(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">haze</font>
yr budget seem modest liaoz lor... like u say, our scary amounts havent even include all e "jiapalang" stuff... (<font color="aa00aa">and thank you for reminding me that i have to buy beer on that day!!!</font>)

<font color="ff6000">rhys de mummies</font>
only 1 word to say to you... <font color="ff0000">IMPRESSIVE!!!!!</font> and kudos to you leh... e invite alone already soooo nice!!! nex time Rhys sure very proud of his parties 1.....
hehehe... i also hv e same idea to have party favours being a "fridge magnet".. hahaha... my rationale is so that pple wont throw away e party favour... but still only work in progress..

Thanks thanks.

$160 for weekend is already cheap liao leh. I not civil servant so I paid full public rate... double yours leh... sob... they think public earn alot too...
Hee... will try to take lots of pic. But think hor, that day sure super busy one so will ask my godson to take pic..hee...
For the magnet, actually not very ex... but just very time consuming coz need to design, print, cut and paste. I spend ard $6 on the cards, ard $40 for the magnets and printing of the photos should be less than $10. But the effort and sleepless nights... PRICELESS... haa....

Thanks. Now you know why I got so little sleep.. hee...
Wow so early ah! So nice of her.
I also have no prob feeding medicine with Jaslyn, same like Caleb, she used to struggle for the 1st few times. Maybe she saw how Jolene took her medicine help? I also use syringe for Jaslyn.

Hmm I haven't go calculate my spending for the party. But should be within my budget cos I only need to pay for buffet, extra dessert (oneh oneh)I ordered + cake, drinks (?? still thinking if wanna get packet drinks), and goodie bags. I only bought a table cover and some balloons nia, din spend much on deco cos I'm not going to do the place. Some more I'm re-using the birthday banner which I bought for Jolene's 1st bday. My venue is FOC. Think still within my budget ($1.5K).
I think yours (and some mummies) is becos of the bungalow charge lah.
This time I'm not going to order Mrs Chan's jelly liao cos relatives all sianz liao. I ordered oneh oneh from Pine Garden haha... and I instruct PG to use sweet potato for the skin. My relatives will love them.

Pooh figurines very hard to find one. If you want and dun mind, there's a shop at Concourse selling Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore candle figurines. I think it costs only $6.90. Hidden somewhere inside the shop. I think that shop is Heart Trading, somewhere in the middle where all the party shops are located. You check with the uncle.
If not, you can get Pooh figurines, individual character from Gift A Name located at Northpoint, level 3. It is actually a figurine with a hook. You can just remove the hook. 1 pc cost $3.90 if I remember correctly. I happened to have 1 set, so I'm giving PG this set + another set which I got from Smiling Orchid. But hor, this set from Gift A Name is q small hor.

How's D now huh?

Now I know why you sleep so late!!! You did the magnet ah? I tot you ask shops to do keke...

Well done!! U live up to ur name as media teacher. So nicely done the invites and the magnets! what wonderful ideas! really effort leh must show my hubby. he kept saying i spent too much time planning for zac's birthday. I told him i enjoyed the process of planning. Guess u must have enjoyed doing the invites for Rhys and ur result is as good as the process worth it man! thumbs up!!
Wow so early ah! So nice of her.
I also have no prob feeding medicine with Jaslyn, same like Caleb, she used to struggle for the 1st few times. Maybe she saw how Jolene took her medicine help? I also use syringe for Jaslyn.

Hmm I haven't go calculate my spending for the party. But should be within my budget cos I only need to pay for buffet, extra dessert (oneh oneh)I ordered + cake, drinks (?? still thinking if wanna get packet drinks), and goodie bags. I only bought a table cover and some balloons nia, din spend much on deco cos I'm not going to do the place. Some more I'm re-using the birthday banner which I bought for Jolene's 1st bday. My venue is FOC. Think still within my budget ($1.5K).
I think yours (and some mummies) is becos of the bungalow charge lah.
This time I'm not going to order Mrs Chan's jelly liao cos relatives all sianz liao. I ordered oneh oneh from Pine Garden haha... and I instruct PG to use sweet potato for the skin. My relatives will love them.

Pooh figurines very hard to find one. If you want and dun mind, there's a shop at Concourse selling Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore candle figurines. I think it costs only $6.90. Hidden somewhere inside the shop. I think that shop is Heart Trading, somewhere in the middle where all the party shops are located. You check with the uncle.
If not, you can get Pooh figurines, individual character from Gift A Name located at Northpoint, level 3. It is actually a figurine with a hook. You can just remove the hook. 1 pc cost $3.90 if I remember correctly. I happened to have 1 set, so I'm giving PG this set + another set which I got from Smiling Orchid. But hor, this set from Gift A Name is q small hor.

How's D now huh?

Now I know why you sleep so late!!! You did the magnet ah? I tot you ask shops to do keke...
Yah, i do everything, design and make the magnet myself. Just buy those magnet sheets from artfren and paste the pic on lor. I already got all the circle cutters coz I do scrapbooks. So quite ok lah. But I very "niao" on my designs one... everytime see my design, always something dun look rite, keep changing so took a long time to confirm lor. Now no time liao so I dun even want to open the file, scared that I will redo all over again!!! haa...

thanks... no lah... my design not that fantastic... at first also dun know what to do, then dun know when and how, the idea of a magnet came up... so started planning lor. Very siong coz that time my work very rush... so all clash together... but I am so glad that the designs are finally finalised. I agreed that the process can be memorable but I do prefer all my BEAUTY SLEEP!!! haa....
Vivian, eh.. u teacher rite? oh.. not civil servant hah.. paiseh *blur*.

Jenny, ondeh ondeh is the green colour skin with coconut filling rite? Sweet potato skin can hah? I am thinking of getting those small donuts or maybe some small muffins fr neighbourhood cake shop. Got amosco stuffs for 1st month already, wanna try something new.
Hi Vivian,
Can tell me where you get the magnet and how you do the printing of photo/picture? I got a quotation from a printing company, they charged me ard $3/pc and the diameter is 1", very expensive..
Looking at the efforts and the costs that you mommies put into the birthday party, i'm kinda glad that i don't have much relatives to hold a big scale party. haha! Cos this mommy here is super slack. i've finally settled Emma's cake design today and i already thought it's a big achievement for me :p
I dilly-dallied on deciding where to get her cake until the person i wanted to order from closed her orders liao just when i saw a design that i really like. So no choice, settled for PG again.

Thumbs up on the invite! So impressive!
The pic you got any protection sheet? Like paste over something to protect the pic bor? I did the magnet for my wedding pics also, just for a few close friends but I laminated the pic.
Haha think you better dun go open the file liao, ah bor wait you no sleep again. Must be fresh and mei mei for your son big day hor! Machiam like wedding hor kekeke...

Most oneh oneh are green in color for skin with "ye tang". I dunno what's the name for "ye tang" in english. Outside is with coconut. I got a recipe using sweet potato one, I find it nicer. Lazy to do myself... then I wanna order from Kedar (have outlets at Bugis Junction, Great World City/Raffles Place), but they deliver with order of $200 I think, and self collection is out of way for me. Did a search and realise PG also got do sweet potato skin one. Though never taste before but dun care lah. I tasted their green skin one, q ok. So I just order lor, at least something different and my relatives, especially my mum's side love this kind of noya kueh cos my grandma is baba.

You can buy the magnet sheet from popular, then cut out the shape and print out the pics, laminated or there's a kind of "sticker" which can be bought from popular to paste over pics for protection. This "sticker" q ex. Then paste your pic onto the magnet, viola!
Me too, salute to mummies who planned for a big bash! I din even bother with goodie bags until someone keeps nagging at me till I gave up and simply just bought some stuff and packed into the loot bags! Lucky din spent too much $ and time on these. For me, a simple buffet + cake is more than enough! As for deco, I won't be bother cos afterall, still gotta throw into rubbish bin.
But next year i got to plan for goodie bags for Joshua's school friends liao. Actually every now and then he brings home those birthday goodie bags, most of the stuff in there i don't let him eat (i give my maid instead). Quite a waste of money but bo bian. Next year then start thinking what to put in the loot bags.
hee hee babygrace... I eat on Jolene's behalf hahaha... She just got her 1st goodie bag from her classmate in her current sch. I will filter thr what's the stuff lah, you know those party toys? I always throw away one cos I find them dangerous, especially with Jaslyn ard at home.

You are most welcome.. i also think my cost is quite low la.. but the 'ling ling long long jiapalang' things... haiz... think will burst my budget lo..


i no need to filter her goodie de... coz my girl won't even let me touch.. anyway... all the toys were lost or spoilt before she could take them home.. lol..


As for the sweets, like i said, she won't even let me touch also.. as long as after that she drinks loads of water and stop giving her little
sister, Kyra, all the sweet wrappers...
By the way, as least you already finalise on the design of the cake... i haven even start to think man.. but i am settling for PG..

Ladies, can i get some comment on the flavors of the cake from PG? Coz i want the triple layer chocolate but the next layer dunno take what.. my hubby say dun want the lychee martini wor......is the citrus drop nice? anyone tried?
Hi Jenny,

Still having fever though but not as high. will monitor closely. keep calling my MIL every few hours to check.
just like to ask, my bb is nw 9 mths turning one year in oct but he already have 3 teeth at the bottom and some going to be out soon (4 on top and 2 bottom) can see whitish ting coming out liao is it too fast? he has been crying and crying in the nite and just refuse milk nowadays
Me lecturer in ITE. Not considered civil servant...sigh...

I bot my magnets in Artfriend (taka/bras basah). I saw those from popular too but they are already comes with one side color paper which I dun want. As for the printing of photos, I just send it for normal laser color printing on glossy paper. As it is laser and glossy, it is already waterproof. A4 size ard $1.50 i think. Not too sure yet, coz going to print it soon.
Wah... 1" $3 is ex leh... 1" so small??

actually I also thinking of the protection sheet leh... but since it is laser and glossy, was thinking to go without the protector sheet. See how lor. Want to see the final output first.
Popular got the sheet ah? how to find har??
I dun think I have much deco too. Just a few balloons nia. No banners just 2 posters which my godson did. I will be hanging them on the wall of Rhys' room after the party... hee... so not wasteful lah. As for loot bag, nothing much. Dun know what to buy,esp. those younger ones... so anyhow dump lor... hee...
Think for now, Jolene still blur blur but she will "oei" at me when I eat them haha
Actually hor for PG lychee martini hor, I dunno why so much wow wow on it. I find it so so and sweet. My family no one likes it. Their triple layer chocolate is nice as one small slice but not for a big cake. You know lah, rich chocolate cake eats too much very sicky feeling. The black forest is nice but got some rum. But what the heck lah, is so little nia and Jolene loves it. Anyway I still prefer their orange zest. A layer of triple layer chocolate + a layer of orange. Not too rich feeling.

Huh, you din stay at home to look after D ah?

nothing is too fast lah.

Since you print on glossy paper, then no need protection sheet lah, unless you wan double protection? The prob is... I dunno what's that called!! But is in rolled form. Maybe you check with Popular staff? Maybe they got other to intro you??
Talking abt posters. I wanna just do a poster with Jaslyn's studio pic. But then the tot of wait Jolene asks me where's her, I die. So I dun wan to do liao haha.
hope Desiree better today......

Wow, all your invitation card so super one huh? some more with map superimposed.
My one is just a simple one cos me not good in IT stuff... wait for hb to do got to wait long long ... so did it on my own...
already send out emails to all my friends n relatives....
hope it will turn out to be a memorable one...

My theme will be all rojak one...
Can't wait for it to come .... super excited.
Already packed the door gifts for kids coming to his party....

Hi anyone knows where we can get helium gas top up nearer Changi area??
Dont want to rush somewhere far on that day just to top up...

Wanted to order the Jelly from Mr James on 23rd...
seems like they are not able to accept order from 21-23Sept...
very disappointed leh...
any others to recommend?
James can't take the agar-agar order cos they are doing the mooncake agar agar.

actually you are very resourceful, you just don't want to do, I belive if you do, you can do better than us. I went to Concourse this afternoon, bought some mini notebooks, party bags, now think the notebooks are not enough for the kids, have to go back to buy somemore tomorrow. I didn't buy any candies, think their prices not really cheaper than outside.

thank you, will go and look around, maybe can do for my 2nd boy's birthday which is next month.

haiz...suggestion to take blackforest overrule again.. coz got rum... haiz.. it's my all time fav k... dunno what he is thinking..so little rum also cannot. anyway, if that's the case i will take the advice from you la.. the orange zest and triple layer chocolate.. THANKS.........What will i do without you mummies...


Ehh gal.. if the fever go up rocket high, please please please bring her to KKH leh.. fever no joke de hor.. at least they are professionals, can help you take care of her better and will get well faster.. if not you will worry all night long, not enough sleep.. then somemore you still coughing.. you must really really take care of yourself ar...heart pain to see little Desiree sick sick..
By the way, how's Desmond? Hope he is alright already..


Wow.. that's fast.. it's two more weeks gal.. heehee... i know, this feeling.. can't wait for the day to come right? heehee.. me too.. still finalizing on little details and the cake, which i finally sorted it out with Jenny's advice..
Time to source for things for the loot bag le.. also dunno how many children..
hehee.... me always like to do things ahead one.. very kiasu one...
i only aga the number of kids and do around 10+ more packs incase more kids coming...

Yes, Infact Mrs James told me tat too... she has yet finalise her orders for mooncake so
not able to take in the jelly order...
she even suggest i call some date near towards 23rd
so she can be more sure whether to take in my order again...
haiz..... hope she is able to ...
Wow, you mummies really put me to shame! I have not done anything other than booking the chalet. Need some advice here, I see some of you ordering cakes so far in advance. Is that necessary? How far in advance is required for cake order? For buffet, I understand even a week in advance is fine right?
PG needs 3 days advance notice for their orders.
I originally wanted to order emma's cake from someone i know from LJ who bakes from home but her orders are full for sep and oct already.
So much for dilly-dallying.

KPO, what accident was your hubby involved in?

Did you alternate the neurofen with paracetamol every 3 hours? I find that this method works in bringing down the fever quite fast. I can never sleep whenever Joshua has fever. Will stay up to sponge and monitor until it goes down.
You take care too, ok!
Hi babygrace,
I noe rear facing is better but no choice, my lil' rascal sitting all by himself behind, if I dun turn the seat, he will panic cos cant c anyone.
Juz wanna drop a note of thks to Shirley for organising the birthdaydirect spree. I collected my items fr her juz now.

Hi shirley, will transfer the payment as soon as I get to an ATM machine tomm. I a bit backward, no internet banking...
Birthday Budget
Wow!!! All of you r simply fantastic. My hubby will kill me if I spend so much. Our budget is my boy's bb bonus, so technically, he's the one throwing the party...haha
Luckily I dun hav many frens wif young children so no intention of preparing any goodie bags.
thanks for orgainising the spree
i love the items!!!
have done the transfer via IB.

Agar Agar
i was thinking of ordering one too
but how much notice i have to give Mrs Chan?
now they busy with mooncake so oct shld be ok?

Invitation card
I have not got around to doing one yet
but after seeing all the nice cards, i've nagging at hubby to start soon or else will not see anything decent liao
Can use Powerpoint? i IT idiot one so have to depend on hubby to do it

if really fever too high, best to go KKH (24hr)
Birthday budget
after seeing all the cost involved, i can proudly tell my hubby actually i didnt spend that much..
hehe. lame excuse.
mine shld be around $1k or so
trying to get sis in law to sponsor the birthday cake
Birthday budget
Seeing all your budget hor then I realised. WAH the ntuc chalet is SOOO expensive aah. I actually paid $210 for fri n sat leh.

I actually dun intend to spend to celebrate for Damien's 1st birthday jus going HK only. But NOW hor got chalet never mind.

My inlaws finally drop the bomb lor. I actually expected they would lah but so long no news n we book chalet liao I tot all will be well already. Who knows now they drop the BIG bomb liao lor.
I only intent to have bbq n cut cake for both our familes on Sat 29th only.
But my inlaw tell hubby they will be there both days for the BBQ n hor they want to cut cake on the actual day 27th TOO!!!!!

WTF I'm so pissed lor then cut cake on 27th my chalet for what!!!! N we cut cake again on 29th??
Then I pay for so many cakes aah. N they wanna go for bbq on 2 days means I gotta buy food for both days too lah n since hubby gotta work on fri so I will be their maid cum driver too is it!!!

N my OWN mother call me up n ask me wat time I wanna celebrate. SO I tell her its chalet ma so whole day lor. She can tell me she got to work leh maybe if change sunday then she might be able to take leave. Wah lao so sian man in my heart I was thinking its not your birthday lor u not around also can celebrate ma.

They never fail to make my days(miserable) leh damn sian aah. I must have owed them BIG TIME in my previous life.
Poor thing. That's part of the reason why hubby and i do not want to have a big do cos we cant be bothered to try to fit everyone's schedule.

So i have my small little celebration at home on actual day. My parents are usually free so they can come. As for in-laws, we'll juz bring them to a nice restaurant during our usual sunday dinner (Emma's lunar b'day happens to fall on a sunday), no need extra effort. If they cant make it on that day, forget it liao. hee.....
Hi Hi me back again. busy yesterday cos my new shop in penang got renovation prob only managed to complete everything at 2am last night. i wanna die liao lor.

anyway, talking about the budget, mine will definitely exceed 2K cos i also intend to order home-made ice-cream for the guests.

<font color="0000ff">Vivian</font> I really like your idea of the magnet. I had wanted to do it for Caleb's full month party but really no time & energy then to go get it done. then wanted to do it tis time for 1st birthday, again so busy at work i gave up the idea liao. KUDOS to you.
NTUC chalet is apparently a lot cheaper if booked by a NTUC member during promotional period.

For your inlaws, can it be cos they pantang that birthdays can be celebrated in advance and not after? Which is why they want to cut cake on the 27th? If that is the reason, just buy a small cake to cut on that day? No need for big elaborate cakes just a buy-off-the-shelf type will do? Cos if they are really pantang, no point giving them the chance to point finger next time at you to say "last time blah blah blah..."

Eih, bbq on 2 days too much lah.... tell them no lor. Since your hubby gotta work, all the better cos he can tell them no bbq that day cos he working?

Hope everything turns out great for you in the end
Party Shop

Mummies who are on the look out for simple birthday decor and do not want to spend too much, there is this shop at Bugis Village (the row of shop which faces Rochor Road). They sell party favours like stationary sets and party items like hats, streamers, 'Happy birthday' letters for hanging, favour bags... some of these items comes in matching sets but not packed into pre-selected sets so you can select what are the items you want instead. The prices are very reasonable. I have not been to concourse shops and do not know how it compares but the prices here looks good enough :p
You are welcomed. I din helped much lah. Now that you have bring forward your party, we are having our parties on the SAME date!! hee....
I also bot a few items from concourse, birthday bib, balloons, party bag, badges, party blowout, etc... but I never thot of buying stationary sets for the older kids. Now I am stuck.
Concourse really far for me, so got to find some in popular. Sigh... so ex.... until now I still haven packed the goodie bag yet. Think some will be really miserable leh... jialat...

how's desiree liao?? better?

Birthday Budget
sigh... somehow, I really dun even want to think abt this... but anyway, the chalet already took up quite a bit lor... think mine should be ard 1.5-1.8k ba....

Goodie Bag
I am just curious hor... how much did you all spent just on the goodie bags har? Coz I like keep buying things for the bags leh.. dun know I spend too much liao or not....
Can advise???

wah... you busted your budget liao still thinking of ordering home-made ice-cream for the guest??? solid.... your guests are really xin fu... Caleb too....

aiya... last nite I should online, then you can fa lao sao to me... haa.... poor thing lah... actually, just tell your in-law say so many days eat bbq food will be very sick one leh...
just one day will do lah. Then tell them, some ppl say cut too many times of cake not good... means older by a few times more leh.... so just one day will do lah....
Basically get your hb to TELL them what is your plans lor. Tell hor... NOT ask them.... hee... I so bad...
haa.... ok lah.... tonite I online ok.... me borrow you my big big ears.... you make sure you online hor....
Actually I bot the above candles in concourse. Very nice... the letters are individual candles. Find it quite cute. But not cheap. Then few days later, I saw the same thing but nicer design from bengawan solo. So mummies who wants to get these, can try bengawan solo.... FYI...

Oh, I also saw similar one in Toys-r-us party corner too... but the letters are in the shape of a flat balloon. Quite cute actually... FYI lah...
If your Desiree dun want to take med... maybe you try add lingyang(diluted)in her milk..
drink some noon time & night time... to bring down her fever...
it works for A when he have fever during teething time.

if not i suggest you go see doc again for better suggestion.
Fever cannot be taken lightly for babies........
Hi Mummies,

Thank you for all your valuable advice and concern. Really appreciate..
She is still having fever around 38 degree. will bring her to hospital if it still does not come down by today. according to her PD, it will take till today to come down.

Hi Babygrace,
My hubby had a road accident two months ago... kena hit by a young reckless driver.
Dor Ric Mien

wow.. at least it's 210.. mine is 255... for sat and sun...I can understand the big fuss and the conflict regarding celebrations with in law or family members.. my mum also like.. tell me she gotta work and stuff and ask me to delay my celebration.. but i told her no.. i won't lor.. mine a little diff, it's my sister-in-law making a big fuss out of whether am i doing buffet or not.. she told me in my face that if i do buffet she won't come de lor.. so i say okie lor.. up to you lor.. haha..i have my friends to entertain what.. not only her.. she dun need to eat but all my guests need leh... it's always like that, non-planners always oppose planners decisions.. WTF, anyway, like i said, we are the planners.. not them ma.. heehee.. i super bochup comments de.. as long as what i am doing is according to me & my hubby's plan.

phew.. at least it's good news .. not the shocking 39.9 you were telling us the other day.. ya.. keep sponging.. and i agree with babygrace..
the method she use is the same as mine for high fever above 38.5... Brufen then paracetamol.. four hours apart.. very fast, fever will be brought down.


Thanks for the advice ont he loot bag.. ya.. maybe should pack a little more bags. in case... the cousins bring their friends.. then cham.. not enough to pass around.. haha..

u poor girl. so the bomb really fall onto u ya! haiz. Inlaws are sometimes really quite tricky to handle. With ur intelligence and persistence i am sure u can work something out with ur hubby lai! use ur woman powers! haha

Birthday spree
no need to thank me lah. i am also getting for zac mah! hope everyone is happy with the purchase. give me a chance to start my virgin spree haha

Birthday goodie bags
i have not started on the goodie bags but i think i will buy specific things for the individual kids. since my children guests turn out not so many and age range very wide.
Morning Ladies.

I just got the letter from my company, I got the NTUC chalet from 21 Sep to 23 Sep. Now my husband said to do another small party cum BBQ on 22 Sep for those cannot make it on 16 Sep and his friends. So many thing to do for the coming party now still have to plan for 1 more on the 22 Sep...

Haze, Dor
You all pay so much for the chalet, I just pay only $XX for the 3 days. Nowadays, NTUC chalet not really cheap, the unit is small too.

I was thinking if Mrs Chan cannot take in my order then I shall order the mini size agar-agar mooncake for the guests.

If your party is in Oct, there is no problem about ordering the agar-agar, Mrs Chan can take in order afer 25 Sep.
Hi all
Very soon all our lil ones are turning 1 indeed very fast. Remember back than we were all preggie mummies with lots of excitement towards the labour day as well guessing game on who is next to pop..... and now towards our lil ones 1st birthday party.. how time flies

<font color="0000ff">Shirley and Selina</font>
Thanks for organising the birthday spree without your effort it won't be happening hehe..Cos throught ordering from you 2 we dont have to worry about shipment etc etc..

<font color="0000ff">Shirley</font>
CONGRATS! I am so happy tho its abit late cos no time to read forum nowaday especially with maid problem !! Oh i have still yet to collect me loots from you keke paiseh hor will do it soon..

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace, Starz</font>
Thanks for the concern and advise on maid issue. After much considering i have decided to replace without any emotion setback this time round. Once again thanks

<font color="0000ff">Doreen</font>
OMG why huh they always like that de...make things difficult for you.If me hor i will tell them we have decided to celebrate and cut cake on 29/9 cos everything is plan accordingly and invites has been send out kekeke very bad hor but no choice leh its yr right to decide mah but if its due to their belief hor than like what pups mentioned just buy a very small cake JUST TO SATISFY THEM BAH!!

<font color="0000ff">Delphine</font>
I pray for desiree's fever to subside by today.. Hope she will be well soon

<font color="0000ff">Little Kid</font>
How have you manage to find the setters? I am worried cos its drawing near and u have not receive yours yet..mine haven't even reach Singapore..however if mine were to reach bf yr celebration i send to you k dont worry

<font color="0000ff">Jenny</font>
I look forward to receiving the loots soon..cos i finally saw my friends daughter wearing it soooooooooo nice!

Birthday Invites
After seeing all the lovely invites i also want to display mine too
I am so excited and really looking forward to it to happen..here's mine
I'm LAZY! Especially this period, I need sleep badly cos my 2 gals' health are like roller coaster. Yday nite Jaslyn suddenly got high fever and kept shaking in her sleep, then vomited twice. I scared she will kena fits ah. Then my hb also. All sick cats at home. Lucky my aunt called me and asked me to bring Jolene over to her place. Jaslyn has seen PD and GP 3x but hasn't get well yet. Jolene also see GP 2x and went to NUH on Sun nite due to very high fever. I gave up on western medicine!!! I just took few hrs off to bring the 2 gals to see chinese physician + tuina. They both much better liao!! Hope they recover fully, if not I no need to work liao. Very distracting leh, hb and my work in mess now.

haha I ordered and settled everything early cos I dun want all these issues on my mind.
For cakes, unless is customized order which bakery usually required 1 to 2 weeks advance notice, especially those 3D cake. Usually 3 days advance is ok. Buffet, most caterers require 3 days advanced notice. But if your caterer is popular, you may want to order early in case they can't accept any more orders.
The party shop you mentioned is definately cheaper than Concourse. And I heard there's another one behind 7th storey hotel, called Koh Brothers. I think it is along the stretch where the apple strudel shop is. For mummies who stays near West Coast, there's one near the West Coast Market, along the 7-11. Selected SKP also have some partywares.

I never bother if the celebration day suits anyone. I'm the host (and I'm the one paying everything), so I do the decision.

You bought those party items for the goodie bags? I find these stuff waste $ only cos I find these stuff q dangerous with some sharp points. I throw them away whenever these are found in goodie bags.
My budget for the goodie bag is $2.50 only.
The Happy Birthday Candle, Primi Deli also got sell, $2.90/set nia. There's another type the words all joined one, I bought at $5.90. The wordings is "happy 1st birthday". There's also others like "birthday boy", "birthday girl" etc. I show you the pic later.

haa... now you really going to party party party all the way liao... haa.... very siong leh...

Loved Jovan's invite... that pix is so sweet! Can even see his 4 lower teeth.... Loved his smile....

aiyo, poor thing leh... must be so tiring for you... it is always very jialat when our kids fall sick. You x2 somemore... take care leh...
Actually, I only bot the party blowout, pencil, sweets, biscults etc nia. Those younger kids like Rhys' age, I dun give sweets, biscults coz they cannot eat them yet. Other things that are not suitable for the kids, I will take out too. I mean, give a 1 year old kid a pencil no use rite.... so I customised some of the bags into 3 age groups.
Think the older the kids are, the more things they have... haa... btw, you know where to buy cheap cheap stickers??
Sigh.. I din know that Prima Deli and Bengawan solo have those candles leh... the one I bot so ex... what to do... the candle you bot very cute!!!
