2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs


U jia you too!!! It must be really frustrating having to stay in the ward but the good thing is u n ur precious are monitered constantly and pre-term contractions can be kept under control! I really must say how "wei-da" u are... but it's just a couple of weeks more!!! Soon u'll be holding ur prince n princess in ur arms!!!


Me very noti huh? so shall make an attempt to post daily from now onwards... to get my daily dose of encouragement from u sisters whenever i read how great u gals are doing!!!
U take care of urself n ur princes and let us know how ur detailed scan goes tom k?


Congrats on ur 3 little peas in the pod!!! Great to know another triplets MTB! Welcome to the club!!!

I am not getting a confinement lady as the fees will be sky-high! That's cause there 3 babies and it'll most prob be over the CNY! It's actually quite hard to find one who is willing to take on 3 at one go! Maybe u can get some advice from Verona, Peacy or Chloe.

Another reason why I'm not getting one is cause I figured that I might be spending the first few weeks in hospital visiting n attending to my 3 as they will need preemie care... don't think they'll be out as quickly as singletons so figured my grandma can just cook for me and let the KK nurses take care of my precious cargo!!!


Thought it was u!!! Aiyah, should have gone up to intro myself! I was "staring" at ur little angels the whole time I was waiting for my turn with dr loh until my husband told me my eyes were gonna pop out!

I was just so amazed that u were so well organized and ur sweeties were so cute! Really hope my 3 will be like urs!!!

Fortunately for myself, I've only been told "modified bed rest" so can still move around the house and go out for short dinners occasionally.

My maid has just arrived and so far she seems really excited tt i'm having triplets!!! Just hoping that she won't run away when she actually sees the 3 in real life!!!

I've gotten most stuff prepared... 3 of everything!!! Fortunately frens have passed down cots n car seats so tt really saved a bundle!

I know u delivered at 33wk4days rite? How long did ur 3 have to stay in kk? Did u manage to downgrade?

Good morning ladies

Dont stress urself to post everyday la...do only when u can, me also like that
Wah u seem to be all ready to go...thats great! For me i still havent get ready many things, havent buy cots, car seat or stroller yet, din buy any breastfeeding stuffs, havent even buy the curtains for the nursery :p cos hubby not in singapore so have to do by myself.

<font color="119911">29 weeks ++
next detailed scan tomorrow
Praying hard that the twins should have put on some weight and i should hold them inside until 37th week</font>

dun worry about getting the stuff... let ur hubby do it when he gets back! it must be really tough not having him around to help out but don't worry... it'll all work out great!

although i've gotten my 3 2nd-hand cots, haven't fixed up cause my dad is very strict about the "NO DRILLS N SCREWS" before i deliver!!! Sigh... so he n my bro will be doing it for me when i'm in kk.
I'm not even allowed to decorate the nursery! But i figured i'll just respect his opinion cause he's doing it out of love...
I did notice a lady who was sitting quite close to us and "looking" at us. Not sure if that was you. Would have love to talk to u then if I had known that was you!
I had planned for my maid to arrive a few weeks before my delivery. But because I had an unexpected and early delivery at 33 wks 4 days, my maid was with us for 1 week only before the delivery. I was glad I had a confinement lady cos I was inexperienced in looking after the bbs and the maid kind of got herself "trained" under her. Also, after the C-section, I was very weak and the confinement lady was a great help cos she was supposed to look after me as well.

My bbs had to stay in KKH for about 3 weeks. It was quite a difficult time then cos my hubby and MIL and parents had to visit them everyday (I was too weak to travel to the hospital everyday). We were so happy when they could finally come home. Because I had an early delivery, I was allowed to downgrade and the hospital bill turned out to be quite ok.
Yup, my CL has been with me for nearly a week (she sent a replacement for the 1st 6 days since she was still doing another job). She's pretty good - very experienced with twins - mine is the 8th pair of twins she's done so far. No maid, it'll just be my MIL and me taking care of my twins after confinement. I hired my CL for 6 weeks though.

actually Dr Loh told me at my very last visit with him that he'll ask for my hubby to be allowed into the OT for my delivery. but on the day itself, the Sister (snr nurse, i think) in charge of the OT said no. Anyway by then, i didn't really care - all i wanted was for my babies to come out.

to those mommies with triplets,
just out of curiosity, is C-section a "must" to deliver triplets? just wondering if there's any mom who has given birth naturally to triplets here...
<font color="0000ff">Trips &amp; twinsmom</font>, u both must jia you too!

<font color="aa00aa">Verona</font>, good that everything turned out alright even tho' the 3 precious decided to arrive early. Now it's really the time to enjoy the cuddles, kisses, etc, tho' I'm sure taking care of them is an art altogether!

<font color="ff6000">Some updates on my end:</font>
It will be my 34th week tmrw. Gynae came to see me today, told me that altho' she had promised me earlier that she would let me go home to celebrate Xmas by the 34th week, it's still better to stay cos' she's pretty sure I will go into pre-term (anytime before 37th week). Told me that she could let me have 'time-off' so that I could go back from 23rd-25th and 'report' back to the hospital by 25th evening and carry on staying till I pop. Likewise, can have another time-off to celebrate New Year. At this stage, she really has no idea when I will pop but every single day counts and at 34th week, babies are still considered preemies.

Just to paint the picture clearer. M currently on RIB in hospital (not CRIB or complete bed-rest) so still can walk to the bathroom but not beyond. Also not on drip or hooked to any machine, cos' tho' my contractions are still present, she's writing them off as ineffective contractions due to an irritable uterus. But still on oral Ventolin very 2-hourly.

Now, spoken to my hubby after her visit today. Told him about the arrangement, but he's adamant that I should get discharged within the next days cos' he feels that there's no diff. between staying here and at home where my maid can attend to my needs. Also, every single day is $ and I've stayed here for 9 weeks already. But to me, there's peace of mind staying here.

Mummies, what's your take?
No doubt your maid can care for you at home, and every single day is $ at the hospital, it is still a crucial period for you and BBs now. BBs born prematurely will be difficult to care for later on, not forgetting the charges at NICU for BBs will be higher than your daily room rate at MtA now. Your HB have to weigh these factors as well. Plus, think of the stress you and BBs have to go through if you were to stay at home. In the hospital, at least you have a peace of mind when you feel uncomfortable or need any medical advice. I personally feel its most important now to ensure BBs can stay "indoor" for as long as you can keep them there. The hospitalisation expenses incurred now is nothing compared to BBs daily development till term.

Just my thoughts, okie? You and your HB will have to make a decision that's comfortable to both of you.
ya u r rite, me gonna leave it to him, he said he will come down next week during christmas holiday and do up everything

Icic, i din know that we cant drill and screw, my mil has been telling lot of things like this cannot that cannot but hubby wont listen keke...we know they mean to protect us but hor hubby argues he got no time and have to do when got time.

Ya i agree with dorayaki, its best to stay where u and hubby will feel safe, I understand how frustrating it must have been staying in hospital for so long but hey, you have come a long way just a few more weeks. discuss with hubby and doctor again and decide.

About me,
Had my 3rd detailed scan and doctor appoinment today, doc sf loh is on leave so was attended by doc shiela loh, both bbies are about 1.5 kg (1.47 and 1.49) they are now in "pq" position, :p during last scan they were "bd" position so fast change liao! wonder if they will change again???? If they dont then i cant have natural delivery...

Doc said everything seems to be normal, but she asked me to be in bed most of the time, she said even tho i m not working i should not walk around the house much
which is very difficult for me, so far i hav never been in bed during day time for more than an hour keke...I m such an hyperactive person. Hopefully from now on i can be more disciplined.

She said if all goes well i should be delivering early feb but she asked me to watch out for any discharge, pain or contraction. My next appointment is in 2 weeks time......huh passing each week is like an achievement liao!

Hope everyone else is fine.....god bless all!
hi gals

It's been a long time since i posted. i have given birth to my babies at week 31. Babies are now in NICU. They are fine and we hope they will gain weight quickly and probably they will have to stay in hospital for 5-6 weeks, depending on their progress.

Though i have not posted, i have been reading the postings. Very sad to hear about wat happened to qoo_gal and choco_latte. Actually, something traumatic also happened to me during that period. i din wanna add on to the gloominess of the forum at that time, cos it would not be nice to affect the rest of u after wat has happened to qoo_gal and choco_latte.

i lost one of my sons in week 30 due to IUGR. At week 28, he was only half the weight of his siblings. He was in distress and the only way to save him was to deliver all the babies straight away. However, that would mean compromising the other 2 healthy babies. After discussing with our doctor and a maternal fetus expert, we decided to let this baby take his chance, hoping that the situation would improve and he could wait till at least week 30 to be delivered. Unfortunately, my little one din make it. He passed away in week 30, there was not foetus heartbeat by that time. At week 31, my water bag burst and my surviving twins had to be delivered.

i am now under confinement, but i make it a point to visit my twins at the NICU regularly. Losing one of my sons is a blow to us, however, we believe he should be in good hands now. We have always regarded him a brave fighter. He managed to survive till week 30, despite his sickly condition. He has given his siblings a better chance of survival by sacrificing himself. He will always be in our minds.

Well, enough of the sad news. Time to carry on with life.
Wat's impt now is i still have my twins with me. They are 1.3KG and 1.7KG at birth, one boy and one gal. i may not be posting so often, cos i will be rather busy visiting them at the hospital. Will prob update u gals again when things start to settle down.

Christmas is round the corner. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! May all of u have a smooth delivery, and for all new mommies, i am sure this will be a very special Christmas for ur family. Happy holidays!!!
Hi Besttwins,

Please ensure you have enough rest. I know it's hard to stay in bed (I was in bed rest for the 1st 6 mths or so). Trust me, it's good for your babies and by resting well, you're helping them to GROW.
Welcome back after a long time
Glad that your twins are doing fine, I m sorry abt your loss dear but like u said, look at the brighter side of life. Hey u have one boy one gal----perfect!
Take care love! merry christmas and a happy new year to u and your family!

Thank you! ok...I will listen from now on and stay in bed
wah u mean the first 6 months of pregnancy?? U r amazing......I think i should be ashamed of myself for not being in control of myself. Will try during the next few days and let u know how it goes

<font color="0000ff">Hi Chloe,</font>

Sorry to hear about what happened. Many a times, we can't fathom why certain things happen, but God has a reason for everything. Do continue to trust in Him, for He has brought us all this far, and we have much to be thankful for.

Do u intend to transfer your twins to KKH? the NICU costs at GE must be exorbitant....
Hi all

I am from the Twins thread. Tears welled up in my eyes when I read what happen to qoo_gal and choco_latte and Chloe. Pls take good care of yourselves and be strong.

Mummies - Do remember, for twins pregnancy we are more prone to complication so pls take good care of yrself. I know shopping for the bundles of joy is double the joy but dun over shop, take breaks in between. To much walking is no good for us. Work wise, need to take it easy.

Wishing all mummies a smooth pregnancy and merry xmas and a blessed 2007
Hi Chloe, Sorry to hear what has happened
take care ! I feel sad while reading your post and tears just came down......
Hi Mummies
Me also from the Twins thread.

The walk ahead is still v long so u be strong and move on. Having to look after multiples is not easy but when u see them grow, the joy is double. Cheer up. I'm sure ur little one is safe in heaven.

I was given special leave to rest at 28 weeks, I worked half day and went home to rest when I was tired.
I delivered after 37th week. So yes, u should rest and not over-exert yourself.-

Er... my kids 'combination' are like sincerity's, 1 boy (coming to 3 yrs), twin gals (coming to 1 year old).
Hi all, nice to have some "seniors" coming over to this thread to give words of encouragement.

Chloe, it's definitely not easy and I'm glad that you're staying strong for your twins. Do come in here and update us on your twins when you have the time.

The year is coming to an end and many of you will soon be delivering soon. Carrying multiples is certainly tough.. do rest more.
Wow, got many seniors here....yeah can get advice liao!

Thanks Gapple and styloBB for your valuable contributions
I have a doubt abt resting....Is sitting on the couch and watching TV considered resting? Or should i be in bed only? I spend most of my time on the couch watching tv or chatting with friends, then surf net for sometimes. will only lie on bed 1 or 2 hours a day. I dont walk around much but sit a lot. Is this ok, or should i lie down more than i do? Please advice!

jlyn, ya doc said i should deliver early feb if all goes well....praying hard leh! how are ur twins doing now? must be joy watching them ya!
Sorry to hear that u cannot afford a gynae.. perhaps u can drop ur questions here, I'm sure all the MTBs and Mummies wl be glad to help.

Best Twins
Rest - I think should be ok. Or u can lie on the bed with ur legs on a cushion..
Actually I dun think we completely dun do anything, I mean if normal and healthy, a bit of walking is good. I was able to walk, just that became tired faster and later on, tummy was mega-size... couldn't stand for long.

Hiak hiak ..yeah, "senior" liao...
Glad to hear from you again. Stay strong. I'm sure your twins will do you proud and go home soon!

Agree with styloBB. Must walk a bit. Rest does not = complete bed rest, so stay indoor and watch TV, DVD, read books, surf net is OK.

I finally gave in and agree to get a maid. Was quite resistent to this idea initially, but mu MIL cannot help me forever, so our new maid will be coming in next week. I hope everything goes well. Any advice or things to take note when letting her care for my gals?
I learned from my babies that they are capable of changing position even at week 37. My gals were in 'bd' position at week 35 and chances of me going for natural delivery was high then. Then at week 37, one of them turned and broke the waterbag, hence the emergency c-sect for me. So dun think too much about their positioning now. Just take good care of yourself and aim to keep babies 'indoor' to term, okie? ;)
Hi all multiples-mum-to-be,
I also have somethng to share... Pls be extra careful when it comes to ur diet to... don't be like me... ended up in hospital with contractions and food poisoning. Lucky thing, all are fine now.

It all happens last Friday. It must have been the bowl of deserts that I clear up after leaving in the fridge for a while. At first, I was just having diarrhea. So I went to my gynae. But After checking, he said I am fine. But advise me to go KKH if things didn't improve cos he will be off for holiday the next day. Not so lucky for me cos over the next few hrs, I started having fever. So early the next morning, my HB drive me to KK.

After checking at the A&amp;E, they said I have regular contraction at 8min interval and have to admit to delivery suite immediately!! Imagine how scary it was!!! I am just in my 31 wk! I was praying hard that my bbs won't pop so soon. I was given 2 jabs to strengthen my bbs lungs in case they can't wait to see this world and oral dosages of anti-contraction pill. But the pill didn't stop my contraction. So I was put on drip with another type of anti-contraction fluid. After a few hrs of that, I was finally cleared of contraction. But I was put to normal ward to observe for the next 2 days.

Lucky... all are over now. After this episode, I am on strict healthy diet monitored by my mum...

Hi KToh
Congrats! How are managing ur new 'tenants'? =)

Hi Chloe
Sorry to hear abt wat u went thru. Be strong and I am sure ur 2 sweethearts will be home to join u soon.
Hi Mummies and MTBs,

JUst had my scan done. Twin A and B are 2.291kg and 2.332kg respectively. Twin A, the kor kor, was found to be super engaged (head very low, very close to cervix). What are the precautions I need to take besides resting in bed or on the couch? Still can walk to the bathroom and back, right? Or must I totally not walk about? Gynae gave the a-ok for me to be discharged tmrw, but I'm now getting a bit worried, about even getting out of my hubby's car to walk to the lift and then to my unit.

Also, my gynae has scheduled me for a C-sec at 38th week. Was just wondering if the chances of emergency C-sec will be high since she's scheduling my elective C only in the 38th week. Emergency C-sec will be riskier and more exp. than elective, right? Not to mention that it will also most likely be under GA, yar? Trying to avoid all these, so should I just tell her to schedule me earlier, like between 36th and 37th week, so that chances of emergency C won't be that high?

Hi BK,
Thanks! I'm coping ok with my new "tenants".
It helps that one is an easy-going one, although the other is constantly hungry and attention-seeking. My days (and nights) are filled with endless rounds of feeding and expressing. But I wouldn't trade this for the world. As it is, I already find that they are growing too fast.

Hi Alethea,
Your twins seem to be pretty good weights, although ultrasound estimates can be wrong (mine was supposed to be 2.4kg &amp; 2.1kg just before I pop, but turns out both were actually only abt 2kg). Just get lotsa lotsa rest, and not get out off the bed/couch unless really necessary. Think positive! You're nearly there. Actually, anytime after 34 weeks is clear, according to my obgyn. Why don't you discussed with yr Dr your concerns? She may have her reasons for waiting till 38th week.
Hi Besttwins and MTBs,

As mentioned in my earlier email, I was ordered bed rest as I have spotting, placenta praveia also for my 1st pregnancy. When my gynae ordered bedrest for me, I can only sit up and finish my meal and visit the bathroom when necessary. Of course, I do put on the special socks to make sure the blood pumps back to my heart. You can still wiggle your toes and bend your knees to allow blood circulation. Spend my time watching movies, reading books, talking to my gals. I'm cautious of getting deep vein thrombsis, so whenever I sit up or lay in bed, there's a cushion to rest my legs. So, stay in great shape...enjoy your twins pregnancy, feel them moving around, at times, your tummy belching in and out and most important, stay cheerful, rest well and eat well. You're going to need all the energy you've reserved to take care of them.

Hi Chloe,

Take good care of yourself and do update us with your twins progress &amp; developments, OK? Merry Christmas to you &amp; your family too!
Hi sincerity
Abt the special socks that u mentioned, where can I get it? Is it available at any pharmacies? Is there a name for it?
styloBB &amp; dorayaki,
Icic! thansk ya... me too cant walk for more than 10 min or so and standing for more than 10 min is also a problem, but i still walk around my house, but hor dont know why the doc ask me to rest in bed and she added either lie on your left or 45 degree.

wah they can still turn at week 37 ah? ok ok then i don think so much abt the position.

Aw dear! sorry for the scare u had had! Glad that everything is fine now. Ya must be very careful of food intake too i think. U rest well and eat right ok
BTW, can u share with me how did the contraction feel like? I have been having a lot of tightening since week 25 but its not regular.

Ur twins weight seems to be great! Hmmm...38 weeks seems to be good, but i heard from my doc that once after 34 weeks no need to worry as the babies lungs would have matured already. I think ur doc will be checking the growth of ur babies meanwhile and if there is any reduction in the rate she may reschedule???? Take care &amp; jia you

Icic! Wah u stayed in bed for two pregnancies ah, mus really salute! thanks for the encouragement
I stayed in bed for two hours yesterday but was twisting and turning. Oh yes, my tummy bulges here and there at times and i see the shape changing often....doc said they are movements.
Hi Twinsmom,
Contraction is something like having menses cramp. When I was in the delivery suite, they have a graphical reading that shows that you are having contractions. Sometimes the contraction is so slight that you won't even feel it but the reading show that u r having one.

I am also like you can't stand or walk for too long. 10 mins of either really tired me already. But since now at home must try to rest as much as possible. =)
Hi Mummies

I think ur gynae does not want u to go into pre-term labour hence she wants u to rest as much as possible. I think the part about lying side is becos it's the recommended position (something about pressure if I rembr correctly), cos even for carrying singleton, we are also advised to lie on the left. Anyway u wl find that u can't lie on ur back once ur tummy is v v big...

FYI I went for epi c-section cos all along I didn't want GA...

Yes, must be careful what u eat. No point end up getting food poisoning or diarrhoea... best to take freshly cooked food.

Can still turn at week 37? Mine didn't.. no space liao...

Once I reached the 37th week, my gynae advised me that I could opt for c-section.
If u are not comfortable with 38th week, maybe u hv a talk with gynae. I think emergency c-sec shud be more exp than elective c-sec. (Cos emergency mah, gotta 'dash' to the operating theatre and not sure if it's occupied at that time.)
From what I learnt frm the other mummies, if bbs are above 2kg, usu it's ok.
Hi gals
It has been a long time since I last read the thread. I have been having hard time looking for this thread and finally, today, I managed to find it.
MY sch holiday is coming to an end but I must say I really enjoy my time with my 3 little ones.
Hi Chloe
Please do stay strong coz your 2 little ones need you. Do make full use of this time to build up your health so that you will be ready when your babies come back.
Hi JadeQ
I did not engage any confinement lady coz the cost is really high. My babies were born premature and so they needed to stay in NICU for around 3 weeks plus to 1 month.
Attached is my babies photo

I still don't know the gender of the triplets yet, doc say too early to tell (12 wks). Will update you later.

Trip &amp; Peacy,

Thanks for your replies.


How much did you pay for the confinement lady to look after your triplets? Were your triplets discharged from the hospital at the same time with you? Which week were they born at? (I am new to the thread.)
Hi everyone, I've been following this thread for the on off for the past month or so, but haven't really found time to register and post. I really like the community spirit here and would really love to join in.

I'm expecting twin boys due on 1st May 2007 (Labour day?! Ha ha...). I'm seeing Dr Sheila Loh at KKH. She was the doctor I was seeing when I underwent IVF at KKIVF, so just continued seeing her after I was successful. I feel very comfortable with her but the only problem is, always need to wait a loooooonng time to see her. Once, my appt time was at 10+am, I ended up seeing her at 2+pm. I wonder if any other KKH patients share the same experience.

Anyway, just want to say thanks to everyone who have shared their joy and knowledge. With the holidays just round the corner, here's wishing everyone here a very merry christmas and a great new year ahead! For a number of us next year we'll be entering into motherhood for the 1st time, so hope that it'll be a smooth and joyous journey for all!
hi all,
Hope everyone is doing great

I m having bad stomach pain since 4.30 pm when i woke up from my nap
Really dont know what happened leh....soo worried now. Just now when i went to toilet the motion seems to be a little loose. Today din cook at home so ate outside food...so very scared got problem becos of that or what. Hopefully it will go away soon.

me guilty of going to the library today, no choice la if i m to stay in bed i need my favourite books to read, tried reserving so that mum could go and get it but hor i had outstanding fine so i have to go and pay it up, After that i promised to myself i will never go out again.

thanks for the info on contraction is useful to me. So how are u doing now? rest well ok?

Thanks, ya i realize i cant lie on my back nowadays, and 45 degree is not for me cos i keep sliding down :p I wil stick to my left side then....really hav to salute u mummies who carried ur babies till 37th week.

ur kids are lovely, this is the age i love to carry them around....I m a bit scared to carry new born babies so far but mil says once we hav our own we wont be scared...see how it goes keke...

icic! no worries k....take care hor!

Welcome to the thread
I m seeing doctor sf loh at kkh, so far my longest waiting time is 1 hour, there are many times i get to see him within 20 min. Hopefully it goes like that for the rest of the weeks as well kekek....Are u seeing S Loh in 'D' clinic or TPS? Heard TPS is very crowded nowadays.
I'm new to this thread. A little update on myself. I got pregnant thru IVF at KKH and currently expecting twins at 8 weeks. My EDD date will be in 12 Aug 2007.

Just like to check with all the twins and triplets mums here. Do u all choose 2 single prams or those that stick together? Which one is better?
Hi Mummies

Wow, must hv spent a bomb on IVF...

The left side position is apparently the best position to lie down ...

Cos I heard that twins may arrive early mah, so I prayed and also told the gals to pls stay inside till after 37th week.. so relieved when they crossed from 31 Dec till 1 Jan..haha.
After 37th week, nothing happenend but gynae said can deliver them liao...

Mine is the front and back stroller.
I understand that for the side one, it may be a little cramped for them once they grow.
Hi SyloBB,

Abt the prams, i tot the front n back cannot accomodate infants for the front seat except the rear one? The front seat is meant for toddler rite? Pls correct me if i'm wrong coz me too tot of buying the front n back stroller coz i think it doesn't take up too much space when travelling.

To all mummies..Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..
sori to hear wat had happen to you.. but cheer up at least u still have two with you

just wan to share with you my third sister born during 30 weeks..also saty in ICU and her size is as small as a kitten. one hand can carry le and her internal organs not fully grown.. but now she is pri 4 next year..healthy gal..

pls take care of yourself and send my regards to your new born bb ger n boy
Hi Jade,

I paid quite a good price for my confinement nanny...$1800 (same price as that for looking after single bb). I gave her a "big" ang bao at the end of my confinement cos I know the market rate for looking after twins is $2400. It was not easy for me to get a confinement nanny cos many of them were already booked when I tried to source for them. This lady was through a friend's recommendation and she accepted because of her relationship with my friend. Many confinement nannies did not want to accept the job when they heard triplets (even with higher pay!) Moreover, the estimated date of delivery for triplets is very inaccurate, so it is really difficult to confirm the nanny, especially for those who are popular and had their "timetable" closely packed.

My bbs were born 33 weeks and 4 days. They had to stay in special care nursery for 3 weeks so as to reach the 2 kg mark before they were discharged. Therefore, I was discharged earlier than them.
hi gals

Please dun worry or feel sad for me. i am fine now, very busy in fact, cos got to go hospital to change my wound dressing and visit my twins.

hui, so nice to hear from u! How have u been? Now that u preggie, better take good care of urself ok? Merry Christmas and wishing u a smooth delivery.
welcome to the thread

u mean they reached 37 weeks on 1st Jan??? sooo funny leh u.....hehehe...me too...if only i can reach 37th week i will jump in joy and would wanna deliver them asap

<font color="119911">wishing everyone a very merry Christmas.......</font>
<font color="ff0000">May love, peace and joy be all yours this Christmas and manymore Christmas to come</font>
Hello Mummies

I am from the Twins Thread.
Be postive and dun worry about pre-term labour.

My boys were delivered prematurely at 25 weeks. Stayed in NICU for 3 mths plus. Both the boys and i have complications so they arrived early.
They are doing well now. GreenApple met them before.

Most of the mummies here are in your 30 plus week. Babies will be fine

Wishing all a Blessed Christmas!
Everyone, thanks for the warm welcome.

About the strollers, actually I'm thinking of getting 2 separate ones, as I think it'll be easier to move around. Also intend to get one of those sling thingy, so if I ever need to take 2 babies out, I'll sling one of them and put the other one in the stroller.

StyloBB, actually IVF has become more affordable now. I think I spent around 6000, and most of it is claimable from medisave. The hard part is actually the emotional roller coaster during the process. I felt really lucky that I was successful the first time. Really cannot imagine what it must be like to have to go through the process time and again.

Oh yes, I've got a little tip from my gynae which I'd like to share. When I went for my 20th week checkup, my gynae saw that I was having backache, so she recommended me to get a maternity belt. I got one from the KKH pharmacy for 20+ and boy did it help! So to everyone who has the same problem, can give it a try.

Happy holidays everyone!
Hi Mummies,

Was wondering if the 'seniors' here could share with us some the labour symptoms to watch out for. As for me, cos' I've been having early contractions (painless tightenings) since my 25th week till now, I don't think I will know how to distinguish between these and the real ones. ANy fool-proof signs which we need to take note off? Gush of fluid? Bloody discharge? Have been experiencing soreness at my vagina for the past 2 weeks, DUnno if it's because I've been sitting or lying too much, thus, the uterus is pressing onto the nerves there.

Any advice? Also, on average, when do mummies with multiples like us, usually deliver our multiples? Between the 35-38th weeks?
Alethea, besides contracts, other signs as you said are breaking of waterbag and show (bloody discharge). However, you may just have one of these signs. They may or may not come together. Like for DS#1, my waterbag broke but no contractions. Waterbag breaking may result in gush of water or may be subtle like just trickle of water.

Soreness at the vagina area is probably the babies weight pressing on the bones.

And I delivered by C-section at 37wk as instructed by Dr.

Take care and rest well.

sorry haven't been posting much, find it hard to really sit still in font of the comp nowadays

Just happy to have the 2 little ones in my tummy to share my christmas this year!!!

so MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!

Hi i'm new to this thread too. first time mummy... 6th week now. and my morning sickness is terrible. is morning scickness worse with twins? i think my body very very not used to the surge of hormones. i'm having nausea and no apetite since week 5. everything smells awful to me. i only vomit twice so far, after vomit i feel better, is it better to vomit out? but how do baby get nutrients when we already have no appettite and still vomit?
