(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Ling !

i think I saw you and sophie yest when you went out for dinner. I was at Alicia's place

<font color="0000ff">dear mommies, thanks so much for the birthday wishes for Jovann!!! Jovann says : Mommy Daddy brought me to Botanic gardens yesterday morning for breakfast. I amazed them when I behaved so well! I actually did what Mommy has been envious of Arianne for doing.... I watched the birds and talked to myself! they could enjoy their breakfast in peace... and when a pretty lady sat down at the next table, I kept talking and smiling to her. and pointed out the birds and lights to her too and made her laugh. she wished me happy birthday and shoke my hands! I fed myself toasted bread there on top of my full breakfast at home, and had some croissants and fresh fruits from the cafe too. hehehe! then I went to collect my Peach Upside Down cake from conscious choice. its too sweet for daddy mommy's liking leh...</font>

cheekz, e-ling is right. if Rae Ann is happy and healthy and strong, don't be too worried. What Ling said about Sophie's weight also shows that sometimes size and weight is predisposed or genetics. last time i also eat like mad but i dun grow fat coz i have high metabolic weight, perhaps Rae Ann also same. i know as parents we always want our kids to look chubby, but if they are still extremely chubby now, then i will get worried about obesity in future. parents very hard to please hor? :p

as for naps, though J does nap 1-2hrs twice a day, but there are times he takes power naps of only 30mins or even 15mins, then wake up and play and can last till bedtime! as long as you oredi try to make sure her sleeping env is condusive, no over stimulation before naps, bedtime etc, and she still naps so little, perhaps its just her biological system is pre-tuned. is she alert and happy and active when awake? to me, she is! if so, then dun feel so stressed....

my milk supply also dropped very drastically. while i can pump 260ml per pump in office last time, now i can barely manage 120ml if lucky, else will be 100ml. i think our bodies know that our babies are growing up and preparing us for weaning....you think so? i know stress also affects milk supply. when my supply all time low, i drink nursing tea...
YOU MEAN YOU GO TO ALICIA? Wah lau i just stay next door. How you know ah? eee... so scary... hahaha ooo pls pop by next time you come by????
haah yes .. i've been with her for many yrs ...

ya I confirmed with her cos I asked if the bb gal next door is Sophie ! eheh

She told me Sophie is very cute and smiley

aiyah envy you .. can go facial next door then go home and sleep !!

oh i walked past u and ur hubby yest. Then I thought hey how come u two look so familiar. then u all went into the lift liao ... eheh

so you dont recognise me ah ...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, nice! yesterday's weather was also good. Nowadays since A started to walk a bit (still unsteady la), she's not satisfied sitting in the high chair watching birds anymore hor.. she wants to come down and walk all the time! humph..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font>, thanks for sharing the link! I'm going to steal it and post in my blog yah
will credit u accordingly la.. heehee.. no infringement of copyrights I supposed??! hiak!

ohh yah!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Happy 1st Birthday to Angie's <font size="+2"><font color="0077aa">Trinity & Rae Ann</font></font>!</font></font> may you girls be prettier and prettier (than your mummies huh! heehee) and pinker in health! Enjoy your day!
9.5kg is a good weight! i think a good way to see if a baby is thriving is whether she is healthy, good weight and of course happy! dun worry if she does not conform to the norm. trust me, she will outgrow this phase one day. yes of course it can be challenging n frustrating to deal with a stubborn baby but that aside, just keep reminding urself of her cuteness!! i think i ever told u one of my boy used to be a fussy baby right? well.. he has not totally outgrown it now but is certainly much better. think that happened when he turned 18 mths. fyi, my jo who eats like there is no tomo, sleep like she has insomnia for days is only 9.7kg at 1 yr old. so considering that rae ann is fussy like what u described and doesnt take much naps, her weight is v good i wud say! seriously speaking, most babies wud have lost their chubbiness by the time they r 1, unless they r seriously obese since baby! and if its any consolation to u, all my guests at jo's party had only a similar comment, that she has lost weight!

eh u not talking abt me r u? one of the moms with HUGE disapproval for A's sleeping time. haha...
brenda, wow A can walk oredi?!! congrats! hehee u must be so happy coz you looking fwd to this milestone right??

Jovann, though he can't walk, always prefer being on the floor and "walkng" or crawling, dun like to be in highchair. u rem the last time we were at botanic?? but yesterday was different! so farnie loH!! hehee. some photos taken yesterday (his actual birthday) to share.

Jovann and his presents frm the party!

Jovann at Botanic gardens checking out the lady next to us..

Jovann and his 2nd cake from theconsciouschoice. too sweet for us... its call peach upsidedown cake. :p dun look upside down i any way leh...

Jovann and Der Nen at Vivo! we guessed DN wasn't happy coz he must be a liverpool fan! hehehee...
Hi Mummies,

thanks for your replies. i'm really heartened by the kind words of encouragement given by the mummies here. i really thank you for taking the effort to reply to me!

but pls don't get me wrong. no where in my posts did i grieve about rae ann's weight! i've given up on her weight gain liao! if i were to follow what i read in some books, Rae Ann would only triple her weight when she hits 11.475kg! and i read most babies triple their weight by 1 yr old!

she's far from 11kg! my guess is that she will probably only be that weight when she hits 24mths. so, to me, weight gain will no longer be a good indication that she's eating healthily.

my gripe is that she doesn't LIKE eating...and I'm not FEEDING her to fatten her up. i'm just concerned about her daily nourishment, etc...Some babies can make up for whatever that is lacking through their milk (thats what my PD tells me), but Rae Ann is not drinking that much milk.

And i really, really, really want to stop b-feeding! so i'm a little concerned about the long term effect lah...just a little...not really losing sleep or appetite over it...

Another gripe i did mention is about other people commenting that she is skinny lah or that she lost weight...it made me even more frustrated not becoz i WANT a FATTY baby....but its becoz i think its just damn rude for people to make such comments, etc...to me, its like saying that i've been starving her or i neglected her...To them, feeding baby is a walk in the park, for me its like WORLD WAR 3!!!!

Just griping here, hope the mummies here don't mind...

PD has also told me that Rae Ann needs to continue to take FM, even magnolia fresh milk is not good enough. But when I asked him how much FM, he also never really give a reply. If Rae Ann loves bottles or FM via cup, i will rejoice lah... but she hates bottles and FM...

Anyways, i will take the advice given here and be positive. thanks so much for the replies on this topic : )
Oh yes,and about rae ann's sleep habits...

She sleeps about 11pm on most nights too! hardly wants to take naps. Only problem with this is that my poor MIL has to chase after her the whole day lah...

but as some say, she's healthy and happy, so don't worry, right? Perhaps, this "pattern" will change too. Or maybe I tahan until she hits 24mths (hopefully she's toilet trained by then) and then put her in child care to give my MIL some reprieve...

thats what i can think about now lah...other than that, we just give my MIL lotsa treats!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Thanks to all the birthday wishes for Rae Ann!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday to dear Trinity! Stay so cute and pretty always!!</font>

<font color="119911">buttons</font>
nice pics of Jovann! I like that poster u have of him! Where did u get it?
<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>

i guess u did not opt for sugar free option for ur peach upside down? for my zucchini cake, it's almost everything-free except zucchini of course hahaha...
grow PRETTIER and CUTER and SWEETER every year!!

helo cheekz, well said. some ppl do think they know best lah, and like to comment on this and imply as if we starving our babies?? just turn a deaf ear, dun be too affected....

thanks! hehehee, the poster??? I did that myself lah.... for the party...
its displayed in the recep area...here it is...

edksd, yep i didn't, coz i tot some cakes oredi come with sugar free. so if its not sugar free, means cannot make it sugar free? ooops...
<font color="0000ff">Angeline,</font>
hee! Trinity is so cute! I especially love the video where she's talking on the phone. She must have been talking to DN on the phone because whenever he holds the phone, he keeps quiet. Probably listening to the other person on the other end!
(i.e. Trinity!) Come for the X'mas Party leh!

<font color="ff0000">Ling,</font>
LOL, u so funny! Ya, I think I do hear a hint of a Cantonese accent, hee hee...

<font color="aa00aa">Melissa,</font>
I like your coupe! Can you share where you got it? My hb and I are thinking of getting one for DN.

<font color="119911">Dumpty,</font>
Nice to see you again at Trinity's bday party.
And that video of Gabriel sweeping the floor is hilarious!
DN has also taken to wiping the floor with whatever cloth/tissue he can find around the house. Yesterday I caught him helping himself to the wet wipes and wiping the floor! *faint*

<font color="0000ff">Smiley, Alicia,</font>
Nice to meet both of you too! Finally, I get to meet you, Smiley.
Pity we had to leave, so didn't really have time to chat with you.
Never mind, next time! Are you going for the X'mas Party? I think all of us moms will have more time to chat then, coz our little ones will probably be running around MyGym so we can <font size="+2">yakyakyak!!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Peachie,</font>
Ah! We finally meet after so long! Heh heh heh... Btw, did Clarence go to Vivocity yesterday by any chance? I was having lunch at Food Republic and I saw this baby that reallyreallyreally looked like Clarence, but it wasn't you that was carrying him, so I didn't dare shout, "PEAAACCCHIIIEEE!"

<font color="aa00aa">Buttons,</font>
LOL! That photo of the 2 of them is so funny! My pics all turned out terribly. Both babies, erm TODDLERS, weren't looking at the cam. Grrr... Hey, must thank you and Sam for all your help yesterday. If I hadn't bumped into both of you, I think I would have pulled all my hair out, trying to handle DN, shop, and try on clothes all at the same time. What was I thinking?????

<font color="119911">Cheekz,</font>
Alamak, my milk supply has also dropped terribly.
I think Buttons is right. It could be our bodies' way of saying, "Wah, one year already you know! Give us a break!" LOL.
joon, hahahaha as usual you made me laugh when you say Trinity must be talking to DN coz he goes all quiet at the phone! heheheeee....

hey talking about wiping floor, Jovann just started wiping the floor with this new PULL UP pants recently hahahahaaaa...! does that count? eerrrr....

anyone facing problems with posting or uploading pics? sorry cheekz, some problems with server, prob at my end, end up always cannot upload....GRRRRRRRrrrrrrr....will do so at home yar?

joon, no problem lah! i tot you were handling it all admirably without us leh! u know, i really look up to you, bringing him out alone and hitting SO MANY SHOPS! so nice that DN can stand and walk oredi so fitting rooms are no prob for you! its nice that we met yesterday then Jovann got someone to play with on his actual birthday! heheheee.....
haha that's really so coincidental. No wonder your complexion so nice ah...

Ya it's great having a beautician living next door
I really go do a facial and come home to sleep. But like 2 times a year. Hahaha... Oh... did you know she made confinement food for me when i was in confinement? So sweet right? Ok next time you come, must knock at my house door k?

oh... i must have been so tired! I didn't even noticed that i walked past you... my hub says he rem someone walking past. Sorry lah.. hee...

ah... don't credit me lah, it's from Babycenter. Better credit them, wait they sue you for copyright infringement!

the poster is amazing! Well done man

Jovann looks like such a big boy in the high chair at BGardens.

you are amazing! you actually brought DN out shopping alone?!? The last time i did that with sophie was when she was like donno few mths old and she slept while i shopped.
ling, yah! she brought DN out alone! and she managed to try like 10pcs of clothes and targets more shops. she was there since lunch time, and was still fresh and energetic when we reached there at 4pm...hahahaaaaa....maybe i shld try that when Jovann can walk! will be so fun...hahahaaa...
Ling and cheekz, aiyoh, *grumbling* just now the server really irritating... well, finally am able to attach the poster file...hehehe.. here you go..

<font color="0077aa">Buttons & Ling,</font>
Aiyoh, I'm not as "zai" as both of you think. I am quite alibaba! Yes, I brought him out alone, but I met 8 of my colleagues there for lunch. (i.e. I made everyone rotate and carry him around the food court as I ate and yakyakyak with the rest! I was quite happy to farm him out, LOL.)
I think DN watched the uncle make yew char kuay until he blur already. (DN, not the YCK uncle) Also, I was alone for only about 30-45 mins when Mr & Mrs Buttons (i.e. HELP) arrived. Then PF (i.e. MORE HELP) arrived after his work. So there! Now you can see that I'm quite alibaba! er... and I only managed to go to 2 shops. Trust me, if I was alone, I would have conquered Vivo from top to bottom!

... hmm... think i'll change my nick.
<u><font size="+2">Feeding A 1-Year Old</font></u>
came across this when reading my Annabel Karmel book of recipes last night... thought I'd share...

After the age of 1, your child will be expending much more energy and nearly all toddlers at some stage will lose interest in food and would much rather play with their toys and run around. This can be a very difficult time and it is important not to make a big fuss if your child refuses to eat. He will eat when he is hungry and, the more you fuss, the more he will refuse his food. Be patient with him - he will grow out of this phase.

If your toddler really enjoys his food and eats well at mealtimes, then you really are a lucky mother. I know so many mothers who worry constantly that their child is not eating enough. Most of these worries are unnescessary and toddlers can thrive very well on remakably little food.

Toddlers are very unpredictable: some days they will be ravenous, and other days they will eat practically nothing. If you judge a child's food intake over a whole week, you won't worry as much if one day he refuses to eat anything.


Sometimes feeding DN can vomit blood one. It's really a good test of my patience. -_- (I FAIL!) I know I'm losing the plot and should stop feeding him when he's crying and I think, "OH! His mouth is open! I can stuff the spoon in!" Then I know I'm going mad and it's time to STOP feeding!

Actually, my biggest problem is <font color="0000ff">WATER</font>. He doesn't like to drink water! Sometimes, can go the whole day on just 50ml of water. (besides BM) *faint* At least he's drinking BM, so I know the foremilk can be quite watery... phew.
hey aliB@b@,

thanks for the tips! real nice of u to do that.

btw, on days that DN doesn't really eat, does he wake up in the middle of the night screaming from hunger?

if he does, what do u do?

now with ur SS lower, do u supplement with FM or no need?
<font color="ff6000">cheekz,</font>
er... whether DN eats or not, he still wakes up in the middle of the night to feed. -_- So for him, it's no difference! Whether or not he screams, well, that depends on how fast old lazy bones here can get out of bed. If I get to him fast, he won't reach the screaming stage.

I haven't switched to FM becoz so far, DN refuses all the FM that we've tried on him. (Frisosoy, Isomil, NAN HA) I'm now running on empty, and my milk bank is slowly being depleted coz I'm not pumping enough for his daily milk intake at my ILs. But when my milk bank dries up, he'll have to take FM, whether he likes it or not. He'll drink if he's hungry, or starve!!!!!
alibaba babe,

wow, u mean DN wakes up every night! how have u been surviving @ work????

as it is, i'm barely making it everyday, rushing to work in the mornings, getting thru the day @ work with a bunch of criminals and then rushing home to watch the, " I don't WANT to EAT show", starring Wee Rae Ann.

....and then its the " I don't want to Sleep show"

Like what BM said, i hope her fussy stage will end like a phase. Wish i get more time to experiment with all kinds of food or eating techniques, but at the end of the work day, i'm really flat physically and mentally...what more with, b-feeding, etc...

meanwhile, thanks for your replies! hope u had a good night last night (we didn't, rae ann woke up twice screaming!)
Aiyah.... Missed your and jrt on Sat din I? Gabe loves to take the "Flowers" we have in the house and bring it all around with him.

So I think we met too on Sat. But I was shy and din intro myself :p Hi hi to you and Adele!

Rae Ann had grown too! And 9.5kg is really a good weight that you should not fret about. Anyway Gabe had never had super chubby cheeks before and my MIL had always blamed it on my BM. But well I ignored her and still survived ONE YEAR!

Baby Eating,
Gabriel is generally not a fussy eater, but he'll be hesitant to try out new things which look unfamiliar to him. So when introducing new food, I'll have to go slow. But still, feeding him is no easy job ever since he became mobile. He'll climb and walk and crawl. But I'll always tell him to sit down if he wants to be fed lor. Sometimes he'll obey. Other times not and when that happens, I'll take it that he is not that hungry and try again later.

As for sleeping, Gabriel falls into same school as DN - still waking up several times every night. I'm still waiting for the day when he outgrows this stage... ...

probably u should start nagging to DN again.

U know sometimes Rachel wakes up at nite and fuss abt her pacifier. So i have to give her the pacifier and she'll fall back to sleep. Recently, I "nag" at her before she sleep, tell her that she should sleep thru the nite and wake up at 7am.

heeh it works u know (abt 95% success rate) !

no harm trying lah ...

you are not the only one still waking up at middle of the night to feed.
my boy still wakes up 1 time to have his feed, whether its BM or FM.
its the same for my elder boy too. he only stopped night feeding when he's 2plus.
alibaba and cheekz, u guys are so cute, the way you put it. cheekz, for the i-don-wanna-eat show, is it you feeding or your caregiver? perhaps let ur caregiver feed dinner also so that u can rest after a hard day at work? sometimes when i am super tired i also let my mum feed although i know Jovann dun listen to her as well as me. only if i dun feel that tired then i feed him myself. u need a break....

i can imagine how tiring weekends ah.....so u also cook porridge for her on weekends? if there's any day u dun feel that tired...and up to trying something new, can try potatoes instead of poridge? or some other ingredients besides whats usually used in her porridge. maybe maybe maybe (cross fingers), she may be surprised enough to wanna try hehee. but only if u are not too tired yar? i know how a disturbed nights sleep can do to us...

dumpty! Gabriel is one of the fastest developing babies i know! i rem he is one of the first to sprout teeth, and always have more teeth than the rest, the first to crawl, like Der Nen, the first to know how to climb down from bed, the first to walk! right? so can heck care what ur MIL says....hehehe.
Dear all, <font color="ff0000">anyone using NEPIA PULL UP PANTS?</font> Any good? I'm kinda in a dilemma.. Been using Pampers pull ups but it tightens when it's semi-full. Tried Mamy Poko too but also don't like the way it 'hugs' the thighs, will be red after a while.. Both I use XL.. Any other brands good to try?
ilb, i think rachel is really v gd girl. im sure most of us feed our bb when they're on high chair but still bb just loves to crawl out of it :p at least mine does!

in fact whenever im putting kai into the high chair he'll protest by opening his legs wide and straight so tt the legs wont be able to slot into the seat (u get what i mean?), ive distract him before putting him down. same thing over at my mom's plc.
<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>,
Your Trinity is so cute!! I love her cute little voice, and she's so busy busy busy!! So you're confirmed coming back to S'pore in Dec? What dates? I look forward to seeing both you & T again. She has grown so much since the last time i saw her! Do post more pics/clips of her.

<font color="0000ff">Dumpty</font>,
Looks like u've a little helper around the house! Hv u tried switching your flower to a mop?? hee... Sorry, I'm very bad hor??

<font color="ff6000">Smiley</font>,
The 2 pics I posted were taken by Desmond's photographer-friend. His shots were not bad, but quite limited... our fault lah.. cos we never briefed him properly that day.
Sure, if there's opportunity, we'll definitely take lots of photos of our babies!
Oh, which reminds me, I've some nice photos to email some of u'all.. Will do so soon k!

<font color="0077aa">Buttons</font>,
Can see both u & Sam have really made Jovann's bday very special.
Nice scrapbook designs! And the poster is huge!! What size is it? I printed T's poster in A1 size.

<font color="aa00aa">Buttons, Alicia</font>,
Photos? Photos? Photos?

<font color="119911">aliBaBa</font>,
Read your latest blog entries. U are hilarious!! You should go write DRAMA scripts!! kekeke....

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>,
T uses Nepia Pull-ups. Initially thought it didn't fit well... until I realised I've put it on backwards!! hahaha!! It's not bad lah, but tends to leak if I leave it on too long. If u want to try, I can mail u a couple. T wears L size.. think shld fit Arianne too.
Hv u tried Huggies?

How to stop BFg
For those who hv stopped breastfeeding... I've a question... I'm stopping soon - hv reached my 1-year goal.. cannot "dong" anymore. Supply also very low. As some of you hv mentioned, think our bodies are also telling us we're ready to stop. Also due to stress lah, in my case. When/How do you stop pumping? Cos I've reduced my pumping to only once, sometimes twice a day. Do I gradually delay pumping to maybe once in two days??? So how do I tell when I can stop pumping entirely? When I pump and no milk comes out?? Cos I also dun want to develop lumps without knowing it. Can some of you share your advice/experience? Oops, think i've asked more than 1 qn!! haha... Thanks!

never lah...i never fretted about rae ann's weight. did i complain about her weight? 9.5kg is a good weight but pple still say she skinny/lost weight. funny hor?

she's still a good weight but i plan to stop b-feeding and she's still not taking FM well or eating her solids well. that's all i'm fretting about lah...

i love my daughter very much,mah.. just concerned about how things will be once i quit b-feeding. thinking aloud here, hoping to get ideas about how to "con" her to drink her FM or eat "like mad". she's still a growing baby so she needs her milk, etc...

don't worry if you can't help me out with this...i just need to ventilate and i'm glad i got some kind understanding replies from experienced mothers...some of whom are also facing the same problems...and my problem is definitely not rae ann's weight (at this point)...

i'm glad to hear that there are so many food-loving babies! Bravo to their mothers who put in so much effort to help their babies enjoy their food so much!

rae ann is healthy and happy. i shall try not to worry so much...i mean, who likes to worry?

she might even drink only 50ml of milk a day next time but i'll cross that bridge when i get there...afterall, she's my responsibility...

i really have no one to help me feed baby lah...helper is useless...

err you are half right ! heeh

ok at home I uses ikea high chair so it practically leaves Rachel no space to wiggle out of it !

but at my mum plc, the high chair is bigger and the safety belt is not working, so she tends to stand up too !!


I rem I stop pumping totally. Sometimes when I squeeze my b .. i still have droplets of milk. Anyway when I stop, I know I dont have engorgement and suppy is damn low already.
brenda, why u never ask me about nepia?? J is using Nepia pull ups sometimes lah.... i can pass you some this weekend want?

puppylove, thanks i printed 1.2m by 1.2m. now its on my living room wall lah hehehee. your poster is very nice I saw it mah!!!! hehee
photos ah? aiyoh.....i dunno why when i try to downsize these party pics so i can upload in the forum, the res sucks lah....so i am blogging them tonight. will let u knwo yar? last night wanted to blog but Jovann puke out his milk and dinner, think his tummy not well, or maybe feeling bloated from dinner.....

edksd, i know exactly what u mean. J straightens his legs wide wide if he dun wana go into highchair too. my parents will throw up their hands and say they are helpless once he does that. but for hubby and I, we will kinda force him in by coaxinng and distracting. sounds cruel hor? but its not lah, coz after he is inside, if we distract him he is fine for some time. he knows he can't fight us but can fight my parents. so he is super notti with my parents. babies know who they can bully u know? my mum sometimes have trouble putting him down on changing table too. for me, i try to make it fun, by looking at him and smiling and counting 1, 2, 3 and lay him down at the count of 3. so he tinks its a game. or i give him something to hold in his hand (something that only the changing table has) when i lower him, he will forget to struggle.

as for highchair, no matter how hard my parents say it is, they are the ones who told me never to feed him when he running loose. coz they say last time when babies move around during meal times, next time when they grow bigger and can run, we will have headache....
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">PuppyLove</font></font>, thanks for your offer! I just ordered a couple packets from fairprice online..
hopefully it'll be good cos I need to lug a few packets for our coming trip..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Cheekz</font></font>, hey u 'hit' a right chord.. I think most of us were banking on the weight of Rae Ann is to reassure you that she's in good state la.. somehow weight determines a baby's health state by many many mummies and aunties, which is of course, not exactly true on some babies! (<font color="ff0000">Eling's Amabel</font> is 1 good example. She has always been tough and strong! When many of our babies like Arianne were still trying to stand, Bel already could do that long time ago!)

Just to share with you and mummies here on what I went through about this weight issue..

From Birth to 5mos > I was BFDG till A was about 5 months and her weight gain was amazing! at that time, my PD even joked that I've to 'watch' her diet.

At 6 months > As I've stopped BFDG a month ago and switched to formula, her weight gain slowed significantly and her weight was stagnant at 8.8kg for the longest time. I think some of the mums here might know and <font color="ff0000">Dumpty</font>, u can quote my example to your 'nagging' MIL la.. heehee..

At 10 months > A finally hit 9kg that's 200grams since 6 months old.

Remember how chubby LOOKING my A was before? Here's lil montage for comparison..


And how many mummies (including some here) have been telling me A has lost weight, I just shrug my shoulders la cos I know what's going on with my girl and she didn't lose any weight as a matter of factly on the weighing scale! and yes, unfortunately weight has always been a weighty issue! I think the only time we don't want weight is post preggy.. heh
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, ooooh.. u using meh?! aiya I ordered already, too late la but thanks for the offer too!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Puppylove</font></font>, eh funny.. I got mixed reviews about Huggies le.. I remember I didn't have a good impression of it when I used it on Chloe last time. Is it good?

beside weight and height issue, I feel as a parent, we should concentrate on their brain development as well !! I feel this is the most important development as weight and height can varies from individuals due to genes.

Remember that kids can absorbed the most from 0 to 3 years. PLay with Rae Ann more often and introduce her to many new skills. I believe both you and Rae Ann will enjoy the time spend together.

Remember my rachel as one of the smallest baby here ? I was as worrying as you but now that she is fed and sleeping well, I simply brush this issue aside. I exposed her to new skills and toys almost everyday so that she can catch up on her motor skills and mental development.

Anyway she is more chubbier now as compared to when she was young ! ha .. quite contrary to most of the babies here ...
<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>,
oh, u mean u simply stopped? I dont hv engorgement anymore.. . can tahan whole day without pumping. My total ss for a day is now approx. 120-140ml at best, after Ive reduced my pumping. So I give T one feed every other day. Im just wondering what happens to the leftover milk if we dont pump it out???

yes, Rachel does indeed look chubbier compared to younger.

<font color="aa00aa">Buttons</font>,
oh, ya, I thought your poster is 1.2m x 1.2m, but it looks a lot bigger in your pic than I imagined! Must hv been quite eye-catching at the party!
Oh good! Do let me know when uve posted ur pics in ur blog k!

Oh, poor thing! Once when T puked out ALL her milk (and on our bed!!), she looked so terrible. But she was ok immediately after. Guess it affected me more than her! Trust Js ok now?

I also try to give T something to hold during diaper changing, but she gets tired of an object quickly, so Ive to find new objects EVERY TIME! *faint!* If she doesnt stay put, sometimes I just let her be.. change her standing up and chase her round the changing mat!

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>,
oh u ordered fr Fairprice! If Nepia works for u and u want more, u shld try ordering direct fr the Nepia co. But must order min. 4 packs lah, shld still be $15 per pack.. Tel: 62262650. Sorry, think I wasnt clear when I mentioned Huggies. I dont mean to say its good I havent tried their pull-ups b4. Was just asking if uve tried it yet! Hee

oh, I remember chub-chub A at 5mths!!
She has so many expressions. Must be fun capturing her in photos!

ya just stopped, but I dont have 120ML per day leh.. i think i had like 70 - 80ML only or even lesser. Anyway it cant make up Rachel's one feed so I thought I might as well stop.

I guess there will be some residue inside us ...
hi puppylove,

there's sales going on at ntuc fairprice for nepia pull up pants. cheaper than ordering from nepia co. direct. check out today's papers! pampers having sales too.

i've stopped using nepias.

Somehow sometimes it causes rashes to rachel and it grips on the thigh tightly.

I've switched to HUggies .. cheap and good lah. and it doesnt grip on the thighs, allowing more movement on the baby
<font color="aa00aa">ilovebabies,</font>
Yes! I will try again! *determined* Did I tell you? We actually tried the cry-it-out method, for 2 days! Then we gave up. I couldn't go through with it. It was terrible to hear him cry like that. *guilty* :p

<font color="119911">Cheekz,</font>
Alamak. I also dunno how I function at work. But (fortunately? unfortunately?) I'm so used to this kind of half-past-six sleep already. It's been a bloody year! Why did Rae Ann wake up last night? If she woke up with a start and suddenly started crying, it could be a nightmare. DN has had them before. Or is she teething? Those pearlies can be quite uncomfortable when they're erupting.

<font color="ff6000">Dumpty, Phoebe,</font>
Aiyah! We're all in the same boat! So terrible right? Are you guys going to do anything to train them to sleep through the night? I just met a friend just now who gave birth last month and her baby boy is already sleeping from 11pm to 6-7am! *ENVY-YYYYYY* Phoebe, Dexter woke up at night until he was 2-plus????? *major faint*

<font color="0000ff">Brenda, Buttons, Puppylove</font>
Hmm... I was thinking of trying pull-up pants but didn't becoz of this --> If the bb poops, wouldn't it be very messy when pulling down the pants? Are pull-up pants really better than tape diapers? What advantages do they have over tape diapers?

<font color="ff0000">Puppylove,</font>
Backwards! Hahahhaha... so funny! Sorry shouldn't be laughing, but...
And ya, I havent' told you yet right? T's photo is so nice! The colours in the pic are just amazing. So bright and vivid and punchy.

<font color="0077aa">Buttons,</font>
Must make sure you update the blog tonight ah! I've been checking every night, waiting for the bday post. Heh heh...

<font color="119911">Brenda,</font>
A is so pretty! I showed her pic to my colleague and we were both gushing over her 'happy' eyes. Don't forget, DN will be giving her a call in 18 years' time. Heh heh... chope!

no you didnt. But honestly, i hate the crying out the method. It's very toturing to the baby, I feel. Put ourselves in their shoes. If it's just whining I am ok, not crying out their lungs.

oh btw for the pull up pants, you can actually tear the sides and remove the diapers. Not necessary pull it downwards.

<font color="0077aa">ilovebabies,</font>
OIC! Hee hee... silly me, I thought the poop will be smeared down the bb's legs! When you tear the sides, that's the end of the diaper then? Can't put it back on again? Is it really better than tape diapers? I'm quite happy with the tape diapers now. I thought pull-ups were for bbs who were ready to be toilet-trained and can pull them down themselves like underwear.

Ya man, you're right. It's torture for both bb and parents and everyone else in the house. So poor thing.
I was happy to stop the cry-it-out method. Even though it means still looking like a chinese panda, at least I'm not a guilty chinese panda.
