how old r ur babies? how u coping so far? any pic to share?
weiwei, ur gal v active!
so more tiring for mummy or granny lor. haha....i wish to have some more kids too...they so lovable esp at this stage. sigh but dun think i can cope.
Weiwei, I salute you for even thinking of having #4! Very brave!
I can barely cope with my NB and the twins. My home is in a perpetual state of lawlessness!!

heehee, just think only mah, wont b so easy la. tat's y i say must wait til e triplets 4-5 yrs old then can hav #4. u feel hard bcoz ur twins still small mah, just take it as u having triplets lor. not easy but i m sure u can make it.
probably my messenger stating i'm mobile although i'm not, just found out yesterday when my sister called me and complaining why i didnt respond. hahahaha... mayb other times ya, i added you in my messenger list liao.
regarding pregnant, my hubby also got scared liao, because after delivery, i was admitted to ICU, hihii, so my hubby, my sis and my mom saw me in bad condition, all very scared when i said i wanted to get pregnant again. added by my tail bone problem, and knee also. huahahhaa... this month oredi late liao but i tested negative. haizzz... part of me being sad but part of it relieved also. finally, yesterday found a place which can do "tuina", when the messeurs touch my butt, aiyooo.. very pain le, i think must go to therapy.
Hi, just thought of sharing with all this blog http://shinscancerblog.blogspot.com/ about a 'fighter'. She's the strongest (emotionally and psychologically), most inspirational and optimistic person (mother) I've ever come across. Read her blog to draw strength, inspiration, or even humour from her entries (while controlling your tear ducts) and pray for her and her family.

I am still on NPL, ending end of this year. I think I am not going back to work already. Hubby say he can support all of us with 1 helper so I can be on "extended" NPL until such time they are bigger and I itching to go to work. On the whole I am happy and coping very well, but sometimes I feel "trapped" in my own house! I miss working very much; the sense of importance and of course the money for me to "burn". And whenever I couldn't remember the word I want to use when talking, I blame it on my brain inactivity due to not working.
If I go back to work, I'll probably have to employ another helper and the salary I earn vs time needed to put in.... like not worth it. So now looking at things holistically, I am happy.

My babies at 8 months...

Aaliyah in her cheeky pose


Aaliyah in not cheeky pose




Akil and Adil look the same in these pics, but notice Adil have a mole next to his left eye.


Thanks! Break other ppl's hearts nvm as long as they don't break mine, hehe...

My bbgirl have started snatching toys from the boys and she's always seem to be interested in whatever toys that's different from what she's holding on to. Since her motor skills is slightly more advance than the boys she tend to win custody. Most of the time when I saw it happening I would just told her not to snatch it and if the "victim" cry I would distract the "victim" with another toy, or sometimes before it happen I lift her off to another site and distract her with another toy. Should I intervene? Or just let them be? I have 3 Whoozit toys and 3 same teethers (the Pigoen "lip trainer" which they go crazy about) so that they won't fight over it and have toys that comes in multiples like stacking cars and linkedoos... but I can't possibly always buy things X3 just to avoid conflict right? What do you do when one baby snatch the toy from the other? Or am I just paranoid about being fair?
lefty, i also face the same prob as u...since they turned 9 months, they have been snatching stuff from one another and may hit one another sometimes if angry. like u i just try to make sure each have 1 toy/book to play with and remove 1 kids from the scene if really too jialat! hee hee.

oh yah, i realised we have the same exersaucers!!! hee hee.
ya, our body need a long break...as for e tuina, 1st few times v pain but only ur muscles no more tense, u wil feel better. jiayou!!

agree tat ur kids r so lovely esp their eyes.

ur gal looks bigger than her bros, isn't she? same prob here, my boys started to communicate with each other liow. they sleep in different rooms but my mum wil put them together once they wake up in e morning. then they look at each other, smile at each other, now kissing each other. korkor s e naughty one, he wil always snatch didi's toy although he has a same one in hand. at first didi wil just cry"mama", now with grandma's encouragement, he starts to snatch back, or at least, pull korkor's clothes expressing unhappiness. my gal also, if i take away her toy, she wil shout at me and try to take it back. i think all children wil go through this stage when they hav e ieda of self n others. they start to use their little brain to think v hard what they want n dun. i dun see tat s a big prob as they wont understand ur words no matter how many days u spend talking. hum, sometimes i believe tat through fighting, they wil b more closer to each other. so unless v serious, i dun bother. am i a violent mother myself? heehee...
about being fair, every mother has her favorite child, for sure. tat doesnt mean we dun love other kids but a little bit less n sometimes we r not aware of it also. dun be paranoid la, things can never be fair one, try ur best lor.

weiwei, mine can oni say "byebye" when they wave byebye to pple going away and "mummum"(sadly , which means to eat, not mummy)and also "baba" and some strings of unintelligible words which seem not to relate to any meaning yet. they now cruising so we r all v tired chasing after them.

oh yah, i brought them for crawling contest at UE yesterday afternoon. they were so confused by the noise and excitement that they just set there and watch instead of crawling *pengz* despite me, my maid throwing all their toys/my handphone/moisturizer bottle (which usu will get them to crawl v fast at home)to attract their attention. also v malu, trying to crawl and get them crawl...but they juz watch all the adults around them screaming and shouting with interest. haha....it was fun lah...but think the twins din know what was happening.
