2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Lyn, handle one bb at a time. One aft anthr. Is ur boy gng to be in cc? When the twins are sleeping, u r able to do ur tings freely.. While u r handling ur twins, mayb u can get ur boy to help u? or get him to entertain the othr twin. Or get him to play by himself and tell him u will attend to him aft bbs go to bed.. As for me, i will change and feed one then followed by the othr. I didnt pat or rock them to bed as thr is juz me. So fr bbs, they have learnt to put themselves to sleep. When they were bbs, their routine is 3hrly, so when they r asleep, i manage to get things done. Thts y i was able to cope. But when they grew bigger and demanded attentn to play, I needed help wif the hsewk. So we got a helper, and finally i got some time for myself too. My fren's hubby wks fr home, so he does help her at times. Now her elder gal n twins r in half day skool, left with the bb who is 13 mths.. She's njoying life at the moment i daresay...

Best twins,
Thanks for your sharing. Your twins are 8 months already rite? Are they creeping already?
I am thinking of part time helper for housework. And "outsource" the laundry, but dunno where.

My boy is not in CC. I dun really wanna put him in CC. For now, I bring him for lessons 3 times a week. I might need to reduce to once a week when the twins are out, which I dun really want to do that.
For my boy, the first 4 months was a breeze. I got lots of time to rest and do things also. But now, it's a different story... I gotta bring him for swimming and the playground too. And also play with him.
hi lyn, i had a part time helper initially. then i decided to get a maid. my home also no space for my maid. the store room is too small to fit a mattress so she sleeps at the living area, which she is happy with cos she could hear the babies as well.

before babies we had always lived jus the 2 of us, and i had a part time helper tat comes in once a week when i was pregnant. once delivered, i had a confinment nanny for a month, after that i took care myself, but worry for babies saftey if i am in the bathroom or something. so decided to get a maid.

having a maid really helps me, tho i have issues with the bonding and all lah.. basically also cos i work from home, and i handle all house stuff like bills, groceries, everything at home. so when my twins came along, my life turn upside down!

i haven't done my filing at home after paying bills and sorting mail for months already! its all stacked up in a mess! after put them to sleep at 9pm, i have to clear work emails, daytimes my babies are a handful, when younger, they wanna be carried all the time. now either they wanna be carried or even if they play i must be there to see.. they want to be accompanied

so like Best twins, i initially plan to have maid, as priority housework, then help me out then i need the time to do other stuff.. and that is still happens, but i still do most of the babies stuff, and handling them. and it really helps, even tho i still dun have enuf time to do everything!

sorry long post but hope i helped
hi mommies, i also want to know how to lose my tummy! i am kinda back to my pre weight, but still got my flabby tummy! looks more like loose skin leh.. how ah..

i also tried the elancyl thing, but i dun think it works, and it also gave me more bleeding and felt sore ard the tummy area.. so i stopped using it..

stretch marks i had quite a bit, but i think the clarins stretch mark cream helped

any other tips of other mommies? i really need to lose weight! even hubby say i look so auntie
<font color="0000ff">Gerry</font>,
Welcome! ^.^

<font color="0000ff">lyn</font>
Everyone has different threshold in terms of stress management and tolerance. You may want to try managing the twins and your boy for a couple of months and see how it goes. But do have contingency plans ready, in case you realised your boy + twins is too much for you to handle alone.
I got a maid in when my girls were 3 months old. But I find it most difficult when the girls started to crawl around. You simply need another pair of hands around then.

<font color="0000ff">All</font>,
I'm so super blur I forgot to download the photos taken during my gals' birthday party from my bro-in-law's camera memory card last Sat. All the photos are with him now. I found the following photo taken with Chloe in my handphone. Think my HB took it. Hee...
But the one with Gracia in it had her face blocked by the barbie. Sad...

So this is sneak preview... And hopefully the rest of the photos turn out well. Fingers crossed...

hi lyn, i got my maid just b4 i delivered and she's been a godsend. my mom and her will take care of the twins while i'm at work. when they
were younger, it was much easier. now very active & alert so must always hv constant supervision. on days when i'm home, there isn't anymoment of peace & quiet! both of them hv diff bio rhythms and keep us all bz. very tiring to keep both occupied at this age, hiaz....

my advice: best to get a maid, better yet, get 2 if u can afford! my colleague had triplets and had to get 2 maids and she was glad she did it.

Hi everyone,

Did anyone develop rashes just before delivery? I had rashes in my 2nd trimester, and they are back again.
hi all not so happening wk for me. got persuaded to admit for observation plus get steroid jabs X2 ytd. Had to be strapped to the heartbeat monitoring machine.. actually i'm really not sure if it is necessary cos the stats din look very different from our past weeks scan.. cos my usual doc is away and this doc took over, everything became so drama. anyway, i really feel that the twins are fine after a whole day of monitoring yesterday so i signed the discharge at own risk form.

I must say i am glad to be home where i think i can "feed" the twins better. Not to forget catch up on sleep cos i din get a wink for whole of lsat night. hopefully everything stays good til my next appt this thursday..
hi strawberry, one of the reasons i chose to discharge is due to the rashes! i know i very fussy lah.. but the rash due to the so-dry aircon was so unbearable last nite that i cant sleep. The docs got me this urea cream from kk pharmacy which i think is good. u can try it. instant relief.
nice pic, but where's the other twin? and, show the cakes! i want to see what their cakes look like..
hope G & C had loads of fun at the 1st b'day bash.

just curious - why don't you want your boy in full-time cc?

i'm thinking of putting my twins in cc when they're ard 24 mths, but now i'm not so sure, esp when i see my nephews constantly falling sick and starting having behavioural problems from negative peer influence after they start attending cc.
Hi xbliss, were the steroid jobs painful? I'm also going to have the jobs I think. Any side effects? I'm doing a CTG next week.

I'm using a mild steroid cream that the gynae prescribed. Trying not to scratch.
Thank you for your sharing
My relatives also suggested to me to let maid sleep in living room.

lil' twin stars,
Now, I gotta keep an eye on my boy. He's climbing everywhere. I dunno how it gonna be like when the twins come. Dunno if my boy by then can listen to instructions and help me out in something.
The barbie looks very nice...

Wah... 2 maids. hmm... I dunno if can handle the maids and the problems...

I am very choosy for CC. I dun wanna my boy to be exposed to "undesirable" habits from peers also. So, environment is important. If he stays at home, he might get bored, but I might not have the energy and time to bring him downstairs everyday. Furthermore, I am very particular of what he eats. In normal cc, tit-bits and sweets are very commonly served to the kids, which I will not want him to eat till at least 3 years old. hee.... I am very "ma fan" :p

Hope everything is well
If you feel that your twins are fine, then go with your feelings
Lyn, do what u feel is rite. Try out wifout a maid n c hw first lah. Like i told u abt my fren wif 4 kids n no maid, i also have anthr gf wif 5kids(including triplets) wif 3 maids.. So it really depends on u. i'm not saying tht my fren wif 3 maids is bad, its juz how comfortable u r n feel when u have all the bbs.

Xbliss, take care of urself.

Dorayaki, hope the bday was a success. ours and Jlyn's one will b in 2 weeks time.. Dun forget to upload the pics...
yes my boys turned 8 months exactly today....didnt realize that until i read your post :p My first one started creeping when he was about 6 months now he can hold things and stand up (he stand up in the middle of the night in his cot and wouldnt want to sleep
) He is also climbing on to the sofa if there's a pillow or something on the floor. My second one started to creep two weeks ago or so (cant remember liao!) but he cant sit on his own well yet

I had part time helpers but i m always not happy with their work as its not clean enough for me, so i wasnt consistent in having them. Think there are a lot of agencies providing part time maids $10 per hour

your bills and letter piles should look like mine i think haha....
U also used the gel keke....so confirmed the bleeding was due to that man! Hey u dont look antie leh.....soo sexy keke....

U seem to know a lot of twin mommies ya? buzz me if got gathering, wanna get my boys to socialize more!

lovely cake! Yum yum!

lyricist and lyn,
I will be putting my sons in cc once i m back in singapore and they are 18 months and above........I think wat they learn and eat depends on the quality of the cc we choose, if cant find a good one better stay at home haha....

Why cc? bcoz i wanna do my masters and go back to work!

sorry that u were in the hospital, hope everything goes well for u.....be happy and rest well k?
me from early childhood field la....but wanna change to counseling (still not 100% decided as i myself in need of counseling in handling the kids hooohooo...) as i m sooo tired of bringing home a lot of work.
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>,
The twins had loads of fun, and they slept like a log on Sat night. But HB, me and my maid were dead tired at the end of the day...

Oh, Gracia was very busy looking here and there, so when her pix was taken, her face was blocked by the Barbie. Kekeke... I know it should have been the 2 of them cutting their cakes at the same time, but HB was so busy attending to the guests' many request + taking video. So I just carry them to cut the cake one by one. I hope my bro-in-law had taken a nice pix of Gracia cutting her cake.

Here's a pix of the cakes. They are from Polar. Feedback from our families was good. The cakes are not too sweet. Just nice for dessert after a heavy meal.


<font color="0000ff">best twins</font>,
You are the best person to care for your boys since you're from the early childhood field. Why waste $$$ sending them to CC where quality may be compromised? Hee... Counseling? Kekeke... Think that's the last field I'll ever try out. I was from the social work field. Many colleagues/friends leave their jobs after 4-5 years for the same reason - battery flat. Emotionally draining too. Opps, sorry if I sound discouraging. I actually enjoy working in the social service sector. Its just that one has to be very positive (and high at times) and enthusiastic to stay long in that field.
re: flabby tummy
can get those post-natal girdles from OIO maternity shop. Think there are BP for them in this forum too. It helps alot especially if you use it soon after birth. But I think it'll still works even if quite some time after birth.

hope you are getting on fine. We are cheering for you & babies.

Fi not only knows alot of twin mummies, she has lotsa activities for twins too.
Hey no worries u r not discouraging me....I defintely need to find out more about this. Thanks for sharing, i have heard this from my lecturer, she too said the same thing, thats why i was a bit hesitant since 2005, Actually i was thinking of specializing in child counseling or school couunseling, well i need to chat with more people in social work to get a better idea, dont want to change career again liao
If u know anything more about this do email me please!

yep i understand what u mean by "why wan other to care when i can do a better job" I can do a better job if 9-5 la....haha...soo tired 24-7 keke...just kidding! Actually the main reason is i definitely want to do M if not counseling go back to my ECE, so i need time to study, who will care for my twins while i m away? leaving kids alone with maid or grannies is no no for me
once they start immitating and catching everything we say and do, for a few hours is ok but too long cannot.

My plan actually is to put them in the same cc where i will work part time so that i will be around and know whats happening. There are good cc around, but ex and really must be lucky to get a good caregiver. After my studies i will send them to kg and work part time.......this is my long term plan.
yep i agree
was there yesterday and amazed on how much toys she had got for them. We had lots of fun except that my boys were crying their heads out

these 2 days i've kind of 'stretching' feeling at lower part of tummy n mild menses cramps-like feeling on n off too.Beside that, also alwys have the urge to do 'big biz' kind of feeling but went to toilet n nothing ler.. I feel much better if i lie on bed than sitting. I'll see my gynae this Fri n my c-sect will b next thurs. Do u thk i shd brg fwd my check up? hope it's false alarm ler...
oh..is it true tat if the twins r small size
(abt 2kg) n it's very much harder to look after of? i feel so lost/discouraged everytime ppl know tat i'm carryng twins n keep comment tat it's hard to look aft them..sigh..
So far, I havent found one cc near my place that I think is "good". kekeke... My friends recommend some good ones to me, but very far from my place, and transport will be a problem. I might end up having to send him to and from cc. That's another commitment/chore and time.

How long will you need to do your masters? I also dunno if I wanna go back to the workforce. Ideally, I wanna nurture the kids myself till they go P1, then I go out work.

hmm... you got any tips for early childhood upbringing?

Where is kg? Which cc will you recommend? I also think the good ones are expensive.

Are you SAHM now?
thank you all for the support.. already feeling lousy for discharging myself. keep scolding myself how come i cannot put up with a simple hospital stay. But on the other hand, i really feel better at home and i am also quite sure the twins are ok.

strawberry, how come must do ctg? it's not too bad.. just get strapped up for long time lor! the steroid jabs.. have you ever been jabbed on thigh before? it's about the same leh. I have high threshhold for pain but am anti needle... when i saw the needle, almost fainted.. some nurses will inject the whole needle in while some half. The pain is bearable and lasts for at most half a min. i wonder about the cost though cos i heard its ex.. anyone knows?
Masters in ECE takes about 18 months in overseas Universities, for me, i wanna work as ECE in singpaore is under transition and i dont wanna be left out
I may not work full time until boys are 8 years old

Sorry, KG=Kindergarten

I may not be able to recommend any particular childcare as u must find the cc which as the same philosophy as u do. Even under the same banner branches vary in quality.......so u must visit and be happy about it.

Early childhood upbringing haha....my mind is rusty since i got preggie liao! Even within EC, there are different philosophies as in how children develop and how we should nurture them...

Basically for toddlers and preschoolers, 1) set a condusive, stimulating and age appropriate learning environment 2)Be an authoritative parent, give them a lot of freedom to explore and choices to choose from 3) teach concepts through practical experiences and in meaningful way 3)know your child's learning style 4)do not dump worksheets and workbooks 5)Do not force them into things they dont want to do 6)provide open ended toys 7)cultivate love for books from young 8)be a good role model

many of the above also applies to infants but i have been teaching 5 and 6 years olds all the way so i m also learning when it comes to infants especially young infants, as a mother u learn more than whats in the book liao!

k k.....my boys are up from the nap and gotta run....

sorry for the long post everyone
I think each jab is about $80.

How to cultivate the love for books? Do we buy a lot of books and put everywhere the home?
What kind of toys are open ended?
I think each jab is about $80.

How to cultivate the love for books? Do we buy a lot of books and put everywhere the home?
What kind of toys are open ended?
Hi mummies,

wow, I have missed so much over the week. Been a busy week for me wif my hubby back from overseas and my girl 4th birthday.

Lyn, which area do u stay? Just sharing with you my experience ... when I was preg with the twins, I visited all the CC area my region to find a good one for my girl. Initially she couldn't get use to going to CC daily and fall sick very often, and I pull her out from the school after 2 months. Now, with the twins, we are so busy in the house and neglected the poor girl. I ended up putting her back in the CC. Now, she is very happy in school .. at least keep her occuppied in the morning while we run our arrends.

Wow, din know you are an expert in the preschool field
Any good ideas to keep a 4 year old toddler occuppied? I feel so guilty for neglecting her recently.
if u leave books lying all over the house ur son will only walk over them and will not know the value of books. Set up a nice little reading corner for him and have age appropriate and interesting books, most importantly read to him reguarly. U can search the web on how to read to children and what else u can do, there is a wealth of info out there

me no expert la....i have seen some parents who are more knowledgeable than the teachers....if wan to know anything specific do pm me....dont want to make this thread into an ece thread
what do u do in social service feild? What aspect of counseling is emotionally draining actually,for me doing a lot of preparation at home and working more than the specified hours is more stressful than talking solving problems (if that was counseling involves) guess different people have different reasons for becoming stressed?......will pm u some q if u dont mind
I'll be delivering at SGH really soon. So far, I find that their services are ok. Moreover, my mum is a nurse at the neonatal ward. Which is why I chose SGH. You've intention to deliver at SGH as well?

I'm also experiencing a lot of menses cramps. It's actually contractions. Visited the gynea yesterday. Babies's growth has slowed down because the placenta is loosing its efficiency. After analysing my situation, he's bringing my c-sect date forward. I'm really worried that I cannot even tahan until that date. The pain can be pretty intense at times, especially at night. The babies will be at their 36th week. They'll be considered as premature. I feel quite disappointed that I'm not able to reach the 37th week. But I guess what matter most is that they're healthy. I'm praying harding that they'll stay inside till the scheduled delivery date and come out without any complications.
ah da

36wks still considered as premature? hav yr bbs hit the 2kgs mark? i thought it's not considered as pre-mature once we hit 34wks & 2kgs? i m seeing gynae this fri. btw when is yr re-scheduled date then? mine is next thurs hopefully can tong till then.. i'm worried too..sigh. anyway wish u have a smooth delivery!
Ah da, Patty,

I'm also experiencing period-like cramps. But nurse seems to think that since it's localised in lower abdomen, and not affecting the whole tummy, it's not likely to be real contractions. Gynae called me personally afterwards and said to monitor and call him if they come more frequently, like hourly.

Ah da,
36 weeks is "premature" by singleton standards, but it's very good for twins I think! I haven't been eating much more than usual. Hope my babies are still putting on weight. The 2kg mark seems quite elusive... sigh.

Think my gynae is being cautious and the CTG is to help him monitor the babies.
Evening mummies...

Mtbs- hang in thr.... Tink abt how far u have come and its juz a few more weeks to go... Take care...

Best_twins- not many frens lah.. I love to mix ard so when i bcame a SAHM i bring my bbs wif me and we find frens... Else if i were to face them 24/7 without any activities, i will go bonkers...Hehehe... It was nice to c u yest... Let's catch up again real soon...
Hi Fi,

I totally agree with you. A SAHM is more tiring than holding a full time 9 to 5 job. If we don't have any social activities .. really can go crazy hehe ...
hi ah da & strawberryshortcake, dun be discouraged & stress yourselves. just take one day at a time.... almost there almost there!

i was very pleased when i was told at the last scan before delivery tt they were both above 2kg, g at 2.3kg and b at 2.4kg. imagine my horror when i was informed after waking up fr delivery tt my g had to stay in NICU cos she was less than 2kg..... then the scan salah???
fi and jan,
I agree too....me big blur queen ever since i became home bound........I do get out a lot but didnt really have much gatherings as my first one was real hard wen it comes to routines and i didnt want to mess it up...now that he is much better i m bringing them to gatherings

I meet up with a group of mommies who have 4-10 months old babies near my house everyday evening...my sons sure will cry one but today amazingly they were super happy and let everyone carry them
propably their stranger anxiety stage is over! or they got used to the group :p

Hey u r such a great host.....i would love to meet up again too...just sms me if there is another one!
same thing happened to me - i was told at my last U/S scan that my twins were 2.1 & 2.3kg, but in the end they were born just over 2kg. the scan is only an estimate. lucky thing my bbs barely scraped thru to staying in a normal ward & were able to come home with me.

i think doing yr masters is a fantastic idea! it's impt tt we achieve something for ourselves, and not expend all our energy on our kids. even better if the new knowledge can benefit yr kids developmentally. i'm rooting for you, so jia you!
yes i sure will do my M but not until i come back to singapore for good which will most probably be in 2009, by the time i should be able to think clearly and see what i want! Thanks for rooting for me
Gerry- hehe ths scans oni estimate one... Dun reali put too much trust in it.. Rough guide.

Jan- ya man, got chance to go out i will surely jump... hehee.. my mum say itchy legs cant kip still. I make a terrible hsewife n mum..

Best_ twins- glad ur bbs have adapt.. Dun wori, they will surprise u wif their good behaviour.. Let's mit up again nxt wk shall we? Hws ur shopping trip??

Any mummies wanna mit nxt tues aftn?? Say anytime aft 1 till mayb 4.30?
hi everyone, fi thanks for yesterday i had a good time!

yeah, i agree man.. will go bonkers if stay at home.. i am such an active person. but if we meet up and chat while babies still there, its like doing 2 in 1!

fi, i am so envious of all the toys! now i feel guilty not buying them enuf!

best twins, i have so much to learn from you too! buying books and all..

soemtimes i feel so blur, not knowing wat to buy or get or which milestone and what i should do.. i scared they will be so lack man..

yes, do buzz me if anymore catch ups!

mtbs - hang in there and enjoy being preggie even tho at this time it may feel more worrying than fun!

Oh! trying to prepare and plan for semi solid stage, anyone know which blender or food maker to get that is good? wat else do i need to get? spoons and bowls and storage cups is it?
<font color="0000ff">best twins</font>,
Before I deliver my twins, I worked with a VWO which has a number of social services under their umbrella. I take care of the operations at a caregivers centre, which includes helpline phone counseling (first line. 2nd line would be counseling by social workers). Then I also do care plan for another centre which does medical/home care services for home-bound elderly. Its 2 separate services and offices but I'm working for both.

Not sure if my area is applicable to what you wanted to find out, but sure, you can email me any questions you may have. I'll try my best to answer them.
hi mooch, i hv also started my twins on semi-solids. haven't resorted to using a blender yet though! just steam and mash at most. also deciding which blender to use; those i saw are humongous and the small ones are more for grinding...hiaz

for the experienced mummies, do u boil vegetables and give ur darlings the soups? 5mo can drink these?
Hi Mummies,

I am currently 23 weeks pregnant with Twins. This is my 1st pregnancy. I went for my ultrasound today and my gynae told me that my cervix has started to open up by abt 2cm... The term they used was 'funneling'. Anyone heard about 'funneling'?

Please share with me your experience as I am worried. Will my cervix continue to open up more these few weeks resulting in premature delivery? Will Twins born at 24 to 28 weeks be able to survive?

Thanks for all your advice
Sweet rose- Hi sweetie, yes mine started funnelling into a Y shape then a V b4 it dilated. Started at 23 weeks too. The cervix shortens then starts to open up.. Thus if u have contractns, these contractns actuali opens up ur cervix if they are frequent and strong. R u on any meds? Bed rest? What advice did ur gynae give u? Dun worry, listen to wat ur gynae has to say, and most imptly if u dun feel gd, pls c ur gynae immediately... Rest well....Dun tink of prematurity.. Tink tht u WILL deliver at term..

Mooch- dun feel guilty lah... my hubby is an excessive person.. He tinks our twins are quads, hence the many many many purchases... hehehe then when i tell him we shud keep the toys for the nxt pregnancy, he says oh no, no more.... I tink now my hse macam zoo alrdy... Feeding, u cud start by juz mashing the food wif a spoon, U may wan to get soft spoons, i got those munchkins ones, 6 in a pack.. use normal bowl till u decide they r old enuf to feed themselves..

Best_twins- i envy ur knowledge re older toddlers.. u will easily handle them nxt time..
I should be fine on a weekday, probably Mon or Tue after that i'll be packing for my trip to india and then moving to batam....gonna be very busy

Yesterdays trip was good, i feel bad that i had to rush mooch as my mil wanted me to be back by 3.

U r soo lovely to be so patient. I was a little panicky towards the end as i dont want to keep mil waiting for me
Hope we could get more time in the future
U going to vivo today....do check if they got the avent teats 4 please, if they do can grab it for me? Thanks!

Hi Fi Hozali,

Thanks for your advice and warm wishes. Really really appreciate it. Have been feeling quite sad and worried since yesterday's check-up. I am not on any medication at the moment, except for the usual folic acid and iron pills.

My gynae said that bed rest is not needed at this stage cos it may lead to blood clots in the legs, but he advised me to rest more. The good thing is that I am currently not working. He said that its probably the weight of my Twins that is putting pressure on my cervix becos I am quite petite.

May I know whether funneling is the same as dilation of cervix? When yours started funneling at 23 weeks, when did it start to dilate? And when did you deliver?

Thanks for sharing with me your experience. I must be strong for the sake of my babies.

Hv a nice day
