(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, thanks for the menu! I've included it in the blog as a comment (http://littlegastronomy.blogspot.com/2007/07/vegetable-pasta-with-fishveggiescream.html)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emoments</font></font>, I'm glad you like it!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Wenniekok</font></font>, thanks for sharing the recipes, but I'm not too sure about FISH PASTE or FISH SAUCE for our babies' diet now..

Fish paste uses mixed fish meat, wonder if the fish meat they use is good fish..

As for fish sauce, it has plenty of salt and msg.. hmmm sorry, maybe I'm just overly cautious..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jerene</font></font>, thanks for the encouragement! but it's kinda diff to get pics all the time becos I was doing live demo then feed A after! heh.. also bbs' at ours age their food is still not kodak moment enough la..
hey gals, our thread seems to hv slowed down a little... where's everyone gone?
since i'm free tonite, thot i'll just post a pic of sophie for fun... hee... relax...

great job w the blog!
i tried the fish+veg+apple one. Sophie loved it! I think i didn't make enuf
More recipes pls!!!

WOW to little Trinity... she's super power... can walk already... more than meets the eye.

thanks for the recipes, looks exciting to try. like bren, am a bit suspicious of using fish paste too, guess i'll just sub w fish itself.

i've not tried. What kind of mushrooms do you give your babies?
Dear mummies,

<font color="0000ff">Updates: </font>
1. Jack & Lily - shoes ready to ship out of Canada on Friday.
2. California Baby - stocks arrived at my house liao. Will arrange for self collection on weekend and meet up next week. Venue to advise.
3. Celebrate Express #2 - Order shipped out (International)
4. Birthday Direct #1 - Order shipped out to VpostUSA.
5. Celebrate Express #1 - Gone missing. Has emailed to them to enquire on status.
6. Birthday Direct #2 - Faced problem to order. Has also emailed them to enquire

<font color="0000ff">Payment Update</font>

Celebrate Express #1
- Sha
- emoments

Celebrate Express #2
- brenda
- cheekz
- jo

Birthday Direct #1
- paulelaine
- jo
T is soooooo adorable!!! and her developments r fast!!! she will walk v soon, even w/o the walker 2 encourage her. she is quite steady.

thks 4 sharing so much recipes here. its my off day tdy, hv made a list of things 2 go shopping.

shacks! i still have not transf money 2 u!!! pai seh!!!
thks 4 sharing how u feed alexis when u go on trips.
haven tried commercial jars yet n dunno if my little Master Fussy will like it.

i copied ur recipe for steamed tofu n minced meat. will try it out wif R! and am keen 2 try out pasta oso... aiyoh but so many things, dunno he can 'accept' anot. hehe... but i am looking fwd. got my shopping list ready!
OH MY! So cute trinity... like a bit drunk... hee tell her no drunk speed driving the walker k? Can go to jail one... hee hee. The walker looks so nice... much nicer than the ones i've seen...

hee... okie you try but if R is not used to unblended meat, you need to blend the meat first okie? Cannot serve it as it is coz he might gag and that will put them off the meal. Actually you might want to try out the pasta first, i think it's easier to eat. Coz the sauce is like their normal puree so best to make his fav veg puree mix and add milk n put onto the pasta.
i hv not puree-ed R's meat since he started porridge. i usually juz cut the cooked meat (fish or chix) wif scissors then chop it up to make it fine. i noe buttons puree her meat. i am too lazy to do tt! :p
yah, i will try out the pasta 1st. coz ur dish is more 'adult'... but then i realised he is more interested in adult looking dishes! i hope i succeed! my Master Fussy is not easy to please. hahaha
hee... me too! Okie that's good coz they shd be able to take chopped meat already or else they'll refuse non pureed food later. HAHA YA, sophie also very smart, we eat together with her sometimes and she prefers our food. Doesn't like just puree puree.

I norm show her all the diff colours/sizes of the food so it looks like adult food and then i use the pigeon plastic container that has a mashing side to mash and serve to her as we go along if pieces are too big.

Oh ya does he like to play when he eats? Sometimes i give sophie finger food as I feed her. E.g. potato/sweet potato cubes (like can mash easily), very cooked carrot half slices... kinda distracts her n she enjoys it...
u noe i am sooooo silly, i bot so much barang barang like the pigeon's bowl 4 R b4 he started weaning and i totally 4got abt tt bowl until i saw it in Joon's blog so i quickly brought it out to use!
Yah i was worried tt he will not like non-puree-ed stuff later (to start wif, he din like purees unless its veggie) so it make things easier 4 me! hahaha...
R is usually interested in the soups i drink. hahahaa... coz my mum uses bones to cook our soups and dun add msg, at times i will juz let my soup spoon drip dry, then let him hv a few 'taste'... u shld hv seen his satisfied look on the face and wanting more! hahaha...
i dun give R any finger food to play coz he gets tooo distracted and focus on the item he is holding instead. usually its his high chair toy and his fav cartoon CD... and his meal time is fast... abt 10-15 mins. anything longer, he will start to fidget and tryg to climb out of his high chair.
but how to eat together? i tried and end up concentrating to feed him coz the 1st 5 mins, he swallows v fast and even b4 i had time to scoop the next mouthful of porridge, his mouth is opening wide like a hippopotamus, waiting 4 food to b delivered in his mouth FAST. and once the food turns cold, he doesnt wan it anymore. so i hv to b v swift when i feed!
yah my megan also, if take too long to feed her, she will try to struggle out of her feeding chair. When she just started on feeding she will guai guai sit there and concentrate on her food. These days, in fact once we put her in the chair, she will start to fuss, so must quickly distract her with things like her spoon, plastic plates etc.
Maybe I will try Ling's method of giving them finger food to distract her. I havent tried VCds yet... may have to resort to soon i think... haha!
<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe</font>,
Payment has been made to you as follow : -

Amount : S$28.77
Transaction Ref : 1233002159
Dated : 25 June
Meant for :
- S$5.09 : Shipping Cost for California Baby
- S$23.68 : Purchase of Birthday Banner from Celebrate Express

Amount S$12.08
Transaction Ref : 1245052608
Dated : 02 July 2007
Amount : S$12.08
For : Shipping Cost for Birthday Banner purchase under : Celebrate Express

Trust that all is in order, if there is still any outstanding. Just let me know ok. Thanks.
heh that sounds like sophie's clothes. I got so much hand me downs stuffed up that I've forgotten what we have!
R wants to grow up fast and eat like you guys! Actually the soup if ingredients are ok for babies n no msg/salt, can give R right? How come you don't let him drink more? Hee... sophie also likes yummy soups.
Norm i feed her first, she also eats super fast, if slow also will make noise. And then i'll give her finger food lor and so we can eat. But not too long lah haha...
But babies wanting to move around is not a bad thing lah, it's normal... hee...

ya ya try distracting her w things/food for now if you haven't tried VCD or else when you go out, very hard to feed her unless you have a portable VCD player!
Wow wow did I read that Trinity is the first to walk here?? Is she 10 months already? Ah too bad youtube is blocked from office! I will watch it later!

Cute picture of Sophie! What's her height and weight now? She's slim yeah. My Hannah is short.

Wow Jadelle is so round like Doraemon! Haha. Cute!

That picture of Gabriel also cute! Bet he's quite heavy already huh?!

Whos's got problem feeding?
My Hannah now likes to be fed in front of the TV! She's turning into a couch potato like me! She ate a lot too! Oh no!

I wonder if you have brought Kai swimming already? I have. Hannah cries when she's in contact with cold water but once she got completely wet, she stopped crying and enjoy waddling in the water. Once you're in, you no longer feel cold lah.

Hannah loves to pout. It's one of her new tricks now. If your babies are pouting, can we make a montage out of it? brenda? *wink wink*

hehehe, we all mummies learning tricks fr 1 another! some mums dun like to distract their babies wif TV coz its a bad habit. 4 me, the VCD is educational, so its gd tt he likes to watch, though i dunno if he absorbs the info! haha

how envious, got more than enuff clothings. if i hv a girl for my no.2, i will to 'inherit' my niece's lovely and expensive clothings! hiak hiak...
yah as long as no salt/msg can feed them. but coz its 4 adults, my mum sure add some salt/soy sauce inside, tts y i am not willing to really feed him. tt reminds me, i will try the nutritious soup stock to feed him!

agreed. babies wanting to move abt is NORMAL. we will really b worried when they dun wanna move.

Hannah is so cute! can pout like tt. if there is a montage on this, i sure no photos to submit coz my R does not pout at all.

ok ciao, i am off to my shopping trip!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font>, thanks!! Actually those recipes blogged were really used past few days.. so the recipes will surface as I cook la and I thought they'll look more appetizing with pics.. so it might take months before we could compile into ONE book! heehee.. Hey Sophie looks like a big girl now!

A still not interested in finger foods or watching TV.. only last night at about 11.30pm (ya! that late)she was quite glued to TV 12 when I was watching an Argentinian live concerto.. hmmm

If we pinch our adult's food and feed it to our babies, they'll have an impression that they can eat our foods and ignore theirs.. not too good of a habit to cultivate and we should try to feed them their food first before we have our meals.. just my thoughts la..
hi mummy there,
may i know if bb sick (cough, phlegm) taking antibiotic & cough medicine now..still can give them steamed red apple? does it irritate their throat? my boy din poo 4 2days, today is 3rd day liao..tot fruits can help buah. Pls advice. Thanks.
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>
Hey thanks for sharing your blog. Will definitely be trying ur recipes this weekend after grocery shopping. And ur explanation is very detailed, from the appearance of the food, the texture if ripe or not to where to buy and the brand etc..( very informative for a goondo cooking mummy like me).

Here sharing Megan's recent picture with all of u:
hi mummy,
any recipe porridge to share for not so sick bb? (cough & Phlegm), so that can improve his appetile / take more porridge?
Wow megan looks like a todder!! Still chubby hor!

Your girl still bogay? Hannah is growing new teeth on lower gum. Heng ah never got sick or cranky or anything. Still latching her though and surprisingly feels like no different from her bogay days.

When my baby is sick, she refuses to eat much too but that's just like us lor, our appetite went down too. How about more fruits like watermelon or honeydew?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Phoebe</font>

I have just transferred $$ to you for the Birthday spree. My Transaction Reference is: 1250786199


T is sooooo cute heeheee... she always advance in her milestone ya.


Boohoo... auntie melissa I'm a girl. Gabriel is dumpty little prince. So sad, hope Gabriel won't mind me being boyish look. Heehee.


Megan is so sweet & adorable.


Sophie looks like she posing as a supermodel. She got the potential ya.


Maybe you can give Yoghurt a try. It will help pooing more than apple.

hmm i think rachel still bo gay ehehe .. always flash her million dollar smile at me, showing her gums. hehe ... but she has been salivating recently. so not sure if she is teething. nvm .. just let her be.
Alamak so sooo paiseh!!!! boy or girl she's very chubby and cute! I've always loved chubby babies but too bad we have no chubby genes so Hannah is not so chubby. Sorry hor.. heeee... *blush*

toothless grins are cutest right?? i am still enjoying it b'cos Hannah's teeth still not so visible yet!! taking more pictures of her bogay looks! where's Rachel's pics?? long time no see!
WOO HOO Finally more baby pics!!!

Hee... Ya sophie's really tiny. Tiny arms n legs. She's 6.8kg, just weighed last wk. N 69cm. Hopefully grow up to have supermodel look.. hee hee... Oh but underweight models not allowed now. Oh wells...

Hannah looks so cute w her little pout! I've never seen Sophie pout before tho.

Hee... she's got clothes till 4yrs old! Don't even know where to put them. Sigh... Oh ya make stock, smells really nice!

YES! I love the pasta colours. More photos n more recipe pls! So fun... hee... our babies really very blessed...

oooo megan is GORGEOUS! Love her outfit... this photo was taken out of super crazy hot s'p?


ya ya... supermodel in training... make $$ to pay for all her food. hee hee...

KAI looks so happy in the water!
got a question for mummies.
Which comes first? Sippy cup or straw cup?

T has been self drinking water and juice from magmag straw cup for about a month now. I've never used a sippy cup on her. Is it necessary to train her to drink from sippy cup?


I think sippy cup comes b4 straw cup. my rachel is now drinking from straw cup (before that was sippy cup) herself too. But i think it is not necessary to train trinity to drink from sippy cup lah ..


here's Rachel on her first "car". She only knows how to move backwards haha ..

HELP! I'm stuck with blogging halfway.. as all of u probably know by now that my HYPY is quite hopeless..

Can some kind mummy tell me if 'xiao bai chai' or 'xiao bai cai' or 'xiao pek choy' is right? or they're all totally wrong? I'm trying to say the shortie cabbage with green leaves and light green stems..


Rachel looks like she's enjoying her ride.
Yun also got the same toy. She was very excited when she first see it but nxt day dun even wan to look at it. Her daddy warn me not to get her


Yun is now drinking straw cup. B/f tat we try spippy cup but she dun knw how to drink from it.


Xiao bai cai is correct HYPY.

Now she can crawl & pull to stand she do that every min she awake. But every toy we got for her she play less than 2 mins... waste my hard earn $$$.
Hi hi,
How do you all train your babies to drink from straw? Gabriel doesn't know how to leh.
And even though I bought and wanted to try, my mum is just not keen. She say I'm crazy to want to train him drink from straw/cup at this age.

I teach Gabriel to get from bed/mattress with his feet first. Have to do it for almost 2 weeks before he get the idea. Now he climb up/down mattress very swiftly.

i didn't train yun. it jst happen one day we were at the restaurant, she saw us drinking from the straw so i got a straw for her to try & she jst suck d water up. Maybe u could try demo to gabriel first


Hannah so cute pouting... yun recent trick is tis
mummies check wit u, for those babies drinking from straw/ spippy cup, do u still give milk in bottles? I was reading d gina ford bks & she encourage us to transit from bottles to cup for milk feed by 1 yr old which i tink still too young. wat do u tink?
yeah finally more beautiful pictures!! cute cute cute!!!!

Oh Rachel so cute!! And the car is so nice where did u get it? I have a hand-me down car from my sister. Quite old already lah. But since Hannah is short (only 67cm) both her legs can't touch the floor yet. Poor thing, got interest, no capacity haha.

Hannah started off with sticking out her tongue too and then she progressed to pouting. Now she also dance to the music by swaying her hips right to left while holding on to the table. Its' good to train Yun to drink from straws or sippy cups. I have yet to train Hannah too. She can only recently hold her bottle but dunno how to suck independently yet!

Ling ah ling,
Your sophie is taller than my hannah liao! hannah got chance to become plus size model! Hahaha.

yay now Kai can enjoy swimming pool!!

the toy is from FisherPrice. You can get it from kiddy palace or any other department stores.

It retails at 99.90. got it with 20% discount from KP.

v ex ... i saw a similar one frm PLaySkool at 39.90.

oh btw, this toy car can be used as a walker too.

Oh yeah one thing about FisherPrice they're always very ex on the other hand PlaySkool provides excellent alternatives at HALF the price! I noticed that too and the toys are kinda the same! Think PlaySkool is directly trying to chop off FP's head. haha...
