(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

emoments.. hmm.. enzo looks different? keke... Dylan's a handsome one too... enzo's got that cheeky look also.. my bro calls it the "di siao siao" face.. haha

hi, wonder if u all hv this similiar problem...

kai is starting to hv a new bruise almost every wk. v heartpain.

he's super active and daring, sometimes clumsy too.

we do keep an eye on him but .... :p
another question... anyone giving bb brown rice porridge? as in all brown rice no white rice added.

ive been trying to do tt. but somehow i just cant get the brown rice to be as soft. when kai poos, i can still see the rice kernels.

usually i wash the brown rice and then soak in hot water in the afternoon abt 3pm or so. after the water is cooled, i put into the freezer overnight.

next morning, i'll take out to defreeze before cooking. the freezing and defreezing will break down the rice.

i then cook over the stove for 1.5hr.

is there any other better way to do it?

i know we can grind them into powder but i dun want to be cooking a pot of brown rice powder only.

reason why i wanted to intro all brown rice porridge to him becos i read many health articles abt white rice. im thinking since unpolished rice is better than polished rice then why am i still giving kai polished rice?

sorry... sometimes i find myself quite ridiculous too :p
Yah that's the pic taken at Genting Hotel. We don't really took alot of pics but is many to post it here. hehe1 You can always check out at my blog.

Yah and I forgot to transfer you the course money again. Knock my head for the poor memory again. Transfer to you tonight. So sorry!

Phoebe, when i can meet you to collect my old navy stuff?
Hi E-ling,
Should be able to meet up for collection late this week (Thur or Fri) after the Subaru Challenge event ends. Where do you want to meet?

Hi Sha & ilovebb,
Will also arrange to meet up with you this week. Will update you.
hi everyone
wow it's been ages since i came in here! glad to see everyone's well and all our babies have now turned into cute little toddlers!

enzo really looks different! if i didnt know that you had posted those photos, i'd never have guessed it was enzo hee hee

angeline, brenda
i know what you mean about the different seasons being very troublesome. we have just come out of winter and now i have to go n get summer clothes for ethan cos those that he wore in spore were when he was 6 mths old only! then next yr, when winter comes again, all those clothes that i just bought cannot wear liao.. sigh. spending a bomb on his clothes!

not to mention when my bb girl arrives next jan (yes! only 2 more mths to go!) i'll have to spend another bomb on getting her clothes. but i'm gonna recycle as much of ethan's clothes as possible. no choice lah, girl also will end up wearing blue colour hee hee. anyway most of the time at home so nobody can see also rite!?

we're giving ethan brown rice but those lighter colour ones cos we also realise the dark colour ones, which are more nutritious, is very hard to cook as the husk cannot dissolve no matter how long we cook it. and ethan will not eat those so very difficult to feed. hence we got the lighter colour ones and we slow cook it for about 3-4 hrs and it's soft enough for him to eat.

eating out
any one let their kids eat outside food oredi? sometimes we go out i'm too lazy to prep his porridge so i end up giving him some food fr our plates :p eg if we have western food, i give him the mashed potato n corn, carrot, chicken or steak, etc...

brushing teeth
anyway here's a recent pic of ethan - he can walk quite steadily now and he's got 8 teeth. we're brushing his teeth with those kids toothbrush but without any toothpaste. but its very difficult to make him open his mouth to let us brush leh. any of u got the same problem? how ah?

breastfeeding question
with my #2 on the way, its back to Bf issues again for me! as some of u will remember, i had to express all the way cos ethan wouldnt latch on direct.

i hope those of u who had successful direct latch on experience can help me with this qn:

if u latch on directly, do u still need to express? but if u express, then baby wants to latch on, still got milk or not? and during the 1st few days. how often did u have to put the bb at your breast to stimilate the milk flow? is it every 2 hrs like clockwork?

cant imagine in another 2 mths time, i have to go thro all the sleepless nites again!!
WOW, love all the pics here! Looks like most of the mummies here are catching up on good old times again!

<font color="0000ff">edksdid</font>, thanks! Me coming to 14 weeks liao...

Here's a pic of Adele to share.. Not the latest one though.. hehehe!

hey hey nice to see forum colorful again!!!

Hannah is now officially a toddler!! She's been walking the whole day since a few days ago. So we gladly declare her a toddler!

wow 2 more months! how fast! congrats! envy u for getting one boy one girl. mine is another girl. but it's ok b'cos we won't stop at 2! my mom has 2 girls before 2 boys too. and Hannah didn't want to brush her teeth too. she will grab her toothbrush and hide it somewhere! so to make up for it, i will wipe her teeth when i bathe her.

wow you're still feeding Kai baby food? i let Hannah eat whatever she fancies especially from my plate b'cos she doesn't eat well anymore! luckily she's still drinking milk else i'm worried about her nutrition. you're still a worry wart yeah hahaha. i wouldn't worry if Hannah bruised herself or what. I call it battle scars. I want her to be though so that can bully boys if case anyone tried to bully her! ha!

wah finally Enzo got hair. not so baby-ish anymore! so cute haha.

here's Hannah dancing to some crappy song.

hannah's all grown up now! looking at how much they've grown really makes me realise how quickly time flies. actually it's good to have 2 girls also cos they can 'bond' better next time. i mean with 1 boy n 1 girl, their topics of interest sure very different one. dont know how 'close' they can be as siblings also
anyway i will definitely be stopping at 2! so whether it was a boy or girl, still stop! u going for #3 and maybe #4 even huh! really salute u ... havent even completed #2 yet and thinking so far ahead oredi hee hee. doesnt hannah bite your finger when u wipe her teeth? that's y i gave up using the finger brush cos ethan bite so hard until i scream in pain!

i love the headband A is wearing... so pweeeeety! i cant wait to buy these accessories for my girl next time. boys very boring.. dont have all these things to buy one haha
hi edksd,

hope u dont mind me "butting" in here.. i saw ur qns on brown rice...im from e oct thread n my boy had been on tis particular brand of brown rice almost daily since he was abt 8mths old..

the brown rice i buy is organic brown rice, brand "xiang xiang" (in chinese)... its transparent vacuum packed with a small sticker label on e front with a picture of a blue cartoon elephant... usually buy it at this chinese medical hall at Rivervale Mall... 2kg for less than $20 (sorry cant remember exact price)...

all we do with this brown rice is to soak it in tap water for approx 4 hours (usually my mum will start soaking it in e morning ard 7+am), and by 11+am or 12noon she cooks it (only for abt 30mins in a normal pot over e stove), its soft enough for my boy to eat liaoz... n my boy is those type who will give me e "vommitting" action if he finds e food too hard / there are "hidden ingredients" in e porridge...

there is another variety of "white" unpolished rice from e same brand too tat my boy is taking...
hope tis info helps...
hi starz,

thks for the info. someone did recommend me this 'elephant elephant' redish brown rice too.

but she told me she got it from hong lim complex which is quite out of the way for me.

since u oso mentioned it, i might just give it a try. tks!
hi melissa,

hannah looks so grown up already! ready to be the big sister soon. haha...

yes i still do not let kai eat whatever. im still giving him the best of whatever i can.

they've so many decades to eat whatever food, only few yrs (the most) to eat what i dictate!!

this kai is too adventurous, im so scared of him.

he got a cut on his forehead. the bruise and cut has kind of recovered, but it caused a dent. so whenever he frown, u'll see the dent on his forehead. i asked PD what can we do, he says plastic surgery. i almost fainted.

luckily he's a boy. sigh... just hope the dent will get well on its own as time passes.

im not worried abt him bruising himself. im worried abt another injury which requires plastic surgery!!! (once bitten twice shy applies on me only, not him leh).

after giving birth to kai, i was in tmc for 3 nights. was latching him on every 2 hrs to stimulate the flow.

my supply didnt come until the very 4th day evening after i discharged.

for me after i latch on, i'll still express coz kai is a small eater. since his demand is low, my supply sure low. so i express to 'pretend' to hv high demand so tt i can keep some ebm.

i need to keep ebm coz kai did not put on wt for the first wk so ive to cup feed him extra ebm after every bfg session.

if ur bb is gaining wt well, i guess u can just latch on, no need to express unless u oso want to keep some ebm.
oh no, a dent that requires plastic surgery! that's serious. i guess we as parents can only monitor so much. unless u make him wear a helmet hehehe. you're right about food. i wish i could dictate but when Hannah starts becoming fussy, i give up already. at least she won't go hungry. I tried Pediasure chocolate brand but she didn't like it. however when i drink milo or yakult, she will finish my drink!

if u want to TBF again, be prepared for sore nipples all over again. i BF Hannah on demand, and yes it's almost every 1.5-2 hours. very tiring for the first 6 weeks. i didn't express after latching and i only latch her one breast at a time. so usually at each feed, one breast is bigger than the other so i know which breast to use hehehe. i get bitten by Hannah all the time. she find it amusing that i screamed in pain. *faint*
michelle, missed out ur qn.

yes, after express, will still hv milk.

coz ur body sending the signal tt this bb (which is actually ur pump) is drinking a lot, send some more milk.

if u latch on immediately after pumping, first few suckles may not hv milk, but after a while, shld hv. of course not as much. but it shld come continuously.

hope u get what im trying to explain :p

some pple told me light brown one more nutritious, some told me the redish brown one more nutritious. so im confused!

my PD said we can start giving our child outside food but no preservative and MSG like canned food, smoked food, etc. but to me outside food like all hv MSG leh. so i dun give except white rice or maybe just one try on the food, tts all.

u can trying singing this nursery when u clean his teeth, 'this's the way i brush my teeth, i brush my teeth.....' i find tt it helps! hahaha.. anything tt we do w songs seem so easy including diaper changing and feeding.
helo helo!

michelle, new born need to latch on every 2-3 hours, for 15-20mins EACH side.
then can stimulate milk flow.
congrats! 2 more months to go??! thats fAST!
michelle/melissa.. realli? enzo looks different? hmm.. less chubby maybe? hehe..

michelle.. ethan is so cute.. still as chubb chubb as ever!! envy!!!
i've given enzo "outside food" as soon as he turned 1.. now he eats EVERYTHING!!! after he celebrated his bday, i kinda relaxed with what he eats.. hehe.. so its alot easier now.. but i still cook porridge for him everyday... unless at times, muz bring him out super early or stuff.. then we'll buy porridge for him..

melissa.. ur dancing queen v cute leh.. she looks alot like my fren's lil girl..
thanks for all the tips re BFing! yeah i cant imagine having sore nipples all over again. ugh. really dreading that. but wat to do? wanna give our babies the best start in life rite? wah must latch on every 2 hrs? like dat really no need to sleep oredi lah cos in between still must clean their nappy rite? oh, one other silly qn: do you need to burp them if u latch on directly?

ethan doesnt respond much to songs leh. he will only guai guai let us change his diaper when we give him something interesting to play with, like our watch or remote control or something. i tried brushing his teeth when he's watching tv (he gets very engrossed whenever we play baby einstein on the telly) but he still refuse to open his mouth! sometimes gotta shove the brush in but i scared hurt his mouth then kena ulcer
oops i think i oredi gave ethan MSG cos someteims we go dimsum we order the century egg porridge for him n i'm sure there's MSG in that! i'm such a lazy mommy ....

glad that ethan isnt the only one having outside food hee . i also kind of like u, after he turned 1 yr old, let him eat almost everything. he's even tasted max brenner's chocolate cake! haha :D he loved it of course. anyway enzo just looks different lah. not cos he's less chubby, but his features have changed leh. more handsome now i find :D ethan has actually lost some weight as well but i'd rather he grow tall than be chubby hee hee
i find that ethan looks has changed too! i think most of our babies have lost their baby fat and have longer limbs now so the incredible change. yeah i think Hannah now looks much older like a little girl especially when she's walking.

i didn't burp Hannah after latching directly b'cos i believe that no air is sucked in direct from the breast and she hasn't had any colics so far. don't worry about sleepless nights, you're not alone! There's other like 4 Sept mommies going through this torture with you all over again! Hehehe.

Mrs Alicia See,
Your Adele's headband very nice leh! Tempted to get it but Hannah hates to wear anything except when she's in a good mood. Where did u get it?

Wanted: More September Toddler pictures!!!
yay! then the 4 sep mommies can keep each other company again in the middle of the nite like at 2am or 4am when we wake up to feed our babies! haha :D sorry forgot, but when are u due? have u tot of a name for ur 2nd girl yet?

i'm oredi looking around to buy hair clips for my girl hee hee. any advice what kind i should look for?
where's brenda? on holiday again ah?

was just thinking, maybe it's time to do another photo montage - compare their 3 mth old photo to now! can see what the changes are ;)
bought this v interesting ball of crayon suitable for his age as most likely he'll break those stick type of crayon


artist at work


chit chatting on the phone

where to buy that?

Where can I view a sample of the signing DVD? I am interested to purchase, but would like to see how it works first.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, Yoyo! me here.. just tied up with some stuffs at home..

WOW! 2 more months?!? that's fast.. have u named her? can share?!?! Always the most interesting part for me is finding babies' names heehee.. ya blue for girls these days are really cool.. in fact I like seeing little brown or black attires, so cool like that!

Hey, Ethan has rosy cheeks too! Nice!

Tmr I'm going to face my first separation anxiety. Hub and I going to Thailand to attend wedding and decided to leave A behind after several sessions of thinking it out. haiz.. hope I'll do ok with her absence and I think she's going to be well without mine la.. I know I talked about this before, sorry girls I'm still very lousy at this dept.

And you're funny la u! so fast thinking of hair clips already! hahahaha!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, no see u reply my emails le.. please check ok, it's with regards to the parenting class.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, make sure u frame up that first art Kai produced! I laminated A's one when she hand/face/foot stamped at her JG class. It was hilarious!

Food - For me, I'm trying to give a balance. Meaning I'm no longer giving her 100% baby food. I do frequently(like every 2 days) feed her dinner with mainly adult's food. It's convenience and a different lifestyle I'm seeking. I don't wish to be bothered with cooking her food all the time. I still remember how I had to rush home to cook her meals when I was in the middle of something. It's been 1.5 months A had adult's food as part of her meals and she seems to do well, so I'll continue doing so
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, hey 1 more thing.. how are u going to birth this 2nd baby? Have u decided? I heard having Doulas is quite a common thing in Aust ya? Also, do the Gynaes deliver babies or they leave it to the midwives?
ha ha... me going to have to survive through SA again this weekend too. Got to make an urgent trip back to SGP this weekend, but cannot bring ger ger along.
Do you have IP cam at home? If you do, you can watch A over the net

i bought the crayon ball at The Better Toy Shop at Ngee Ann City (one level below the library@orchard) U know where?

391 Orchard Rd #04-20F Singapore 238872
Tel : 6836-4645

The brand is SES Creative, $9.9.

kai oso did his first artwork at JG - handpainting a snake (made of paper plate).

i'll delay giving him adult food till maybe later.

my mom does give him adult food occasionally, but not as his meals, just for fun only.
about signing

just curious... coz ive not really read up on signing... i wonder is it the same if we create our own signing action and teach the bb?

i do teach kai some action related to some words. when i say tt word, he'll do tt action. so it's the same right? just tt im using my own action instead of following those in the DVD?
edksd.. signing times teaches the signs that are the "official" signs for the deaf and mute.. children are taught to sign to reduce their frustration when they cannot articulate their request to adults, as following an action is easier than speaking.. so when they want milk/water/food, all they have to do is sign the action.. but of cos parents will have to watch the DVDs with the child so that they understand when the child signs to them.. to me, signing times is best shown to babies cos its realli useful then when they cannot articulate their demands.. i started enzo on that when he was abt 4 months old.. he did sign when he wanted milk at abt 6 months plus.. but now that he can say things like "marm marm" and "nan nan" and "na na" (for banana or any other fruits.. haha) he doesnt sign anymore... HTH
that's an interesting crayon, is it safe for babies if they put it into their mouth? is it easy to clean the wall should they write on the walls? i bought Hannah those magnetic drawing board. solve my stain problem hehe.

i'm due in March. so you're due in January? wow January is my birthday haha. however i hope to deliver Hannah's sister by early March, to coincide with my 5th wedding anniversary. maybe scheduled induction on that day! i will get hubby to do BD a lot and squat a lot haha. do you get lots of braxton-hicks contraction this second time around? I do. and it's more noticeable than my first. My tummy also feel bigger yet i lost a lot more weight than last time. i was 66kg when about to give birth. now i'm only 55kg leh hehe. think the weight i lost through breastfeeding still remains. hope i can lose more weight next year! my dream is to weight just 50kg! before i was married i was 47kg, really chio lor haha *thick skin*

think in the newspaper, people are suggesting why can't singaporeans give birth at home. i think we do have doulas here but not many. this month's mother & baby magazine has an article about different way of labors in different country. think US has the most variations huh. waterbirth, homebirth, unassisted birth. wow. but i will still feel safe delivering in hospital. hey how's Arianne's sleeping habit? is she still going to sleep late? Hannah has learnt to skip a nap in the evening and now she sleeps earlier at night. such a relief for me!

the crayon is non toxic. the person mentioned water proof, so i guess cant be wiped off from wall using damp cloth?

what's a magnetic drawing board? is it big enough to prevent them from scribbling elsewhere on the wall?
emma, thanks for ur explaination!

i've one more query out of curiousity... bb learn official sign language when they're so young, when they grow up, do they ever rem this skill?

it'd be great if they can still rem (like when we learn swimming, it's a skill for lifetime), they can do volunteer work for the hearing handicaps right?

if they dun rem, then it doesnt really matter they're learning the official or our own created sign language right since it's just between the parents and bb?
edksd.. i am pretty sure they will not be able to remember without constant practice and usage.. its not like learning how to ride a bike, but more like learing a foreign language.. without constant usage, one will not be remember most of what they have learnt.
u are also cos free to teach ur child any signs that will work between u and him.. the DVD is juz catered for all...
i guess as parents, watever works for ur child is fine..

melissa.. if u are interested, u can try the crayola magic marker series.. the marker pens come in invisible ink that will not colour on skin, wall and other surfaces. the colours will only show when it comes in contact with their "special" paper.. comes in many themes like animals and their young, food, space etc.. enzo loves them, and i dun have to worry abt having "artistic walls" at home!
sounds like quite a few of your toddlers are already experimenting with crayons and markers! i have yet to give ethan any of such things.. maybe the next 'toy' i get him should be one that lets him draw - just to see how creative he is. u know i actually dreamt that i bot the same crayon that edksd showed in the photo above? hee.. i thought that was pretty neat! so much so that i even dreamed about it.. haha.

yeah there's lots of support here for pregnant/new mommies. but i wont be using a doula lah. i'll be delivering in a public hospital, and i'm in this scheme where whichever gynae is on duty that day will do the delivery for me, so not neccessarily the gynae that i've been seeing for the last few mths. may even turn out to be a midwife doing the delivery cos over here, it seems like such a normal process that nobody even fusses/gives much thought to it! and good luck with your SA thing but i'm sure you'll be fine! 1st time always the hardest, but once u get used to it, i think u might even enjoy some personal time again wif ur hubby ;)

i hvnt been teaching ethan any signing and not planning to. at least now he points to things so we can roughly guess wat he wants. but he still hasnt learned to call mama or dada yet leh. any of your kids doing that oredi?

yeah i think i've been starting to feel braxton hicks again since last wk. u so gd u... i still put on a lot of weight this time around. i think i may even exceed what i put on last time! i started this preg at 65kg. now i'm oredi 77kg and i have another 2 mths to go. i think i'm gonna breach the 80mark man.. sian. need massive weight loss program after that :p
hello everyone... the thread is moving so fast now I don't even know where to start without seeming like i'm butting in. We just got back from Shanghai, short trip. Thank God for this little magnetic doodle pad that we had. It helped to entertain Sophie on the move, even when we are shopping. Not long lah but better than nothing!

I like the crayon thing you got for Kai! Will try to go look for it....

the crayola pens you mentioned can be reused right? Does enzo still put stuff in his mouth? Hee.. his hair is finally growing out. Sophie's too...
ling.. ya lohz.. finally have SOME hair.. keke... enzo ah.. doesnt put as many things in this mouth now as compared to the past.. and ya.. the pens can be reused.. but it comes in a pack, pens and colouring book for $14... more than 20 pgs..

mommies.. what paint can we let our kids use for hand/other parts painting that is non toxic?
hi edksd, i have the ball crayons too but i bought them from a crayola spree. same function just got cute characters on it. i am wondering where to buy mahjong papers for him to scribble on. any ideas? u are using mahjong paper, where u buy? we dun play mahjong so have no idea!!!

magnetic drawing board is like the magnetic doodle pad that Ling mention. like doodlepro? we have that when young. just a swipe of the "erase handle" and all markings are gone hehehe...

Welcome back Ling!
hope you have fun at shanghai! me so busy busy recently not much time to post too. hehehee..
emma, think for kids, got special paints got put the words "non toxic" on the bottle one. think all crayolas are. i am looking for hand painting paint that is no toxic and washable at same time. anyone knows where to find?
Thanks for the info on crayola magic markers. think can find them at Popular bookshops right?

I don't have any crayons or coloring pencils at home so there's no way that Hannah can use them to scribble the walls. the magnetic drawing boards are the kind that uses plastic stylus with magnetic tip. i'm sure u've seen it before. i had it when i was young. now they have bigger boards that even comes with colors. i bought it at kiddy palace. u can only write something on the board itself. and the stylus is attached to the board by the string. think some mommies here know lah.

wow you're massive! haha but i'm guessing you're a lot taller. i'm only 1.56cm. a bit short lah so i can't put that much weight. my Hannah call me mummy since around 7 months. she can call mummy and daddy now and sing some of her favorite tunes. she can't make out the words properly but we can figure out what she's trying to sing. she can say the word "egg" as well haha. b'cos i love to give her eggs.
non toxic paint

what they used at JG is actually food coloring. so it's shld be quite safe i guess.

magnetic drawing board
ive tt too but didnt know it's called m.d.b. haha.. but kai doesnt seems keen, maybe screen too small whereas big pc of paper more fun! haha..

u can get mahjong papers from popular book shop. 1 whole roll of 10pcs i think. im not using mahjong paper, hb brought home some papers from his co. which they dun nd.

ive seen crayola ball crayon but it's only 1 color per ball. this SES one has 6 colors per ball. maybe i missed out their other range.

<font color="0000ff">FRUIT SALAD</font>

does anyone knows what sauce(brand) makes the best fruit salad?

im making for adults, not bb. i like the fruit salad at CEDELE. i wonder what sauce they use. any idea???
