2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

longxia, yes hardboiled egg
hee hee ....i no other method liow leh....think egg must be fully cooked as our kids v young now.

hmm....i just gave my twins white porridge today, n they hated it! must be mummy too angmo liow...oni gave cereals n puree all these months. how howhow? how do u all cook ur porridge? i will try again tomorrow!

Dawn, just add your purees to the white porridge. they'd love it. my kids' favourite foods are carrot and pumpkin and sweet potatoes....
<font color="0000ff">My MIL adds baby carrot, baby potato and fish ("ngoh he") to the porridge. It's the expensive fish which we eat during our confinement period. The carrot and potato has to be mashed before adding in to cook with porridge. For more variety, she also adds baby spinach, frog's leg or bah kut.</font>
dawn, longxia

except just boiled egg york, my mum s giving my boys steam egg york recently. just add a little bit of light soya sauce n sesame oil to e cooked steam egg york then smash it. they love it n korkor even hold e bowl n try to pour everything inside his mouth like blaiming grandma feeding him too slow.
as for porridge, except adding purees, my mum sometimes wil add chicken soup, song fish head soup, or pork ribs soup to giv a bit of taste.
i usually prepare in advance some homecook stock. then i cook porridge with these stocks instead of plain water. my gals like most is the porridge cook with sweet corn stock.
thanks gals!!! yesterday my mum used the fish head to boil the stock...then cooked the porridge....now they love. aiyoh, like that will spoil them or not ah?

weiwei, u mean break d egg yolk and then steam?

longxia, the bb vcarrot, potato n fish add after or b4 porridge is cooked?
hi ladies,
I have 2 bags of used clothes for troddler boys between 1 to 2 years old to give away. collection is at punggol central. let me know if you want.
thanks dawn!
will try it one day...sounds like the japanese chawamushi hor? (茶碗蒸)

twinkle...wah the babies v smart hor...know how to choose the hao liao!!! how long can we keep these stocks in freezer?

longxia, how long to cook? one to two hours?
i usually prepare abt 2 to 3 sets of stocks in one go. so usually used them up in 3 days lo. think can keep abt 1 week shld be ok.
Heya Dawn, its me Nicole G, when did u find out the sex of ur babies? 20weeks scan? Im still waiting to know. the gyny didnt say so we didnt ask. hehehe
longxia and twinkle, thanks thanks!!! hee hee...become mummy must be come a good cook hor, so that our babies will grow well!

hi Nicole! welcome!!!
Actually for the boy, we could see "something" around week 14 or 15 liao...but need to wait till the 20 weeks scan to confirm. how many weeks are you now? everything ok?
Hi Dawn, Im good. Just getting tired plus my feet swollen. Could be the salt intake. I will be 18 weeks on Monday. So Im looking fwd to my detailed scan end of Sept. hehehe.. Hmmm wander if both girls or what since doc didnt mention. Really hoping for a boy n girl. but as long as healthy thats all that matters. hehehe
Twinnies/nicole, when d doctor do ultra scan for u, u open ur eye big big...hee hee....i noticed " something" one appt b4 the doc told me about it. ;)

i also had very swollen feet v early like u....wear drink lots of water, raise ur legs on support when sitting and wear compression socks from pharmacy, it helps. ;)
Hi all
haven't posted here for a while. anyone with identicals notice their babies hv different habits n personalities? i'd hv thot they would be quite similar but one of my twins doesn't sleep at all in the day fr 2-3pm onwards while the other does.
Hi <font color="0000ff">mommies</font>
Wow! So many posts. Can't catch up. Been busy helping to babysit my sister's infant, so hardly login nowadays. :p

<font color="0000ff">Ava</font>
Apart from external appearance, my girls are worlds apart in terms of personality. One is active while the other is super laid back. The active one is also very bold and daring when it comes to new experiences, while the other is generally cautious. Though they do share a common liking for things, eg. cartoon characters, toys, snacks, etc. they are rather different in many aspects. Even friends and family can tell by now (they are turning 2 soon) the 2 girls differ quite a far bit in terms of personality and habits. I'm still monitoring if they are "complementary twins" because one of them is right handed while the other seemed to be using left master hand.
lil' twin stars
Hmmm, that seems to be where my twins are heading too...i.e. look the same but different temperaments...guess I didn't expect the "identical" to refer to looks only. They are only 12 days old anyway...i'm sure things will continue to surprise and change :p
Hi Ava,

My girls are not identical and are 20mths now. They displayed slightly different characters since birth and the active one is still more active and get disciplined more often as well... Sleeping habits will change over time. *no worries* It would be good though to tune them to have the same sleeping and feeding schedules to make things easier.

It must be a handful to take care of a baby and a pair of twins. Take care and God bless!
Hi <font color="0000ff">A+Cmum</font>
Thanks! My sister's daughter is God-sent! If my girls were as easy to care for as her, I'll go for a second pair of twins. Hahaha!!!
Hi <font color="0000ff">ALL</font>
Any of you planning to go for the Twins Plus Garage Sale this Sat? For new or potential mommies of twins, I think its a good idea to go check out this sale.
You may just make some new friends there too. ^.^
Hi Ladies, Just wanted to know if any of you delivered by Normal without epi? Was thinking of it if both heads are down. Wanted to know if anyone done it and how was it?
<font color="0000ff">Twinnies</font>
Lyricist is probably the only mommy I knew of in this thread who gave birth to her twins naturally (not sure with epi or not). Perhaps you can PM her?

I recall she had a very smooth delivery. Her babies were not too big size (abt 2kg each) and that probably helped as well.

I delivered normal but with epi. They were 2.5kg and 2.6kg. It is for your gynae to tell you if you can deliver naturally or not and their comfort level on doing natural for twins. My gynae doesn't even want to answer my question about doing natural delivery until nearer my delivery date and the twins position. As for epi, it is your pain threshold level. Can you tahan the pain?
Hi Longxia, My gyny is fine with Natural as long as the heads are both down. So Im hoping to try for natural. My pain threshold not very good but I thought once in a life time experience. But I think Epi is better but also worried about the side effects of epi.

What was ur birth experience like with natural delivery? Was it quick? Hope u dont mind sharing.
hi mommies,

anyone need m size diapers? me overstocked. and babies now outgrew them.

have about 4 pkts of M62 Pampers baby dry to let go. brand new and unopened.'

willing to let go cheap to mummies with multiples cos we share a bonding as mommies of multiples.

self collect at or near my place though.
Hi Twinnies,

It was quick for me. I went for my last checkup at my gynae's office and he check me and told me that I was 3cm dilated and was contracting. Was admitted immediately. From the moment the water bag burst (by Dr) until my twins came out was abt 2 hrs. But it could be that it was a 2nd time delivery for me so faster.
Congrats, <font color="0000ff">J&amp;SMum</font>! Hey your latest arrival look wee bit like his sister, isn't it? Or is it the angle of the pix???
hi my babies are getting thinner and thinner leh... i think they not eating enough.... maybe they really very sick of my recipes. they aways keep foood in their mouth then spit out after a while. dun wan to worry to much about their weight gain but my sil has a tendency to compare them with her son who is 1 month younger and much heavier than my 3 precious..... can anyone share your recipes for toddlers at 14 months?

i usu give them porridge .... when is it a good time to switch to rice and dishes.... anyone give marmite? very tempted to use that to enhance taste of the food.... now its just the meat/veg ingrediets plus ap inch of salt cooked with the porridge.
Thanks, Mesh, Dorayaki and Dodo! Dorayaki, thikn the shape of his face resembles his sis but feature wise, more like his gorgor. But then again, knowing how babies are, their looks change ever so often, so it's still too early to tell
Now, I'm having my hands full just with BF-ing (desperately need to increase SS), coping with my post-C-sec pain and shouting at the twins when they go on a rampage (throwing the toys around, fighting over toys, etc). Very tiring...can't imagine how it would be like when I return to work early next year....

Mesh, I alternate between potato gratin (mashed potato, pumpkin/carrot/sweet potato, broccoli/spinach, egg, fish/chicken/pork, cheese, butter), porridge (meat, veg, egg), pasta/rice with soup (ABC soup or yellow beans with ikan bilis) with steamed tofu and egg plus meat and veg. I don't add salt to the food, but will marinate the meat with a dash of pepper and seasame oil. Only for beef porridge, I will sometimes add a little bit of marmite cos' it tastes real yummy. They still don't really enjoy table food, dunno why, other than fishballs, whch they relish a lot.

Btw, how heavy are your triplets now? I hate it when my BIL compares his son (1 month older) with my twins, particularly my son who is lighter and shorter than his meimei. My twins are around 10-11kg only, at 21 months, but then, I have learnt not to care abt the comparison, so long as mine are eating well and are active.
thanks J&amp;Smum, i will try your recipes for a change.... esp the potato gratin. they have only started to take porridge without first blending. but i still have to use the blender on pork and chicken. else i don't think mine can take the chicken and porks. fish is ok... just mash with fork. i dont give mine beef for religion religion.

well mine are around 9-11kg now. actually i don't want to worry abt weight one.... my fil told me they will not pt on much weight now once they turn toddler... cos they get active and burn calories unless they have drastic change in appetite. but i doubt mine will suddenly eat more. yesterday i gave my no. 2 more porridge for dinner, he took with no problem then for the nite milk at 8.30m, he drink till vomit.... haha.... my maid said too full. oops.... hehehe

same as mine, my nephew is 1 month younger and weighing more and always compared to the 3 of them in terms of size. luckily mine is developmentally much faster than my nephew. touch wood. sorry sil, in case u are reading. :p
congrats on your newborn!! Agree with dorayaki that he does look more like his sister.

same here. My pair of 19mths old twins are also in the range of 10-11kg, always get compared with those singleton bbs.

I give them rice with soup since they were about 10mths old. But have to add more water to the rice to make it not so hard. Then every rice meal must definitely have soup to go with it else they won't eat too. The reason why I gave them rice that time was they were rejecting porridge at that stage, think they got sick and tired of it.
I'll cook abc soup, old cucumber, lotus root, watercress or chicken soup to go with the rice. And will steam fish, toufu or stir-fry minced meat for them as side dish. I realised they eat more and better this way.

So far hvn't not add any marmite or seasoning to their home cooked food yet. I use pork ribs, wolfberries, red dates, dried scallop and celery instead. They add flavour to the soup. And you can try using herbs to flavour the minced meat as well.
haha, i am also looking for playyard.
do u all find it useful har? otherwise how to cope with 2 terrors crawling all over the place? gosh, it is getting so tiring looking after them nowadays.

patty, voted liow!
where u brought them for photoshoot? nice!
patty, just voted! so cute! i oso wanna bring my twins for photoshoot... will be so fun! where did u go and were you happy with the service?

regarding playyard, i am using it for my twins. i find it really useful and definitely relieve the caregiver of a lot of work. also, the twins enjoyed very much the freedom of being able to move around themselves. they are 10+ months now and love to hold on the edge of the playyard and move around. my girl is even climbing on the playyard (on the portion where there's hinges)!
Patty, voted.

you can try Yew Kwang studio from the business thread in this forum. Me and Fi went to him or our photoshoot, pretty happy with his service and skills. He has got a way with kids.
I'm thinking of going back to him for my kids' 2nd birthday.

how old are your kiddos now? The play yard is useful from the time they started crawling to walking. For my case, my kiddos started crawling late (around 8+mths) and started walking early (around 10+mths) so I only used it for 2 months and sold it off.
Once they learnt to walk, they refused to be locked in it and even attempted to climb or push it together with their combined forces.
Hi ladies,

A confinement lady quoted me $2700 to look after my babies and me. Is it reasonable? I'm expecting triplets but the price quoted is only to take care of 2 bbies and 1 adult. What do u all think?

<font color="0000ff">dawn</font>
Agree with Irin. With combined force, my gals are also able to move the play yard. Didn't get one in the end. But lyricist had a very clever way of using the play yard once her kids were mobile. She use the yard to fence off stuff which she doesn't want the kids to reach, eg. TV console. So it is useful even after your kids start to walk. Hee...
