2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Hi Twin Mummies,

When did you start to have braxton hicks contractions? Are they a good indicator of when labour is going to start? I have some BH contractions, but they are quite mild and irregular.

blessed mom,
I had the same problem with my gal too. Try not to take over once he/she cries when he/she sees his/her grandpa. Let him try to coax he/her 1st. After awhile the baby will start to play then forget about things. But my gal till now still will cry if a stranger tries to carry her or touch her. My mum says I spoilt her liao.

As for cereal, I tried adding brown rice into their milk when they were 3-4mths but to no avail. My boy still wakes up for milk. I felt that the best way to train them not to wake up is try not to give them milk once they cry in the middle of the night. Soon they'll realised that waking up doesn't mean there's milk.
It works for mine though my boy occasionally will still wake up for milk.
ya, quite alot of twin mummies in Sengkang. There's another mum in this thread near me & Fi too.

re: meet up
seems like weekend in Nov is a better choice. Anyone else joining can let us know which are the better dates before we set the date?
Morning mums, wow i have miissed alot ovr the weekend..

Blessed mom- if u r up to bring.g them swimming its fine.. Go shop for their suit n let us noe... The granpa thingy, dun worry, my gal has the same reactn too. Only wif granpa.. Hehehehehe.. Mayb its the granpas, or juz the gals. For me, i juz let her scream in granpas ears, she will settle after being carried ard by granpa. dun worrie..

Mit up- anyday day is fine. juz keep me informed so i can clean up the zoo first.. Hehehehehe.

Irin- yest me saw anthr pair of twins, staying same blk as Chris. Boy gal too.. The mum say muz be d fengshui in Fernvale... lol.... When r we gng gymboree?
Hi Fi

blk 409 opposite the LRT bah..even i went to see GP at the Lifeline , the doc said she has few patients are also twins haha..
gymboree on Thurs? I'll confirm with you on Wed.

you are at Fernvale too?? You are between me & Fi. hahaha.
Hello mommies,
I am expecting twins now. I cannot find suitable twins thread yet. I am wondering if I can get some sharing from you about the pregnancies.
Are there any vitamins that you took during pregnancy?
How to take good care during pregnancy? Any advice?
Is it possible to cope without a maid? I am a SAHM and has a toddler. Am still considering whether to get a maid.
How to breastfeed twins?

Thank you for your sharing...
Hi strawberryshortcake,

I'm a 2nd time mummy so once I found out that I'm having twins fm my Gynae (who delivered my son), we panic and decided to go to polyclinic to be referred to KKH as subsidised patient due to the saying that twins pregnancy is more high risk.

After going for a few KKH appt I felt that I'm not comfortable with seeing different Drs at KKH at each appt (subsidised patients are not allowed to choose Gynaes) so I decided to stick with my Gynae but continue with the KKH appts. At KKH, all scanning, tests and consultation are done separately so when you ask questions, sometimes you are not not able to get an answer.

Cost wise, my hubby said that the detailed scan was cheaper and much more thorough than what we had previously.

My worries for cost are more on if the twins are born prematured. It will be cheaper to stay at KKH. As my Gynae said that if there are any complications, they will still refer/transfer the babies to KKH and we would be charged private rates.

thanks..will rest as much as i could.


yes at fernvale too hehe..


we have same edd 14/11 for full term 40wks hehe..but i've schd for opt on 18 Oct when i will be in 36wk4d. U shd have passed the 34wks right now ? so the pre-term labour is not an issue liao right?
Hi Patty,

Not sure what's the babies weight now. We didn't go for the scan during the last checkup on friday. My next appointment for checkup is on the 9th Oct. Should be able to estimate the weight then. The doc said that the babies should be over 2 kg at 34 weeks. So hopefully they'll be of good weight

My BH contractions started around my 25th week. Now whenever I experienced that, I just try as much as possible to relax. Basically if they do not cause any pain, there's no need to worry too much. You can ask your gynea for further advice.
Hi Patty,

Not sure what's the babies weight now. We didn't go for the scan during the last checkup on friday. My next appointment for checkup is on the 9th Oct. Should be able to estimate the weight then. The doc said that the babies should be over 2 kg at 34 weeks. So hopefully they'll be of good weight

My BH contractions started around my 25th week. Now whenever I experienced that, I just try as much as possible to relax. Basically if they do not cause any pain, there's no need to worry too much. You can ask your gynea for further advice.

Yup this week hit 34 wks liao. My own target is tahan until end of Oct. I have not stop worrying since I knew I was carrying twins. Did too much research on the net and I can say that it's not a good idea to do that - only worry more. I was told that after 36 wks then the lungs will mature if I go now still considered premature. With the protein and swollen legs and the contractions (good thing the blood pressure was ok) now I scared cannot tahan till even mid Oct. Hope my appt later this afternoon at KKH gives me some good news.


I started feeling contractions ard 30 - 32 wks. Not too sure whether it is BH or not but it felt a little like menstrual cramp but recently it started to be quite painful but it's like a 1 time event each time and not consecutively a few contractions at a time
Hi Fi,

Havent come to the forum quite some time. Meet up at your place. I'm in!

Just sms me in case I missed the postings here.

I m at Blk 408, very near you. Yah many twins in Fernvale, the fruit seller told me there's a Malay mum with 2 pairs of twin gals staying this area! Cant imagine how she manage, to have twins twice.
if some of you have BH now, try to increase your intake of water. if you are dehydrated, more likely to face preterm contraction.

So drink more, mummies to be.

I agree with you that too much research just makes one worry. I was so happy to learn that I was expecting twins. Then I read online about the risks and that just made me anxious. I stopped reading after a while. Still, just like you, I have been worrying about this pregnancy till recently. Now that I'm 32 weeks, I feel more at ease. I'll feel even better after I pass the 34 weeks mark.

I'm a 1st time mum. My gynae who is in private practice, had discussed with my husband and I about the possibility of transferring to KK if there was the need for the babies to be in NICU. It's really a cost consideration. He told me from the start that he will be monitoring me closely and if he feels that there's the chance that the babies will be premature, he will make all the arrangements and transfer me there early. He gives me a lot of confidence so I never thought to going to KK as well to start a case file there. Although I had heard that if KK has your record, they will admit your case to NICU over a new case in the event that there is a shortage of beds.

You sound like you are doing well, so I don't think you'll need to be admitted to KK

Ad Da, Ah may,

Thanks for your tips on BH. It was a really hot day today and I did feel dehydrated, so maybe that's why I felt my tummy hardening. I shall drink more water.
MTBs- Hihi, juz to share wif u my story, so bear wif me.. I used to see private and had chosen TMC for delivery. Due to complicatns, i was admitted in TMC for 1 1/2 mths. 2 bedded. Gynae wanted me to stay till i deliver but at tht point of time, our bill was already 11k +. cash. Gynae told me tht if twins were to b delivered thr and stay in nicu, i would have to fork out ard 40+k.. I transferred to NUH at 30 weeks after my discharge fr TMC. Delivered at 32 weeks. For delivery i stayed in b2 ward(6bedded) for 4days, my bbs were in icu for 19 and 24days, total bill was ard 5k medisave.. My caesar was done by a senior dr, in fact 2 of them and there were 2 pds on standby, 3 midwives.. It went smoothly and no complicatns. Juz to share..

BH- i had them at 23weeks till delivery. was on drip and oral meds to stop them. Even on bed rest. If at any point of time u r uneasy abt the BHs, c ur Dr.. Its ok to be abit kiasu..

Chris, will sms u when they dcide to mit.

Irin, sure, juz let me noe.
Mummies, where do you buy swim wear from your babes? was thinking of getting those cute bikini or 2 pc swinsuits for my girl but afraid that she will catch a chill. So was thinking of getting both DD and DS the wet-suit type. Any idea where to get?
i just bought 2 wetsuits from OG Albert Complex on sunday. quite cheap - $19.90 per pc. only thing is that it fits my twins perfectly now, but i think they're gonna outgrow it in a matter of weeks. unfortunately, they only had that size left for that range. the others either too big or too expensive. maybe you can try the OG in orchard?

Thanks for your sharing. You must be wonderfully strong to be able to endure such a long hospital stay prior to delivery, and to see your babies in ICU too. I really salute you.

I have a question. When you delivered at 32 weeks, did you have the injection to mature your babies' lungs?
morning mummies....

Strawberry- Hi. Yup i had the steroid jab twice actuali. Once at 23 weeks when i had preterm labour and my cervix dilated. then again b4 delivery at 32 wks. Rather painful bugger of an injectn.. Hey, wat were u doing up sooo early?? 5am??

Alethea- got mine frm mother's works at tanglin mall. Bikini for my gal and two piece suit for the boy. But i find them rather pricy though.. Then i gt anthr swimsuit for my gal fr gap when they were having sale. 19 only. U may wanna check them out.
not to scare you, but if you really need to transfer to kkh if babies are too premature, it is case by case basis. means to say even if you want to transfer and willing to pay private price, they may not take in if they are full. I gave birth at kkh at 34 weeks, my gynae was highly tense cause he told me NICU are full house liao, so at most babies can only go SCN. luckily babies only need to go SCN. few months later I read on forum a mummy complain her baby premature transfer from TMC to KKH around that period of time, then kena reject and 3 hr later go to SGH. I explain to her that even as kkh patient, I may not get my boys to stay in there as it is already full house liao.

abt the injection to mature lungs, my kkh gynea super kiasu, I kena jab at 28 weeks, in case I go into premature labour, and 24hr before my c-section at 34weeks.
<font color="0000ff">strawberry</font> and <font color="0000ff">Longxia</font>,
Its true that too much worry or stress will not do you any good. I also understand that $ is a great concern when we carry twins. But please don't be too too focus on things that makes you worry. Both of you are at 32 and 34 weeks respectively and that's really great! Persever and rest a lot. You'll make it there very soon!

<font color="0000ff">Longxia</font>,
Same as you, I expereince BH from 31 weeks onwards. It got more intense as the days passed and my feet was HUGE. Larger than an elephant's, I think. When I was admiited to TMC at 37 weeks, I couldn't even bend my knees. 2 nurses had to bend my legs for me in order for the epidural to be administered. So funny! So hang in there! 2-3 more weeks to go and BBs will be just fine! My gals were discharged with me on the 4th day with a clean bill, not even jaundice. So keep the faith. Looking forward to seeing pix of your bundle!

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>,
Keep me posted! Me too want to meet up with everyone.
<font color="0000ff">Longxia</font>,
Share with you the pix of my terribly swollen "Elephant legs". Kekeke... This pix was taken at TMC the night I was admitted.

i can identify so much when i read the above posts. just an update, i'm 26 wks and can't wait to even get to the 28 wks.. cos of the transfusions problems between the twins, mine is considered high risk. i was also transferred from thomson at 20 wks when they diagnosed the transfusion. So since then, i have been going to KKH. I do feel very assured there as they have a team to look after me. and thankfully the bbies have put on weight too, though not enough for one of them.

Yest's scan showed my cervical length had shortened to 2.5cm. anyone with similar experiences? i'm not even sure if 2.5cm is ok or not? Do your docs measure your CL? The doc just said monitor but din say anything else.

My BH started around wk 24 very irrregularly. Got a bit more frequent but still irregular last wk. Will definitely take advise to drink more water. i did drink less cos going to toilet so frequently is a real hassle!!!

Can i check what is the estimated weights of your twins around 26-28 wk if you had scans? One of my twins now maybe only 600g.. the other should be better.
Dorayaki, hahaha.. cant stop smiling at the larger than elephant's feet comment.. me too me too. In fact, my feet started to swell when I was in 2nd trim.. all the way till a month after delivery. I had just two pairs of shoes during preggy time, by end of 2nd trim, I was left with just one pair. Thank godness that pair very lasting lor. Now my feet are one size bigger than pre-preg time. My gal friend also the same, 1st boy- feet up one size. 2nd gal- up another size. Her 3rd one is due in Nov 07. She said cannot choose shoe design anymore.. just walk into the shop and ask if they have size 10, no need to waste time.

Fi, sms me if gathering on ok.
as for the elephant legs, i kena at wk 20! i upgraded from size 6 to size 8 shoes in order to fit. and yes, they were really painful too. But after i had my excess fluids removed from the waterbag and started bedrest, everything went back to normal. so, just keep lying down and elevating your legs.

dorayaki, i really din like the tmc gown.. so short! hee. kkh one a bit more conservative. but i loved the tmc toiletries bag.. so small yet so comprehensive! i'm still keeping it for use when i deliver at kkh!
Xbliss, hi my CL was 1.5cm at 23 weeks. Due to all the BHs and walking and standing. Thus started my longstay in TMC.

Jlyn, will sms u. Hws ur prep gng on for their bday?
think my CL is abt there, measure abt 4cm at 24 weeks. think they just need to know, in case. Dun worry too much.

try to walk less and take more bedrest.
$ was a factor to motivate me to stay in bed that time, keke.. as well as wellness of my babies lah.

keke, i think mine is as well,elephant legs, but i shy from camera, think hb did not want to take my photo too as I told him, feel so horrible, not gg to get pregnant again. he dun dare to take as he still trying to convice me to try one more time. haha.
yes, epi time I cannot control as I shaking badly due to cramps. the 2 nurse help me to bend and hold me down.
Hi Dorayaki,

Have elephant legs as well. Even going to KKH for appt then Q-up to buy waffles at Prima Deli also caused my legs to swell up by the time I reach home. I think my legs are giving way too. Everytime I stand up / walk a little distance my thighs feel tired already.
I use a easy way out, at 3months preg, bought 2 pairs of shoe at 1-2 size bigger... keke..

within the first year of delivery, my feet abt 1 size bigger, after 1 year, my feet now 1/2 size smaller, but still 1/2 size bigger than pre pregnant time.
Hi everyone!

I was up at 3:30am actually
I find it difficult to get back to sleep after I wake up to use the toilet. So I just try to tire myself out by reading or surfing the web. Then climb back to bed later. I hope I won't have to take the injection. It sounds very painful... Brrrr.

Ah May,
Thanks for the heads-up. The best I can do now is rest and avoid going into pre-term labour.

I think my legs and feet were just as bad as yours from 3-4 months ago. People would stare at my feet when I go out. I would be limbering along, rather than walking. Got to a point that I couldn't bend at the ankles anymore cos my feet were so swollen. Putting my feet up didn't help much. It only brought down the swelling very slowly. And when I got out of bed, all the effort in elevating my legs were wasted.

To any MTB that has severe water retention, I've discovered a great cure for edema ... compression stockings. You can buy them from Guardian. It's a very tight stocking. And it will really reduce the swelling and squeeze the water in your legs to allow the retained water to re-enter your body system. Drink a lot of water at the same time, and the water will be passed out of your body pretty soon. I've been wearing them for 2 weeks now. Only taking them off to bathe and my feet are almost back to normal. This was taught to me by my friend who's a doctor. And my gynae also okay-ed the stockings. Hope this helps someone.

Sorry to hear about your babies have TTS. I'm expecting idential twins. At 28 weeks, one twin was 990g and the other was 820g. The smaller baby has been consistently smaller. But the gynae says the discrepancy is consistent and acceptable. Drink more of the formula milk meant for expecting mums. It's supposed to help with babies' weight gain. Are you scheduled to deliver early?
take good care, I did think of the stocking that time, but cannot imagine wearing them with a big tummy, how to see? keke..
I used to be awake from 3am to 7am last time when abt 6-7 months preg, luckily on leave then, else dunno how I can survive. take care, try drink some warm milk to catch up on sleep. really deprive of it the first year of my boys. so sleep more if possible when still preg, okay.
hi strawberry, i heard about the compression stockings too. i think kkh does offer that for patients who go through major surgeries. The last time i was warded there, they made this elderly lady in the next bed wear it.. and she was complaining of the itch from wearing it. Ah May brought up a really interesting idea. how to wear the stockings when we can't even cut our toenails properly. heee. I can't stand the smell of the milk formulas actually, so i stick to horlicks and throw in a lot of protein powder. Then also snacking on protein/carbo bars to add that extra energy. I think i would have to deliver if the transfusion gets worse and puts either baby at risk.

I have the same problem. every nite wake up to use toilet then can't sleep.. and it happens at least twice. I have delayed my night sleeps to about 11pm or 12am when i get really tired and can sleep better. Nowadays the pressure also causes my legs and hands to be numb when i sleep in one position for too long. sigh..going to book lots of massage after delivery.
Ah may, xbliss,

There are many different designs. I chose the ones that are just below knee length and with open toes. Better to let toes breathe and don't want anything too high. Gets in the way of my frequent visits to the toilet. I also chose the one with "Firm" compression. There are lower ankle high ones too, and "Mild" compression stockings. I can't wear them myself. I need my domestic helper to help put them on for me. It used to be really difficult cos my feet were so swollen that it took her an hour to get them on. But now it's easier. I put cream on my legs before putting them on so it's not itchy. I can wear them for 22 hours at a time.

I have the numbness in my hands too. My husband asked me why do I keep dropping things. I'm really looking forward to doing pedicures and massages again. Basically, I miss my pre-pregnancy independence.

I'm not very fond of the milk formula either. But for their sakes, I drink it every night. I prefer fresh milk actually.

The vitamins that I'm taking are Prenaforte (a multi vitamin), EPAX Forte softgel (Fish Oil), and Calcium pills.

For myself, I hired a maid, cos I know I won't be able to cope with housework and the twins when they are born. I know my limitation. I'm sure it's not impossible, but with a toddler and twins, you'll probably find your hands pretty full.

I think you need to rest more than mums with singletons during your pregnancy. And get your baby things ready earlier. Cos you'll probably get very heavy in your 3rd trimester. Not to mention, full term for twins is about 37 weeks, so you'll probably deliver earlier.

Can't answer your question on breastfeeding twins as I haven't experienced that yet.

If you have any other specific question on your twin pregnancy, just ask. I think everyone twin mum or MTB here is very helpful
I thought can get away without a maid, so on one to help me that time, husband too busy to even cut toenails for me, 2 of my toe nails now deformed... sob sob..
please check your EPAX fish oil, if the EPA is too high, please switch to neutrogain, with high DHA. high EPA is bad for preg mothers.

I dun think I can wear the stocking even if I have help since I have very bad rashes due to heat from 24 weeks onwards. sob sob.. till tummy turns black colour. stretch marks appear all over tummy and thigh.

if your babies born can suckle properly, can do dual feeding, save time.
need practise to get it right. ask help from lactation consultant at the hosiptal you deliver early.
for my case, my boys can suckle properly when born at 34 weeks, I delay direct feeding till 2 months plus, too late by then. I manage abt 3 sessions on my own till they bite me and I kena infection, then I pump all the way till they are abt 13 months.
stawberry, xbliss,
can try soya milk for the high amount of protein. I drink abt 1 litre each day for a period of time when thought to be high risk for TTTS.

sorry to hear about your babies TTS situation...
I hope everything will get better for you. I am getting into 25 weeks and sometimes I feel numbness on my legs too. I can't stand or sit long as this will cause my left-upper tummy pain like someone cutting me using knife. I guess no one experience the same as me? Not sure if I should talk about this to my Gynae as when I lie down, the pain gone slowly.
How often do you see the doc at KKH? I am thinking of going to KKH too and see my gynae at the same time, just in case...

Longxia, strawberryshortcake,
I was looking online for information on how to take good care of ourselves and the twins. However, what I get are the risks. Nothing helpful so far

Fi Hozali,
Are there any requirements to stay in B2 ward? What are the procedures like for the transfer from TMC to NUH?

I wonder if you all feel tired in the legs easily, even in the 1st trimester? I feel tired in my legs very easily now though I am only at 12 weeks. I am wondering is it whether my physical well being is getting worse with age... :p

Wah.. you pump till they are 13 months. peifu peifu... What pump do you use?

Do you all know what is the minimum weight the babies need to reach so they will not be in NICU?
I use the ameda dual electric pump.
as long as lungs mature and no heart problem, likely dun need NICU, SCN if premature, cannot suckle, less than 2kg etc...
think for kkh unless yours is identical twins, or have any high risk factor other then being twins, if not they dun give special treatment... my expereince.
another twins mummy I know has identical twins, refer to kkh by polyclinic, but gets the same gynae till delivery.

talk to your gynae. can be that the pain cause by the kicks by the babies, keke... I experience that too.
but I kena bad pain at the backside from 18 or 20 weeks, so bad that I cannot stand up if sitting down or sit down without support from standing position. once middle of the night went to the toilet I cannot get up from the toilet bowl. went for the aqua exerise at KKH, set a threpist at kkh, only lessen the pain.
Lyn, minimum wt is 2kg. And like Ah may says, free fr any problems.. Thrs no requirement. No deposit either.. I got myself discharge fr TMC and my gynae. N my gynae called his fren in NUH and i went to the DS in the aftn. His fren saw me thr and admitted me. The nurses in DS wanted to admit me to C class for fear of impending bills but i find tht B2 is ok. I used to work in NUH NICU so i prefer gng back to NUH then KKH. I noe tht my bbs will b in safe hands thr... Familiar ppl and environment is easier for me.
Fi Hozali,
So, I dun really have to see doc at KKH and my gynae at the same time now rite? If got problems, then ask my gynae to discharge me and I go NUH. I am comfortable with NUH. Last time had my surgery there.
Yup.. but pls ask ur gynae's advice first.. Dun wait till really emergency then u discharge. If u comfy wif NUH then go thr, But also think of distance ya.. Juz in case u nid to travel back n forth, if far very tiring..
Dun worry abt Drs... In any event, be it normal or caesarean, thr sure will be a senior dr ard.. If u dun wish to have med students thr, juz tell them straight. Its a teaching hospital so med students r often ard..
Ah May,
ya, I think I will ask my Gynae on the next visit... but that still need to wait for another 3 weeks though.. I start to feel worry as I feel the pain is not causing by babies' kickings...

Dear mommies,
One thing I feel that I am really a lousy MTB, as I feel like I don't know anything. I briefly browse through some of the previous discussions on this thread and what caught into my eyes is about the discussion on the "young coconut" drink. I am shock to know that I shouldn't drink young coconut as some say this may cause pre-mature birth. What to do? I have been drinking young coconut started even when I was in few weeks pregnancy.... I am scare and worrying now...

Yesterday my neighbour met me in a laksa shop and she surprise that I was eating laksa because she said pregnant women shouldn't eat laksa.. Why is that? When I ask her about the reason she said that is what she had been told by old people...
Anyone can tell me why?

Also, I like fruits so average each day I am taking 2-3 apples+2-3oranges, or one whole honeydew, one whole watermelon, pineapple, ice-cream, pizza, spaghetti. Is these foods ok?

My Gynae told me to eat anything in moderate so I am not aware foods like laksa or coconut drinks shouldn't be taken. As a result, whatever I feel like to eat, I just go ahead...

Dear all, please advise me on foods that shouldn't be taken.(appreaciate if can tell the reason)

I am getting into 25 weeks pregnancy but it seems that I am so different than others because I notice it seems like every twin-pregnancy mommy knows about how much weight is their twin's gaining. But for me, I don't know! My gynae did not advise me on my twins' weight and when I ask her about the weight she mentioned that at current state it doesn't matter. So, when does it matter?

Up to now, each time my visit to Gynae(i.e time spent in the Gynae's room) is less than 5min(but charge is extremely expensive, around $200 each visit). My husband says that it is good to stay less time inside as it means everything is ok. I agree. But then again, I think I should raise up some questions to my gynae which should help me to prepare for delivery... but the problem is... what questions to ask??? Ughh...
hmmmmm.......first u must stop thinking anything negative like "I m a lousy mtb" etc Ok?

About food, I am not an expert like some of the mommies here, but i can share with what i know and what i ate. I didnt drink young coconut as i thought that its too cooling and its meant for natural delivery (to make the delivery smooth) I am not sure if this is the correct reason but thats my reason keke...

I ate a lot of warm cooked food during the first 12 weeks and after that ate anything i feel like eating other than the following food:

too much fried food (ate a little whenever i feel like eating)
shell fishes - like clam etc (read that they cause some kinda food poisoning and can harm unborn babies)
squid-read that it may make the placenta to age faster
fishes with high mercury content (shark, tuna etc)
oily food
too spicy (i did eat spciy food but not too spicy)
unpasturised milk (this also causes some kinda infection in unborn babies...forgot all the terms liao!)
soft cheeses like blue cheese etc....think also some kinda infection.......blur me la
pineapple-my family strongly felt it will affect my pregnancy dont know how thou :p

other than these I practically ate whatever i feel like eating, well actually my food intake was miserably low due to severe vomiting and heart burn through out my preggie days. But my boys were 3 and 2.2 kg at birth.

what i was told not to eat and i still ate:
crab- (baby will be too active according to mil) i love crab so i continued to eat (my babies are extremely active now keke....

papaya-(mom said it will cause miscarriage)-I thought it was a myth so i ate it too

banana-(dont know the reason)I ate a lot and lot

The important thing is eat a wide range of fresh food. Fruits, vegetables and fish are all fantastic food so u r fine.

My gynae was telling me to eat more fruits and vege since my 20th week. I drank a lot of water like one glass full every 30 min to 1 hour. Water is important.

Google and see there are plenty of websites giving u easy to read guidlines on food during pregnancy.

The other mommies and mtbs will be able to give u a better guidance

Be happy!

re: meet up

only 3 names here? How about the rest? We'll fix it at Fi's place on one of the weekend in Nov, k? Sat better?

1) Irin - Fine with Oct, Nov or Dec
2) twinsmom - fine with until Oct 15th, moving to batam after that but will join if the date falls on the weekend i m here
3) J&S(AletheaT) - Later half of Oct, any wkends in Nov and early half of Dec
