(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, oooh so you're not expecting us to do anything yah? Just go there to check for updates for this CE spree right? heehee.. sorry really a BP idiot

Thanks Auntie brenda & Dumpty, I'm okie, c I'm still as playful as b/f. Dumpty, did you teach Gabriel to climb down the bed or he learn it himself? Now, I'm trying to show yun how to get down the bed safely. Hope she learn it fast, then no more midnite horror.
Good morning everyone!

Finally back from Bali, it was a GREAT trip, and we stayed at The Bale (close, <font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>, close!) which was the best resort I have ever stayed in. Surprisingly the weather was cool and breezy so it was really nice. Food was to die for. We had spa treatments almost everyday and the day before (my birthday no less!), we did sea sports.

Unfortunately when we were got off the boat and walked towards shore, I cut my foot on something so now there is a gaping wound and the doctor was surprised I didnt go see a doctor in Bali itself. He wanted to give me stitches if I had gone to him yesterday! Anyway this <font color="ff0000">bye kar</font> mama is on antibitotics - oral and ointment...what a holiday!

And we think baby alexis was 'angry' at us for not bringing her along on the trip, she refused to smile or looked at us initially and last night, she fussed no end. Babies at 9 months know stuff like these??

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>
I actually bought a foot pump especially for pumping up alexis's swim float. A few dollars from isetan. And I didnt know stroller wheels have pumps till now!

<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>
Thought one can upload videos and photographs easily in yahoo groups? Eh I no expert - better ask some IT trained personnel lah!

<font color="0000ff">Angeline</font>
wow, Trinity is very advanced physically, she seem to be often the first to be able to perform 'stunts', you must be so proud of her. And good job! Do you monitor the development charts closely and tick it off as she attained each milestone?

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
Sorry for the slow response that day, didnt see your text till much later so what did you get in the Novena shop, if anything? Is your deposit for you-know-where paid? Mine just came back and said the day I wanted (29 Sept) had been taken. Bummer! Now I have to start looking all over again.

<font color="0000ff">Melody</font>
She looks disgruntled, you must be 'forcing' her to take that pix, hehehe...

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
What is your blog addy?

<font color="0000ff">Baby Yoghurt</font>
The little on has expensive taste, preferring Horizon's to Yoplait's! And she can finish one entire container at one go by herself, plus seem to want more! Like that, how to save for rainy day??
Hi girls, pls see this post i saw somewhere.

for those who are feeding their kids salmon, bear in mind not to use the salmon fat nor the skin. This is because most of the dioxins & PCBs are stored in the fat of the fish. Farm-bred salmon (let's face it, all the salmon you see in the shops are farm-bred) have concentrated levels of dioxin & PCBs that are toxic at high levels that will remain in our bodies for a long time.

or google for more info.

I live in Finland and there had been studies done on what types of fish carry the most dioxins. Norwegian salmon is 1 of the worst most probably because of the fish feed, which is basically ground up fish that already carry all the contaminants. I avoid norwegian salmon nowadays and go for rainbow trout which is a very close cousin of the salmon.

<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>, use shutterfly lah! hehehe.
Buttons, thanks for the info on salmon. Oh dear, have been feeding quite a fair bit of salmon to Adele all this while. I don use the skin but don quite know where is the salmon fat leh.

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>, Have transferred the $ to you for the birthday spree (Celebrate Express). Thanks for organizing!

<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, hehehe... sorry ah.. me very lousy with those blog stuff. Apologize for asking such silly qns. But will definitely patronize your blog as often as I can!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, yahh actually I did hear of the salmon thing, in fact for Tuna too sometime back.. So far I use Japanese Salmon, the kind they use for sushi so less fatty and quite clean but not sure if it carries the same toxins as Norwegian's. I haven't read anything on <font color="ff0000">Japanese Salmon</font>, have you?

or anyone did?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jerene</font></font>, tot I sent u an email with the addy?! don have ahh.. funny.. It's not a personal or baby blog, only about food! will send u again.. GET ONLINE la!

Aiyo, u poor thing.. hope your wound doesn't get infected mann.. so scary, did u know what u crossed path with?? Hope it's not some <strike>crap</strike>crab.. heehee

THE BALE?!?!? nice!!! the only thing I didn't really like is the location - Nusa Dua. I'd prefer if it's in Ubud or Sayan.. the mountain areas la.. I'm not a fan of the seas, think I shared with u this so I rather be at the mountains :p But for your case where u enjoy sea and its sports, Nusa Dua is good for u!

Once, I went out with Shawn to a dance performance and came back quite late (cos we adjourned to some wine place and had 2 drinks heh..)and when we came back at about 11.30pm thereabouts, A wasn't asleep yet and she also refused to LOOK at us! aiyoo.. Throwing tantrums, I believe they do know how to!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, aiyoooo! Yun so funny looking! Must be the mummy trying to make her look like those 'red head hankie' aunty la, but the hankie not red le! heehee.. glad to know she's well

Looks like u had a great holiday. Nxt time kenna cut, dun play play okie, must take care of the wound ya. Wish u a speedy recovery!! Yun also d same, if we go out w/o her she will ignore us when we r back. But a/f a while, she will come & hug us heehee...


Can share the food recipe wit me. Thanks a million!!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, sure..


Also, to <font color="ff0000">any mummies who're waiting for my food guide</font>, I've decided to put it up as a blog instead as I thought it makes more sense when it's interactive. Meaning, I can do updates and also explore any questions/doubts which u can leave under 'comments' and share with everyone else. If it's a book, it's dead la.. heh..

Hope you weaning mummies find the blog useful!
Hi Jerene,

I laughed when I saw your post. Hehe!!! Yup, I have paid up the deposit for the we-know-where place!!! KS right? I have sent you a SMS with the contact for the know-where place.
Good luck! Hope you can find what you want soon!

You take care yah? You cut sounds real bad! Dun worry, I found the balloon place!

Little Alexis is so cute and smart. I think our babies have developed long term memory now! It's alright. I am sure the little princess will forget and forgive in a short while.

Hi Brenda,

I love your blog!!!! Keep the posts coming!!!
<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
I got your text message, many many thanks but SSC came back to me and said okay, as long as we cleared out by 5 p.m. so I am sticking to that place. Good luck with your haggling!

<font color="0000ff">Melody</font>
Yes enjoyed myself a lot and would like to return for a visit, hopefully this time with alexis. Thank you for your well wishes, I have to get well by this Saturday, a wedding to attend and wouldnt want to 'steal' the bride's show with my limp! And I am pleased to announce alexis is okay with us today, I think she has a short memory! Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Thanks for the blog addy, I will pop in for a look right after this. And I def didnt receive the email you sent??? wrong addy?
I wish I knew what I Xed path with but the sea was strewn with rubbish and the water murky so I have absolutely no clue. That was at Tanjong Benoa, but when we got to Jimbaran Bay, the beach/sea/view was stunning! But water sports only at TB so bo bian...
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font></font>, Your blog is FABULOUS!!! Your recipes are even more detailed than some of the cookbooks out there! Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us!

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>, So glad to know that you had such a enjoyable time at Bali. Oh, Happy Belated Birthday to You! Sorry to hear that u hurt your leg. Take Care yah! Hope to see u soon!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">JGze</font></font>, yah I just did.. I wasn't informed that Arianne is in it until I saw it myself at the newsstand!
She didn't have neck then heh..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jerene</font></font>, ehh not sure what happened.. hope to see your footprint at my blog then!
I promise no murky water or rubbish there! :p Get well soon footie!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">JGze, Peachie, Alicia, Melody</font></font>, thanks for visiting the blog! I'm still in the midst of adding more info, so do be patient with me ok! Eh, if u girls got anything to ask or comment, PLEASE do so there yah.. Right below each post where I sign off where 'comment' can be found, just click on the word and u can leave any msg.. heehee.. so that I know I'm not talking to myself!

<font color="ff0000">Anyone has any good recipes to share?</font> I'll be delighted to post in the blog
<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
Thank you! I cant wait to meet up with you guys too...so still attending JWT gym in UE?

<font color="0000ff">Cheekz</font>
Still have time to shop?! :p

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
These girls are right, you did a great job with that blog there, it is an excellent resource for challenged moms. Well done, girl! And may I suggest more photos? You know what they say abt a picture speaks a thousand words...

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
Hey, let me know if you didnt receive the emails I sent this morning, I will fwd again.

Great blog. I got a recipe to share. We are trying to move on to food other than purees and porridge. So this weekend, Trinity started on ABC pasta as suggested by some mummies here. I found her dinner so yummy last night I was kinda hoping she won't like it so I can finish the food of her :)

Here goes.
Cut 1/2 onion, 1 potato, 1 carrot, some pork
boil with water for about 20 mins to make stock
remove food from stock and put aside for pureeing
add ABC pasta into stock to cook
add puree to ABC pasta and mix it all up.

She finished a whole rice bowl of it
for mine, i preferred it thick, so I removed some of the stock before adding the puree. (Me lazy, I find it messy to feed watery stuff) But its really up to your own preference and more accurately, up to the baby's preference
<font color="0000ff">angeline</font>

Thanks for sharing your receipe, I will probably try this too sometimes this week since I am stuck at home anyway! Will let you guys know later how the experiment turn out.
Thks Jerene & Buttons, i will upload the part 2 of the pictures this wkend as i dun hv much access to internet during wkdays. and i hope i hv time to upload the video this wk.

Brenda & Buttons,
i am sooooo inspired by u mummies! i am gonna try to create more varieties 4 R. this poor boy eats the same old thing EVERYDAY since he started porridge a few mths back. and only during the days when he is home, i get to feed him HT barley cereals (thankfully he likes it! *phew*)... other than tt, i tried apples, pears, papaya... he hates them all but loves <font color="119911">\durians!!!</font>

anyway i will hv some free time later this wk when i go on leave, so can any kind mummies share a few simple recipes wif me? i hope to intro some new food to R.

oh and i can start feeding him egg yolk rite? how much to feed each time? and how many times can we feed a wk?

wats this ABC pasta? sounds fun!
they can take onions alrdy?
ABC pasta is the macaroni. You know the ABC kind that you can also find in some can soup.

You can try a bit of onion with Ruebern first and see if any reaction. I saw AK recipe started to use onion and mushroom already, so I just tried lor.

I've also tried ABC pasta with cheese and mushroom. Let me go home and review the recipe again and try to post tomorrow.
wat did u puree wif for the above dish mentioned? i hv not puree-ed for a long long time since R started porridge coz i find it such a hassle to puree things as my blender is not as slim as the U-Like tt brenda, buttons & peachie had.

btw, can we feed <font color="0000ff">bread</font> to them alrdy? so far i hv tried feeding R plain bread on a few occasions and he seemed to like it. he is interested in everything else we eat other than his own food! well, i dun blame him lah, after reading wat u mummies cooked for ur own darlings, i feel so ashamed tt i had been feeding him the same things 2 meals a day!
ohhhh i noe the ABC pasta... i will go and find it in the supermarkets and cook 4 R soon. but i dunno wat sauce to make. Mushrooms???? u mean we can oso feed mushrooms now???? my FAV!!! if i can do tt, i might as well cook my share when i prepare his. bigger portion makes cooking much easier than preparing the meagre share 4 him and end up hvg to wash soooo many things. i dread the washing!

thks 4 checking out the recipes!

I kay poh answer your question to angeline hor...according to the book SuperFoods for Babies and Children by annabel karmel, it was stated that betw 7 to 9 mths we should introduce stronger tasting vegs such as leeks, spinach, onions and mushrooms as well as stronger tasting fruits like mangoes.

And ABC pasta is pasta in the shapes of ABC!

Yes yes can feed egg yolks now, but must make sure it is cooked till solid. I fed alexis half an egg yolk at one go, she like!
ohhhh Angeline
i read abt T's developments! she is FAST! think she will b one of the 1st few to walk 1st.

sorry for the multiple postings, mummies. Long time din catch up!
bread also can feed, she also loves it. basically she likes anything new but give to her more than thrice, she starts shaking her head!
nope, u not kpo lah.

i dun read up so hv to keep asking u mummies 4 advice. hardly hv time to surf, as i was really really busy the last few wks wif work.

if can start onions and mushrooms, thats wonderful as i love these 2 veggie. (actually i din noe onion is considered a veggie! hahaha)

yah i will cook the egg till its fully cooked (as in hard boiled egg rite) and feed R. i hope he likes it though i HATE egg yolks. i dun eat 'em.
i think R is somewat like Alexis... he is curious wif new stuff but will cautiously open his mouth to the 1st try. if can get pass his 1st taste, i am LUCKY! and if feed too many times, he gets bored and refuses to eat anymore.

oh wanna ask u how u feed alexis when u went travelling? i am wondering how to travel wif a baby? lug the slow cooker and ingredients along???? so absurd! :p
ILB & Jerene
so u mummies feed plain bread for now? dip in milk? i haven tried tt so far as i juz pinch off a small pc each time. it keeps him entertained and i can eat in peace too.

so far i pinch the bread into v small pieces and feed her. haven try bread with milk yet. or dip into the soup that Angeline mentioned abv.

now rachel can bite the apple using her gums and she is still bo gay !! aiyo her gums are so strong so we gotta monitor her closely when she eats the apple.
wow! rachel's gums so strong to bite the apple! hehehe... yah muz watch them closely when they eat.

so far R has been biting my hubby! thankfully i am spared... *keeping fingers crossed* i think coz when he bites my hb, my hb screams v loudly and ends up laffing, so R probably thot it was v fun and likes biting him. i told my hb not to make it a habit as he might bite me esp during latching.

oh no .. that's a bad habit leh ! (sorry...)

but cannot make it as if it's a funny thing to do. better curb him now .. else he start to bite u.
i agree its a BAD habit too! i scolded my hb and said he bian tai coz he laffed when R bites him. i chided him each time i heard him laffing. told him it will affect me. he did bite me a few occasions but it was coz he was cranky and i knew he din do it deliberately. luckily he din make it a habit.

should educate your hubby.
bite R if he bites you. let him know the pain.
sorry I sounded bian tai but i dont think you want R to pick up this habit right ?
Hello babes,
me busy with work and long time no log in..

today's JAdelle's 10th month... so, i will update her photo here..


and Happy 10th months also to Sherilyn, DN and who else did i miss??ooh.. our pretty Arianne lah!!
<font color="ff6000">Happy 10th months to Jadelle, Sherilyn, DN and Arianne!</font>

<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>
When travelling, I am more relaxed about food and usually just feed her out of a jar (commercial food = lifesaver during travel). Of course if we are staying in a service apt or any place with a kitchenette I will try to get some stuff from their supermarket and cook porridge.

Bread - pinch off small section and let her feed herself. Havent tried dip in milk, not a bad suggestion indeed...thanks, <font color="0000ff">ilovebabies!</font>
hi hi everyone,
me back to again. wow! me really ashamed of myself. all caleb having now is porridge porridge n more porridge. me not ready to start him on eggs yet cos as advised by many of my friends n sis, will start only after 1 yr old.

caleb loves to eat bread too. i dun dip into any liquid cos tho boh gei, he knows how to use his gums to chew his food. n he loves bread. also he self feed himself the gerber puffs. that's his daily treats.

gave him durians today n he gave me the "what is that" look but still wanted more. looks like tis boy like mummy loves durians.

dun dare to give caleb any apples directly cos he will bite it off using his gums so it scares my dad to death n he forbids us to give apples unless mashed up.

oh yes caleb loves his weekly potatoes with brocoli, avocado, maize & fish. i know it sounds weird but i just add whatever that comes to my mind to make up all the nutritional requirements.

ok that's all for today. going to zzzzz now. bye.
Hi hi,
Sorry to be MIA.
Was busy at my new job.

<font color="ff0000">Updates:</font>
1. Jack & Lily - shoes ready to ship out of Canada on Friday.
2. California Baby - stocks arrived at my house liao. Will arrange for self collection on weekend and meet up next week. Venue to advise.
3. Celebrate Express #1 - Order shipped out (International)
4. Birthday Direct #1 - Order shipped out to VpostUSA.
5. Will place the balance order for Birthday Direct #2 tonight (experience problem when ordering on Monday night)
<font color="0000ff">Hi Brenda</font>

Thanks for sharing yr blog with us you are really fantastic keep the posts gg. I enjoy reading and learning from them

Hi mummy there, jrt, etc

I've 12 simple RECIPES to share, from one of the mummy (too bad can't post her link here as it's not accept by this s'poremotherhood forum). All suitable for bb fr 8mth-15mth above.

1. Lean Pork Congee with Green Peas and Egg

1/2 egg yolk
80g lean pork
10 green peas
1 bowl hot water

Method >
Hard boil egg till done. Remove 1/2 egg yolk. Mash it and set aside.
Wash green peas. Set aside.
Wash pork. Scald half of lean pork in boiling water briefly and drain. Chop the remaining half finely. Set aside.
Wash rice and drain. Set aside
Put uncut pork and rice into a double boiling jug. Add 1 bowl of hot water. Cover jug. Place jug in water and simmer for 2 hours.
30 minutes before congee is done, add chopped pork and green peas into jug.10 minutes before congee is done, add mashed egg yolk. Cook till done. The uncut pork is only to enhance taste of congee.

2. Chicken Congee with Sweet Corn and Carrot

1 tbsp corn kernel
1 tbsp carrot
80g chicken meat

Wash corn kernel. Set aside. Peel carrot. Wash and dice finely.
Wash chicken meat. Scald half of chicken meat in boiling water briefly and drain. Chop the remaining half finely. Set aside
Wash rice. Put rice, corn kernel, carrot and uncut chicken meat into a double boiling jug.Add 1 bowl of hot water. Cover jug. Place jug in water and simmer for 2 hours.
30 minutes before congee is done, add chopped chicken meat into jug. Cook till done. The uncut chicken is only to enhance taste of congee.

3. Lean Pork Congee with Apple and Egg

1/2 Apple
80g lean pork
1/2 egg yolk
1 bowl hot water

Peel apple and remove core. Dice. Wash and set aside.
Wash lean pork. Scald half of pork in boiling water briefly and drain. Chop the remaining half finely. Set aside.
Wash egg. Boil in hot water till done. Remove egg white. Set aside 1/2 egg yolk.
Wash rice and drain. Set aside.
Put apple, uncut lean pork and rice into a double boiling jug. Add 1 bowl of hot water. Cover jug. Place jug in water and simmer for 2 hours.
30 minutes before congee is done, add chopped pork into jug. 10 minutes before congee is done, add egg yolk. Cook till done. The uncut pork is only to enhance taste of congee.

4. Lean pork Congee with lotus seed and lily bulb

8g lotus seeds
8g fresh lily bulb
80g lean pork

Wash lotus seeds and lily bulb separately. Drain and set aside.
Wash lean pork. Scald half briefly in boiling water and drain. Chop remaining half finely. Set aside.
Put lotus seeds, lily bulb and uncut lean pork into a pot. Add 5 bowls water. Boil until 1 bowl of soup remains as congee base. Set aside.
Wash rice and drain. Set aside.
Pour rice and congee base into a double boiling jug. Cover jug. Place jug in water and simmer for 2 hours. 30 minutes before the congee is done, add chopped pork into the jug.

5. Egg yolk and sweet Potato Congee

1 egg yolk
1/2 bowl yellow-fleshed sweet potato

Soak 2 tablespoons of raw rice (about 1/2 cup) in hot water for more than an hour before making congee. Pour about 7 cups of water into the pot.
Wash sweet potato thoroughly. Cook with peel for 20 minutes until soft. Mash with a wooden stick. Set aside.
Add sweet potato puree and egg yolk when congee boils with bubbles.

6. Fish paste congee with spinach and egg yolk

1/2 bowl of spinach
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon fish paste

Blanch spinach in hot water. Soak it in cold water for a while to eliminate the taste of vegetable. Chop into tiny pieces or grind in blender to a puree. Cook the egg. Retain egg yolk and mash. Leave for later use.
Submerge 2 tablespoons of raw rice (about half cup) in hot water for more than an hour before making congee. Pour about 7 cups of water into the pot.
Add spinach puree, fish paste and egg yolk when congee boils with bubbles. Cook for a while.

7. Lean Pork Congee with Carrot and Sweet Corn Puree

1 bowl carrot
1/2 sweet corn
1 tablespoon lean pork

Unpeel carrot and cut into pieces. Cook in boiling water until done. Dice or blend to a pure. Or, if baby has good swallowing ability,cook raw carrot cubes with raw rice until done to make it chewier!
Cook sweet corn until done and cut kernels off cob. Blend to a pure. Set aside.
Add lean pork when congee boils with bubbles. Keep stirring to prevent the minced meat from sticking together.
Add cooked carrot pure and sweet corn puree into congee.

8. Lean Pork Congee with Papaya and Egg Yolk

1/2 bowl papaya
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon minced lean pork

Soak 2 tablespoons of raw rice (about 1/2 cup) in hot water for more than an hour before making congee. Add about 7 cups of water into the pot. Adjust amount of water if you want to make mushy rice.
Chop papaya into small dices (to make the food chewier; if baby does not have good swallowing ability, mash papaya into pure first). Boil the egg. Mash egg yolk and leave for later use.
When congee boils with bubbles, add mince pork and keep stirring to prevent minced meat from sticking together.
Finally, add papaya dices and egg yolk.

9. Chicken Congee with Broccoli and Cheese

1 bowl broccoli
1/2 bowl chicken thigh
1 baby cheese cube

Peel off skin of chicken thigh and steam until cook. Remove the bones and grind in a blender. Leave for later use.
Chop broccoli and cook until soft. Grind in blender.
When congee is boiling with bubbles, add broccoli and minced chicken meat.
Add cheese when ready to serve to make it tastier!

10. Chicken Thigh Congee with Bean Curd and Sweet Pea Puree

1/2 bean curd cube
1/2 bowl sweet peas
1 bowl chicken thigh

Dice bean curd. Rinse sweet peas well and cook until done. Blend to a pure.
Steam chicken thigh until cooked. Remove bones. Set aside.
Submerge 2 tablespoons of raw rice (about 1/2 cup) in hot water for more than an hour before making congee. Pour about 7 cups of water into the pot. Adjust amount of water if you want to make mushy rice.
Add all ingredients when congee is boiling with bubbles.

11. Fish Paste Congee with Broccoli and Tomato

1 bowl broccoli
2 tablespoons fish paste
1 tomato

Chop broccoli into small pieces and cook until soft. Grind in blender.
Steam fish with ginger over water. Remove the bones. Mash with wooden stick to a paste. If using salmon, blanch in hot water and trim off white fat.
Cook tomato. Peel off skin and scoop out seeds. Dice and grind in blender.
When congee is boiling with bubbles, add all ingredients and cook for 5 minutes.

12. Salmon and Bean Curd Congee

Salmon (5 pieces of salmon sashimi or salmon steak with bones removed)
1/2 bean curd cube
fish soup

Soak 2 tablespoons of raw rice (about half cup) in hot water for more than an hour before making congee. Pour about 6 cups of fish soup into the pot. Or, pour half bowl of cooked rice into 2 bowls of fish soup. The congee made will also be soft and tender.
Blanch salmon in hot water. Pick out white fat with chopstick.
Grind bean curd in blender. Set aside.
When congee boils with bubbles, add salmon and bean curd. Stir well until ingredients are cooked.
