(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Take your time jerene. I'm just window shopping here. Don't think I'm going there anytime soon.

Going to zzzz now. Good night and see you tomorrow!

i m from aug'o6 thread.. juz giving my 2cents worth cos jux returned from bangkok wif my gal.. if u r tinking of giving ur bb jar food.. consider try feeding him b4 u go for ur trip.. cos i brought so many bottles of jar food over.. my gal reject the food.. end up waste 2 bottles.. she will jux take a spoonful & stop opening her mouth.. imagine the waste of the 4oz food.. in the end fed her milk thru out.. n some treats of rice & fish when we r having our meals.. guess cereal will be the best bet.. lastly.. enjoy ur spa.. take care everybody..
Soooo nice...hahaha
U tempt me aah I was eyeing the one that can be sling across the body as well. Does this have that extra strap as well? But then....think can't buy liao cos I bought something else....hahahaha

Wah u really enjoyed ur holiday+ major shopping there hor. Sigh....too bad Damien is sick leh so can't join. Tue u wanna go for lunch n shopping at vivo aah. Actually got Selina to collect my stuff from Phoebe already becos I dunno if D will be fine by then. Let u know again if I am going on Tue okie.
how much is the bag?
got other colours? i saw someone carrying a black one & it looks nice though i usually dun like black bags.

u kena 4D ah? now u like travelling the whole world! hehehe... i was thinking this is such a hard period to travel coz they r on purees and stuff... how to prepare them while on holiday since i dun like to intro bottled baby food to R yet.

hahaha u and ur niu zai and niu nai pao mo ji (its ji, not jee :p) wah u loyal VS supporter ah? Ling is keen, can ask her to spree wif u liao. kekeke...
Aiyoh think I have problem liao. Dun even know what I am typing. Must be this naughty boy on my lap lah.
I wanted to type too bad D sick so can't join in the class + coffee today...hahahaha
<font color="0000ff">Doreen / JRT</font>
This design I bought (tote), the outlet only has it for 2 sizes - small and large. The one I bought is small. Don't have long strap. But it comes with a small pouch.

This reversible design they have:
- cream
- khaki (the one i bought)
- pink
- black (black is reversible checks blue)

Pink no stock for small tote.
I bought this bag for Yen 22,000 (S$286)

The other design which comes in long strap to sling is non-reversible. The material is canvas type. The top part can be folded down abit to show the checks. My colleague bought this design.

<font color="0000ff">JRT</font> Bought this bag liao, so cannot buy somemore COACH bags for now.
Your bag arrived already?
No lah, where got 4D? Beijing was work for hubby, baby and me just tagged along
NZ is the real deal :p As for food, I just gave bottled puree lor, no choice. SQ offered a selection from Heinz.

So which coach bag did you buy? How much is it plus shipping? Sorry I wasnt in time to reply your email...to reward myself for not buying a Coach, I bought an Aigner onboard...hehehee...

Hope Damien is feeling better today and I think we all had fun in class today, a pretty big group, 10 in total. We sang, did drums and learnt a little deportment! It was great meeting more babies and mommies and daddies. Let me know Tues ah?

Like Doreen, I am tempted too! My friend is heading to Japan in June/July and I am thinking of tongbanging...can you use your new bag on Tues pls so I can have a look? Also how much is the big tote?
<font color="0000ff">Hey Jerene</font>
It's nice to have met you today. Thanks for organising the trial class. It was fun for my husband, Chloe and myself. Chloe was knocked out after we left McDonalds. She slept all the way home.

BTW, what the nick of Aiden's mummy?

<font color="0000ff">Doreen</font>
Sorry to hear that Damien is not well. Hope he gets better soon.

<font color="0000ff">Cheekz</font>
How come you're not in the class today?

<font color="0000ff">Dumpty</font>
Gabe made lots of progress in his crawl since two weeks ago. Can see that he has a lot determination in him. It nice to see his attempts at crawling.

<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>
Finally get to meet the hot mama. Caleb is so cute

<font color="ff6000">Orange</font>
Cayden is sooooo chubby!
You are welcome, alexis and me had loads of fun too

Ayden's mummy's nick is Starz, from Oct thread. Alexis has the same t-shirt (in white) that Ayden wore today, hehehe...

To help Cheekz answer huh, she said she was tired and must let the father do some work lor!

How was the viewing?? Think alexis remembered Cayden leh!

Dumpty, Cheekz, Orange
Too bad you guys had to go off and cannot stay for yak session..
<font color="aa00aa">jerene</font>
Thanx babe for organizing!
Sorry I gotta go coz meeting a fren who's going back Aussie today.

And yes yes! I have proof that Alexis rememebers Cayden!

<font color="aa00aa">PG</font>
Hehehe... how's lil Chloe's crawling lessons coming along? He can crawl quite fast now when he wants but he still apprehensive about crawling on the floor. When on mattress or bed I really have to pull on his legs sometimes!

Oh and orange and me were exclaiming among ourselves that your Chloe is SO QUTE

<font color="aa00aa">Selina</font>
I like your new hairdo!
Glad that Caleb is better already! And hey he's crawling as well right?

<font color="aa00aa">cheekz</font>
Missed you today leh. Oh and u din see how ur hubby cutsy lil Rae Ann!

See the class in action today!
<font color="ff6000">orange</font>
Cayden is so cute today! And I'm so amazed that he actually claps his lil hands! Wow! Can I exchange my Gabe for Cayden? He's just so adorable!
<font color="0000ff">dumpty</font>
You da woman! Can you please email me the 2 photos you posted huh? Now Selina, Coral aka Cindy and me are headless moms :p Many many thanks in advance!!

Yeah I forgot to mention to Selina I like her new hairdo too, but think she mentioned hard to maintain leh...

And while having coffee after class, all of us were marvelling at Cayden's ability to clap so well and we tried to make our little ones do so as well but failed miserably
<font color="0077aa">Pigeon</font>, hey thanks for the recommendation on at-sunrice! very posh place! don know if they'll take a half-baked cook like me meddling in their kitchen, but I'll try asking then revert yah..

Hey! Chloe's got lovely bright round eyes! another goh-lee! hee.. but wouldn't it be quite a chore to clean up that FP high chair after each meal? As for the Ikea's, I'll just take the whole thing and 'shower' it in the shower stall, then sun it at the balcony to wait for the next feed..

<font color="0077aa">Jerene</font>, ooh she only managed to put her feet on my back for like 1.5mins then I asked her what's going on and I stopped her immediately! hahaha! I was fearful that she was going to break my spine then! heehee..
The last time I visited Auckland, I was put up at the Hyatt.. It's not too bad, near amenities but it's sought of on a hill so when u return from town walking, u need to climb a slope! I did whale/dolphin watching but don't really think it's suitable to bring bbs along cos of the boat rides.. other then that, maybe farm visits will be nice for Alexis. I don't really like Auckland becos it's another city but not as buzzling, to me, Rotorua will be a nicer place though, lots of nature.. how about joining tour groups?

<font color="0077aa">jRt</font>, ehhh VS models very inspirational leh.. heehee..
wat class was it on the pix u posted? i saw Caleb.

my purchase haven reached me but it has reached vpostusa. i shld get my stuff this coming wk. so happy.

the non-reversible sling wif straps is the same price as the one u bot? i think i need a sling bag coz its so hard to use hand carry ones when i bring R out.
yah lah, u cant buy anymore coz u still got coach bags haven kai zhang yet! still in boxes rite? kekeke

i bot a big tote (so can dbl as baby bag) and a matching mini skinny. in total plus shipping charges is abt S$800+ (am sharing wif a fren though), my purchase alone came up to S$600+... hahahaha...
oh u bot a Aigner? under ur hb's account huh? hehehe...

ohhhh where u girls gg on tues? i wanna see the bag too... :p

i noe VS models v inspirational lah... everything they wear is ALWAYS so nice...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Brenda and Cheekz</font>

Thanks for the consolation on my Dylan's small eyes. You dunno how sad it is.. .everytime pp sees him... they will (of course compliment on his dimple *phew*) but they never fail to say... too bad, he has yr small eyes
You know, my hubby has very big eyes (which I like... maybe the opposite attracts).. but basically only his big eyes I like... hahaha.... thus was hoping Dylan will has his eyes.. but too bad.. sigh.

I have been teased abt my small eyes too when I was young... my dad even asked me whether I wanna go for op to make my eyes bigger etc. That's y I'm a bit upset tt Dylan has my eyes... hope he dun feel sad when pp started teasing him on his small eyes!
PG, Jerene

Is that the kindermusik trial class that i missed? sure hope to join & meet up with u all should there be any other trial class in future.

Btw welcome back jerene, seems like u hv a very fruitful trip leh!
I love weekends!
Went MyGym trial class today, only 3 babies and mommies but quite fun lah, got puppet show, swing, balls, playtime on mat without mommies (to learn separation) and the usual song/dance/bubbles routine. Still prefer the little gym of sinapore west best of all.

Aigner is under my own account, I usually put on his account for biggie items!! (sort of like aladdin and his magic lamp, got limit one!) Re Tues, it is mainly to collect the last BP of Calendula cream from Phoebe at Vivo city, and if there are some going to meet for lunch, then better lah, can yak again...

Thanks for the welcome, and yes I must say trip was fruitful, and more importantly, get to bond with the family, which gives such a warm, cozy feeling in the pit of the stomach.

The photos posted is a joint thingy between Juzmusic and Kindermusik, and there were 8 of us in the trial, plus 2 others whom we dunno who. Re trial classes, think Cheekz is going to do one for us from Aquaducks...yoohoo Cheekz...are you reading??

Manage to book Copthorne Auckland last night and still deliberating where to stay in Rotorua. We rented a Camry so will be self-driving, hubby and I dislike tour groups. We learnt our lesson when we went on our honeymoon to US, we had fights and were miserable, so much so we say no more tour groups unless go places where tour groups are a necessity.

BTW I llluuuurrrvvee South island, hope the north won't disappoint. :p
That was kindermusik trial class that Jerene organized!
Yap Caleb was there!

Will send u the pictures in a few days time ok? Sorry but I left them in my PC at home and I'll not be home till weekend lor
Jerene, hi, I'm from July 06 thread and have been reading some of the thread here. The Juzmusic and Kindermusik trial class that you went, is it the one in Parkway? How would you rate it and how much did you pay for it? Planning to bring my boy to try too.
Hello and welcome to the July thread. To answer your first question, yes it is opposite Parkway Parade, on top of McDonald's.
We each paid $20 (as oppose to the usual $25 for Kindermusik in Tanglin Mall and $35 for juzmusic) as this was organised by us so slightly cheaper.

How would I rate it huh? Personal opinion only stated below, feel free to disagree.

These programmes are generally rather similar, in terms of structure and contents. Feedback on these classes usually are instructor-dependant. If you get a good, creative one, such as one with a great personality, excellent singing ability and genuine fondness for children, then I think both parent and child will enjoy the classes. After attending so many various trials, I find some do try harder than others. Of course, there will always be differing opinions so my suggestion is to just go for it and try and decide if you are comfortable before enrolment, or not.

Hope above helps.
<font color="0000ff">Kindermusik Trial Class Photos</font>
Hi Jerene, dumpty, cheekz, orange, Selina, I got some photos to share. Husband is cleaning them in Photoshop now. Will send you guys the link when its ready.

I like the photo you took of Alexis and Cayden. It looks very "romantic" like two lovebird staring at each other lovingly, and it pains them that the scarf is preventing them from being closer to each other... Heh heh heh.

Chloe's crawling lesson is a non-starter. She still refuses to budge from her sitting position whenever we put her on the bed. ... Sigh!

Orange, Dumpty, I think the outfit Chloe wore helps to make her look cute. She don't look like that on an ordinary day. Hee Hee

Come to the forum more often ok? Then you won't miss any of these fun trial classes.

Thanks for the compliments. The FP high chair doesn't get very dirty 'cos we use it for weekends only and we put the food far far away from her hands. Actually its not very good this way. I heard we need to let our kids explore the food with their hands.
jerene, thanks. I went to the Kindermusik @Tanglin Mall and I really like the instructor, Doreen. She is very lively...and she remembers babies by names...which is really sweet.

so after attending so many trials, did you eventually sign your baby up for any? jsut curious.
oh btw, Jerene... You went to MyGym trial class today.. I almost wanted to go as recommended by Yuna, but the timing is not good as that's Dylan sleeping time.

You went to the one in Marina Parade? SO will you be signing up with them?
I signed up for Shichida (starting first week of July) though I must say Shichida has no trials...tempted to sign up for swim classes at Marsden but waiting to go to aquaduck to compare their approaches (e.g. aquaducks do not believe in using flotation devices as it give babies a false sense of security). Another one I really like is Busy Buddies at UE Square. :p

I have no clue, darling. Wanna call and ask? The tel no is 63444420 and FYI the principal is Joey Lye, she is really pretty.
If hubby prints money, I will sign alexis up for the little gym of singapore west, busy buddies, shichida and one swim class :p

4 classes a week and she is not even 7 mths old! No lah, unlikely to be siging up with MyGym. My rank for babies gym so far, from best to not too fantastic:

a) little gym
b) gymboree
c) myGym and JWT
e) tumbletots

Of course there are many others I hv not been such as Kindyroo, Playworkz and Baby Jumper Gym (which a lot of ppl like I heard).

Alamak now I sound like Trial Queen!
<font color="0000ff">Jerene, dumpty, cheekz, orange, Selina</font>, you got PM-ed. Let me know if u received it. Thanks!
Hi Doreen,
Good to hear that Damien is fine. Hope his chubby thighs are not affected by the fever.

These few days you must be very xin ku, taking care of him. So take good care of yourself too, ok!
<font color="0000ff">PG</font> tks tks for the link. the photos are so well taken. i didnt take many pixs cos hb not in the class. tks for your compliment but now no longer hot liaoz.

<font color="0000ff">dumpty</font> yes he is crawling but using more of it tummy cos he still cant really coordinate his hands well. Gab is learning to stand hur?

<font color="ff6000">orange</font> i really love seeing Cayden clap. he look so happy while doing it. yes i tried forcing caleb to do it but tis boy just refused to open his hands

Finally we met!!! It was so fun tat C fall asleep immediately after i put her down on the stroller. hahah....

U asked me A look like who rite? She looks more like the papa ....she is so cutie, i like the way she swing her body with the music.


Nice meeting you and your hubby and of course the "chuan qi" Jovann. hahah....He really enjoying himself and having so much fun.

My hubby commented that Jovann will be a very handsome boy next time, he is already so cheerful and handsome at tis young age.


You are superwoman leh!

The part where DN pulled C's blouse to get out of his way is so amusing, really give all of us a good laugh hahah...


I enjoyed the stroll last evening. It really give us a chance to catch up. Also a bit of execrise for me lah, hardly got the time and opportunity to go for such walk.

hey hey, next isetan sale must jio me hor, i want to grab all the good offer :p
hi brenda or anybody who can help answer my query....

i wanted to mash some spinach for kai, before i mash, do i steam them or blanch them?

besides spinach, what other greens tt i can give? does brocoli gives "wind" coz i read somewhere when breastfeeding it's best to avoid brocoli coz bb will get "wind".

im giving the spinach where there's purple color in the middle coz i read button's post abt it. and im still confused what's the actual spinach to give. is it those long stemed leafy type by a brand called gracecup sold in cold storage?
edksd: i gave the long spinach not purple ones...
must boil till soft before blending.
when u give brocoli, just give the florets if u're afraid of 'wind'. hope this helps...
Hi Emma,

Aiya, I am sure little Enzo will have a nice tan too if he goes out as much! Clarence hates to be cooped up at home, so my mom and my dad will take turns to bring him downstairs to walk, sometimes up to 4 times a day! So maybe that's why there is a slight tan. But very cham like this..... very tiring for his care-givers....

Hi Ling and Phoebe,

Thanks for the info on the food jars! Yep, they are a good idea! But my mom banned me from feeding commercially prepared foods to him leh. Haiz.... The last time we bought, my husband and I have to finish them ourselves! LOL.... But agree that they are truly useful.... Like this no need to cook.

Phoebe, thanks for taking photos!!! Very helpful!

Hey, I love your bag leh.... Reversible right? It's very nice! How much is it? I just bought a Ferragamo and a Coach less than 6 months ago which I have not used. I think my husband will kill me if I get another one... Hehe.... But my hands are indeed itchy itchy.... Very very bad.

Hi Cheekz,

Yep, they come with pink cushion inserts as well.... But if you already have one, really no need to get another one.
Otherwise you will land up with a storage problem just like me! My store room is crammed with all the stuffs which I bought. Very terrible. No lah.... I always buy first, then tell my husband later! By then he bo bian already... Keke.....

Hi Dumpty,

No probs! Sorry I mailed them out late. Mebbe you can paste on his door or on his crib??? Every night before Clarence goes to bed, my husband will put Clarence on his shoulders and walk to the door and point out his name to him.... Think it works leh.... The will smile and babble happily each time he sees his name these days... Can try that.

Hi Pigeon,

The highchair is not from Mothercare. Mothercare sells the REAL Stokke. I bought the highchair from United Square (Kinderome).

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for the great advice about the jarred food!
Really appreciate it!

Hi Brenda, JRT and Niu-Zhai mama,

Great to see you gals too! I had a fantastic time! Must do that again yah???

Aiya, what 60cts coffee??? No need lah! Like this I very pai seh hor....

By the way, I love the U-like that we bought!!!! It absolutely ROCKS!!!! Thinking of making soyabean milk this weekend.... hehe...

Hi Yuna,

It's great meeting up with you again!!! Hehe.... I thoroughly enjoyed the evening stroll....
Thanks for bringing little Clarice down! I have attached the pix of cutie Clarice and Mr Featherduster who just woke up from his nap.
Will be sending the pixs to your hotmail account soon!

Sure!!! The next Isetan sale comes along, we take leave together and go okie??? A lot of very very good deals.... keke.

By the way, I went back to wash Clarence's clothes yesterday too! But I not as hardworking lah, I just dumped them into the washing machine, so it's nothing much... hehe... but for over the weekend, I washed 9 pieces of clothing, 4 towels, 2 pillowcases and dunno how many socks and how many bibs!!! My goodness! He really changed a lot of clothes.

just pop in to say hellooooo to all sept mommies n babies! been long time since i last posted. so so busy!!!!

i hv the stroller toy too! n jo just looves to kiss n suck suck the duckie's beak! i always end up sterilising it once a week cos it stinks!!!

Same here! He loves to suck suck.... But these days I think he has grown tired of sucking. He just holds on to the 2 beaks.

You are amazing! 4 kids... no wonder so busy! I would have died. How you do it???? I cannot even manage 1. keke...
Oh yes, Brenda!!! I suddenly recalled where I went for cooking class 2 years back. It's At-Sunrice! Located at Fort Canning...
They taught us how to make lemongrass tea which was yummy yummy!!! But I cannot remember how to make it now lah. hehe.... You know how?
edksd: florets on his own... alittle better than the whole thing. thats what i read. yes, he used to eat spinach on its own BUT i didnt use the purple one. am not into 'purple' vegs.

he still loves spinach. now it's w beef and porridge.
<font color="ff6000">Spree Collection at Harbourfront [CONFIRMED]</font>

Date: 24 Apr (Tue)
Time: 1240pm
Venue: Harbourfront Cheers

lit pony - Old Navy
ilovebabies - 2 calendula
dumpty - 3 calendula
Jerene - 2 calendula

<font color="aa00aa">peachie</font>
yes, jar foods are convenient when going out. simply open and eat. of coz your baby must like it then can. else its also wasted.
i didnt take photo of it. just downloaded the pictures from ntuc website

<font color="aa00aa">burberry bag</font>
yes, mine is the reversible bag. since i cannot afford to get a coach reversible, a burberry reversible also can

i bought mine for Yen 22,000 (S$286)
the non-reversible bag (long strap to sling) is slightly more expensive. i think is Yen 24,000 (S$312)

<font color="aa00aa">jRt</font>
ya lor. me still got 2 coach bags + 1 coach wristlet not 'kai zhang' yet. still with the tag and in boxes. now 1 more burberry bag. also have use. tomorrow not bringing the burberry bag coz its at my home, whereas I'm at my mum's place.
next time gathering then i bring hor

Those photos are so NICE !!! Thanks

Chloe is realy very very adorable and very well mannered. Her eyes is also @@ !! haha

heheeh.. you sure you want to exchange Gabe for Cayden? Gabe is such a good boy wor in comparison with my Cayden !

Cayden likes to clap hands when he is in good mood !! haha.. Can you imagine him clapping his hands early morning when he wakes up? lol

Jerene, The photo of Alexis and Cayden is really hilarious ya !! haha.. as per PG comments, they look like two lovebird staring at each other lovingly! hahaha ... if you show the photos to your inlaws, they will ask you again if he is Alexis's bf !! hahaaa

BTW, I also took some photos but have not downloaded them yet... will try to do it asap ya!!
<font color="0077aa">edksd</font>, for spinach u steam it first then mash it with the back of a fork. If you have the Pigeon Food Making set, use the shallow bowl with spikes one and the wooden pestle to grind also can. Try to remove as much fiber as possible cos some bbs might not like the roughness texture.. Sorry Ive no idea about the gracecup spinach youre referring to so cant comment on this.. But yes, the spinach with purple stains on the leaves and stems are more nutritious than the usual green ones..

Almost all the leafy veg can be given, but I dont know of any that its not consumable for bbs. However leafy veg also means lots of pesticide so must clean very thoroughly. I suggest soaking in water for about 20 minutes before steaming them.

Yes broccoli, cauliflower and beans are all quite gassy veg but theyve good nutrients in them as well like iron and vitamin C etc..

Keep blanching to raw FRUITS like peaches and pears, not vegs (maybe some can but cant think of any now..) cos fruits can keep water in their body better than veg while being blanched. Veg will lose more nutrients in that case while going through the process..

If u still have doubt just shout yah

yes, yes, shall do tt again! enjoy the yakking session!

wanna see Clarence hair! R will look so botak next to him! hohoho!

ok wanna see ur bag the next time we meet. wah u so many bags haven kai zhang and u keep buying!!! hahaha! says who u cnt afford a coach reverisble? ur haven kai zhang bags r more than the reversible liao! i can imagine how many bags u hv!!!

hmmm, S$300+ for the burberry non-reversible huh? let me see ur bag 1st then decide if i wanna get the black one. it looked really nice.

edksd & brenda
if i am not wrong, the gracecup cld b spinach aka phuay leng. Brenda, rem the other day at isetan and we were looking at the veggies? i rem seeing the gracecup thingy on phuay leng. but i cant cfm.
edksd, my boy only eats spinach puree happily.. so far he has rejected all the other purees i made (avocado, potato, sweet potato, jap pumpkin)... its the most satisfying when i fed him spinach puree coz he extends his hands and his mouth opens widely!!! other than tt, when he sees other purees, his mouth is tightly clamped and he wun open no matter how i coax!
v tough to feed him purees!!! HELP!!! i cant progress any furthur and he rejects cereals totally now...
