(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


eheh .. u r so comical.

yup once u tear the sides, you cant reuse hor .. dont try to use masking tape ok !!

ya i think it's meant for toilet-trained toddlers and I usually use pull up outside. easier to change when I cant find a nursing room.

<font color="0000ff">JOOON!!!</font>
hahaha.. we think alike!! Guess what??? The 1st time I used pull-ups, T pooped, and and and... eeeeee!!! hahahaha!! Later then someone told me I was supposed to tear the sides....*roll eyes*

Aye, some Nepia pull-up designs hor, one side got pic, one side blank... I thot the picture side always refers to "front", that's why ended up putting on backwards loh... but T never complained leh! haha.. super blur mummy hor...

Same as <font color="119911">ilovebabies</font>, I use pull-ups when we go out. If hubby is with me to help, all we need to do is for him to carry T up, and I can remove her diaper and quickly slip on a fresh pull-up in one movement... Beats having to struggle to hold her down while fiddling with the tapes on the tape diaper.

Regarding T's photos... colours, saturation, brightness... it's photoshop magic. Good skill to learn! *wink!*

<font color="aa00aa">edksd</font>,
oh, thanks for info! didn't know got offer! Will check it out!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">HahHAhAHhahah!! <font color="0077aa">Joon & Puppylove</font></font></font> so funny!! me too! heehee.. I had Shawn trying to help coaxing and calming her so that she wouldn't be moving too much while I was at my best trying not to smear her poo all over! hahah! Thought I was being silly.. now I got company!

And remember I was talking about that blue sticker thing for Pampers?!??! ya after being enlightened by the wise mummies here then I knew what it was for.. but until today, I still don't really know how to go about tying the diaper up with that blue thing leh.. I know the purpose of it, but the usage duhhhh.. hee..
<font color="ff6000">brenda,</font>

A looks so cute in the pics! wah i really admire ur diligence to keep track of all her developments and taking pics of her @ various stages!

time really passes so fast yeah!

<font color="0077aa">j@@n,</font>
she woke up coz she was hungry...not really from nightmare. end up have to b-feed her till she's satiated.

other nights, we're lucky if she slept thru lah!i don't really think its a teething problem. she has 8 pearlies now, i don't see any new ones coming out...

hope DN will be cooperative and sleep thru tonight so his pretty mama won't have any more panda eyes!

<font color="119911">talking bout diapers...</font>
this is a funny diaper passing game we played with rae ann...she really likes to pass things around! but i think she got bored of it liao! poor girl has really boring parents!

about pullups hahahahahahhahahahah!!!!! u mommies so cute lah. heheheee.....regarding the poo all over thing, hubby is the one who told me can tear the sides lah hehehee...

joon, yah cannot reuse wor! And yah i was like u, isn;'t those pull ups for toilet training kids? but when Jovann starts to struggle when lying down, and when we go out, pulls ups are more convi. like that day at G2? rem i dissappear for a while and then walked out from the fitting room with J? I just decided his diaper is full and popped into a fitting room to change it into a pull ups while he is standing up. very fast!

brenda, abt the sticky tape thing, u know after u remove the diaper, its all in a big lump right? so some like to roll is up tight lah. for pull ups, u roll it from the crotch area up, so that when its finish rolling, the tape is just at the right position, pull out the tape and tape over the whole diaper so the roll is tight, u know wat i mean?

joon hahaha u so cute, u check everynight? okie okie i go blog now lah... :p

cheekz!!!! Rae ANN is SO CUTE!!! AIYOH!!!!! SO CUTE LAH! i love that video! she is so steady onher feet oredi? gosh..... and she is so cute, passin the diaper back and forth.....how i wish Jovann can do that soon!
<font color="aa00aa">Buttons!!</font>,
Wow!!!! Fantastic job you did for J's party!
Look at all your detailed planning! The decos, guestbook, scrapbook, etc etc look great! And the cake is sooo sweet! Jovann's own house. Was there a mini party going on inside??

U're so meticulous and thoughtful to your guests, esp. the little ones. Hee, they must hv been so excited when getting their personalised cupcakes! And J looked so happy, grinning from ear to ear! kekeke.. He must hv known that was HIS day.
Great job, peifu peifu! *thumbs up!!*

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Happy Birthday to Gabriel!!</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">May he continue to grow strong and healthy, and handsomer every day!!
Have not been posting much lately. Too tired to do anything now. Thought of sharing this with all of you here. I am preggie again. Not too sure abt the EDD date yet. Have not seen my gynae yet coz she is on leave. This preggie is really making me feel very sick. So different when I had Adele. I feel so lethargic and nausea all day.

<font color="0000ff">Dumpty</font>, nice to meet u and Gabriel too! although we did not 'officially meet'. hehehe!!! Hope to catch up with you some other time!

<font color="ff0000">Puppylove</font>, I have yet to see my photos leh. Coz I got one of my friend to help out as photographer. She is compiling all the photos into a CD for me. Will post when I receive them.
<font color="aa00aa">Gabby!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! May you grow more handsomer and cleverer and healthier!</font>

puppylove, thanks! you know, i did the blog until so late last night i forgot to put in this cute little pic my friend's daughter drew for Jovann that morning. she very sweet, when she knew theres a birthday party to attend, she ask her mum how to spell happy Birthday and Jovann's name, then drew something for him though she never met him before! i wanna put it up tonight hehee. and my photographer also din capture the table centrepieces leh...those with Jovann's pics..will put up tonight too. in summary, i was a zombie last night!

oh hehee....just wanted to make the little guests happy lah....the personalised cupcakes idea was something that suddenly occured to me, lucky the baker can accomodate all the super long names like Evangeline....etc hehehee.

the precious moments figurines? hehehehehhe!!! u so cute, type in small letters...heheheH!!! yes they are REAL! not edible! its my own lah. they are from my Precious Moments Sugar Town collection. actually the cake is supposed to modelled after a Sugar Town house. but the sugar town collection is xmas theme with snow and light colours. i din wan a xmas theme cake for a birthday cake! what if it looks like a LOG cake?? so i wanted pastel colours, so it kinda turns out not at all like sugar town house hehehee. well, u get the pic.. :p

<font color="ff0000">ALICIA!!!! CONGRATS!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! maybe this time is a boy thats why u feeling different??? u pls take care of urself kae? dun over tire urself!. I see you tonight! promise i wun stay long now that I know this...hehehe!</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Happy B'Day to Gabriel!</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">love rae ann and auntie cheekz</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cheekz n Buttons</font>, thanks!
With all the morning sickness, (in fact should be whole day sickness!)I am worried about my upcoming trip to Perth. Have been having terrible backaches and wanted to go for a massage yesterday. But no massage therapist is willing to do any massage for me at this point.
<font color="119911">Buttons</font>,
oh, such a sweet girl! Kids do the sweetest things sometimes. Will check ur blog again this wkend. Yup, wan to c ur centrepieces too!

<font color="ff6000">Alicia!!</font>
Wow! This is indeed good news!! U've so much energy everytime I see u, including just last Sat. No way I would hv guessed! Every pregnancy is diff... as Buttons says, maybe it's a boy?
Do take care and keep us updated on bb #2 k!
alicia, pls dun do any massages now!! don't don't dont.... just try to rest more in bed?

cheekz, thanks... all babies are lucky babies coz their mommies love them!!!!!
<font color="0000ff">Puppylove</font>, thanks! Actually I didn't find out till after Adele's birthday. I sort of suspected a little but put it off to stress with all the house moving and birthday celebration. It was only after everything was over that I decided to buy a pregnancy test kit to test. Sure! Will update you gals! Thanks so much for all the concern!

<font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>, hehehe!!! I was really tempted but I know that no one will do it for me right now. Just have to bear with it till the 2nd trimester. Thanks for the advice!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, hey <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">HUGE CONGRATs</font></font>!! Try to put your legs up and rest, soon the 1st tri will be over yah!


<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Gabby!</font></font> May your day be filled with lots of love, joy and fun!!
Happy birthday Gabriel!!!

Congrats Alicia!!! So you're the 4th Sept mommy to be pregnant again!! I'm so excited for you! I am 15 weeks along already but I have started feeling baby movements especially when i bend forward. Feel very excited. Morning sickness totally gone. I feel on top of the world again!

your stories on pull-ups cracks me up! hahahaha. i guess first time mommies always have something new to learn isn't it!

I have started Hannah on pull-ups eversince she couldn't keep still for tape diapers. Even with pull-up, she's struggling to break free and always scream but at least it's much easier to put on. I will never go back to tape diaper again. I've tried Huggies and Mamy Poko and I like both. They're affordable and performance are good.

Stopping breastfeeding,
I simply pump lesser. Oh but for my case was different. Hannah stopped before I want to. She's on full FM since 7 months. Her sleep schedule is just like Arianne's. She sleeps at 11pm, I tried to change that but i can't. So I let it be. Now she happy, i oso happy.
<font color="0000ff">abt pull-ups</font>

dun we need to wipe clean bb's private area before changing into new pc of pull-up? so we still nd to put them down on the changing table/mat and wrestle with them right?

<font color="0000ff">pampers</font>

anyone using pampers tape? i find tt they're somehow not as absorbent as before? after changing, v soon it forms a huge bulge (like a sponge of water). my hb says coz now kai grows up, more output. yeah i agree but...
i always change Hannah's pull-ups on the toilet sink and wash her up with water and baby soap. i no longer need wipes, not eversince she had bad rashes. once i'm done i'll wipe her dry and put on her pull-up on the changing table. that's when she wriggle and scream for freedom unless i give her something to distract her from getting up.

nope i avoid it b'cos too ex besides i am satisfied with other cheaper brands. they're on par with pampers now.
Trying to catch up with all the posts.

<font color="ff0000">Alicia congrats!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday to Gabriel!</font>

Those who have seen me recently must have noticed tt Im getting fatter and fatter. Hmm.. .tts because Dylan is gg to be a gor gor soon. Cheekz, by rite, u shd be the 1st one in the forum to know.. hahaha but my blur hubby forgot to announce during the cake-cutting tt day. We were like trying to keep mum till that day. But end up, our friends went back w/o knowing. After the event, we just broke the news to his family... waste my effort to make the party a small affair with close friends hahaha

This is so unexpected and Im not ready at all. Sigh.. felt so guilty towards Dylan as I was suffering from MS (whole day sickenss) and feeling very tired, esp at this period when Dylan is most active. Sigh. I was forced to stop breastfeeding or rather, I guess the taste was different so eventually Dylan rejected my bm so gynea was more than happy tt I have stopped.
waaahahaaa this must be the best week!!!!

congratulations emoments!!!!!! i am so happy for you!!!!! hannah also rejected my BM b'cos of pregnancy. don't worry about the guilt. i felt that too but it will go away soon. u will be just as excited when u're having Dylan!

i can't believe it, just last year we're discussing newborn issue this year so many suffering morning sickness again!!! kekekekee...

<font size="+2"><font color="0077aa">CONGRATS ALICIA & EMOMENTS!</font></font>
Oh my gosh! This is such exciting news! Wow wow wow! Must take care of yourselves okay? Take it easy and think happyhappyhappy thoughts! Hope both of you start feeling better soon, and hope the MS goes away soon. *fingers crossed*

<font color="aa00aa"><u>Pull-Ups</u></font>
LOL! *phew* So I'm not the only one who wondered about the smearing the poo all over. "I'm normal!!!" heh... And mommies, thanks for all the info on pull-ups. I have 2 samples from Drypantz. Maybe I'll give it a try when we next go out and see if it's easier! <font color="0000ff">THANKS!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Buttons,</font>
Great post! Hee hee... had a good time reading it and looking through all the wonderful pics. The cake is NICE! And of course, *delicious*.

oops... gtg... DN is fussing!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Congratulations Alicia & Emoments!!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">*smuacks smuacks* Thank you Auntie Melody, Auntie Emma, Auntie Orange, Auntie Puppylove, Auntie Buttons, Auntie Cheekz, Auntie Brenda, Auntie Melissa, Auntie Emoments! *smuacks smuacks* - Gabriel</font>
Gabriel is put into highchair during mealtime but it is just a matter of time he'll climb out. *headache*

Gabriel also refuses to drink EBM or FM from bottle. My poor mom had been battling with him ever since he was about 7 months old when he suddenly just dislike the bottle. No choice, have to spoon feed but I must say my mom is much better than me. And it helps that he loves bread so we'll put a piece of bread near his mouth to make him open it then pour the spoonful of milk in then quickly stuff the piece of bread in.

How huh? I really don't know how I can stop Gabriel from waking up so many times at night.

I'm still breastfeeding but had already reduced to one pump per day since I really want to stop. But I still get engorgement sometimes and I can still pump around 250ml even if I already don't empty my breasts... ... Seems like I'm going to take real long to stop as this had went one for weeks already...
<font color="119911">Dumpty,</font>
I wish I knew what to do! How often is lil' Gabe waking up at night? DN's night "pattern" usually looks like this...

830pm : milk & sleep
1230am : fuss, wake up, pacifier/pat-pat/carrying does not work... so latch on -_-
(on good nights) 530am : fuss, wake up... so latch on, then back to sleep and up at 7am
(on bad nights) 330am : fuss, wake up... so latch on, then back to sleep and up at 6am

Gee... no wonder I look like "xiang xiang" the giant panda.

Is Gabriel still on total BM? Have you tried giving him FM (and a huge bottle of it) at the last feed?

Well, I think you should know right? They're waking up coz of habit now. They're definitely not hungry and definitely don't need the night feeds anymore.
Thank you mummies for all the well wishes.

What wonderful news to come back and hear of 2 more preggies on our thread. Congratulations emoments & Mrs See.

I am totally 'battery flat' after spending the week at Disneyland. It is definately more 'xiong' than spending a week at work.

Trinity was too young to know the characters, and was even scared when Mickey Mouse brought out her birthday cake. But we did take a dip in the pool with Goofey and Snow White even remembered T's name when we met her again on another day. Overall, T was more interested in taking the rides than meeting characters.

I'll try to choose a few pictures to post next week. Need to charge up my battery now.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, hope u'd a good time in Disney! How was the hotel stay? 1 of my gf is considering going there to stay for a few nights too. May I know which hotel u put up? Good deal?

That's the thing I was telling u the last time when u suggested going to the Zoo. I said my Chloe went at the age 1.5 and she was scared off by the elephant, real bad! and she cried for many days, on and off.. so while A's still at this age, I'll keep her off large animals and human sized characters! heh..
<font color="0000ff">Hello Mummies!</font>

Haven't been posting in a while. Wow! All the birthdays and celebration looked so nice! The babies are so lucky to have such fabulous mums who spent so much time and effort preparing for it.

For me, we had a simple mini celebration with the in-laws last weekend and this weekend there's another one with my parents.

The last minute cake bought in a cake shop in Malacca looked so bad that Chloe wanted to murder it.Hee hee! Think I have to make it up to her with a better cake on her actual birthday.


<font color="ff0000">Congratulations, Emoments and Alicia!</font> Looking forward to see your 2nd babies on this forum! Take good care of yourselves!
Wow! I'm so impressed that you started to spoonfeed Gabriel from 7mths! Thats a really long time!

And BM is so much more precious than FM. Coz u can always throw away the FM once it gets cold or baby wants to sleep, etc! I would think its even more stressful to spoonfeed EBM than FM!

Wah, u got alot of BM leh! 250ml is alot! Thats almost 2 feeds for RA! Let me know if you need to see a lactation consultant. I have a contact and she was also PG's LC.

My SS dropped over a period of 3mths by itself, so really don't haf an answer for u since i stopped pumping so long ago!

Hope Gab and your family had a GREAT first b'day!

Congrats! I suspected something when u ordered the maternity wear from the failed on spree!

Really happy for you! Let me know if you need help!

Btw, I'm planning to move nearer to work in Dec. We're looking for tenants for our current place. But don't worry! I'll still be back for swimming!
Look on the bright side. At least DN has a pattern. For Gab is like this...
8pm : milk (spoon fed FM) + sleep
11pm (or whenever I lie down to sleep beside him) : fuss (pat), cry (carry), pull shirt (latch) -_-
2am, 4am, 6am (on real bad night) : cosy up to me to nurse
Otherwise maybe he'll just wake up once between 2am - 7am to cosy up

I think the problem may be because he co-sleeping with me but I don't have a spare bed for him since both of us bunking at my parents' place on weekdays.

Sigh... I had wanted to train him to drink from cup or straw but sad to say, till today he is still not able to use to straw -_- Yes very stressful to spoon feed BM! I always end up scolding him when I have to throw away

So far, I'm lucky as my block ducts always managed to be cleared after massaging. But I WANT TO STOP! Dunno how to... Menses not back at all yet.

I did not throw a big bang celebration for Gabe. Just had dinner with both my ILs and family at restaurant last week. But he was damn happy when he saw the cake and candle. Hehe...
U shaved J? He looks like he wanna eat the cake! did u give to him?

<font color="0000ff">CONGRATS to emoments & Alicia</font> wat a good piece of news~! I missed pregnancy but no i am not ready to conceive yet. :p hope the morning sickness will dissappear soon! Enjoy the pregnancy!

<font color="119911">Joon, buttons, dumpty, puppylove</font>
I am oso nearing my target to BF for 1 yr alrdy. i duno why my supply dipped v badly since 3 wks ago. menses din come...(the 1st one came back when R was 10 mths) and i expected it to come coz supply dipped... and only tdy my 2nd menses arrived 2 mths aft the last one. Weird. I was v sad coz i used to b able to pump up to 360ml, then these few wks, i usually yield abt 150ml each time. it was really bad.
thks goodness when my mum gave him 1 feed of FM per day since tues, he took it w/o complaint. was really surprised coz he is such a fussy eater!
anyway i am oso thinking how to stop bfg gradually BUT i will sooooo miss the feeling!
am cooking up excuses how to delay weaning off bfg totally! Hahahahaha... my hb is v eager to start R on FM though.

joon & dumpty
yeah, i noe R wakes up for nite feeds juz out of habit lah. i am hoping tt when he is totally on FM later, he can finally sleep thru. really keeping fingers crossed~!

JOON! u so funnie! Chinese panda?! u had me laffing non-stop!!!
yeap. he went to the barber last month. will bring him to have his haircut when it gets long. he looks cuter this way

yes, let him have eat some cakes just now. he can only eat the lemon drop flavour, not the lychee martini. Heehee.
Hi mummies
Thanks for the well wishes. Actually I'm gg into my week 19 2mlr... and MS by rite should have gone.. but it still came back on & off every few days.... just vomitted a lot last week at work till tummy very pain...

This pregnancy is totally different from when I was carrying Dylan. I lost weight during my 1st trims and started putting back on at 2nd trims... have more pimples outbreak and super tired this time... suffer from bad gastrics every alternate days which never happen b4.... however.... to our biggest disappointment.... gg to be a boy again.... aiyo... <font size="-2">was thinking of 'getting rid' of it naturally during my 1st 4mths</font>.... cannot say so loud cos he can start to listen liow.... hahaha... but now, baby movements is getting stronger and stronger, so can't keep thinking of that. Have convinced myself to accept him once again (as wat I did to Dylan). Of course my mum and hubby have been comforting me and not allowing me to do so.... gynea was shocked too when I told her that... My mum also scolded me for crying so badly for both pregnancy due to the gender... :p

<font color="0000ff">Hi cheekz</font>
Hahaha.... I know u suspected and I never answer u yes or no.... heehee... in fact, during our MyGym trial, I was already preggie... but tt time, I wasn't prepared and was thinking how to 'get rid' of it.... tt's y hubby's side dunno till last week :p

I thought yr current place is already very near to yr workplace? Still not near enough? So have u found a place?

it must have been rough for you the past months. i guess its not easy managing a toddler and coping with pregnancy, esp the first trimester!

you're really good with dylan, you know! i really admire how well you can handle him, even bringing him out alone that time we went to gogobambini! till now, i still don't dare to go out with RA alone! go NTUC next door can lah...

you're stronger than you think, babe! u will get through this! i guess the panic button went off because you were caught unprepared! it happens to the best of us!

and from what i see, i think your family should be thrilled to hear news of the second one! i could see how well-loved dylan is @ the party! he is indeed a charming lil boy!

for now, i shall wait patiently for the arrival of your no. 2! it'll be so fun to have another baby friend for RA...another handsome boy somemore! Yeah!

pls take care, yah! shout for me if you need help, i'll clamber over as fast as i can! hehe...
anytime for you babe!

oh...but yah, only till Jan 08 lah...we'll move out by then : )but u can still see me lah...just call me i'll drop by or catch up with you and dylan wherever possible...

will tell u more when i see you! meanwhile, pls eat well, sleep well and think of CUTE BABIES!
Cheekz, I asked the PD on Sat as promised and he said how much a one year old drinks varies a lot for each child. As long as he/ she is hungry and can drink a lot, just let him/ her drink and if he/ she stops, just let him/ her be. They are very smart, they know how much they want to drink one.

So, not sure whether you are satisfied with my PD's answer, but since I see from the photos your gal seems healthy and happy, should be fine. So you don't have to worry at all.
Hi mummies,

Goood Morning to all. And Happy birthday to all the babies who i have missed
And a BIG CONGRATS to all the new preggie mummies!!! Do take care ya..I think is tough taking care of a 1 yr old bb and having MS.. Stay healthy and gets more help!!

Emoments, wow.. you can still carry Dylan and do all the stunts while you are preggie !!! I didnt noticed that you are preggie leh!! should have told us since i was busy taking photos and could have help you with Dylan.. hehehe

Cheekz, yalor.. You are already staying so near your work place and you are moving even closer!! you can walk to work already !! should have told me before i sold my place.. hahaaa

I think i have a different set of problem from you gals which i shared with BM.. cayden LOVES to eat and if you feed him every hour, he will still eat and doesnt show any sign of stopping!! scary right... no wonder he is so fatty!!! So, i have to control his diet to 3 milk feeds (total of 600ml) and 3 solids + fruit/yougurt per day!!

Got to go.. will come in again later. Take care ya
smiley, ur PD's reply is abt the same as my PD's.

kai is not drinking ebm anymore. the only milk intake he has is the ebm w cereal. which is abt 80ml per day only.

sometimes when he slept longer or whatever, no time to feed cereal, so tt means no milk intake for tt day!

luckily i still nurse him to sleep, i guess tts the only time he gets some fresh bm but it's quite minimum la.

tts why i dun mind he's not sleeping thru the night yet while most of u hoping ur bb will sleep thru the night. aiyo...
btw, ive cut down my pumping to once every 2 days. my output is abt 80-100ml. i target 80ml, once reached i'll stop the pump.

im afraid if i stop pumping totally, i wont hv the supply to latch kai on at bedtime (his only time taking milk!!)

alamak. so headache.
Hi Emoments,
CONGRATS!!!! This is such a piece of good news!
Do take care of yourself and share with us your preggy experience once again!! For u know, there might be more mummies who are motivated to have 2nd kid! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
<font color="ff6000">Orange</font>
Yep.. tt time I'm already 8 weeks but I haven't been to gynea checkup yet... still praying hard tt it's not true... but I felt very tired, esp I had the other trial at Kindermusik b4 MyGym trial. However, my hubby injured his leg, thus he can only chauffeur us around.

That time my MS was like one day fine, the other day vomit... so tt day luckily happen to be ok... :p
i can't believe you're keeping this secret for so long! now that you're 19 weeks, do you feel a lot better? i am going to be 16 weeks but i can already feel little movement since 2 weeks ago. can't believe i can feel it that early. and i thought i would be showing early to but guess not. i still don't look pregnant and even when i was trying on new clothes, the salesgirl was surprised that i am even pregnant. until i put on a tight attire and she saw the pooch. anyway this time around i was like at least 8kg lighter than my first pregnancy.

any mommies actively trying for 2nd one already?

12-month milestone,
i was wondering how tall your babies are? my Hannah turns out to be a small girl. when i went to polyclinic for her chicken pox jab, the nurse expects her to be weighing at least 9.5kg but she was shocked to know that Hannah is only 8.5kg. then i asked her to measure her height, she's only 70cm leh. so when we both looked at the chart, we got another twist, Hannah is actually slightly overweight. lol. anyway since she turned once, she completely transformed. she's forever crawling around, standing up to dance and switching tv channels and twiddling with the hi-fi buttons, ransacking the cabinets, turning over her kiddy rides. the list goes on.. what are your babies doing at home most of the time?

i thought over 12 months, they're not so dependent on milk anymore? they get most of their nutrients from solid food. is Kai eating well?

wow you have a big eater there! even i can't eat that much! hahaha. how big and heavy is cayden now?

<font color="0000ff">Melissa</font>
Yep... my initial 2 mths, I was taking some chinese medicine who said I cannot get preggie for the next 6mths... but I was already preggie b4 I started on the treatment... so initially when I had those MS, I thot it's due to the chinese medication... thus, I was still praying hard at 8 weeks tt it's fake one thou I have tested positive at week 7.

I find it so hard to accept and by end of 1st trims, Dylan rejected my BM which is just nice to stop lor.

Even my gynea asked me how come I see him so late this time? And he's not delivering anymore, so when I found a new gynea, I can sign up package immediately... so relax har... not like 1st pregnancy, dunno pay how many visits to gynea liow.

I still dun look preggie (actually during my 1st one I also dun look like one). I'm the type who will get fat all over, so hardly pp can tell. Was hoping it will be different this time.... *praying hard* I still remembered on the day I gave birth to Dylan (I was induced), the nurse was surprised and said I look like only 5mths cos my tummy is small... but very fat all over.
