(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

hi pauline
wow cayden such a good boy. my girl ah...only weigh 9.9kg at 18 months. dis afternoon b4 her nap i gave her 6oz of milk and luckily she finished all...then just now b4 her sleep she only finished 5oz of milk. her food intake on the other hand is much better than milk...in school she can finish 2 bowl of rice! even her teacher commented that she got a good appetite and notices dat she does not drink dat much milk...only once b4 she sleep...when she wake up and they have tea break, she dun wanna drink milk liao. dunno whether is it due to school influence dat she now dun wanna take milk in the morning cos they will feed her breakfast when i send her there in the morning. wow u really stock up alot of milk hor! muz have spent a bomb on it...me dat time still complaining to my hubby dat my girl can finish 2 cans of 900g in a month but now her milk intake is lessen i complain again...haiz this mommy hor.

hi mummies,
thanks for ur concern. my gal was back to her bubbly self that same evening. but we are more paranoid now. i keep checking her reflex & response, very scared the fits will affect her development.
her fits were caused by sudden rise in temp - fever brought on by throat infection. this 2nd time, we gave her paracetamol when we realised she was running a fever, but not very regular, cos we were always bringing her out. guess the effect worn out, so that kinda "activated" her fit. such irresponsible parents we are rite?
since we know she's prone to fits now, we have to monitor her future fevers very closely from now on. give paracetamol every 4 hrs, insert the fever bullet if hit >38.5 degC, sponge her to keep temp down, etc. we were also given a "special dose" on stand-by to administer should she has fit again. serious business we are talking about here!
My gal is not a milk person as well leh but normally i juz feed her 2 times a day and total is like 300ml per day but the doc say it k as long the food intake is balance and she taking it well lor so u need not worry btw i also give my gal packet milk bu only when she go childcare cos she dun noe how to drink from teat bottle so i give her packet milk to sace my hassle as well.

Even when she at home i give her fm she also use straw to drink.
my gal is total opposite. she is a milk person. she can drink milk without eating solid. But I'll give her solid (porridg/mee sua/macaroni)for lunch and dinner. Breakfast usually she will eat bread and biscuits. She drinks about 3-4 times of 200-250ml.
Here is Cayden's latest pic..

hi mummies
my gal also loves milk..
here's her daily intake:

7am: 200ml milk
10am: cereal / bread
3.30pm: 150ml milk
6.30pm: porridge / rice
10.30pm: 240ml milk

sometimes she'll ask for more milk..
now her weight is around 12+kg also..recently a bit of diarrhoea ..maybe becoz molar coming out..so changed her milk to pediasure for the timebeing.

here's one photo taken last week..
JK is still wearing his C6/7 comfortably... my neighbour's gal (size similar to Ashley) is already wearing C8/9
just bring her to the store to try out lor...

JK's feeding sama sama as Ashley except 10am morning nap is accompanied with milk.. he eat and snack alot but still ard 11+ leh :p

heehee, u r not the kiasu mum to stock up milk... i also stock up quite a lot in view of the price increase and JK's milk intake... I got the following:
Gain IQ 900g: 8 cans
Gain IQ 1.8kg: 4 cans.. and they are now in the depleting stage.. approx 1.8kg per 3 weeks :p
My Zhe Lei now likes to play with our clothes & bags. Attached the photo which he plays with towel, wearing my night dress & carrying my handbag.
Whao Pauline and SM,

Stock up so much ah? 34 tins alot leh! I normally stock up 2-3 tins only. A few times the milk powder almost finish den buy... scary!

hahaha.. Eileen, so cute leh Zhelei carries the handbag, looks v heavy with his expression. And aft seeing his botak head so cute, think I oso wanna cut Owen's hair liao. Weather so hot these days and he alwayz perspires until hair all wet.

bbroom, thanks to share Ashley's daily intake, I was abt to ask oso leh bcos there is a substantial drop in milk intake for Owen.

Here's Owen daily intake:

8am: 8oz brown rice cereal
12nn: brown rice porridge, apple
2pm: 7oz FM
2pm-5pm: Nap time
6pm: white rice porridge
10pm: 8oz FM

Owen is juz like his Dad, Chinaman-eats-rice type. He especially enjoys rice porridge with VCD.

Talk abt VCD, he only likes Brainy Baby left/right brain until now. Headache.
Morning Mummies,
I was wondering why you are still giving your boy Nan 2 & 3? My Zavier is also drinking a whole lot of milk esp when recently, he jus started rejecting porridge every now and then. I bought him the Neslac growing up milk powder instead becos that's so much cheaper leh. Anyway, stocked up a dozen each time becos I order in bulk direct from the company.

Must be hard on you cos its never easy to take care of our kiddos when they are sick. So very cranky..... I totally understand. Take care of yourself cos you have a junior coming out too!

Thanks for your recommendation on the Animal Resort place. I brought Zavier there yesterday n he wasn't afraid of the animals. Was enjoying himself with the geese when they all walked ard. Another FOC place for us to visit, yeah!
Hi all, talking about milk, any one try the dumax (the multiple fruit one). Any comments, thought of buying for lucas to try cos he is a very fussy eater. Try prediasure, he doesn't want it.

Oh, i went Botanic garden yesteday. It was a nice place. Most probably will go again. We saw a MRT circle line construction down there, ehhh was thinking will they start charging a fee when the MRT was ready, hahaha.... Hubby was saying better go there now, scarly later on need to pay $$$ already.

Only manage to explore the bukit timah core area. It was fun.
Hi. been a while since i login to chat.
I got bad MS.
Just an update of the Mommy club no 2.

1. Karin (born: 13.02.08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-2008 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-2008; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (EDD: 05-06-2008; Gender: Boy)
5. Xiaoyang (EDD:18-07-2008; Gender: Boy)
6. Kelly (EDD:25-08-2008; Gender: Boy)
7. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-2008; Gender: Boy)
8. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-2008)
9. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-2008)
10. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-2008 Gender : Twin Girls)
11. ppp (EDD: 28-10-2008)
12. meilik (EDD: 26-12-2008; Gender: Boy)
hehe eileen,

your zhe lei still very chubby lei, my jeanette seem to lost abit of weight, now only 10kg plus.
sometime feel like just quit my job and stay with my gal but hate the feeling of staying at home 24hours and cannot dress up and no income...sign..what to do!

Cayden is taking Nan well thus me quite reluctant to change for him. Neighbour works Nestle, so on and off can help me purchase at staff price. Otherwise i buy from other forum mummies at good price... So, buy and stock lor...
twendy, juz realised yr gal had fit. hope she is feeling better now. my gal oso down wif flu so now confine at home cannot go school. got MIL to help out otherwise dunno how to cope with both babies.

babygal,my gal still drink from bottle though she can drink direct from cup and straw...thot of giving her milk in cup maybe at a later stage. my girl intake is prob the same as your gal...abt 300ml per day. sometimes more sometimes less. how is kenise doing now? still cry in the morning when she goes to cc. mine stopped crying after a week there and she has adapt pretty well now. even when she goes back on monday after the weekend, she oso didnt cry liao. phew!

bearyhugs, i sent u a PM...let me know if u didnt get it.

mummies, my boy hor, some feed merlion like nobody biz...can votmit out wadeva he has taken and then ask for more...dunno izzit my bm or he got wind in stomach. my mom said he got wind in stomach cos when tap tap his tummy got the pong pong sound. gave him colic drop (he's on his 2nd bottle of ridwind) and apply ruyi oil liao but still like not much improvement. i oso tried to give him friso comfort and he oso merlion out. now i am trying NAN HA and it seems ok for now. juz now i latch him on and then b4 i can burp him, he merlion out liao. any remedies to share? dunno izzit cos he's premature so tummy more shallow?

updated list:
1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. Xiaoyang (EDD:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Kelly (EDD:25-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08)
9. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08)
10. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
11. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08)
12. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)

seems like we've got many boys this time round.
Hi Starmoon,
If the merlion syndrom happens very often, you might wish to consult the PD. I mean worst scenerio is where the kid's sphincter is not well developed and might need to go for surgery to close/tighten the sphincter muscles. I think one of our Mummies, dumbger's kid had gone for it previously. But most PDs would just say to monitor unless there is significant wt loss or no wt gain. So if your boy is gaining wt healthily, then let it be. Zavier was puking quite a bit of milk too when he was abt 3-4months old. Wasted so much of my BM as well, I just perserved lor...

MeiLik, after Nan1 and 2, there is Nan3. Congrats on your second boy too! Just realized we have a whole string of boys as no 2 this time!

updated list:
1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. Xiaoyang (EDD:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Kelly (EDD:25-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08)
9. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
10. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
11. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08)
12. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)
bearyhugs, i asked PD the other day when i brought him for the hep B jab. PD said as he is gaining weight well despite the votmitting so he said not to worry and just gave me some more wind drop. i thot since this is the 2nd bottle liao so dunno how come he still votmit leh. i juz fed him again and he burp liao then suddenly merlion out again. makes me wonder if it is my bm dat he cannot take? how long did zavier votmit milk? i scare dat if he keep votmitting then it will continue like dis even when he grows older so abit worried lor. btw, do u still want the breast pump if not i will advertise for sale liao.
perhaps you wan to highlight the merlion frequency to your PD again... If i remember vaguely, JK's PD did mentioned before that we should not let infants merlion too much.. cos the stomach juice (acidic) may "burn" the oesophergus (dont know i spell correctly or not, it's 食道)
ya, the bag is quite heavy n he put it around his neck himself. Ask him to remove it n he refuse to do it.

chin chin
Zhe Lei is 12.4kg during his 18th jab. He still looks chubby like baby, hehe!
Wow so brave of zavier.Clap hand.

My gal last week was kinda pathetic as she did cry from mon-wed when i send her to ccc but teacher say she only cry about 15min or less and thurs was better she didn't cry at all but fri she was sick till now and today sch close for cleaning so tomolo dun noe how it will be leh.haiz.

omg ur gal poor thing kenna fits btw dun stress urself and do rest more ya.

Zhe lei is so chubby make me wanna pinch him leh.
You can view Zavier's blog cos I posted some videos and pics of the animal resort place... quite educational for him tat day...

I don't think I wanna get the manual pump now. Still considering if I should invest in the Avent duo... but this is the second one liao, so a bit wasted leh. U can post online to sell it first lor. Thanks!
serenemeow, thanks. today he votmitted twice. dunno izzit my bm or wad oso. shall monitor first for next couple of days.

babygal, my girl oso sick...last fri school close and yesterday i didnt let her go...prob will send her today if she recovers....after such a long break i oso dunno if she will whine anot.

bearyhugs, ok. no problem. y u dun continue using yr manual pump? not in good condition liao?
yesterday and today, i suddenly have this feeling that our bbies are growing and maturing real fast... somehow feel abit lost and sad

Last evening, JK went to my neighbour's house to play. He used to stick to me cos he's afraid of unfamiliarity. Yesterday, he machiam treat my neighbour's house like his own, crawled to the toys area and picked his toys, and even happily cheering and welcoming my other neighbours to come in... only called me when he wanted to tell me about his new fun toy... suddenly like grow up overnight...

Then this morning, I had a 1 to 1 small talk with him... telling him I won't be around next 2 weeks cos I'm taking aeroplane to work.. and ask him to be good boy with popo n papa... then he replied "gong gong" & "yee yee" indicating i left out my father and my sis... hahaha, he just nod his head and indicate he understand...
When I say bye bye to him this morning, he hand-signed "aeroplane" to me, trying to tell me I'm taking aeroplane to work... suddenly I feel sad, quickly tell him that it's next week and he just say "orh"

oops sorry for the long post.. suddenly feel emotional today after the last few scenes... JK is really growing up...
That is one time when my Zhe Lei wokeup after his afternoon nap n didn't see his papa. Hubby works at home n that day he went out. I asked him where is papa, he said:"aeroplane" n looked quite sad. He is used to his dad travel overseas for his work. Then later he saw his dad came back n was so happily jumping & shouting.
not so soon lah.. maybe when JK starts nursery and more independent..oooo independent.. another mixed feeling

these few weeks he also very sticky to his father.. at night only wants his father to "yao" him to sleep, even when wake up in the middle of the night, he only wants his father to put him back to sleep... now hubby is getting all sorts of headaches/migranes which I used to get :p
Also abit not used to it when JK suddenly so sticky to his father :p

oops i'm too possessive
hi SM,

Understand how u feel. Me too but den I think I would rather hope my bb be like your Jiekai, eventually he has to depend on himself meh.

Yah, I agree it's time for a 2nd one, got competitor wait u wl see him snatching for u liao.. haha
Saw a funny scene lately. Owen was trying to shake his little toy cars out of the case, and when they didn't fall out, he got angry and held his fists, turned his head aside and yelled his face red. After letting out, he tried again.
updated list:
1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. Xiaoyang (EDD:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Kelly (EDD:25-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08)
9. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
10. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
11. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
12. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)
Hi all

Long time not dropping by. Hv been very busy with work and a part-time course. Finally the course is finished.

Reena now is about 12.8 Kg, everything is all right except she still can not talk :-(A bit worried. But PD said it is quite common and asked us to be patient. If she really can not talk until 2, then need to seek help fr speech consultant.

So happy to see there are so many more babies are coming(which I also contribute to tt:) ).

1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. Xiaoyang (EDD:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (EDD:25-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
9. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08)
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)

good thing is don need buy dresses, all get NQ's one..hehe..but MIL very upset as she already has 5 granddaughters including my 2nd.....still hope to get at least one grandson...me will close factory after this so no hope in me....hahaha.....


ya just realise after u mention it! Will opts for c-sec so due date might be two weeks earlier.


Congrats! u still got two more months to go.
Leena also grow up liao hor...more like gal gal now.....She cannot talk even a word??? can call papa or mama??
Hello everyone,

How are u all doing? Me long time never post liao...

here's my update

1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. Xiaoyang (EDD:18-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (EDD:25-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
9. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08; Gender: "To be surprised"
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)

For us, gender doesn't really matter, so long as baby is healthy and safe...

y u opt for c-sect this time? Yr NQ oso c-sect bb? Me oso likely c-sect again due to another big head baby, sigh...

Thanks, congrats to you as well:)

yeah, Reena can not even call "Papa mama", can only make noise, sigh...Considering to send her to childcare in Oct, hopefully she will be better,
Slightly change in my EDD..

1. Karin (born: 13-02-08 gender: boy)
2. Nov_MTB/sc (born 18-02-08 gender:Boy)
3. Apple (EDD: 30-05-08; Gender: Girl)
4. starmoon (born: 08-05-08; Gender: Boy)
5. xiaoyang (EDD:13-07-08; Gender: Boy)
6. Jennifer (EDD: 03-08-08; Gender: Boy)
7. Kelly (EDD:25-08-08; Gender: Boy)
8. Twendy (EDD: 05-09-08; Gender: Boy)
9. Jaline (EDD: 10-09-08; Gender: "To be surprised" )
10. Bearyhugs (EDD: 25-09-08; Gender: Boy)
11. Gingercat (EDD: 28-10-08 Gender : Twin Girls)
12. ppp (EDD: 28-10-08); Gender : girl)
13. meilik (EDD: 26-12-08; Gender: Boy)

So tired now..36 weeks..whole body aching..sit, stand, lay down or sleep also can't find a good position..

Not too worry also lah..my gal also refuse to speak..can only call 'papa, mama, didi, che che, hi, how, baobao' only..

I will send my gal to CC started in july also hope that she can buck up her speech. I ever asked PD regarding her speech...she said not too worry..by 2 they should be able to speak liao...

Hopefully i can still tahan...planning to take leave to sit in with my gal during her 1st few days in CC..now still asking me to carry her..and she likes to sit on my tummy...

congratulation..and welcome yea...
Oh yeah..not sure if anyone of your bb taking Friso Gold 3. Now having promotion for the home delivery. Buy 5 get one free @ 115 buck. I just ordered for my gal..cos tot that it is quite conveneint..no need to carry..
Anyone of you know where to get a washable crayon?
Noticed now my gal like to scribble..but she is now using a pen..worry that it will stain her shirt and toxic to her...
Anywhere can get a safe crayon for 18+mths bb to learn drawing?
u can get it at Toyrus. I also purchase the Aqua mat let my ZL play with it. With water so no worry of stain, hehe!
xiaoyang, u can get crayola washable crayons & markers. they are good. when my gal dirtied her fingers with the markers, i just wipe away with wet wipes. crayons...hmm...she doesnt really get crayons on herself leh. and she doesnt draw on the wall, so cannot advise you on this.
