(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

nov_mum, that's good to hear your MS is gone leh!
some of us want also dun have..
dun worry too much, it is no good to the baby.
my MS is not as strong as previous PG also, that also worry me, but i keep telling myself don't think those negative thing, wait my baby come out hor got moody face leh.. must think positive

Read some nice story book, happy ending type leh and read some funny joke too.

these few day find my tummy bigger liao, cos some pants abit difficult to zip up, have to zip halfway :p... just hope it wont' drop !!!

Hi littlecat,

I keep telling myself no need to worry cause bb is cooperating with me. As I ask him/her not to let me vomit, let me have a peaceful pregnancy..hehe..

My tummy along is big and now is bigger. Last time i used to breathe in, now cannot. So my tummy look like as if i am 4 months pregnant.

I have start to wear maternity pants liao cause I can't fit into my current pants.

Probably you can invest in 1 or 2 pant, can wear for the entire 9 months.

No good to force the pant to zip up.
keke.. i know lor & also not comfortable by doing so. but this time round seems like nobody guess that i am PG... last time my sick face give away everything.
Now in the office only 2 persons know.
so i can't imagine if i suddenly wear maternity cloth what their reactiion will be !
but now is like neither here nor there, u can't wear the M cloth but normal cloth is too tight...

eh the coffee shop close to your area got one very famous vegetarian food right? they have bak-ku-teh flavour noodle, then wanton noodle, fried noodle also, quite good business. Do u eat there ?
oh good! i tot i was the only one how come 2 mths plus only stomach protruding liao. tot i was getting fat, not cos of BB. :p

i jus bought one maternity pants yday, lucky not too ex. $45.
helo mummies...

littlecat, novmum n dumbger,
now then u all start seeing stomach protruding ar?? i think i 2 to 3 weeks ago already have leh.. since then, all my jeans cannot wear liaoz (i used to wear jeans to work most of the time one).. these few weeks, i been wearing skirts, then somedays i "sneakily" wear my maternity capri & skirt to work.. weekends also dont know wat to wear liaoz, cos seems like all my bottoms cant fit. but my gynae says its not the baby yet leh.. its just "gas".. i guess tats y i keep burping nowadays..

but i still having "problems" going to toilet leh.. i tried prune juice n vitagen already.. still no use. now if lucky, 2 days then go once, if not 3 days.. then i feel very bloated n uncomfortable leh... how ar???

then the other thing want to ask hor.. it seems like my mood recently very "unpredictable" n very extreme leh... sometimes for very small thing i can start crying.. then other times for no reason feel very happy also.. i get angry n frustrated extra easily nowadays also leh...
like today, i started the day quite well one leh.. now all of a sudden feeling depressed... i keep telling myself cannot like that already, but doesn't help... anyone else having this kind of mood swings or not ar???
hi ginger cat,

r u a SAHM too? will be good if we meet up and go for a swim for something. hv been so bored staying at home

starz, u got to try to control your emotions as i heard fm my fren that such unpredictable can get u into depression. take a deep breadth and think of the happy moments or rub ur stomach and talk to the baby.. i believe it helps.

anyway, i am going to do a "scrap" book for my baby.. that shows all the pixs from the beginning of the pregnancy to delivery or maybe even his/her 1 yr old. it will be fun.. anyone interested to join?
Hi starz,

Actually my tummy also showed up liao 1-2 weeks before. And all along i have been wear the maternity skirt and pants.

I agree with Stella, you got to control a bit and talk to your bb. I also keep talking to my baby. Tell him/her dun let mummy vomit else cannot do things. And now very gua liao.

As for going to toilet, so far i have no problem, i can go almost everyday. Why not you eat guava, it is high in fibre. Maybe it will help.

Hi Stella,

I have thot of doing a scrap book. I even went to wheel lock place, there is a shop doing scrap book and there is a lot of material for you to work on. But it is not cheap.

As now we only have single income, I cannot anyhow spend $$
hi nov mum,

yes.. that's the shop i am referring to.. my fren have most of the tools so only need to buy paper, glue, alphabets and decorative stuffs

i hv been too bored at home.. need to do something to kill time

actually, i am not totally a SAHM but rather i work from home and the main scope of my work is to travel.. and my boss do understand that i can't travel now so i am kinda grounded
yalor yalor!! i seem to be running out of things to wear leh...i also believe it's the gas in the stomach. my hubby nowadays say i keep on burping and farting only...
*ah bish! ah bish!*
i dun hav this kind of mood swings leh, but i know it's normal during this period...think u jus hav to bear wif it lor...try to think happy thoughts most of the time.

anyone knows where can buy cheap and nice stuff that PG mummies can wear?
dear mummies

I am about 8 weeks pregnant. can detect the heartbeat in last visit.

but yesterday, I had a gush of watery discharge coming out (cannot really tell if it is water or discharge, all mixed up). And it smells like bleach. I was so worried and rushed down to see gynae. Gynae was also puzzled with the funny smell. He just treated it as mild infection. But I am very worried, scared that it might be the leakage of amniotic fluid.

Anybody experience the same? Thx a lot!
Hello MTB

little cat
Ya going to see her later at Mt E. Very excited

I think we all have the same problem. Tummy showing liao. Mine was also as if I am 4mths now
Had to parked away a lot of clothings. Even if can wear, also cant zip up completely. Heard that bb at week 10 is only abt 5 gm. then the rest of the weight is on the mummy!

Starz, I think it is normal to have mood swings. Just take it easy and think positive.

Remember u are not alone.
Hi Mummies

Starz, u can buy Lactus from pharmacy... cos I also gave up on the prune juice and vitagen etc... I ask help from my gynae and she prescribe this for me. She said I can get it from pharmacy too... cost on $3.50. So far very helpful... at least manage to open bowels everyday. If not I feel very very grgrgrgrgr..... Oh, if you buy, one day take twice and each serving is 10ml.

Littlecat, Nov Mum, dumbger, it is normal for tummy to come out... cos our gas and water retention in our body. Normal for 1st trimster to put on about 1` to 2 kgs. Definitely not becos of the bb...
My hubby says I keep on blaming the bb, not fair to him/her... it is ultimately me... hehehehe!!! My mood swings alot.. even pick quarrel with my hubby.. dunno is it becos I am home too long or it is natural change... hmz...zz
For maternity wear, saw some pretty okay and cheap one in City Plaza ( gulliemard Road ) one piece of top range from $15 to $35. Very sweet...

Stella, oh u r working from home.... you have very understanding boss...not like my boss... moment hear me preggy, immediate reaction is to tell me " Oh, so you cannot travel anymore, then how u work?" and when I am on hospital leave, ask me work from home and now that I resigned, my hp bill comes, $697.00, refused to reimburse a single cents to me... all international calls.... Swimming?? Good idea.. but where? I think I wait for my 1st trimster to be over in 2 weeks then I start to swim... I stay home until I going crazy...
starz how is the promotion thing? have you told your boss about PG ?
i heard fibergel is good too, but better consult the gynae b4 taking.
me too not everyday leh, luckily this morning can do it. i try to take more fruits like at least 2x a day. Guava is good, but u must take more water too, if not hor lagi worst it got stuck

Mood swing, hehe, if ask my hb he sure say YES YES, but i am quite tempremental type so he kind of get used to it liao..

oh my god, gingercat, so u got to bear the handphone bill?? that is so unfair ! can u talk to boss's boss or someone else?
if not u call the Wan Pao to complaint!it is too much !
Piggymum, i have discharge too, sometime soak the pantyliner, but not like the way you describe, better monitor closely and consult the gynae.
btw the amniotic fluid is no smell one, so it can't be.
that's why sometime they ask if later closer to EDD how to differentiate if is the amniotic fluid leak or urine, they said u can taste it (of cos just small amount) if is tasteless one properly is amniotic fluid..
Little cat, yes... she refused to pay.. saying that no one ask me to use that much. But how am I suppose to liaise with the others in other countries if I dun call them. Moreover, some of it are from cost incurred during my overseas travel ( work ) and now she pushed everything away cleanly. Who else can I talk to??? All the rest whom I know already left except for her. She is the GM for the company. Now i see the bill, i wanna cry, no job, no income and have to incur this amt to my own expenditure... very upset.
gingercat i know how u feel... sigh.. she is really horrible man ! i hear already also buay tahan...
But please please do cheer up, dun get too upset and affect the PG, this is more important !

Money lost can earn back, and u know this type of people sure one day will got it back one!
so terrible!
Hi Stella,

Dun think I can join in the scrap book making. Too ex for me to afford.

I think what I will do is to buy a nice album and paste some nice sticker and paper to decorate it.

Gingercat, I start looking for temp job liao cause i really too bored at home. But the moment they hear I am PG, say will call me again. Dunno if i can ever find a temp job too. Now with single income, really very restricted. And my bank acct keep decreasing with no hope of incoming to top up cause not working.

I understand your feeling of icurring the bill. $697 is really a lot leh. But no matter wat, dun let it affect your bb. bb is more important than anything else.

I also try to be happy, not to think of whether can find a job or not, else I think i can easily get depression.
nov_mum, that is a good idea buy those album that u can stick the photo so u can decorate it too.
for me too lazy :p, i buy the normal album, i just slot in the photo, put some wording on it so i know the photo taken when and for what event.

I used to take photo once a month for my boy, but now few months once :p

but it is really fun to go thru it now !

will be on leave tomorrow, will miss reading this thread.

Gals have a nice long weekend and chat with u again next week !
hi nov mum & little cat, no matter wat we do.. it is the thought of giving our little one something memorable and he/she will definitely appreciate it

ginger cat, your GM is unreasonable.. is ur ex-co a local firm, perhaps you can check your employment letter or any memo from the co that states that hp bill for work usage can be reimbursed

as for swimming, u can come over to my place if you want. i started swimming on my 6th weeks and gynae says it's ok as long no bleeding.. moreover, i feels really good cos i dun feel any MS at that moment and is very relaxing to see the kids around.. imagining the fun i will be enjoying with my own.. :>
Saw what ginger cat had posted abt blood gushing out from V, so share what my gynae told me as for my case,if not wrong the placenta or either feotus position slightly lower than normal,so may or may not encounter spotting.But spotting last abt half hrs and is painless.Jus eat the medicine he prescribe and rest will do and dun panick. btw,i m in my 7wks+ now.

Hope my nxt visit to him,the position of bb will be moved up till the normal level......
Dear Mummies

Little cat, becos of this matter... I mad until I burst into tears... and you know something? I feel regretted being loyal to this company. Silly me.

greybearie... I wonder how she be a GM. Disgrace and now, we are just a salaried employee.. everything also cannot once we left the coy.

Nov Mum, it is like that, I also try calling for temp jobs and when they heard I am preggy, says will call me back etc... end up no news. I am giving part time tuition.
At least one month can earn about $500.

Stella, my appt letter never states and this company had no policy at all.. It is a Japanese firm but MD useless... all is control by this GM. Many ppl dislikes her and left... she wants everything fast yet sit on the work... and make ppl work till 9pm everyday ( Mon to Fri) and expect u to come back on Sat. Wants u to travel everyweek.... and dunno what is the purpose for travelling....

SheRhino, maybe placenta too low... but too early to tell... Now I am okay. No problem but still on medication...
GingerCat, thanks for advise. I went to see the gynae again and still got spotting on and off but gynae says baby is still okie. She says spotting is sometimes due to the placenta growing into the uterus and thus, scraping the uterus and so got spotting. As long as bleeding does not increase and no sharp persistent pain then its okie.
Starz, I also like you. Sometimes moody, sometimes happy and if I do not get my food on time, super grumpy. Every night must eat orange or else I cannot sleep. Hehehe I wonder anyone got midnight cravings and make hubby go buy food?
ginger cat, that's just too bad... :< at least u will learn to be smarter in ur next job.

All SAHM, can you share with me how do u kill time at home... i am getting depression soon at the rate the days passed.
Stella, read all the books you can about pregnancy? Read it all the way up to postpartum then move up to the book "What to expect THE first year". Hehehe or if you do not like to read books hor, how about some knitting? Like knit little baby booties etc?

He didn't do the ultrasound scan as it was done two days ago. What he did is to use some instrument to take out some mucus from vag and examine it. He think it is my own mucus amd so just treat it as mild infection because of the smell. Was given anitbotics to take to clear it. Although I am reluctant to take it as there is no other symptom of infection, but i have no choice but to take it, just in case. I heard it might harm the baby if it is really infection.

Come to think about it, my pregnancy is not that smooth, got brown discharge at early days, 30+ days and was given 2 weeks MC to bed rest, not that have this thing...a bit worried...
Congrats to everyone here! Yippee... I am also abt 8weeks along now.

piggyMum, hope everything is alright with you. I also experienced some bleeding and brownish discharge during the last few weeks. Doctor say everything seems ok and gave me some hormone pills to eat. Now, so far everything ok *keep fingers crossed*

Does anyone know if we can start drinking the an tai yao now? Heard that it's good for strengthening the womb.
BS i thought earlier months cannot eat tonics one.
I also got brownish discharge but gynaecologist says as long as not severe bleeding and no cramping it should be okie. So I am sure your baby is okie too!

I am still taking progeteron + folic acid, think it is an tai yao....check with your gynae if it is necessary....
Hi Nov mum,
Glad to hear the your MS is cleared after the drip. I was put on drip on Monday also. It was an overnight thing but I am still having MS after that
Now have to resort to taking anti-vomiting pills to curb my vomiting.

I really hope for all these vomiting to pass soon. It is making me so depressed!
Hi all mtb,
I was happy too. I'm now at week 9..has learnt a lot from the dicusstion here

I have a bit MS, each time feel like throw out, i'll just eat biscuit or sweet.
Hi mummies

Wah... seems tat this thread is moving fast leh... all last min catching the "doggy" year train.

BS, thought drink those chinese an tai yao is not adviseable during the 1st trimster. But one thing I am very sure of is throughout the whole pregnancy, no ginseng. This is what my gynae advise me cos it had been proven that ginseng can caused miscarriage.

Mummies, need to seek for you advise, there are some of the things that we must not do during our preggy such as sewing in the bedroom etc. So how about knitting in the bedroom??? Can this be done or cannot?? Thanks

I think can knit lah. I am going to buy my knitting kit and start knitting too. Those little booties look so cute I thought must knit one too.
hi all MTBs!
jus went for my gynae check today...bb is 3.4cm now at 10.5 wks! wah, very active man...saw on the scan he/she kick alot, yeah, can see the legs! my hubby say nx time learn wushu one. haha. =P

hubby also jus bought the osim iLife; my nose very sensitive so he hopes this can help 'clear the air' and bb will be healthy.

btw, is it true eat apples everyday bb will hav rosy cheeks?

dun eat or drink and tonics or 'bu' stuff during 1st trimester, 2nd trimester then start.

ginger cat
i tot is no sewing on the bed? not the bedroom? actually it's jus no sharp objects to be handled on the bed. not sure if it applies to hubbies to? anyone knows?

wah.. so big liao.. my last gynae appt was 3 weeks ago, and my bb is only 0.7cm (6wk5days).. next appt will be in 2 weeks time... wonder how big my bb will be by den..


hey.. does plain crackers realli works for you (to curb morning sickness)? it doesn't work for mi leh.. i'm feeling so sick now.. crying now.. coz de feeling is realli unbearable..
*hugs* I know how you feel. I also feel so lousy and sick sometimes that I just cry
Just hope that we will get out of this phase soon ok? Hang in there!
Hi gals,

I am new here. Just found out that I am expecting three weeks ago and have been busy feeling miserable and lousy because of morning sickness and tiredness.

Does anyone here have plans to go on a holiday? I had initial plans to go on an Europe holiday in June and my gynae said it is ok to go cos my morning sickness should be ok by then.I still plan to go hence.

Hi Greybearie,
Same time during my apppointment 3 weeks ago, the bb is only 0.7 cm @ 6 week. Couple of days back, bb is already 2.4 cm.

Can't advise you much on the morning sickness, but I do notice that it is worse for me if I have lesser rest. Try to sleep more and rest more if you can.
Hi pups,

After the drip, I pray to Buddha, let me have a no MS pregnancy then I can move around. I also told bb to be good so I can do housework and go walk walk.

Actually I feel that talking to bb really helps. I learn all these from my cousin. She talk to bb everyday and her bb really gua to listen to her.

At her 12th week, she told her bb to let her know the sex, and the bb really did it. So I believe it really works. But it is only my belief, dunno it is proven or not. But no harm trying.

Today I went to see gynae for routine checkup, wow, now my bb measure 3.15cm at 9W3D. Can see the head, hands and legs. Gynae also say heartbeat is strong. Me and hb so happy.

But gynae also advise us about the down's syndrome, say it is optional to test or not to test. hb forbid me to test leh, say no matter wat we will keep the bb, so no point testing. hb scared that if test result come out to be high risk, i sure will have depression for the rest of the 31 weeks.

How about you all, anyone going for the test?

Hi Gingercat,

I got the same answer from the agency also. Starting Monday, I will be working temp for 2 weeks helping a friend's friend to sell bb clothing at Raffles exchange. At least better than nothing.

It means these 2 weeks I will not be online also.
Will try to log on at night so as to keep in touch
Dumbger, wow your baby so big and active now

for the apples part, my aunt also eat alot of fruits etc and baby is really very rosy.
greybearie, if plain crackers does not help, how about you try raisins? For me, I alternate between crackers, raisins or anything soury like an orange or a kiwi or even tomyum soup. Oh manz I love tom yum soup though I heard not able to drink a lot one.
betterworld, congratulations! Yup for long trips, its more advisable to go during 2nd trimester. And I think you need a note from your doctor saying you fit to travel.
nov mum, yes I think its true if you talk to the baby will listen one. Sometimes certain food I cannot eat but I will tell baby its good for her then she will guai guai make me be able to swallow down the food.
hi nov_mum,
my colleague was preganany 7th mth..she didn't do the test for down syndrome as she and her husband were both Christian, no matter what, they'll accept what god give to them.
i'll do the test..will visit gynae this coming sat, will take doctor's advice to do the triple test.
i'm wonder how big my bb now..it was 1.1 cm when i did my 1st check out at 7 wks 2 days.
hi gals, long time din post anything. but i have been following the discussions here.

regarding testing for ds, it is good if you and hubby already decided what u want even if u have a ds baby. but i feel that it is still good to go for the test. in the event if it is really a ds child, at least u have time these next few months to do some research and prepare yourselves for it, eg, special eqm needed, special care, diet, etc. better to equip yourself with sufficient knowledge than to have an unexpected surprise and dunno what to do after the child is out.
nov mum,
Actually I did pray for no MS and even talked to baby. But I am still plagued with it. Sigh.

I will be going for the NT scan instead of doing blood test. Gynae mentioned that since I am still considered young enough (28), can just take this scan first and see how.
Hi gals, sorry long time no post from me.
But I always try to read all of your post here.

For MS, drink a glass of milk before you sleep and take your creckers/light meal like : 1 piece of bread/creckers/banana/aplle in early morning arround 5 - 6 am, and then you continue to sleep again till araound 7.30, really work for me to reduce my MS when I wake up.

About baby size, my baby size is 8mm when 6W, and this afternoon I will see my gynea again to scan my baby, hope he/she become at least 22mm.
As I read on internet that baby growth is 1 mm/day.
Hi gals,

I am new here.
I'm into my 7th week of pregnancy.
Just starting to have morning sickness but only in the evenings.
hi all MTB, hope u gals had a good long weekend!
i just refuse to get out of bed this morning

Mononoke, u crave for Orange ? i can't take any too acidic food, it make me more hungry and if i dun have food in on time my MS will strike...

But dun know u heard of this or not, some say dun take too much of Orange during PG, they said baby come out will have lots of phelgm... anyway no scientific proof one, but still i think it's better to take in moderation.

BS, not sure your an-tai-yao is the chinese herb (13 tai pao) ? if yes, i heard from my gynae to avoid drinking that during your whole PG. This is the first thing he told me during my first visit last time. He said some ingredient in there is no good for baby. Anyway my view is you r feeling ok don't take such 'additional' thing... go for healthy diet/balance diet better.

Angeline, my MS getting stronger in the evening too... i can take breakfast &amp; lunch, but dinner is like forcing myself to swallow..

greybearie about the cream cracker question, for me as long as i have food inside my stomach i am feeling ok. May be u can try looking for other biscuit/food tat u like, but your taste bud might change, so go for anything u like or u can take now. I find as long as not too hungry my MS is getting better.
Btw I turned into junk food eater now
, i have been taking potato chips during weekend at home !
Cos sometime in between meals, u just find a bit hungry, but i dun like pau/bread/cake, so i go for the chips. But i take in moderation lah... and my son very happy too! cos i normally my hb dun allow me to buy this type of thing home to eat, but now my hb also bor-bian have to allow me &amp; my son to eat lor...

nov_mum, i will go for the DS check cos i am above 35. For checking the DS, the most accurate test is the aminocentesis test. for the Tripple A test etc.. only give u certain % or how likely the baby might be DS etc... sometime it show high but after the aminocentesis turn out to be ok, this is what the gynae told me...

Sometimes the dry biscuits work for me but usually it doesn't - not in the mornings anyways. That is when I really feel the worst. No amount of milo will also stay in.


I had wanted to travel to Sweden in June but since I feel very moody now, I don't want to commit to the trip. Plus it would be nice to bring a baby along to show off to the family, instead of a bump so we've decided to go next year.


Wah .. is that really true? I have been eating apples for the past week. Not that I knew about this 'saying' but because I really crave for apples la. I also heard that if you drink coconut juice, your baby will also be pinkish. Don't know how true is that though.

nov mum

My hubby is the same as yours - no matter what, we're still keeping the baby so he doesn't see the need to do the Down's Syndrome test. We're doing the thalassemia test though.


Hahahah .. me too. I've been eating so much junk food - don't know why but it's the only thing I can keep down at the moment.
hi all mtb

Just popping in ....
yah I am also like Littlecat...can't take much at nite. Cannot take rice at all. only porridge...or beehoon.. and I tend to have a craving for coke and fast food.....sigh...not healthy to eat too much of such food...

Went to this modern maternity at Amara hotel to buy some M bottoms over the weekend....cos cant fit into many of my bottoms anymore... The salesger is nice...not those pushy type....MTB, u all can take a look there and compare with some other maternity shops outside.
hi all,
have been a while since i last posted.
This Thursday I'll be going for my check up with the gynae.
Recently I get hungry quite fast..but when it's time for meal, dun feel like eating liao. However, I will make sure i eat so that I can take in nutrients.

Nowadays trying hard to fit into my existing clothes, especially bottoms. Oredi bought 2 maternity skirt and 2 maternity pants. But the pants cutting is a bit low in front (to cater space for tummy)..so must also make sure my tops are long enuff...

haha..and now since in between sizes, I pulled 12 slots to tighten it..


I think my craving change again. It used to be orange every night for one week but then now it goes to apple pie from macdonalds.

By the way, any mummies to be has like vagina soreness or irritation and itch? When I was 6 weeks, the doctor prescribed yeast infection cream. Sighz its difficult to be pregnant.
