(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>, Sure no prob! Will talk to u more abt BJG class the next time we meet up again! Oh, didn't know that squash actually refers to the australian pumpkin. That's what I have been feeding Adele all this while!

<font color="aa00aa">Jerene</font>, Adele loves her horizon yoghurt too! For mullers, u can get it either from cold storage or the marketplace.

oh sorry... wanted to also ask. What are kuay teow n mee suah made off? Coz last nite for fun i gave sophie a strand of la mian noodle and she could manage it but it was just for fun coz wasn't sure what went into it.

Wat kind of sauce u used for Sophie's pasta?

I bought the Eden Organic vegetable alphabets pasta from NTUC, it come in a small packet form, $6.50 for 454gm.

hi mummies,

me back from trip.. looks like you all been really busy planning huh for the little ones' bash? Me not going to have a big one.. only with relatives..

BTW, those who uses mamy poko on your babies,

Sheng shiong selling their tape diapers @ 15.30 sgd...

juz to share with you jadelle's development:

Baby development:

Jadelle now can:

1) Wave hi & bye
2) Blow flying kisses
3) When we ask her where is her head, ear, teeth, mouth, tongue, eyes, she can point them out
4) She pat herself on chest when we ask where is jadelle or who is jadelle..
5) she can't stand yet, but crawling around like a race truck
6) she can play "catching" with me.. when i chase her, she pretend to run away until i "catch" her
7) Play peek ah boo
8)Dance and wave her hands to her favorite songs..
9) vocab now includes yayaya, mamama, dadada, gagaga, bababa.. and shrieks when she stands up!
10) recognise ball, cat, dog, piano, daddy, mummy, grandpa, grandma.
11) She is now extremely interested in her flash cards and vcds..
12) she will whack the item that hit her/ hurt herself on..

13) can raise her arms up and down when asked..

think that is about all i can remember.. they grow so fast.. sigh..
<font color="ff0000">Yuna</font>, wow, the ABC pasta looks good! Can't wait to let Adele try it too! But can they swallow without chewing coz Adele has only got 2 small teeth below.

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>, congrats on Jadelle's latest development! Totally agree with u, they grow so fast that we don't even realise it sometimes.
wow that looks great! Am going to get that!
The sauce i modified from Gina Ford's recipe.

To make:


1. Steam veggies (I used cauliflower, carrot and peas)

2. Grate a bit of cheddar cheese onto the veggies just before the veggies are fully cooked.

3. Before blending the veggies (can mash too but i was lazy), add in some milk (agar agar portion). I used formula milk.

4. Pour onto cooked pasta.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Adele & Jerene</font></font>, there are 2 types of Squash, Summer Squash - Zucchini and Winter Squash - Butternut (aka Pumpkin). I'm not sure what else falls into these categories.. Happy SQUASHing!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, SWEET POTATOES - white (Japanese) / SQUASH - Summer Squash > zucchini: green or yellow skin

I think Classic Navy Blue with Silver is a very charming combi!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, sorry ahh I'm still an idiot when it comes to these BPs and their lingos.. What does it mean you've moved it to the overseas BP thread? Are we supposed to do something?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yuna</font></font>, I was looking at salt content in mee suas at cold storage after chatting with u about it yesterday, you're right, very high! Looks like your this ABC pasta is a good one to start with! No salt! Let me know how C likes it ok?
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Screaming BBs!</font></font>
My A has been screaming like she just found her voice! Not that this goes on the whole day (yah if it does, I'd have gone mad!) but bad enough to lose her voice. Now her voice is sultry! Does any of your bbs do that too? Any way to stop them???!
Hi Brenda,

Megan screamed at a high pitch at the top of her voice when she was abt 3-4 months old. PD said they do it out of fun and will eventually stop. But it is definitely a distress for parents. I will stop her screaming by temporarily giving a pacifier... and take it out after the screaming urge is over... Eventually after a few weeks, the saga ceased... haha.

These days, however, my concern is her grinding of teeth. You know, some adults grind teeth while they are asleep.. Megan will exactly produce that kind of very shrieky... unbearable sound by grinding her teeth... WHEN AWAKE, DELIBERATELY...
I will quickly give her something to chew on or her pacifier to suck. But she will still do it.. i'm still finding ways to counter that...!
Hi Yuna,

Thanks for helping me ask your PD about it. It's really helpful!

Which NTUC did you get the pasta from? Is it from AMK hub??? That is very out of the way for me leh...
Do you know whether compass point cold storage have or not?

I realised (much to my dismay) that Clarence is one BIG TV addict!!! Very bad hor? Haiz.... When we turn on the TV, he will eat. When the TV is off, it becomes darned hard to feed him all over again. I am such a weakling! To make life easier for myself, I ended up switching on the TV whenever it's mealtime! Bad bad bad.... I know it's bad but I always succumb to taking the easy way out.

Let us know whether Clarice likes the pasta okie? Thanks!

Hi Brenda,

Oh no! You have a little power-vocal at home! I think it's just a passing phase! You got videcam or not??? Must record this down hor!
A can laugh over this 20 years later!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Rexbabie</font></font>, eh u're back! so basically (I said this to Jerene just now over msn) we just stuff something into their mouths when they do that la! heeehee!!

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, yah la! it's been deafening and the worst thing is, she's croaking now.. her throat must hurt badly mann but she seems to enjoy doing it! Last night we were at cold storage and she was doing it at one quiet aisle then I had people peeping into the aisle just to check what's going on, I was so embarassed! it was as if I was strangling her.. NO! I don think I wanna video that down, it's so unglam and so not a kodak moment at all! uuurrgghhh..

Yes, I bought from NTUC Xtra at AMK Hub. Anyway i saw it at J8 NTUC juz now, if u want, I can help you buy and pass it to you tmr nite, let me know ok

On the point tat Clarence will only eats if he get to watch TV, well if by doing tis, you manage to get food down his throat, its not bad lah, at least he EAT rite:p Their pattern will change one so dun worry so much lah.
hi, does anyone has similiar problem w the <font size="+1">u-like blender</font>?

i put the steamed fruit/vege into the container then screw on the blade compartment. then i realised hot liquid started to ooze out from below the blade compartment.

the blade compartment was dry in the first place. tt means the liquid oozed out must be from the steamed vege/fruits?

oh no... i've just bought this blade compartment not long ago couple mths ago. why so lousy...

hv to go buy another again tomorrow :p

Oh no!!! Poor little Arianne! She must be hoarse by now...

Hey, you may think it's unglam, but a few years on, you can have a nice chuckle over it all!

Okay okay.... it's just a passing phase.... ou got to grit your teeth and wait for it to end.
One of my friend's child is 26mths now (which is in the terrible twos stage). The Dad stopped him from eating too much chocolates and hid the box on top of the shelf, and the toddler took the feather duster from the grandma's room and spanked his Dad with it, plus told the Dad - Go, get it back for me!!! Haha!!! I laughed till I teared when I was told about this episode, although the parents didn't find it funny... Okie okie....

The sequel to this that the Dad snatched the feather duster away, and yanked the toddler across his lap and smacked his bum. Of which the kid's cries could be heard throughout the whole estate, and he ran to the Grandma's room and told grandma to beat his Dad! Gosh.... Anyway, the poor Dad still hasn't got over that episode. He still was like where got "er zi da lao ba" these days...

Hi Yuna,

Can can!!! No rush, the next time you go there you help me get one can? Thanks a million! Fantastic that we are neighbours!!!


Haven't encountered that before leh.... oh no!!! Is it the rubber tubing is spoilt? You can just change the blade without buying a new set...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, me! I am facing the same, but just learn to ignore it la.. it's ok one.. I remember I saw the demo on soya beans, then the machine itself was drenched after that promoter ground the beans..
<font size="+1">brenda</font>, urs too?

but my worry is after blending, normally we'll invert the thing (as in container below, blade compartment above, so tt we can unscrew the blade compartment), will the water sip back into the container?

coz i noticed the water dripping below the blade compartment is blackish in color (due to in contact w tt black thing beneath the blade compartment).

do u understand what im saying??
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></font>, Thanks for the info abt 'squash'! U blur leh.. Mistaken me for Adele. Initially I tot there is a new mommy who joined the forum but hey realized that u were actually answering my qn!
Dun worry too much about A's screaming. Adele does it all the time! She not only screams but also make growling noises.

<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>, wow ur pasta sauce sounds delicious! Will definitely give it a try this weekend.
i don't have that problem with my blender leh.. but i mostly use it for grinding the grains..

so, maybe not the best to advice..

thanks.. it is great to see our babies development, but i can see that soon, it is time to start the discipline.. sigh.. Jadelle is pushing and testing boundaries all the time and she can't walk yet.. can't imagine when she hit THAT milestone..

that pasta + sauce from AK's book i try before, but when i follow the book, think too dry for jadelle? she make pukey faces..
What can i do? add more broth?

I've tabulated all our birthday orders already.
Will do the necessary split and place order tonight.

Sorry for the delay.
Was busy at work this week (I'm leaving my job and doing handover
Hi Hi Mummies,

Long time no post. Been busy at work but must come in and share this news with all of you.

Trinity just took her first steps (unsupported). Daddy said she walked 4 steps in total before sitting down again.

Too bad, no video taken as Daddy was too excited and forgot all about it.
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">ADELE!</font></font> ooops I mean <font color="119911"><font size="+1">Alicia!</font></font> HAHAHAHH! so funny! can't stop laughing at my own silliness!

No problem with the SQuash info.. u received my email about the food b?

Well, if there's another bb screaming at where we're going to be then I'll be absolutely fine with that. But not when there's only A! heehee..

Wonder what is it like to have <font color="ff0000">Adele, Megan & Arianne</font> all at one supermarket aisle? heh!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Jerene</font></font>, aiyoo you're such a doll! thanks for sharing all that info for our bbs' parties. I'll be calling them soon!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, I aga aga know what u are saying.. but the black ink is from the black part of the blade compartment right? and the ink will remain at that holding area isn't it? For mine, I see it that way and it's also too little to flow out of that area.. unless you've a crack that cuts from the black rubber part to the blade itself then I can sse the possibility of the ink sipping through.. I'm just using my imagination la. So far, I've not seen the ink (too minimal anyway..) sipping into the plastic compartment after puree..

U understand what I am trying to say right? heh..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, heehee your friend's story is indeed funny! But I don't remember screaming at supermarket aisles le.. so A shouldn't be copying me mah.. heh

My worry is her voice!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, don't worry la I guess as long as the bday stuffs arrive before the parties! heehee.. I think you soon need a software (like CRM) to manage your BPs!!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, WOW! That's so so fast! My A is not even crawling properly yet!! Soon T will be using her little hand to hold yours and go strolling at the park! How nice..
congrats to trinity and Jadelle for reaching so many milestones!! hehehee.

edksd and brenda, do u girls remove the rubber tubing around the blade compartment to wash? when hubby washes it, he will remove, so everything clean clean. so far no dirty water seeping out. but i notice, say after i finish blending, and i wash it in runnig water ONLY. then i will use plain water to blend the blade again to clean out anything i missed. after i do this, when i open it up and pour away the "dirty" water, i see dirty water seeping out from the rubber tubing there. is that what edksd mean? if so, i just blend with clean water a lot of times until no more dirty water. OR remove the tubing to wash more thoroughly. u knwo what i am trying to say?? hahahahha!!!

Ling, thanks for the recipe, i trying this weekend!!!
Alicia, rem the question about keeping the yogurt? did u feed direct from the yogurt container or did u remove half into another bowl to feed? coz if u feed ANYTHING direct to baby from the container, u cannot keep the left overs at all. cos baby's saliva/enzymes will be left on the leftovers and will cause it to spoil.but like i said before, even if not, still better not to keep yogurt lah hehehee.

since there's a way for the liquid to sip fr the plastic container out to beneath the blade compartment, it shld oso b possible the other way round. tts wat i think.


no we r not on the same wavelength rgdg the dirty water. anyway, i dun remove the tubing when washing. the tubing seems v tight. im worried if i remove, then subsequently it'll bcome loose n able to trap "dirt".

oh i forgot to go buy the blade compartment just now. alamak!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, to me the area the water seep (ya! this is the right spelling! SIP! hahaha!! Tks to Buttons!) through is from the thread area of the plastic compartment, not through from the black rubber area.. No? cos when my fingers are wrapped at the area between the blade and plastic compartments, I could FEEL the juice/water/ seeping out there. U know what I am saying??

heehee.. so funny we're all trying to make 'sense'!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">buttons</font></font>, yah I also think that we shouldn't be removing that tubing cos it's supposed to fit in there nicely and if u keep removing it and putting it back, u might lose the elasticity. The U-like girl also did mention to me cos I told her my rubber ring broke once and first thing she asked me was if I remove it to wash..

I usually use hot water to flush both the compartments before pureeing..
<font size="+1">brenda</font>

die la.... mine the water did not seep thru the thread area coz i didnt see any dripage at the area between the blade and plastic compartment leh.

i think mine seeped thru the black rubber area. sigh....

now i think we all made sense to one another's comments! hahaha...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, my only suspect is there's a crack between the blade and the black thing! why? cos that white plastic is cheap plastic from an engineering point of view la! hee.. so I'm not surprise at all if there's a crack, possibly hairline.. I'm actually anticipating mine to happen! So I also better go grab some compartments before u girls grab all..

Yes! I guess we're on the same track
<font color="aa00aa">Angeline</font>
Wow... Trinity can walk unassisted for a few steps? Well done...
Megan can't crawl on 4s yet.. but she "crawls" super fast on gliding on her tummy... like a worm like that. i don't even know whether to call that crawl or not?

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>
If the screamers are in the same supermkt aisle screaming at the same time, the security alarm would prob be sensored on.. and the security would have ask us to leave for the safety of others ears!

Mummies.. would like to ask u all, as our babies are growing and some can already pull up to standing... where do u let ur babies sleep?
In the cot? or sleeping with u on the bed, or sleeping on a mattress with you on the floor, on sleep on a mattress on their own but in the same room as u? And if sleep on mattress, any good recommendation on a good mattress?
hiya hiya,
I am back!!
I mean I can come in here now (got acess to internet). How are u guys?? Looks like everyone planning for their babes first bday party.

<font color="119911">rexbabie</font>, mine sleeps in cot.
<font color="0000ff">angeline</font>, wow! *clap clap* what a milestone!!

Share my experience wit u. Becas of a bad habit, yun refuse to sleep in her cot. So i place her on a mattress beside our bed. Yesterday in d middle of the nite, she cry so i transfer her to sleep in between us. Who knows 1 hr later we heard a loud thud... she fell flat on the floor. Lesson learn even she sleep in centre also not safe lor.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, oh dear! you're frightening me now.. is Yun ok? hope no bumps yah..

My A also sleeping with us in the centre, not becos she likes it, problem is with us.. heh.. we tried putting her into the cot so many times and after like 10-15 minutes, either 1 of us will give some stupid excuse to the other then carry her back to our bed.. :p

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Rexbabie</font></font>, that would be a damn funny sight yah! heh..

I guess the safest place would still be the cot, the lowest part..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Nedlands</font></font>, congrats! did u receive my email?

Dun knw leh... no obvious bumps tis mornin but I'm also in a rush to go to work, will do a detail check later when i go back. But she look fine in the mornin. Now I'm going to get those abc mat & some cushion to surround the bed.
Hi mummies

I'm from Nov mum thread.

I managed to negotiate a pretty good deal for Gymboree Harbourfront Class. But in order to get this deal, I need 5 more mummies, who are interested to join me, and have to reply by 1 July (this Sun). If you are interested, please PM me:

$348 for 15 classes (fees include membership)
plus 1 free Gymboree T-shirt for each child

normal rates are: $398 for 12 class and membership

If I can get 5 more people to join me, we can start a new class on our own.
Tentative date: Sat 1pm -1.45pm

brenda, really? canot remove tubing? ooooh i better tell my hubby! hhehee. he is quite a clean freak. yep, i also use HOT BOILING water to flush my brenda...i mean blender....before br..blending! hehehheheh!!!!!

edksd, yah guess urs crack liaoz. just u cannot see nia.

melody! oh dear!! hope she's okie!!! sayang sayang!

rexbabie, mine sleeps in the cot, lowest lever. so even when standing up, cannot climb out kind.
help! does anyone knows how to pump up the swimming float?

i tot of using the pump for my stroller wheel, but i notice the connector is different leh.
Hi gals,
Long time din post. How's everyone and your babies? Soon they're gonna hit the BIG ONE! Time flies. Somehow I do miss the tiny little Gabriel sometimes

Is Yun ok? Gabriel also fell from the bed while sleeping in between a few times. Dun ask me how he fall... Haha... Now he smart liao if he wants to come down he'll turn and test with his feet first. Can touch then come down. Cannot he'll climb back!

So clever! *clap clap clap* Wow first steps! Gabriel can crawl so fast he doesn't even want to try walking now!

reading your last post like reading tongue twister... I go Br...blender Br....blender after that! hahaha... ...
<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>, Congrats to Trinity for her latest accomplishment!

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>, hehehe... I too cannot imagine what izzit going to be like with all the screaming babies in the supermarket. *faint* Oh yes, I got your email about the food blog. But I have been searching high n low but don see any recipes leh. Which section is it under?

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>, I will transfer half of the yoghurt into a bowl instead of feeding directly from the package. But after hearing all the advice from the mommies here, I decided to share the yoghurt with her everytime I opened one. Hehehe... so I eat half and she eats the other half so no wastage at all!

<font color="ff6000">Rexbabie</font>, Adele sleeps in a playpen. Coz she moves a lot even when she is sleeping. Thats why we decided to let her sleep in a playpen so that we do not have to worry about her sticking her hands n legs out or falling out of the playpen.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, THANKS!! I've transfered you the $$, please check ok.. also, u didn't answer my post about the BP being transfered to overseas spree means what le..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, aiya it's a blog so the posts will come one by one mah :p

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons & Dumpty</font></font>, VERY FUNNY hor! *Kok Kok*
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>
oh...i mean i transfer the spree there.
so its easier for everyone to check. else if i post here, very hard to follow up for everyone.

hello mummies, i noe i am v overdue but i am tryg to upload the KM session's photos and videos now. will send invites to u all when i am done. meanwhile can someone tell me where can i upload videos. and user friendly ones pls.
