2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

hi mummies and mtbs,

i've more or less passed my 26 weeks without any scares. my smaller twin has gained quite some weight but still small..so the paeds are thinking i should deliver 28 wks or slightly after. My gynae seems to be positive and says we can hang and see what happens. thinking about the c-section that will likely happen in 3-4 wks time really freaks me out. In the mean time, i am trying to pile on carbos (junk food!!) in the hope of giving the two of them lots of weight gain so we can drag the delivery til at least 30-32 wks where their lungs can be easier. I'm kinda disappointed that i only put on like 8kg for the past 26 wks.. maybe cos i too conscious about my weight since i'm also at risk for pregnancy hypertension and gestational diabetes. Gynae already said before delivery will give me steriod jab so hopefully that would help them too.

Strawberry, i read in another forum of a mum delivering a singleton at 32 wks.. discharged with no problem from KKH though bb was about 1.7-1.8kg only. So i believe it varies. U dun worry so much. i believe many mummies here would agree with me that 32 weeks is already very safe for delivery.

1.7-1.8kg? then they must also have sign the letter like me.
if you want to really gain weight for babies, durian is a good bet, but beware can lead to gestational .diabetes. But why are you at risk in the first place? also, why 28 weeks? usually the last trimester, after 28 weeks is when the babies really start to grow bigger.

Thanks for your encouragement

I think I'm just a natural worry-monger. My husband is the cool-headed one. Also, I have mothers' guilt - I think that every little thing that goes wrong or might go wrong with the babies is my fault. Like if I forget to take my supplements, I feel that I've shortchanged them. Sounds bizarre right?

You know, it sounds like we might give birth around the same time. Keep me posted about how you get on okay? I think every day the babies have inside you counts, so hang in there! What are your babies' weights now?
same here! only breasts shrank. hahaha.

strawberry/bubble fish,
lungs for twins mature at 34 weeks. I gave birth to mine at 34th week, they were ok. Except that my gal was less than 2kg (stayed till 1.95kg then was discharged). So no worries lah.

my gal left the hospital at 1.95kg also but hospital didn't ask us to sign anything leh.

xbliss is having twins-twins transfusion therefore might have to deliver her twins earlier.

I might need your encouragement when I'm at that stage. So you must hang on there!

glad to know that you are doing fine. But don't bulge on junk food, it's not healthy & you'll be the one gaining weight not your babies. Take care!
Hey mommies,

sorry for the delay, babies acting up again this week, dun want sleep, only want to carry! STRESS!

but jus thot i do a quick let you gals know on the meet up: Updated( copied from Dorayaki's)

1) Irin - Fine with Oct, Nov or Dec
2) twinsmom - fine with until Oct 15th, moving to batam after that but will join if the date falls on the weekend i m here
3) J&S(AletheaT) - Later half of Oct, any wkends in Nov and early half of Dec
4) dorayaki - weekends in Nov, except 18 Nov.
5) lyricist - weekends in Nov, except 3rd Nov
6) A+C mum - Fine with Oct, Nov, Dec. Weekends: Depends on timing. Sat afternn may be out. Sun morn is def out.
7) Mooch - weekdays are good, except mostly monday and friday cos hubby sometimes ard to bond with kids. weekends ok, if hubby included
hubbies definitely are welcome.

re: meet up
After seeing the time slots, so seems like 10th, 11th, 17th, 24th or 25th Nov are ok, right?

any days you can't make it? Better check with you 1st cos we are going your place.

I need advice on whether I had contractions. Yesterday, I have these stomach cramps like those we have during our menstrual period. There wasn't any break in between, just continuous pain.

My Gynae gave me Ventolin to prevent contractions. Wondering if anyone else had taken them too?
Ah May:
Thanks for your explaination on twins' lung mature on 34 weeks. Also, thanks for remind me that stretch marks can be appear after birth... I didn't know stretch marks can be appeared while tummy shrink.. I always think that stretch marks only appear while your tummy get bigger.

xbliss: good to know that your smaller baby gain much weight in past weeks. Good for you, you have no stretch mark on your tummy... not like me, need to turn my head away to avoid any mirror... ughh..

strawberryshortcake: I am also a worry MTB... I can't stop my worries about this and that.. it is hard to be not worry especially this is my first pregnancy. But here with all the great mommies' encouragement I learn to keep telling myself to be happy and stop worrying

Dear mommies,
Same as xbliss I am also freaking out when thinking of C-section. I knew myself that my tolerate to pain is belong to "super-low level" group. I still remember when my mom bring me to pierce earring hole(when I was 16) I cried out lound (lousy me right, I know)....

Now come back to C-section, for mommies who have gone through, is eating pain killer help after the surgery? Is there any thing can be used to help lower down the pain other than pain killer? I heard some saids something like waist support band or surgical binder? If yes, where to get those support band? When can you get down from the bed for a shower? Do you use any cream to help the wound heal faster? How long does it takes for you not to feel pain like hell? a week? or longer? ....scary..
bubble fish,
talking about c-section, I went thru it wide awake. I underwent local anaesthetic with epidural. Can feel them cutting me up & pull out my babies. No pain & nothing.
I did felt pain after the surgery but it was bearable. Surgical binder will help to hold your wound when you get down the bed to walk. You can get it at any pharmacy. You are allowed to shower during confinement? My mum forbade me to bath until 1 week later which the pain was already gone.
You must try to get down the bed & walk the next day after your surgery else it'll be tougher if you don't move for too long. When you starts to move around, it'll be better. Not to worry, the pain is bearable. I have a low pain tolerance too but I still manage to survive through it.
yes, labour pain is menstration pain, jus more painful. rest when this happens, monitor, call gynae, if not sure better go hospital asap.
yes, ventoline helps to prevent contractions, is what asmati patients take to help relax muscles. i took ventolin from week 8 to week 15. then I took adalat from 24 weeks to 32 weeks, even without any contraction panic, gynae jus want to make sure no mishap for me.

need to wear a wrap after surgery to help to hold tummy in place. I got it at the pharmacy after my c-section, need to measure to get the correct one. easier to walk with the support, else feel like the inside organs move from side to side due to the sudden space... take pain killer for 1 week as instructed. my gynae's nurse told me dun stop the pain killer even when feel okay like no pain. Because when the pain kicks in, will be too late by then.
no cream to help heal faster, but i ask gynae to prescript me a cream to prevent keliods. keke vain..
wah... so many posts here...

Can you take durian? Durian can make babies gain a lot of weight.
How come need to get PD involved when babies are still in the womb? Is it the norm?

xbliss, bubblefish,
Get a wrap to support the tummy before getting down from the bed
That helps a lot in the pain.
Pain like hell only for the first few days for me, and especially when I woke up from the anaesthesia. And I screamed like hell till the doc decided to give me morphine drip :p But I got medical history one... It will not be that bad for you gals ba...
yes agree so many posts here. Thanks for the advice. I have to deliver early cos of the twin-twin transfusion in which the smaller one gets less blood than his brother. I believe keeping them inside too long may compromise his well being.. so no choice. The overseas websites say the smaller one is likely to be rather anemic so will need blood transfusions after birth. That's something at least he can get outside my tummy. Actually, i also forgot to ask gynae why must deliver so early... heard the news only start pankicking already. they estimate the smaller one to be only 500g now. so disappointing and worrying. his brother is doing perfectly ok in terms of weight. lyn, durian season over! about 1 month ago i did eat quite a bit. actually its a good suggestion.. maybe i ask hubby go and buy over weekend. anything to make sure the smaller twin grows!

ah may, ur description of the organs moving inside sound gross leh! how we get the wrap? walk down to the pharmacy after delivery to get isit? or can we get it before delivery. i got pretty high threshhold for pain.. but i cannot stand needles! i am even wondering if i should go on GA so no need to go through the terrible spinal epidural which sounds totally horrendous. i will ask gynae if first of all i can really get to see bbies during delivery cos i suspect due to their size and the complication, they will be whisked to nicu even before i can see.

actually now already got scars.. just ignore and dun see cos no mood to do anything with it. it looks like someone caned me all over the lower tummy. hehhe. after delivery going to pile on more collagen.
you have to get the binder before delivery. Else if you are able to walk down to the pharmacy, you won't need the binder liao.

The spinal epidural does hurt but you won't be able to see the needle cos they'll be doing it behind you so won't be so scary lah. I'm also someone who's afraid of needle.
I got to see my babies before they were send to the special care.
my hubby run down to the pharmacy to get the binder for me after my gynae shout at the nurse who quickly take my measurement.
epi is safer for the babies, GA is more harmful to the baby, as it gets into their body as well, so unless is emergency, gynae should recommend epidural.
epidural also makes a better transition to pain killers, it wears off gradually after the surgery, so when the pain kicks in later, you would have taken pain killer, so dun feel so painful.
I also see my boys when they washed them and before they are wheeled to SCN, my hubby saw them outside and they peep their eyes to see daddy.

I only see them 1 1/2 days later because I dun really dare to walk about. the nurse brought a wheel chair subsequently for me to travel to SCN.
ya loh, Ah May, sounds so terrible that you description can feel organs moving inside.... like horror movie. I sweat already when see you said that. I also have the same questions in mind like xbliss. How you get your wrap one? You get the wrap after the C-section?? it sounds like after the C-section you walk straight to pharmacy and measure in order to get a correct? If that is the case, wah! "pei fu" how you do that? after C-section I imagine will pain like hell... how to walk...? With all the blood tripping to floor while you walking??? Also, what cream and brand you use to prevent keloid ah? I also want to know and prevent that...

We are not allow to shower during confinement mah? I don't know that leh... I saw my ex-boss wife kena chase by the nurse for showering and walking in the 2nd day? how come?

So we must walk on the 2nd day after C-section? That's sounds terrible neh... Irin, when you get your binder? I am 25 weeks now can I go to pharmacy and measure to get one? Your epidural experience sounds scary for me too... wah..can feel the cut? ...sweat...
<u>RE: surgical binder</u>
For those who will be delivering at TMC, you can get the nurse to supply the surgical binder after your delivery. It will be charged to your hospital bill.

<font color="0000ff">bubble fish</font>,
The pain after c-sect is bearable. But like what Ah may said, take the painkiller before the pain sets in, esp if your threshold for pain is low. Better take before you feel it.

<font color="0000ff">All</font>,
I finally finished the decor for my gals' birthday tomorrow. Spent one whole morning + afternoon on this. So tired... Hope the balloons stay where they are till the party's over. Kekeke...
<font color="0000ff">bubble fish</font>,
Don't scare yourself. Its not so bad lah. Hee... I didn't feel a single thing throughout the c-sect. It all happened so fast, you'll be amazed!

Actually, whether you like it or not, you'll have to go to the toilet to get your urine out after the C-sect. A urinary catheter is inserted to help you pass urine during the c-sect and for hours after that. So once the catherter is removed, you'll have to go to the toilet and you must try to pass urine to confirm your bladder is functioning properly.

For c-sect case, your gynae would have cleaned your womb up quite well, so the flow of blood is minimal. You shouldn't have blood dripping when you walk.

Hmmm... Maybe you can ask your HB to bring a measuring tape to measure for you then go to the Pharmacy and get the right size binder, ya?
no lah, kekeke...

I lay on the bed and the nurse measure me, then give measurement to my hubby who run to the pharmacy lah...
sorry if I scare you all, jus my feeling... abt the organs moving stuff...
my c-section is at 5pm, go bac to ward at 7.30pm, sleep, next morning gynae see me at 12pm,(he teach me how to get up from the bed with help) get the binder at 1pm, walk at 4pm, go toilet.
next day (sunday), he came at 11 am and teach me to get up from the bed by myself without others to help, scold me cause gg to go home soon, everyone will be busy, he told me with my babies, so I must be more independent...
So... how big is the urinary catheter? Where it inserted? virginial? then pain or not when inserted? Are all c-section mommies send in naked for surgery? ...although I choose a female gynae... but if naked still feel shy neh...

So so... I suppose the surgical binder got to get after the c-section. Really cannot get now ah? I am so freaking out for c-section so I prefer to get ready anything that I need for c-section neh.. Anyway, thanks so much all mommies that provided the horror c-section experience as this is really useful for me to get mentally prepare...

Hoping and blessing every mommy that going to have C-section a smooth and less painful journey.... included myself... bless me bless me...
Bubblefish, u wear nothing else except a gown. If you are going for c-sec, the catheter will be inserted after c-sec, u probably not knw cos of the epi, u'll feel nothing. I dont feel a thing when the nurse removed the next day.

In my opinion, the binder is a must after c-sec esp for twin/trip mummies like us with super big tummy. Dont knw abt the rest, i thought it was my 'loose skin' touching my c-sec wound when I walked.. i had to hold my tummy as I walked to pharmacy to get the binder. After I put on the binder, i strolled all around kk. I continued to use the binder for 2 wks after discharge fr hosp (jaundice check at polyclinic for straight 3/4 days.. no binder jiak lut).

Binder got sizes one. Must get the right size then it'll be effective. I suggest that u get ur hubby or family members to help u measure and get it at hosp pharmacy after delivery.
Dorayaki, happy birthday to ur gals in advance! do share the celebration pix with us ok!

Fi, how's ur prep? I've been so busy at work that I have not prepared anything yet.

Lyricist, how big are ur boys now? The wetsuit nice.. where did you get them? My boys also look quite different too.
Evening mummies............

Irin- anyday is fine as long as i noe in adv.. Nov shud b gd coz aft their party in Oct i plan to zonk out for the rest of the year..

C-sect- Had mine under epidural. Since i was pre term and was dilating, the gynae told me tht nite, ok we r gng for caesar, Will call up OT. Me told the nurses tht i wanna go toilet.. Nicely have a gd shower n wash everywhr, then when i came out the trolley was in the DS. When i climb onto the trooley, hubby ask, Eh wat r u doing? Whr r u gng?? Then the nurses told him, we r gng to have ur bbs.. He panicked. Started to pack our stuffs n followed me to the OT. Nurses told him to prep himself if he wanted to follow me in, he can ask whr to put my barang barang ah?? Hehehehehe.. The poor man standing at the OT reception wif our bags and my smelly pillow... I remembered when the anaesthetist inserted the epi cath, i was singing mary had a little lamb!! God noes y... Muz b the stress!!! When hubby came in, he started to stroke my head and tell me its ok, dun panic!! I tink he was reassuring himself, not me.. He then proceeded to tell me wat was gng on step by step. So proud of him. Thot he wud have fainted by then. After the whole surgery, he went out and started calling the world to tell them in detail wat he saw.. Till now, he remembers everything..My bbs were born at 10.40pm and since they were in nnu i wasnt allowed to c them. The next day, Sun hubby and parents came ard 9.30am and i got up and out of bed and said let's go c my bbs.. Pain but i tink the anxiety to c my bbs was greater.. I didnt take any painkillers, had enuf of them. Juz bear wif it. Monday i showered and Tues i got discharged. Stayed home alone n travel to hospital daily from morning till night to c my bbs. Nvr did use the bloody binder though. Coz it felt uncomfortable when i sit.

Binder- after u deliver get the nurses to measure for u and usually, they can order it for u and it will be in ur bil.

Dorayaki- happy bday to ur angels in adv!!! Dun forget to post the pix!!

Jlyn- me juz went to PG today to confirm my cake!! Invites have been sent. Now juz tying up loose ends.
mine are boy/girl twins dah.. not both boys
oh dear, everyone tells me Min looks like a boy, even with pink hairclips on.

jlyn, they just turned 10 mths. the wetsuits from OG Albert Complex, $19.90 each, size 0 (my twins are abt 7kg each and fits just nice).
Hi bubble fish,
I'm also terrified of needles. When the epidural was administered, I was grabbing the nurse's hand so hard, I think I bruised her liao.. :p But the pain last only 1 - 2 seconds, so don't worry.. I yelped when they gave me the epi. After that no feeling liao.. My twins are 1 min apart, the delivery was quite fast.

After the c-section, the pain was quite bad. You really must get the binder, makes a lot of difference. Still pain lah, but a lot better. I was cursing and swearing in my head when I forced myself to get up and move around.. But it gets better each time, just move really really slow.
Oops! sorry sorry.....mine are opposite people always think my second one is a girl becos of his curly hair and big eyes :p

yep, i m now making only 120 for them still they cant fin, cant seem to stop worrying cos my first one has actually lost weight
Good morning everyone!

I had my checkup yesterday. My babies have grown by 200g each over the last 1 1/2 weeks. Which is quite a good result. I've gained about 1kg. Gynae thinks delivery might be in 3 weeks' time. So I'm counting down to that

Re: surgical binder. Sounds very useful!
lyricist, double oops oops.. paiseh, BG twin dun look alike ok mah.. hahaha.

bubblefish, the binder shldnt be too tight or too loose. Too tight too uncomfortably, too loose no effect. Hmmm.. it shld be reasonably tight.

best twins, mine opposite. Elder boy has curly hair, younger boy straight hair. Elder one looks lke gal.


Here is the pic of my boys at 7 months now they are 8months........but didnt capture much pictures lately as i m alone
Oh they have become skinny lately dont know if its due to milk intake or growing up :p

Wonder if i m in some cold countries? keke.......it was a very cold day and mil insisted that i cover them up fully for a walk on a cold day........they liked it tho
oops didnt realize my pic so big....sorry for taking a lot of space

how old are ur boys? They are cute! sure look different too
Best twins- sooo cute and adorable... Nt bad huh they dun mind to dress up tat way.. Mine r like tarzan n jane.. The lesser the better... Hehehehe..
Actually they like to wear singlets but it was indeed a cold day and was very windy (our block is near the sea, so they didnt mind it.....cant remember ur kiddos face have u posted their pic before?
BTw, mummies here how much does it cost to put twins in NICU for 2,3,4 weeks. Can I have an estimate please? THanks to all replies in advance.
Ah huat, govt or private? If govt and 6 bedded, 3weeks and no major interventions is abt 4k total. Medisave claimable. My twins was on ventilator for 4days, oxygen for 1week and they had jaundice treatment. No surgeries and its tht amt. For private, my gynae was telling me ard 1.5k per bb per day at LEvel 2 care.
Ah Huat,
is your identical or fracternal twins, identical has more risk factor, better to go kkh so can down grade to C class if neccessary. Else, most twins delivery may not need NICU if there is sufficent care and rest during pregnancy.

As for gynae, there is very good twins specialist now at raffles medical, he used to be the mutiples specialist at kkh, but he has moved to raffles medical 1 year ago. can PM me for the name if you need.
your boys are cute, ya, I agree your elder boy is look very "pretty".. kekeke, no offence.

it's normal, they appear thinner when they grow as they become taller.
no worries.

very tempted, show you all a pic of my boys taken at 13 months plus.

Best twins, my boys turn one on 26 Oct.

Ah May, yah lor.. gor gor is getting 'prettier' and 'prettier' lor.. hahaha.. his eye lashes and hair auto curl one, no need to perm. Ur boys were so chubby at 13mth, envy envy. The one on the right is gor gor? Do they fight? I headache leh, my elder boy always bullies the younger one.
Ah may,
Ya loh, jus now mil came and said the first one had gone down a lot.......soooo sad
OK the bright part is they are growing up

Your boys look soo cheerful, are they always like that?

Hey your elder one bully the younger one too ah? same here my first one like to squash my younger one with all his strength, sometimes likes to sit on his stomach. But hor my second one will laugh and enjoy it until it gets real painful
hi mummies, i'm new. glad to see so many experienced mummies of multiples here. mine are b/g twins, 5mo. can i ask how long does it take for the tummy to actually reduce to pre-preg size? i still look 5 months pregnant and still getting seat offers on the mrt, so pai seh.... :p

My boys are 8 months old and i still look like 5 months preggie
I would also like to know the answer from the seniors. I have arrived at my pre pregnancy weight but tummy seems to be big!
hi best twins

:) my colleague who had triplets told me she took nearly 2 years to look normal again! urrgghhh!! i did not dare start jamu wrap and massage becos of the c-sect wound. mummies, anyone did any slimming treatments after birth? results good?
hi ah huat, my gynae is at NUH, very experienced with multiple pregnancies. i took a package (500+ i think) that consisted of a couple of scans and consultations. can PM me for his conatct & package details if u r interested.

becos he's at NUH, i gave birth there too. for NICU, it's abt 120 each day. not sure if this cost is minimal as my gal needed to be under the heater only.
hi Gerry, best twins.... me too. i was buying shorts when 1 salesgirl came over and suggested i buy another shorts which is suitable for preggie ladies :-(

i also want to know when we can do crunches.... hehe.... sometimes see my tummy very depressed, but see the babies do give me a sense of satisfaction..... my babies 3 mo now.
gerry, mesh, besttwins,
Can share with me how you all cope with two babies? Do you have maid? Are you working? Is it that bad to look after two babies at the same time?
I am expecting twins. I am thinking of not having maid. Dunno if that's possible.

Anyone here delivered at SGH?
Hi mummies, gd morning!!

Hi Gerry, welcome!!

Ah_may, wah ur boys very handsome hor.. N chubby!! They look bigger than their age.. My 12mths gal looks smaller than A&C mums gals... Dunno whr my gal got the small genes fr..

Gerry, Mesh, Best_twins, my bbs 12mths and my butt is still d post pregnancy butt.. Watermelons.. Hehehehe.. Myb i nvr exercise, thts y.

Lyn, Halo! Me do wifout maid first 6mths or so.. Juz hubby and me. Now got maid, i find tht life is much easier and gt time for myself.. Its possible to do wifout maid, i have a gf who has 4kids including twins and wifout maid.. Determinatn. Hehehe..
Wah... How did your friend manage? Can share more with me? I have an active boy now. By the time my twins arrive, he will be 21 months old. My home got no space for maid already...
Hi gerry and mesh,
I bought the Elancyl slimming gel from watson as the sales person convienced me that it helps, its for 28 days I only used for 2 weeks continously i felt like my tummy had gone down a bit however it still looks flabby. The reason why i stopped was that month i had a terrible menstrual cramp for 4 days and severe bleeding. I dont know it was good or bad or related in the first place, this month the pain not so bad. Now my tummy has gone down a bit but it could also be due to exercise, I have been doing stretchings and some sit ups............still not happy with my tummy

I had a nanny, mother, mil and hubby to help during the first 6 weeks after that mil mother and me until babies were 4 months (did have part time and temp maids in between) I m the primary caregiver and the rest will just help out with sterilizing, cleaning, washing and cooking. Since 4 months i m alone with my mom, my mom helps with sterilizing and a washing bby clothes thats all.....the rest all mine. Its tuff for me at times as my babies are pampered a lot and always wants to be carried.

I m sure u can do it with proper planning and time management. Try to have a routine that works for u and the babies, expect your routines to go off the schedule at times, try to cultivate good sleeping habits from the start (dont rock and bounce them to sleep in arms) put them in bed drowsy but awake........there's a lot and am still learning. I suggest u read up a bit on that.

I will be getting a maid end of this month cos, i m missing my personal space, the babies are ruling my life (I wouldnt want it otherwise tho
) I would still be the one bathing, cooking and feeding them the maid is to do housework and play with them when i need my time.

There are mommies here who managed without maid pretty well like Fi so if u have the determination i m sure u can........it depends on the individual
