(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

I feel this year post christmas sales like not much. Even prices also not attractive.
And yes, Robinson Cashiers damn slow. The Q won't move...
Are you sending Rhys to CC when he reaches 18mths? If so, can start planning le haha..

For me, I dun want kids age to be too far, best one a year. My max is not more than 2 years old, cos very sianz when you think have to start all over again. I rather one kid each year to continue then can close shop. Like the mummy you met, elder one 3.5 years old no need to bring anything then came a 2 mths old bb, need to bring barang barang when going out. Nite feeding has to start all over etc. Thinking of it scare me off haha...
No lah, I dun chiong Isetan sales one lah. I dun like to squeeze with crowds. And I heard + saw from outside the crowds at Isetan last sales was terrible. Sometimes I wonder really got so much stuff to buy meh? But a lot of mummies here chioing one... their damages ah, you ask them to report themselves!
As for throwing tantrums, my gal very stubborn, she won't get diverted with other stuff one.
Arielle is sick? Yeap, I kena bites too... a lot leh, and very itchy... I scratched till bleed... Everyday w/o fail sure kena bites, wonder is it due to the weather?

Hi Selina,
The HK photo really tempting, wish I can take my gal there too
the last time I went HK was before the Hui Gui... wow so many years back...now must be veri different & with Disneyland somemore...

Ur girl really sweet looking

My hb not easy to "brainwash" type
& my noti gal also not "helpful", always make papa angry...
btw who helps to take care of your gal now?
Another reason my hb don't want a 2nd child is becos we dun hv pple to help take care & both of us dun wan maid @ home. Currently my gal is with infant care.

How to pass to u the bb items for kids at Timor Orphanage??
hi vivian,

thks for your help anyway. not too much damage done to your wallet??

ya lor, agree with jenny, can start planning liao. me same, cos will be putting tricia in childcare when she about 18 mths, that's why start planning for 2nd one 1, 2 mths ago.
<font color="0000ff">hi jenny,</font> yup yup same here, i also dun wan too wide a gap. cos when u finally relax with the elder one, u realised u hv to go thru the cycle again.

hee hee dun noe leh for me i like to go isetan sale, somehw just got something for me to buy. just a matter whether a lot or little. in fact although the queue is long but it is fast moving n organised cos i tink isetan staff is already well-prepared to handle such crowd. Good thing is they wld set up a lot of cashier counters so tt at least u wont really wait tt long to pay $$.

so hw many kids hv u got? probably gotta train with time so tt she cn divert her attn elsewhere?

yup, dr says ear infection but my parents tink otherwise. they feel tt it's becos she's teething.

bites always like to come to me. although i wont scratch until bleed but my bites wld swell until very big leh.

oh yah saw u mentioning abt CC. any recommendation for one in tamp? or somewhr in the east. wat's the diff btw cc n montessori huh? still tinking which one to send my girl to. cos she wld b approaching 18mths soon leh.

<font color="0000ff">hi agnez,</font> hahaha i guessed all kids r cute, pretty n fun + sweet! Hw old is ur gal? also 14 - 15 mths? But i thot when kids make parents angry, they wld smile the next moment so tt parents will nt hit them? my girl is damn gd at tt leh. and we always love her smile so angry look becomes happy face and end up she wld escape the beating hee hee. My collegues says it must b becos i laugh n smile a lot during pregnancy so as a result my girl is also a smiley bb.

My mom is taking care of my girl. she is indeed a great help. maid nowadays cannt b trusted. so both my hb n me also dun like to hv a maid. one of my colleague's maid left her 1 yr old son in the playpen in the hse alone and she ran away!! lucky thing my colleague got install cctv at hm so she realised something nt right, she quickly call hm. no one picked up the call, she knew something nt right so immediately rush hm. hengz workplace n her hm very near!

ur parents or ur IL nt able to help is it? hmm else cn consider being a SAHM if financial is nt an issue. otherwise part time work then at least the other half of the day cn help with bb. I do agree tt hving help to take care of kids is impt cos tt wld set ur heart at ease when u knw tt someone reliable is taking care of our kid.

i guessed my hb is afraid tt nt able to cope with 2nd kid in terms of finance as well as time n committment for the 2nd one. He feels tt hving one cn focus all the attn n my girl cn get watever she wants. sikali become spoilt gal hahaha
So envy about your trip. Nice pictures. My boy haven't board aeroplane yet
hv to wait next year CNY when back to my hometown.

My hubby v funny one, sometimes if he's stress, he'll say no #2 liao, gd mood then ok / if we accident, perhaps no choice lo..but if can avoid then he'll do so. For me, one child is too boring for our little one, really got no playmate la..,anyway, nowadays so busy &amp; every nite feel so tire, where got mood to "do", we may hv it once every 2-3weeks, charm liao, only 30++ already like old couple. Any one like us? haaa

Jenny / other mum (Frog Leg questions)
Do you know how to cook the frog leg (tien chi)for porridge? I ask the ppl how to cook, he teach me put the body, some pork meet, scallop to cook together, when porridge nearly done, put the leg (more meat)in for about 7min, can't put it early as it'll hard to consume when cook too long. Any other methods to cook?? Thanks.

Sorry to ask you but you may post it early on/ or I didn't see it, it's about the picture photoshop, was it done? pai say ya....
Is Isetan sales still on today? hee hee... me on leave today, can chiong later.

Vivian, u make me "gain" to get something for myself too. just got my AWS, but dont know what to reward myself.... maybe go shopping later to get some ideas.

JRT, oh dear. there was once I picked up a digital camera and returned to the owner. he was so happy. he told us he dont mind lossing the camera but not the pic inside cos he needed them for his new business. hope the person who picked up your hp will return to u soon.

shirley, i can understand you fear of zac zac coughing. glad that his is fine now.

selina, u making me "gain" to go HK. me still thinking b4 planning for #2, want to go HK or not. will go check out your website later. C really grown up alot. i like that kissing pic.

gemini, congrats! ai-yo, i just sold off my Safety 1st cos find it abit small for KB. also, i find high chair more useful. why dont u get the Ikea highchair. it is only $25, i think. anyway, i think u going to use it for quite some time. after your #2, u want to throw it/give away also wont heart pain.

the in between size was really a pain. i think i really jinx myself. initially i tried not to stock up too many diapers, hopping that he can wear huggies L soon. i waited so long he still cannot fit in. so, that day when i saw EQ sales, i went to stock up 4 packs. suddenly, his tights grow so much till even the first pack also got problem finishing. sigh.... now the remaining 3 packs must post to WTS.

i have things to donate. can pass to u on the gathering day, if we meeting?


planning to bring KB for his MMR jab on 5th. will try to come for the gathering.
I stay Sembawang. Able to pass to me?

Ya, to restart a new cycle needs a lot of motivation haha..
One thing good abt Isetan, their staff quite efficient, then got more temp cashiers set up. Maybe cos is Japanese Mgmt compared to Robinson.
2 gals now. Elder one next Feb turns 3 and younger one turning 15mths on 1 Jan.
Me too, always kena bites, maybe they like my blood more haha. This round, the bites really mad! Even hb and kids kena, big, red and super itchy. Buay tahan, called up NEA yesterday to check our area.
Re: Childcare, I can't help much cos I never do any study on them. Perhaps babygrace can help cos she used to send her Joshua there before. My cousin used to work in montessori CC, from what she told me, I feel not much differences. In fact, I think it is more impt for you to go down personally to check out the CC environment, comfortable with the surrounding, teachers and kids there before committing.
Wah, your colleague's maid very bad leh! Ran away and left the kid in the playpen!!

Where's yr hometown? CNY coming soon

Now you say no time to "do", wait till #2 really arrives, then really no mood to "do". Haha... I guess is common lah, if every few times a week, I think got to think for serious family planning. Where got so much energy lah.
Well, talking abt accident, my hb said before, if really accident, then it's fate to have #3, no abortion cos it's killing an innocent life and we may regret for the rest of the life. So, just take things as it is. We try to prevent but we can't stop a life.
I can't help on the tian ji porridge. If you want to know, maybe I can check with my aunt this weekend. Elders believe in cooking tian ji porridge for kids to "bu" their legs muscles. I dunno how true but a friend told me tian ji quite dirty, so must wash till very clean before cooking. My mum said last time my bro and I ate a lot. My 1st uncle went to catch leh. But I never give my gals before lah. There's once I bought from stall, my gals dun like the taste. My hb went to the farm before and saw how the ppl killed the frogs, so from then onwards, he never dare to eat cos the scene keeps repeating.

Isetan was having its private sales yesterday. Today is OG. But I went on Wed, nothing much, so can save yr time from chionging down haha..
If I'm going for the gathering, I dun mind. But I have to see how first cos me bringing Jaslyn for her MMR on 2 Jan.
KB's butt grow so fast? Too bad my mum dun like tape sticker diaper, if not I can get from you for EQ. My mum loves EQ for its absorbant but not the tape sticker. See any mummies here wanna take over??
KB is using what brand and what size diaper now? Huggies cutting is smaller compare to other diaper brands lor.
I agreed with Coolmum on the safety 1st seat. Maybe will just use for another few mths the most. More practical to buy an IKEA highchair. No need the tray part. Not in use, just pop it one side. My mum dun want a highchair at first cos her place is small. Ended she asked for one when she saw IKEA highchair at a restaurant. Now she say dun have highchair very troublesome. Some more #2 gets to use it, with $25 use for 2 kids, worth lor. BTW, IKEA highchair can't use for long one. If kid is on taller side, around reaching 2 can't fit in le. I remember Jolene can't fit in for q sometime, we keep telling her the highchair give mei mei. Haha, she couldn't accept at first cos everything that used to belong to her becomes Mei Mei's one. Then toys gotta share...
haha! i realise all babies at their age now is the same.
Kim when she dont get wht she wants, she will yell and then kneel down and knock her head on the floor. I also ignore her..
After x'mas think during that period i bring her out too much. my aunty complain she really very naughty.

On wed when my aunty go funeral, left her at home with 2 elder cousin to look after, kim throw temper at them and refuse to sleep then keep crying and she cry until vomit.
My aunty say she really very very naughty this few days. no idea due to what.
Then she use those water to bath her. She say can bath away the bad things. After bathing with that she say kim behaves better liao. dunno true or not also!
hi coolmum,

thks for your wishes. i got 1 ikea highchair at my own house, wanted to get another one for my mum place but she dun wan, cos of the jutting legs, take up space, so i tot of buying a booster seat, which can be kept if not in use..
what size EQ is KB using now? tricia is using L size.
Hmm dunno to believe it or not, but I will use flower water aka hua shui to bath the kids lor. But I find it works sometime haha..
As for Kim using her head to knock of floor, you got to watch out. Maybe Kim is more notti now becos you are preggie. Jolene was like this when I preggie with Jaslyn.
one thing abt IKEA highchair, I hate that 4 legs! OUCH!!!
My own place is a Canetours highchair something like Jane's highchair. Can convert to toddler table and chair when no need highchair.
I think Coolmum is selling her EQ L Size.

what i did was i cut some meat out fr the leg. i will cut it small small until like minced meat. i will put in when the porridge is almost cooked. not sure is it because of frog leg or we started training KB to walk, his tights suddenly grow alot.

can u imagine, just about a month back, EQ L still just nice for him and huggies L still far too big. few days back i started trimming the sides of EQ and it fits him nicely. last nite, i saw even with the trimming it is already tighted on him! i'm still trying to let him finish the rest of EQ b4 i start huggies L on him.
<font color="0000ff">hi wenniekok,</font> mi in the same shoes as u. in addition, my girl is sleepg btw us so it's already a natural contraceptive hahaha
. probably hv to start letting her sleep on her own!

<font color="0000ff">hi Coolmum,</font> isetan's pte sale is only 1 day whereby they hv additional discounts on certain items. If u go tdy will still hv sale, just tt nt as much as on the pte sale day.

<font color="0000ff">hi jenny,</font> oh okie tt's quite a gd gap for ur 2 kids leh.

hate mosquitoes, they wanna suck blood go ahead, why must make us itchy leh!

hmm too many choice also jiat lard, dun noe which one to go to. probably like wat u say must really go down to take a look.

yah nowadays those maids bo chap one! they nt happy they cn just leave like tt! really lucky for my colleague's child tt nothing happen to him lor!

hee hee i also using Ikea's highchair really something tt we cannt miss leh. quite useful esp during feeding porridge time!
hi jenny,

ya, on the Ikea 4 legs, agreed, initially stage when i just bought it, keep bumping into the legs...
now tricia knows how to withdraw her legs and stand up in the highchair... really need to keep an eye on her....

hi coolmum,

wah, KB so fast outgrow L size, tricia also upgraded to L size about 2mths ago... but too bad, i have stock up on EQ L size, hehee, i have even stock up on XL, kiasu me...

i like Ikea highchair cos no base for the legs. i hv another one with broad seat and base for leg rest. this naughty will climb up and stand on the highchair. but ikea one, he cannot.

ya, i'm selling the L size.

maybe u can bring your bb and hb to the playground? cos when my KB goes to the plyaground and meet other kids, he'll be very happy. he will focus on the kids rather than the playground. he will try to get near to them and want to shake hand with them. if your bbs hv the same reaction, then u can tell your hbs they need a didi/meimei.

for me, i'm lucky cos hb is the only child so he think it is better ti have another sibling. dont know why my MIL still think should stop at 1!
is like that one, when their butts grow, it really grows fast lor. Dun stock up too many diapers now. If you want to stock up, stock up for XL size. BTW, EQ L and XL cutting is a huge difference hor.

Hee I got to planning one mah. We start thinking if want #2 when my elder gal was 9 mths old. When she's 10mths old, I asked hb if really wanna try got to try now, cos I dun want 2 years gap. So, their exact age gap is 19.5mths, though in calendar year is 2005 and 2006. Cos my elder one is early 05, younger one is near to end 06.
hi jenny,

oh ya, my mum place has a little tikes highchair, pass down by my SIL but it's a bit spolit so that why did ask my mum i will get a new highchair but she dun want...
Sun usually me not at home. I out from house before 10am, unless you can reach my place before 10am. And I dun go home on Sun.

but gotta be careful with IKEA highchair. Will topple compare to those with base.
<font color="0000ff">Jenny</font>, i also hate the 4 legs!
think Alvis very fast will outgrow the Ikea high chair too, he loves to sit on it cos he know it's his mealtime, but recently he keeps jumps up n down when he sit inside till the whole chair moving. very dangerous!

Frog leg porridge
Me myself dun dare to eat, so never think of let A take it.
haha... me already stock up Huggies L long time back, that's why i didnt dare to stock up EQ at first. but the boy really naughty, he was on EQ L for few months liao. size kept the same, so i thot still long time b4 he can wear huggies L as it is really much much bigger than EQ L. within 1-2 weeks, his tights just grow!

huh? Ikea highchair tricia can still withdraw her legs and stand up? hmmm.... but i think booster chair really too small for them liao.

jenny, if can't pass to u at the gathering how? i hardly go Sembawang leh and too far for me. where would normally be on Sunday?

cab fare hike

JRT, wah yday i had my first feel of the pain. i hardly take cab nowadays so didnt pay attention to the details. yday, i late for work and experienced the 35% surcharge on peak hr. lucky my home is near my office, but that 35% already more than the previous $2. i can't imagine if i travel long distance. i think 35% is really too much. i think my heart was jumping faster than the meter.
HI Vivian,
Which tokidoki series did you brought?? limited edition ar... me too spend a bomb on the diaper bag(amore series) cos dun really like the winter series. I win lucky draw prize of 350 robinson vouchers from co's christmas event, so used it to buy lor, in the end still have to top up.. really ex lor but ok lah, love it mah.. hehe.

Hi Jenny,
now you "xiang fu" liao lor... waiting for the gals to grow up.

Hi Adeline,
Desiree also like that, will knock her head against the floor or beat her own head when we beat her.bth.. sometime heart pain to see her like that.
huh, the ikea highchair will topple one? i hv to ask my FIL cos it is at their place. the one at my place is a HMD with broad base, so i thot the Ikea one is good.

I reckon EQ XL going to be bigger than huggies so hv not stock up yet. partly because i hv stock up alot of huggies L.
also, i plan to see if i can start potty training when he reaches 18th mth old.

Frog Legs - my favourite esp cooked in Kung Bao! so now everyweek, after cutting out some meat for KB, the rest will go into my stomach!
Gotto be careful hor. Scare fall down from the highchair.

Dun stock up too many for huggies L ah... very fast outgrown one... I remember Jolene started on XL very early hor.
Most Sun will be at Clementi but I won't be going home cos after that I will go my mum place and stay over, next day go straight to work, nearer lor. I will be on off on 31 Dec to 2 Jan. Plan to go BG on 31st. My hb plans to send the car to maintainence on 2 Jan at Leng Kee, near yr place? But I'm not sure what time will get back our car.
Cab fare: I think my heart really jump faster too! haha... sekali die from heart attack keke...

where got xiang fu? Sekali short life cos kena qi by the 2 gals. Last Sat I almost vomit blood when I discipline them!
good morning ladies

Thanks for all your concerns for zac. He is back to his cheeky self liao and like babygrace, this is the best christmas gift any parents can have. to see ur children happy and healthy.

Isetan sales
Hmm its true that there is not much to purchase. For me i have to stock up for lele so bought a lot of teats, wet wipes and pigeon diapers. besides that, nothing else to buy and crowd really turn me off, especially with a big tummy. but i must say the salesperson there super nice, help me carry the stuff to the cashier and then to the delivery queue. without this mr bak's help i also not sure how to handle so many bulky stuff.


wow ur HK trip is great! i am bringing zac to new zealand next month and was wondering where did u get those thick nice clothings for Caleb. Still nt sure how many to bring along cos we will be going for 10 days. i hope zac can be as guai and enjoy the trip jus like caleb.

count us in!

throwing tantrum
i think it is a common phase that the kids have to gone through. have been reading up on this and they term this as the 'melt down' after a long day or frustrated in not getting what they want or accurately expressing what they want. most book suggested to let the kids be alone when they have the melt down and sit by their side not doing anything. wait till they are calmer, then explain to them. one thing to bear in mind is not to loose ur temper cos kids will feel more frustrated if their parents are not in control. i tried once on zac when he is throwing his tantrum, i let him cried out but sat by his side throughout not doing anything. afterthat that i spoke to him calmly he seem to be able to understand better. i guess this period is both a trying period for both the parents and the kids trying to understand each other.
Aiyo, then cannot pass the items to u liao cos tis Sat &amp; next Sat hb had something on &amp; weekdays not convenient for me to travel to sambawang.
BN Bottles

Anyone knows how long can we keep it? Me stocked up quite a few 300ml ones but KB still drinking 150ml max. so not sure should i keep them or sell them off.
Clementi still ok for me. Where is your BG on 31st? Leng Kee best for me cos my house just "above" there. but 2nd jan I'm working and maid and bb maybe at my in-law place. i can leave them outside my house, inside the water meter box, if he dont mind going up to collect. if he collect car after 6pm, most prob they will be back at my place. all else failed, i can deliver to Clementi.
Coolman, sorry lazy to scroll up and read. So u want let go EQ L or Huggies L?

Jenny, i was thinking of getting the ikea high chair cos boys ok with it at foodcourts. All this while, care givers put them in walkers to feed. I thought it would gd to let them have their meals with us at the dining table. Now that u mentioned can use until 2, i hesitate leow. Last few nites, huggies leaked leh. Imagine having to change clothing and diaper at 5am+. Son 'steam', I also 'steam'.
Then no choice. Maybe you can check out the Timor thread to see if there's any volunteer collection near your place.

Wah, Jolene only drinks max 200ml, usually is 180ml same as Jaslyn.
I guess brand new ones can keep long bah, as long as not open. Cos stores also "keep" the bottles on shelves till they sell off mah.
If Clementi ok for you on Sun and you can make it between 11am to 3pm, we can arrange for this Sun lor. Not next Sun cos I intend to delivery straight to Capt Budi's home before going over to Clementi on 6th Jan.
I'm planning to bring my gals to BG on 31st to feed fishes and spend the day there if weather good. Then after that go other places to walk walk relax. I'm not sure for 2 Jan cos I dunno what time the car will be ready or rather can be collected within the day, so dun think 2 Jan is a good date.

No coolman here, only coolmum haha.. She wanna let go EQ L Size.
Hmm if your boys are smaller build, I think can use longer. I will support you to buy. Train them to sit by the dining table to have dinner together. Like this hor, you have lesser problem when eating out. They will get the idea then won't play during meals. Your boys still wanna go into walkers??
You are using which huggies huh? My friend also told me she got leakage with huggies but is with huggies pullup.
i heard ur damages for the sale is $800+ and i thot i spent less than tt. did my sums last nite and u noe how much i spent there? <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">$930!!!</font></font> scary me!!!! gotta eat grass for the rest of the few mths liao.
still recovering fr the shock of my expenses...
the fellow has no intention of returning me my hp lah, else he wun shut it down. i dun carry any hopes of getting my hp back again. its juz my SIM card contacts n photos inside.

yah like i said, the cab fare hike affects mostly those taking it during peak hr. so far i experienced max $2 increase when i take fr my parents plc back to my own. usually its abt $1 increase only.
R drinking abt 180-200ml now. i tried to increase to 230-240ml for his last feed but he cant finish. tt time i used 330ml avent bottles for expressing milk only. i dun think R will ever take 300ml of milk~!

ur C can take o/s food so its gd to bring him on a holiday. R still not used to it n i dun dare to take the risk. but can see that u enjoy the trip v much.
and the hotel is v nice! can cook! it'll b useful if i can go there coz can cook. hehehe...

<font color="0000ff">RE: Gathering</font>
Think we gotta attend a dinner on tt day, muz check wif my MIL 1st. if so, probably cant make it on tt day liao.
btw issit aftn time?
Alamak! hahahah.. typed too fast lah! On the highchair hor.. yah my boys 'san kui bah' type. U knw the bb in the paper.. weighed 11kg rite. My elder boy almost 11kg but i dont see any san cham bak on him. Both my boys quite tall that's why i worried. My boys have been using huggies dry for quite long already. Gd until last few nites, elder boy ok, younger one leak. Maybe he drank too much fluids bah. Fitti i like also but huggies cheaper lor. I used pull-ups for going out and sometimes during the day when I super lazy to bring them to pee every 30-40 mins. Easier.. just pulled one side and 'whistle'. Missed also nvr mind, no need to wipe floor. I ever used it overnite, leaked. Then u told me pull ups not for overnites so i didnt use it for overnite after that. May consider pampers for nite.
Thanks Jenny. Me back to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, M'sia for CNY

Good idea Coolmum. will try one day to bring son down the playground. Thanks to share the frog leg recepe. but oh, my lazy boy still don't want to walk, hands must hold something one. Hope this thing can help his leg growing. BTW, he's not a strong type bb. Always sick everyone, faint.
<font color="0000ff">hi coolman,</font> yes my girl likes to play with other kids. she gets very excited when she sees other children! so hopefully my 2nd one got chance hee hee. Huh ur MIL dun wan another one? I thot usually they wld tink the more the merrier? or is it becos she wld b the one taking care of no 2, so she rather nt have??

<font color="0000ff">hi jenny,</font> hmm time for me to do the same as u. must plan plan liaoz. all nt gtg young man, if hv kids later sikali no strength to go running ard with them hee hee.

hmm i din knw the ikea high chair wld topple? the 4 legs seem very sturdy. my girl wld try to climb out if she gt impatient so wld hv to hv someone to look af her when she is sitting in the high chair.

<font color="0000ff">hi jasmine,</font> hmm frog leg porridge is my favourite man hee hee. esp the sauce! wow best leh. u same as my mama, she also scared to take tt hee hee

<font color="0000ff">hi jrt,</font> wat seh must salute to u leh! spent $930 at isetan sale!! hmm so many things for u to buy? i spent almost $300 already heart pain pain, cant imagine $930 leh. must hv fat bonus ti mth right hee hee!


alamak dun noe wat happen to my girl tdy. kept having her tap on. small small things cry n scream. gtg on my nerves leh! hengz got my mama n daddy ard tdy. else i dun noe hw to survive leh. friend was saying she hvent recover so wld b like tt. but then already no fever liaoz just tt still hv running nose. then she is sleepy yet dun wanna sleep n also dun wanna drink milk!!
Hi Jenny,
Aiyo, consider good liao lor.. at least now you bring both gals out, no need so many barang barang. They can walk by themselves liao also ease your load.
Re: bed temper, me too also very bad temper, keep scolding desiree cos she misbehave and always like to step on my tummy.
Keep telling myself, I must control control control. i dun want the 2nd one to be an unhappy baby.

wah, must be having big fat bonus to spend. anyway, this is the time to pamper ourselves.
hi delphine,

did u realise that ur temper is much worse during this 2nd pregnancy? i realise that now, i get worked up very easily, very scared that i lose my temper anyhow. cos last nite, i nearly do that to my maid for a very small issue.
so now, my hb take care of tricia most of the time... same as u, tell myself, must control control....
Hi Gemini,
Yes, totally agree that I am more hot tempered than before. When i am preggy with desiree, I am a happy preggy,glad that desiree turns out to be a happy bb.
But with 2nd one, think partially is due to we are still in 1st tri, with ms, backache, no appetite plus our no 1 running about not understand how we feel make our temper worst.
hang in there, hopefully after 1st tri , we would be better.

after feedback fr this thread, i tired EQ and really quite good. I'm alternating between EQ and Huggies due to size problem. I let KB wear EQ at nite also and is ok cos the base is wider. Are your princes taking Huggies M or L? EQ L is in between Huggies M &amp; L, so if they already wearing Huggies L then cannot liao.

will sms u again on this Sun. can u email me your ma's add? worse case can leave outside her door/neighbour?

my KB only "walk" when we hold his hands. and now he'll "chong" until like running. i always say him dont know how to walk yet but want to run liao.

sweetycute, looks like she is not fully recovered yet.

regarding my MIL, so is the odd one. dont know what she thinks man. sorry hor, she didnt want to take care of KB hor. i sent him to infant centre when he was young. now i got a maid to do everything. dont know we ba zhi bu her or what, i just cant stand her when it comes to baby thou she is a nice person. some mummies here know why.

wah, JRT $930! is alot man. think i'm only willing to spend this amt on travelling
sweetycute &amp; delphine,
no lah, dun hv fat bonus. nothing left aft paying the annual insurance premium, paying my credit card bills (last mth &amp; this mth was horrid coz of xmas shopping) and now my isetan bills.

wat i bot? auntie lor... cooking wok, set of kitchen knives, lots of LOCK&amp;LOCK containers (i hv a fetish for containers, i cant stop buying them n tupperwares! my kitchen got a cabinet full of them!!!), R's new yr clothings, shoes, hb's clothings etc. haiz... i gotta pay bit by bit b4 my bill arrives so i no need to heart pain paying so much at 1 go. if this helps, i used $100 of the vouchers &amp; paid $150 in cash to offset the bill yesterday liao. so i still hv abt $700 more to go.

sometimes the little ones juz fuss for no appararent reason. i get used to it liao.
i oso din realised i spent so much until i went home n calculate in detail. to me, everything oso small amt until i add up everything n its SCARY!

yest when i msg-ed u &amp; said i spent >$500, its so grossly underestimated! and u said i crazy woman... so see lah, now its actually $930...
<font color="0000ff">hi coolmum,</font> aiyah dun noe lah....nw refuse to drink milk. dun noe wat's next?

<font color="0000ff">hi jrt,</font> hee hee u sure hv a liking for woks n containers leh! hengz we are working so got our own $$ to pay leh. sometimes wanna get $$ fr hb like very difficult they always like to ask wat we spend on n why nid to buy tis n tt. so irritating like a nagging grandma. got own salary the best lah cn buy watever i like for Arielle hee hee
hi coolmum,

u use EQ for nite? it can last. i find that the max time for EQ is about 3-4 hrs. so that's for day use. nite i use Sealer, no problem.

hi crystallised,

wow, u really solid man! can spend $930 at 1 shot! isetan will love to have more customers like u. if i wanted to buy containers, my hb always will stop me, cos he will say that i buy oreli then just put them in the storeroom.

hi delphine,

ya. really hope that we will be much better after 1st tri.
Hi jRt,

$930.00 @ Isetan 1 day is really alot, but I agree sometime u tend to overspend when paying by cards cos u dun see the $$$ until when the bills come in. It happens to me b4.


May u wish come true &amp; have a 2009 bb

My MIL already 70+ liao &amp; my mum is suffering fm leg pains so not suitable to take care of bb.

I cannot be a SAHM lah... Spore's living std so high, tough to depend on hb's income only. He need to help to support his parents &amp; me too contribute to help to support my parents. Imagine without my income then he hv to support me, bb, his parents &amp; my parents, pay for insurances, bills, house's loan, car loan etc *faint*

Part-timer's benefits are very poor, no bonus, no annual leaves, no medical benefits &amp; MC... I feel not worth it
wah lau... now I know why Isetan so on to have private sales almost every quarterly. Cos got you ppl to contribute so much!!! Piang!! Got lah, papers released got big bonus + the newly announced wat performances bonus. My sis's AWS and bonus fat fat ah I think, though she only joined few mths back. And I heard from my mum that July she also got bonus even though she joined a mth only, some more 4 digits. If not for her workplace location, I will wanna switch over haha.. Me no bonus cannot spend
I need to save for my new place haha. Yeap, yday I said you crazy women, today I no words to say liao. I'm STUNNED when I saw $930!!!! I can go travel liao. You wanna sponser me another bali trip hahahaha...

San Kui Bah ah, then maybe can use longer haha... anyway not too ex lah, after that can pass on to relatives/friends if not sell lor. Talking abt that article, I missed it leh, what it says ah? I know something like 1 year old 11kg is it? If your boys are tall, dun need to worry. Sometimes the bone density is heavy.
I tot huggies and Fiiti price same same? You tried Mamy Poko? It absorbs a lot of urine. May consider it for nite.

No matter what, when kids are on highchair, better supervised. Actually IKEA highchair looks sturdy but it is light lor. Those that won't topple are those like Canetours and Jane's highchair. They have a table as the "base".

Hmm still need to bring FM and water out ah. I'm waiting for the day that I no need to bring FM out haha... Actually hor, last time I very daring one leh. When Jolene was abt Jaslyn's age at now hor, eg. 15mths hor. I just take the milk bottle with milk powder already inside the milk bottle, a pacifier, plus a small bottle of water just enough for one feeding. Then went out le. I din even bring diaper along haha.. Now I dun dare le cos Jaslyn hor, bad tempered gal. She can't wait one. And she sweats a lot (maybe I ate too much durian), like dirty kid on street!

Clementi not my ma's place, is my aunt place, cannot leave outside her place lah. You still have my #? I think I dun have yours hee hee...

Talking about 2nd preggy. my temper is much better as compared to 1st leh hahaha... But sometimes kim makes me really angry and i get all boiled up!! i will just tell me hb.. u look after her lah.. ask her dun come find me.. but in the end kim will walk to look for me and sayang me.. then i ok liao loL!.

The Q really turns me off leh. i wanted to buy alot alot things but end up i put everything back.. cause too long Q liao..

really power ah you.. $930! my heart damn pain to spend so much one hahaha..
