(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa">Emoments</font>, to me, the eyes must 'talk' so the size doesn't matter! and these days the small eyes are as desirable as big ones!

<font color="0077aa">Jerene</font>, wah! u really are a trial queen!! *kowtow*

<font color="0077aa">Yuna</font>, heyheyhey so nice to finally meet you and of course lil Clarice! She was so sociable! WHERE ARE THE PICS?! hee.. and hope you could come join us at GymB again ya, and if you do, let me know

<font color="0077aa">Yuna/Peachie</font>, hey! Isetan sale can jio me too if u don find me too cumbersome to bring along? heehee.. *promise, laughter provided*

<font color="0077aa">Peachie</font>, <font size="-1">eh next time we go eat the caramel whatever at Marmalade's Pantry, don tell <font size="-2">Buttons</font> okie or else she's going to finish all again! heehee.. shhhh</font>

I did the soya bean milk with U-like today, wah I think I over-exhausted the little machine, it stopped halfway while blending.. So I think need to 'rest' the machine after every 5 mins or so to cool it down. Afterall it is a BABY blender heehee.. anyhow I managed to blend some and ooOOOOOooHlahlah!! the soya bean milk was so so so so good! hey don forget to add some pandan leaves when you boil the milk and strain the milk at least twice yah

As for lemongrass tea/drink, I usually do 2 types but not sure if they're the 'legal' ways though :p

Lemongrass Tea
-I prefer to use English Breakfast or Darjeeling for tea, brew it as usual
-Then bruise the bottom part of the lemon grass, slice them then add into the brewed tea.
-Add sugar as desired

Lemongrass Drink
-Bruise the lower part of the lemongrass(the upper part which is also the leaf part is usually used as garnish, lower part is where the fragrance is)
-Tie a bunch of pandan leaves (I can't leave without this! so I plant myself! hee..)
-Boil both the lemongrass and pandan leaves together in water for about 20-30mins.
-Add rock sugar and boil till it dissolves
-Serve warm and garnish with the upper part of the lemongrass
-If prefer cold, once the drink has been cooled down after you're done with boiling it, then can transfer to the fridge to drink later

These 2 are my personal methods of preparing Lemongrass drink, hope you'll like it as much as I do!

no lar..your coach reversible bag more expensive than the burberry reversible bag mah. so i cannot afford. heehee

are you refering to this color?

<font color="aa00aa">kindermusic class on Sat 21 April</font>
-- didn't attend this one with rae ann...did my own self-development @ PP...hehehe....

<font color="ff6000">jerene</font>
hey babe, thanks for organising the class. had to do some arm-twisting before my poor hubby "volunteered" to attend the class with rae ann....

<font color="ff6000">pigeon</font>
pls convey my deepest thanks to your kind hubby who took the trouble to shoot and upload the pics online... i truly, deeply, madly ADORE that pic of rae ann....

my camera and camera skills are rubbish! what camera are u using, if i may ask?

thank you soooooooooo much for the wonderful pics!

<font color="ff6000">dumpty</font>
yeah, my hubby told me about the curtsy bit...haha...poor man...

but he really enjoyed the class nonetheless...maybe we can organise one for our hubbies to "bond" with the babies...

<font color="0077aa">which leads me to remember my promise to jerene to organise a swimclass by aquaducks...hehehe...Okie, i will call them and update soon...sorry for being so slack...</font>

<font color="ff6000">orange</font>
wow, i'd love to see cayden clap! my hubby said that cayden is ultra super duper cute!!! what a shame that i scooted off so eagerly for my "self-development" that i didn't get a chance to meet ur boy...sighs...

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>
great meeting u that day @ Mc Ds. Hope can meet up again in future...

<font color="ff6000">doreen</font>
hope damien and u are better now

<font color="ff6000">peachie & yuna</font>
count me in for next Isetan sale too!!!! can't wait!!!!
<font color="ff6000">brenda</font>

i read in the u-like intructions that u cannot blend the thingy for longer than 1 minute...which means, i think u have to soak the soya bean longer?
<font color="0077aa">Niu_Nai_Pao_Mo_Jee</font>, eh don't give up, keep trying.. when you puree, do at least 6 servings per item.. then try for the next 3 days (I presume yr solids schedule is 2xs a day?). Compare the entire situation between feeding Spinach and other foods. There must be something u were doing right when u fed the Spinach. Was it over 1 feeding or for a row of 3/4 days that he was enjoying the Spinach? U really got to be a CSI agent now in order to find out the cause.. My A sometimes also rejects her purees but when I feed her the same stuff on another day, she seems to like it! so I'm not going to give up trying.. but we don't force them if they don like. We stop for that feed, but we try again on the next feeding. Have u tried the Jap rice? Eh, I forgot if you bought le..
Anyway, my A loves Parsnip! and also the brown rice we bought together. I cook the brown rice(after I ground into powder la using the U-Like) together with the Jap rice porridge, and she loves it too! u want to try?!

As for cereal, which brand have u tried?
<font color="0077aa">Cheekz</font>, err no la.. I don think it's the beans, I didn't know the machine can continuous blend for more than one minute! heh.. thanks for telling me ah! I was just trying to extract as much juice as possible so kept going on and on and on heehee.. BTW Soya Beans have to be soaked overnight!
<font color="ff6000">brenda</font>

yah...cannot blend longer than 1 minute...btw, the instructions manual comes with ALL kinds of drink recipes...even concoctions for facial masks....but i dun dare lah....
<font color="0077aa">Cheekz</font>, heehee! buy 4D ahh? I don't know how to use that pink form! I'm serious okie.. never participated in 4Ds or Totos before.. heh..
Facial masks?! heehee I don mind trying, sounds adventurous.. If I do try, will let you know yah
Brenda, Cheekz
Speaking of 4D, when hubby and I bought our apt a couple of years ago, I decided, for the very first time in my life, to buy 4D for our unit number. For some reason, I got the level wrong, instead of 20XX, I wrote 21XX. Hubby corrected my mistake and guess what, that night, top prize was 21XX. We nearly fainted! Nowadays, hubby always checks twice before correcting me in ANYTHING.

In-laws still in BJ, will show them when back and see if they really say that!! Quick quick download pixs pls...

Thanks for the confirmation for tomorrow collection. Looking fwd to see you!!

We still on for lunch? Doreen will be likely to join us. Bringing baby?

Let me know if you going to JM this Sat, I may join you for this lesson.

blue label
I got my eye on this one! Model no: ZA440-353

sorry, got no time to download the pic yet, will try to do it asap
too bad, din manage to capture the one where DN grab C's blouse. hahah...
Hey <font color="0077aa">JERENE!</font> such a coincidence! this happened to me several years back too.. My gf who's a super superstitious fella, when she knew that I moved into a new house, she thought she remembered that I was on Lorong 110, house number 7. So to confirm, she called me to double check and I was in Zurich still suffering from jet lag then and I mumbled to her over the phone, house number is 9 la so she went to buy 9110 - $100 big and $100 small (i think if win got a lot of $$ hee..) On that weekend it came out 7110 , 2nd prize. My gf was waiting for me to come back to SG to kill me then! heehee..

<font color="0077aa">Yuna</font>, 'chong' ahh! heehee.. sounds like an army barging! Hey, the aunties there are nice people! helpful and informative.. rare
Oh yeah, that was a golden moment mann, it was so hilarious to see DN 'exploiting' your Clarice! hahahahha!
No worries abt the pics, better late than never!

Must really give it to u, the Trial Queen Title!!Actually alicia & myself were also keen on the mygym trial class a couple of mths back, but they didnt hv any weekday class then. i also went to the trial class for the little gym but i guess my chloe didnt really like it, halfway thru she started crying & then doze off!! ha ha .. so eventually we sign up for the JWT kids instead.


i will try to be more active here lah so i wont miss out anything fun. u know sometimes this thread is moving so fast when u just didnt come in for just 1 day! Lao auntie here is trying to catch up ha ha!!

Last few days my chloe's sleep pattern seems to go hay wire leh, refused to sleep till wee hrs in the morning!! hope its not becoming a daily routine for her. Otherwise its really the beginning of my nightmare!!
Thanks for the ON spree! Love the clothings so much! Cheers! So was it jerene or dumpty that i seen at the entrance of Cheers!? Sorry that i didn't really greet coz i was really rushing for time!!!

hehe u r back in ofc so fast ! i just came back before 130pm ... heeh still got time ...

aiyah u shld let me see what you bought for Wayne ! I think Jerene was there when I reached there. There are 2 mothers there but I dont know who they are ! haha

Btw pheobe thanks for the calendula cream BP !
Ya lor. we missed seeing each other by couple of seconds but then, heeee... managed to wave to you!!! haaaa!!!

Ya lor.. next time i let wayne wear ON clothings, then i take pics and show it to you!!

Izzit u that i saw? Sorry leh.. i really don't recognise...

Phoebe, once again, thank u so much!
<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>,
I also bought jap rice leh, havent start cooking for Amabel. We can grind the jap and brown rice together and cook?
Jap rice, in chinese is it call "zhen zhu mee" huh? all brand is the same right? I think for brown rice, i do see different colour brown rice leh, can you explain what is the different huh?
hi hi! Can I ask? What does it mean when people say their babies sleep through the night? How many hours has it to be for a 7 month baby to sleep without waking up to consider the baby as sleeping through the night?

What is your bedtime for your babies now? How many hours does your baby sleep at night straight without waking up?
msapple, oooooh... how nice hor??? I really hope my gal can sleep through the night without waking up to suckle for comfort...

Hmmm... the books, nurses and doctors all tell me about the advantages of breastfeeding but they didn't tell me about the possible side effects i.e. the baby enjoys it so much that she will wake up to find comfort in the human pacifier!!!

did u wake your gal up at 6.30am for feeding or she wakes up herself? my gal used to sleep ard 10.30pm thru till i wake her up for feed ard 6am before i go to work & will sleep again till ard 10 or 11am. But for the past few days she refused to sleep till 3 or sometimes 5am! Hope this is just temporary & will resume back to her normal routine.
becos i had to wake up at 6.30am to pump milk and latch-on last time when i return back to work (now still the same wake up at this time to pump or latch on), so Amabel actually very use to it liao, even if she not hungry at this timing, she will still automatically wake up when she feel the dim light is on or hear the pumping sound at 6.30am. Sometime will still sleep beyond the time if she is very tire.
There is afew time Amabel also like that, dunwanna sleep till 2 or 3am for afew days but it is just a phase, will return back to her normal routine one
i should said i am very luckily, Amabel can take on bottle or latch on well. so i wont have those side effect that u mentioned.
<font color="aa00aa">lit pony / ilovebb</font>
wah..so fast reached back office liao.
me just got back home 20mins ago.

lit pony, u saw 1 mummy (thats dumpty)
ilovebb, u saw both (dumpty & jerene)
doreen came later when we almost finished lunch. with bb damien.

<font color="ff0000">old navy spree</font>
will be doing a ON spree soon.
my gf also wants to get some stuff from there. so she is actually surfing the site to see wat to buy.
maybe you want to check it out 1st. will inform you again late this week when the spree is ON.

<font color="ff0000">gymboree spree</font>
er..never order from there before.
who else want to buy? if got enuff order, can also do one there.

<font color="ff0000">walldecorshops spree</font>
i've got reply email from walldecorshops.com
for payment using intl credit card, they only accept max order amt of US$100.

can i confirm the orders as follow:

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>USD</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>Total </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xena_Princess</TD><TD>Rainbow Border HA70191</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>7.49</TD><TD>14.98</TD><TD>23.97</TD><TD>31.89 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pooh Fun Foam Hooks Priss Prints PP46110</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>7.92</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jamie</TD><TD>Care Bears wall border 12" x 5"</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>12.95</TD><TD>51.8</TD><TD>82.88</TD><TD>82.88 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alicia</TD><TD>Strawberry Shortcake Wall Border</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>12.95</TD><TD>25.9</TD><TD>41.44</TD><TD>41.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine</TD><TD>Pooh Fun Foam Hooks Priss Prints PP46110</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>7.92</TD><TD>7.92 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff0000">amazon wall border spree</font>
e-ling, i will do a seperate spree for u and me

will also see if got others wanting to join or not.
oh msapple, you are e-ling? I guess from your gal's Amabel's name.. I am a bit lost in this forum now.. hahaha! My gal likes to suckle suckle.. I read in Dr Sears website that this is just temporary and the baby will eventually reach a milestone when she will stop waking up to suckle for comfort.. I am SO looking forward to this day! Currently I am continuing to pump in the office just to keep my milk supply ongoing because I don't know what's gonna happen if my milk supply diminish and she wakes up one day suckle suckle and no milk comes out.. Will she cry and cry?? :p

How long are you going to continue bf??
oh msapple, you are e-ling? I guess from your gal's Amabel's name.. I am a bit lost in this forum now.. hahaha! My gal likes to suckle suckle.. I read in Dr Sears website that this is just temporary and the baby will eventually reach a milestone when she will stop waking up to suckle for comfort.. I am SO looking forward to this day! Currently I am continuing to pump in the office just to keep my milk supply ongoing because I don't know what's gonna happen if my milk supply diminish and she wakes up one day suckle suckle and no milk comes out.. Will she cry and cry?? :p

How long are you going to continue bf??
wa!! U so happening huh.. juz back 20mins ago? haaa!!!

Oh.. so that's Dumpty!!! Paisey leh. Hee, i will msg her to say Hi! haaaaa!!!!
haha..the 20mins ago was when i'm composing the post.
i took almost 30 mins to write tat post as i was interupted in between. haha
haha yah i am e-ling lah (satu gosong - my malay nick).Now i reduce to two pump per day. One time in the office at 5 or 5.30pm, one time at home at 6.30am. So per day output will be between 640ml - 720ml. Still can meet amabel demand, cos already give her one or two feeds of formula milk per day.
Cos i drag the interval to 12 hrs per pump session, so there is time i latch on Amabel two or three hours after pump, think the milk very very little, so the flow is small, then she cry, haha so in the end warm up EBM for her. Wahaha!

Actually i slowly weaning off leh by not totally empty the breast, but milk like still alot leh, nv diminishing much leh. I intend to breastfeed till 9 months now but dunno leh. that time said 6 months, then said 7months then now 8 months still breastfeeding and said will stop at 9 months liao, so dunno will stop or not, see how is my supply by then.
haaaaaaaaa.. oic!! but still u have more time shopping than me! Sob!!! Another ON spree? I have some questions on this leh.. i msn u better.
Thanx for the CB cream!

Jerene and Doreen,
Nice meeting both of your again. Baby Damien and Baby Alexis were so damn adorable. Especially when they start "talking" to each other! hehehe

ilb & lilpony,
*wave wave* to both of you! Hehe... u come and zoom away so fast I hv no chance to say hello in person! lilpony, thanx for the SMS! I'll go look for u for lunch!
<font color="aa00aa">cheekz</font>

Wah..so fast plan for 1st birthday party dress liao

<font color="ff6000">Gymboree spree</font>
Just checked some of the sprees done by other organisers. Seems like everyone is using direct shipping as compared to VpostUSA.
Will then use int'l shipping. Shld also be faster.

starting surfing the <font color="ff6000">Old Navy</font> site. Will do the spree this weekend when my gf also give me her order.
<font color="aa00aa">phoebe</font>
thanks! my eyes are glued to the screen now!

<font color="ff6000">dumpty</font>
they are having a sale for the boys too! NICE!
<font color="0000ff">littlepony</font>
Aiyah, miss you by just a bit! Never mind, next time then...how come in such a rush? Meeting?

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe, Dumpty, Doreen</font>
Glad we had the chance to catch up over lunch.
Phoebe, thanks for this BP, you very on for all these BP, which is great, benefit the rest of us :p
Dumpty, seem like we hv the same night BF issues huh? I am sure there are a no of mummies here who are also like that...

Dor, we forgot to take photos of our D&A...must remember this Sat leh...

<font color="0000ff">jamie</font>
JWT - one in EC right? Exactly which part of EC huh? I have only been to the UESquare one but didnt find that particularly good. Maybe the one in EC is better??

<font color="0000ff">smiley</font>
baby alexis also does not sleep through the night, she has 2 night feeds or more, depending on her mood, though I make sure she is filled up properly just before bedtime, which ain't fixed for now. Really envy those mommies whose babies sleep throughout...

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Hey seem like you have been to many, many countries before huh? An avid traveller or a job requirement? Pilot Wang???!

JWT - i know they only hv 2 gym, one at UE Sq & the other at Eastgate(which is near roxy sq or opp. the katong laksa). Eastgate is definitely nearer for me, but they dont hv the program suitable for chloe so i went to the one at UE Sq. Actually alicia & myself enjoy the class leh, we just finish one term & going to sign up for the next term.

u mention that walldecorshops only accept orders of max US$100, so i dont mind reduce my order to 3pcs instead of 4. that will make it below US$100.
<font color="0000ff">cheekz</font>
sale also quite expensive siah..
dont know to get for javier or for dexter or for both...<font color="ff0000">pocket bleeding</font>

<font color="0000ff">jamie</font>
thx. so will change ur order to 3 rolls of strawberry shortcake.

once update the list, will place order and advise on payment also.
