2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Hi tch
Thanks for your encouragement. I will work harder to express BM from today.

Hi Jlyn

Wah, so next week will be your turn, and the following week mine! So exciting...! Wish we have a smooth delivery!

So both babies of DM and Audrynzen came out heavier than expected as compared to ultrasound weights... Hmm... hope that happens to my case too! My boys now weigh abt 2.3kg and 2.4kg at week 35, so I am still trying to beef them up further for the next 2 weeks...
Jovia, mine babies were also heavier then US.. so no worries since your babies are already of a good size.

Wish you and Jlyn a smooth delivery.
Hi Mummies & MTBs,

i'm also mummy to a pair of twin girls who jus turned 18mths recently.

i'm new to this forum but having gone thru' a twin pregnancy and delivery etc etc.. i hope i can share my experiences or help in any way.. after all, not everyone can experience having twins, rite? ;)

do drop me a msg.. take care and enjoy ur weekend too! ;)
Hi peacy, tch & twinsmom,

M now warded at Mt. A. The CTG tests indicate that I'm indeed experiencing contractions (painless). Like described earlier, I can feel my tummy tightening, got the urge to pee or move my bowels, and when I lift up my shirt to check my belly, I can see it all scrunched up, very hard. Gynae has put me on medication since I got admitted on Tues evening. Today's she's just increased dosage but I'm still experiencing the tightening regularly, like every 2-3 hrs. She wants me to stay in the hospital for another 10 weeks or so, cos' she said these (Braxton Hicks) come too early (m reaching 26th week) and may progress to full blown contractions so must stay and not go home cos' for multiples, the threst of preterm labour is high. Been losing my sanity as the days go by. Can't imagine how I'm gonna survive the 10 weeks in here.

Mummies who have experienced this, are such contractions so serious? Can't I just go home and be put on total bed rest, rather than sink into depression in the hospital?
Why don't you discuss with your gynae? If your gynae feel its safe for you to be home and understand your emotional state, you may get to be discharged home. But if gynae says its safer for you to be monitored in the hospital, then you will have to listen to the professionals. Get your HB and family members to bring you stuff to kill time. Remind yourself your babies will be healthy and of good size when they are delivered closer to full term. Dun get stressed up. No good for babies.
hi twins_MTB, she's adamant that I stay in here. In fact, she issued me 2 options - either stay or find myself another gynae. Sigh! She's such a tyrant at times, and so clinical and detached. Have discussed with my hubby and agreed that I'll stay for another few days to make it a week or so just to see if the medication to stop the contraction works. If it does to a certain extent, then I will request to be discharged and at most, return to her clinic every other day. But she may be hopping mad at this suggestion. Much as I would want my babies to be well and good, I dunno how I could get thru' 10 weeks in the hospital.
Poor thing...I think better listen to your gynae as she has her reasons for asking you to stay in hospital...guess she wants to monitor your condition. Rest well and hope that your contractions stop after medication and you will be able to go home soon. At least you still have internet access? We sisters can keep you company on this thread...
Stay cheerful!
Hi Alethea,
i've also got a fren who experienced contractions ard 28wks into her pregnancy (though its a singleton). Her gynae wanted to monitor her for a while until she is stable and had lesser contractions before releasing her home. But on condition that if she feels anythg, she gotta come back to the hospital again. So i guess its inevitable lah.. bear wif it for a while, its for the good of both mummy n baby ;)
Hi Alethea,

I also had similar experience as u. However, my contractions came even earlier, ard 23 weeks.
i understand how u are feeling now, but no matter what, u have already come so far, so try and be positive. I remembered I talked to my bbs everyday then, and told them to be patient and not bully mummy....I think it kind of helps....after being on medication and under observation for 1 week plus, I was discharged but subsequently had to stay at home for another 10 weeks before i delivered...
I was very frustrated and depressed also, being cooped up in the delivery suite with no tv,no
Hi Alethea,

I also had similar experience as u. However, my contractions came even earlier, ard 23 weeks.
i understand how u are feeling now, but no matter what, u have already come so far, so try and be positive. I remembered I talked to my bbs everyday then, and told them to be patient and not bully mummy....I think it kind of helps....after being on medication and under observation for 1 week plus, I was discharged but subsequently had to stay at home for another 10 weeks before i delivered...
I was very frustrated and depressed also, being cooped up in the delivery suite with no tv,no
internet and had to stay on bed all the time...
I did not know how I manage to go through that period but just have to be patient. I think your gynae is trying to ensure the best for your bbs because bedrest is the most effective to prevent early delivery.
Thanks, Choco and mamamic, am resigned to staying here for a while longer.... Mamamic, so how long did your fren stay in the hospital before she was allowed to go home?

Verona, thanks, I've just PMed u.
How did you find out that your contractions are serious enough to ask doctor? Can you describe it a little more? I thought for Braxton Hicks, it's irregular timing and quite common, and as long as the contractions don't happen too frequently within an hour, it shld be ok?

I'm asking because, for the past week or so, I occasionally felt like something in my tummy is slowly 'folding' over just below belly button for a few seconds (imagine the slow turning of a chicken being roasted in an oven)...weird feeling, hard to describe. It happens at most once or twice a day and not everyday (maybe every couple of days). Didn't think much of it as it was painless and infrequent, and doesn't last for long each time...so I thought it's may be braxton hicks. After each time, my tummy feels tight and hard in that spot. But it goes away soon after. And it can happen whether I've resting in bed before sleeping...or even when I'm out shopping. So I don't know what really triggers it. But after reading about your hospitalisation, I starting thinking abt my own case... Dunno if I shld ask my gynae. Somemore he's closed now for the long weekend...
Think he'll only be open from Wed onwards.

Anyway, am now midway thru my 20th week, and still haven't really felt my babies kick yet...so I'm also not sure if it's actually the first feelings of babies moving or if it's braxton hicks...sigh...
How to tell ah?
Choco, it's probably the BBs kicking. When u lift up your shirt, u can see like little crawls or something poking out, very fast actions. And sometimes even hiccups too. Whwn that happened, I can feel my tummy rocking from side to side, all jiggly.

For Braxton Hicks, u can feel them coming, at least for my case that it. I suddenly have the urge to pee or poo poo and before I know it, i can feel my tummy tightening and then it scrunches up, very hard when u touch it. But this hardening gradually subsides after 30-50s or so, then all is calm and I can feel my BBs moving about. I was concerned enough to see my gynae cos during the past week or so, I'd been experiencing it quite regularly, like every 1-2 hours. When I was in my 19th-24th week, I had already felt this but back then, it only happened like twice a day and when it first happened, my hubby and I were still so thrilled and excited cos' we always thought that our BBs were poking their butts or heads out to say 'hi' (when my tummy scrunches, the hardening is like a ball). But when the frequency became higher in my 24th-25th week, being the paranoid MTB that I was, I called my gynae who asked me to rush down to see her. That's when she put me on CTG and found some contractions.

Read up on BH these few days, and surprised to see that most articles say that it's quite common even in the 2nd trimester, so long as it doesn't happen too often within an hour. But guess that gynae is concerned becos' she said that multiples tend to be problematic so must err on the side of caution, before the BH develops into full-blown contractions which are painful which often lead to dilation of the cervix.

Are u sure that u feel hardening in your tummy? BB movements are well, movements, But the hardening is unmistakeable and usually last about 30s or so before the hardened area relaxes and becomes soft again.

can call dr fong's emergency number. ask him when he return ur call
it's ok one i used to always call his emergency number.
Alethea, I had very regular contractions in my 35th week and was warded for a day. It was not even at 1hourly interval. It happens every 10 mins or so...so was warded and put on stronger medication as I was already on it before 35weeks. The medication did help but on day of discharge, my contractions were still quite regular and strong. The nurses and Dr on duty were quite sure that I wouldn't be discharged. But Dr Loh was very confident and discharged me. Told me to ward myself only when I feel pain as all these while, the contractions were not very painful, just crampy feeling. After discharged, contractions became less regular. In fact, I stopped my anti-contractions pills at 36weeks as Dr said he didn't want to deliberately delay labour. And surprisingly, the contractions completely went away after I stopped the pills.

Sorry for being so long winded. What I am trying to say is that, your contractions will also probably be controllable by the pills. And like what my Dr said, no point for me to stay in the hospital, just hv to monitor and ward myself if it worsen. So maybe you can discuss with your gynae about it and ask for early discharge. However, I am sure she has your interest at heart.

All the best and remember to pyscho your babies not to come out so soon. Keep us updated.
Dunno leh...but it's not fast movements that why I thought can't be babies' movements which are faster right? It feels like a slow rolling feeling...like my tummy is slowly folding over for abt 5sec. Maybe babies trying to do somersaults in my tummy?
And sometimes after that, it's as if my tummy feels suddenly lower and maybe harder...and I subconsciously put my hand underneath my belly to hold it up. Do you sometime get this feeling too?

Doggies mummy,
Thanks, I thought that number reserved only for real emergencies... Will try calling him the next time I feel it again.

Anyway, just went to Spring to buy some clothes for myself...find their stuff very pretty and trendy. Haha, now getting more 'hiao' in 2nd trimester, and trying not to look too auntie.
i try to get those that are made of t-shirt material which are more comfy and also stretchable. Nowadays I feel warm quite easily so usually prefer sleeveless. Trying to tell myself not to spend too much, but console myself that I can still wear these after giving birth, because I don't think we can lose the weight so soon right? Hee hee...excuses, excuses...
Hi tch,

M put on antibiotics, ventolin and another type of pill for contractions, but still recording the tightening sensation at regular 1-hourly intervals
Each time my tummy scrunches up tightly, I will try to move a bit to my left and right (after reading the Internet articles on BH), and then the tightening will gradually soften and my tummy is back to shape. Just now when it happened again, a nurse was at hand so I asked her if it was contraction. She said it could be BBs' movement and since it gradually softened, it's fine. DUH! Maybe the nurse doesn't know what she's talking about, but now I'm even more confused as to whether my condition is so severe to warrant a full hospital stay at all. I mean, when I'm doing something (normal activities), instead of lying on the bed and being conscious about everything, I don't even realise my tummy is tightening. thus, if given any normal day at the office, I don;t think such I would even give much thought to it.
with 2 to look after we lose weight very fast one, but the tummy need time to firm up cos c-section cant exercise and breasts bigger cos holding milk
hi all,
I was MIA for a while...hubby was moving the study room to do up the nursery, so no computer to use for me
Finally its fixed.

so sorry to know that u r in the hospital. Hope u get better faster and be back home soon.

I have been having the "folding kinda movement" that u have mentioned since my 16th week, i was also thinking that its somersault, but now dont know leh...

I feel the baby kicking at different points of the tummy, mostly at the sides but not the whole tummy at one go...i m confused now if this is kicking or some contraction
My tummy always feels tight so i really dont know wats getting tight (me such thick skin i think).

Hope everythings goes well for all of us and the babies will be born healthy. Praying hard!

<font color="0000ff">20weeks+</font>
Hi Alethea
I understand totally how you feel now. As I told you, I have the same experience when I was around 27th week. I can still remember it was the election day. I thought I was just having some tummy ache but ended up in labour ward when I contacted my gynae. I was hospitalised immediately. My gynae insisted that I stayed on till delivery coz its mulitple. When I was hospitalised, on and off, I have contraction according to the CTG machine and I as shifting between labour ward and normal ward. At that period of time, I really feel very depressed and miserable. I am also like you wanting to go home and I made my request to my gynae. My gynae being so patient can actually become so stern and firm giving me a long lecture for wanting to go home. I was staying in a B2 ward and can you imagine no aircon and tv, life is so miserable. When I reach my 30th week, I made the request again. I know my gynae was unwilling to let me go home but in the end, he gave in. Actually, I am kind of regret and felt gulity coz when I went back for my check up after going home for 3 days, I was admitted immediately for emergency c-section. I was quite shocked then coz I was on complete bedrest when I was discharged. I kept asking myself if I did not insist of discharging, will I be able to hold my babies longer.....
my advice is listen to your gynae coz they know what is the best for your babies....Just bear with it for the time being and enjoy the time you have with your babies while they are still in your tummy. Everyday counts for the babies growth.
hi all,
guess everyone is in holiday mood?? Hubby is painting the nursery and me planning what to paste on the walls, keke...silly me!

Lately all the seniors have given great advices on the preterm contractions, i m so glad u gals around to guide us
Hope all ur new arrivals are doing great.

<font color="ff6000">20weeks+
gained 8kg so far
next appointment on 1/11</font>
Hi Alethea,
my fren was in and out of the hospital for almost 2 months actually.. aft dat, she was able to 'tahan' until her delivery date. So dun worry lah, jus keep telling ur darlings to be patient and dun be so eager to 'pop out' yet! ;o)

dun be so hard on urself. I dun think it'll make any difference even if u didn't discharge earlier.. as long as the babies are healthy, everything is worth the trouble, rite? :eek:D
hello all,
Good morning................
Its sooo quiet here lately???????

Wondering if anyone is aware of any good spree or BP lately.
Best Twins, ya so quiet. I just manage to log on after taking a nap. It's a holiday and we are bounded at home!! So boring!!

Hope the boys grow up quickly so that we can have some outing.

Oh yes, also hope that they will sleep through the night soon. I am sooo deprived of sleep....
Hi all
Finaly managed to log on today. This delivery was a better experience compared to my previous pregnancy. Probably because it was scheduled, I suffered less pain for the C-Section wound.All in all, very glad with how the delivery turned out especially with the weight for both of them at 37 weeks.

I have problems with latching my baby boy directly so now he's on EBM. Currently, he is taking about 60ml of EBM each time however I still don't have sufficient for him to be on total EBM. So at times where I don't have enough, he'll be supplemented with Similac. I would say that the supply is slowly building up over the few days so now probably 75% EBM and the rest of the time is formula. Whereas my baby gal has no problems with the latching on so she's on TBF so got no idea how much she drinks.

Btw for those delivering at Mt Alvernia, you may be interested to know that my hospital bill at Mt Alvernia for myself and the 2 babies for 3 days in a single ward and Delivery via C-Section (GA) came up to about 6.7K (of which cash will be about 3K and the rest will be Medisave).

Thanks to TCH for updating everyone on my delivery.

Hope to be able to log back on soon.

Hi Alethea
Hang in there!

Jovia &amp; Jlyn
Wish both of u a smoothe delivery.
Audryn, that's very cheap bill for yourself and babies..so much cheaper than KKH.

So envious that you have such good BM supply. That means you can express 60ml after your girl latch on?

Mine was so pathetic, only reach 50ml after 1month. So sad every time I think about it..that my babies are deprived of BM.

Alethea, how are you doing now?
Congrats on your smooth delivery! Thanks for sharing the bill info...looks quite manageable. Praying that I can hold the babies in my tummy till wk37 too. Since you were under GA, was your hubby allowed to go into the OT with you?

Just to check with you...Which breastpump are you using? My cousin's wife recommended Medela electric dual b-pump...saw it in the stores, very exp leh...$700+. Do you know where's the best place to buy this? I don't know anyone who has it that can lend me... Where did you get yours from?

Also saw a twin stroller selling for abt $600. The salesgirl said it was some Italian brand, can't remember the name...sigh, is it usually this exp? Even at 20% to 30% discount, it's still at least $400+...
hi all,
good morning and hope everyone is doing great!

Big contrats to u!!!!!...u r holding ur bundle of joy now, wooooo....

Poor thing u, cant imagine how it would be not to sleep at night well! I m usually a early bird, 10.30 must be in bed liao...so think wil suffer a lot once the babies are born.

everything ex leh...yesterday hubby and me went to ikea to see see....end up hubby spent 1,300 already. He insisted on buying the white cot from ikea...aiya i dont like it cos it looks too big. Does anyone else here bought cot from ikea?? They also didnt have the good bedding so i didnt buy the bedding there. wondering if all the bedding sets are standard??? One more q..do we have to buy and keep the breast pump in advance or can even buy after giving birth? Which brand is good?

me not going to buy the stroller now la...thot will buy after the babies are born. Thinking of buying maclaren (hope spelling correct) twin stroller and one combi single stroller.
Morning Ladies,
i'm currently using a MacLaren Stroller (Twin Traveller) which i oso bought after my babies were born. Quite light-weight compared to the rest of the models in the Maclaren range. So far still quite happy wif it. I bought it at Baby Hypermart (Kaki Bukit) for abt $470+. Its better to buy there cos' they're provide 1 yr warranty and are oso the authorised servicing agent. So if in future, anything spoils, can get them to repair at a much cheaper rate too.

Hi Best_Twins,
I've got a Medela Single Pump, which i bought aft i delivered, cos' not enuff BM. So the lactation consultant told me to use it to stimulate more milkflow. I guess Medela is pretty good, since most hospitals use it too..

As for baby cot, i bought one from Ikea oso. It costs abt $89 (on sale). Its also convertible to a toddler's bed, up to 4-5 years old. So far still quite good..
Thanks for advice, thats great to know that the twin stroller i was planning to buy is good. Is it the one side by side or front and back, me thinking of buying side by side
Can it be seperated when one baby needs to go out? I guess cannot rite? thats why wanna buy one more single just in case! Think a lot of mummies are recommending medela, so i'll also buy that after giving birth keke...

wow the cot is so cheap leh... mine was 199 each still the cheapest! so is it a standard size? cos thinking of buying the bedding set elsewhere...btw where did u buy the bedding set?

How old are ur twins now? any photos to share?

<font color="ff0000">22weeks/bump measures 39 inch
hubby went baby kingdom at shun li industries (ubi) the sales recommended a twin stroller (front and back type) only $179
the stroller is side by side, not detachable. I was able to go up and down the escalators &amp; lifts in most shopping malls too. Only those smaller escalators (single passenger ones) cannot fit.

Ya, luckily i got the cot during the sale. Think they were trying to clear stock. The size is standard, i got the mattress at Kiddy's Palace. But i bought the bedding set seperately, cos' usually the bumpers are very ex. I got the bumper at Tagore Lane (Kidz Loft), which were going at $12 per set then. Think they still have, so if u dun mind the distance and the mismatched bedsheet, can go there and get.

My twins are 18mths now. Below is a photo of both of them (very hard to shoot them together nowadays). Pardon the blur-ness.. :p
Yes the bill for the delivery of the twins came up to about the same as for my previous singleton delivery. But for my older boy, I had to pay for both Delivery Suite and OT, Epidural and GA and I was in a double bedded room. Probably also due to the complication then I used up more medical consumables too.

Ya after my gal latch on, I'll usually pump probably within the hr or 2 to coincide with my boy's feeding time and hence the supply can range from 40 to 80ml each time. I started with only 20ml so must keep pumping to increase supply. I pump around 6-8 times a day.
I'm definitely sleep deprived too.... trying very hard to coordinate their nite feeds.

Hi Choco Latte
For GA, hubby not allowed in the OT. Bur if u opt for epidural, hubby can go in with u for Mt A.

I'm using medela electric dual pump but I only use one pump each time I pump for now since supply is still low. Alternate 10-15mins each breast. Theone u saw should be medela pump in style whereas mine should only cost around $300. I've been using this pump for my 1st boy 4years ago. It's available at most stores like robinsons, the first year.

I'll probably get the Maclaren Twin Traveller at Baby Hyperstore. I think it is th same one as what mama mia is using. But when I check the pricing 2 months back,it was bout $560 or so.

Hi BestTwins
Better sleep as much as u can now. I was up from 1 to almost 4 last nite then up again at 6am to 7 am.

I'm using my old cot that I bought for $299 4 years ago. They are sharing the cot for now.. will get another hand me down in another month or so I guess.

Hi doggies mummy
I was told that the twin stroller (front and back type) are not meant for newborns because the one sitting in front cannot recline fully if there's another newborn behind.
Mamamic &amp; doggies mummy,
Thanks for the info on where to find strollers...will take note when I need to buy one later. Good to know that some of you waited until after birth before buying your strollers...as I initially thought have to get everything ready first... Mamamic, your girls are so-o-o cute!

Twinsmom &amp; audrynzen,
I found this site last night on About.com talking about the top 10 twin strollers. You might find it useful to compare features when deciding on your strollers. http://multiples.about.com/cs/strollers/tp/aatpstroll.htm

As for the b-pump, guess will wait till I deliver before I buy one...must do more research...hee hee...
<font color="0000ff">Audrynzen</font>, congrats!
M very happy that your prince and princess are of a hefty weight each! How did u bulk them up? Thanks also for the bill info of Mt. A. Did Mt A give u any milk bottles or breast pumps to try out? Praying hard that there will be no complications so that BBs will be healthy and the bill will be kept low.

<font color="ff6000">Peacy &amp; Mamamic</font>, thanks for the encouragement. M feeling better already. Was still crying on Mon night and begging my gynae to discharge me when she dropped a bomb onto me that I've to stay for another 2 months till my 34th week (week before Xmas), even tho' my contractions reduced in frequency. She said the pre-term threat for multiples is always high. Told her that I would dutifully report to her clinic every 2 days, but she rejected me point-blank.Think her patience was severely tested that day (anyways, she's always been blunt), cos' she told the nurse to wheel me to the NICU to take a look at the poor babies there, said that I would cry even harder when I see the poor BBs and asked if that was what I'd wanted. Putting it that way, of course, I didn't wanna take any risk. Sigh! So now I guai guai resign myself to fate and ride things out week by week. Will be given the jabs to mature BBs lungs by next week.
Poor thing...your gynae sounds very stern but I'm sure she has your babies' interests at heart. Don't worry, 2 mths will fly by and next thing you know, you'll be able to enjoy the upcoming hols like Christmas and CNY. Jia you jia you! You can do it! Try to find something to occupy your time...if you have regular internet access, you can do things like online window shopping too.
Are you attending the antenatal classes at MtA since you'll be there now? It lasts for 2 hrs for each of 6 weekly sessions.
dun be sad lah.. jus remember its all for the good of ur bbs mah.. try to cheer and eat more, beef up ur bbs at the same time!!! :9 btw, wats their weight now?

hee, thanks for the compliment.
actually, alot of things can be bought after the bbs are born. Other than the stroller, i oso bought the babycot later. I used 1 babycot ("inherit" from my brother) for the 1st couple of months (the babies slept horizontally, side by side) until they outgrew the width of the bed before getting another babycot. Saved space too and oso i read dat twins/multiples wld like to sleep together cos' they are so used to each other in the womb for so long already. Gives them a sense of comfort
ur girls are cute, identicals right? Pardon my blurness...what is a bumper? is it the one that protects the babies from bumping on to the cot? I m actually looking for colours and design that will suit my nursery...keke...nothing better to do so doing funny things to deco the room

U mommies are so poor thing la...soon will be my turn...like u said will sleep now while i can haha...

thanks for the site will check it out

Glad to see u! I can understand how u feel, just hang on dear....two months will pass quickly. Keep urself occupied in the hospital by reading or chatting with friends. PM me if u want my number
Ya, they're identical.. hehe.. yup, its for protecting the babies from bumping onto the babycot. Perhaps you can get from Robinsons or Taka during their baby sale, oso much cheaper..

But honestly, u won't need it so soon lah.. prob when ur babies can starting turning onto their tummies.. i oni got mine when my girls were abt 5mths +..
Thanks, girls!

Mamamic, the detailed scan 5.5 weeks ago showed my boy to be 423g and girl was 422g. But my gynae never updated me on their weights in the subsequent scan. The next one would be the growth scan done in my 30th week.

Hmm.. i guess they're growing fine, dats y ur gynae never update u on their latest weights. Dun worry lah, as long as they're growing well and within the projected growth range, they're fine!!!
Wow, 1 boy and 1 girl.. so perfect.. if i had 1 boy n 1 girl the last time, then i can close my "factory" for good liao!! haha..
Hi all

Just to update, Jlyn has given birth this morn to her 2 boys, weighing 2.81kg and 2.82kg each. Birth is via c-section with spinal ana. Now back to ward already.

Congrats Jlyn!

She's awaiting upgrade to A1 ward, cos now is full house at KKH. Babies can stay in normal nursery.
Thanks, will also buy some of the stuff later then after delivery. I will also be using the baby cot from my SIL for the twins during the first few months. Then maybe borrow another cot from my friend when it's available later. Every little saving counts, cos the expenses will escalate later. heehee...

CONGRATS on your delivery!!! Your babies' weights are enviable...Do update us when you are feeling better...

Your delivery is also coming up soon, hor? Jia you jia you!
Congrats on the arrival of your princes! Wow, your boys' weight is really good. Great job!

Do take care and log on to chat with everyone as often as you can. Time flies and we all look forward to the arrival of your babies.

Does your girls prefer to sleep on the same side as they were in the womb? My girls seemed to display this "weird" habit now. The elder one won't sleep well until she's shifted to the right hand side of her sister. Once the shift is made, she seemed to sleep better. It not only applies to the cot. It applies to everywhere I place them. Hmmm... strange...
Congrats, Jlyn! So glad that your babies are well and good and so hefty!!

Seems like a lot of the mummies here really can 'tong' and deliver babies of such good weight! Must learn!
hi all,
i couldnt find the thead again for almost the whole day :p

I was soo scared last night, my tummy became tight and one part of the tummy seemed like bouncing up like as if hiccups, then it changed place and kept moving to left, right, up and down. Is this contraction or something serious
Its the first time i have this, and am not sure if this is baby's kicks or something that i should worry. There was no pain but the tummy was tight for almost 30 min. Could it be becos of over eating (i was too full at that time keke..)

Please advice me.....i m going crazy!

icic, today i went to baby kingdom to see the bedding, the cheapest is $69 and the most exp is $120+

I saw a baby cot there which can be converted into a nice toddler bed, it has four levels unlike ikea with only two levels, so hubby decided to cancel ikea cot and buy from here...but cant get white as i have planned.

jlyn, Big congrats!!!! happy motherhood liao!

thanks for updating us, soon your turn liao....jia u!!

my girls couldn't really "complain" cos' i can only sleep on my sides, if i sleep on my back, i will black-out. :p

so most of the time, they're squashed together.. hee.. but since birth, i haven't really noticed them not sleeping well cos' i've always put them each on the same side for bedtime. Perhaps ur elder gal has always been at the right side of her sister, dats y she feels more comfortable? ;)

Congrats Jlyn..
ur boys weights are really really good! U must have had a tough time carrying them during ur pregnancy, but i guess its all worth it now! hee..
