(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">Spree Collection at Harbourfront</font>

Date: 24 Apr (Tue)
Time: 1240pm
Venue: Harbourfront Cheers

lit pony - Old Navy
ilovebabies - 2 calendula
doreen - 4 calendula
esthermummy - 2 calendula
vivan_phoebe - 2 calendula
dumpty - 3 calendula

<font color="ff6000">Can make it?</font>
Hehehe... Should be

<font color="ff6000">Happy <font size="+1">8th Month</font> to Rachel!</font>


<font color="aa00aa">Happy <font size="+1">7th Month</font> to Trinity and Clare and Rae Ann!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Cheekz</font>
Nice meeting you today... finally we managed to meet up
To think we came from the same Primary school, Secondary School and even Univ... small world... but too bad, I'm so much older than you.. thus, didn't meet you in school :p

I love Rae Ann's eyes.... so pretty

Here's some photos I took today:

<font color="0000ff">Dylan in singlet.. looking blur</font>


<font color="0000ff">Both looked so serious & sad... like forced into marriage...
see their same mouth expression.. </font>


<font color="0000ff">Hey, what are you looking at?</font>
Hi moms,

Sorry sorry... my ass on fire for the last few days. Haiz.... no time to come in here to look look.

Hi <font color="0000ff">Brenda and Daisybuttons and Edksd</font>,

Thanks for the great info on spas!!!
Wow, you gals really spa gurus! Hehe... tell you something. I haven't been to a spa or pedicure or manicure all my life! Terrible yah??? I kept telling myself that I shall go someday, but that day didn't crystallise! Cannot believe it. Will make sure I go this time round. Hubby has a company annual planning meeting at Rasa Sentosa in 1st week May for 3 days 2 nights, and each staff has his/her own room. I shall take leave and go!
While he works, I can go spa, spa and more spa... Hehe....

Hi <font color="ff0000">emoments and Cheekz</font>,

Great idea!!! Let's collect the photos together! When you gals collecting? They called you yet? Stamford house is just across the street from my office.... Very convenient for me. I can collect anytime - but they haven't called me yet. Haiz...

The photo of Rae Ann and Dylan is soooo cute!!! Esp the last photo... hehe.... Cheekz, Rae Ann really looks like you leh. Forgot to tell you this last week.

Hi <font color="119911">Joon</font>,

You are the one with the Stokke stroller right??? Hehe, I just bought a Stokke-inspired Tripp Trapp last week. It looks like this -


How is it??? It costs me $199 with free seat cushion, as compared to Tripp Trapp which costs $700 plus with accessories such as guard bar, harness, cushion... Hehe... I am still looking for a Stokke inspired stroller!


As a result of my itchy hands, now I have 4 high chairs!!! Unbelievable. I have a portable one which I bought at Taka sale for $29.90, a convertible one (to a toddler desk and chair) from I'M Toy for $135, a LuckyBaby (someone gave me this) and a BabyDan (just bought for $199). Now I have a huge storage problem for high chairs.... Mebbe can put one at my mom's place, one at my Father-in-law's, one in the car boot, and one at home.... Sometimes I cannot believe myself.... While you are a bag-a-holic, I am a highchair-a-holic!

Hi <font color="ff6000">Rainnie</font>,

It's great meeting you ytd too!!! Emma is truly lucky to find such a great friend as you!

Hi <font color="0077aa">Yuna</font>,

Me not bringing Clarence for vaccination this weekend after all, cos my grandma is having her birthday celebration.... Will be brining next Sat instead. You free this Sunday evening or morning? We can push stroller down and walk walk!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Puree/Porridge Making Class</font></font>
Sorry mummies, I can't find a suitable location to do the class again.. If any of you've good suggestions, do let me know ok? Got to be air-con! heehee.. and the location as centralised as possible ya.. thanks!
Meanwhile, in case the class doesn't materialize, those who need help with puree/porridge making method, can either PM me or email me if you've my email addy.. I'll provide answers if I've them!

<font color="0077aa">Angeline</font>, sure! if there's demand, there'll be supply! Maybe a month before Sep 2007, we can discuss this again, it'll be exciting to plan a nice bday bash for all Sep bbs =)

<font color="0077aa">Cheekz</font>! Nah, my contribution.. Arianne's been wearing this type of singies since she was born! We've got sizes of 8, 10, 12 and 16! heehee.. now when I put on for her, she stares at the eyelets and chew the shirt! This pic taken in Jan when we were going on the BollaWood craze!


<font color="ff0000">Hey Rae Ann, since both our mummies got bad fashion taste, how about doing our own Victoria's secret's Spree? Some of their nice t-shirts are on sale now! - Arianne</font>

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">HAPPY 7TH MONTH BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE BABIES!!!</font></font>

How time flies! Our babies are already 7 months old! I can still remember that moment when she was placed on my tummy just after she was born.

Was going thru the thread and saw the news about Saby. Its truly heartbreaking. My heart goes out to her parents...
Hi Brenda,

Arianne is so cute! I love the pic of her with the magazine! Haha! You can take very good photos leh.

Hi Cheekz,

Forgot to tell you this - I think you should lower Rae Ann's bed by a notch asap leh. Clarence's favorite past time these days is to pull himself to a standing position. You'll never know when Rae Ann will start doing the same, and if the railing is not high enough, there is a risk that she may topple over.
Hey Peachie

Sunday evening will be good, we arrange the time on tat day ok
can ask Gwen to come along if she is free, love to meet her

I also told cheekz that rae ann look like her but she said many ppl said rae ann look like the daddy.
<font color="0077aa">Buttons</font>, it was Peachie who was asking about Spas and holidaying in Sentosa.. then Cheekz also talked about it, so I replied my post to her lo.. heh

<font color="0077aa">Emoments</font>, wah! Dylan looks tall in the pics! Did he show off his cute dimples to Rae Ann? Sure mee dao her one!

<font color="0077aa">B_Rainnie</font>, can't really see that Rainnie is sitting up le.. got a clearer one? if not, I'll just use this..

<font color="0077aa">Peachie</font>, errr I'm not sure if Rasa Sentosa has a spa within the hotel.. but u can always jump boat to Spa Botanica la.. but if you're at the Spa and your hub at work, then Clarence how?
Oh ya! your Tripp-Trapp does look like a Stokke's high chair! and if you continue being a 'highchair-a-holic', you'll need to move to a warehouse soon! heehee..
Hi Yuna,

Sure sure!!! Will ask Gwen. The last time I asked her, she said weekends normally the whole family would be out. Lemme ask her again.

Wah, quite a lot of babies in our area!

Aiya, Rae Ann looks like mommy lah! My gosh, the photo of 3 of us carrying our cuties, you can see Rae Ann is Cheeks' photocopy! So much like mommy!


Me thinking of either asking my mom along, or leave Clarence with her during the day (ie do not disclose that I am on leave!!!) Very bad hor.... Otherwise my mom will surely ask me to look after myself and say that she needs a break.

Otherwise it's very hard for me to go spa.... In fact, very hard to go anywhere!!! Got to push Clarence all around everywhere.... Die man... My hubby even asked whether I want to bring the slow cooker along to cook porridge for him. I was like -WHAT???!!! You want me to bring blender along, fish, veg as well? Then where to buy the fish???!!! I catch in the sea?!! Speechless.... Haiz. So you can imagine lah.... Hard to go abroad. I intend to just feed milk, milk and milk.... Maybe this is where Frisocreme comes in handy.
How you managed in Phuket huh?

I intend to pop over to Spa Botanica. Hehe... Yep, I know Beaufort has very nice villas!!! That is a nice alternative! But very ex... My husband's eyes almost popped out when I told him the pool villas in Phuket are $1K per night. If I book the pool villa at Beaufort, he will have a mild heart attack. LOL!

I also am thinking about 1st birthday!! I did not have any 1st month celebration, just gave cake. Where you gals celebrating? I just received an invite from a Secondary and JC friend last week. Her son first year birthday is to be held at Mandarin Orchard this Saturday, and it is going to be a 5 course western dinner affair. I was like GOSH! How much is that per pax??? And she said it's quite reasonable.... $80 plus per pax before wine. Faint.... And she invited close to 150 people.

Anyone got anywhere cheaper than this??? I dun want void deck or my home, but I cannot afford to splurge like this either. Anywhere good to recommend? Maybe chalet and getting some catered food will be good. But chalets are usually located at some inaccessible area, so may pose a problem to my older relatives and those friends who do not drive....
<font color="ff6000">cooking class</font>
you all can try - the frontier cc (located opp. jurong point) rate is abt $55/hr + $20 or $30 cleaning charges. this new cc's homecraft room is air-conditioned.

<font color="ff6000">peachie</font>
if you are travelling, bring a 400g milk powder, a box of cereal & some jar foods. will last you that few days.

<font color="ff6000">1st birthday party</font>
tot most will choose MacDonald birthday parties
<font color="0000ff">peachie,</font>
LOL! well, if u do catch fish, u can be sure clarence will be getting the freshest possible, hahahaha... ya, i'm the sucker with the stokke! it's bad, my hb and i are suckers for stuff like that! u know that the xplory is really for us right? not for DN at all! heh heh heh... and we were also eyeing the tripp trapp! i like the simple and clean design of the tripp trapp but the cost??! since u're the high chair expert, can i ask u... what do u think of ur differnt highchairs? if i were to only get one, which type would u recommend? am thinking of the ikea high chair, but dunno how long that will last coz it's not adjustable.

150 pple for the bday party??! alamak. that's like a wedding already. and i don't want to go through all that mambo-jambo again! i think for the 1st yr, the party is really for the adults rather than for the kids. actually ur chalet idea is a gd one!
or u can consider booking one of those restaurants that close from 2-6pm. then u can book the entire place and have a private party? what about wine company @ evans road? it's a really nice place, very cozy and posh-looking but their food is very affordable. hmm... maybe i should give them a call! LOL
<font color="0000ff">Hi Yun and Peachie</font>

Yeahlor.. the last pic is so cute.. tt's y I gotta post it even thou it's not showing their faces directly...

<font color="ff6000">Hi Brenda</font>
No leh... Dylan seems more interested in Cheekz, kept smiling at her but only stare at Rae Ann only.. ..maybe jealous of her beautiful eyes... Dylan's eyes too small
can i just kpo in about high chairs. I have 3 now.
1 babylove, hand me down from a cousin, now at MIL's place,
1 chicco, at my home
1 ikea, at my mum's place in SGP. we bought it when we were back earlier this month.

Right now my favorite is the ikea cos its so light and easy to clean. I have seen my friend's angmo baby in ikea chair up to 2 years old, so I think size won't be a problem.

I'm even having thoughts of selling off the Chicco and changing to the ikea cos the chicco is so bulky in my small apt.
Hi Ling and Phoebe,

Sorry... I very suaku. What are food jars???!!! Are they food containers?

The cereal is a good idea. Think I'll do that! I have some Bellamy organic rice cereal at home. Guess I'll bring that along and add some FM to the cereal and feed it to him.

Haha, cannot imagine bringing fresh fish and veg! LOL.... Maybe I'll tell Clarence - Baby, be a good boy yah? Mommy jump into the sea and catch fish and will be back in a while. But since you so fussy and eat only threadfin, and mommy has no idea of how a real threadfin look like, mommy will go diving with the encyclopedia. So mommy will take quite a while yah???!!!

Hi Joon,

Actually each high chair has its own merits. But I like the Stokke lookalike best. So far it's the only highchair where Clarence is willing to sit inside for the whole duration of the meal without whining to get out. But it is also the most problematic highchair. Cos the table is really his food tray, his little arms will be outstretched and trying to grab whatever plate and cup there is on the table. This is made worse by the fact that he can pull himself to a standing position now, so he can leverage on the footrest and try to reach forward. So it's really distracting for us, especially my breakfast table is so small. My dining table is really another white elephant.

But I realised that he tries to be part of our mealtime conversation whenever he is in the Stokke lookalike, something which he does not do when he is in the rest of the highchairs. He will start babbling and look at my husband and myself, and stare at us expectantly and wait for our answers to his babbles. This can be bad for us though, cos we will be busy during the whole dinner trying to keep his little hands from our food and keep up with his small efforts at making conversation. In the end my husband and I will have a darned disruptive meal and we can hardly talk to each other.

The LuckyBaby is also good, as the food tray is large. But Clarence will start whining after being in it for a while and he wants to be carried. The I'M Toy one hasn't been assembled yet cos it is from 1-7 years. The portable one is the worst. The food tray is small (which means no place to put his toys), and it is low (which means he cannot see us well when in it).

The wine company sounds good! How much are their charges? How many pax max? What kind of food do they serve?
peachie.. yes.. rainnie's mama is the best..
btw.. i love clarence's look.. he looks like a japanese beach boy!! kawaii!!! did u bring him for a tan??? he looks so healthy lehz!!!
hi peachie,

these are the food jars i meant. 1 jar 1 meal. can get fruits or dinners. open and eat or warm it, up to you.


Apple & Mango Sauce


Vegetable & Chicken Dinner

You can visit the supermarkets for a complete range. Organic also have.
<font color="aa00aa">emoments</font>
hey, thanks for the pics! yeah...we have so much in common...maybe if we had more time to talk, we might even dig up more things, haha...

hey, this dylan is so tall!!! he's got all your hubby's and your good genes...and i tell u so many times already, he will be very handsome one!

guys with small eyes VERY sexyleh ie jay chou, rain, all those korean/jap male stars...*drool*drool*

<font color="aa00aa">Yuna</font>
remember our "date" in may, ok? i think dylan misses clarice very much!!!

rae ann tried to eat his head that day,poor dylan....

<font color="aa00aa">rainnie</font>
thanks for the cute pic! so cutie cutie!!! its so funny how we all seem to have the same stuff...

<font color="aa00aa">peachie</font>
hey good luck with ur spa rendezvous

thanks for the advice, will lower her cot soon...

I really love ur stokke inspired high chair! does it come in pink cushion???

ours is a hand me down (similar to the I'M Toy one but the mothercare version) but i don't think my hubby will allow me to buylah...ur hubby is so generous leh!!!

<font color="aa00aa">brenda</font>
if u don't mind.... can share with me what camera u're using?

i noticed that ur pics all so pro...u must be darn good photographer or ur camera is the high end one...or both!

the colours are amazing....like studio taken...

thanks for arianne's pic...she's gonna be one super hot babe when she grows up...she's already one now!!!

ooooh, victoria secrets spree??? where? where?

<font color="aa00aa">j@@n</font>
wow, u're the first person i know to own the stokke push chair!!! so lucky lah u!!! i've always thought it was the coolest pram around!

maybe next time if there is a gathering, u bring it, then can let rae ann take photo in it...hahah...joking only lah...heh...
ohhh brenda! might not hv 2nd class ah? die leh, i wanna start porridge mayb soon, since R is rejecting cereals and 90% of the purees i am making. i am hoping he likes the jap pumpkin i bot tdy! so bl**dy exp, he better like it else i whack his backside 4 wasting my money again.

ohhhhhh, my sis ALWAYS orders fr VS. i ordered 2 of their sale tops the last round. not bad leh. eh, my size i am wearing S on their chart instead of my usual M/L... wat size can u wear? u so slim leh. scully XS oso cant fit in. kekeke...

so funny! u wanna jump out and catch fish? kekekekkee.... :D i PM u in a while...
if u use lemons, think u squeeze the juice out and leave the wrinked lemon on a small dish and let it stand inside the FTG for a nite bah. i v KS though, let my 2 used tea bags stand for 2 nites to remove the odour. haha

yes, i use lemons to clean my steriliser and its v effective. i only use once 3.5 mths ago and now my steriliser is still b clean.
Hi Bonjour Hola Hello Ni Men Hao!

I miss miss miss this forum so much it is terrible... and I will NEVER be able to catch up on the past 2 weeks threads so if a kind soul or two can please summarise the important happenings that I missed out on, that will be very, very much appreciated.

Was so homesick and could not wait to be in singapore again (never thought I will say that)! Having said that, must stressed that we had a pretty good holiday in Beijing, great weather, good food, excellent massages and hair washes (at even more excellent prices) and wonderful company. SQs service was fantastic, they thought of everything, I need not have brought along so many diapers and purees and bib and toys after all!

My most exciting purchase? A lightweight combi stroller from Carrefour for ~SGD100! The super juicy part of this purchase? Baby alexis is willing to sit in it!! Yay! Also bought a lot of clothes for alexis knowing darn well she wont be able to fit in them within the next couple of months BUT cannot resist! The salespeople llluuuurrrvvvveeee me :p

Since we were in Beijing for 13 days, we had the time to attend a Kindermusik lesson and a Mommy & Me session in Etonhouse. Must say their standards are quite good and we thoroughly enjoyed the classes. Most of the other mommies and babies are expats. Their babies are soooooo adorable, just like ours! (Buay pai say...hehehee)

Ooh...if you guys are gonna do lunch on 24 April after collecting the calendula cream then I would be happy to make a trip down to vivo city. <font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>, is it okay if I do so instead of letting Singapore Post earn some of my money??

Spree Collection at Harbourfront

Date: 24 Apr (Tue)
Time: 1240pm
Venue: Harbourfront Cheers

lit pony - Old Navy
ilovebabies - 2 calendula
doreen - 4 calendula
esthermummy - 2 calendula
vivan_phoebe - 2 calendula
dumpty - 3 calendula
Jerene - 2 calendula

Last but not least, happy happy birthday to all the little ones turning 7 or 8 months old! Sorry I missed your birthdays. Flying kisses!!

One more thing: Looking forward to seeing some of you tomorrow for the juzmusic class...hope it will be a good one.
Sigh... suffering from forum withdrawal syndrome nowadays... Argh... But luckily u gals not posting so furiously now! hehehe... ...

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>
So sad no 2nd BB Weaning Class! *sob sob*

<font color="aa00aa">peachie</font>
Wanna thank you for the letters! I got them and love them. Now thinking of how and where to put them up!

<font color="aa00aa">Angeline</font>
Trinity forever so adorable! And oh my she's so fast! Wanting to learn to stand on her own?

<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>
Take my hats off to u! You are also a SQ <font size="+1">S</font>hopping <font size="+1">Q</font>ueen!

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Victoria Secrets</font></font>
Who who?!?! Who wants to buy? I cannot convince my sister to buy so can't bear to order since just my orders alone, the shipping gonna cost as much as my items!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">jerene</font>
Welcome back! But so far nobody say wanna meet me for lunch leh
*sob sob*
<font color="0077aa">Dumpty..</font> hehe.. shhhhhh... but i'm realli a lil out of control!!! i muz stop buying.. juz in case i realli move.. if i dun stop, i'll be in trouble.. maybe muz move to a warehouse alr!!! lol
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Happy Birthdays to all babies turning 7 and 8 months</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>
Welcome back! Sounds like you had a fun and relaxing trip in Beijing. Can post the clothes you bought? Cheap a not?

BTW, Jamie may be interested in joining the jusmusic class. Do we still have vacancy?
<font color="aa00aa">High Chair,</font>

Peachie, is the stokke inspired chair from mothercare? I wanted to buy it but went for the fisher price booster seat instead because we want to be able to bring it to my in-laws when we visit them. May I can use youryour good review to convince my hushand to get it. Heh heh heh!

My 2 cents worth on high chair. I think babies feel trapped when there is a food tray. Chloe likes the FP booster seat as long as we don't put the detachable tray on. She also likes her Ikea high chair without food tray. For both she can sit and wait for us to finish dinner.

Here's her in the FP seat. It a bit like a car seat. Can tilt back for drinking milk after cereals.

<font color="0000ff">dumpty</font>
Thank you, thank you! Aiyah, if no one else, we two go for lunch lor.

<font color="0000ff">PG</font>
Thanks for the welcome too, PG, cannot wait to see Chloe tomorrow...I am not sure if there are any vacanies but it is unlikely they will turn just one more away. Or I can call and check tomorrow morning and let you know later??
<font color="0077aa">Peachie!</font>, hey hey hey! finally! finally we met! aiyoo.. so fun chatting away with you, and of cos with our dear niu-zai and niu-nai-bao-mo-jee too! That was so therapeutic.. Glorious Devilish Chocs Desserts and Hot Gossips! heehee..
Thanks for the U-Like discount again!
I owe u a 60cts kopi ahh..
Yah, buy those jarred foods for Clarence la. It's the most feasible solution

<font color="0077aa">Phoebe</font>, eh thanks for the suggestion, but I think Jurong is a tad too far for most of the mummies

<font color="ff0000">Any other suggestions for ccs that we can hold the cooking class at?</font>

<font color="0077aa">Emoments</font>, yah! I agree with <font color="ff0000">Cheekz</font>! The tiny, slanty eyes' boys are cute! very charming and don't forget your Dylan has dimples to compliment too!

<font color="0077aa">Cheekz</font>, err.. so far all the pics u see here were taken by 4 different devices.. 1 is our vidz cam, 2 is our digi cam, 3 is my mum's hp and 4 is my hp! So I can't exactly tell u which is DA best, they all have produced good shots before.. I think more important is the photographer la.. heehee (not pai seh me..) I look out for a few things when I take pics, maybe u also can take note of:
1. Lighting - as natural as possible! so try take pics in the day and not against the sunlight cos yr subject's face will be black!
2. Background - uurrgghhh remove whatever unsightly stuffs! Find a one tone background, like my WHITE bed! hee..
3. Subject - in my case is Arianne la.. only take when they're happy!
4. Distract - Hold a hand rattle toy to distract them from looking too seriously into the cam and also to catch their attention so that they're not looking away from the cam's direction. Best if there's someone to help entertain while u snap.
5. Angles - Tilt your cam to achieve different angles cos that gives the pic more character!
6. Photoshop - Well, if all of the above fails, then u better enrol yourself for a course of PS! heehee.. PS does wonders!!

<font color="0077aa">Cheekz/Dumpty</font>, ahhhh... I just ordered my VS stuffs and pay their shipping accordingly but splitting with my gf who's buying some too.. Probably <font color="ff0000">our Purchasing Director, Ms Phoebe</font> can help us with the spree! heehee.. but how to reduce the shipping charge? I guess unless you've a local US addy for VS to send to, then go via VPOST? I also don know le..

<font color="0077aa">jRt</font>, depends on what u refering to le.. For their dresses I usually buy Small, for tops I either buy XS or S. Undies also either XS or S, depends on which type lor.. material also plays a part.. I've been buying their stuffs for more than a century liao le (I think since 1994) so more or less I know what size for what.. hiak!

<font color="0077aa">jRt/Dumpty</font>, no la.. I really don mind doing the class but need to find an available classroom first mah

<font color="0077aa">Jerene</font>, welcome back! so u did enjoy yourself, that's good! Did they 'walk' on your back during the massage? cos the last time I did a massage in BJS, in our hotel, the masseue(spell?) was walking on my back and there was a bar on the ceiling for her to hold on to! so weird to me!!
sorry, forgot you asked re posting pixs of her clothes. Of course can, but hor, must wait till I snap some photos...they are not expensive at all, I got a couple of not authentic polo ralph, Gymboree, Gap and other well known brands :p

No walking on backs leh, I guess depends on what massage you pick...so did your back go creak when your therapist "walk" across?

Help needed regarding Auckland, NZ
Anyone been there or better still, work or study there before? Can recommend a couple of things such as accommodation, activities, etc, bearing in mind I have to lug a 7+kg baby along??
