(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

my gynae only mentioned Triple & Oscar to me, n suggested i go for Triple. Ya, i know what u all mean by trusting your gynae. I guess at the same time, I'm also trying to understand what the tests r abt thru' a bit of research. Then I'm in better control of what I'm going thru'.

Will definitely quiz my gynae more b4 he draws my blood next week! haha...

btw, pig2, I'm also thinking of swimming. I guess u've to specially buy maternity swimwear to fit our tummies?? Can tat last fr 2nd tri to the end of ur pregnancy? Haven't tried, but i seriously doubt i can fit into my normal swimsuit now!!

hi puppylove

I am still wearing the normal 1-piece swim suit, is a bit tight now, but so far no problem. As for the maternity swimwear, I find it a bit too big for now, so i probably start wearing it toward end 2nd trimester, should be wearing that till the last trimester.
hi little pony

I can feel my bb kicking oso. I am now 14 weeks. But it only happens once in a blue moon. Is so fun and happy.
i still dunno whether if its baby kicking or some weird twitch in my stomach... haha... think mine muz be v obvious then i will know.. hehe.. so numb.. lol
hi bijou

u sure ?? so early ? is this ur first bb ?

I am 17 weeks now ... and I tot I felt some movement this morning when I was lying on my bed ...

daisybuttons, happy birthday !
hi emma...aiyo cant chat with u liao..sianz leh.

I oso felt some movement and it occurs once in awhile too....hee
I also started to feel baby kicking or movement last satursday when i am 17 weeks, it is very mild pushing feeling when i put my hand on my tummy to feel. Can also feel it now. Amazing!

Im from August mum... Happen to drop by n read..
I am a thalessemia mummy too.. so now my hb is doing e blood test to check if he had it too n gynae will actually let us know e percent of having a thalessemia bb.

I also having anemia... is ur thalessemia minor (alpha) or? So confusing by those terms used bt dr.. so i jus roughly know.

We don have to worry so much as I WAS ALSO AS WORRIED N FREAKING OUT LIKE U. Its v common n thalessemia bb live well too jus like wat my gynae told mi n assure mi its nothing serious.

If any doubt maybe u could try check it out n share wit ur gynae. He will be able to take care of u n bb n smooth delivery....
yes, it happens once in a blue moon so i can't be confident that it is baby doing martial kicks. I am glad i am not the only one feeling the little kicks at this stage. I mean, i am not certain but of coz, we will be more confident once the kicks get harder.

I am seeing my gynae this coming Sat. I am worried. Each time i visit the gynae, i worried if baby is healthy or not. But once i see baby through ultrasound, I felt so much at ease. We are worriers, ain't we?
little pony

how many weeks are u? im juz 14 weeks..i oso hard to convince i can feel it so early. But I tink is really bb movement becuz is a fluttering kind of feeling.
Hi bjiou,
i am just at my 15 weeks. I also find it hard to convince myself that i feel it so early. However, today.. pretty quiet in there.. so i can't be sure.
oic. then that's much more relieved.
talk to u tomorrow then.. i am down with a flu and i kept sneezing.. gonna go home now to have a good rest.
hi! same here, I was 14 wks last week n really thot I felt bb's fluttering movements. But it has been quiet these few days, so really hoping bb will do it again!! haha... or maybe he/she hasn't been kicking hard enough.

little pony,
know what u mean abt worrying until u see ur bb on the scan monitor again. I feel the same. The 1st thing i'll look for is the heartbeat!
e-ling, you started to feel the movement of your bb already? Mine still no movement yet even though I'm in week 18 now... heard that the movement will become more obvious from week 20 onwards...

thanx for ur reassurance... i was juz very shocked that i have thalassemia... not sure if its alpha or which.. but i am sure its minor.. cos i have been very active in sports since young.... so signs of anemia never shown in me... hehe... that;s y i was shocked... sigh...

i guess it will not affect the baby's health muz... juz have to make sure he/she screens who he/she dates.. haha... cannot marry someone with thalassemia right? if not disaster... haha... me fancy worrying abt sth so far away.. hehe.. silly me...
anylim, i'm am approaching 18 weeks this coming satursday. yup already can feel tummy having fluttering movement like baby pushing your tummy since 17 week (last satursday). And the feeling is getting stronger and more frequent each day. Yesterday i felt that also and asked my hubby to put his hand on my tummy and he feel that too.

Yah heard that week 20 then the movement will be more obvious.
to all you Mums on the forum, thanks alot for the support. It does make me feel much better.
Actually, I was crying abit on the weekend, and suddenly I felt something like a kick in my tummy. Although baby is only end of 12 weeks, somehow I felt that it was giving me a sign to tell me not to worry, I am fine.
Maybe I am imagining it? But it sure gave me more confidence for this 4 weeks wait to the amnio test.
helo helO! thank you ilovebabies and bjiou for the birthday wishes. had such a fun day nua-ing at home with hubby and doggy yesterday hehehee, enjoyed myself. ilovebabies, i rem yesterday also ur checkup right? how's it go?

puppylove and rannie, NT Scan or NT test is part of the OSCAR test. it is the scan that puppylove talked about that measures the thickness of the fluid behind baby's neck, called the nuchal fold, thus the Nuchal Translucency (NT) test. it doesn't measure baby's neck itself.
anyway NT scan is only accurate if done btw 11-14 weeks, so the 20 week scan will not be able to tell us anything even if the gynae measures.

ladies, i also feeling something in my tummy, but its not a kicking feeling like what some ppl described, so i can't be sure leh. bjiou, u experienced, can u describe the feeling? mine is like a fluttering in my lower tummy that i have never felt before pregnancy. i am saying this coz i have a lot of wind and i am pretty sure wind dun feel like this hehee.i read something on this yesterday and i found that some described the sensations pretty well when they used the words "like goldfish swimming around", thats what it feels like....hehehee like baby moving in the amniotic sac and thus giving me the fluttering feeling.....is that how it is?

Dear angeline, yes baby is telling you not to worrY!
cheer up, and i am sure things will be alright...dun worry though worrying is such a everyday affair for all of us now hehee.

to those who always worry, i am also one loh. always think think think and find the next visit so long! and i will worry until i see the scan.....
hi daisybuttons

you are right. The feeling is just like a butterfly flying inside your tummy, while the wings touches and tickle your tummy. After that, around 19 weeks onwards you will feel real kick instead but not everytime so sometimes you wonder oh..is it baby kicking just now.
Is really cute and fun when u discover.

I realised you wont feel so worried after you can feel baby's movement. Of couse now everyone would want to go for the scan to reassure baby is ok.

Dear Angeline

I understand how you feel but let's take it positively and dun feel so sad from now till u get your amnio test cuz is going to affect both u and baby and ofcuz ur hubby. Cheer Up ;)

Hi edksd
I took it 3 years ago and find the usually ppl will sign up for the class during their 7 mths pregnancy. For me I find that it is quite useful becuz without attending the class I dun even know Im in labour. Hahaha...but the worst thing is you will not rem how they teach you to push and breath while u are in labour man. You would probably do what you can but hubby will learn and guide you during labour time. So why not, go for the class.
helo edksd, nope me not sign up yet ah. the nurse also told me ppl dun attend too early in case they forget. i guess its up to you.....
supposed to start around 20weeks.

bjiou thanks! hehehee... i do hope these are in fact baby's movements, so cute.
i am looking forward to feeling the real kicks! hehehee.
pig2 pig2! hehehe need your advise on something. i rem u said that white fungus is not good now coz its cooling? is that only for 1st tri or all throughout pregnancy also cannot eat? coz after u said that my dad cooked sweet soup with white fungus, and i dun dare to eat. but few weeks later i saw a pregnancy cookbook and they recc white fungus in the 2nd and 3rd tri, so tot of checking with you.

and just to recap, pao sheng is good right? for an tai issit? tung shen is got bu qi? cordycerps to make baby healthy and can start in 4th month? birdnest can start now but with paosheng? thanks so much in advance...
and can we drink those dinner soups thats cooked in wine? u know, sometimes mothers like to cook chicken in wine and sesame? wine cooked oredi alcohol content gone right? so its safe for baby? coz i quite craving for that soup...thanks!
daisybuttons...cannot take white fungus meh...my mom cook that for me .. almost every week when i was 1st tri leh...:p although it is cooling lah...

Happy Belated Birthday ;)
helo rannie, thanks for the birthday wishes hehee. u notti girl, know its cooling still take.
me took some in the early 1st tri, not knowing its cooling. i know pig2 mentioned to me after that that its cooling, so i din take liaoz....so now checking with her.
According to a boss from the chinese medical store which i normally frequent, white fungus are cooling and at our stage, we are even advisable not to take bird's nest. Reason being, now.. it's better for us to 'an tai' .. meaning securing the baby.. and if we take bird's test at this stage, it will also be a waste. So normally, it's much more advisable to take bird's test at a later stage when we need more tonics...

However, I am not sure how true this is.. it really depends on individual's health and body on whether you can take it or not.. so, one person's advice might not be applicable to everyone here.
daisybuttons ... yes it was my monthly chkup yest ... gynae say mine cld be a gal ... to be confirm during detailed scan
and bb is doing fine ... realised the bb has even shifted position in the womb.... and I am going to do my detailed scanning at TMC in april ...

i also felt the sensation of "goldfish swimming around" recently so I am sure it is the bb movements as I never had this wonderful feeling before

i am also the worry type esp during my 1st trimester .. but now that I am in my 2nd tri, I felt much better and also because I can feel the bb heartbeat when I press my palm on my tummy ...

just observe the fast thumping rhythm and u'll know it belongs to ur bb .. and my hubby can also hear the heartbeat when he presses his ears against my tummy ... prob u gals can try that ...

let's be happy !!
daisybuttons...my mom know its cooling also but she gave me...so i take loh..she know what is best for me so its ok...i ever once took 2 person share..thought its all meant for me .. but my mom later told me its for me to share with my hubby hahaaaa...
pig2 dont seems to be in today...perhaps later ... ba coz i dont see her online (msn) this morning
hi edksd

I will taking mine in June at MAH. By then I will be abt 7 mths .. which gynae is the correct time to start the class....

better book fast cos seats are easily taken.
hi daisybuttons,
Hapi bird-dae ya...oh yeah pao sheng is good..i have been drinkg pao sheng fen(powder) evy morning w empty stomach..morning more energetic lor...got time can oso make red dates w gou qi zi drink...next time baby face red red...mei mei..keke

hi emma,
has adrian's nurse gave u a call yet?rem update us huh...

dear angeline,
dun worry too much...the results of ur amnio test will definitely b fine..

hi edksd,
me shod b going to the antenatal class bah..even thou i had interaction with babies alot..still hv little experience takg care on our own..i guess its gd...

next tue going for my next appt liaoz....hope able to c baby's gender..keke

TGIW to all..
count down 2 more days to wkend..
i am going for my next checkup with the gynae on saturday. Very very nervous. If baby is good, hope to be able to c the baby's gender. ...

In fact, i am going to ask gynae why didn't i put on weight even though i have been eating alot. I am still maintaining my 'before preggy' weight till now. very worried for the baby's health.

Just a worrier!
helo little pony, i like your nickname leh.
yah i also heard that first 3 mths is to an tai, and build up mummy's strength. then 2nd tri is to build up baby's health.

ilovebabies, really can hear meh? actually recently my hubby claim he can hear but he was listening not at the lower tummy. he said the beat is very fast, then later when we try again he can't hear, so i doubt its the correct one. i know i can hear and feel my own heartbeat, so i am careful about not confusing it with baby's. where did you listen? thinking if we really can hear like that then why in the market they still sell those handheld doppler devices huh? somehow i tot not easy to hear one loh.

rainnie, yah dun worry ur body prob can take it so ur mum give you.
me been pretty weak last time so must be careful loh. okie...will wait for pig2 to reply.

pjen, thanks!
hehehee u so cute leh, drink gou qi zi next time baby rosy complexion ah? hehehe so cute.
Hi daisybuttons,
haa! thanks for liking my nickname. I used to be a big fan of Little Pony cartoons.. now, they relaunched it and sell the toys at department stores.. but in the past, my mum refuses to buy those toys for me.. So now, i have this nickname.. to remind me that ' my mum didn't buy the toys for me!' (haa. just joking)

Your nickname is quite interesting as well! :)
Dear Little Pony,
don't worry too much about the weight. I lost about 3kgs in the 1st 2 months due to all the nausea and loss of apetite. Now in WK13, I still haven't gained it yet. But gynea said its OK. And baby was healthy (except for the Oscar test result) and kicking during the scan. So I am sure your baby is healthy too.
hi daisybuttons,
yeah tats wat my 2 cousins taught my mum cos they each hv 2 gals...n they drink alot of tat...
baby face red red n finger tips all red...

dear littlepony,
its normal tat we dun put on weight nw..soon late 2nd stage n 3rd stage u wil c yr weight moves up beri fast....
Angeline and pjen, thanks so much for easing my worries. I am thankful that i didn't vomit during the 1st trimester and therefore, i know food that i've consume, baby should have taken it as well. Thanks alot for your advices! Now, i feel i am normal again. heee.
hi hi little pony, ur nick conjures up images of the cartoon as well as fairyland hehehee. i am a sucker for fairytales so....

yah, like pjen and angeline said, dun worry abt ur weight. very common to lose weight during 1st tri, and takes time to put back. i read that if u dun eat much, baby will take ur stores from ur own body. and if u do eat, baby has the first go at it. think nature has amazingly made it such that baby will grow no matter how well u eating.

pjen, wow....hhhmmm....okie okie will keep that i mind. i think its more the red dates than the gou qi zi....interesting....but how to make it? boil the red dates with gou qi zi like that only huh? no sugar?
daisybuttons, i felt it on my left side of my tummy ... and I was right when I see the bb scan yesterday cos the baby has shifted the position.

So now that gynae has pointed out to me the position of head, body and legs, I know exactly where to feel the heartbeat.

Sometimes u may not feel it cos it may be blocked by the placenta. And as long as I can still do it manually, i wont have to buy those off the shelf doppler devices. Not cheap leh, saw one at Kiddy Palace which cost $59.90.

well, as our bb progress we may feel the kicks and may not required to listen to the heartbeat lor !

Hey...I brought 1 of those doppler devices from Theme before and is not as easy as what I thought. Since our stomach is making alot of noise, we will not be able to differeniate which is your baby's heartbeat. Me and hubby had a hard time finding it thoug..and somtimes we tot we did but actually we are not convince abt it.
no prob little pony..
we are here to encourage & comfort each other..
furthermore wat u encounter, we oso had it in e 1st stage...

ya i boil those 2 items jus with water lor...
no sugar added more healthy...m'ver red dates is sweeten liaoz..

i xiu gang liaoz...
chat tmr...tata
hi bijou

yes my hubby said the same thing too... but after a while I think he managed to locate the thumping sound ....

good luck trying!
hi ilovebabies, that amazing. u know the exact position of ur baby and where to feel heartbeat? how did u figure out? i see the scan and can understand where are the hands, feet and head, but i can never figure out where they are with respect to my own tummy u know what i mean? hehehee... i mean, i know baby is now located below the height of my belly button coz of what i read and thats where gynae scan, thats where i feel the flutterings...

ilovebabies and bjiou, i attended a talk recently by some gynaes, and one doc said that those doppler devices they sell outside may not always work coz u get confused with ur tummy noises. and only doctors will know where to place the doppler correct, directly above the heart, to zoom in on the heartbeat. so many parents end up not being able to hear and panic for no reason. so she suggested we dun buy.....hehehee...

pjen, thanks...noted.
wah u so early knock off...so good....
hi daisybuttons... I was experimenting around my tummy area until i find the spot ! heheh ... like I mentioned earlier, I confirmed that I was right when I saw the bb position yest. And like you, I couldnt figure out the bb exact position in my tummy so usually I will get my gynae to tell the position of the head, body and legs. Then I'll have a better picture !

Yes I think you r right ... it may sometimes caused more panic than happiness ah .... just use it with an open mind ...
Hi all,
Wow I can see that some of you here have started feeling flutterings in the stomach! I'm so envious! Hehe. Well yesterday night, after a hard day at work I laid still on bed, flick on the channel and watched Seinfeld on Star World. Then I put my hands on my tummy, hoping to feel something. Well when I woke up like an hour later, I realised I had fallen asleep with my shirt pulled back to my tummy and both hands on it. There goes my experiment! I tried to remain still and waited. To no avail.

In the end I feel nothing. I'm 14 weeks along. Maybe it's just too early.

Today I learnt something interesting from a friend. Apparently, if you like to eat fish and beef, you're more likely to get a boy. If you like chicken, you're more likely to get a girl. I don't know how true but I have developed an aversion to chicken since I'm 6 weeks along and it hasn't heal yet!

Also, when I missed my baby, I look at his ultrasound pictures and smile only to realise that he's right there in my tummy. Makes me feel so silly. LOL.

I bought that Kiddy Palace prenatal heart listener. Notice it didn't say "doppler"? Well it's definitely not and I'd say it's like a waste of money buying it. My hubby and I tried it on since 9 weeks and all we could hear was windy sound. Interestingly, he put on his belly and we could hear nothing but when we shifted it to my tummy, we hear like 1001 of things we're unsure of. Our American counterparts seems to be a lucky bunch. They could rent the ultrasound-based doppler and use it freely for a couple of months so it gives them so much assurance to hear the babies' heartbeats. Why can't Singapore have something similar? We're so far off in terms of technology.. and fun!

Have a great mid-week everyone.

hi, im oso taking up antenatal class in jun - jul. by then i'll be in wk24 already. actually ive the choice of wk24 or wk30 but the lady told me it's good to take slightly early coz they teach antenatal exercise and we can start put it to use as soon as we learnt it.
