2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

welcome here. Though I did not experience "funnelling" but there are some mummies here who had gone thru it & their babies are fine. All the best for your pregnancy. Take care.

Tues' event sounds interesting leh. A pity that I missed it.
Count me in for next Tues' afternoon.

mooch & Best_Twins,
I felt the same way too when I went over to Fi's place for the 1st time. Then I got my twins the playmat after the 1st we went to her place. The jumperoo after the 2nd time we went to her place. Then the 3rd time we got the seesaw & coupe car together. Think my hubby's going to ban me from going her place soon. hehehe.
hi gerrykhoo,
think we are ard the same time for age of our babies
i went to Courts yesterday and saw a philips mini blender, greenish in color, the lady recommended it for baby foods, but i hear a lot of mommies saying the Braun hand blenders are good.. so i blur now.. and also, i saw avent website, got new one, avent blender set with storage cups! now i even more blur! anyone can un-blur me?

i think have to start them on the heinz first cereal or something right? for how long? then start to make other stuff? fruits no need to cook it first right? jus peel and mash or blend?

thanks fi, for the advices! i love the munchkin spoons cos so colorful and got some turn white if hot or something right? i will still feel guilty lah..
oh! jumperoo whole singapore i can't find! sold out! wonder why? the baby kingdom said even the supplier took back the display sets!

best twins, pls pls dun feel bad! i was jus going to look see anyways, kaypoh and always wanna buy stuff
i dun mind even if its jus 20min trips! i shall check for you the avent teats, if any or something i call you immediately

sweet_rose, i did not experience it either, but many mommies gone thru it, you should be in good hands with your gynea, dun worry too much and stress yourself, the babies will feel it

irin, i am the same! i already got the mats before i went to her place but realise the material is diff, bought mine at mini toons now big discount, exact same design and all, but diff material! so i returning my mini toons one, and getting the bp ones! jumperoo i have been looking for it for weeks now.. but yeah i know what you mean! looks like if i go there more and more, i will be broke too! hehehe
but so nice to have so much toys!

gals, i can't do next week
i have to go KL with my in laws, as a short 2 nite holiday with babies also! they so excited, me not! i dread to go, and somemore so much prep work cos of babies! for jus 2 nites! i so worried they can't take the plane or the water or something.

anyone brought their babies to KL yet? my babies are ard 4 1/2 months old now.. any tips on travelling and stuff?
I've got the Philips green blender & I find that it's cheap & good. Personally I felt that don't have to spend too much on the blender cos you won't need it when they are older. Mashed or pureed will do by then.
For fruits like apples & pears, I steamed them 1st when I give it to them. But no need for bananas & papayas. Can just mash and give to them.
We are the same! Fi's causing the craziness in us. hahaha! I've got the mini toons mat too, sold it off & got the Small Small World one. As for the jumperoo, I got a 2nd hand one cos can't find it anywhere. You can take a look here if you don't mind getting 2nd hand ones. There are 2 mummies selling but not sure sold already.

sweet rose, welcome here........i have no experience or knowledge on that to share but hope everything goes well for u
Take care!

then c u on tue ya?

thanks! my hubby also the same evertime we go to toy R us he wanna buy a lot....i had to tell a lot of no no and later later keke....lucky he doesnt work in singapore if not my house will be like Fi's house....not that i dont want that many toys, cant imagine carrying everything to batam haha...

I m too travelling to india for two weeks will be flying somewhere around 18th or 20th, gonna give them a flu jab this monday and then the rest is god's will hehe....I would also like some tips on flying

din get ur pm, not sure how much time ur gal has at home, she's going to cc right.......good thing u sent her to cc cos we girls like social play more than boys. I m sure she will want u to join her play, but u could set up some learning centres (simple ones) to keep her occupied (just pm me more info on what she does currently and i see whether i can help u) but i tell u girls just love company so those who have twin gals are really lucky keke...
also get her involved in baby care and things u do but be careful of burning her own free play time

Me envy your ability and knowledge in caring for ur new born on your own until 7 months leh...hehe....i m sure that will have lots of fun after their terrible two stage....cant wait for that keke....mil says hubby was horribly naughty when young and the whole kampong complained about him....i m a bit worried if my first one will be noti like him keke...
wow, so many post. I kind of busy, try to catch up and post later.
I did not use any blender for my boys... only cut into small pieces and cook till mashy.. but my boys dun really like too mashy stuff. since 11 months, they are eating rice and veg, meat, fish cut into small pieces.
But as I bake, I find bruan a better brand to use compare to philips and such... my personal perference.
Actually I stay in punggol, can I join in the gathering? keke.
<font color="0000ff">Best twins</font>,
Sure, I think you have my email address.

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
Can PM me your address? If I can make it on Tues, I'd love to bring my girls to your "wonderland". Hee...

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font> and <font color="0000ff">ALL</font>,
Have you thought of how to "get rid" of your toys and kids stuff when your kids outgrow them (provided you're not keeping them for your next kid)? I don't have any big toys like Fi cos I rented those. But still, there are lots of nice, functional toys in very good condition which the girls just aren't interested now. Feel so paiseh to get rid of them initially cos they are mostly gifts from our family and friends. But now that the girls are one, I think some toys are not age appropriate anymore... I recently just gave away their bouncer chair. I still have a cot, swing and sarong on reservation for another pal. And I'm not in favour of dumping the toys at the Salvation Army collection centre.

I have a friend who just came back from his 2nd free & easy Cambodia trip. He lugged 25kg of children clothings and toys there together with another friend (in order to get another 25kg allowance). The kids there are so deprived of basic things like shoes, clothings and toys. I told him I'd try to help him gather more items if he's leaving for Cambodia again (not so soon though). Shoes are quite desperately needed, I think.

If you are interested to help these children, I'll keep you in the loop next round. But have to bear in mind he can only take max load of 25kg, unless he managed to get other kakis who don't mind going with him.
<font color="0000ff">mooch</font>,
I bought Braun hand-held blender since it was highly recommended by many other mommies. But I only use it for 3 months at most to puree the root veg and fruits. After that, we use it for our own adult food (the chopper function mostly). So its a waste of $$$ if you don't need a blender at home. Mashing the food is a bit time consuming but you are not doing it long term, so can save the $$$ if you manually mash the food.
Ah_may, sotong & Dorayaki,
sure, welcome to the gathering. But not sure Fi's talking about her place on Tues or elsewhere. Gotta check with her. *calling for Fi ...*
So we'll fix it at 1pm on Tues' afternoon.
<font color="0000ff">Irin</font>,
Oh ya, she didn't mention the venue. Kekeke... I just conveniently assumed it's Fi's home.

Sorry, <font color="0000ff">Fi</font>!
Patty, Strawberryshortcake, gerrykhoo,

Thanks for your encouragement.

my c-sect has been brought forward to monday. But again, yesterday night having contractions. I'll be monitoring again tonight. If intensity increase, I'll just admit to the hospital.

How much differences between the scan and the actual weight of your gal?

During my scan, the sonographer couldn't get a good measurement of the babies due to their position. So although she put 2.2kg and 2.3kg in the report, I very much doubt the accuracy. In SGH, as long as the babies are born before 37 week, they'll be sent to High Dependency ward for monitoring. So I guess I won't be seeing much of the gals on their 1st day.

sweet rose,
I'm also quite petite, but so far, the gynea did not mentioned anything about my cervix opening. Not sure if they checked. Anyway, do take care!
i oso bought the braun handblender. still use it occasionally but not much, mostly to puree certain veg like carrots. i usu steam all the hard fruits & veggies before hand mashing or pureeing them. others like bananas & peaches just peel and mash. you can try storage cups from nuby or the baby cubes for freezing. i'm using both and they're useful since they're enough for each meal's serving of fruits (ie. 2 baby cubes / 1 nuby cup). veggies i freeze using covered ice trays, pop out after frozen and store in ziploc bags for later use. hope this helps.

sigh, how i wish i can bring the babies out on tues and join the rest of you for playdate, but i'm alone taking care of them that day.
it'll be nice to match the faces to the names.
hi ah_da,

the last scan at 36 weeks was 2.3kg for the gal, she weighed only 1.97kg at birth (37 weeks). for the boy, he was 2.4kg at scan-time and turned out to be 2.7kg at birth. both were off abt 300g.... hiaz. good for the boy but poor gal had to go into NICU for 5 days.

up till now, the gal is always lagging 1kg behind the brother, can't catch-up. but gals are better petite lah, dun be too big-sized! :)
Greetings Earthlings, me juz got back fr Mars!!! Hehehehe, went running ard again today... Went to mothercare, now got promo!!! Till tmr oni, buy 3 get 1 free.... Hehehee.

Tues aftn- Sure, do cum on ovr!! All r welcome, let me noe how many ok, so i can prepare some munchies... hehehehehehe..

Blender- me using Philips coz CP courts gt tis super friendly salesman tht tell me philips one gd.. Ltr i found out he told Irin the same thing.. So either we kena con or its reali gd.. hahahahaha.. Or mayb he juz handsome.. heheheheheh

Toys- i tink i will sell of the big ticket items and .........cant dcide wat i will do wif the rest yet..

Mooch- will sure miss u tat day.. Wont wan to be in ur shoes travelling on plane wif them.. I shudder at the thot. hehehe... Anyway let me noe when u r back n we will mit..

Sweetrose- hi funnelling is juz shortening of the cervix.. prelude to dilatation but it might not even hapen.. Sum ppl juz shorten n thts it.. Try to rest more, thts gd tht u r no longer wk.g...

Lyricist- no worries if u can cum alone wif them oso ok.. A few mums came ovr wifout help.. n i immune to screaming liao.. so a few more makes no diff..

Janice, Ah may, dorayaki- u r more than welcome to join... dun expect wonderland, they exagerate oni...

All- im staying at 413B fernvale link, which is in sengkang west.. Near pei hwa skool. If taking LRT alight at layar lrt easier. If driving, upon reaching the carpark, go up 2 ramps till u c a red hyundai bside d entrance.. Walk thru d entrance n find a flower gate n tht will b me. Im staying on the 2nd flr.. anything sms me at 97918231..

Did i miss out anything? hope not....

Dorayaki, did u give out party favours during ur bbs bday?
hey mommies, jus to let you know.. my flight confirmed with the babies for tuesday come back thursday, so can't meet up

any travelling tips? what about the water ah? do i have to check in flasks of water? its jus KL should be ok right?

as for blender, thanks for the tips! i think if i buy the braun my hubby can use later on for adult consumption, but the small philips, will jus be for smoothies later on? so me still thinking! : )

so you all cook like take 1 carrot or 1veg, cook it then mash? and can eat how many meals? do you make more and store in freezer? how much more ah?
hi dorayaki, you can email me on your toys! i dun mind buying some from you.. i always think its such a waste to throw toys or things, give them to salvation army, or sell it off better..

so jus email me k?

hey! me feeling left out already for this tues mit up! rather be with you mommies than at KL!
Mooch- u wan my exersaucer and jumperoo?? Hehehehehehehe.... Food, u can start off by giving them 1 meal first, either bf or lunch lah.. when i make n got alot i usually store in freezer.. New food or when juz starting, each food i let them try for 4-7 days. juz to ensure no allergy and to finish it first b4 making anthr.. Juz my 2 cents worth... hehehehe. KL juz boil d water ok rite? Dun wori, suffer in KL first then can mit us n have fun.. HAhahahaha. ANything u sms me.
Ah da,

All the best for your delivery
Hope it all goes as scheduled. My contractions have stopped. Think the babies just wanted a dry run. Haha.

Dear Mummies,
The heat is so bad and my rashes are worse. Getting very uncomfortable, I feel like giving birth already. Wonder if any of you ever felt that way during the last stages of pregnancy. Then when I think this way, I feel guilty. Cos so many of you trying to persevere to 37 weeks. And amazing mums like Fi who battled premature labour for so long. And here I am at 33 1/2 weeks, whining away.

dont worry la.....i m sure we all are gonna have many more meetings......now looks like my hubby gonna be here this monday onwards....if so wont be joining tooo. Just relax and try to enjoy the trip.......I got a 4 hour flight in two weeks scary scary!

As i have mentioned above think hubby gonna be home from Mon, if so i cant join liao! but i m sure there will be other times
Will let u know if i m coming!

Have fun everyone!
Strawberry- hi hi... u r doing juz fine... Dun wori too much.. Im nt amazing.. U had no idea how much i was swearing n cursing hubby n bbs when i was hospitalised for prem labour... If my bbs were to be neurotic in future, it will b bcoz of me!! hehehe
<font color="0000ff">mooch</font> and <font color="0000ff">best twins</font>,
What a pity you gals won't be free to meet up next Tues. I was quite exicted about meeting the both of you.

<font color="0000ff">mooch</font>,
I won't sell the toys cos I didn't pay for them in the first place. I prefer to give to those who need/want them. Just recalled my maid's sister is doing her confinement back in Cebu now, so last night I asked if she wanted to send some toys/baby clothings back. She's delighted to, so I packed them up for her. Hopefully the shipping cost is not going to be more than the value of the toys/clothes. Kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>,
Okie, thanks for volunteering your place again. If all you "SKians" and "Pungolians" don't mind coming to "ulu" Sembawang, can gather at my place the next time. Hee...

<font color="0000ff">strawberry</font>,
Fi's right. You're doing just fine. I think you're not the only mommy feeling that way. Even friends who were carrying singletons often complain and wish they deliver their BBs earlier during the last trimester due to the discomfort. It'll be over very soon. And you know what, you'll miss that feeling of having your BBs inside once you have them in your arms. Kekeke...
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>,
How about making some changes to your schdule next week and invite your MIL to come along to meet us. I'm sur she'll be keen to see so many pairs of twins. Hee! And I'd love to meet you too after sharing so much about our kids. Pleeeeease try...

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>,
I didn't prepare any party favours. Just the goodie bags for the kids.
How's the preparation for your kids birthday coming along? Need our help on Tuesday? We can pump the balloons and hang drapes/banners for you. Hee...
Hi strawberry,

Good to know that your contractions have stopped. Heh, I also have thoughts of giving birth early sometimes. Guess it's normal lah. It's really no joke carrying multiples leh...
Anyway, do perservere, few more weeks to go!
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for all your warm wishes and advice. Really glad to hear from all of you. Trying to rest in bed more and minimize walking about at home (except to eat and go to the bathroom).

Will update you all with my progress. My gynae wants to see me in 2 weeks time for another ultrasound scan. By that time, I will be 25 weeks... Hopefully things would hv improved and I will have some good news to share.

Meanwhile, do take care and all the best to you too
dorayaki, Fi
i wld really love to but MIL won't be coming in on tues (and thurs), and even if she is, knowing her, i know she wouldn't even want to leave the hse. so, i'm all alone with the babies that day. bringing them out is out of the qn cos i won't be able to cope. i can only go out on weekends with the kids when hubby is ard to help bring them out. otherwise, hv to wait till my twins are older, able to walk and basically understand and obey my instructions when i tell them to: "get yr tiny butts into the taxi!".
maybe in 6 mths time...
Hi Lyricist,

I know what you mean. Going out alone with 2 babies is almost impossible ! For me, now with 3 kids alone and my hubby overseas ... bring all out alone is impossible. The 3 fellows will take turn to go out with me, while my mum help me with the rest.
Dorayaki-looking forward to c u n ur gals!!! WAt did u put in the goody bag? Ya, i nid ur help, ur advise!! HEhehehehe...

Lyricist- its ok, thr will b more gatherings.. then u can cum. i was reading the posts seriously and i burst out laughing when u said "get ur tiny butts into the taxi".. Hahahahahaha...

Janice- replied ur mail.. looking forward to mit.g u...

Irin-i had fun today.. hope u n ur hubby did too...... C u tues!!
Fi, dorayaki, Ah Da,

Thank you for your encouragement. I think I will miss them in my tummy. Sometimes I just lie in bed and watch them move about in my tummy, and it gives me so much joy.

Ladies, I went to see my gynae today about my rashes. I just felt it was getting very severe. I had told my gynae about the rashes before in the earlier stages. But even though I knew this rash is caused by hormones, and there wasn't much he could do, I just wanted his opinion. And I'm glad I went cos he was very surprised and never expected to see such a bad outbreak and he immediately referred me to a dermitologist. So for that brief time before the dermitologist saw me, we were all quite anxious that the rashes wasn't anything more sinister. Thank God the diagnosis is still that it's a rash caused by hormones. Just that mine is a bad case. I was prescribed some cream. And turns out that what I thought were stretch marks on my tummy are rashes as well.

The moral of the story is that if you ever feel uneasy, just go and see the doctor.
hi all,
me soo busy already, jus a quick post..

Can some one tell me which cheese is best for babies below 1yr? where can i get? Also, i didnt see any unsalted bread, what bread do u all give? just the normal one?

Yep, i have ur email......me too will miss the opportunity to c u and the rest of the wonderful ladies........but there will be another time
Njoy ur meeting

got ur pm....will pm u in a few days cos me a bit busy now!
Hi all,

Been busy n realised i missed a lot. No time to read all but managed to see there s a mtg next Tues at 1pm at Fi's place.

Once my 2 little Alarm Clocks (new nicks for A&C) wake up fr their afternn nap n lunch, shall push them there too. :) Yeh, I stay very near Fi. So See Ya! 9M3wks, they are still on 3 hrly schedule AND to the very Minute. Sigh...

BTW, I finally have a blog created. Still very WIP n lots of customising etc to be done. http://littletwinmermaids.blogspot.com/

My gals love the Laughing cow cheese that comes in triangle wedges. 2 can share 1 wedge. As Mummy loves Bonjour bread, they eat Bonjour too. Bonjour Milk Bread/ Pandan bread. You can give the bread plain/ dip in milk/ with cheese. Bread fr bakeries supposed to have less or no preservative so prob better for babies. If convenient, I try to get bread fr bakeries too.

Sometimes I buy something more expensive eg.cheese bread fr bakeries. Remove the cheese, the bread still has cheese flavour so its very nice.

hi mummies

did u all have problem to sleep when your big day drawing nearer? i will have my caesaran on 18/10 and this whole wk it seen i have prob to sleep back aft waking up at nite to pee. Is it normal? am i too nervious or what? sigh..but i nap a lot during day time so not sure if it's the cause..also, sometime i feel my body is shivering even i feel hot in air con room. any1 know wat happen to me? 4 more days to endure..i really wish i could make it arh...
Hi Patty,

Don't worry, its normal. I have sleepless nights esp during the last few weeks in my last trim. Do try to nap in the afternoon and rest more .. once the babies are out, you gotta be busy and tired

Endure another few more days :D...

My twins are on strikes again. Now at 4 months .. the 2 brothers are now trying to 'shake off' the milk bottles. The older one play with the teat with the tongue and keep smiling away, refusing to suck. The smaller one turn the head away from the teat and keep crying

Any mummies can give me some advices? I'm so tired of feeding them.
Hi All, had a busy weekend... no time to post..

Janice- dun worry, they will drink when they decide.. i gave up force feeding them too.. Tis too shall pass....

Lyricist- me and A&C mum both have the play yard.. It is useful as they can pull themselves up and cruise inside.. We use mattress to protect them fr the hard flr... When i saw the play yard at Chris's hse, went to get it the nxt day.. hehehehe.... Go to kaki bukit bb kingdom.. Cheaper.. 200+ for 12 panels..

Mummies- hope to c u guys tmr at 1pm... Cheers!!
Hi Fi,
I just realise I cannot meet up today, got to work. keke.. see you the next time? cause I will be having holidays by end of the month, so anytime after end of oct will be a good time for me.

enjoy yourself ladies.

my husband also find the playyard one of the best investment. I got mine thru the bp, at 106 per yard, I orfer 2.
so far so good, but my boys climb out of it since 14 months, fall while the climbing out 3 or 4 times. we still using it. keke. just have to keep reminding them not to climb.. haha.
hi mummies, i'm back from KKH. delivered last friday. My smaller twin didn't make it. My bigger twin is now in NICU. He was born at 925g at 27+5. It is really sad that i can't bring 2 babies back, but i am very proud of myself that i was and still is a mum of twins. i never regretted the experience that the 2 of them gave me.

For the twin/triplet mums-to-be, please don't be discouraged by my post ok? My experience is only like this because of the rare twin twin transfusion problem that happens to small percentage of identicals. I do wish you all the best in your pregnancies and deliveries and do enjoy the true experience of being a twin/triplet mother.
Xbliss- u r a very strong n courageous mum. I have nothing but admiration for u. Ur bb and family r in my prayers. Mourn for ur loss, but celebrate in the life tht has been presented before u. Does ur boy in Nicu already have a name? Pls continue posting here.. Rest well mum, n may God be with ur boy thruout his journey in Nicu.. May ur othr twin be flying with angels.
Xbliss- u r a very strong n courageous mum. I have nothing but admiration for u. Ur bb and family r in my prayers. Mourn for ur loss, but celebrate in the life tht has been presented before u. Does ur boy in Nicu already have a name? Pls continue posting here.. Rest well mum, n may God be with ur boy thruout his journey in Nicu.. May ur othr twin be flying with angels.
dear xbliss,
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Pls rest well and stay strong for your bigger twin. You and your babies will be in our thoughts. Take care.
