(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi all, I am also diligently toilet training Lucas. Glad that so far so good, no diaper for him whole day. Put on diaper for him only during his napping time and night time. But got 1 problem with him. He sit down on the potty and pee pee, mhhhhh.... thought girl sit and boy stand. I try hold the potty up near his birdy and ask his to pee but he ask me to put down and he sit on it. Any mummies here with boys got this problem or its normal.

Bearyhugs, Zav really love his didi har. Did he gets jealous when he see you attending to the baby?

Hi Tiwi,

hubby said his brother also like that when small
not to worry
Hi Ladies,

Do you still have confinement lady to recommend?
I am doom cos my due date is end Dec and I have not gotten one - hit CNY!!

Pls help! Thanks alot!

my confinement lady told that she will not work during CNY. but u may call her and try, or maybe get her to recommend other confinement lady

her contact: 02-07-5593130 (m'sia)
8243 0128 (if she is working in singapore now)
Didi Zac looks so much like Zavier.
How are you coping?

Congrates to Gingercat
Gingercat also delivered her twins bb gals. Went to see on on Sat evening. so cute. But they are not idential though.
1st Baby : You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your doctor confirms your pregnancy.
2nd Baby : You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible. (TRUE FOR ME)
3rd Baby : Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.

1st Baby : You practise your breathing religiously.
2nd Baby : You don't bother practising because you remember that last time, breathing didn't do a thing!
3rd Baby : You ask for an epidural in your 8th month pregnancy. (TRUE DURING MARCUS, EVEN HE IS ONLY 2ND)

1st Baby : You prewash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them and fold them neatly in the baby's little bureau.
2nd Baby : You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and discard only the ones with the darkest stains. (TRUE FOR ME)
3rd Baby : Boys can wear pink, can't they?

1st Baby : At the first sign of distress, a whimper, a frown .....you pick up the baby.
2nd Baby : You pick the baby up when his/her wails threaten to wake your firstborn. (VERY VERY TRUE)
3rd Baby : You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical swing.

1st Baby : If the pacifier falls on the floor, you put it away until you can go home, wash and boil it.
2nd Baby : When the pacifier falls on the floor, you squirt it off with some juice from the baby's bottle. (TRUE FOR ME)
3rd Baby : You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in

1st Baby : You change your baby's diapers every hour, whether they need it or not.
2nd Baby : You change their diaper every two to three hours, if needed.
3rd Baby : You try to change their diaper before others start to complain about the smell or you see it sagging to their knees. (VERY VERY TRUE)

1st Baby : You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing and Baby Story Hour.
2nd Baby : You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.
3rd Baby : You take your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner. (TRUE FOR ME)

1st Baby : The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call home five times.
2nd Baby : Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a number where you can be reached.
3rd Baby : You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees blood.

1st Baby : You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby.
2nd Baby : You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child isn't squeezing, poking or hitting the baby. (VERY VERY TRUE)
3rd Baby : You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.

1st Child : When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the hospital and demand x-rays.
2nd Child : When second child swallows a coin, you carefully watch for coin to pass.
3rd Child : When third child swallows a coin, you deduct it from his allowance!!

1st Baby : You get your baby's photograph taken professionally every three months. (EVERYDAY FOR ME)
2nd Baby : You get your baby's photograph taken professionally on his or her birthday every year.
3rd Baby : Looked just like the other two, so why bother? (TRUE FOR MARCUS)
Thanks kelly, So i guess its normal to sit on the potty and peepee for boy.

Got a very bad shock on sunday. Hubby, me and Lucas went Tamp Ikea to get some furniture. Lucas was trying to help us in pushing the trolley. So i get hubby to get another empty one for him and ask lucas to follow him. Think few mins later, my hubby return with a trolley and i ask him where is lucas. He look at me blankly and ask me did lucas follow him? My goodness, we lost Lucas. My hubby went back to where he came and manage to find him wandering around. The moment he saw my hubby, he cried out so loudly.

Hubby and me feel so bad after that.

i was thinking to buy a band/savety harness to tie martin with me during outing, but the daddy said very ugly. i told him it's better to be ugly than losing the son...
Kelly...i sometimes also use the hand band..if not crowded get lost how...when tied him up he more obedient or else have to run after him everywhere...got a few times some stupid aunty make ugly comments ganna f### by my ah lao...serve them right manz...i normally dun care about others wat they think...is my own son not their right...
hi Tiwi.. aiyoh poor Lucas, muz b in shock at tat moment.

Owen lately oso wan2 walk on his own, dun wan2 hold hands and luv2 run. Once we went Popular & he juz ran abt, knowing tat there's a fool kan cheong flwg aft him. Then as he stopped at the color papers section 2c papers in the shelf, I quickly hid myself up and watched. Aft a while, he realised I didn't appear, got abit panic but acted cool, den turned to another shelf to touch aro. If not bcos those are glass items, I wld hv waited on lah. But he was happy 2c me loh, so I told him one day he wl b lost or get carried away.

Nowadays he will let me hold hand in crowded places or places tat I said muz hold hand liao.

sorry to disturb,i am looking for the 6 panel Haenim Play yard please PM me your price, condition and age of the play yard and collection place.
Ya Kelly, perharp i should get him 1 harness too. Now i make sure my hubby reply me a yes 1st before i hand over lucas to him and disappear to do my shopping etc.

I will always tell Lucas, don't run away har, lion will catch you and bring you to the zoo. Do You want lion to catch you? This works well for Lucas, he will behave for sometimes..... hahaha
I go harness for my son too. Cos he can wander himself off very fast without even us knowing.

Kelly/Peng, agree with you two better not to lose the son. It is how we have control over the situation.

Cayden very sticky to me now. Even i want go to bed before him,he will drag me out of the bed to play with him lor, so tiring. Although i might want to have a sibling for Cayden later, but i don't think i have the energy to look after another one.

How is Owen's progress now? Is he happy that he is going to have a sibling soon?
hi kelly....i am using a simple handstrap brand 'Farlin'...

just to share YH's potty training...after 1 week training he is adapting quite well...this few days will go pee and poo in the potty without me reminding him :D Hopefully soon can go diaperless when going out during the day time...
Hi all, times really fly. Soon our babies boys and girls are going to be 2 year old already.

Meilik, hope you had a smooth delievery...
hihi bearyhugs..

my MIL is hinting me and ask whether want to have a small birthday party for my girl. l think l will just buy a cake for her and let her blow blow candle. Economic crsis coming lei..must save some $$ now
i've prepared some party bags for my gal's classmates. am planning to get some cupcakes to celebrate in childcare, so no need to cut & distribute.
as for celebration at home, will get a 1-kg cake. she loves to sing bday song & blow candles. simple affair, nothing fanciful.
Me MIL very pantang, males in the family not allowed to celebrate birthdays else will short-lived. So probably no big celebrations for my boy. But probably will buy him a small cake to blow and cut at my mum's place!
My Zhe Lei bd falls on sunday, I will bake a cake for him n hope it is nice, hehe! Think will only celebrate with my parent n mil unless hb others family member want to join us.
I will buy a simple 1.5kg cake and party pack to let Wayne bring to playgroup and a half kg cake to celebrate at my place with my parents and in law.
Hi all,
Seems tat everyone is having a simple affair. I was still thinking of organizing a buffet lunch party for Zavier. Probably jus inviting close frens and relatives.

Heh, Twendy,
Where are you ordering your cupcakes? Sounds like a good idea to let Zavier bring to his playgroup too. Jus started Zavier on a playgroup in Oct, today day 4, he would still look for my maid halfway thru the lesson n start crying (whine for a short while). Hope that he would get over this phase soon.
i'm planning to get my cupcakes from prima deli. cos going for carebears theme this year. too lazy to "design" a fanciful cake, just get something off-the-shelf will do.
HI mommies,
Just want to ask if any mommies is using Pampers Active Baby(purple colour packaging) L(38pcs) n XL(34pcs)? Cos I have a few Ls and XLs to let go at :
Int, pls sms or call me at 91451454
Bearyhugs...wat is the duration of Zavier's playgroup? YH starting next yr jan only..2 hrs class...today hor i went to cut my hair so left him at my il office let them bbsit for me...cut n rebond took almost 2.5hrs! when i went back to fetch my boy..guess wat...hear him wailing inside asking for me liao..looks so pitiful with tears all over...thought he wont miss me mah cos his daddy also over there but who knows ...haiz...
Hi Peng,
Zav's playgrp is those 2 hrs kind. Started him only for this trimester cos I'm on maternity leave n also doing confinement, thought wanted to occupy his time with something. Only starting him the proper nursery cum kindergarden at Gracefields next yr. This playgrp at my hse not bad, they use multimedia to teach the kids chinese language. Only thing is Zav still need some time to adjust.
Hi Pauline,
I paid $145 per month for the playgroup. Its similar to those dou dou classes, only tat this one at my place here is new, so the whole area is very clean n bright which were impt to me. N the teachers to students ratio was like 1:4 (class has max of 12 students) so there's quite individual attention given.
I will be buying cake and doin some party packs for her sch and as for celebration at home i still not very sure whether to do it anot leh.

Hmmm,becoz am thinking either to get her a car(little tikes)and those slides and swing playground or do a birthday party for her.To bad can't let her have the best of both lah.
Hi bearyhugs & mummies

I have invited aro 20 family members & neighbours this year for a simple celebration. A small group is good, easier for me to cook my style of Olive Spaggetti & mushroom soup. Maybe buy pizza, fruits etc. Long time neber cook hope it's edible loh (let's see).

I hv started to prepare goodies bags (hougang pt has one shop that u can find varieties & it's cheap!) and since only 12 kids, I will buy more generously, haha..

I plan to clear one room & put in some fun floating balloons with silvery stripes for bigger kids to play. Heard Plaza Singapura got sell, any idea where else have shops specialized in selling helium balloons?
Hi bearyhug & mummies,

This year will only celebrate NQ birthday @cc as I m doing my confinement during that period...hope that I can sneak out to join them.
Will order a cake n preparing some finger food like nuggets n hotdog for cc's kids....I also started preparing goodies bags liao...bought some stationery from big bookstore for goodies bags..quite cheap leh...
Hi mummies,
So many of u planning parties, most likely I won't have time to plan for an extravagant party for brandon cos super busy with the planning & organizing of my company's annual dinner. Starting this week for a total of 5 nights.. Due to the annual dinners, gotta put Brandon to stay over at the nanny's house cos hubby is outstation overseas on biz trip. Sighs. Going to miss both of them..

No party for Brandon but still will buy a cake and gift for his birthday.
Hi Stacey,
Its been a long time since I saw your last posting.... How's Brandon? Post his latest pics to update us.

I would most probably order cupcakes like Twendy cos its easier n don need to cut it up. One kiddo one cupcake for Zavier's playgroup n perhaps some gift packs. Heh, I also want to know what stuff u guys pack for your goodies bag leh. I used to order Zavier's cake from this contact, would probably order from them their cupcakes too. http://www.roomfordessert.com.sg/cupcakes.htm

Anyone has any good suggestions for a nice family dinner restaurant to celeb their birthdays? Good to be family friendly kind n think would prefer chinese food.
By the way, just celebrated Zavier's didi full month, (Baby Zachary):

This was the chocolates wrapper design which we gave to our friends....
my gal's full mth cupcakes were from roomfordessert too! i didnt use them for my boi's full mth this time round cos they dun do delivery anymore. i simply luv their carrot cake, healthy & suitable for the elders. but a bit exp, if i give one to each classmate. and yep yep, i'm going to get carebears cupcakes from prima deli. not sure of taste but at least convenient & slightly cheaper.

we have already celebrated her lunar bday with a strawberry shortcake. her official birthday will get her a 1-kg carebears cake from prima deli (yes, again, lazy mummy).

as for goodie bags, my HB is against food items one. when we attend other bday parties, we find the food items in the goodie bags not suitable for our kids one. like the chupa chup lollipops, hello panda etc... so, my goodie bags only got party blow-outs, spiral straw, stickers - all carebears. plus another sticker-scene activity sheet from OTC.
My goodies bag is meant for bigger kids so it's not meant for toddlers.

Anyway, here it goes:
1 sparkling party hat,
1 pretty mask,
1 party pop
1 Fruits sticker
2 mini Japanese rice cracker with almond topping
1 Japanese blueberry jelly,
1 long chewy fruity sweet (made in Korea)
2 mini choco cubes (made in Japan)
1 multigrain biscuit (made in Japan)

Nothing made in China.

Hi Mummies,

Me Gingercat here! My pair of twins arrived on 25 Sept 08 via epidural csection. As per request from Gou ma, this is my girls pic.

