(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Juz to share tis info
Re:Supplement DHA
Juz now i went to sheng siong and i saw tat scott emulsion got sold in softgel form and it quite cheap at $5.10 for 100s and $18.90 for 500s.

hehe, the first art piece from my jeanette girl
maybe not so clear!!!
l am not too sure other kid has already started drawing with a pen or pencils. My gal seem like only know how to hold the pen only last 3 weeks but she will run automatically to the newly bought table and chair and start her art piece every time like at least 15min...hehe so it time for me to rest also..
chin chin
have tried drawing wif my gal but she simply lost interest in less than 10min and so far wat i noe from her teacher so only k wif paint but those like stamping type.
whao.. Chin Chin, your gal like in nursery oredy, can hold pen so well! Owen will either throw or grib the lead area, cannot sit still. My drawings oso does not attract him.

Nowadays he likes to throw things alot. Yesterday, he got frustrated over a container lid cover, pushed the whole container away, lifted up the huge cement mixer toy high and threw it down to vent anger. I caught it in time if not wait the toy's gonna spoil faster. Den at my MIL hse, he threw a toy that nearly hit my SIL. Again, I looked at him sternly and told him NO but b4 I explaint, he frown into tears. Any suggestion to handle? He's got his sleep, taken his dinner, I cannot see what else's missing. Haiz..dunno which screw loose really.
usually if my gal frown in tears, I will tell her sternly what is wrong and let her cry out. she will stop in a while and come hugging me. Then I will tell her to say "sorry".

But when outside, usually I will bring her away from the crowd.

It doesn't always work though but when I show her my stern look, she will know what I mean
hahaha last night JK oso throw his tantrum. Keep hitting his father, not allowing him to carry. Then his father pulled and beat his palms, then tears welled up and "bian zui"... He did not cry though after I start my "nagging" explanation to him :p

JK will like to doodle on his magnetic drawing board and on papers... He don't like his aquadoodle mats so far, cos the pens are too FAT for his grip :p

Sigh, office email down again!!! Friday already wasted a day in office liao and today another day... sianz man
Not bad leh mousypig, your gal can still hug hug u after u let her cry out. Think boys more difficult.

Serenemeow, your JK so tough & boyish, only teary eyes. Wonder how he looks like wen he bian zui, muz b v cute..hahaha
Hmmm...office email down means cannot work so got excuse to take breaks?

yuheng so clever, multi-task ah, one hand hold pen, one hand hold mouse.. kekeke
hehe yuheng can be an accountant next time.
just want to ask any of your baby know how to recognise colors..my gal seem like dun recogised color..ask her to take red , she take blue, ask he to take yellow , she take green, hubby say maybe she is colorblind..scare me a bit
finally, network restored or else will be loaded with backlogs again...

Cao Mei,
he usually will bian zui and teary eyes, once we divert his attention to other things, he will be ok... tat's y we always say he "jia jia" one.. trying to act pitiful :p

Chin Chin,
JK sometimes oso like tat.. maybe they are just playful.. u ask them to do 1, they will purposely do 2 for u :p just ignore them and they will give u the correct things
strawberry, last time i put abit and cannot see foam then i scare not clean so put more lor. somemore now she eating sweet stuff so better put more then clean better mah. kekekek....

babygal, really stress leh especially my girl now gets jealous when i carry my boy. then sometimes no choice gotta pass my boy to others while i pacify her. can really faint.

chinchin, yr gal looks so grown up in the last pic. so adorable!
orh okie.. thot u in Mexico still so eng to post in forum...hahaha

that day brought my gal to recce a school for her nursery next yr. I know sounds abit kiasu, but hor, I had been waiting for a seat for her for her playgroup since months back, but all fully booked till year end. Can u believe it?! By the time a seat is available, she already qualify for their nursery 1 program liao. While I walk round the compound with the teacher, she was busy playing the toys, machiam so familiar with the compound liao. Didn't even realise her papa mama not around her I think. Hope it stays this way when her school starts
ppp, paiseh just realised i missed out yr post earlier...me ah, confinement still come out for check up as well mah, so since my girl started cc in my 3rd week of confinement and since my hubby oso cant send her cos he is busy with work (shorthanded cos one of his worker quit) so no choice i send her lor...luckily itz nearby (less than 3 mins drive) so not a problem...i send her then come home straight lor. i wanted to arrange for the school bus actually for the period when i doing confinement but the bus driver dun wanna take her cos he said my place inconvenient cos only one way road....so no choice lor...oso my hubby bu fan xin let her on school bus. maybe u can try to let nianqi take school bus during yr confinement period?

doggymum, wah the playgroup so popular...where is it? good that she is so comfy with the place. my girl has settle in at school as well...no more crying in the morning when we part...not even today after returning to school from weekend break. heng ah...then hor today heard from her teacher that she likes those new children and today got one came and she tried to kiss him/her then dunno how she went to bite the kid after dat...luckily the kid not hurt. think maybe she think the kiddo tasty...hhahah
it's the Superland Montessori at Ganges Ave. Sibey popular, dunno why... actually I'm not worried abt my gal not being comfy in school. I'm main worry is she'll bully the other kids, and every other day I'm being told to attend "jian jia zhang" session... then I'll be very busy liao.

How was your 1st day at work? Can get used to working life anot?
Trying to adjust to it leh but then today damn busy and after learning their software i been keying in invoice from 10am+-5.50pm finally then finish and those invoice was dated 2 mths back.
Still k lah but the person who teach me quite lor sor leh.

Anyway luckily they nv torture me ask me arrange the store or i really can faint as juz by looking at it it was messy.
babygal, very tiring lor...a few times i feel so much like giving up on bf so that others can help feed him. i think i got slight depression oso...sometimes feel so frustrated. prob i think i wanna find a job and maybe get mil to look after my boy.

doggymum, see i so blur...this morning drop her to school then i asked the teacher abt the biting incident. turns out that the girl loves hugging people so she go around hugging and then she hug my girl and i think my girl dun like so she bite her. i asked the teacher how is the kiddo and she said later she will see her lor.

i see yr girl very demure kinda leh...dun look like she will bully others. kekeke....looks can be so deceiving huh. so when yr girl starting school?
Hi all,
Bbgal, wow, not bad siah. First day at work and managed to clear so much for them liao. Super efficient hor.... I see that your Kenise is settling very well in her CC too. Good for u lah. By the way, I need to return the toys that I rented this weekend. Wondering if they are opend on suns? Heh, I brought Z to the Jacobs Ballas Children Garden to play last weekend and he had an enjoyable time! Think we might bring him there often. FOC somemore and carpark only $1 per entrance on Suns!! Haha...

Starmoon, I was also wondering if I can cope with bf when bb junior comes out. At least for Zavier, I managed to total bf for about 6 months plus. I wouldn't want to "shortchange" my junior and would very much want to do the same too. But tat would have to depend on Zavier's behaviour. If he whole day gets jealous, then how am I going to bf the junior? Headache.....Which school is your girl attending?

Doggymum, I totally understand the wait too. I put Z's name on the waiting list this Jan for the Learning Vision at my workplace (Novena) and he's still 22nd on the wait list lor! Don't even know if I can get a placement for him early next yr... sigh... Had wanted to put him there before junior comes out but now got to make alternative arrangements.

Anyone knows if there are any sales ard at Isetan or Robinsons? Want to get the Avent manual pump again cos my previous one seems quite old liao.
bearyhugs, my hubby oso asked me to continue to bf my boy cos he said last time with my girl i oso manage to tong and bf her exclusively for 6 months. i guess it is so much easier to handle my girl compared to my boy cos he keep votmitting even though i burp him. i checked with PD and he said it is not of a concern as my boy is gaining weight well despite the votmitting. sometimes seems like he can votmit half or the whole feed and then after that he wants to latch on for more milk. hence, very tiring for me. though a part of me wanna persist on, the other part of me feels like throwing in the towel...really stressful and tiring to take care of 2 young ones. then nite time, i scare my boy cries will wake hubby and my girl so sometimes i get frustrated when i put him down to sleep after burping and yet he still cry and wanna latch on somemore but then when i latch him, he fall asleep shortly or suckle for comfort only. datz y really feel like stopping bf and juz give fm. my girl super sticky to me nowadays lor and i feel i dun have any time to myself at all hence i get frustrated. my girl is attending cherie hearts at lor melayu (kembangan branch). i got the avent manual pump which i bought a couple of months ago...had intended to do tandem pumping but then too lazy to do so...in the end still use back my pis advanced and so i wanna get rid of the avent manual pump...it is new and packaging still intact. let me know if u r interested.
She's definitely not demure lah.. dun be fooled by her looks. It's just the "screen saver" and once you deactivate this screen saver function, you'll see the true colors inside! hahaha.. that day at the fam. trip there was a little boy there (from the school) wanting to take away a toy she was holding. She refused to let go, and managed to safeguard the toy from the little gor gor. See, even as a visitor there, she's already bullying others liao. . I like the place, but thought of going for a "trial" class to observe how classses are being conducted before making a final decision to enrol her there. Cos hor, not cheap so wanna ensure it's worth the $. If all goes well, plan to let her commence in Jan 08.

Seems like everywhere also long waiting lists for schools/courses enrolments for our kiddos hor? Are we parents too kiasu?
aiyoh, see u all start "reserving" place for schools, i must also act fast liao.. think most likely send JK in Jan09 when he's steady in walking then... now still like "humpty dumpty" with support.
But couldn't decide whether to put him at Learning Vision (either Cecil or Punggol) or Apple Tree (Punngol)... which one is better har?
or else will be PCF at my mum's place :p
I have register online with apple tree for my Zhe Lei at my house nearby. They have changed to 2 hr session n the fee increase to $160. I need to go down to make payment on 15Jul.
hahhaa.. saw the Jan 09 serenemeow posted.. hahaha, me still living in the past..

me planning to let A commence school in Jan 09, not 08.. paisey paisey

Apple Tree registration is on 30 June (for lessons commencing Jan 09), in case you're not aware of it. School fees is $160/mth I think. You can register online now, then make payment on 30 June itself (more kiasu way or "reserving" a seat lah).
Eileen, 15 Jul meh? They told me if I keen, to go down make payment on 30 June leh. Or maybe different outlets got different payment dates?
har? so fast must decide har?
jia lat.. haven't really think carefully.. oh noooooo...
must talk to hubby tonight liao... aiyoh wat a blur mummy...

Eileen, GM,
thanx for the info man..
also thought of registering my gal for apple tree. just calld them they say that w have to pay for th June and Dec school fees even during the school holidays. Is it suppose to be like that? Too long never kep track of school's management liao
ya, they told me have arrange 15jul for payment n in night time 8 to 9pm. Quite strange hor! They said it is to make it convenience for the working parent.

mousy pig
I saw a few of centre also practice this way.
Yes, apple tree charges school fees for school holidays. Many schools are practising that, but of course not all lah. One of the reasons why I was more tempted to register at Superland Montessori was due to this. They do not have much school holidays, except for once in awhile, they're closed for some school functions.
yeah the branch which I want to send my gal to is on 16 June, 8pm. They say if we miss that then have to go at 8.30am after school starts on 23 June.
U mean u wanna go back work???
Btw i noe it very stressful for u but do hang in there btw one ur boy is 4mth old and u started cereal maybe can leave ur gal and boy at hm then u go rejunvante urself by then cos now u BF dun think u able to do tat as well.

Sun they dun open leh and as for Kenise she every morning when i send her to sch she cry like hell and cling on to me like koala bear leh but think only after i left about 15-20min then she finally quiet down and manage to enjoy herself and no more crying liao.Sianz.

Btw as for my job i not super efficent it juz tat actually some of the invoice r done but the store is in a mess and nv keep properly for those invoice hence some only double check no need key in but then it not done yet for the invoice as there r other type of invoice as well.Sianz think the invoice at least need another week than can finish up.
Hi all, i have enrol my boy in the PAP playgroup, little step, think 2mth ago. Their entrance criteria is 30mth ler(as what peng mention). So Lucas only can start next year April. Think appletree and PAP playgroup are about the same price but not sure what is the different in their teaching style. Anyway PAP playgroup is nearer to me so i just enrol him there.
Hi all,

Does your kidz starting to show preference of what clothing to wear already? Don't know why nowadays he start choosing his own clothes and pants. I gave him set A clothes to wear he will put back and take another set.

Happend to find this interesting place for kids to play but i haven't being there yet, just happen to find it on the web.

Anyone being there? It's a toy rental club but can go in and play but need to pay.

hi Tiwi

Whao, Lucas so fast aware of his clothings oredy, Owen is still unaware of this.

hi mummies

I am concern of the contacts with all sorts of infections once our bb starts playgroup/CC, hence since I have a choice I would rather not put him in too early.

But guess I will have to put Owen at the nearest void deck 2-hr Xiao Dou Dou class when he hits 2.5 years old. That's best for my MIL to fetch and care for him.

Haiz... he still cannot hold a pencil to draw lines. Once he moves the pencil across the paper, the grib will let loose. Dunno how.

who ever interested in lacoste , they are having 50% sale clearance for older stock, l bought 3 pcs of business shirt for my hubby and one t-shirt for myself . Location at Wisma
have anyone heard of the sunflower kid CC? I just called this branch at hougang mall, they only charge $550 for full-day which I find quite reasonable.
Mousy pig,
Sorry, think your CC locations all in the NE, so I've nvr heard of it leh. Must ask those who stays at SK or Punggol.

That toyrental place is the same place that both me and bbgal brought our kiddos to play the other day. Posted some pics too mah. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=353640&page=1442783. Quite a nice place to let the kiddos play and rest relax there because u can jus sit back and watch. But have nvr tried going on a weekend leh. Anyway, now that we've tried the Jacob ballas gardens Botanica, I think that's an even better place to bring our kiddos to. Got sand and water to play with. N its clean water, not the sea water. Haha.. My boy also knows how to choose clothes, whole day choose the shoes he wants to wear too. Can tell me "Mummy, don't want this one, want that one" and keep pointing to the shoes/clothes he wants.

BBgal, first two weeks of new job like that one lah. Still settling period so just bear with it lor. Come to think of it, I've never had a job change since I graduated from NUS. I'm still in my first job after 7 yrs!

Peng, I see that you are always so dilligent and patient in teaching YH stuff. I think with your dedication, no need to send YH to school so early lah. The prob n need lies with full time working mums like us lor - NO TIME!

Starmoon, I think I can understand how you feel. Your fears are exactly my fears too and I foresee that coming. We are now trying to get in a maid, so busy sourcing for one now. But strangely, I haven't been able to find one with good bbsitting experience leh. Anyone got good recommendations for maid agencies. I've visited 3 and even the Nation which Xiang Yun kept advertising. No good candidates leh. Starmoon, by the way, how much are u selling for your new Avent pump manual? I'm interested! Can PM me?
