(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hello Mummies! I tried posting a few times the last few days but the forum was down! and probably driving other mummies away due to this..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, Adele's got rosy cheeks!! My A was also having somewhat rosy cheeks too when we were in Europe but it was actually dry skin from the cold la.. heehee.. Whereabouts did u go in Perth? And me too! most of the pics were Arianne and her papa, popo, ah yee, strangers, dogs, babies, but not me! I guess it was becos I was THE only person who liked holding the cam all the time!heh..

And so sorry until now I still can't confirm if we can make it for the Xmas bash but like I told u before best to take us out and if I can make it last minute, I'll let you know

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, a rash? what kind of rash? is it cold now in HK? Maybe it's from the cold wind..

It's halloween this weekend!
i think the rash may be minor infection from sweaty neck. Daddy gave her long warm baths the last few nights and gently keep rubbing / massaging the red spots to remove the 'dead skin' and we moisturize and moisturize after and Its got much better this weekend, so we'll save our trip to the PD.

Does SGP celebrate Halloween nowadays? It didn't use to when I was still there 10 years ago. But T's playgroup has a Halloween costume party on Tuesday and I just got her a ladybug dress that comes with a headband with feelers that I touched up by adding flowers for the ladybug look. What did you get for Arianne?
ME ME ME too! please count me in for the party! it'll be 2 adults and 1 bb on my side.

welcome to the thread! i know some mummies bring their bbs for classes - gymboree, julia gabriel, growing up gifted, aquaducks, kindermusik, baby jumper gym... there're quite a few out there to choose from. as for me, i used to bring my der nen for weekly class at gymboree, but we found it so difficult to go regularly so we stopped.

which school/centre are u interested in? what type of programme are u looking for? for physical or mental development?
Dearest mummies,

(I've also sent this to those mummies whom I've email addies of..)

I happened to come across this parenting craft workshops and thought it might be a nice idea for us to have a private session together..

These workshops are highly recommended by some of my friends who have attended. They actually have these classes opened to public (check www.figi-uk.com) but I thought it can be quite nice if we do private sessions amongst ourselves at someones house living room. As always, no one date/time can suit everyone so I am proposing the following: (and these subjects were chosen based on the interest from some of you and were written by Shona, the speaker)

The Adults Role | Saturday, 24th November 2007 | 9.30-12noon (2.5hours)
It is suitable for all parents with children under five who are interested in finding out more about positive forms of parenting, setting long term goals for your family, positive ways to guide and discipline children of all ages and how to keep the lines of communication open within your family. We look at the parents role and look at the importance of what we say and do with our children now and how it can affect them in later life.

Understanding Your Toddler, Part One of Two | Saturday, 8th December 2007 | 9.30-12noon (2.5hours)
Once the child has blown out the candles on their first birthday cake and up until they have their 3rd birthday, there are a lot of issues that need to be dealt with. This workshop will give you the practical advice and tools to be 3 steps ahead of your toddler and to know what to expect and how to handle it! During this session you will be given the background information to help you understand more why your child is behaving like they are as well as advice on handling the temper tantrums, the need for independence, positive forms of age appropriate discipline as well as the much dreaded potty training.

(Not a must to attend both Part One and Two, but itll be good to as both covers different subjects)

Understanding Your Toddler, Part Two of Two | Saturday, 15th December 2007 | 9.30-12noon (2.5hours)
This is such a wide subject to cover that part two is also a must. During this session we will cover how to handle a toddler who is a fussy eater, going into tried and tested methods of how to improve the situation or indeed to make sure it doesn't happen to your child. With toddlers preparation is so important and in this session we will cover how to prepare them for big events in their lives such as the move from a cot to a big bed, starting nursery school, preparation for a new baby or indeed a move of house or country.

The deal:
If we have 4 persons: SGD80.00
If we have 5 persons: SGD70.00
If we have 6 or more: SGD60.00

I would need to confirm with the speaker by end of this week (Friday), therefore if you are interested, please let me know as early. Please reply with your nick/name/mobile number/interested session(s) via PM/Email/SMS/MSN. And the speaker requires advance payment so Ill need to collect the payment from you once all the participants and sessions are confirmed. Oh, unfortunately we wont be able to bring our babies to the sessions as they can be a big distraction while we have serious talk! Heehee Also, is there someone who can offer her place for the sessions? If not, I can try to find an alternative.

Ooh such a long email! please let me know if Ive missed out any required info.. Thanks!

Pls don't post response here as I might not be checking the thread often yahh
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, oh we didn't do much with Halloween this time.. Post pics of T in her ladybug costume, I'm sure she looks damn cute in it!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Laura</font></font>, hihi!! *welcome* wahh it's been a long time since we last had new friends joining us here! We don't actually do gatherings every week. Some of us just meet up occasionally..
Any pic of your little one? Name? DOB?

<font color="ff0000">Where's everyone?!</font>
Hey I'm here! Still lurking. The forum has been problematic on certain days that I'm quite free to eat snake! I'm sure sept mommies are still lurking here too.

Hannah has taken her chickenpox jab since 12 months. She now has 6 and a half teeth. 4 on top, 2 bottom and another one is sprouting on her bottom. I think that one made her cranky and she bites me a lot.

all your lists of activities that mommies here send their little ones to humbled me. my idea of a playgroup is to visit cousins/aunts with kids of her age and let them play together. cheap and fun too! it's from there that I discovered that Hannah is a dancer and she's not afraid of anyone. Even first time visitors! she's bubbly and always initiating conversation. so she's always the centre of attraction to everyone.

Ms Alicia See,
Adorable photos of Adele! Hey why are you hiding your bulging belly? Heehee. How's your pregnancy going? I've just had my detail scan. My boy turned into a girl! Haha so I'm having my 2nd princess. I find no desire to shop since most of Hannah's clothes and toys are in good shape. However i'm keen looking at new diaper bags!

How many Sept babies can walk already?
Hannah only walks a few steps then sits. She only stand up to dance and she loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle little stars. Her weight is still below 10kg. She's a small baby.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, yah this forum is getting wonky huh.. 2 princesses! that's nice.. Hannah will have a partner in 'crime' heehee..

My Arianne also quite friendly(maybe just mischievious) and a bit mushy at times.. she loves kissing people, babies and dogs too.. check out this video:


<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, so cute!!!! I love the feelers! hahhaha!
<font color="0000ff">melissa</font>

another girl! tt means u dun intend to stop at 2 right?

kai can walk already. in fact starting to run i guess since everyone commented he walks fast.

at 13.5mth old, kai is 8.75kg and 75cm only. quite small too. but it's alright since he achieved all the milestones
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>,

forum has been quiet w/o u!! haha...

im sorry cant join in the workshop as kai is having swim class every sat 11am. do u know where else do they hold the workshop for public?
<font color="0000ff">yun n emma</font>

i think we had slightly different vaccination schedule. could it be due to different PD?

hepB was taken at birth, 1mth and 6mth.
only those whose mother is hepB carrier then need another booster at 1 yr.
another hepB booster at 6 yrs.

hepA is to be taken at 2yrs and 2.5yrs.
Trinity's costume is soooo cute! Where did u get it?! I want to get one too! But I'll wait till Hannah's bigger. She's still so small!

Yeah we won't stop at 2 since it's another girl hehehe. Hubby said he's willing to try till 4! 3 is my max leh! But see how, hopefully 3rd is boy so can close shop! Kai is small too but it's ok. I'm so happy for you that Kai is healthy! Are you still breastfeeding? Has he tried any formula yet?

Wow what a cute video! Arianne is so kissy huh! and she still look chubby in that video! How heavy is she? How many milk feeds does she have everyday? Hannah only has 3 and she can't even finish them all. Only taking about 5-6 oz each feed.
<font color="0000ff">melissa</font>,

my hb oso said 4. alamak. i think 2 just nice leh.

yes, im still latching on at night. daytime he takes fm w cereal. sometimes we give him fm via spoon, little only, 20ml or so. he has stopped using bottles since 9mths old :p

i wanted to stop breastfeeding but duno how leh.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, hmm they recall Bumbo becos there's no proper warning label on the seat itself right? Cos those incidents happened becos the parents didn't put the seat on leveled floor ya? So meaning the product itself has no fault, just without the sticker to warn unaware parents..

Heh.. that's why I thought I should make some noise! But I'll be traveling again soon.. u girls keep the thread busy la..

For the Parenting workshop, you can check their website www.figi-uk.com for updates on their next schedules for public classes. The speaker told me they'll have more classes come next year as right now it's end of the year and mostly in festive mood already..

At the moment, I've got 6 mummies who are participating and probably will take in 2 more due to space constraint, also smaller class each person will have more interaction time with the speaker la.. SO HURRY MUMMIES! 2 more spaces to go!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, yahh A's almost kissing everyone she sees (I headache le..), even herself in the mirror!
She's also having 3 milk feeds a day, per feed is also about 140-180ml, weighing about 10.something kg. To me, at this age it's not so much on their milk intake anymore. In fact we should pay more attention to their solids instead.. Did I mention before that a British friend of mine whose 14months old baby girl is almost 12kg but her total milk feed per WEEK is only about 500ml! I was shocked to hear that le.. But these caucasian kids eat a lot of cheese and butter. I guess that's how they become big size ya..
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>

yes u're right abt tt recall. i often see in photos, mummies putting bb in bumbo on table or chair, so it serves as a reminder i guess. but of course our bb shld hv passed the bumbo sitting age already

tks for the info!

where are u travelling to?
<font color="0000ff">yunma</font>,

oic. now i rem my PD recommended us to take 5-in-1 instead of 6-in-1 coz he said there're some jabs which are scheduled too early for the bb (for 6-in-1).
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, ya you're right.. even for me, I used to put A in the bumbo and the bumbo on another seat to raise her like the booster.. :p

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yunma</font></font>, heehee I was blurred for a moment when I saw your nick. Thought it was Yuna, Clarice's mum hee..

Hey what do you girls do with the bumbo now? Presuming no warehouse space la.. and also other stuffs that are no longer in used? That day I was doing a bit of housekeeping and realised so many many things were probably used ONCE, especially clothes. If put them back into their packaging, they can still go back to the shelves for sale mann.. so wasteful..

Mummies, any latest pics of your babies(actually now is toddler huh?) to share? I miss looking at all the cute Sep babies!!

Here's Arianne and me in somewhat mummy+baby outfit which I mixed and matched myself.. hee just for fun!

<font color="0000ff">Angeline</font>, You are welcome to join in the party!
The package is $688 for 20 babies. So it depends on the no of babies we have on that day and it will be divided accordingly. And oh, I love Trinity's costume at the Halloween party! She looks so pretty and adorable!

<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, I love Adele's rosy cheeks too! Too bad it went off when we came back to S'pore. I stayed a couple of days in Perth at my sis place and thereafter we drove down to Albany n Margaret River for a couple of days before coming back to S'pore. Love the weather there! Unfortunately, it started to rain as we drove down to albany. Went for the whale watching cruise. Was looking forward to see some whales but our boat was too small to catch up with the whales as they were all heading back to deep sea. No luck! hehehehe!!! Oh dun worry abt the X'mas party. I am sure there would still be vacancies should u wanna join us at the last min.

<font color="aa00aa">Joon</font>, a thousand apologies! How can I forget to put down your name! Really looking forward to see you, your hubby and Der nen at the party!

<font color="ff6000">Melissa</font>, thanks for the compliments! My morning sickness is still pretty bad. Have not been eating well. The sight of food makes me wanna puke.
I have lost a bit of weight at my last checkup. Oh, you are going to have a princess again! Congrats! Wow, u n hubby intend to try for a 3rd one! Me n hubby will just stop at 2 whether this turns out to be a boy or girl. hehehehe!!!
<font color="0000ff">alicia</font>

congrats! didnt know u're preggie. how many wks alrdy?

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>

i sold the bumbo away quite some time ago since kai couldnt keep his butt in it.

as for other stuff like clothes n toys, will keep for 2nd child. house becoming more and more like playground. really cant stand it sometimes.

kai at 12mths+ old.

talk abt brown rice, <font color="0000ff">brenda</font>, do u know which type is better the dark red colored grain or the light brown colored grain as shown in the pic abv? some tell me the former, some tell me the latter.

is it ok to soak the brown rice overnight before making porridge w them the next morning?
Sept tread is so quiet, I'm wondering where are all the mummies??

heehee I change nick to jump thread.

Here's a recent pic of yun
Hey Brenda,
I sold off Javier's Bumbo & clothes when he cant fit in anymore.

Can post in the WTS section.
Or check out WTB section to see if any mummies want to get the Bumbo.
it's so nice to see all the babies again!! Looks like everyone is walking a little... Sophie's still only cruising...

love your outfits!
Sophie has a similar green top. Arianne is such a big girl now...


kai looks like he really loves swimming! Is that sentosa? Hee... we've not let Sophie swim in the sea yet... looks fun!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font>, if I remember correctly the green top was bought at Fox. Mine is from Hang Ten, saw it and grabbed immediately cos die die also want to match A's! Heehee.. actually the fashion world is quite stripey these days. Just last weekend, <font color="ff0000">Peachie's</font> hub and Clarence were in father+son stripey outfit too.. heh

oooh u girls leaving for Shanghai tonight?!? Nice! love the steamboats there.. can be quite cold now, do take care of Lil Sophie ya
and have fun!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd & Phoebe</font></font>, I think I'm just torn between giving away and keeping for memory (a bit for next bb too la..) sake.

But Pheebs, thanks for the WTS suggestion.. will look into the site sometime.. is it lots of work like your BPs? U know la, like what I told u the last time when we met, I can't imagine the massive admin work u do for our BPs! u don even chase for payments! aiyoo..

And with that recall of Bumbo, I think no mummies want to buy already la..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yunma</font></font>, that's a funny pic of Yun! heh.. what was that smirk for? was she up to something?! Nowadays our bbs getting very cheeky aren't they?

Oh these kiddie rides are super addictive, once they hop on it, they won't want to come down right?! I very scared to intro A, so I'm delaying it. Everytime we walk pass one, I siamm far far! heh..
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, oops just realised I missed your brown rice post..

Actually I'm not sure, but my MIL uses the red/dark brown ones for my FIL who has diabetes. Somehow I think the darker color ones are more yucky to eat so I guess they should be more nutritious based on this logic! hahah!! will ask around and if I hear anything sensible, I'll let u know
Hi really long time nv come in here. Damn busy with my work nowadays cos of department expansion. Anyway, here share with you all Amabel recent pic and now she can walk very well.

helo!!! i am here to MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!

e*@^r&*@^$!*&^$*&@*$*^@&*@^. SORRY that's meant as noise not bad words lah.....

edksd, wow kai can run???? Jovann has't start walking yet hehehe!

ling, same here, J also only cruising. he will stand up suddenly with both hands in the air, but din really WALK. but its okie...i am fine with that lah, think 17-18mths is the latest any baby starts walking hehee. heard the longer crawling period also good for their coordination skills.

wow sophie so guai can eat from that bowl quietly??? i have the same bowl, J wun let it stick to the table, he sure pluck it up and wave it around and throw eevrything on the floorr. only the First Years bowl can withstand a bit longer coz suction stronger...then he will eat from it until he pull it out eventually hehehe.

brenda, thats such nice photos!!! i esp like the red and white one! so nice!!!!! heheheee.... Jovann has 2 similar tops with sam, but not me lah... boohoooo......

sorry peachie, think i owe you some photos!!!! sorry i send you soon kae??! these few nights trying to make J drink FM...so taking up more time.. i promise!

brenda, i think i also owe you LOTSA videos!!!!! sorry sorry!!!
<font color="0000ff">Wow.. finally our thread is alive again.. hurray... I love to see the Sept babies or shd say toddlers' photos... post more photos leh...

This is Dylan's latest photo.. see his cheeky notti look...

Now that he knows how to walk, he refused to let us carry or sit in the pram anymore... we gotta chase him all over the place :p</font>
Hi mummies,

I'm too busy at work. Will also post some pics of my princess melody this weekend. i think she is less than 10kg as i have not weight her for quite some time.

All babies or toddlers are so cute..

Brenda, melody dob is on 5sep. A is so cute... n pretty
Kai looks like he enjoy his swim wit daddy. "hao wen xin". Nice pic taken.

Your pic of dressing up the same are Soooo pretty. Ever thot of doing modelling hee...
Yun is getting more cheeky, sometime, I also dun knw if I shd be angry or laugh at her naughty acts.

I still have not use any toothbrush, as yun teeth development is very slow, now still only 2 teeth???

Yun same as Sophie, cruising ard. But, sophie is very smart, can say so many words. Hee... read it from your blog. Have a great shopping trip! Heard that Shanghai got lotsa things to buy.

Dylan look very steady in his walking, I guess soon, he will be running ard.

Mummies, keep your toddlers photos coming... I miss seeing all the cute babies.
the red and white dress that Arianne has on is really nice. Where to get it from? Expensive not?

talking about clothes. having seasons here is very ma fun leh. last year most of her winter clothes were only worn once and she definately can't fit into them anymore. The weather started to turn cold this week and we have to go out to buy new long sleeve shirts and pants for her now. All the nice summer dresses will have to be put away again.

For me, I 'bu4 she3 de2' to sell away for throw away her clothes. Had to resort to packing and storing in some outside storage facility.
WOW WOW WOW! More pics pleaseee!! heehee.. I like being here while munching my lunch.. makes my appetite better!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, hahah! terrible me! missed out the other qns of the brown rice too! jia lut la..

Anyway, I know of many people who soak their brown or glutinous rice overnight. And the reason they do so is to make the rice easier to cook the next day, as in they will 'break' easily and turn soft faster. Since this has been a practise with many, I don't see any harm in doing so.

<font color="ff0000">Any other mummies has come across this practise?</font> Quite common right?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Eling</font></font>, is that pic in the hotel room of Genting?! Eh, share your trip's experience le.. and more pics pls! Bel looks so happy there.. heh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, ya la! still dare to say.. :p looooong overdue liao. Especially the one at JWT gym, tell Mr Buttons I want that one please..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emoments</font></font>, heh.. I'm also having similar problem with A. Sometimes we have problem finding her at home since she started walking around! Can be a headache too hor.. and she's also climbing stairs damn fast and UNSTEADY. My heart like dropped many times liao.

Dylan surely looks like a steady young man already! He has your eyes right??!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Laura</font></font>, thanks for your compliments! Oh your Melody is just 1 day younger than my Arianne. Which hospital did u give birth at?

Err.. I haven't started on toothpaste yet. When's exactly the right time to start? I don't like the idea of sugar in toothpaste..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yunma</font></font>, ya lor! I also sometimes kena internal injuries. Cos everytime want to be angry with A then confuse and laugh at her instead.. haha.. but they're really quite fun to play with now, aren't they?! Aiyoo the last time I saw Yun was at the yoga class, come to think of it! Post more pics of her la.. the last one can't see her eyes :p

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, that dress was A's 1 year old bday gift from Yuna! I also not sure where to get it.. let me go ask her..

Wah, I can really understand your situation with the winter clothes mann.. Those we bought for our trip to Shanghai when A was 2.5months old, now all also cannot wear already. Not sure if I said this before.. I thought jeans would be most practical and also good to keep her warm. So I bought like 3 jeans for her before that Shanghai trip. And 1 pair was worn on the flight from SIN-SHA, then on the way back from SHA-SIN, she couldn't fit anymore! Aiyoo!! Jeans are just not so stretchable la..

Do you have thermal wear for T? like our adult's long johns? those are quite stretchable so I think it's good investment.

I also not really willing to give/sell away A's stuff
so all packed away in carton boxes in our garage now.. hopefully no pests will attack them mann..

STORAGE facility?!?! Wa pang! is it a 3rd party warehouse?! hahaha! u rent the space type??
Here are some pics of Arianne and her friendly self, all taken during our trip in Europe..

With the babies and adults..

With dogs and pigeons too..
Brenda, and here's your A trying to get friendly with Jovann. sorry he seems less than enthusiastic about it here....hehehehe!

Arianne:Why is it so difficult to get you to pose for a photo with me????

Jovann: *Struggling*....uuuuuuggggghhh L.E.T M.E G.O!!!
Brenda, and here's your A trying to get friendly with Jovann. sorry he seems less than enthusiastic about it here....hehehehe!

Arianne:Why is it so difficult to get you to pose for a photo with me????

Jovann: *Struggling*....uuuuuuggggghhh L.E.T M.E G.O!!!

So sad didnt get a video of the entire action lah!
wow wow.. so many nice photos of the toddlers!!! nice!!!!
here are some recent shots of enzo.. he has now started running, and had several failed attempts at jumping... its realli funny watching him jump and land on his bump.. lol...



GOSH!! <font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons!</font></font> hahahah! looks like all the boys are going to shun away from A! hahah!!
wow.. so many nice pics.

my melody pics


Hi Yunma,
melody also love to ransack my bag too.. now she has 71/2 teeth, she not steady in walking yet just cruising ard too

Hi Brenda,
i gave birth at KK. i also dunno when shd start the first toothpaste. Arianne can walk very steady?

Wow... so many nice photos
keep it coming

<font color="ff0000">Yunma, Brenda and Laura.. all yr girls are so pretty.... I wish I have a girl :p</font>

<font color="0000ff">Brenda, A knows how to climb stairs already? Wow... Dylan is trying too, but I got no strength to let him do so... my tummy was very painful when I tried to help him up the stairs... once up, he wants to climb down again... if he dunno how to do it himself, he will keep on trying... I can't manage that.. I mean my tummy cannot tahan that... so he can only do so when my maid or hubby is around :p So till now, no chance for him to practise tt yet :p

Yeahlor.. now got problem finding them at home hor? Esp Dylan likes to play hide & seek.. hide in small corner.. aiyo... every phase has their own headache :p but it's fun to see their milestone

<font color="ff6000">Emma, Enzo looks so different now... so handsome
