(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

u must have a hard time for the internal bleeding...did gynae say why?....any reason y internal bleeding?...is it becos u din give birth immediate after water bag burst?

No, gynae couldn't explain too much. He suspected I moved too fast and getting off bed too fast. Actually hor, I had 3 tears leh.
Hi Jenny,
yours very fast! only 4 hrs? by the way do u feel pain after waterbag burst? or pain only started after admitted into hospital? I read that normally 1st pregnancy will be 10hrs and above.
No pain. I dun have contractions when waterbag burst. Some more I hadn't pack my bag... I still went to bath, cooked maggie mee at 2am to eat cos I afraid no strength to push during labour... Somehow my instinct told me my labour won't be so early (since gynae told me to admit after 7 am), so I went ahead to eat something. The pain started after they induced me 2 hrs later. Like menses pain... still ok, it only started to be severe pain 1/2 hr before delivery. Pain is bearable, and I din ask for epidural.
<font color="ff6000">jenny, angeline</font>
wow, we all hv gals for first born.. so qiao(3)

<font color="ff6000">angeline</font>
urs also quite fast wor..

my labour ah, can consider induce bah
had 1st contraction @ 3am, show @ 5am, admit at 9+am after breakfast, 10am gynae burst waterbag, 1+ got my epi, 3pm bb is out
<font color="ff6000">angeline</font>
tot its not advisable to BF during pregnancy?
gd to be able to BF ur gal for so long, i've only manage PBF for 4mths.. hope to TBF tis time

Hi hi coral..
I guess diff pple react differently, I m just wondering if the sizes will change also aft giving birth..how are u feeling now? better? Oh, u meant ur colleagues duno yet? My office is pretty smallI only informed my immediate superior &amp; also some of the colleagues (excluding the technical team) whom I m closer with..but my Regional President is coming from Japan next week to our office, I guess by then everyone will know..haaha..

Hi hi doggiemummy..
Ya, like what thewife suggested, see Dr Fong &amp; at least can have peace of mind..do keep us posted..r u eating a lot like as compared to b4 u r preggy? Do take gd care &amp; try to eat more even if u dun feel like eating..try to watch watever u eat ba..take care..cheers~

Hi hi Jenny..
Heehee, I was hoping to get some books to read thereshd have quite a lot of stuff..also gd, coz at least go &amp; check it out to be prepared..sooner or later u still got to check it out..so might as welldo it now when u have more strength..heehee..also lighten up ur mood when able to do shopping..see see look look..heeee..wow..u stop ML with hubby only till u 8th mth preggy ur 1st time round..i got hear if nearer the mth, ML is gd, coz help to lubricate the v so that its easier for the bb to be pushed out then..heehee..oh ya, u shared that the 1st tri will lose weight, if gain weight is it normal? Haha..i have been putting on weight ever since my holiday back..but I m happy with it lah..wow..u very on leh..still can cook noodles &amp; eat 1st..also got point lah, at least got strength to push..hmm..gd for u..

Hi hi grace..
I think it vary from individual..sometime ur weight may remains but mass increases..i got measure once only..hvnt go for the 2nd appt yet..maybe ur 2nd visit then u get to check with ur gynae if can hear bbs heartbeat..very amazing one..

Hi hi chihiro.
Welcome to the thread! Ya, its nice to know that its sat tomorrowcan sleep later &amp; laze ard....whhahaa..

at least u both tried to bf...
is alrite...
try again on #2....health first....
is not advisable...will see how along the way....
we all so qiao...
hopefully can have an opp sex this time round...
no matter gal or boy will close shop...
cos too many kids cant handle, worst...

urs also not as bad.....

second one will get better....

me still haven see bb...
the last time went...cant detect...
so can cfm stabilise....

for both of u...
ur mum give birth gal first or mil give birth gal first...
they mention like the bb we give birth what gender is follow either mum or mil...
I eating more than before i got pregnant. Got a greedy doggy inside me
My tummy is bigger than 1 of my coll. who is at week 9.
Think Dr Fong can't give me anything to "strenghten the womb" lor, cos i ate things that are liang accidentally. At most give me MC only lor
From what I know is, ML nearer to delivery will induce birth kekeke..
Weight loss is caused by morning sickness. I think is ok to gain weight lah.
Err but hor, actually hor, it is not advisable to eat before you delivery. Cos when you breathe the gas mask hor, you will vomit one. But little food is ok for at least few hrs before delivery.

Boy hor, I scare... kekeke cos very cheeky and naughty... But hor, my gal also not gentle and guai guai type. She like boy **fainted**
My MIL 1st one is gal and my mum is boy. Got such myth one meh? I first time heard before leh
<font color="ff6000">angeline</font>
when i went for my scan last wkend @ wk5d6, only saw the sac .. nx appt is nx thurs.. hopefully can see heartbeat by then..
when's ur nx appt?

so ur #1 also born in 2004?
my #1 is a 2004 yr end bb.. hee..

er, got such saying one ah? my mum giv birth to gal 1st whereas MIL hv 2 boys..

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
haha.. my gal also .. but then they also dunno wats shd their behaviour be .. they only know 'play' and hv fun.. this stage very fun to play with them ... ;)
<font color="ff6000">hi wendy</font>
ya, wkend now can rest... rest more..
sleep is a luxury once the little one is out hehhe...
wow Jenny,
you are sooooo luckY!

HI Chihiro,
was that the gestation sac or yolk sac that you saw?

Hi Wendy,
I can't wait to tell my girlfriends. Got to bluff them I cannot eat raw food due to stomach upset, cannot drink cold drinks etc...felt so bad.

hi hi doggiemummy..
oic..then maybe u can watch ur diet ba..try to find out what isnt gd for preggy mtbs then avoid it..somemore individual body is very diff so must take care..

hi hi Jenny..
okok, now i know..thks for sharing abt these tips..must bear in mind..heehee...hopefully i dun get to be overweight &amp; too heavy for the baby..haahaa..i m eating non-stop..duno if it's me lor, want to eat..haahaa..

hi hi chihiro..
ya, true, i agree..bcoz i stay with my in-laws now, i m just wondering if i shd move back to my mum's place to stay anot..or shd i wait till i m stable? hmm..my mum-in-law stays in 3rd flr (not life-level) but my mum stays in 5th flr (lift-level)..a minus point also bcoz FIL smokes at home..i know it's also very difficult for me to get him to "stop" smoking when i m home lor..then if he smoke in the living room, when i go out &amp; smell it, i will get frustrated..quite headache lor..hmm..

hi hi thewife..
i only told those that ask me..got some gf closer with me, then i tell them abt it..but i dun want to deny the fact lah..wont specially go &amp; tell lah..also told some of the forum brides whom we met up b4..i think just dun deny will do lor..also gd lah..morever is a joyous thing ma..hee..

Hi mummies-to-be,

well, about waking up several times in the night... one of the reasons given is that it is actually preparing you for the real action when your baby arrives... night feeds, etc..
hi doggiemom,

have a bedrest this weekend so you will be relax. And yes, how about chinese herbs, though if you're not sure of the doc better not just take anything too. I know we shouldn't take herbs on first tri. By the way, what was the liang food you ate? sorry you might have mentioned it but forgot already ;-)

hi hi doggiemummy..
my whole office will get the news next week when my Japan president is here to meet us up..coz my superior report to him &amp; i guess he will inform the rest abt it..i dun have any intention to deny as well..

hi hi bride0712..
u have a very valid point leh..thks for sharing with us abt it..thks! all along i got wake up in the middle of the night to release small business but lately increase more frequently which i think is ok for me..u have a point..to give us the training for now 1st..thks!

hi hi thewife..
if u r not comfty in sharing the news, i think no need to deny if any one of them guess it lor..

Hi Doggiemummy, I was on complete bedrest for 4mths tha last time. The spotting subsided only toward wk20...I was also on injections which cause my bum to bruise and get harden, I still have lumps. For this round, I choose not to see gynae too early and I also choose one who believe in letting nature take its course. So he say if such things ever happen, just get enough rest, it'll be fine.
Wendy, I read from book that if no MS it's normal to put on weight during 1st tri too. Usually it's people with MS then lose weight. I already lost 1kg. But should stabilise now. The last time I lost 2kg but start to gain very quickly towards 2nd tri.

Do we have to stop ML with hb during 1st tri? The last time I stopped completely cos I was spotting. But not sure if it's ok, in general.
hi hi doggiemummy..

Remember the DR koh i mentioned earlier.

He is specializing in early pregnancy complications and infertility.

His advise might be useful to you....

Hi all,

Does anyone of you knows of any gal that suffers from epilepsy/fits and is pregnant? I'm suffering from it and is on medication.

I has consulted my neurologist today and she advised that if I do have an attack, it may affect the major developments of the baby especially in the next 8 wks (I'm 8 wks pregnant). If this really happen (touch wood), I will have to go for an abortion as the neurologist do not want to take the risk of a brain-damaged baby being delivered.

I'm feeling very upset after hearing this, and I'm not trying to make the rest of you unhappy/upset, but I do not know of anyone who's in the same situation as me, so decided to drop this mail to see whether anyone knows someone who has the same condition as me.

But I have already told myself, it's very hard for me to conceive and I will have to keep very positive and try my very best to keep this baby.
hi thewife,

i'm not eating prawn now, they say it's cooling, but it's alright, maybe if it's chilly/spicy then it becomes hot, or the way it is cook like if it is fried then it becomes hot too. I'm not an expert so anyone can comment on this.

Does anyone has a white discharge, like a milky thing, like you are about to ovulate, i have a progesterone suppository so i'm thinking it might be it too.

Hi gemini,

sorry, don't know anyone with epilepsy, just pray that you wont have the attack, that's the most that you can do. Take care. Try to relax too and be positive.
can eat prawn lah. Just those shell seafood, try to avoid cos shell seafood like oyster, clam, topshell etc are more dirty, scare food poisoning lor. Seafood like Sotong, cuttlefish, Stingray, Tuna, Sharkfish, try to avoid. Sotong, Stingray got "poison", Tuna, Sharkfish are high in mercury. In fact, is good to eat everything to take in all nutrients.

Glad to hear from you that you are keeping a positive mind. In fact, I think all pregnancies, we, as the mothers have to keep positive minds at all times, no matter the mothers got health problem or not. A positive mind makes a happy mother, and a happy mother makes a happy baby. Wishes all our babies are healthy and happy

hi hi coral..
thks for sharing..thks for the encouragement abt the gaining weight too..hee..i guess diff pple react differently..as long as u r ok shd be fine lah..i have to keep reminding myself..even w/o MS, it's normal one..coz tend to worry too much at times..but i m ok with the putting on of weight..as least it's an assurance to me that the bb is absorbing &amp; growing also..hee...i understood from my 2nd appt gynae, Dr Koh that for the MS, some may feel better aft the 1st tri..as for ML with hubby, i guess can wait till more stable ba, at least also better i think..thks!

hi hi Jasmine..
i went to see <font color="0000ff">Dr Koh-Raffles yesterday night</font>, was feeling quite dizzy &amp; just wanted a peace of mind...so walked over to see him, <font color="0000ff">he's indeed very friendly &amp; also quite experienced, he did a scan for me even thou i just did one with the 1st appt last wk, he said it's ok to scan for it..we saw the baby using abdomen scan this time round, i was so surprised as i thot that me having a retroverted womb wont hv a chance to be scan at the abdomen lor..so happy to know that the bb is 12.3mm now..heehee..so happy</font>..he's also very friendly &amp; patient..i m glad that i went over to see him..i will be seeing him in my 9th wk..how abt urself? when's ur next appt?}

hi hi Gemini..
it's gd that u have a postive mindset..keep it up! do take gd care of urself &amp; dun overstress urself..i m sure u will be ok..if needed, maybe u can seek for a 2nd opinion, at least give urself a peace of mind..take gd care~

hi hi thewife..
ever since i had a bad experiences with only prawns few yrs back, i hv been avoiding prawns then..if u dun feel gd eating it, then dun take so much, most impt is to ensure that the food is fully cooked..dun take too much too..just moderate will do..

hi hi luckyme..
i have also alittle slight milky discharge for 1 to 2 days..i hv checked with my 1st appt gynae &amp; she told me it's normal as our hormones are changing &amp; that's why will have such milky discharge..i m not very sure abt ur case, i guess u might want to monitor it &amp; inform ur gynae abt it to make sure it's ok ba..

hi hi delphine..
long time didnt hear from u..i guess u must be busy with ur wedding preps..can u help me to update the chart? thks1, my gynae is Dr Koh &amp; more likely, i will be delivering at Raffles Hospital..thks~
Anyone can help to update the chart, my EED is 12/10, i choose to deliver at kkh cos i am a civil servent and gynae is adelina.

I have taken a lot of durian this few days, is it okay to take durian now?
Hi All,

Thks for the encouragement. I can't worry too much now since it's still too early to conduct any tests to determine on whether the baby is healthy...

Hi Wei Kuan,

Durians has to be taken in moderation, as it is very "pu" and very "heaty".
Hi Wendy,

Ya.. had been very busy with my wedding preparation... just had my photo shoot on friday.. a very tiring day, when I come into the forum, there are so many postings... didnt manage to read all just scan through.
Any way,your info had been updated below.

Hi Jenny, is it true that by eating durians will have big baby? cos have been having quite a lot of durian these few weeks.. there is the only food that wouldnt make me puke. hehe..

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>edksd</TD><TD>28-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vicky</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee Tung</TD><TD>4th</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>gemini</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babybenmen</TD><TD>2nd-4th</TD><TD>Dr Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Crystallised</TD><TD>1st week</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shirlin</TD><TD>1st-2nd week</TD><TD>Dr Heng</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine Thye</TD><TD>7th</TD><TD>Dr Koh</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Coral</TD><TD>9th</TD><TD>Dr Tony Tan</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lena</TD><TD>11th</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>wtan</TD><TD>12th</TD><TD>Dr Koh</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wei Kuan</TD><TD>12th</TD><TD>adelina</TD><TD>kkh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenny</TD><TD>16th</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggiemummy</TD><TD>12th</TD><TD>Dr Fong</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>thewife</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Delphine</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Dr A.Woodworth</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>luckyme</TD><TD>3-4th week</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maynn</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>misterygal</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chin Chin</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adelynn</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>May</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Dr L.Ang</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>sidasta</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryes</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Evonne</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Dr Heng</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi delphine,
Yes, durian is high in sugar also. It can cause bb to be on bigger side, then natural delivery will be hard. Most likely C-section.
Although durian has lots of nutrients for both mother and baby, I suggest mothers to eat at last trimester. That is the stage where you will know bb is on bigger or smaller side, then as a mother, you will control the intake. I love durian hahaha... By the way, durians have lots of "bu" for babies.
Hi there,

I am new here.Having same problem as doggiemummy.

I tested positive on 17 Feb 2006, but I was confused as I seems to have some menses like discharge. So I went to see Gynae that day and got my hCG level at 86 only. Given hormone pill. But the "bleeding" cont over the weekend, went back to her agin on Monday. This time hcg level increat to 186 with my blood test. but never confirm my pregnancy. Given 2 days MC.

However, I still light "bleeding"/Spotting 2 days later. I cannot tahan and decide to go to my another gynae for advice ( actually she is my gynae). Given an injection and 1 week mc.

Up to today, I still have spotting
althought it has reduce already.

So worry.....
i heard if the first of ours is like our mum or mil...most likely second one will foloow the same mum or mil....

my gal also super active....
dun worry...
got reduce means is improving...
rest when u can....
somemore ur hcg level is increasing also mar...
so at least something rite...

Hi hi delphine..
Thks for updating the chart..do u want to send a copy to me? So that I can help to modify it for u 7 update for u if u r busy? My email is [email protected] so hows ur photoshoot? I m sure it must be fun..do take gd care..do let us know if u need any help for ur wedding preps..cheers~

Hi hi Jenny/Gemini..
Thks for sharing abt the nutrients of Durian..hmm..actually I hate it..but if really for the sake of the baby, I might consider swallowing it quickly..haahaa..

Hi hi bettle bug
Welcome to the thread..maybe u shd rest more at bed &amp; not walk ard so much..hopefully u r feeling better now..take care..

I took kimchi soup, the dong fen n japanese mushroom (commonly found in steamboat) n bai cai is "deadly liang"

Coral and bettel bug,
I took the black chicken soup that pig2 mentioned, it helped the situation alot, so somethings no need to tell gynea one, cos my case is not pregnany not stable it's i itchumouth eat the wrong thing, mum say i am "weak" so eat a bit of "wrong things' kena liao.

I am still eating prawns, maybe later dates then stop cos at this period of time not producing the skin yet so I guess it's ok. When producing the skin then we need to look out for food that may cause skin alleagy
HI Bettlebug,
dun worry too much, rest well and see the gynae soon again, just to make sure.

HI Angeline,
i thought gender of the baby depends on the time we strike? if on ovulation day itself, likely to be boy. 1 or 2 days before should be girl?

im starting to feel nauseous, like something stuck on the chest, want to puke but cannot, so try to burp as much as possible.
Hi thewife,
me too. jz went to toile and puke out. i think maybe too much of work to do. monday blue lol. but i think i still will hav my lunch later. scare hungry.

Hi Wendy,
U went to c Dr. Koh? yeah... he definitely is a nice guy. i'm seeing him next thursday on my 10th weeks. me same as u having retroverted womb and still managed 2 c my baby thru abdomen scan. waa..ur baby oredi 12.3mm. mine jz 4.5mm when 7 weeks,
Hi doggiemom,

What is bai cai? i can't figure it out, good your situation is improving, isn't it prawn is cooling too that's why i avoid it, or is it just for the skin?

Hi Beetlebug,

Check this website for your beta hcg: http://www.betabase.info
Hi, Wendy if you're updatng please change my EDD to 14 Oct.

Luckyme, it's alright to have those discharge, I experience them too. According to the book, it's due to the shedding of the tissue around the womb's wall. I've also asked the nurse, they say it's common during preg. And it'll in fact increase as we progress.

Doggiemummy, I'm also drinking the chicken soup once week to bu my womb. Anyway, that has no herbs so I believe it's harmless.

I'm having very bad indigestion. Anyone expereince that too? KNow how to curb that? Please share.

Saw bb on Sat, gynae say 7wks only, too early to have proper observation, so going back 2wks later to look at bb again.
Bai cai is the long vegetable, white or pale yellow stem with crumpled leaves. You can see them at some yong tou fu stall

a simple rule of thumb any vegetables with white or pale green stems is cooling, i extreme case already, may be you gals no need to follow so strictly

babybenmen, actually I also dunno what he meant. I think because I very paranoid from bad expereince so wanted gynae to tell me does bb look alrite on scan, etc. So he said really too small now. he'll see me again in 2 wks time...

The wife, some preg book say that due to hormone change during this period of time, it's common for preg ladies to have mood swing and be very emotional. So you're normal.

I've been throwing up so much, gynae gave me MC until Wed, but so much work to do, still gotta be back at work. But I manage to eat my lunch. An achievement.
