(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Thanks for all the kind compliments!!

Here's another happening ONE..


<font color="0000ff">alicia</font> hang in there. i totally understand what you are going thru cos i went thru the same while having caleb. everything i eat had to come out immediately so i am practically moving around the house or outside with a plastic in toll. not the best experience but it will all be over very soon. take care and remember, eat whenever you can even if it means it had to come out but still eat ok.
Brenda! I almost had a laughing fit when I saw your montage of Arianne and Clarence! It's GOOD!
Too bad my slow fingers missed the part when Arianne put her arms around Clarence and kissed him! Haha.... Clarence was smiling so happily.... Should have caught the whole thing on film! Hey, this is the first time CLarence allows someone in the car. When Rae Ann and Chloe tried to get near the car later, he pushed them off! Gosh!

It's amazing how fast our little babies have grown! I simply love this happening montage.... Hey, send me soft copy of this can?

Next one is the beach party yah! Will remember to charge my battery to make sure my camera is working then!
Hey Peachie, Brenda,

My hubby manage to catch Arianne and Clarence in action too! This one is a close up. Hee hee!

Peachie, Clarence really only like Arianne. I got picture to show that he's not interested in other girls. LOL!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Pigeon & Peachie</font></font>, hahhahahhaHha!!!! I didn't think Clarence was interested in A but my A ing ing lai(hard-hard-come?).. heehee..

Hey, your Chloe is really sweet.. I love her in this dress and her pretty eyes!

So nice to meet you girls and Sean again

<font color="ff0000">Dear all mums who had thanked and complimented on the montage I did! So glad u girls like it
the next one will be better yah.. Take care all! 'See' u girls when I'm back
You did a great job with the cake slides. Is it a fashion in SGP to have these 3D cakes? All the cakes looks so nice. My poor Trinity only had a tiny cake with her name written on a chocolate slate.

For the hotel, I stayed at the Disneyland Hollywood hotel. Its cheaper than the classic hotel. If your friend is coming on the weekdays, she can opt to purchase an annual pass which will entitle her to 30% discount off the room rates.

Here's some of the photos that we took for T during the trip.
<font color="ff0000">brenda,</font>
OMG, the montage is so funny! And the 2 models, Arianne and Clarence, are so cute! Hee hee hee...

<font color="119911">angeline,</font>
Awww... the montage of Trinity is so nice! I like the last picture best - Trinity with minnie mouse ears.

<font color="ff6000">edksd & selina,</font>
Thanx for sharing! The past few days, DN hasn't really been drinking, so it's back to "light" diapers again. Grrr... getting him to drink water is so difficult!
btw... anyone here on goat's milk FM? i don't think so right? trying to get a few scoops for DN to try... see how he takes to it...
<font color="0000ff">Brenda,</font>
Its nice meeting you and your family again, too. Have a good trip in Europe.

<font color="0000ff">Joon</font>
Maybe you can call up the goat milk FM distributor and see if they can send you free samples. The major brands for the cow's milk FM does it.
Joon, the only goat milk brand i know is karihome. you can try to call Karihome tel: 6339 8820 for samples. They can either send you 2 free samples sachets or you can redeem a 400g can at their office in Peace Centre.

I went to Hay Diaries Goat Farm recently and bought 3 cartons of fresh Goat Milk for my son to try out. HE LOVES IT! So I thought I will try out Karihome brand.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">CALIFORNIA BABY SPREE</font></font>

Hello folks, still want to buy California Baby? Pls visit www.lifesvigor.com for price range.

- Exchange Rate US$1 = S$1.57
- Got to pay for 7% GST coz total order will be more than S$400
- Upon closure of spree and payment, stock will arrive in a weeks time.

Email me your order: [email protected]

<font color="0000ff">pigeon,</font>
great idea! why didn't i think of that... *blur*

<font color="ff0000">snoopy,</font>
gee, thanks so much! i called karihome and they'll be sending me the samples by the end of this week!
i was also going to hay farms, but it's so far la. so i think i'll try karihome first. hope he'll drink it. *fingers crossed* <font color="119911">thanks again!!</font>
hey hey mommies! I AM BACK from melbourne...
what happen to our sept thread, so quiet that i couldn't find it last night! aiyoh..... the weather is LURVELY there. ranges from 8deg to 20deg. damn shiok. feel so hot and humid here now....

some photos to share.

We finally reached Melb! this is my bed with Mommy and daddy for next 6 nights! Love this room!

Lotsa crawling space for me!

Jovann on the swing opp our place

Daddy, one more push please?

horsey horsey see saw, eeeeee haaaa!

Jovann at Mornington Peninsula!! what gorgeous wind and temp!

sitting demurely (actually he just woke up) at Handorf's Fine Chocolates while Daddy Mommy enjoyed a cuppa hot chocolate with fresh truffle shavings

joon, have u called the number snoopy gave u? let me know if DN likes it? i have resort to mixing Jovann's feed with 1/3 FM, he is reluctant but at least he dun puke out. he dun finish it though.
so i also heard can try goat milk so may consider. hows the nutrients contents anyone knows? isn't the taste stronger?
<font color="0000ff">Wow buttons... the apartment looks big.. is it double-storey? Is it exp? Jovann looks so happy... lucky boy. Btw, is his face bleeding in the 2nd last pic?</font>
hay diaries does deliveries. more expensive by $1.
you can try to give them a call (http://www.haydairies.com.sg/services.htm#1)
goat milk is good for eczema kids and said to be the next closest to breast milk but not everyone can take to the taste. my nephew puke it out upon tasting it.

also, I would recommend anyone to visit the goat farm. my son thoroughly enjoyed himself, you can buy the alfafa for $1 and feed the goats. we also bought fresh fish from khai seng fish farm after tat.
<font color="119911">buttons,</font>
the pics are NICEEEE! and it's so different to see J all bundled up like that. *snug as a bug* and wah, J looks so GROWN UP in the last pic! and ur hot chocolate sounds GGOOOOOODDDDDD..... :p

<font color="ff6000">snoopy,</font>
the farm sounds fun! will def think abt bringing DN when the weather gets a little cooler. it's hot!
hi emoments, thats not an apartment.
I stayed in a B&B. its a sprawling 2 storey high Edwardian house. the front is 3 guest suites. lovely place.... we figured B&B is better (nearly booked another apartment) as we get home cooked breakfast for us and I am allowed to feed Jovann in peace and quiet without struggling to eat bf outside and feed a baby. of course, i made sure they allow me to use their kitchen to cook Jovann's meals, before putting deposit lah.
staying there was one of the best decisions I made of this trip. lovely plc, warm hosts, delicious food! heehee...the only thing is they dun have baby cots but thats alright as there's a roll out bed and hubby sleeps in that, while Jovann sleeps "between" us.

and yes ur eyes very sharp. the scar is named Mornington scar by hubby.
coz that day our plans was to drive the hour drive to Mornington, and we are kinda running late, when wearing clothes for Jovann, I was too kanchiong and I accidentally scratched his face. i cannot describe how heart pain i felt at that moment.
but fortunately fortunately, it has healed perfectly now!

joon, thanks! hahahaa...u know what? Jovann seems to enjoy being bundled up like that!! he goes all quiet and meek the more bundled he is! very cute hahaha. and probably coz the weather there is cold (8deg to 20deg), and he is so snug as a bug (
), he naps outside without any problem or persuasion. we were pleasantly surprised. many times, he will just nod off in the stroller or car seat...he never does that so easily here.
Hi <font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>,

Jovann is so cute! You guys really had a great time in Melbourne! Hey, remember to share your tips on how to travel with a toddler the next time we meet can? I am thinking of taking a trip this Dec.... but haven't decided where to go. Thinking of visiting Aust too!

Hi <font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>,

What hard-hard-come???!!! Arianne is such a demure little lady! Hahaa! Hey, honestly, she's really cute. I still laugh whenever I see the pics!
Hi <font color="0000ff">buttons!</font>

Nice pics! Jovann looks extra cute when he is snugly wrapped up in winter clothes.

Did you managed to cook for Jovann everyday? Just wondering if there were any instant food that you brought along that came in handy. I'm travelling end of this month with Chloe for a short trip. Cracking my brains now on what to pack.
peachie, yes yes do go aussie! go melbourne lah heheheee...
talk to you more when we meet soon!

pigeon, hahaha think Jovann feels different and shy when he is wrapped up, dunno why! and yes, i cook for him every day. he eats the same breakfast there as he does here, cereal, fruits and yogurt. for lunch and dinner, i either cook fresh porridge, bring out in food jar, or feed him the beef/pork stew that i cooked in batches twice during the trip and stored in VIA cups. do you have my blog addy? I think I just posted something last night regarding food. think my explanation more detailed there.
but thats only part 2 of my posts as I still have lots more installments to come. hehehee....

as for instant food, we did bring along some. hubby went to the Natures Glory distributer in Outram, and bought about 6 jars of organic Healthy Times baby food. we also bought a few Heinz ones from cold storage. but end up Jovann only eats the HT (ate 2 jars one night), and dislike the Heinz. this boy is into organic food man... so advice is, test it on your baby first before buying more hehee.

for you, if u not going aussie, u can consider cooking in batch in singapore, storing and bring there. coz for aussie they very strict, i can't bring cooked food in. hope this helps!
hi mummies,

manage to pop in for a while! i really love that snapshot of clarence and arianne!

baby lovers, hehheeh...

really overdue...but thanks for checking with ur PD!


i love ur holiday pics! i can just imagine how it could be! the air must be very refreshing! the B&B looks very nice! how did u discover it?

jovann looks so happy too! he's such a lucky boy!

we must arrange to meet too! let me know ya!
Hi Buttons,

Thanks for the reply. Actually Chloe is a bit of an organic baby, too. Sometimes, I give her some jar food. She like the organic jar food better than the non-organic ones. I think the organic ones are probably better tasting.

Can you pm me your blog addy, please? Many thanks!
hi cheekz, yeah the weather was GREAT! the B&B, it was through a search on google, using the words "luxury bed and breakfasts melbourne"...I think.....hehehee.... went to a site called greatplacestostay.

PG, oredi PM you!
hahaha yes i think organic ones taste good to them!
Bonjour Mummies from the Alpes in Provence!

I finally managed to get us hooked up. So elated! heehee.. This place is so so ulu, our neighbor is like 5/6 km away!

Buttons, LOVE that B&B! So nice!! When I go back we must meet to show each other pics ahh... aiya to think that Jovann and u were supposed to be here with us.

We've been to Monaco already and tomorrow will do Cannes, Antibes and Grasse..

Phoebe, let's hope I could locate the LV store during these trips. If not here then Italie if we manage to drive there..

Au voir! *french kisses*
brenda, THANKS THANKS THANKS! hahahaha envious lah, you in Cannes now. at least u manage to get online, i was knocked out at night, hahahaa...

phoebe, no lah, me not getting the mini lin. hehehehe! changed my mind on the design.
Clarence and Jovann enjoying their walk in the parK!

(sorry image not very clear coz captured from video)

Whew....what a tiring morning....pls let us babies rest.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">JWT Kids Gym Trial Class</font></font>

Date: 13.10.07 (Sat)
Time: 1045am - 1130am
Venue: UE Square
Trial Charges: $39.00

There is currently 11 toddlers in the class. Max per class if 18 toddlers.

Want to chio a few kids to join me and E-ling. Email or PM me by tomorrow if you can keen to try this weekend. Will then go and make reservation.

Thanks for posting the photos! We truly truly enjoyed the walk in the park!

Hey, send me the 2 pics can? I love them, esp the one where the 2 babies were asleep!

SINGAPORE: The AgriFood and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has advised importers and retailers of Yoplait yoghurt products to recall them immediately.

The advice comes after the National Foods Limited in Australia made a voluntary recall because of possible metal contamination.
National Foods Limited says the recall of the products is only a precautionary measure.
At this stage, there is no evidence that any product has been contaminated. But AVA says consumers should discard the products if they have bought them.
The National Food Limited has notified the Singapore importer that only the following product has been exported to Singapore: Baby Yoplait Vanilla & Banana (pack of 4x100g) with Best Before Date of 11/11/2007.
Consumers can call AVAs hotline at 18002262250 for any queries. CNA/ir
Any mommies giving their baby progress gold? I have a BN 900g EXP on 26/10/2008 selling $22 and i am throwing in 3 sachets of progress gold FOC. Please PM me if interested.
What happened to our thread. One whole week with no posts. Where did all the mummies go?

Let me give an update on Trinity.

She took her MMR jab last Thursday, no side effects, just a little more sleepy that day. Finally 2 bottom front teeth has sprouted. She's got a rash on her neck for about a month now and its not getting any better. I have no idea if its ezema or allergy, or just the changing seasons. I'm going to keep my fingers cross for one more week that it gets better, otherwise will have to resort to seeing PD and getting some cream. She weighs 9 kg at 13 months, just 1 more kg and she will have quardruple her birth weight. She's small size for 13 months, but I am very happy with her development.

Her current daily schedule goes something like this :

0600 210ml bottled milk and back to sleep
0730 wake and play (or watch Baby can read)
0800 breakfast, usually Weetabix / oats cereal / bread + fruits
0900 go to playground / playgroup
1030 back home for bath
1100 morning nap
1200 wake up and play
1230 take lunch porridge / noodles
1330 play
1530 tea break, yougurt with fruits
1600 afternoon nap
1700 wake, play
1800 take dinner, porridge / rice / noodles
1900 play
2030 take shower
2100 210ml bottled milk and tumble in bed
2130 fall asleep

PD suggested a chickpox shot for her since she is going to a playgroup weekly. I haven't decided whether or not to take it. Any mummies considering chickpox shot for your babies?
Angeline.. Trinity only drinks milk twice a day? aniwayz.. i am going ahead with the chickenpox vaccination since its a lifetime immunity and only needs a booster when they reach p1.. sounds pretty alright to me.. but this means that enzo will have to be jabbed EVERYMONTH from month 13 onwards!!!
I let her drink only twice a day now cos I can't find any more time slot to squeeze in more milk. But milk + her yougurt for tea I think she is getting the 500ml daily requirement. You think she needs more?

Why does Enzo needs to be jabbed every month? Does chickpox jab needs to be done on a monthly basis?
Yun had her chickenpox jab 2wks ago. We took a package which consist of
13mth chickenpox
15mth MMR
18th Hep B booster

Why enzo need to be jab every month?
13 months-hep A
14 months-pneumococcal
15 months-MMR
16 months-chicken pox
18 months-Hep B

so that's almost a jab every month!!! poor baby!!

Angeline.. no lahz.. not that i feel that she needs more.. as long as she is eating other stuff, she will still get all the nutrients she needs to stay healthy!!
enzo is constantly eating but also constantly moving.. so he's not reached the 10kg mark yet either... but since he's so active, i shant worry that he's petite either.. keke..
Hi hi,
Javier was sick last week with viral fever. Now in recovering stage.

And yes, will give him the Chicken Pox vaccine. Coz I myself also go for the vaccine. Dont want to kenna Chicken Pox at such old age now. Haha
<font color="0000ff">Hi Everyone! Have not posted in the forum for a long time. It seems like forum has been really quiet lately. I too have just came back from my trip to Perth and thought of sharing some photos here with all of you</font>


Adele enjoying herself on the swing at the playground.


This is the only photo I have taken with Adele throughout our whole trip. Have not taken many photos for this trip. Most of the photos are Adele with MIL.


This is a really nice place to relax.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">DEC X'MAS PARTY BASH ON 15 DEC FROM 4-6PM</font></font>

It seems that the response is not very good for this party as well. Just to have a rough estimation on the no of toddlers attending. Can I just confirm the namelist again?

- Alicia (confirm)
- Jamie (confirm?)
- Phoebe (confirm?)
- PG (confirm?)
- Peachie (confirm?)
- Buttons (confirm?)

I do apologize if I have missed out anyone in my list. Do add on your names if you are keen to join as there are still plenty of vacancies available.

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe, so sorry to hear that Javier is not feeling well. I wish him a speedy recovery</font>
phoebe.. hope J recovers soon!!! sayangz from auntie emma... the last time enzo had a viral fever, his tooth popped up v soon after... maybe J is teething too? i know many will throw stones at me.. but i do believe that teething and fever are related...
