(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs


Yes, he's already informed the office that he doesn't intend to travel for work once it's close to my delivery date. Apparently a lot of people on his work team have expectant wives too!


I love kids too but the morning sickness is really putting me off. The hubby loves kids so much that if we go out, he's always looking at babies.. so much so that he's nearly walked into pillars and knocked onto people when he does so.

I feel terrible when I am hungry and also when I am full. Most times after I've eaten a little, I feel like the food rises to my throat and feels so uncomfortable so I go to the toilet to try to throw up but nothing comes out. Now my throat hurts and occasionally, there is a sharp pain in my belly which disappears as quickly as it comes. Wonder what this means.

Hi all,

Missing for 3 days and so many posting. Will go through slowly.

Actually Monday night when I reach home, I have fever, 37.8, vomit a lot and slight bleeding. Gynae ask me go down his clinic immediately and gave me a jab. It was so painful as my pain threshold is low.

Then I went home and took panadol but my fever remain the same on tuesday and watever I eat or drink, all vomitted. I vomitted 4 times in the morning alone. Then gynae ask me admit to TMC for drip. I was on drip for 2 days. Just discharge this morning.

Now I am feeling better, can take small meal liao but only a few mouthful of porridge and need to stop. So I took quite a number of small meal everyday.

Luckily gynae say my bb is ok. Now is in my 8W2D liao.

Ok, we shall chat again tomorrow
Take care nov mum.......rest at home and try ot drink more water....

Little cat,
Thanksss for your advices...I guess taking small meals do help....although it is very troublesome...

Maybe will go and try the course at MT E which you mentioned. Sound interesting.

I also stand by this Quaker Oatmeals Chewy bars in my bag or office so that I can take it when I feel hungry. It can be purchased at Supermarkets....shd be nutrious...mtm can try it
Nov_mum, important is baby is ok, pls take care and rest more.
They said strong MS means baby is strong too.

cuclainne, kekeke ask him to watch out for pillar leh !! eh must introduce him to my hb lah...

still having training today, will pop by later ciao take care !

That's what I was told too .. that strong MS means baby is strong too but I wonder how true that is.

Hehehehe .. what is your hb like?
hi littlecat
for me, i snack alot so dunno y MS still so bad...my stomach only empty is after i throw up. den i will eat some "so da bia" (those square biscuits when dip into milo very nice wan)...my MS always happen from lunch onwards...so lunch and dinner always wasted. terrible feeling...sometimes votmit until tears streaked down my face.

hi nov mum
do take care especially now u got an extra one inside you. like the rest said, most impt the little one is fine. weekend is coming so can take the chance to recuperate at home.

hi ladies
later i'm gg for my first appt...what questions do u all normally ask ah?
Hi gals,

Thanks for all the well wishes. Although these 2 days no vomitting but i still feel nauseous and I will try to control. Cause my cousin told me once i start vomitting, it will not stop.

Me can only take a bit now. A few mouthful of porridge or some milo with biscuits. Anything more than that, out it goes again..sob..sob..

starmoon, i know your feeling of tears streaking...

Oh, can i ask if anyone have difficulties sleeping. I cannot sleep at night, and wake up very early and afternoon i dun feel like sleeping also. I think everyday the most i only sleep 3-4 hours.
hi nov mum
guess u oso experienced it ah....terrible hor. juz can't wait till it gets back to normal. for me, i haf no difficulty in sleeping cos i get very tired. by 9plus, my body shuts down liao and needs to sleep. last time i only need 8 hours of sleep but now it is not enuff. at least i need 9 hours or more or else i will feel very tired and "mei jing shen" the whole day.
hi all MTBs! and welcome to new MTBs!

how r u all getting on? my MS is getting worst ...my gynae told me to expect it to worsen until abt 10 weeks plus then it'll start to taper off. i'm at 9W4D now and feeling my absolute worst man...

anyone chosen names yet? my hubby oledi chosen liao!! buay tahan him...haha.

wow, jus read abt ur past 3 days...scary leh!! rest well, drink more water...take MC if u need to, u need alot of rest now.

i'm like u...since i found out i'm PG, i knock out at abt 8plus 9plus. even if i take nap in the afternoon, i still knock out at the usual time. body jus shuts down.

btw ValC, that's for the updating of the list!
nov mum

I have difficulty sleeping too. Most of the time, I have to rub medicated oil and prop myself up. Not comfortable but once I am tired out, I will fall asleep. Otherwise just stare at the hubby while he sleeps.


My doctor also told me that he'll give me another week before it starts to get better. But if my current symptoms persists, he wants me to come in immediately for drip. Hmm .. not pleasing! I am going on course for three days next week - wonder how I'm going to pull through.

I stare at hubby, outside, ceiling, no matter wat, i cannot sleep. And in the middle of the nite, I got to get up and eat biscuits. Last night i ate twice else my tummy feel strange.

And wow, your hubby really excited leh, already thot of a name. Me still think think only cause dunno boy or gal...heee

Hey gals,

See the earlier posting, regarding epidural, I also thinking hard if i want to take or not as my pain threshold is low leh..i really scare cant tahan.

But my parents and friends all encourage me not to take..say pain once and for all rather than in the future back pain..dunno how true is that..my aunt even suggest C-section which I think i will not lor.

hey starz, for me is me who want BD leh..my BD keep telling himself not to think and he can control. Is me who is saying.." dear, we cannot hor"...so thick skin of me..haha..

But so far we still refrain cause of my condition, still not so stable.
hello mummies...

i too busy, preparing P&L for new financial yr.. plus stock-take.. everything together.. haiz.. but still, cannot help it want to come here n kaypoh abit.. so many topics to kaypoh abt..

i see alot of mtbs want bb boy hor.. me opposite, i want a princess badly.. cos i have a god-daughter, n she's unbelievably "guai" for a baby n toddler.. plus, i would love to dress her up.. hehe.. cos i didnt get to be dressed up as a child...
the other "problem" is, my hb already chosen all the names if its a boy.. n i can tell u all, his choices are "beckham" n "owen".. so, i dont want my kid to be embarrassed next time if he can't even kick a soccerball... hahaha...

as for delivery, i still dont dare to think yet.. recently saw the documentary on pg n delivery, got traumatised by seeing the process..

i'm like starmoon n dumbger, can sleep throughout the nite. afternoon nap already still need to shut down early.. but also need to sleep slightly "higher" than last time lor.. now i sleep almost in a semi-sitting position.

nov mum, try to get your mum or MIL to cook chicken soup for u lor, check with the chinese medicine shop to see wat herbs u can add to add more nourishment.. my mum really stand by this soup, says esp during the first 3mths if we cant eat, the soup can still provide us with enough nourishment.. better than porridge.. take care..
cuclainne, my hb very funny one, first one hor he damn kan-cheong, now hor may be he used up all his energy to my 4 years old boy, he like bo-chap... but he is those quiet type might not know to express it fully lah. U know everyone said i very bad temper and no patience, he is the opposite. But hor he is the one who run out of patience with my boy and i am the one who heart pain when seeing the little one cry... so really like what they said ci-mu-duo-bai-er, (direct translate, kind mother will have rebellious son)..sigh...

sleeping wise i am quite ok, but previous PG i really doze off easily, but this round not that easy, only complain is keep waking up to pee.

dumbger, so what name u choose? unisex type ? so can be used for either boy or girl?

nov_mum, according to my gynae the epidural does not cause back pain and i read some chinese book they said not true also. but the back pain is due to lack of rest, posture during confinement.
but one thing true is have to lie down on your back more during confinement.
hi starz,

my mum is telling me to boil some longan plus red date drink. she did mention a type of herb but i dun have. think got to buy. She has also bought DCC for me but got to wait after 1st tri then can drink.

Me also, today already spend many hours in front of the pc.. now i need to go take some rest liao.

Will come in tomorrow again.
nov mum
u mean u can't sleep at nite? did u tell ur gynae abt this?

i think i will definitely use epidural lor...dun think i can take the pain. and if hav to go for caesarean, i'll ask the doc to put me to sleep!! wake me up when it's over. :p

how come need drip?? that serious?? :eek:

for me alot of pple feels that i'll have a boy...initially either gender is fine by me but cos so many pple keep on saying mine is boy i feel like wanting a girl. :p

and haha...i know!! i got one fren whose husband chose soccer players' names for the son!! and it's not English premier league one lor...it's italian or some foreign country's league where the name is really really strange one!! :D

yeah, it's unisex name, my hubby chose "Cayen". but to me sounds more like girl leh. wat u think?

I noticed some blood when I threw up yesterday and felt sharp pain in my belly which went away slowly after I straightened myself up. I also threw up a lot of bile so the doctor told me that if it persists, I must come in.
eh gals, i should feel 'heng' that my hb doesn't really watch football (strange hor?) he only watch world cup, phew !
dumbger, lookig at the name it looks 'boy', if pronouce it with the 'yen' behind like girl lor... haha no wonder it is unisex lah ! good choice!

yeah if ceseran but with urself awake, like very scary leh, i heard if u concious u can hear the knife, sciccor sound ?? oh my better be unconcious..

starz, dun worry too much when the time come u just follow the flow, is that easy
nov mum,
i think the longan n red date is 3rd trimester then drink one leh.. i hv a colleague in the office, think she's due soon.. almost everyday bring that to office to drink...

for chicken soup hor, my mum "simplified" n "modernised" the procedure.. she bought this packet ginseng chicken soup mixture (outside the packet shows a bowl of chicken soup with small mushroom and white fungus) and cook with a whole chicken.. we just hv to add the small mushroom, n mixture.. i find the soup very appetitising to me now lor..

the other recipe is my manicurist recommend one.. she says she always drink it during her pg, n both her children born very fair with pink cheeks.. but the medicine hall say this is more to "bu" the "qi" in us.. its "gou qi zhi", red dates n "dang shen".. just boil with water about 1hr.. now in our 1st trimester can only drink once or twice a week...
hehehe.. italian or other language names even worse than the two my hb chose... imagine a "Ronaldo Tan" or "Inzaghi Wong".. hahaha... i'm a soccer fan myself.. but not to that extent... the name you chose very unique leh, its nice, but i don't know to say pretty name or handsome name as it does sound unisex...

little cat,
this year is the world cup leh.. u better lay down the rules first n tell ur hb no soccer star names first ar.. if not he suddenly get inspiration during one of the match, u headache ar... hehehehe...
ya.. i'm adopting the "ostrich" position to the actual delivery process now.. when it comes it comes... i think my pain threshold still considered pretty high... so.... *cross fingers, n toes, n watever else i can cross*... hehehehehe...
hi all mtb! i did a scan 2 days back 9W3D my baby is 3.23cm then.. hehee very excited to see the hands and legs.

however i have heartburn most of the time, and is waiting for vomiting to occur to ease the discomfort. i vomit about 2 to 6 times per day. i can't work now as i am feeling very lousy most of the time, tired, restless. some of the nights i can't sleep. simply no energy. anyone has any good advise for me...

praying for the 12 weeks to be over soon.
Hi mummies

Wah.. the thread is running fast. I am seeing my new gynae tomorrow morning.

Little cat, I agree with starz... better lay down the rules with ur hubby first... If not he is going to name ur baby after a soccer player. My hubby actually wanted to name my baby ( if a gal ) as Sylvia because he loves a car call nissan sylvia ( sports car ) and boy call beamer (bmw).

rainger, wah... ur bb so big already...
Take some sour plums or try to eat little. Or maybe get some medications from ur gynae.
Hi all,
I'm new here. Would like to ask few questions:
1) Anyone heard of Dr Watt from Raffles? She was from East Shore Hospital Grp, now with Raffles Hospital
2) For my 1st medical check up, i only did scan and take medicine for my cough, flu and 30 folid acid, total cost about $162, is it expensive?
3) Anyone know more about the blood test like triple test and Oscar test?
4) DO u all feel difficult to sleep at night as tummy bloated and keep feeling wan to go toilet?

Too many questions at once. Hope u all dun mind. Thanks
Hi MTBs,
I m 7wks preggie with my 2nd kid. EDD is end Nov.
Using back my previuos gynae(Mr Chan Kong Hon-GlenE) as he's gd & experienced.But all these doesnt come cheap. Each visit arnd $180.Only can sign pkge from 4th mth onwards

Morning sickness(MS)
Slight MS for me in the morn..Only take small meals now scare skali later all merlion out!!!Well i still feel sleepy though.Luckily can nap with my babe in the day.Ops btw,I m a SAHM.
Anyone here same occupation as me??
hi all,
heehee..wanna go a small survey here... for test out MS symptoms... how many of you wore your wedding gown and sit on your (bridal)bed to take pictures during your wedding? tell you all the results later... =)

I did, but dun have much MS, except when I brush teeth sometimes in morning/nite.

Hi SheRhino

Welcome! I am a SAHM too, but overseas now.
Wat is SAHM?
I did take photo on my bed on AD. I do have MS, however, can just overcome by taking biscuit or sweet.
heehee... coz before i got married, my frens who are oredi mummies told me not to wear gown and sit on the bed. otherwise, will experience more MS. Just wanna see if this theory is really true.

Sounds like your husband has gotten into his role as father so he's cool this time around eh ..


Finally started feeling better. Am able to keep the food down and drank some coke. I don't know why I am comforted when I drink fizzy drink, though all the books mentioned that carbonated drinks are no good. Good thing cos I'll be on a three-day course beginning Monday and I was beginning to get worried that I'll be so sick to pay attention.


I did sit on the bed, while wearing my ROM dress. Does that count?
Dear all..

Qian Hui again, sick with all the fever, sore throat, runny nose, bad cough etc...
And still having them..

Yuks, the throat infectious til cannot even drink or swallow saliva.. talk worse..
then cough til I stomachache.

Anyway, finally, I go and see the doc today.
She told me it's 6w 1d..
so tiny weeny leh.. 0.47cm

When will the MS starts ah?
Aiyo, I so scared leh.. you all say strong MS means strong baby.. I hope to have strong MS then.. so worried coz til now.. haven experience much MS I think.. only go toilet in the middle of the nite !%$%#^%$^$%&
Hello again...

May I kindly check with u all how much are the charges for visits to gynae?

Consultation $90
Scan $70

Total of $160.. and i didn't take the folic acid coz I got more than enough to last me for 3 weeks.

Also, did the doc ask u all whether u all wanna take a blood test around wk 12? It's to chk the risk for down symdrome. Not cheap I think.
Qian Hui~ DUN PRAY FOR MS!!!!! When i jus got pregnant, i feel so healthy, and keep asking y other ppl pregnant so much complaint... until i myself kena. Mi 8wk goin 9wk liao.. and my MS getting bad to worse, feel like crying everytime the nausea feeling attack. Now praying for 1st trimester to be over so i can rest properly. I've lose abt 2kg since my MS started..

Mi too having throat infection, too heaty i guess, yet cannot drink cooling tea... so pityful.
My gynae's Dr. Caroline Khi from TMC, saw a thread abt her in "Motherhood, Pregnancies And Babies" so jus try her out.

Her Charges is like:
Urine Test Stick - $7
Consultation - $58
Scan - $38

and i dunno why there's always a -$10 discount at the bottom. forgot to ask. I'm not taking folic acid from her, I got mine from guardian pharmacy, 100tabs for only $2.95.

I was offered a package from 12weeks onwards at $598 (consist of unlimited visits & uring scan). Had not sign up yet, probably at my next appointment.

As for the Down's Syndrome Test, she told mi there's actually 3 kinds,

1. Plain Scaning for the neck skin thickness, ard 11~14 weeks, accurary 80%, will be in de package, so its free. Else, it will cost ard $90.

2.Blood Test, ard 15wks, accuracy 65%, not in package, will cost $108.

3. Scan with blood test, ard 11~14wks, accuracy 90%, nto in package too, will cost $298.

She recommended mi "1" as i'm still below age 35. =]

Wooo... pretty long post.. :p
Qian Hui

The doctor did tell me and the hubby about the test for Down Syndrome but the hubby is not keen to go for it. He contends that we're keeping the baby no matter what, so he doesn't want to know and worry ourselves silly. Anyways, the doctor told me that there's very little risk of that cos of our age. We are however doing the blood test for thalassemia (blood disorder).

I think my doctor's consultation charges are about the same as you've mentioned. Luckily for me, I work at the same hospital so everything is covered for me (maternity benefits). I'm entitled to B1 but if I want to upgrade to A class, then I just top up the difference. Since the company is paying for it, I took a senior doctor to take care of me.
mi testing for thalassemia too.. coz my family has the history of thalassemia, both my siblings and mum got that. i remember testing for it few years bak, not too sure abt it.. and my gynae suggested mi to do it again...
Hmmm... Mine machiam quite ex leh.. when I compare $90 consultation fee to the $58 one...

The blood test, aiyo.. so many types.. so blur.. I think me and hubby might be those KS type, will also go and test..

Then recept scribbled something like
FTS $160
Not sure if the GAANF is correct or not, coz the hardwriting too messy..

Also, visit gynae very ex hor?
Wait 45 mins, went in less than 10 mins and $160 gone, take pic of the black & white photos is more ex than the coverlooks photos... ha ha ha....
But cute lah.. next time can show baby that 'this little dot is you..'

Too bad last time my mum's time dun have such stuffs, else, I think while everyone stick taheir photos, I go and stick the scan photos ;p
starz, littlecat
haha, thks! i didn't have much say in the name...hubby insisted on it. I was thinking that it end up i've a boy, i'll stick to Cayen; but if it's a girl, maybe Cayenne instead...pronounce the same but at least looks more 'girl'.

nope, i didn't take pic of WG on my bed leh, but also experiencing MS...but not that bad until i vomit all the time.

my gynae actually told me to drink coke too! it's to get rid of the wind in ur stomach so that u wun be so bloated. he told me not to take so much though, jus a few sips to make the gas in the coke force me to burp.

yeah, dun pray for MS! even though i dun vomit, but the feeling is terrible man. MS shld start sometime between 6 to 8 weeks, me at 6 wks plus oledi start liao and now at almost 10 wks, i'm feeling my absolute worst.
my gynae consultation is $50, scan is $60. but haha, dun hav to wait long cos i always choose the first appt slot. :p
hi gals,

know that cat's output is harmful to the fetus,
how abt hamster's output?? as i have hamsters, i dunno whether their output is harmful to the fetus?

They took some of the hubby's blood at the last appointment and will take mine at the next one (in three weeks). The hubby nearly fainted when they drew his blood - had to hold his hand and he closed his eyes. The nurses were joking that it might be a code blue if he did faint there in the clinic. Lucky thing then that I'm the one who will be giving birth eh..


Yes, finally slept well enough the last two nights. I did wake up early but only felt nauseous maybe once a day which is a good thing. I usually feel better after a good burp
Hi Mummies

Greybearie, we are seeing the same clinic in TMC. My doctor is Dr Jocelyn Wong from ACJ clinc. Ur doctor is Caroline Khi is it? I went last saturday for my first appt, happy to see Dr Wong again. She is very very good and my hubby also commented that the people and doctors there are way much better than the previous gynae I am seeing. My baby is already 9 wks 4 day old when I see her last saturday. Oh, my hubby was asked to give some of his blood sample to test for blood count and at the same time I have already opt for the oscar test to be done on 28 April and seeing her on 29 April again. I also taking up the package offer by them - $598. At the same time, my hubby said that might as well I will deliver in TMC. So her package for delivering in TMC is $1800 to $2200 for 3 days 2 night stay, doctor's delivery charges etc. I also sign up the FBI with TMC so all my other tests and things can get discount.

Sherino, hi hi, I am also a SAHM now.
Very bored at home....

Qianhui, if u dun mind, I reccommend my gynae to you... same as greybearie, the clinic is ACJ but different doctors. Her consultation is about 45 mins when we see her last saturday. She is very detail and overall I paid about $135 for the consultation, blood test and scan. Got free milk powder from my doctor.

Cuclainne, ur hubby scared of blood???

Ladies, what do you all usually do at home if u are a SAHM... I am very bored... scared get depression later.

Jocelyn Wong very pretty gynae hor. And so gentle somemore. But she switched to TMC and I stayed on in KKH.
Sighz, I got spotting yesterday Brownish red color one and nearly passed out in church so went to A&E last night. Doctor did a pelvic exam and say dono what caused the spotting but the cervix is closed. Will be due for another check tomorrow I think. Right now, abit sad cos it seems baby does not know whether she or he wants to stay or not

So mummies, remember to stay hydrated. I think I faint partly cos of dehydration.
Praying for the best!

i didn't noe its necessary to for hubby to take blood test at such early stage~! i wasn't informed leh.. somemore, hubby's oversea often, had not a/c mi to any of the appt yet... arrrggg.. where to find hubby for them to draw blood?


Yah, my doc's caroline khi from ACJ, she's very nice too, so far i've visited her twice, she nv rush thru her appt, my 1st appt was like ard 45min too. Which one is Jocelyn Wong? mononoke say very pretty? issit the one with curly hair?

i read abt the FBI at TMC website, how do i sign up for it?
Hi morning all MTB :

For thalassemia test, both dad & MTB have to test. Cos if both got thalassemia minor the chances of the baby have the thalassemia is 25%.
I have thalassemia minor, i look normal (of cos i am :p) and u dun feel anything diff.
By right b4 u do your family planning, both dad & mtb need to do such test.
For me i didn't also, after they explained to me, i was so worry... lucky my hb is not so no need to worry.
cuclainne, my hb is those hor looks super 'cool' one, until i said he is 'slow' :p
cuclainne/starz, I told him about the scoccer player name, he said no lah, the most i will call them 'crabby or prawny' only
he likes seafood ...
i think i rather pick 'owen' then...
Serene, i heard of cat's litter is harmful as for hamster not very sure, but hor to be on the safe side dun touch or get too close, get your hb to do the cleaning.
poor Qian Hui, take good care, but do watch up for the fever part, make sure it won't shoot too high. Take more rest. Take vit c and drink more water. for pg woman can't take antibiotic it take longer time to recover..
greybearie, so fast they offer package liao?
cuclainne, your hb is right if he is decided no matter what he will keep, no point checking. Furthermore u r below 35 the risk is lower, so not to worry.
Mononoke, dun worry too much, go check with your gynae on Monday. eh u posted on at 3.31am? Do get more rest.
Little cat, me in different timezone but yep keeping fingers crossed all will be okie. Thanks! Wow you all so soon choose name already?
Owen sounds nice!
Hi Little Cat,

Cannot take Anti-biotics ah?!?!?!?!? I took them leh...
What will happen if take ah? Alamak.. I dunno leh..


Where is ACJ ah? Which part of SG?
Mine is Selina Chua leh.. she from Mt E I think, but she is on duty for certain days at a BT Batok clinic..

Mononoke, no lah, i didn't really choose owen, i m just saying if i got to choose between those 'seafood' name i rather choose owen lah haha... but i dun really like this name leh, besides the whole family is like hoping for a girl this time round

Qian Hui, no lah as long as the doctor aware u r PG they will give u whatever is safe.
But last time for my case the doc i see he did say dun want to prescribe the normal antibiotic that he used to gave me. May be for his case he doesn't have those safe for PG one.
If u worry can call again to confirm those antibiotic is safe for u.
pai-seh not meant to frighten u leh...
