(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi e-ling ...

you must be very petite !! ur waist now then 29 inch !!! and ur feather weight .... so envy !!

I am 16 wks now also ... but my tummy is very very obvious .... i cant wear my clothes already ... prob it's the fats layer heheh
Hi Ladies,

I hav got Thalassemia minor. Discovered 5 yrs ago when kena sudden asthma attack. The docs took the artery vein blood to check & realised I was aneamic. The reason was Ts minor. My brother is also Ts minor. Luckily my hubby is clear of it...

I already had a slight soft tummy before pregnancy. Now its firmer & quite obvious, especially when wearing fitting tops. Have not taken actual measurements of waist yet...

Hey any of you going to take photos of yourselves naked to remember your body how it was before expanding. You know the ones those celebrity mothers take for the magazines. I want to take monthly photos for remembrance sake....
E-ling.. your waist so tiny@!! I dun have measuring tape at home leh.. so never measure..

hm.. maybe i go n buy one..
Smiley, I'm 17 weeks now and tummy started showing around 13 weeks... very obvious now.. can't wear my clothes already... started wearing maternity pants 2 weeks ago...

Resha, I'm thinking of doing that also, probably ask my hb to take the photos for me... What about u?
hi all

me too, am 13 weeks. My wasit is around 30 inch now. I gained 1kg so far but waist expanded very fast especially after food so ever since i noe im pg i start to wear maternity pants..if not tummy very uncomfortable leh.
amylim, I want my hubby to take the pictures of me. I saw one of my frenz photo...its was beautiful...she took 1 photo for each mth & put it together with her bb scan in a scrapbook. Then there is also one photo with her hubby holding her tummy from behind, photo taken at 6/7 mths. Both of them are top naked...but of course she had covered her breasts with her arms...wah I also wan one like that. Dunno if Hubby will do one with me....
hi! I'm 14wks. Gained juz over 1kg so far. Going to wear maternity pants soon 'cos i can hardly zip up my normal pants now! haha... Funny thing is tat my tummy 'grows' bigger thru'out the day... by the end of each day, my tummy would show a lot more thru' my clothes than in the morning. The following morning, it'll 'reduce' again...

Guess itz partly due to my bloatedness, which comes on from afternoon till night. Any of u gals suffer fr bloatedness, and if so, when did it disappear? I hope it'll disappear soon for me 'cos itz really not a good feeling.
hi puppylove

i think it is normal to feel bloated in the first trimester. Now that I am in 16 wks, i dun really feel that anymore ... ur turn will come

think after each meal my tummy also grows quite a bit .. so I usually take my tummy in the morning as the truthful size ...
hi ilovebabies, thanks for ur encouragemt! I'm definitely looking forward to tat 'blissful 2nd trimester' tat I've heard so much abt.
Hi all,
I wonder if we can post pictures in here? I'd love to see belly shots of you girls. Say, when is the start of 2nd trimester anyway? Some say 12 weeks, some say 13 weeks but my pregnancy book says 14 weeks. I'm going by 13 weeks so that puts me happily in 2nd trimester now.

I have bloatedness at night too! My tummy seems to show a lot at nights so it makes my hubby very excited. I am still wearing my normal clothes though except I did not zip up my pants in full. I find the maternity pants a tad too big for me. So I'm caught in between.

You're very adventurous. While I love seeing how my belly bloats, I don't find stretch marks very sexy at all! LOL. Besides, my hubby has his own big belly too. It's awful to see a "full-term" man and his wife whose belly hasn't even catch up yet! hahaha...
hi melissa

I also got the same confusion as you ... I even have this book that says week 16 onwards is then consider 2nd trimester ! haha but I think gynae usually take 13th week as the 1st week in 2nd tri ... so let's stick with that ...

I think it is best to start wearing maternity bottoms so that it will not restrict your tummy development .. I am not v sure though but at least it is more comfortable for the preggies

Resha, you are daring ! I think I only dare to do it at home ...

btw I have try to upload a attachment for testing. You shld see a cookie monster -->
Got my blood test results today. Not too good.
The result the Down Sydrome Risk Assessment is negetive, but doctor said based on the ratio of the calculated risk, it is still consider abnormally high for my age.
Will take a second blood test and NT scan at WK15.
Anyone out there who care to share the results of their blood test?
Got my blood test results today. Not too good.
The result the Down Sydrome Risk Assessment is negetive, but doctor said based on the ratio of the calculated risk, it is still consider abnormally high for my age.
Will take a second blood test and NT scan at WK15.
Anyone out there who care to share the results of their blood test?
What test did you take? If you took triple test, I heard there might be a lot of false positives. The OSCAR test is more accurate. Usually if your NT scan result is not so good, they'll advise you to go for CVS or amnio.. not sure which. But most of the time, there's nothing wrong with the baby. What's your age? Unless you're way over 35, I don't think your risk is that high.

I think 16 weeks is ridiculous!! I'd go with 13 weeks!
Dear Melissa,
I took the Oscar test. For the Down Sydrome Risk Assesment, my result was 1:317. The 'failing' rate is 1:300. So although I passed, its a 'low' pass. I am age 30, and solely based on age my rate should be 1:875. Anyway, since there's still a risk, will probably do an amniocentesis in WK16 just to be sure.
So sorry about the result but 30 is still young. I am 29 and my gynae said my result should be good. We're not too far off. The risk is much more real to MTBs who are more than 35 yrs of age. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your baby. If I put myself in your shoes, I won't go through the amnio. There's a risk of miscarriage there and coming from multiple losses, I would except my baby no matter what condition he/she comes with. It's also against my religion to abort it. But really, it's your personal choice. If you're ready to accept it, you don't have to go through it. *hugs*
Dear Melissa, thanks for your support. I am doing some research now to find out more about my result. Although it is DS negetive, but we still fail that the probability rate is too high for our comfort level.

Dear Emma, the NT reading is 1.6mm and 0.97 Mom, but I'm not sure what that means. My doctor explained that he although the result is negetive, but it still felt I am still in risk is because the calculation of by age, b-hCG, PAPP-A result is 1:57 which is abnormally high risk for my age. Its only due the inclusion of the NT reading that the ratio went up to 1:317.
if its 1.6mm then should be ok lahz.. cos i know only if it exceeds 2.5mm then got problem... am not sure abt the other results u got.. but dun worry.. things will be alright...
Dear Emma , Melissa,

I just found out online that this test is called the ERA (Early Risk Assessment) test. Sorry about the confusion in test name, can't translate the cantonese term in HKG accurately into english.

Anyone out there who care to share their ERA results?
sorry girls, confirm after online research OSCAR test = ERA test. Call Ocsar in states, and ERA in Europe. It tests combination of
- maternal age
- NT measurement
- blood (specifically b-hCG and PAPP-A)

Well, after tonites research, I will probably ask my doctor to set me up in WK15 for the second trimester blood test (Quad test) to check
- estriol
- inhibin

hopefully combined results of the Oscar and Quad test will give me a better ratio than this barely passing mark.
Emma, ilovebabies.... hehe paiseh should be in inch not cm

Resha, i think i will only take pic of my tummy when it become more obvious, and maybe go to those makeover studio to take pics. Will be nicer lor

I also started to wear maternity clothes in 3rd mth cos all my pant cannot zip up liao lor. Now cannot wear tight fit top, the tummy look very obvious.

Yesterday during work, suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my left tummy. Thinking that it is the normal kind of cramp that I had last time due to uterus expanding, I just hack care. after a few times of this feeling, I found it funny, I faster put my hand to feel it, and the baby gave me a hard kick.
Angeline, dun worry so much first, go for sec test again and see how. Maybe is just that the test is not accurate.

I agreed with Melissa there's a risk of miscarriage for amnio. I would also except my baby no matter what condition he/she comes with. but is still depend on you. Hug! Hug! Everything will be fine.
hi angeline,

I am a mother of 14mths old boy & expecting my second one now at 15weeks. When I am expecting my first boy, my Triple test result for down was 1:250 for my age at 30 yrs old. I went for the amnio test & result come out that I hv having a healty boy. Now my boy is so active running around the house & he developed much more faster than any 14mths old baby...

Dun worry so much on Triple test result, sometime could be false alarm. Amnio test is also not so dangerous as you think. You just need to rest for 2days & the little tiny hole on your stomach will heal very soon... Is still up to you whether you want the amnio or not. For me, I will go for it cos at least i know how heathly my baby is...

Rest assure, just pray hard & you will have a heathly baby!!!
angeline, what are the test u went for ah? OCSAR or jus triple test? If only triple test I suggest u shld go for OSCAR to confirm before thinking of amnio...coz i read a book it say there will be a risk of miscarriage loh...so better dun go...

But what did ur gynae advise? Did ur gynae advise u to go for amnio? Dun be too worried ok...take care..
Dear E-Ling & Wang,
Thanks for your encouragement. I am feeling much more assured after last night's research. But it left me with a headache this morning (probably due to the stress and lack of sleep).

Which ever the case, my hubby and I will still want to do the amnio, just to be absolutely sure. If its healthy, at least we can stop worrying and start to enjoy the pregnancy and if its not then we will have more time to plan and prepare.

Do continue to share the test reading results if you all don't mind. Thanks for the assurance.
Dear Rainnie,
The test I took should the the OSCAR. During my research last night, found that OSCAR test the "PAPP-A" and is usually take in WK12 - 13.

The triple or quad test will test a different hormone "AFP" and is taken at WK15 - 16.

I think this is because different hormorne is produced during different stages of the baby's growth.

Actually Gynae said based on the test result the final reading is negetive, but the numbers show that I "barely" passed.

It's me and my hubby who is 'kiasu'. So we will definately do more test to be sure.

Hope everything turns out well
Hi all, do u hv lower back pain at this stage already? I'm in wk13, hv not put on any weight yet and tummy not showing yet (maybe coz my original tummy is quite big). But I already started having lower back pain on and off occasionally.

Oso, some of the pple whom did not know I'm pregnant asked me if I were sick. I think I really looked quite haggard. My hubby says I looked tired. Sigh... when will I be able to feel the so call "blooming during pregnancy"?
Is it true tt we cannot eat too much papaya else baby will get jaundice? Actually how much is too much leh.

Oso, is it true tt we cant take korean ginseng, too "heaty"?
Hi edksd,

I oso experience lower back ache at times.
lately i hv frequent headaches, any mums out there feeling the same. Gynae says is normal cos of increase blood flow. But feels quite uncomfortable lor
I don't have backpain yet, but the headaches are quite frequent. Nowadays, everytime when I work long hours (more than 10 hours) will start to get headache.

During the 2nd month and early 3rd month I was looking very sick. But now (WK12) my 'face colour' has improved and my colleagues say that I look more normal now.

Does papaya really cause jaundice? My favorite fruit is watermelon, but cannot take take watermelon during pregnancy b'cos too 'cool'. So I changed to eat papaya instead. Am I putting my baby at risk?
edksd, ya heard dun eat too much papaya...not becoz of jaunidce but is becos it is too cooling loh....

Mae, mi also get frequent headaches...whenever i have headache it makes me feel terrible!!!

Angeline, ok...hope everything goes well for u
take care
may may.. me also will headache.. almost every other day.. and when i am having headache.. nausea will accompany..

I am not sure if papaya will cos jaundice in a baby.. but if an adult were to consume it excessively, it may cos ur own skin to have a yellow tinge cos of the rich amt of carotine present in papayas... so end of the day.. juz dun eat anything in excess lohz.. hehe... all in moderation!
edksd, during my first 7weeks of pregnancy and before i pregnant, i have been taking korean ginseng. Heard that is not good for pregnancy and i checked with my gynae too, she said to avoid also. So after that i stopped.

So far nv suffer from headache and backache. I have been worrying that pregnancy may worsen, but so far nv have that.... toch wood~

Me have been eating papaya also but not that often (once a week) but eat time i eat, ate alot also. Dunno will it affect baby or not also
Do you all, actually feel like eating very often huh? Everyday i will eat 4 to 6 full meal leh. After two hungry will eat full meal again, sometimes i just control. I dun wanna become big pig after deliver but cannot control, really very hungry. How abt u all?
helo ladies...

angeline, can understand ur need to have further tests, coz we can't help worring being mothers. but everything shld be alright since u are 30 and ur results did show you pass, though just... *BIG HUG*. dun worry too much kae? heard of cases results even positive but baby turn out healthy. as for amniocentesis, it has a low 0.05% risk of m/c, and cvs has 1% risk. but wangwangboy said it nothing to worry about just rem to rest well for a few days after the test kae?

u girls mentioned abt papaya huh? i remember reading there's a few reasons not to eat too much. one is the high level of beta carotene which may cause jaundice in babies. another is in unripe papayas, there's this enzyme that may cause m/c. so try to get the ripe ones. and also some believe it to be cooling.but i know of those who has constipation and eat papaya and it helps also.....the key is moderation i suppose....

i also can't wear my pants coz can't zip up. but recently heard about this thing called maternity belt. initially i tot its a simple belt to link the loops of ur pants together and i visualised it to be a rough contraption. but just saw a photo of it recently and reaslied its quite neat. its this piece of material or fabric, at the top at either ends thers 2 hooks/holes/buttons to attach to either side of ur pants or jeans, thus extending the circumference and allowing for big tummy. then below this drapes the fabrid/material such that it covers ur flesh area that is naturally exposed by not zipping, thus leaving a triangular bit of material to be seen below ur jeans zip area.. and u can choose the colour such that it blends seamlessly in with ur jeans. looks quite neat....did u girls try it before?not sure where to get it though, if i see the pic in softcopy i can post here...

e-ling, i dun eat full meals nowdays, have to leave my meals uneaten or else too bloated. but i eat snacks in between. but i know of friends who eat full meals coz their appetite is much better than before pregnant. think as long as ur weight gain is normal, and doc is not worried, its alright. i heard today that for a mother with normal wt before pregnancy, her weight gain shld be between 11.5 to 16kg throughout pregnancy. for those underwt ones, shld gain 12.5 to 18kg.

puppylove and ilovebabies hehehee my tummy also so bloated after meals. actually before pregnancy i already have bloated tummy problem, whenever i have diarrheo or happen to see GP, she will check my tummy and exclaim that its so bloated! mine is the kind that will give out a lot of noise one hehehee like a symphony inside. so now pregnant, bloated condition even more loh...but sorta used to it. yah i also take morning tummy size as the actual size. last night inspired by ur girls, to take tummy circumference! hehehehe....so fun...
hi angieline,

Your test result is 1:300(PASSED) but mine is 1:250(FAILED!!) but i still had a healthy baby boy...& expecting another healthy baby boy again now...so what do you have to worry right!!!

The only thing to worry is to pay a little bit more of money to take the amnio test lor...hahaha...

Stay happy & your little one will be happy too!!!
Hi angeline,

Im from July MTB thread and happens to see ur posts. im 24 and my triple test result was actually 1:57 ! so gynae did my amnio and my gal gal is fine, so u dun worry too much k ? esp when ur test result is passable...

Stay cheerful and positive..
hi! i'm supposed to take my triple test during my next gynae visit next Thur (16wks), but hv read abt the high rate of inaccuracy of this test (only 60% accurate?). It gives a high rate of false positives, meaning ur bb is ok, but test shows otherwise. And out of abt 50 positives, only 2 r really having DS bb... Read fr the popular book "what to expect when u're expecting".

Makes me wonder if i shld not take the test if the results may not b accurate anyway (altho' i'm told the blood test will also test whether i'm exposed to other diseases...) Why not wait for 5th mth when u do ur detailed ultrasound? Can tat pick up signs of DS? What do u all think??

I have the Mamil Mama for sale. It is 400g. Selling at $10 neg each or can exchange for similiac Follow on (From 6 mth onwards)

It is suitable
*Before pregnancy - to strengthen your body *During pregnancy - to meet increased demand for nutrients

Email me at [email protected]
Yes my gynae did told me that the triple test usually comes up with a lot of false positive. She recommended I take up OSCAR test. But I think now, if you're below 30, skip it lah. Don't waste your money on triple test. If you can wait for the big 20-week scan, might as well wait. Most of the time, we're worried b'cos we're just plain impatient.

But ask your gynae if you can take blood tests.
puppylove, my gynae did not recommend me to go for triple test due to the % of accurancy. I'm 25 going to 26 this yr...I went for DS test just to make sure...I went for the cheaper one which is the NT scan ($90++). Paying abit more to know that your baby is fine isn't it worth? Detailed scan I doubt they can scan for DS ba? If can whats the point of us doing this now?
hi Melissa & rainnie,
my gynae says Oscar is a relatively new test n more expensive than Triple, tatz why he recommended Triple, a so-called tried-&-tested method (despite the high % of inaccuracy!).

Am thinking of juz doing a 'normal' blood test, and check w my gynae if there're alternative tests for DS besides Triple, Oscar & of course amnio. I heard there's a test that measures the neck of ur bb to c if itz within 'normal' range... not sure what itz called though... rainnie, is this the NT scan u mentioned? btw, I'm 32 le...
puppylove, ya...there's total of 3 test (NT, OCSAR & Triple test) My gynae told me NT test is 80% accurancy. did u get advise from ur gynae which test u shld go for?

btw, NT scan is to measure the neck of ur bb and some other stuff...;)
hi all

I also have backaches now ... esp when I am trying to train myself to sleep on the sides ... and having slept on the side for too long, I got slight backache when I woke up ... have to be careful when we get down the bed lor ...

everyone seem to be concern on the diff test we take ... I dunno abt this cos I have taken any test yet ... tmr I will take my triple test .. but I guess, we just trust out gynae and do whatever he/she deem right for us ...

anyway as our gynae it is his/her responsibility to make sure we and our babies are fine.... so try not to skip any test to save $$ ?? just my two cents worth

talking abt appetite .. hehe my appetite is very good during the day ... and luckily at nite, it is quite small ....
I have to take snacks in between leh .. else I will feel v uneasy and no mood to work !
I have backache initially, but now lesser, dunno whether is it because I start my swimming. I am very used to sleeping on my left, so for that, no problem.

Due to my age, I am 33, my gynae recommemed NT scan + blood test, which gives close to 95% accuracy. I think some places they called it OSCAR TEST. I agreed wif what what mentioned earlier, the gynae will do whatever it best for us!

When do you feel your baby move? I mean, i am an inexperienced, first time mother.. and i feel a couple of kicks at the side of my tummy today.. i am only into my 15th weeks.. am i just being too paranoid over this or izzit really baby kicking me? I read articles and feel that i am too still in an early stage to feel the kick.
