(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Wo han you xin de.Any rewards???

happy mom
Me now awaiting for the moment leh abit anxious though.

My gal also in the 1 word stage yet to make any sentence.

hi mummies

MIA for sibey long liao. Anyone misses me?

have you settled down in your new house? So when's the open house huh?

I got miss u leh.. xiang shi ni le ... kekeke

peng & babyblush
Happy Belated Birthday to you...!
HI mummies,

Also quite lately cos bz with the exhibition. Eer, i also reserved a place for my gal at the NTUC chilcare downstair my house. Will let her start on July since i will be delivery in end of july. When i brought her to CC, she seems likes the school very much, walking around to explore and i asked her if she wanted to come to school and she nodded her head. Our intention is to start her on half day basis for a week then will be full day liao. Hopefully she can adapt. She is quite slow also...now can only speak 'bao bao, papa, mama, jie jie, hi, how' and she only started to work when she was 17 mths.

Yesterday, she fell down from my bed to the floor..so poor thing, is our careless..but after tat she seems okie..though there is a buaduku on her head...Cried non-stop for about 5-10 mins...then okie...still monitoring if she has any vominting or wat...

Happy mom, welcome aboard!!
Dun worry the open house give me a few more mth as now house too empty liao talk also got echo.

Dun worry ur gal speech she will catch up sooner or later and by then she will mimick whatever u say liao.

K 1st day in sch was great totally no wailing or anything juz normal as usual nothing special to her totally.
Hi to all mommies,
want to share something with u all. I brought my gal for her jab today. Ask pd about the egg issue, she said to let bb eat egg daily leh. Said she still so young, no need to worry about the cholestrol now, only much later then limit the no. of eggs she eat. As eggs are pack with nutrients, esp. the yolk, so try to finish the yolk.

2nd thing is cheese. Although its high in calcium but its also high in salt so try not to give too much to our bbs, can give lah but i saw some moms really almost every meals n snacks give cheese, maybe too much salt liao.

glad to know ur gal so "guai" one, no fuss at all in sch. Hopefully my gal quickly pass this stage so can enjoy herself in class.

tks for the warm welcome. poor thing ur gal, be careful ya. My gal also same, her legs full of brusies, my mom says like i ill-treat her by pinching her! Haha
Happy belated bd! Re Zavier's hair, actually it was meant just to be short. But I din know tat men's razor blades comes in sizes 1,2,3 n 4. So I jus chose 2. N it ended up like this lor. In any case, I don really mind cos his hair grows super fast n thick plus weather is sooooo hot these days. How's Chloe?

Doggymum, long time din see your posting. Was just telling garfield tat u must be busy at work. SO where would be your next planned hols?

happy mum, welcome to our club! Thanks for the info on the eggs. I was initially giving Z only egg white everday then egg yolk alternate days but guess now can give more liberally.

Mummies, any of your bbs like Mac or KFC? My Z now can recognise the Mac n KFC rest. Mac would say M-donalds n KFC would say FC. Guess its his parents fault who whole day eat fast food, tat's why. N he would insist tat he wants to go.

Mummies with 2nd one coming out, how do you prepare your 1st tat a junior would be joining the family soon? Z just learnt how to say di di n kiss my tummy whenever I say kiss didi. But I doubt he really knows the significance. There was once when he couldn't reach my tummy n he pointed to his own tummy instead? Wonder if he thinks tummy = di di? Haha...
my boy like Mac very much n when he saw any M letter will shout Donald! When we passby any Mac shop, he will happily touching the glass of the shop or their sign board. So funny! But I didn't give him eat that so often.
happy mom
Hope my gal stay tis way ya.

K so far only can say chicken whenever we go KFC to have 2pcs chix meal lah but no preference to go any fast food leh think my craving of fast food is more than her.
Hi all,

Long time never came in already.

thought of sending my boy to childcare too but due to his food allegery, i think i will hold on when he turn 3year old.

Haiz, recently he just got a food allergy. I have not being giving him any fanciful food to eat yet. Just white bread with magarine and it trigger the allergy.

It come fast(less than few mintues after the food intake) and it goes off within few hour. The problem is he just ate a small bit(the size of our thumb nail). can't imagine if he eats more.

thought of bring him for allegry test, anyone here done before? can share your experienece.

Below is the pic after 1 hour when the allergy strike.

hi hi, u miss me ar? so touched..
Ya lor, recently busy with work. So sian leh, so tempted to switch jobs. Got lobang or not?

hey, I give u the impression that I always travel ar? Yes, planning a trip to HK and Macau 3rd week of Jul. Bringing Alyssa along too. Hopefully this time round, she won't be the centre of attraction in the plane (cos'previously she yelled so loud in the plane).
wow tiwi,
lucas's allergy is quite bad.. did u check if he was allergic to the bread or margarine?

ashley now goes to an enrichment class on saturdays... 1 hour weekly.. planning to enrol to playgroup after she finishes all her jabs..coz she tends to fall sick after her jabs..
Aiyo poor lucas he look like in alotsa pain as well.

Btw do really be careful of food allergy cos some might trigger to difficulty in breathing ya.
happymom, yr girl go 2 weeks liao still cry ah...me wonder when my girl will stop crying too...was hoping after a week she will stop crying. my girl today is her 3rd day and today she seems to know she is gg to CC cos the moment she got out of the car, she refuses to walk and wants me to carry and she hug me tightly. then the moment i walked into the CC, she started to fuss and when the teacher took her shoes off for her, she started to cry and hold onto me even more tight. Then i tell her got frens and toys to play leh but when the teacher try to carry her, she started crying for me...i see her like dis i oso heartpain and keep thinking whether to pull her out anot and maybe let her attend pre-nursery next yr instead and maybe then she wun cry. But the teacher told me even if i pull her out and send her only next year, she will still cry cos she never separate from us before hence this is a passing stage lor. really hope she will get over soon and wun cry everytime i send her there.

babygal, kenise so good and brave never cry. how i wish mine oso like her...dunno when that day will be though. really heartache to see her cry everytime i send her. lucky u dun hafta go thru this stage.
tiwi....poor lucas! think u better bring him for a checkup at ttsh. There is 2 type of test, food allergy test n prick test. My ah lao only goes for the prick test, the doc will use a needle to 'poke' several spots on the arm then drop allergens on the spot he have to sit still there a while to see the results on his arm, small bumps will appear if he is allergy that certain spots, result that he is allergy to cats fur!

bbroom...i was thinking of skipping the playgroup and wait next yr enrol pre-nursery, his immune sys too low scare he fall sick easily, dilema now....

Doggymum...ur A will be centre of attention no matter wat lah...so pretty n sweet other than her screaming hahaha
Call up the PD and she ask me to gave him the flu med which also can be use for allergy. She told me to go straight to KKH if there is swollen cos it might block airway and its life threating.

I also not sure what he is allergy to cos there is so many stuff in bread and magarine(seeing from the label).

So now keeping a list of food which he cannot eat. Hope he can outgrown it when he is older.
since my gal nv cry i actually have mixed feeling leh dun noe should be happy or sad but noeing she enjoy herself then it k liao.

I remember u say lucas dun take porridge and now wif the allergy omg wat else does he eat???
Wow garfield, your good memory. Ya, till now still never take porridge. Ehhh... he is still heavily on milk and some cereal. The amount of rice he eat can be counted one. Find that he like beehoon and all those noodle stuff more. But intake also very very little.

All the while he had this food allegry. He had food allergry for about 5 times from 6mth onward till now.

Find that he can go without food or very little food for whole day.
guess our gals r the same category. Today, she cried till she vomit! Same also, when i took off her shoes she started to cling on very tightly to me n cry. I thought will get better but seems like getting worse leh. Only thing is to wait till she gets over this stage n always be positive to her, reassuring her that mommy is just outside waiting. But the min class ends n we left to do some shopping, she just ran about without even a glance at me! Cannot even get her to come back to me no matter how i call her! Maybe have to hold the class in a shopping mall....hehe

hahaha... here we worry our bbs cry so much when go to class n there u worry about her not cryiny at all... such a big contrast... u lucky leh in comparison. My this month school fees consider wasted liao since all she does is cry n trying to dash out of the door to get to me. Hope she doesn't damage the door or else still have to pay extra.
happy mom
Not really worry it juz abit mix feeling tat all but since she enjoy sch then it fine wif me liao.

U huh everytime make ur gal lou lian dian.Aiyo.

wow ur son power leh eat so little things nia.
its gd ur gal don't have this separation anxiety,means she is confident n secure. Eversince started the pg for my gal, she can't even sleep well at night, woke up few times crying n want me to carry her. Really poor gal, so traumatised. Makes me wonder shd i pull her out of pg...

Hi Doggymum,
ur gal got very nice long hair leh. Did u do anything special to enhance the growth of her hair? My gal till now still has very short hair n she really got boyish looks also, everytime bring her out if didn't wear dress or skirt, ppl always say "didi"... sign...
Hi everyone, i made banana pancakes for my gal n my family this morning for breakfast n it was a huge success! My gal gobbled up four(i cut into small pieces for her to eat with her hands) n looked for more from my plate. But my mom said not to give her anymore coz she ate so many already in case indigestion later. Its soft n fluffy coz of the mashed bananas so easy for my gal to chew n swallow. Very healthy to Easy n fast to do too.
Do let me know if anyone needs to try out the recipe. Cheers!
Hi doggymum,

can give me more details on your genting cruise trip. Also planning to bring my gal for the genting trip. think by bus will be too long.
happy mom
Think u better dun pull ur gal out unless like the teacher r rough and got bully her or else no point since it juz a matter of time when she start the pg.
Now still young, lu liang dian still ok. If grow up the lu, I'll faint... hahaha

happy mom
No leh, din do anything to enhance her hair growth. But since birth, only trim her hair once

mousy pig
my genting cruise trip: it was a 4D3N package. Coach to genting, and stayed there 2 nites and cruise back on Superstar Gemini. I tell you, the journey on the coach from Golden Mile to genting was so long.. about 7-8 hrs.. Sit until backside pain. Lucky got a few toilet breaks in between, if not can't imagine how to survive the journey.

Personally, din really like Gemini. Finds it too small and limited facilities. Superstar Virgo will be a much better vessel to cruise in.

Btw if you're planning for a cruise, you may wanna sign up your little one for the Superstar Kids membership. $10 for membership till they reach 12 years old, and you get a free cruise voucher for the kid upon sign up
Hi suiching,
the recipe is as follow, hope ur gal n also ur family will enjoy!

Ingredient List:

2 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 3/4 cup milk
2 eggs, beaten
2 Tablespoons melted butter
1 cup mashed banana (about 3 medium bananas)

Kitchen Equipment Needed

2 Medium mixing bowls
griddle or frying pan


Step 1: Preheat griddle or frying pan.

Step 2: In a medium mixing bowl, sift flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar together.

Step 3: In a separate bowl, blend milk and eggs together. Add the melted butter.

Step 4: Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Stir gently.

Step 5: Fold in the mashed bananas just before frying.

Step 6: Fry the banana pancakes on a hot griddle, until golden brown, turning once when small bubbles rise to the top.

U can half all the ingredients if u don't want to do too many at a go.
Feel free to ask me any questions if any...

ya, i think u are right, since she already like that, might as well go all the way till she can get used. Tks.
true true u will faint if she older but muz discreet ma even now cos u might not noe if her future BF is here anot very lugi leh if so.

happy mom
No prob lah anyway wishes she pass the phase asap ya.
Morning Mummies,

Me back in office with severe lower back pain. Over the weekends carry Cayden too much le, that i hurt my back.

Last Friday brought him to polyclinic for last dose of 5-in-1 injection. He came down with fever. The injection cost $86.60, dunno if any cheaper if compared to GP/PD?

Cayden is now weighing at 12.6kg, still heavily on milk and only porridge for dinner.

Since his weight is over the percentile, i'm not so worried about his food intake...
babygal, how i wish i'm in yr situation. today my girl cried again when i hand her over to her teacher...wonder when this will end. haiz...

happymom, u put yr gal half day only and u wait for her outside ah? me today started my girl on full day...dunno whether she will cry later in the afternoon again anot since she was on half day last week for 3 days. hahaha....think shopping mall got more things to distract her liao.
morning all,
wanna ask if anyone of u have problem washing your kid's hair?
aiyo..mine depends on mood one..a lot of times, she'll scream to get her way out of the bathroom..
Dun worry tis phase will pass soon lah by then maybe she will can't do w/o sch liao.

My gal today also start full day but ltr i 4pm will go fetch her cos miss her big time today.

I even have a hard time coaxing Cayden into the bathroom... Everytime, i must have different pattern to hoax him one.. hehe

Once he's busy with his toys, he's ok with me washing him.
hahaha, what is YH doing, with his head inside the paper bag? The naked pic hor, look so "professionally blur"leh... as in machiam purposely take until so blur. Artistic leh..
now my Zhe Lei enjoy taking shower n always refuse to come out from the bath tube. He is busy playing his toys while bathing.
Thank u mummies, for the daily yolk query. I hv started weekend (kampong egg) hard-boiled yolk with brown rice porridge for Owen. He loved it alot. I oso enjoyed eating the egg white

Progress: He is able to stand on his own for a while now. Can walk like a drunkard if I hold him on one hand. Last nite he tried to stand up from kneeing position but of cos cannot lah. Speech wise is terrible, only "Or-Oh", "Daddy" and "No..".

Hi Tiwi, so heartache leh seeing Lucas like tat, food allergy is v cumblesome indeed esp for little toddlers. Guess u did right listing and monitoring the food he eats.

hi bbroom, Pauline,
Owen oso dun like to wash hair in lying position. So my hb got to distract him, e.g. hand-gesture a flying plane or poured water from a little teapot toy to distract him. All these are what he likes so it works on him.
Hi Mummies

I have another survery to make :

Do u brush your bb's teeth before bedtime?

So far I only brushed Owen's teeth with edible toothpaste every morning daily. Once, he got vege stuck to his tooth so hmmm... am thinking now with the intro of solid food, should we be brushing our little toddler's teeth before they sleep?

FYI there are marks on Owen's 2 big front teeth. Suspected it's due to black bean soup... still cannot go off...
My gal dun really have much prob wif bathing but occasionally she like to juz scream otherwise she k wif it.

YH now look so bak bak give me a urge to pinch him.

Yes i got brush my gal once in the morning when she wakes and once b4 she sleep but sometimes would forget brush b4 she sleep lah.
Doggymum...yesterday at my il place loh...want to bathe him then he run around naked!! quickly ask ah lao to snap pics...cos running so fast so the pics turn out like tat hahaha...nowadays he alot of patterns one driving me crazy liao

Happymom...few books to recommend for ur reading can borrow at NLB

1. Spoiling childhood : how well-meaning parents B13372578C

2. Raising babies : should under 3s go to nursery

Garfield...his appettie sometimes very good....finish one big bowl of rice/porridge also not enough i remove the bowl he will still yell mum mum...
very gd ma at least he want to eat more to fatten himself leh compare to my gal who will fatten herself by eating junk only.
garfield....hahaha then ur fault lah intro too much 'junk' to her is it...hehehe i very 'mean' one so far i din give him sweets yet!as for french fries i still give him a few lah when we go fast food restaurant..so far no choco, no potato chips, even biscuits i also seldom give now
wow YH seldom take junk already bak bak if take junk hmmmmmm.......

But ya lah i already intro almost whatever food i have taken in whole life to her.
my gal's pg is only 2hrs leh... i put her in the class then i have to wait outside. 2hrs she already cry like that can't imagine i put her for half day. But her crying is not continuous lah, on off one.

tks for the info on the books, will check it out.

I have no problem with washing my gal's hair, when i'm ready to wash the shampoo from her hair, i just tell her to shut her eyes n i pour water down her head to rinse. I also brush her teeth morning n b4 her sleep.

I brush Zhe Lei teeth once in morning & once before bedtime. He is so far ok when brushing his teeth.
