(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi daisybuttons
Just saw your message...

White fungus is cooling, so for pregnant woman who are weak should not be taking cooling stuff during the 1st trimester. However if it is occassional cooking with white fungus, i dun think there will be any problem.

I dun take any form of alcohol on its own, but at times during my cooking, i will add a little bit of rice wine to the dish.

I took bird nest from very early weeks till now. I dun think the bird nest will have any effect on the baby yet, it meant for myself, as bird nest is wen (neautral)and prevent internal dryness, also helps stimulate appetite and aids digestion, i think it also has a unique pre-digested form of protein and nutrients.

Just to recap, these are the tonics I took during my first 3 months

1) Home-brew black chicken essence with either paosheng, tungsheng or korean ginseng.
2) Black chicken soup with with paosheng, tungsheng or korean ginseng.
3) Bird nest with paosheng
4) tungseng, longnan, wolfberries drink

(1) or (2) everyday
(3) fornightly
(4) Those days when I have very bad MS, i will replace all my drinks with this.

4th months onwards, I only take (1) or (2) every week, (3) every month. I also start taking cordyceps.

I think to some of you may find these herbs very heaty, but not for me. I find myself more healthy than before. In fact recently when I started my swimming, I realised I can swim more laps than before, so I do believe the herbs my mum make for me do help.

Anyway these are my current practise , there are no fixed rules on these, even the older generation may have different opinion on the herbs thingy! Utimately what we want to achieve is healthy body and deliver healthy baby!

helo pig2, thanks for replying.
so rice wine added into cooking is fine right? coz i read b4 that wine when cooked the alcohol content gone? so it applies for hua tiao jiu also hor?

birdnest sounds so amazing....okie think will ask my parents to start now. i am in my 2nd tri oredi...

can ask you, (4) how do you prepare? is it cook it like usual sweet soup? i didn't know tung sheng can cook in usual sweet soup.

how many types of pao sheng are there and are there unsafe ones? is it generally speaking the more expensive the less cooling? coz once my dad added some pao sheng inside my black chicken essence, and he din know what kinda pao sheng is it. i was so paranoid my mum had to go downstairs to the herbal shop, bring the paosheng (uncooked ones) along to ask the lady. she told me its ye sheng pao sheng, and its for bu qi, ti shen and jiang huo, but not the cooling kind even though jiang huo. can enlighten me?

so korean ginseng is for "bu" us right? its not cooling right? I rem u said u adding cordycerps now to ur black chicken soup huh? birdnest can add cordycerps?

sorry for the many questions. my parents are ready and eager to start their mass purchase of herbs for me, but i need to find out what i can eat first before i give them the go ahead hehehee.
helo melissa, dun need to feel envious ah. not all of us can feel with our hands the tummy movement, i can't leh hehehee. i only feel this fluttering so gotta ask bjiou if this is the kind of movement...

oh i didn't know about the fish and beef thingie hehehee. i like both chicken and beef, but i dun like fish. so what does that mean? *scratch head*
i heard that if you like to dress up yourself pretty pretty, then probably you will be having a baby girl.. but if you simply hate to dress up.. didn't bother to put on any makeup, then probably baby boy... this is old mother's tale.
hi daisybuttons

For (4), boil the water, add tungseng, longnan, wolfberries and red dates (4get to add in the earlier message) and boil for a while more, I normally like it plain with the aroma of the tungseng, so i dun add sugar. I think confinement period also have this to replace plain water.

As for pao sheng, I dun buy the ready slice ones, normally we buy the "Round-forked Roots" ones, my mum will pick and select individually, then can the shop assistant to prepare and slice them. Like what you have mentioned, more for bu qi, ti shen and jiang huo.

Even for tungsheng, there are different grade too, from few $ a packet to $20-$30. I normally buy the $28 ones, i think is call "fan dung"

Korean ginseng is very heaty. So you have to try whether find out how well your body adapt! Got to be careful when purchasing Korean ginseng as they are many imitations in the market. Many are processed from Japanese ones, because they resemble Korean ginseng closely, but their properties are different and their effect is questionable.

Cordycerps can be added to black chicken or pork lean meat. I dun add cordycerps to bird nest. I take it on different occassions.
helo pig2, thanks thanks! very useful info. so abt the hua tiao jiu, can cook in soups its fine right? we can drink those soups that uses chicken, ginger, sesame oil and hua tiao jiu right? quite craving for that......i am just worried about the ginger and sesame oil too.

round fork ones? how do u say that in chinese? my dad usually buy whole ones and ask them to slice too. but not sure what kind.....

thank you so much pig2.

little pony hehehee i heard that some ppl say if having girls the mother will be very pretty and radiant. if having boys, the mother will look very tired and nose swollen. but some other ppl subscribe to the entirely opposite school of thought. some say if having girls the mother will not be pretty coz the girl will take away the mother's beauty, while if boys mother will be radiant. my dad say all are correct, coz its 50% chance that u will be right! heheheee...so funny.

for ur theory, i dunno which one i fall under leh. in the 1st 2mths, i didn't apply make up when i go out, sometimes even when go work. coz too nauseas and tired and grouchy and bad mood to do so. but in the 3rd mth, i started paying a bit more attention to my looks and dressing. but now, lazy again. the tot of dressing up to go out for dinner tires me liaoz hahahahaa.......i am so ever-changing...hmmmm.....
haaa! yes, your mood is ever changing.. do you by chance having twins? haaaa!
I fall in the ' don't like make up' category.. but then again, i fall in the ' not pretty' category too! err.. let's just leave it to our gynae to do the check!
hi all

Now have started to ask my friends to guess. But I wonder the myth of if you dun look preggie from behind you will probably have a boy and vice vesa. So my col guess I'm having a boy heee..but 3 weeks ago, gynae juz said i hve 60% chance of having a girl.
hi littlepony heheehe no i not having twins.
many ppl asked me that, including my dad. but i told them i can't be unless the 2nd twin keep hiding behind the 1st during all the scans!

bjiou, yah hor, i have a cousin-in-law also have boy and she dun look preggie from behind. they say she very compact looking.
isit coz some ppl say boy tummys are pointier (more defined), while girl tummys are rounder (to me this means not as pointer, so flatter?). hehehee there's no end to this myths i think.....
hi bijou

ahah I have the same experience as you
most of the ppl say that I dun look pregnant from behind .. but gynae also placed his bet on a gal !!

aiyah all myths .... but then again, we will never know until detailed scan ..
hi! i happen to hv 3 other colleagues pregnant now n the myth seems to fit... the 2 having boys look slimmer fr behind, the 1 having girl looks rounder... but I'm sure there's no medical proof of this lah..

I'm hoping to get at least a hint of bb's gender next wk too (16wks)! But seems like my gynae doesn't want to speculate too early. When i asked him during my last visit, he said wait till 5 mth!! wah.. how to tahan the suspense?? haha...
bijou it's ur detailed scan next week ? if not like what puppylove mentioned, gynae doesnt want to commit ... but then it does gives a hint

excited hor ??

My gynae is quite open to us as in he dun mind telling us his guess even when Im only 11 weeks and usually he can tell after 14 weeks and next week is my 15 weeks so should not be a problem for him.
Hi all

Very funny leh...I look left look right still feel Im fat leh. But when I go to weigh myself I'm only 0.5-1kg heavier.

wah ! ur gynae must be v experienced .. how does he do that ? any tips ? in fact I have been observing my tummy, which is v pointed ... ahha still got a chance for bb to be a boy ...
I don't know leh. He got his own theory anyway. But I tot of going for my detailed scan in TMC ..when im 20 weeks leh. For the past, I will do it in my gynae clinic.

I am also doing my detailed scan in TMC on the 18th april. Think my gynae's machine doesnt have the functionality, I guess.

But does it matters where u do it ?
Hi all, anyone experiencing occasional pain in the thigh area other than lower back? I've been having that on and off for the past one week. The pain got worse after I sat on the floor & watched TV at home... Both my MIL and mum said it's normal due to the expansion of the cage...

Anyone taking 'shou wu' other than pao sheng, bird's nest etc? Heard bb will be born with lots of hair if mtb takes it regularly during pregnancy.
helo helo ladies hehehe i next week also 16th week appointment, not sure if can tell the gender but i think most likely need to wait for detailed scan b4 can find out. think my gynae the kind who will not wanna hazard a guess one heheee.

bjiou u beri funny leh, hehehe look left look right?

ilovebabies, ur tummy pointed now? how to tell huh? how many weeks u are now? so u hoping for baby boy huh?

amylim, i dun have the pain but from what ilovebabies said shld be quite common. try not to sit on the floor, its hard and we need softer cushioning now. and if the floor is not paraquet or laminate its too cold for u...take care yar...

i figure it out since col say cant see that I am pregnant from behind and I look myself in the mirror.... less flesh on the sides of the tummy ... prob u can ask the pp around you ..

I am in my 17th week now ..

boy or gal is the same to me as long as they are healthy ... but it's 50-50 chance now ... my cols are betting on it ahhaha ...
hi amylim

I always brew shou wu for my husband, so there was once when i went to chinese medical shop to replenish my herbs, I ask whether I can take shou wu too, she said better not to take any.
ilovebabies.. u're in ur 17th week and still canot tell the gender? hmm... my gynae says my next visit on monday (16th week) should be able to tell alr... so not true lahz.. chey!!! make me happy for nothing leh he...

but aniways... my hubby's blood test results are out.. he's not got thalassemia... so its juz me.. so now even if the baby gets it... (hopefully not) he will only be like me... still lead a normal, active life... YAY!!!
hi emma

congrats on the good news !! dun worry, your bb will be fine

Gynae can only guess at this stage lor .. guess they wont commit a definite ans ... in case u get disappointed when u see ur baby haha
helo pig2, paiseh did u miss my earlier post?
i cut and paste here hor?
helo pig2, thanks thanks! very useful info. so abt the hua tiao jiu, can cook in soups its fine right? we can drink those soups that uses chicken, ginger, sesame oil and hua tiao jiu right? quite craving for that......i am just worried about the ginger and sesame oil too.

round fork ones? how do u say that in chinese? my dad usually buy whole ones and ask them to slice too. but not sure what kind.....

thank you so much pig2.

emma, congrats!!! so happy for you! that is indeed good news, now you dun have to worry anymore!

ilovebabies hehee oh i see. my colls going to bet on the gender when i am bigger. :p right now i do find the fats extending to the sides of my tummy..... so let's see how later.
hi daisybuttons
Sorry, I think i miss out your earlier post!!!

A little bit of hua tiao jiu for cooking should be alright, unless you drink it on its own. Likewise for ginger, moderate is ok!

Dunno how to explain to you "round fork ones", it look round round and cute cute, there's another kind, slimmer look and is cheaper. Should be quite easy to identify. If the medical hall is one which your parents frequent, i believe they will sell them the GENUINE stuffs.
helo pig2, no need to say sorry lah, i am heaping loads of questions on you i feel pai seh ah hehehee. :p thanks thanks, now i can drink the soup liao! will ask my mum too cook! for ginger, as long as we dun put too much, and i dun EAT the ginger shld be alright hor? so sesame oil cause jaundice in baby one isit true?

orhhh...okie okie small roung cute cute one ...hehehe okie will ask my parents to ask.
the medicinal hall is the franchise one, called Fook Hwa or something.
i think there's this medical hall in chinatown called 'de xing'. my mummy goes there to get all the stuff.. and that place is always crowded... so shouldnt be too bad.. but fook hwa is much more convenient.. cos almost everywhere also got...
ilovebabies & daisybuttons, thks for the advice. Sometimes couldn't resist myself coz the material of my sofa is velvet and I tend to feel quite uncomfortable if I sit on it for prolong period. Will try to refrain from sitting on the floor...

Daisybuttons, shou wu is a type of chinese herb...

Pig2, did the medical shop explain why preggies can't take shou wu? My mum used it to brew soup practically every week when she was pregnant with me and I turned out to have lots of hair...
hi amylim...

dun mentioned .... my sofa material is also quite hot esp on sunny days ... so what I did was I put a unused bedsheet over it before I sit on it ...

just bear with it these few mths lor
Erm... dunno how to see whether tummy is pointed leh. But look from behind still like same as previous but waist did increase 4inch

As for paosheng, my hubby bought from Eu Ren San in powder form one. They actually help us to choose good one and make into powder cos we dunno how to brew leh but in powder form how to eat everyday as one bottle is equivalent to brewing 4 times (which need to take once a week)

emma, congrats!!! Happy for you! Yah now you dun have to worry le.
hi amylim
I never ask her why cannot take shou wu! I was also thinking that by taking shou wu, baby will have alot black hair, but since she said cannot, i only make for hubby to eat.

I think for the herbal thing, everyone really have their own theory, since your mum had been taking shou wu, and you are comfortable with it, i think no harm!

Like MIL wasn't so agreeable of me taking bird nest, but i still go ahead with it because my mum said is ok.


I also bought the paosheng powder from my regular medical hall, but is for my hubby! If he works late or feeling heaty, I will make paosheng drink for him in the morning, very convenient!
pig2, sorry one more question, just realised my mum dun use hua tiao jiu for the soup, she actually use martini leh. so if martini is cooked in soup is it safe for us?
Hi daisybuttons

u bery early leh. Not sure martini is a issue anot. But I sometimes feel like eating raw food. I like the japanese raw shell food alot. Anybody noes whether can eat anot?
hi daisybuttons

Personally I won't mind a little alcohol in the soup. Like you mentioned earlier, after cooking, the alcohol would have already vapourise. Anyway you are not taking them on a daily basis, rite?
hi daisybuttons

My gynae is against me drinking any types of alcohol leh ... i dunno if these rice wine or hua tiao jiu can be consumed. in fact, I avoid dishes with alcohol content to be on the safe side.

take care ..
Hi bjiou,
same here! I've always love sashimi and raw stuff b4 I was pregnant. Till now, I'm still very much in envy of those who takes sashimi whenever in a Japanese rest.
But have to control and endure this craving till bb is born.. : ) Anyway, not sure is the shell food raw..maybe can chk with the restaurant. And if u happen to love tako too, few sources I've chk tells me it's cooked. However, I guess the safest and best rule is to chk with the chef before consuming anything or to avoid these food totally for the time being till little precious is born! Cheers!
ilovebabies and chocolat

Somtimes when i eat fried kway teow or laksa I will eat a few cockles leh. Can't resist.

bijou ... gotta resist ur temptation for now .. no choice lah .. ok ?

in fact my frens told me we can only start eating sushi after 1st trimester !
