2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Yo mummies,
Sorry, I have been away for quite a while.
Congrats Best_twins and didi, I'm joining ur boys club as well. I just went for a scan last Sat and gynae + sonographer confirmed that I'm having boys. Have you thought of any names for them?
Duno why i'm starting to feel breathless quite often lately...mmm guess i need to leave my office early......keep gasping for breath...

Hi All,

I'm new here..recommended by a fren abt dis website..i'm a twin mom..both gals..and has a 2 yrs old gal..aled..
Seems fun to read all the threads and can feel the bonding btw all of you..can i be a part?
Anyone here is a subsidised patient of KKH? Where you had no gynae of you own? Seems dat most of you had 1..seems easier..guess..the financial part doesn't allow me to have one..:-(
anyway..nice to noe all of u...

Ps: Qoo..be strong..There's alwayz a blessing behind what had happened..May God Bless you...

My EDD is 22/4/07..so nervous this tym round..scared if nd to c-sect..previous delivery took me 23hrs in labour ward..hehe!!
Vineyard, do you hv backaches and get breathless at tyms? reali weri abt it..cant even sleep properly..now my mind is always not at ease..eager..scared..guess twin pregnancy not the same as single..
Not all twin mothers need to go for c-sect and it actually depends on the position of the babies when they are due.
I do get breathless quite often recently. There was an incident last week when I had to lie down in bed and switch on the aircon for a while to calm my heartbeat down.
Aiyoh..sounds the same as me..hv u asked ur gynae if it's normal? as for me..i had no gynae of my own..so cannot ask questions except during my checkup..nxt one will onli be in jan. can onli called the ask-a-nurse helpline..40cents per min sum more..dat one oso seems unreliable..haiya..if i noe..shld save $ so can go private...
welcome welcome.....boyzzzz rule here keke...

welcome to the thread....wow u r having princesses....I love gals
Hi Twinsmom,

Hehe..it's always the opposite. i had always love to have boys especially my 1st is a gal. but the news of hving twins had changed my perception and soon i'll have Charlie's Angels with me..
Very shock to get the news as fr wat my HB n i noe..we have no twins in our family..near or far that we known of. hmmm..guess it's God gift.
So wen is ur EDD and is this ur 1st pregnancy..i guess i missed out on dat.

Nice knowing all of u here...
Thanks gals! I am happy that my boys are growing healthly in me.

Twimsmom, my weight has been ever-growing. If I didn't remember wrongly, my weight gain in 26 wks is abt 15 to 18 kg already. My weight gain so far is abt 24kg. comes to think of it thats quite scary. Who knows I may hit 30kg when i deliver. =P

Didi, my CL charge me so ex cos my chance of hitting CNY is very high. of cos they will try to 'chop' me as much as possible. Actually if you got lobang of Indonesian CL, they charge so much cheaper than Malaysian ones. The one that I previously wanted to engage charge $1400 only. But due to communication breakdown, she can't do it for me.

Dorayaki, I appreciate Dr Ang for giving me the long mc too. In fact, I told him that I will want to stay home till I deliver. Nowadays, I get tired easily if I stand or walk too long. It is also a good chance to start cleaning and packing the whole lot of baby stuffs that were passed down to me.

Twingals, welcome to the twins club.
Besttwins,yep, hubby is happy to have the boys, as he is the only son and have six sisters

BlessedOne, Welcome to Boy's club too

Bk, now I know why the CL charges so much.
Good morning all!

how come u are up at 3+am? Me too woke up hungry at 4.45am and then went to sleep again

wow thats a lot of weight u have gained, but i guess ok la....can do some exercise and get rid of the extra weight later. Me so far gained only 12kg, i asked doctor he said its ok as long as u gain no prob!

my hubby no sisters only brothers & nephews all boys in his family, so the whole family was praying for at least a gal...but boys rule in their family but my side mostly gals so me and my parents are happy keke...

yes its my first pregnancy and i agree that having twins and triplets is all god's gift.....we all are truly blessed! I m sure it was a pleasant shock to all of us
we have a table showing all our details, will update it soon when i can and u can find all our info there.
BK, how did u manage to gain all that weight? I've only gained 14kg so far, nd according to my gynae, another 2kg would suffice. M trying to eat more to achieve that, but it can be trying at times, cos' my Twin B's legs are jutting into my stomache, making it hard for me work up an appetite. And sometimes, I suffer from heartburn and indigestion. Stomache churns non-stop
Thank BK for the warm welcome.

Oh..Lucky you twinsmom..1st pregnancy aled got twins..:) Yeah i'll appreciate and looking foward to the update soon..

To all mommies here..let's pray for each other's safety n smooth journey throughout the pregnancy and delivery..Hehehe..i'm so excited!!

Ps:BK, my last check-up which is in my 20th week, i only gain 4 kg. is it norm?i thnk coz of the VERY bad MS dat i had during my 1st trimester. i had even lose weight during dat period!
Hi, Anyone has any idea how much does it cost to engage a confinement lady for triplets?
Twinsmom, I can't sleep lor. That's why up middle of the nite to surf net. It happens almost throughout my pregnancy. Guess this prepare myself for future nite feedings.

I just hope that I can get back my original weight. So far my limps are still ok. Its my hips and tummy that are real big now. These day when I go out I always see ppl looking at my tummy.

AletheaT, I guess for my case, other then the bloatedness that I got during my 1st trimester, I didn't get the sickness that other pregnant ladies got. My appetite are in fact quite good. But these days I try to control a bit liao. Heard that if I get too big, I may have difficulties to have natural birth.

Twingals, think its ok lah. the most impt thing is ur bbs are growing healthy in u. Just eat more nourishing and healthy food. If can, try to eat beef. It may help to beef up ur bbs. I try to eat that at least once a wk.
<font color="0000ff">MULTIPLE MTBs DETAILS</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>EDD/DOB</TD><TD>DELIVERY WEEK</TD><TD>NAME(optional)/BIRTH WEIGHT</TD><TD>NO. OF BBIES/GEND</TD><TD>HOSPITAL/CLINIC</TD><TD>DR. </TD></TR><TR><TD>mamamic</TD><TD>DOB 3rd April 05</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gwyneth 2.48kg Lyneth 2.52 kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>DR Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peacy</TD><TD>DOB 29th May 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>Kaylyn-1.5kg Nicole-1.4kg Ashton-1.3kg</TD><TD>3(girl/girl/boy)</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Tan HK </TD></TR><TR><TD>TCH</TD><TD>DOB18th Aug 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dion 2.47, Ethan 2.78 </TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggies mummy</TD><TD>DOB 20th Sep 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>Jun Heng-2.8kg Jun Wei-2.2kg</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>dorayaki</TD><TD>DOB 6th Oct 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gracia-2.165kg Chloe-2.095kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrynzen</TD><TD>DOB 18th Oct 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>boy-2.753 gal-2.730 both of them 48cm</TD><TD>2(boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>YC Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlyn</TD><TD>DOB 26th Oct 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.81 and 2.82</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Verona</TD><TD>DOB 2nd Oct 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>1.77kg, 1.81 kg, 2.10 kg</TD><TD>3 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovia|Ger</TD><TD>DOB 1st Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>Cayden-2.95 Jaydon - 2.88</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ants Ants</TD><TD>DOB 19th Oct 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>girl-1.2 boy 1.4 kg</TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>TB Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>K Toh</TD><TD> early dec 06</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alethea</TD><TD>27th Jan 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Cathryn Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>5th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>3(boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>LC Foong </TD></TR><TR><TD>BK</TD><TD>13th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trips</TD><TD>5th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>3 (boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinsmom</TD><TD>8th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irin</TD><TD>9th Apr 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2(girl/?)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mooch</TD><TD>22nd June</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>twingals07</TD><TD>22nd april 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>vineyard</TD><TD>27th April 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>??</TD><TD>?? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Okeanosmao</TD><TD>29th April 07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2(probably boys)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Tracy Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Sincerity, i realize you r not in the list, do u wanna be included? if yes do post ur info and i'll add u in


<font color="ff0000">Hi all,
I have added new column for indicating the date week of delivery so that it will be useful for the new comers.....hope its ok with u gals. those who have delivered, kindly post the no of weeks u were at the time of delivery. Many thanks!</font>
Hi all,
Happy to announce the arrival of my b/g twins - Sheau Kai, 2.077kg and Sheau Min, 2.05kg on 4 Dec 2006 via natural delivery.

Hi Besttwins,

Thanks for your kind offer. I'd love to join in yr MTB list although I closed shop liao. I would occasionaly pops in to see how you gals are faring and will share my experience with you when required. My gals, Isabella weighs 2.6kg while Alyssa 2.4kg born at 36wks +5days, normal delivery KKH Dr SF LOH on 23 January 2005. Kindly update if you're feeling fine. Take good care, not to much shopping though.


Heartiest Congratulations to you &amp; your family. They look so adorable and one of them is peeping at the camera while the other twin sleeps so soundly. Take good care of yourself and yr precious 2. Welcome to Motherhood!
K Toh,
Big congrats on your babies arrival, wow natural birth....wish i can have too
your babies are soo sweet and can say they look different hehe...

icic! for me i wake up most of the times in the early morning due to hunger, once i eat i can go bck to sleep until late morning hehe...ABt my tummy my friends were commenting that it just look like a singleton pregnancy and no one can say its twins:p so may b my babies are not big enough!!! aiya...as long as they are healthy i m fine

Great to have u around here, u hav been a great support to all the juniors here....closed shop also ok la...think most of us will close shop after this haha...
Hi K Toh,

COngrats to you &amp; family..May these bundles of joys be blessed by the God.. Glad to hear that you had natural birth same as sincerity. Somehow, i feel relieve as there is chances of natural birth to twins..i'm so scared of c-sec!!
You take cr of yourself and your babies..

By the way..both of you sincerity and K toh deliver at KKH rite? U chose ur own gynae is it?
Opps sori..maybe K toh can share abit of he experience in the labour ward? i.e. hong long after the 1st twin then the 2nd came out? how long the whole delivery takes plc? wat was the positions of the babies..overall feeling? hope u can share..
Congrats KToh!! Your babies are so sweet!!

Ur gynae is good to deliver u naturally. My gynae insisted it will be C-sec even tho' my b/g twins are cephalic in position.
Hi KToh,
Congrats to you too!
Yeah, I'd like to hear about ur experience in the ward as well.
Care to share??
Could you kindly update my details the next round u upload the table...
I having 2 boys, hospital = Mt Alvernia, Doc = Dr Adrian Woodworth
hi everyone,

just had a detailed scan 2day..me will be joining the boys club too..both are princes..
so far, i've gained 5 kg n gynae said its normal..

twinsmom, u can update for me too.tks.
Hi all,
Thanks so much for the best wishes.

*paiseh* I actually got my babies birth weights wrong - Sheau Kai was 2.055kg, and he's born at 5.24pm and older than Sheau Min by 16 mins. Min arrived at 5.40pm, weighing 2.07kg. They arrived at exactly 36 weeks.

yup, I delivered at KKH. I didn't really choose my gynae - I conceived my twins via IVF/ICSI at KKIVF centre. I requested for a Snr Consultant as my reproductive specialist and was assigned Dr SF Loh. It was pure luck that I got him as a doc - he's a really good one. I conceived via my 1st IVF cycle with 2 embryos early this year. Basically, Dr Loh carried over as my reprod specialist to be my obgyn throughout my pregnancy. I was very fortunate - I had a smooth, complications-free pregnancy (no bleeding, premature contractions, etc). I wanted a natural delivery all along, and Dr Loh was very supportive of my decision. Both babies were head-down, which was ideal. He told me that he'll do his best to ensure a smooth delivery for me.

Glad to share my experience with you. I was actually due to be induced on 8 Dec, but the babies apparently had other ideas. Dr Loh and I made the decision to induce becos my cervix was already 3cm dilated at my visit with him on 2 Dec, and also because the babies' weight gain has slowed down considerably, so there's little to gain by waiting.

However, on Sunday night, I was helping my hubby add some finishing touches to the nursery when I felt some amniotic fluid leakage. I wasn't sure at first that it was my waterbag, but after the fifth or sixth leak, we thought we'd better go into the hospital and check it out. I was admitted at midnight, and was put on an IV drip with antibiotics (to prevent infection) and oxytocin (to induce labour). Two fetal monitors were strapped onto me to track each twin's heartbeat, as well as a monitor to track contractions. It was quite reassuring to hear their heartbeats - at least I knew they were doing ok inside me.

But unfortunately at 6am, I was still 3cm dilated, so they upped my oxytocin. Doc came in ard 11am, ready to ask me to go for a C-section since I've already been nearly 12 hrs in labour. Fortunately, by then I was 7cm dilated, so they decided to let it progress naturally.

I chose to have an epidural when I started experiencing some cramping after my oxytocin was increased, but unluckily for me, I suffered considerable side effects - uncontrollable trembling, itching all over and the worst is the vomitting. I vomitted up small bags of sour yellow stomach acid, and felt utterly weak and miserable until they gave me some medication to stop it.

By 3pm I was having these really strong urges to push. It wasn't so much painful, but it was terrible trying to hold back as I was only 9cm dilated. Just imagine constipation but many MANY times worse. I spent 2 hours like that. In the end, I couldn't take it anymore, so the nurse helped me to physically dilate my cervix. They pushed me into the OT at ard 5pm, where my boy was born first at 5.24pm, followed by his sister at 5.40pm. Doc told me later that had I taken any longer to deliver the second twin, he would have gone for a C-section. Actually, it didn't feel that long to me at all. Everything felt really fast. I was afraid that I might exhaust myself pushing Twin 1 out that I would have no strength for Twin 2, but both were relatively easy.

Anyway, I didn't even realise I had an episiotomy until much later. I only felt this pressure down there halfway through the delivery. I did however felt the doc sewing me up afterwards when my epidural wore off, but he quickly jabbed me with an anaesthetic when I yelped in pain.

They put me in the Recovery Ward to monitor me for abt 15mins/half hour afterwards, before sending me back to the Delivery Suite ward for observation for the next 6 hours. I was only transferred to a normal ward at midnight. The nurses/midwife in the Delivery Suite were pretty good - very encouraging and experienced. The only thing that marred my experience was this nasty Filipino anaesthetist when I asked to top up my epidural to try and reduce the urge to push - she ticked me off, telling me that it won't help since it wasn't pain I was feeling. Other than that, it was overall a pretty positive experience.

I upgraded to an A-class ward so that hubby cld stay overnight with me, and I wld have some privacy when pple came to visit. But we only upgraded after we knew that the babies were ok, and in a normal PD ward, and not in NICU or Special Care.

Recovery-wise, it was pretty painful, sore and uncomfortable at first (as with all natural delivery), but by Day 2, I was able to hobble around, go to the bathroom, receive visitors, etc. Think I bounced back quite fast, which I don't think would have been possible if it was a C-sect. The babies and I were discharged on the afternoon of Day 3.
Congrats K Toh! What an experience of natural delivery...But I do agree that Dr Loh is really good and reassuring.
hi all,
hope everyone is doing great! Our thread is growing quieter day by day, wonder how is it going to be after all of us had given birth :p

OK I will update the table once everyone has given the missing details

I have been thinking and wondering how are trips and chloe???? anybody knows anything??

wah...seems like many of us are having boys here....

Are u the next one due from our list??? so exciting ya!

K Toh,
Thanks for taking time to share with us your delivery in detail in the midst of caring for two new comers haha....really appreciate it!

I m glad that my gynae is SF Loh, hoping for natural delivery too but soo scared of the pain
my pain tolerance is pretty bad liao! Oh was ur hubby allowed inside for natural??

<font color="aa00aa">29weeks+
next scan on the 18th Dec
praying hard that everything should go smooth and babies are of good weight</font>
Thanks, K Toh for your birth story!
Was just wondering how come your BBs were put into neo-natal (level 1, the lowest level) for observation cos' I understood that if BBs who are below 2.5kg, but with lungs more or less matured, they still require some degree of neo-natal care. For those even smaller babies whose organs have still yet to be fully ddeveloped, these then have to go to the highest level of NICU care. At least over at Mt. A, it is so. Is it becos' KKH's practices are different from Mt. A?
twinsMom, your question sent butterflies to my stomach. :p Think so, but a bit apprehensive. Praying hard that the twins will arive in the pink of health.

KToh, sorry, my question shd have been '...how come your BBs did NOT require neo-neotal...." The nurses and even my gynae said if the weight is below 2.5kg, some degree of neo-natal is required. Been asking God to bless my twins, so that they need not have to undergo that.
as i understood it, as long as the babies are over 2kg and otherwise healthy, they can go to the normal paediatrics nursery. at least that's KKH's practice, i think.

my hubby was with me in the delivery suite for most of the labour. only when i was moved to the OT for actual delivery (only for abt an hour), he wasn't allowed to stay with me.

why don't you just opt for epidural if you're afraid of the pain? you may not have as bad side effects as me. Dr Loh actually suggested to me not to have epidural since i seem to have a pretty high pain threshold, but i didn't want to be a hero.
K Toh, thanks. If Mt A's practices differ, I can only pray that my twins are both well and good and above 2.5kg each. Would love to be able to cuddle them, room in with them and bring them home together with me on the day when I'm discharge.

Got your confinement lady and the maid already?
K Toh,

Thanks for sharing wif us ur xperience..hehe..cant wait for mine..hopefully everything will be safe and smooth.

Alamak..if only hubby can go to the OT together..

Twinsmom - pray that everything will be well for you and babies ya.

As for me i just hope that i will have a good doc/gynae who will assist throughout my pregancy and delivery as i am a subsidised patient w/out any gynae of my own.

Let's pray for the best, for all of us..AMEN..
Hey dont worry, everything will be fine and ur darling will come only at the right time
Ya like K Toh said, i have also heard that as long as the babies are of good health and above 2kg is fine! wonder why its different in Mt A?

K toh,
aiya! i wan hubby with me when the babies are born
i m still hoping that somehow i can request for that....dont know how tho???

Yes.....lets pray that everything goes well for all of us here!

Long time no post! I've actually been following this thread but very lazy to post lah! Paiseh! Thousand apologies! But really touched that u remembered me... So told myself to stop being so lazy and start posting!!!

I've been doing really well so far and my three rascals are doing just great. Like u, I'm 29 weeks and have stopped working since week 24 as i started to get contractions.

Fortunately, dr loh has been keeping my contractions at bay with daily progesterone and nifedipine tablets along with weekly progesterone injections since week 28. There's no sign of cervical dilation and funnelling as yet and as dr loh puts it... my cervix long-long!!!

It's been looking pretty good so far and the detailed 5-weekly scans have shown that blood flow to all three are fairly equal so they're growing at pretty much the same rate. Weights are good too... within normal singleton range. Next scan at 30 weeks so keeping all my fingers n toes crossed no problems!!!

Was really devastated to read about choco latte n qoo girl... keeping them n all other MTBs in my prayers...

To the rest of the MTB

Please take extra care of yourselves n keep those precious in as long as possible! Jia You!!!


Btw, think i saw u at the private suite on sat dec 9th. not sure if it was u but it was a triplets mom with 3 boys about 2 months old! they were all in matching green-and-black strollers... super cute!!! dr loh even showed me a pic of all three cuties to "motivate" me to hold my 3 in as long as possible!!!

hoping to hold them in till 34 weeks!!!
Hiya Trips,

U sound super cheery
Glad that things are fine over at your end. Just have lots of bed-rest, eat wekk, drink lots of fluids and I'm sure your precious darlings will do fine!

Hi hi hi......u really got me worried.....soo noti keke...

I m glad that u and your 3 little ones are doing great. I m sure u can go until 34 weeks, lets jia you ya! Rest well, and post whenever you can ok
me too tired and lazy to post at times but try my best to post whenever possible.

Would love to hear from chloe too...hope everything is fine with her too
Hi Trips,

I am also expecting triplets due end May 2007. I suppose you have engaged a confinement lady? Any difficulty in finding one? How much is it?
Hi Twinmoms, I have just joined this thread and is new to it.

Please update your table with my info-due end May 07, 3 babies, GlenE, Chris Chen

Hi Trips,

Yep. That's me with my three princes at the Private suite on 9th Dec. It was quite a big project to bring all of them out (especially they are still on 3 hourly feeding) plus I tried to combine their vaccinations visit with my visit to Dr Loh. It was a very hectic morning for me that day...U will understand when ur turn comes...:p

Glad to hear that u and the bbs are doing fine. I remembered the last few weeks of my pregnancy was tough and I felt so uncomfortable and tired during that time. However, as I told Dr Loh, I was always very motivated and encouraged after my consultation visits and I am very grateful to him for that.

Have u got everything prepared?
