(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

qian hui
although i am much older than u but i also never try all the thing u mentioned there...
anyway i dun like to go chiong, NDP always no ticket, midnite show? i remember once i fell as sleep and that's it, no more wasting money...

But one thing i find with a baby life changes a lot and u look forward to do something with them together.
and u so young only 27, 10 years later your kid is 10 liao that is lots of thing to do with him/her.
i have my first baby at 34 abit too old lor...

hey.. sorrie to interupt MTBs... anyone of u still having frequent sex? My Hubby's worried.. and due to my spotting.. my gynae advice mi not to leh.. but den............. :p
no energy and no mood too !
my hb understand so it is ok.
also it is better to avoid BD in 1st trimester and last month too...
Morning Mummies

I am so angry with my ex boss... early in the morning 8am call on my mobile. Instead of asking me how am I etc... She ask me when can u come back and hand over to the new person... Manz... and I am shocked to hear from my ex colleagues that many of them had resigned because of her. I thanks god.... cos I choose my family over work. If not anything happen, who can i blame.

Little cat, I see... now I get the whole picture abt epidural. My hubby, he is more kan cheong than me... he even find out from his colleague ( father to be in June ) what are the things to prepare, sleeping posture etc. Thats y he is asking me ceasarean or natural birth. If natural birth, he definitely wants me to op for epidural. Wah... have to wait until so long then can have coconut... sob sob....

starz, wah ur ROM date is the same as my first AD date... that is a hot date though.. Not untraditional lah.. just being modern. heheh!! Thanks for explaining this part of claiming process for me. At least now I have a clearer idea of what is these claims about. So got to ask my gynae to issue me receipts since day one I see her. I will check with the gynae again during my next appt on 22 April. That will be the end of my 1st trimester.
Haha... so happy. I was wondering if i can eat black chicken now... cos heard ppl say black chicken good for baby placenta. oh... YC means Yvonne Creations Bridal Shop. We are from the same bridal shops. I thought preggy woman not supposed to travel?? Anyway, my boss not happy because I cannot travel anymore. My job requires me to travel around ASEAN very frequently.. and hubby is not happy with this. After he find out that I am preggy... he is happier then anyone else...because I no need to travel anymore.

Jannie, usually do you take hot or cold barely??? My hubby make me drink hot one... no cold one he says.

Qian Hui, dun be upset... just imagine ur bb is coming... and probably u can request from ur hubby to go honeymoon during ur 2nd trimester. For me, initially we plan to go Europe and Japan this yr end and beginning of next year. But since I am preggy, my hubby find out from gynae if he can bring me for short trip like Japan or Taiwan first. The doctor says yes... no problem during my 2nd trimester. But end up, I am the one who wants to save money for my bb... told my hubby postponed honeymoon trip until bb is older. We will go together as a family.
As for driving, think next time when ur kids is in school, u may have to ferry them to and fro daily.. so sure got chance to drive one. No worries.

greybear, the answer is no sex during first trim... but then hor... last nite i break the rule...since i see my hubby so pity.... have been tolerating for so long... heheheheheheheheeh!!!
good morning mommies/MTBs

greybear, i think it is ok to have sex if u have no spotting.. if have, better refrain.. cos from what i understand.. bb is trying to implant itself properly.. if too much action, might interfere.

gingercat, this kind of thing cannot ask me one lah... i m the unconventional type.... i take both hot and cold... green tea and coke i still take too.. just in moderation.. like for my last confinement, i was so hot that i would bathe twice a day, stop my red dates and longan tea after a few days cos there's too much ginger (this one more for BFing reason), go out shopping after 1 week of confinement, etc.

and yes, pregnant also can travel. but i have to emphasize that this will be for normal pregnancy.. if u have some complications.. then it is better to consult your gynae. my gynae very on type.. he says as long as there's no horse back riding or sky diving.. u can still do whatever you want as per normal

Yah Loh! Yah Loh! They very pityful hor~ 1st 3 mth no sex, last 1 mth oso no sex... wat a sex starve year~

Mi too haven gone for my honeymoon.. been too buzy last year, den bb jus come suddenly... stress.. my hubby was suggesting a short trip during my 2nd trimester, but i'm kinda worry abt my MS.. not sure if it will go away by den.. My MS been quite bad these few days, getting from bad to worse, but heng.. no vomitting.. :{
good morning everyone.
wad is BD and BF ah??? so many acronymns i oso blur liao.

hi jovialger
me oso thinking of not taking epidural...i ask hubby and he said huh, how i noe whether u can tahan the pain...heard it is 10x worse than the pms cramps we usually get. Eeks. but i guess prob will try to bear wif the pain.

hi jannie
wow, so good for u dat u didnt haf the side effects. me very scared of the dizziness and throwing up so dat kinda refrain me from opting for epidural.

hi gingercat
u so good no MS. me everyday after lunch will surely throw up...i tried taking just fish soup with no oil but oso throw up. sometimes dinner as well....very terrible feeling. wahhh, yr ex-boss so unfeeling wan...no wonder nobody wants to work for her.

hi qianhui
at first i thot of taking the laughing gas but now hear yr fren story, dun think i dare liao. prob will juz bear wif the pain.
good morning mummies...

thanks for the assurance.. i'm still abit undecided.. but even if i decide to go, other than gynae's approval, muz get my hubby's approval.. he not too keen on me travelling.. see how then lor...

qianhui n littlecat, u two so super guai one ar...

i'm 28 this yr lah... i've watched midnite shows b4, chiong until sick of it, n driving everyday.. i can tell u, u did NOT miss anything. midnite shows r just the same as other movie times.. just u end up being more tired, n wasting more money cos got to take cab home after midnite... as for chiong, trust me, u r really better off NOT going. its a waste of money, it ruins ur health, n most times, u get disillusioned abt people in general after u see the behavior in these places.. lastly, if i can choose, i rather have someone drive me around than drive myself.. its so stressful to be driving as i take cte everyday.. n its always jam everywhere...

littlecat, wat is BD??

hehe.. i also broke the no sex rule liaoz... also cos see my hb so poor thing.. got to put up with all my nonsense.. n no sex to make up for it... but hv to b extra gentle, n try to control the big "O", not too "earth-shattering" lor... hehehe...
gingercat, u already left the company (since u said ex-boss) still need to go back to train new people ? u did the right thing forget about such job!

starmoon, hehe u r the brave one i salute u ! but diff people diff experience, it is good if u willing to try out the first time.
Cos i heard some of them go to the delivery ward 2 to 3 hours only baby is out, then that period is still bearable, but some like struggle for 12 hours type, really no energy liao.
May be u can do the KS style, ask them to standby, if u can tong then go without, if really can't then ask them to put the epidural.

Went for my 2nd appiontment this morning, baby is 9 weeks now, EDD change to 8/Nov. Gynae said might be even earlier like end Oct. Saw the heartbeat so exciting !
He also adv BD wait till 12 to 13 weeks. Sorry hb !
Hi starmoon

Yar, I also hope I can tahan the pain, but I guess our body will naturally generate hormones to help us relieve the pain...

Check out these 2 websites below (which I got from somewhere) on the hormones, and on risks of epidural (too detailed, haven really taken a closer look myself)



Hi Qianhui

I am like you leh, got my driving licence long time ago, but never really drive. Nowadays just driven ard by HB..
Dear All,

Though I have been following this thread, this is my first time posting here. I am in my 8th week now, EDD is calculated as 11 Nov

Hope to have lots of fun learning from one another here!
Gingercat, Qian Hui and Jovialger,

I used to be a YC bride too! But that was in 2002 :p Me OLD bride liao.

Qian Hui,
I am 28 going on 29 this year. Neither have I done a lot of the things you mentioned. But I seriously don't feel left out in anyway. I live the life I want to lead, not using anybody else as yardsticks to compare with

But there are a lot of things you mentioned which you can still go for despite being pregnant! Who says preggie cannot watch mid-night show? You can still drive! Just get a more experienced driver to sit next to you and allow you to drive around in quieter areas like Marina South where the traffic there is close to none or minimal during weekdays. Why not? Don't restrict yourself just cos of your baby
Hi Jannie,

Happen to read that you travelled frequently during your 2nd tri.

Can I check with you whether you got travel insurance when you travelled that covers pregnancy? I have been asking around, but it seems most, if not all, travel insurance excludes pregnancy

Appreciate your reply soon, as I am due to travel this sun..

thanks very much
Hi ladies

Just finished my doctor's appointment - am now 9 weeks 5 days (so precise?). We can see the baby's head on ultrasound and the heartbeat is quite rapid. Doctor said everything is fine so that is very good news for us. First child for us - EDD is 3 November 2006.

Hope we can share and learn from each other.
hi krycep, my travel insurance does not cover accidental miscarriage, if that is what u are asking. i have another policy that covers that, irregardless of location. but, u have to purchase it at least 12 mths prior to becoming pregnant in order for the coverage to be effective.
I'm read that the kiddo's heartbeat is almost twice of ours! Amazing huh?...
My MS is horrible but I'm thankful I don't throw up... It's like having a prolonged food poisoning. Feel horrible before and after food... now don't even know if I'm hungry or wat... Blah! Pray that 2nd trimester will be better. Sob...
hi littlecat
was thinking of doing those exercises that help in delivery so hopefully can haf a natural birth. wow, must be exciting to see yr bb growing. me looking forward to my 1st appt too.

hi jovialger
thanks for the link...went in and indeed it is very detailed. will read up more when i haf the time cos now working abit hard to read it all.
Starmoon, you can join the Pre-natal class organized by the hospital. Last time I join the one at MountE hundred+, both you and hubby to join. It will teach u some excercise/breathing technique and the most exciting part is visiting the delivery ward!!

Yeah i almost cry when see the heartbeat, but hubby not there so i 'ren' cos once i cry i can't talk...

cuclainne, congrats ! did your gynae said the EDD might be earlier?

june, i realiazed hor sometime can throw up better than half way there leh...
but throw too much i also scare cos the throat hurt!

hang in there gals, we have another 3 to 4 weeks to go to next trimester!
Hi gals

Now in my 9 weeks. Have been having bad MS at nite. Can't eat rice at all. only take a bit of porridge every nite....if not the feeling will come again..... Anyone of you like me??


Based on your experience, MS will go away 3-4 weeks from now is it.... wat if it dont...any medicine to take...sigh

so u find the pre-natal course at Mt E useful?? How much is it huh??

I also have bad MS. You are normal, don't worry. *hugs* For me, I can want to eat something but when that item is presented in front of me, I have problem swallowing it even
And yes, I do throw out also. Seriously, I prefer to be able to throw out rather than the want to puke yet cannot puke feeling.

Actually if your MS is really bad, gynae can prescript medicine for you. Mine did.
PoohGer, didn't hear from u for so long

Me also like that lah dinner time very difficult to eat, if eat rice i put some soup or even hot water and they just slurp in.
Remember must not have too empty stomach the feeling is even worst.

My experience was after 12 weeks it is getting better, can eat like normal and no vomitting.

If is the vomitting part u can ask for anti-vomitting pill.
Dun worry i have the same feeling like u during my first PG. My world like upside down. but after 12 weeks it seems to get better, so dun worry too much
have a happy/cheerful heart also help, trust me.
The course i would say is good, it sort of calm you and take away your fear about this whole thing. YOu can ask the nurse or i think they will ask u to go ME reception to take the brochures or something.
the first few lesson is about nutricious tell u waht to eat balance diet, abit boring, later have some breathing technic. Make sure your hubby is there, so he can remind u all the breathing technique when u r too painful during contraction time esp important for those not taking epidural. Btw the 100+ is for couples for the mtb and ftb.
Also there are some excercise for PG woman.
Hi ladies.

littlecat, my initial EDD was 2 Nov and now he's just pushed it back to 3rd. The last time I had an ultrasound done (3 weeks ago), he said the baby was only 3mm. Today the baby is 2.4cm. Growing quite fast yah? When is your EDD?

Oh yes, having quite bad morning sickness too. some days I feel fantastic, other days i just want to curl up in the bathroom so i don't have to worry about throwing up. the doctor prescribed some pills but they don't seem to work now. but he told me that give it one more week and i should start getting better. that's a pleasing thought! i lost 1.5kg since my last weigh-in and my mom is a little worried.

also finding it hard to sleep at night because of 'heartburn'. now i just prop myself up with pillows and rub medicated oil on chest. it's a bit uncomfortable to sleep in that position but at least I can sleep now. Even the hubby is helping out by creeping in to bed (I'm a light sleeper) whenever he has to work late. I really bully that fella!
Hi Ladies

Little cat, yah my stupid ex boss called and wanna me go back and teach the new girl stuff if not she will not be paying me. Cannot understand how can she be a mother of 3 and the hb can stand her. She always work late everyday and travels a lot. Her kids are closer to the father.... anyway, many of my colleagues had tendered in their resignation. All started same time as I do. The problems lies with her and no one else...

Pupp, so coincident!!! U are also a YC bride... welcome welcome...

Ladies.... I am starting to worry.... is it normal for the baby to be abt 2.1cm when it is only 8.5 weeks old.... and little cat, my fetal can do BD already... is it abnormal.... I worry for the past few nights after my gynae check up. Dun wanna bother my hubby becos he is real tired after a long day of work... he needs a break.

I think it's normal. Mine is 2.4cm at 9.5weeks. The hubby is more anxious than I am. Yesterday he asked the doctor when we would know the gender and when my belly would start to get big.
gingercat, your bb size is normal lah.. dun worry. usually, gynae will be the one ringing the alarm if something abnormal is being detected. bb is able to move freely inside the waterbag now cos there are alot of space.. wait till a few more months .. then bb cannot move liao. and what kind of ex-boss you have there!!! good decision to resign.....

girls, i would like to recommend u all to buy this book "what to expect when you are expecting". this is a very good pregnancy guide book.. used to be able to answer all my questions during my pregnancy last time.. my gynae highly recommends this as well.. my fren calls it her "pregnancy bible"

june, what u have described sounds exactly like what i have been feeling!! let us all jia you together to get pass the remaining of the 1st tri ...

Yes, that was one of the first pregnancy books that I purchased with the hubby. It's really informative. After that we also bought a book on first-time parents - this one talks more about emotional side of things.
hi littlecat
oh yah, i heard abt the classes and will be planning to sign up for it cos one of my fren who didnt attend any classes said when she deliver, she didnt noe the breathing method and end up, gotta vaccuum the bb out cos she pushed until too tired and cannot push anymore. must be such an emotional sight...me oso cannot cry cos once cry oso cannot talk liao. my sis last time MS started at wk6 and ended at wk 19. mine started oso around wk 6 and dunno how soon it will end. itz such a terrible feeling. last nite oso throw up my dinner den around 11plus, stomach hungry liao but i was too tired to get up to eat so i slept through till this morning. looking forward to the 2nd trimester and hope that will be the honeymoon period.

hi jannie
how much does the book costs? maybe i can pop over to times bookshop later to see if they haf it.
My sil lent me that book when she knew I was expecting. Based on the price tag (from Borders) it costs $21.85
(But that was in 2003 though :p)
Hey GingerCat,

Don't worry so much about the size of the foetus. The number of weeks and days of pregnancy is more an estimate than an absolute number since we do not know when we actually ovulated and when fertilisation took place. Moreover, the "appropriate" length of the foetus at any one time comes in a range! None of us are alike, the same for foetus
cuclainne, my from 11/nov change to 8/nov, my baby length is about 2.4 cm.
gingercat, i think the size is more or less there, dun worry as long as the gynae said the size is ok then fine.
Sorry dun really understand what u mean by "my fetal can do BD already... is it abnormal"?

starmoon, every pg is different may be yours also.. so dun worry too much

hey anyone wearing different clothes now? not realy the M cloth but not the usual cloth..

today got training, less time to chat now...
hi mummies

Cuclainne, thanks for your info... at least I am at ease now... Actually have many worries and doubts abt this pregnancy... so cannot even have a good night sleep.. Wondering if the baby will be normal and healthy etc.. My hubby was like more worried about if my belly will be big during my 4th month preggy... hehehe.. he had no preference whether boy or girl.

jannie, I have nop regrets in resigning in fact happier. When my ex colleague came to visit me last night, I was like "OMG, what did Jaxxxxx did to you... you look so haggard and tired" My ex-co told me if I continue there, bb may be in danger. Anyway, my ex boss is a very cunning and uncompassionate person.

Where can I buy the book?? Borders? Popular Bookstore have???

Pups, thanks thanks.. Maybe my baby is tall next time... hehehe same as the father.
You refering to transitional clothes like looser tops or babydoll tops? I am thinking of getting some of those as they will still come in handy post-delivery when our bellies are still too big for our regular clothes.

But I should think most of my tops now can still be worn as I like wearing looser tops with elasticised ends. Those which when you fold up a little, they looked like you tucked them in neatly though there is no tucking involved :p Perhaps due to my bad MS, my tummy hasn't grown yet.

No problem
I have seen the book at Kino and Borders. I believe Times will have it also, but not sure about Popular.

My sister-in-law mentioned to me a certain percentage of babies do not actually arrive on the actual EDD. But as long as the baby is healthy, who cares?!

I haven't bought any maternity clothes yet though I am thinking of changing bras already. Have big bust so quite worried that they might be engorged when filled with milk. Hmmm .. hubby occasionally chuckles when he sees that i've gotten more 'chesty'.


No worries. It's my first baby too and sometimes at night, when I lie in bed, I do think of things like whether everything will be alright, etc. Most times I just can't wait for the nine months to be over so I can get back to my usual self again - I don't like having to rely on the hubby to get things done, makes me feel useless. But thankfully he's been really supportive.

The hubby really wants a boy but I don't really mind which gender as long as healthy and normal.

I bought the book at Times Bookstore, though I can't remember how much it cost. I have it on my bedside table so I can reach out for it whenever I need some information.
Hi gers

The book you mentioned, is the author Heidi Murkoff, and this is the 3rd edition - 2002? Cos I'm overseas right now, so can only get the book online. Pls advise, thanks!
hiya mummies

little cat... hehehe probably use wrong phrase... my bb started dancing and around the womb. Saw from my last scan. your edd is about the same as mine.
So this week should be week 9 already right? Oh yes, I have been wearing different clothings now.. something which is not body hugging like tights etc... no more jeans...wearing bermudas most of the time. Think my waist also grew slightly thicker by 1 inch... hiaz...

Pups, I will go Popular and look see... since i am so free now... Stay at home everyday....

Cuclainne, this yr a lot of ppl are giving birth to boy... so i think we also stand one high chance. Heehee
Friends that I know and had given birth this yr are boys. For me, I will prefer a boy... at least answer to my PIL... if not later they ask me for second one. Told my hubby, if this is a boy, my production factory will close for another 3 yrs.

This morning, had a little disagreement with the gynae I am seeing now... My hubby wanted me to change to my old gynae who is now in TMC. Dr Jocelyn Wong is a much better doc than the one I am visiting now.

I think there are three authors, but yes, I think you are talking about the same book.


My PILs are still trying to get used to the idea that I am pregnant. Hahahaha. Especially the hubby's mom - she just can't believe that she's going to be a grandma (ours will be their first grandchild). My mom is more used to the idea cos my elder sister has a 2 year old boy - initially she was a little upset that I got pregnant so soon after marriage (wedding was in Jan 06) cos she wanted me to enjoy my time alone with hubby first, explore the world, etc before having a family but the hubby really loves children and he didn't want to wait.

I'm not under any pressure to have a boy so whatever it may be, may be..
hi gals,

due to my constant cramping, i visited my gynae tis morning. i m currently at week6.
my sac is growing bigger since my last visit. but i still cant see the baby yet. gynae told mi my sac is in the correct position.. asked mi not to worry..

anyone of u still cant see ur foetus in ur 6 week??

I couldn't really see the baby in my 6th week but the sac was present and there was a heartbeat so the doctor said not to worry.
cuclainne, your hb really involved in this which is good! he must a very caring hb u so lucky !
yes u r right, boy or girl, early or late doesn't matter, important is they are healthy !
Anyway it is your first one still have change to try diff gender

My aunt very funny, she was saying something to my son and she suddenly pop up, next time your sister... we all like 'shock' she will say that, but old people like that always think one boy one girl is perfect lor.. or could be she had enough of my boy (he quite active) so she is hoping for a girl may be easier to look after.. haha
Hey u gals know about the website that track your pregnancy week by week right? i find that website is quite useful too... www.babycenter.com or something closer to home one is http://www.youngnutrition.net/
Serene, me also can't detect heartbeat at 6wk only see the sac, so not to worry

Pups that is good idea, can safe money also hor after we deliver we won't slim down straight so u can still wear it for ahile...

Gingercat, oh your baby so active hehe so fast u can see him/her dancing haha
It is really touching when u see the baby move thru the scan
Why your hubby want to change gynae ? i think better choose the one u more comfortable leh
cuclainne, haha... my case now is because of my this baby wanted to join in my actual day ceremony... so I have a lot of things to worry. Maybe by then, all my evening and wedding gowns cannot wear anymore.... now my clothings a little tight... My PIL and parents are elated over this news.... say double happiness

Serene, no worries, think another one or 2 weeks, u will be able to detect heartbeat... now just relax and an tai.

Little cat... yah.. super active. Scared the baby will be like father... Hyper active. I tear out when my bb is dancing.. it is so wonderful and my hubby's jaws drop. hahaha I am switching back to my old gynae because initially I do not know that she is out of KKH until recently. And moreover the gynae that I am visiting now is too expensive. Firstly, for the past 2 consultation I had been going, it is getting more and more ex. And they did a blood test for me and when I ask them what is it, they simply tell me oh, to test if your blood is normal or not so we will know if your bb is normal or abnormal. Wah... I really cannot tahan lor. Check with most of my friends and none of them done any blood test during their 8 weeks plus preggy... Second, the nurses are rude and unfriendly and unhelpful. Thirdly, they do not have appt time, is walk in basis and ppl can jump queue. I have to wait for 2 to 3 hours before it is my turn. Fourthly, the doctor always rush through everything... and even ask me to buy more dusaphon even though I stop bleeding... I cannot take this hormones pill... will bloat up very fast. Lastly, her antenatal pkg and delivery charges cost about $1800. Too ex liao... must cut cost since I am not working.

His biological clock is ticking already, he said (he's 33 this year) and since he's really looking forward to having this baby, he's been really caring. Sometimes when I feel good, then I will do a little housework otherwise I will just order him around and he does it willingly. On weekends, he would volunteer to bring me breakfast in bed which is nice.

My first visit to the doctor is when I was 4 weeks' pregnant. When I went to another unit to have the ultrasound done, they wouldn't allow him to come in with me. He made such a fuss that they had to arrange me to meet another sonographer at another unit (I don't know why the difference in treatment). And he's been with me at every appointment since then, which means a lot to me (we try to arrange lunch time appointments).

I told him only one child ah but he laughed it off and said I would change my mind once the baby grows up.

Oh, I see. Although my ROM was in Jan, my wedding dinner/ lunch was done in late March and my mom was concerned that I would have morning sickess then. I had severe morning sickness a week before my events and the hubby was seriously considering calling everything off so I could rest. But thankfully everything sorted itself out and the events went off without a hitch.
gingercat, oic, than better switch back... i also very scare those anyhow charge and anyhow prescribe drug to u, no good.

so if u gals start wearing diff clothes, do most of them know that you PG?
cuclainne u r such a lucky gal
I bet all the sisters here envy u

u r right with hb around it really make a diff. esp when delivery time, really he must be there. and looking at how he react now i bet he will sure be there which is good

He will sure will be a very good father too
Cuclainne, I love kids... Maybe most I have is 3 minimum is 2.
My hubby scared he cannot afford it.

Little cat.. no one knows I am preggy because before that I put on a lot of weight (15kgs) due to hormones problem. Then I die die went on diet for 6 months, and I lose 12 kgs and now I preggy again..... so dun think anyone knows:p
hi pups
thanx for the info...will go check it out.

hi littlecat
i guess so too lor...hoping dat the 1st trimester will pass soon...MS is terrible.

gingercat, wow 6 months 12 kg? lucky your body can take it.. ic so they will probably guess u r back to the old problem again...

starmoon, i realized i have to make sure my stomach is not too empty then my MS is better. so try to eat more small meal. For me i even snack lots of thing
but once got thing inside i dun have the MS , so may be u gals can try.

I found one biscuit quite good and healthy, it is call "Wheatable". it contains some fiber, wheat etc it is suppose to be good for us. So snack also must choose the healthy one lah u can find them in Cold storage..
