(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

anyway, just to share some info according to the flyer my PD gave me. he's a strong advocate for starting solids only at 6mths old

- food shld be bland, smooth and ez to swallow
- start with rice cereal. make it thin for first few feeds
- once bb gets used to spoon feeding, may increase amt gradually over 2 weeks until it replaces a milk feed
- 3 to 4 tablespooon of cereal to 150ml milk is sufficient for most babies. may use other cereals for variety
- next introduce fruits and vegetables one at a time (3-4 days to monitor for any adverse reactions)
- start with a tablespoon of soft scrape fruits (banana, apple, papaya) or pureed veg (carrot, spinach, pumpkin or potato). may add them to cereal or serve seperately
- introduce fruit juice 1-2 oz dilute with equal amt of water.
*** by end of 6mths baby shld be on 1 cereal feed, 1 fruit or veg dessert and 3-5 bottles of milk per day ***


- bb is ready for home cooked porridge.
- porridge must contain a vegetable and a protein food
- never use only chicken or beef broth to make the porridge. double boiled chicken or dried scallop broth has very little nutritional value. they are only good for taste. the nutrient is in the meat itself!
- veggie such as carrots or pumpkin may be minced and cooked with porridge. green veggie such as spinach have to be pre-cooked and pureed and added to porridge.
-steam a small piece of fish or 1 tablespoon of minced meat seperately and mash or sieve into porridge when ready to eat.
- do NOT add meat or fish into porridge and cook for long time as overcooked meat and fish are tough and tasteless

*** by end of 7mth, bb will hv 1 cereal meal in morn, 1 porridge meal in evening. bb will also hv 1-2 servings of fruits for dessert and 2-3 milk feeds ***

- increased solid meals gradually to 3 times a day by the time bb is 8-9mths. he may continue with 1-3 milk feeds
- greater variety of food can be introduced such as fully cooked egg yolk.
- instead of pureed food, some soft foods may be given either mashed or finely minced
- its not necessary to mix all foods into cereal or rice porridge. giving some food individually helps baby develop his taste for different foods.
- finger foods, such as toasted bread or teething rusks shld only be given only after 8mths when teething comes on.
how come u all still so happening???? i haven had time 2 really go thru all the posts. yesterday nite i knocked out at 10pm... din even log in here.

more pix of the swim meet pls! u all got me so gian!!!!
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Happy 6 Months to</font></font> <font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">JASLYN!!!</font></font>
To share some pix of Reubern's mini 6 mths celebration. I had no time thus only bot him a small cake... there is no nice pix of him wif the cake coz he kept staring at the cake wif a funny look.... this is the best i can find.


"Mummy, is this my share?"
to share the funny pix of Reubern & Rochelle (i found these shots more interesting)

It started off with a nice pose...


then both started to "collapse"... the <font color="0000ff">humpty dumpties</font> in the making!!!





it ended with Rochelle grabbing Reubern's crotch and my mum said Reubern kena molested!

<font color="119911">Reubern:" Mei mei! Keep ur hands off me!"</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rochelle" Caleb gorgor! Now i avenge u coz Reubern gorgor molested u during the cruise! I get the last laugh!!! kekeke"</font>

can i ask who r all the pple in the yahoo group photos? i can only recognise some email addies leh. i tried to update my name inside, i dunno if i am successful. can other pple whom r not fr this thread register and view our photos?
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>

wow, that is a very big cake
haha, i also like the ones that feature Reubern & Rochelle

nice shots & great captions !

<font color="0000ff">storm</font>

very informative, thanks for typing and sharing
btw, that suit she is wearing is meant for 1 year old. The salesgal convinced me that it is to be worn by 1 year old kids and i bot 3 more of the same size.

have a bad feeling it may not fit her liao by end of the month.

Lesson learnt : buy clothes menat for 2 years old in future..haiz
hi hi ladies..
sorry that i cant make it to the swim gathering yest..i m sure both Mav & I have missed out alot of fun...do keep the photos coming in..cheers~

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONGRATS STARZ, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!</font></font>
hi hi storm...
wow..thks for the info..appreciate that a great deal..

hi hi jrt..
i really love R..he's so charming..very nice shots leh..haha..indeed he has grew very well ah..did he increase his milk intake?so cute..can tell he's very tall also...

hi hi jo..
glad that u r ok liao..stay happy as always & have an enjoyable trip..hope to hear the GOOD NEWS from u soon..btw, jo is so smiley..wow..she's cool, can sit by herself liao..yeah!cheers~

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">HAPPY 6mths old JASLYN!!</font></font>
Hi Jo & Oct Mummies

I'm from Sep06 thread, but come in to peek peek abit...

remember the other time over there i got scolded twice over certain matters too?? Well... for that 2 times, after i got scolded and reading thru the postings, my heart realli tear apart... the 2nd time, i even siam away from the forum for a few days for me to get over it.. but still, everyday i'm like thinking, "am i so tactless?" i ask ard and indeed i am at times.. I was so lost and confused.. i do not know wad to do.. i even feel like crying... but still, dun think too much k? Everything is fine now..

Puree class
It's a great and informative.. probably u wanna PM me or add me msn?
thks 4 ur comments.
hope u r feeling better and ready for ur trip. wif regards to the sep thread, hope u dun mind me saying, but at times u r not tactful, thus u unknowingly post sthg u might not mean to. however, to readers, they might misinterpret ur intentions. pls b careful wat u post now, coz got sickos lurking ard. u dunno wat ur pix might end up. babies pix r alright but u and ur hb photos, u might wanna upload into the yahoo grp instead. dun post here. u din go sept thread and see 2 sicko pix huh?
<font color="0000ff">June</font>

June ! i am very touched
has been thinking of u since u went missing

<font color="ff0000">kpo me spoke up for u the last time and i bet it did incur some warth ;p</font>
but i never regret it, i believe in speaking up for wat i believe in..

honestly, after reading those posting, i think i m definitely not the tactless one. I just felt that I am bitten by a mad dog and the dog's owner ended up scolding me instead

Comparing u to Ms Know It All, i dun think u r as tactless too..

PS: strange that i stand up for u, but never stand up for myself.

U trigger off my guts again ;)
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>

like wat i was telling huijun, i wun be going inside sep thread liao

u may wan to enlighten me wat tactless remarks i made.

L's wife has a phone encounter with Ms Know It all and found her fussy and bitchy
She was asking me how did i get myself to associate myself with this kind of person ..

<font color="0000ff">wendy</font>

Miss Mav myself
hi wendy
long time no see!

R's tall? no idea how tall coz long time nvr measure. his milk intake still v erratic, and now max he cant manage is 150ml. cant increase anymore. and its every 3 hrly. but i stopped fretting over his milk intake as long as he looks alert and he still can scream v loudly! i guess this is a sure sign he is healthy!
i wun point it out to u here lah. too many ppl read the forum... i try to email u... (sorry ah, i always 4get to email u)
now by saying "Ms Know it all" and using the word "bitchy" is not appropriate... (note: i am not taking any sides since i noe both u & brenda) i noe u still feel sore abt the incident but u wun like it if brenda use the same words on u rite? hope u wun feel angry tt i pointed out such things ok? i noe u probably meant no harm but ppl dun read it tt way... i am v tactless at times and my hb & frens do point out to me as well. many times my hb was the one tt corrected me. so i got alot more to learn too.
paiseh, i was just quoting the exact words used.

Both these words din cross my mind until I heard it.

Very apt, i tot
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>

i understand that u r in the sep thread as well and this may caused u some awkwardness

to be fair, i din use any names in my postings. So u agree that there is indeed a Ms Know It All in there ? ;p

ok lah, dun make things dificult for u liao.

afterall, we shared common frens
i juz maintain my stand and am not taking sides. now u r using such words coz u r angry wif her. lets juz drop this issue coz u noe they will come in here and read, and i am sure u dun wan this issue to escalate rite? no matter wat, the bottomline is we r all here for our babies, to share info and such. not to use names on each other rite?
so u juz stay in oct thread lah.
but i found the puree class really beneficial 4 me coz i am a total idiot. now i noe where to start and wat to do.
<font color="0000ff">adapted from my blog, wat happened on fri's nite</font>

Decided to sleep off the matter but was awoken by a sms from ly and despite my grogginess, I saw the name that starts with B. Darn, I tot I was dreaming, rubbed my eyes and saw that it is indeed her name.

Called ly and she asked me how did I get associated with B who sounded Bitchy and like a fusspot over the fone when she called LY. Bitchy is indeed the word lor, din cross my mind at all till LY mention it. My pal's english is definitely better than mine ;p
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>

I am hurt, not angry .

but i want to clarify facts since the matter was brought up again..

ok, i rest my case
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>

I am hurt, not angry .

but i want to clarify facts since the matter was brought up again..

ok, i rest my case
<font color="0000ff">if any1 has any comments abt the above matters, PM me instead

I am also those kind who comments after reading the last post and the last post is usually very misleading

becos no head no tail..

many thanks
erh... did I miss a lot of things last nite?
saw Esther's sms... abt some weird ppl posting weird stuff... but never see leh...
anyone want to tell me abt it?

Yesterday was a busy day and Rhys is too tired and was very cranky. So last nite 11pm me KO on the sofa liao...

I go find out if I can set the yahoo group's security so that we can control who can view the pix... will try my best...
will keep everyone informed.
hi mummies out there

I got problem feeding my bb cereal. she will either use the tongue to lick or play with the spoon. Should i mix the cereal with milk and let her drink in bottle or used spoon.

Paisei i very blur mummy
chill, ladies!

what's this abt 2 sicko pics in sept thread? nv c any wor..

wat yahoo group photos?? can i view also??
long time nv c u in here liao!

how old is yr bb? hv to be patient, not all babies take to the spoon like ducks to water. what i heard is not to mix the cereal in milk bottle leh..
<font color="0000ff">yoko</font>

read in the mags as well as fr yesteray channel 8 show hosted by Evelyn Tan abt baby's health that it is best to feed with spoon to prevent choking

so i din mix with milk in bottle, but put the cereals in a bowl.

<font color="0000ff">To Share</font>
last nite the show which is a series on childcare health mentioned that tooth decay in the future for the kids can be prevented, dun let our saliva tounch the babies mouth
<font color="0000ff">yellowpwer</font>

Saw ur PM and have replied

thanks for your encouragement.

It touched me that even a aug mum came by to say a word of fairness..kudos to u
Hi yoko,
How old is your bb? Is she ready for semi-solid?
If she is, maybe she is just playful and not familiar with the spoon yet. Do continue to feed her with spoon. I believed after a few try, she sure can take the spoon like other bbs here...

go to http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/mtboct2006/.
Join as member and I will approved your request.
Then you can view the pix taken on the gathering at Starz place liao... we are using it for pix sharing...

I have set the group to restricted mode. Which means that any new members want to join will need me to approve first. So those who wants to join the group, pls let me know.

I will need everyone to verify yourself later as most of the members in the group, I also cannot identify who. Those who are not verified will be unsubscribe by me hor...

Sorry har, this is to prevent pranksters using fake accounts and view or take our photos for any usage.
Calling for all members!
Pls kindly specify your real name(forum nick) under your profile's REAL NAME column.
Do not put it under the nickname column as it will not be shown.
I will also send email to all of you as a reminder.

BTW, I will upload the swimming pix very soon...
<font color="ff0000">dear mummies, you wont be able to see the prankster anymore and their irritating posting liao cos the moderator of SMH has deleted their posting A BIG THANK YOU TO CHIN LENG</font>

Lets put a full stop to the hoo-ha issue liao ok! I just wana highlight that we are here in SMH to learn and share nobody is perfect hence sometimes when we ourself make mistake we might not realise until someone enlighten us up! I guess we have to be tactful in our posting nobody is 100% right or wrong in their posting however it does make a diff if we r not tactful enough..we cannot be too simple minded and naive thinking the world is so beautiful.. in addition nobody is that knowledgeable we all learn from one another in a way or another throught posting and websites!! So what is applicable to another might not neccessary be applicable to us and our baby remember not all baby are identical! I hope that issue will no longer be a topic here! Lets make it a more beneficial site for us mummies here by sharing our baby's milestone and encouraging one another ya
BTW if any mummies who wish to post yr personal photos, kindly visit our yahoo group and post there, cos our <font color="0000ff">vivian aka multimedia consultant</font> have set up a place for us to view our photos there, baby's pics here is still very much welcome here. As this is a WWW thingy anything can happen so just becareful ok
pai seh, didnt log into the forum for the past few days... so have not read your story till now. just dun be bother with their posting... dun be sad and hurt ok, we are all here to share info and posting our bb photos to cheers one another up... remember to be happy for K... you are happy then she will be happy!!! cheers!

come on and join us... it's 15 apr 9.30am-10.15am.. shirley has sign up liao... anyway, it's so near our house

swimmmng gathering,
hihi selina, doreen, esther, mango, jackiejon, babaygrace, starz,nice meeting you all again!!! bet you all must be having a lot of fun during the swimming session, just happened to drop by and say hello to all and once again congratulation to starz, 2nd time mummy liao, so happy and excited for you

<font color="0000ff">Delphine</font>

dun paiseh lah
u r kind enuff to make ur stand and i am grateful for that gesture

<font color="0000ff">hehe, bad habits die hard :p i am again reading fr last post up
but will not comment on any thing until i read everything</font>
