2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Better go to a doctor as soon as you can. Its no good to self medicate when you are pregnant. The recurrent fever could be a sign of infection since you are having a flu as well. Panadol will not help. Go to a doctor who can prescribe you medicine safe for pregnancy. Take care!

Hope everything's well and smooth for you. Looking forward to "hearing" from you soon. Take care & GOD Bless!
Dear All
Thanks for yr wishes and prayers on us.

I'm too sad/devastated to explain in details. Will stay strong. Everything is over and will recuperate and TTC when time comes. Still in hospital and be discharge in couple of days.

All the best to all mothers here. I won't be joining you all the journey of motherhood

Can someone take out my name from the MTB list. Thanks
Hi all,
It's been a long and devastating week for me too...Could not bring myself to read the forum and talk about it until now. Just to share with you all, I delivered last week due to sudden bleeding and contractions. It all happened very quickly within a few hrs. I lost my younger twin who did not make it thru that first night. My elder twin is now in NICU and we are trying to be strong and praying for her to get well. It's quite hard not to cry when I can still remember my pregnant belly and the feeling of both of them kicking in my tummy...

So may not be joining you gals in this multiples thread, I guess... Can you also pls remove my name from the multiples MTB list. Thanks.

Twinsmom and other MTBs,
Pls take extra care and ask your doc abt anything that you're not comfortable with. Every week in our tummy counts for our precious ones.

I understand the utter devastation of losing a baby...if u want, u can PM me if you need to talk to someone or a shoulder to cry on. Will try my best.
qoo and choco,
My heart goes out to the two of u..., I will be thinking of the two of u....take care sweeties.....BIG BIG HUGGSS TO U 2

Dorayaki & other mtbs
I just came back from kkh. Since my fever did not go away i went to 24 hours, the staff there said i must go to delivery suit after 24th week i was soo scared to go there but after i went there they checked my temperature and contraction there was no contraction detected as i did not have it today. The trainee doctor attended to me said, that i dont have to come there as the fever is not high and no contraction, i told her i have been having a lot tightening since last two weeks but she said u come here only if u have contraction every 10 min or so....hmmmm dont know if should really wait until that serious.

while waiting to pay my bill i bumped into doc loh and when he saw me he asked the nurse for my file and checked thru it, he said there is no contraction and the fever doesnt seem to be related to infection and looks like viral infection. I m glad that i was able to see him (tho accidentally), have taken a lot of medication for fever flu etc, will see if it comes again.

While waiting for my turn i saw something that really scared the hell out of me. There was a full term preggie lady who came in and said she is having contraction every 15 min. The staff kept telling her that oni when the pain is really bad then they will admit and its time to deliver, then one of the staff brought her inside, on the way while walking suddenly her babies head came out already, gosh...can u imagine how careless these staff can be...really scares the hell out of me.
Qoo, sorry to hear that
I truly feel sorry for you, don't worry you will get preggie soon !
You are not alone here, you have all our support and concern.
Dear Choco,

Take good care of yourself and your precious. I'll pray for her safety and good health too.

Dear Besttwins,

Oh dear, I'll feel the same way if I were you. They (staff) thought it's the usual symptoms but who knows... that's why I said no need to feel embarassed even it's false alarm. Only you can feel the uneasiness, discomfort or it's mother's nature way to head for the delivery suite. At least, they can check whether you're dilated, any contractions etc.

Gentle advise to all mtbs,

Please take good care of yourself and leave the shopping to yr spouses/family. We're carrying not 1 but multiples. Listen to your body cues, if you're tired, rest well. OK?
hi Qoo and Choco, so sorry to hear about wats happening to both of you, my heart and prayers really go out to you 2. take good care.

my prayers go out to you 2.
Qoo gal & Choco
Very sorry to hear abt the bad news. Pls take good care of urself.

Dorayaki, Thanks! I've rec'd ur pm msg. I have called ur CL but too bad she has been booked. But I have asked her to keep a look out for me in case she has friends who can help. I am keeping my fingers cross...
good morning all,
Feeling better today. The fever seemed to have gone, oni left with caugh....

Many thanks! Ya i totally agree with u, i wont be embarrased to go down to the hosp anymore if i doubt something is wrong. Saw ur mail, Yep, no more shopping for me, just rest and go to hospital oni. hm.....think its true cannot eat too much, me sometimes eat too much if the food is nice and thats think i have lots a tightening. I m gonna eat light and nutritious food like u said

didi, glad to see u after a long time, been busy ah??

how many weeks are u now? why not go to the agencies for CL if u cant get any? I have some agency contact if u wan...
choco_latte & qoo, my heart goes out to you...Take care you too..

Best_Twins, been busy at work and didn't have time to log on..I see that you have already gone to the Dr.

Glad that everything is ok for you now. I initially also had some kind of tightening on 1 side and it only comes 1 or 2 a day. I didn't go KKH for checkup on that since it was irregular. But at 35weeks, had very regular contractions like every 5 mins. That would mean the whole stomach tighten whether you are standing or lying down. It's a little of crampy feeling but not much pain. During checkup machine registered intense contractions but still not much pain. After staying for 1 night, Dr Loh prescribed me with more medication and discharged me.

So do watch out for frequent regular contractions. If it is just few times a day, I think it's prob braxton hicks or just muscle strain as Dr Loh put it.

Take care!
BestTwins, yep it has been a busy week for me
I am begining to feel the fear and decided not to go out so often
and have more bedrest instead.....
Twinsmom, I am abt 29 wk. I have been calling countless CL these few days. All are either not available during that period or they are charging sky high... some even quoted me S$3.5k! I won't dare to call agency cos I heard the charges are even more scary. Have you booked ur CL? When is ur EDD?

Just PM with my CL contact. You can give it a try.

Hi qoo_gal and Choco

So sorry to hear abt what happened. Do take care of yourselves and rest well...
hey gals, need advice!

i hear there is a list of things in face care that we cannot use like
salicylic acid
glycolic acid

have you all heard of it? is it true? how would we know which product or itemm have wat leh?
Hi all,
My fever has gone now, but still caughing and sneezing a bit. Very hard to eat nowadays, looks like there's no room in tummy for food
Well as long as babies are growing i'll be fine.

Thanks for info....I went to kkh on sunday but no contraction was picked up by the machine, but i still have the right side tightening. its not regular for now. yesterday i vomitted conitnously and had bad stomach cramp....so panicky nowadays so called the nurse for advice....she adviced me that it could be due to food of phlaegm (hope i spelled it correct)and told me to relax and take deep breathe. I did as she said and felt much better. Think i m too panicky lately. I will monitor the tightening and will go down immediately if its regular
How is everythin with u? How are ur two cutie pies doing?

yes its good to have more rest while carrying multiples. Dont fear...look at me fear fear until fever haha..

icic, me too, initially i called up confinement lady agencies and all are quoting above 3K, thats why decided not to have one. Until now i have not arranged for anything yet, I m asking around my friends to see if they know anyone who could take care of new born babies for a month...hopefully i will get someone

For me i stopped using all the creams and make up since i got preggie...so didnt really read into it. May be u could check the ingredients of the products u buy and make sure they dont include this.

<font color="0000ff">28weeks
next scan on 18th December</font>
Hi Twinsmom
You have someone to help u during ur confinement? If so, then that's not too bad. I will be alone with my very new maid (haven't arrived yet... hopefully she is good) so die die must find one confinement lady. Just got to know that my sis-in-law has a friend who happen to be a agent. Hopefully she can find someone good for me. If u intend to find someone, don't wait take too long cos last min really hard to find one. =)
Hi Jovia,
Thanks! I got ur pm. But think she has already been booked. I call so many of them that I really lost count liao. =P

anyway thks a lot. =)
currently oni my mil and mother, mother too old to do cooking or take care of baby but can oni help with little things. Mil will take care of cooking and now i need someone to take care of babies...dont want to overburden mil with too many things.
hi best twins

actually i also stop using all my moisturizer and toner. but i still have to use a cleanser. so i am looking out for a safe cleanser to buy and use?

anyone have any advice on this?
Hi best twins, hope you get well soon.

The two little princes are getting more fun now. Starts to goo, gaa and smiles when you talk to them. But kor kor is still crying a fair bit. Like to be carried and also needs to cry before he sleeps. Also wakes up more often at night to fuss though they don't drink milk in the middle of the night anymore.

I am hoping that kor kor will improve his behaviour so that we can start bring them out...and also with the festives coming, there will be lots of gathering. Hope they will behave..
BestTwins, ok will listen to you and tr....y to enjoy my pregnancy, did you buy a lot of maternity wear ? me only bottoms but not tops yet
sorry not sure leh!

Thanks, Oh how sweet ur little darlings....so cute to see their little personalities showing ah? Hehe....u toking abt their behaviour like big kids....lovely....enjoy your motherhood

I didnt buy much also la...I m not working so bought those big big cheap cheap home clothes to wear at home and bought 4 bottoms and 4 tops to wear while going out, I had a lot of baby doll kinda tops even before i got preggie so wear all those even now :p
Besttwins, me too, have 3 dresses custom-made by my usual tailor out of excitement, other than that haven't bought any tops, but will buy from those non-maternity shops like Zara etc (I will buy them in a bigger size
as saw some shich is nice

BK, will check it out, thanks
The online maternity shop is not bad leh..really cheap hor? Too bad i have enough for now so not gonna buy anymore
I wish i had seen this earlier haha....so how, have u managed to get a confinement lady yet?

icic, have fun shopping....but dont walk too much ok...if u gonna buy maternity clothes then just go straight to that shop and go home, don go into all the shops like we used to do last time (all women do that right keke?)
best twins - oh its ok

didi, me also never buy much, only trying to find bottoms to fit my old tops. so at least save some $$$ there.

i now trying to make a list of things to buy for the baby. anyone made that list yet?

tmr is my doc appt, 12 week! so excited to see my bbs again

take care you all!
hey gals, anyone know the estimated average measurement of a baby cot? trying to plan space for my mini-room, somemore mut put 2 cots.

i scared no space for anything. wat else we need to put in the room ah?
Hi Twinsmom, I haven't confirmed my CL yet. Told her I will confirm tomorrow after my check up. The cheapest i found so far is $2700.

Mooch, I do have a shopping list that I got it from Baby Kingdom. It is not with me now. I'll get it scan and put it up on Monday, ok? =)
if u check the archieved pages, u'll find the list of things u need to have before the baby arrives and a list of things u need to pack in the hospital bag posted by twins_mtb
, if u cant find it then u pm u ur email id and i'll send it to u.

congrats!!! u r going into 2nd trimester liao!

About the baby cot, I think there are different sizes available in the market, u must see what size and what kind are u going to buy. My room is also very very small I had hard time planning. The cots i m gonna buy are 53"x 27" i guess (not very sure must ask hubby). This is convertible to toddler bed thats why very big i guess. The cots take almost half of the space in my nursery :p I also bought a chest of drawers to keep babies clothes and a shelf with diaper changing unit from ikea. Havent deco the room yet...waiting for christmas holiday to do that
the CL charge is not bad leh! ya better confirm asap. Me too will wait for the shopping list to see if my list doesnt have anything from there keke...

where did u buy the cot? from baby kingdom? Me too planning to buy from there the one which is convertible to toddler bed. If its the same then my measurement should be wrong keke...
Twinsmom, I am still hoping to find a even cheaper CL. but have to reply latest by tomorrow liao. =P

My baby cots all pass down one. I just need to buy their mattress. Haven't assemble them yet... hopefully can fit into that small room. =P
BestTwins, will not chop shop too long. I will feel sleepy and tired once I shop too long. I have even started buying the baby's clothes
only hand me downs from my sister but she has 1 daughter so some clothes will not be suitable. Did you buy a lot of clothes for your bbs already ? the shelf that you bought from Ikea, isn't the white one ? went to Ikea last week and saw something suitable
we also thought of installing wallpaper for the nursery room too.

BK, wow CL is not cheap hor, thought they charge around S$1900 ? guess prices have shot up.
Hi Girls, have been out of action for some time as I was transferred to the labour ward (yet again!) for the past week a the weekly CTG picked up increased contractions (tightenings w/o pain). Was put on drip for 4 days but contractions were present. Finally gynae said drip had to be tailed down else I would go into cardiac arrest.Thus, for the next few days, I was on lower drip dosage plus oral Ventolin. Gynae was at her wits' end and the nurses all looked so worried. For 3 consecutive days, gynae stuff her fingers in to check for dilation but thank God, cervix was closed. Day in day out I saw those frustrated and worried faces of the gynae and nurses, and u could imagine the emotions I was going thru'. Some more, my gynae kept saying that anytime cervix dilated, she will do C-setion on me but my heart just aches thinking of how small my babies still are.

Finally, after 1 week beng there, my gynae kinda gave up and declared that maybe I am just a severe uterine irritability case and would transfer me back to the ward and let nature take its course for my cervix to be dilated. Hence, m back now in normal ward and finally can walk to the toilet and have a quick shower (yes, did everythin on the bed for the past week). M supposed to self-monitor for severe and frequent contractions with pain.

Now praying to pass the 34th week hurdle and gradually work towards the 35th then 36th week. My last scan was done on Monday at 32 weeks. 1 twin was 1.637kg while the other was 1.86kg.

Hi all,
Went to metro yesterday as i learnt they were having 20% sales for one day, bought pigeon feedig bottles and two nuk bottles (dont know which one is good but boght these two brands). also bought bottle warmer, sterlizing liquids and some other stuffs. Think my shopping is more or less over.....i only need to buy the cot, bath tub and toileteris and do up the room.

Those mummies out there, is there any advice u would want to give me on buying stuffs? Oh can someone tell me which brand body foam and oil should i buy for the baby?

icic! ya loh nowadays the rooms are very small, esp my nursery is the smallest i guess ;)

Didnt buy that many clothes, bought few sets from kiddy palace and mothercare, then bought two packets of rompers from online and some other rompers also online, other than that i have a lot of hand me down clothes for baby boys, so am gonna use them first and see how it goes. Yes the chest of drawers i bought is while the one which is 290 (cant remember the price exactly) it has 6 drawers so thot can use 3 for twin A and 3 for twin B. I have also bought some wall stickers from the BP but yet to go and collect it

Glad u r alright now....I bet i can understand how difficult it would have been staying in hospital for that long, but hey just a few more weeks and am sure u can make it....Hang in there gal!

Me having a lot of tightening again....but really dont know if this is contraction. It does feel like contraction to me but no pain. nowadays, my tummy shape changes in a very wierd way, i see something bulging out and then goes in after a while dont know what is this, scared leh!
BestTwins, can you let me know how many milk bottles have you bought so far, I haven't buy any milk bottles, if I am going to bf, do I need a lot of milk bottles and also when do we need to use the bootle warmer ? thought of going to metro last nite but traffic was BAD at tampines so gave up, will go again anyway Metro sales are so often

Another thing, I can't fine the thread for Carters rompers do you still remember where can I find them and what size did you buy ? thanks a lot
twinsmom, thanks! What u're experiencing are probably Braxton Hicks. If they are occuring too frequently, then let your gynae know. Re. baby toiletries, I've bought J&amp;J products. Bought Piegeon detergent for milk bottles and steriliser and Pureen detergent powders to wash baby clothes.

Didi, my mixture of Avent and Pigeon bottles come up to 10 for my twins. When I bought the Pigeon steriliser during the promo, it also came with a warmer. But feedback from many mothers is that it takes a longer time for the milk to be warmed, compared to the traditional method of warming the bottle in a bowl/basin of hot water.
i have bought total 8 bottles (2 nuk, 6 pigeon), my bottles are mostly 4 or 7 oz, only 2 of them are 2 oz.

If u r going to breast feed, them i m not sure how many bottles would u need, anyway me too wanna bf, but heard from many pple that for twins we definitely have to supplement with formula as the milk may not be enough. For me i have bought two for water and 6 for milk feeds.

opps! after reading alethea's post i think the one i bought is not bottle warmer its insulated bottle holder which can keep the water warm, thot if i go out can bring warm water for making milk or even bring EBM.

I was also at tampiness metro yesterday...Oh abt the carters rompers, i saw another person selling it at the business thread but not sure if its still on...Have u known ur babies' gender yet? I bought M size

Thanks, hopefully its BH and not the serious contraction. Hmm...i have not seen any J&amp; J brand so far, will check it out at mothercare next week. Me too, most of my feeding and sterilizing stuffs are pigeon and washing liquid from pureen
Alethea, thanks, wow didn't know we will need to buy so many milk bottles.

BestTwins, thanks, ok will make a list now. Ok, let me break the news, I am going to be a princess like you !
I am having 2 boys too....
Hi best twins,

Just to share, I got a bottle/food warmer (avent) and have it beside my table. I've placed my breastfeeding pump, (breastmilk with ice pack in the carrier)water flask (hot/cold) some milk bottles, drinking cup and a mini lamp. As I'm taking care of my twins during the night myself unless both wakes up at the same time, I have to wake my hubby up to help me. The avent warmer is useful around feeding time, cos you just on at preferred setting and wait about 4-5 minutes and switch it off. It can last you more than half an hour or so and the water in the warmer is still quite hot. If not, you have to pour away the water and add hot water to keep the milk warm. You don't need to soak the milk bottle for long, maybe 1 minute and you bring it out and drip a few drops on your hand and test temperature first before you feed yr babies. It's middle of the night, the last thing you want to do is to wake the whole family up. Placing all yr basic neccesities around you within reach is good and try to place the hot water flask and electrical items some distance away from your babies cot. In that case, you don't have to wander out to the kitchen/living room to fetch milk bottles etc. Hope it helps. Try to buy 1 box of sterilising tablets too. Can use them to sterilise pacifier, syringe or milk bottles if you happen to be somewhere without the steriliser. Can see you've got most of the items for yr babies, liao. Don't forget your own essentials too. Must learn to pamper yourself, dear. Giggles.
My hubby bought me 2 front-buttoning sleep gowns. But no matter how I look at them, they're super big and dowdy. How, ah? Should I wear them? So auntie-looking....Was planning to get him to send them to the tailor to alter them, but on second thoughts, it seems quite bimbotic to do so :p

Are your sleepwear (during hospital stay and post-delivery) so roomy?
Hi Didi &amp; Twinsmom

Here is the shopping list that I mentioned last week...

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Shopping List from Baby Kingdom
ShoppingList.pdf (49.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>

I can finally rest at home. My gynae gave me 1 mth mc to rest. =) Just went for my checkup last sat. my bbs now weigh 1.5 &amp; 1.8.

Exactly 30 wk today. =)
Yes, my sleepwear was roomy when I bought them. But you won't believe how huge you can become in the last few weeks of pregnancy, so they may fit your bump nicely in a few weeks' time (though they are still roomy all over), so just bear with the "aunty" look. Hee... When I came home, I totally ignore the confinement rules to cover myself well cos the weather was so hot then. I wore shorts and sleeveless tops most of the time.

Dr Lawrence Ang gave me the 1-month MC and ask me to rest as much as possible. He has his reasons for asking mtb of twins to stay at home. May be very boring for active ppl (like me) to stay at home but I truly appreciate it now. It helps to keep your babies closer to term. Aim for 37 weeks and beyond. Babies are much easier to care for when they are not premature. Lawrence is very good, so you're in good hands. Take care huh!

congrats! welcome to boys club

Thanks for the detailed explanation, will be very useful for me...hmmm will buy a warmer then
Oh ya...the sterilizing tablets....that makes sense now....will surely buy that

My sleep wear also like that...thot see how first la....likwe dorayaki, i also cannot wear fully covered due to heat.

thanks for the shopping list, hey ur twins weights are great
keep up the good job. Just to check, how much did your tummy grow after the 26th week, mine seeps to be the same since then

When did ur tummy started to become huge
