(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

just to share some photos taken during my recent trip!

Trying to feed kangaroo

Sayanging a wombat

Posing with lotsa lavendar

Fruits picking
Attention for those who is attending GUG trial!!

Programme : Growing Up Gifted Trial
Price : $45.00
Venue : United Square
Date : 13 Jan 2008 Sunday
Time : 2.00pm - 3.30pm

1)Peng & Yang YuHeng
2)Doggiemum & Alyssa
3)PPP & Tan NianQi
4)Jaline & Nouvelle Ong
5)Lydia & jeanette
6)Mousy_Pig & Kaitlyn Wang
7)Wayne's mummy & Wayne Kan
8)Starmoon & Megan Ong
9)Twendy & lorraine lee
10)bearyhugs & Zavier Hong
11)Jene & Ashley Goh
12)Rkjk & Ryan Koh
paisey, was scrolling through my camera for the pics taken last sat. Realised I din take many photos! Too busy that day liao. Will email the group photo to you mummies soon ok? Haven't download the pics yet

jene, lucky Ashley was using her 2nd finger to point in the 3rd pic.. if it's the middle finger.... hahaha
twendy, your photos are lovely. I like the Lavendar shot. A picture of serenity and peace.

Chloe is starting to talk and understand a lot of words. When I ask her if she wants to watch TV, she said 'Yes'. Recently, she has picked up a lot of Christmas lingo, such as 'Star', 'Bell', 'Christmas Tree', 'Lights'. She will also say 'Balloon', when she sees it. Other words she know are 'Banana', 'Fish' and other food that she normally eats.

Unfortunately, she has also picked up some unsavoury language from my mum like 'Shut Up' to the barking dog. This is truly an amazing period when our kids' minds are growing at a very fast pace.
Even my mum couldn't believe it. She said 'Last time children not like that leh'.
Hi Jene

Wah, my boys' profile so BIG in the pic..haha

BTW, that's Jaydon on left and Cayden on right. Do they look the same?

Will post some pics up too, once I manage to downsize them... =)
Attention for those who is attending GUG trial!!

Programme : Growing Up Gifted Trial
Price : $45.00
Venue : 101 Thomson Road United Square, #01-20/27
Date : 13 Jan 2008 Sunday
Time : 2.00pm - 3.30pm

1)Peng & Yang YuHeng
2)Doggiemum & Alyssa
3)PPP & Tan NianQi
4)Jaline & Nouvelle Ong
5)Lydia & jeanette
6)Mousy_Pig & Kaitlyn Wang
7)Starmoon & Megan Ong
8)Twendy & lorraine lee
9)bearyhugs & Zavier Hong
10)Jene & Ashley Goh
11)Rkjk & Ryan Koh

Kelly congratulations!!

long time din see Kenise...she really change a lot :D
GUG trial lesson
I brought Ashley for the trial lesson few months ago. In the lesson, there is a 15 mins tea break..so bring some refreshment for your kids..

Kelly, congrats!
must take care of yourself ok, especially 1st trimester..
Hi Jovia|Ger
I showed my colleagues your boys' picture.
One of them commented that Jaydon looks more "wen-zhong"... matured..and Cayden has cheeky smily.. =) by the way, who's big brother?
Hi Kelly

Congrats to you! Can join me in having No. 2! Hee hee..

Hi Jene

Cay is gorgor, but Cay usually has the mature look, while Jay is more mischievous and cheeky.. exact opposite of what this pic has captured! =D

Anyway, has emailed you some pics I took of Ashley, do check them out!
Wow, kelly so fast har, baby no 2 coming.. congra to you. Do take care hor.

Is that girl in pink dress, hayley. if yes she look so different now.

The twin looks very handsome.
peng, do we start transfering $ to u for the trial? finally, my gal can try out GUG. and i can meet up with some of u. it has been a long while since my gal interacts with the rest of the babies...

bearyhugs, we went for a 2-hr hike and a 1-hr airwalk in australia using the ergo carrier. i have no problem thru-out, no backache, no tiredness. ergo is simply a great investment! luckily for me also, my gal can walk pretty well already. most of the time, she walks around and we dun need to bring along our stroller.

and hor, i didnt know u work for that "institution" at novena. my sis works there too. it was only after i collected my crocs, then i go qns my sis "why u never share this lobang w me?!?!?!"
sigh, realli must change a camera liao.. all the pics blur blur one. And by the time I reduce the size and post it here, lagi worse... Anyone wanna sponsor me a free camera? I'm not tum sim lah, just get me a 8 or 10 MP can liao.. kekeke

Will email the respective mummies the photos.



Twendy, PENG and Eileen,

Thanks for the advise. I will try the laughing cow brand later. Actually, right now i'm giving her 'buttercup' brand. I read the ingredient only contain vegetable oil. So, i used it to fry pasta and spread on the bread. So far she is okie with it. Just that, i realise she dun like pasta. So, no choice, now can cook macaroni and mee sua soup added with minced pork or fish and some veggie.. Just now tried fried macaroni, end up she dun want to after tht i gave her wholemeal bread.

that toy was given by my friend for yao's 1st month. One thing no good is that the roller wihout rubber, is kind of slippery and sometime yaoyao will just lean backward cos it is quite light.

Jovial and Cayden very handsome woh...

nice photo with the lavender..Wombat very smelly, rite?

Congratulate to you...Must take care and rest more..1st trimester always very kangkoh especially got morning sickness..
Hi all

Here are some pics I have captured, will post more online at the yahoo group.


Alyssa enjoying biscuits


Cay having fun with reflection


My Jay and Cay


Kenise, Cayden and Zavier
Hi Kelly,

Ur son seems to like music a lot. He can dance very well together with the music.
Dun worry, every babies have their own pace of growing/development. Like my boy till now still cannnot walk. Though able to call papa, mama but he dun know who is who. He can look at mi and call papa.
Hi all,
Wow, seems like we missed out on the group photo taking cos we had to leave early tat day from Doggymum's place.
Anyway, Zavier enjoyed himself tat day cos he fell asleep straightaway in the car after we left.

Bbblush, your Chloe sure can say lots of words... little smartie girl! Zavier jus learnt to say ball and Daddy. He jus started walking last week, so nowadays, happily walking most of the time.

Mousypig/Twendy, my wed photographer was also YK. He's been quite professional n friendly so decided to go with him for the bb photoshoot. Twendy, what does your sis work as?

Kelly, congrats! Good to get it over soon.. Take cake.

Some studio photo shots of Zavier to share share. By the way, pigeon company jus called me to inform tat Zavier had won the 3rd prize in the pigeon 50yrs anniversary bb contest! Thanks to all who have casted votes on him... Yippie!


Hi mummies...payment can be made on that day at the counter...please update me if u could not make it on that day...thank u....

Programme : Growing Up Gifted Trial
Price : $45.00
Venue : 101 Thomson Road United Square, #01-20/27
Date : 13 Jan 2008 Sunday
Time : 2.00pm - 3.30pm

1)Peng & Yang YuHeng
2)Doggiemum & Alyssa
3)PPP & Tan NianQi
4)Jaline & Nouvelle Ong
5)Lydia & jeanette
6)Mousy_Pig & Kaitlyn Wang
7)Starmoon & Megan Ong
8)Twendy & lorraine lee
9)bearyhugs & Zavier Hong
10)Jene & Ashley Goh
11)Rkjk & Ryan Koh
got flu this few days plus a 'sudden gift', was not in a good mood.

well, thanks for the congrats, but my first reaction is 'ai yoh', hai yah....and hubby lagi chia lat, he said ai yoh, your nipples going to turn black again
, hahaha...Anyway, we wanted another Nov baby, so this is a bit early for us. As for the EDD, i am too blur to remember my last menses date, so if i visit gynae now, think he can't do much about the EDD. Only start the folic acid & milk for time being lor.
Congrats, Kelly.

Long time didnt come in liao and so many posts and all babies now so big liao...been a long time since i meet up with the rest of the mummies here. looking forward to the GUG trial
Hi mummies...payment can be made on that day at the counter...please update me if u could not make it on that day...thank u....

Programme : Growing Up Gifted Trial
Price : $45.00
Venue : 101 Thomson Road United Square, #01-20/27
Date : 13 Jan 2008 Sunday
Time : 2.00pm - 3.30pm

1)Peng & Yang YuHeng
2)Doggiemum & Alyssa
3)PPP & Tan NianQi
4)Jaline & Nouvelle Ong
5)Luanfang & Darrell
6)Mousy_Pig & Kaitlyn Wang
7)Starmoon & Megan Ong
8)Twendy & lorraine lee
9)bearyhugs & Zavier Hong
10)Jene & Ashley Goh
11)Rkjk & Ryan Koh
Congrats for ur 2nd.

Mummies who went to the gathering pls do upload the pic to yahoo grp or send me pls.Thanks alot ya.
Congrats Kelly! Martin going to be big brother soon..

To all mummies, wanna share this with u - my son juz fell down last nite when we were in Thomson Plaza - Face down. When I carried him up, blood started to stream down fr his upper teeth. Luckily his teeth din drop, juz that his upper lip immedly swell up but scream & cry like hell! My hb said shld be alrite since no vomitting or concussion but we still brought him to kk to do a chk up for a piece of mind. I'm afraid will hv internal bleeding in the nose. Fortunately, Dr also said ok aft examining him. He likes to run around now but doesn't like us to hold his hands. So for those babies who are learning to walk now - parents pls be very careful, never let go of their hands cos they r still not stable yet esp if they see something exciting, they will run. I so heartache seeing him cry last nite. Although he is ok now, I still feel very guilty to let go of his hand when he struggle to get rid of my grasp..
thanks mums

when martin first time bleeding, i cry longer than him, when 2nd time, i no more cry, getting used to it when 3rd and 4th time...quite difficult to avoid coz we can't hold his hand every second, and he might just fall when i think the environment is save for him. anyway, glad that his teeth are still here :p
don't feel so guilty, now they are so active & very difficult for us to look at them every second. My boy still cannot walk n always knock here & there, no choice la, boys are more active.
wow congrats ya! we must start a list of mummies with No. 2 liao!

i know wat u mean, my boy was like yours about a month back liao. so i'm quite numb for a month liao haha. cayden likes to run around outside and hate us to hold his hand (but at home want to hold our hands....*faint*), it's quite impossible to hold on to our baby's hand all the time. so wat i do is i'll keep very near him, will always be behind him jus in case.
Whaaaa... PPP, luckily I scrolled back to read, if not sure missed your cakes with regrets. So sweet! Those crown heads very cute leh, the cakes look delicious men. Can I place order

Peng, convention oven har... ok I consider.. hmmm.. any brand to recommend?


So fated to meet u at Suntec City.. hehe. We left shortly after we changed Owen. He vomitted quite badly, half the dinning table was in a mess. Guess he did not burp properly in the car after his milk & he has a habit of not sitting straight.

Hi Mummies

Does your bb sits with the back straight if you place him or her on the floor? I am wondering if Owen pie is having a spine issue. He does not sit straight, in fact his back is very curl whenever he sits on the floor, at first I thot its the diaper that's causing it.
Hi Strawberry,

yes, my gal does sit very straight, but Owen may not be so serious as a spine problem. Could it be habit? or perhaps can check with doc during 15mths check-up.
Hi mummies...payment can be made on that day at the counter...kindly arrive early to make payment first cos classes starts at 2pm..please update me if u could not make it on that day...

PS: 2 more slots available...quick quick who wants!!

Programme : Growing Up Gifted Trial
Price : $45.00
Venue : 101 Thomson Road United Square, #01-20/27
Date : 13 Jan 2008 Sunday
Time : 2.00pm - 3.30pm

1)Peng & Yang YuHeng
2)Doggiemum & Alyssa
3)PPP & Tan NianQi
4)Jaline & Nouvelle Ong
5)Luanfang & Darrell Sim
6)Mousy_Pig & Kaitlyn Wang
7)Starmoon & Megan Ong
8)Twendy & lorraine lee
9)bearyhugs & Zavier Hong
10)Rkjk & Ryan Koh
hi mummies,

just wondering any of you here BB here not fat but got pot belly...hahaha...not sure why but i realise my gal got a tummy although she is quite skinny.

hi mummies,

I also got news to annouce. Me also preggie for 3 mths now. Sorry for not sharing this news earlier as i got some complications at earlier stage. I got the spotting at 5 weeks for about 2 weeks. And my gynae said it is not optimistic so i dare to tell. Just went for my check up last sat and everything is okie now. Still feeling tired and the belly already shown. Feel that having 2nd one really make myself feel huge..Perhaps becos of the over stretch tummy for my 1st bb...

Sorry, can anyone tell me what is website for our nov mom yahoo group har? So long time never login and i kenot remember liao
