(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>,

ive not tried refusing to let kai latch on, but i can understand how it feels when our bb cries for it.

i hope to bf or partial bf for as long as i can but on the other hand, i think i need to stop bfg totally for a period of time before getting conceived again to replenish the resource coz my body constitution damn lousy, definitely must replenish otherwise 2nd one no more resource :p
Hi Melissa,

No probs! Good things are meant to be shared! Hehee... I have learnt a great deal from this forum too!

How's your pregnancy so far? Into second trimester already? So exciting!!! Must let us know the gender (when you find out) hor!

Hi all Aug/Sept mommies,

Happy birthday to all your little babies!!! We have reached the first year milestone! What a year!!!! Hurray!!!

Hi edksd,

So sorry to hear that Kai is ill! You take care of yourself too. It's tough enough for the parents when the baby falls sick. You must take good care of yourself too and make sure you get enough rest. Hope Kai gets well soon!

You are such an amazing mom!!! You are going to decorate the cake yourself? I am impressed! I was really going to get the cake from Conscious Choice, when the vain part of me couldn't live with a plain cake (and I am hopeless at decorating cakes). Yup, Clarence couldn't eat the cake in the end.... in exchange for a nice cake which he could only see...
In fact I did not do anything for Clarence's birthday cos I was practically swamped! In the end did not do montage, and no photos as well...

Yup, I did the celebration at The Legends. And yes, my husband is a member there. But you dun have to be a member to hold your party there, though there is a discount if you are a member (or book through a member). Pretty satisfied with them. I passed them all the decor and balloons, and they blew up the balloons with helium gas and put up all the decor for me without charging a cent, plus threw in free parking for all the guests. There were 72 pax at the party. My parents and in laws have a lot of siblings, so that worked out to quite a number of relatives....

First year celebrations are such a headache!!! Gosh! I am so glad that the party is over and done with!!! Terrible hor???
<font color="0000ff">cheekz</font>

kai is only drinking 80-120ml ebm per day (incl those used in cereal) + 1 latch on to sleep at night.

i ever asked PD abt it. he said this's normal. bb cant be drinking milk all the time. if tts so why dun we all oso just drink milk to survive. he asked me to focus on his 3 solid meals instead.

i asked him is it becos he doesnt like bm alrdy. shld i intro fm to him. PD told me most likely kai will throw the fm back to me :p

i know it can be v frustrating when bb just doesnt eat much when we took so much effort in planning and making nutritious food for them.

hv u tried letting rae ann take some si-sen powder? it's supposed to increase their appetite. it seems to work on kai.
Hi Cheekz,

Hehee, no probs!!! Glad that you've enjoyed it! Looking forward to Rae Ann's too!

Hey, I've just emailed you the pic of the Strawberry Shortcake cake from PG. You got it? I find it quite nice loh... You can do a 2-tier one for $90 (I think). Actually 2-tier is enough.... Only 2 out of my 3 tiers were consumed that day. So I am left with one whole tier (which is also the biggest tier) to bring home.... I had blackforest cake for breakfast these few days! LOL....
<font color="0000ff">cheekz, phoebe</font>,

i oso want to join the gymboree spree. how shld i put up my order? shld i pm you?

My PD also says the solid meals are more important than milk. I asked abt introducing PediaSure to babies after 1 yr old. He said PediaSure is just like other FM. In fact all FM is the same, it's just the marketing gimmick. And for PediaSure, lactose is removed. So he say we need to pay more (cos PediaSure is more expensive) to remove something from the milk.

I think your Kai is growing well.. so just let him be lah ..
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>,

kai has recovered since last wk

im not into colorful fanciful cake as i believe less is nice too. just some nice little small deco to go with the No. 1 candle will do. im easily satisfied la.

though im not able to bake kai a cake but at least i can do something for him
and tt makes me excited.

wow! u've got so many guests! mine is a closed door event exclusively to those who're closest to kai. and guess who're they? hehe... me, hb, my mom, my elder bro and maid. tts all!
<font color="0000ff">ilb</font>,

ya, im no longer v concerned abt his milk intake. those questions were asked when kai was ard 9mths old. now just leave it up to him la. and i realised it makes my mom's life easier too!
Hi edksd,

Actually the birthday bash is more for my parents and in laws.... Clarence is the first grandchild and first great-grandchild in the family, so everyone in the family expects a huge celebration. We are having a small celebration for him this Friday (31 Aug), which is the actual date of his birthday... Yup, and it will be a small one just with me, hb, my parents and my sis.

My mom is saying that she wants to get some ang-kus this Friday for Clarence to step on (to symbolise good luck and blessings for his first year of life), and the usual calculator/drumstick/pen/and dunno what not for him to choose. So it will be a mini celebration of sorts lah.

I am so glad Kai has recovered!
Hey, do share your birthday pics yah? I wanna see the cake!
<font color="0000ff">jRt</font>,

do let me know how's R taking to FM after he turns 1. i wonder if kai will really throw the FM back to me as what my PD mentioned. hahaha...

<font color="0000ff">ling, dor</font>,

ur bbs are so adaptive and easy going...
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>

ya understand. we had bb 1st mth for the folks too as kai is oso the first grandchild in both families.

but i reckon this shld not continue all the way and gotta stop somewhere else we'll be bz w every of his occasion.

furthermore i prefer relaxed private party hahahaha... no stress! im just not a gd host ;)

love the cake and the decor! looks like you all had a good time! is Legends expensive for such an event? cos thinking maybe next round can host there too..

i have 20 babies coming over this sat (all from this forum!). Plus 55 adults. So there will be buffet for the toddlers and buffet for the adults.. *cross my fingers that all will go ok!*
Hi edksd,

Aiya, what you not a good host?!!!

Anyway, I just intend to do this for Clarence's 1st birthday. Any subsequent birthdays shall be a SMALL affair.... No more headaches....

But I was told by many many of my friends that once the child is of a school going age, you have to buy a cake and treat bags for all his classmates and bring it to his nursery school!!! Gosh! This is the expected norm. Otherwise the child will feel left out cos all his classmates are doing it.
Stress stress. I passed on this info to my husband and told him to work harder. LOL....

Hi Jasmine,

I took the weekend high tea buffet. There is an option of holding it at the restaurant itself or the lobby lounge, where there is a live pianist, for the same price. Anyway, I took the restaurant option cos the tables there are bigger.

I negotiated for a pretty good deal with Legends, which is difficult to disclose in an open forum. But the walk-in rate is $16.80++ per adult, $8.40++ for children age 5 to 12. Kids below 4 eat for free. The buffet comes with free flow of tea and coffee. You can ask Legends to set up reception table, cake cutting table, put up decor etc. If you have a large enough turnout, they can close an entire section for you and let you work with the Exec Chef or the pastry chef on the menu (which I did not cos I was too swamped. Just told them that I have elderly folks and I need porridge.... and I left eveything else in their good hands).

You are inviting 20 babies from this forum!!! Gosh! Then you are going to their birthdays in return???!!! How to go? You will be practically attending 1 birthday at least everyday for the month of Sept! You are amazing!!! How long is your guest list???!!!

Don't worry about the party. All will be well! Remember to share the pics yah???
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>

i heard abt tt too - kids celebrating bday in preschool.

this i dun mind coz i know they (the bday boy/girl + all their fellow friends of their age) are all going to enjoy it.

but for now kai still doesnt understand wat's bday yet. and if we were to invite friends and relatives, i find it funny coz all came just to celebrate a little fellow's bday! hahaha...
ooh.. peachie,

sounds like a cool deal leh! PM me the details of the hi-tea can? my next year end party, i save the trouble manz.

20 babies, but not from september 2006 mah (cos so many clash leh, as A is holding it on same day).. in fact mostly from may/june/aug/oct 2006 thread.

I was busy whole month of Aug attending lor... almost every weekend.. I am last on the list for Aug thread.. so.. everyone over there relax liaoz.. so full force lor for Jadelle's one.

You heard about the preschool celebration too! Gosh! I dun even recall my mom doing such stuffs for me during my growing up years!!!

What is so stressful is the extent the parents go to. I was talking to a friend at Clarence's party, who was griping about her three-year-old daughter going to Eton House and bringing back all sorts of expensive gifts in the treat bags from her classmates. Some of the parents even bought few hundreds' worth of pastries from Menotti or Bakerzin to treat all the teachers and students. Now that her daughter's birthday is coming up in Oct, she's kinda feeling stressed. She's doesn't want her daughter to feel inferior, but at the same time doesn't want to spend too much. Anyway, that may be an extreme case. Shall see when the time comes!

Hi Jasmine,


<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>,

no i dun mean my mom did tt for me. i heard fr friends w kids of preschooling age.

actually i believe the kids are not able to tell apart the expensive or inexpensive gifts or goodies. or do they? if they do, it's quite sad.

anyway, if im her, i'll just do it my way, need not be bothered w them. there's no rule we must follow a certain budget.

if she get expensive stuff just not to let her daughter feel inferior then she's imparting a wrong value to her daughter. tsk tsk tsk...

You are good! To go for so many birthdays is really no mean feat! Plus you are actually in contact with the moms from May/June/Aug/Oct thread! Impressed.... And in between you can find time to bring Jadelle to JG during lunch! You are truly one super-woman!

Where you holding your birthday party??? Let me kaypoh kaypoh leh! Just in case I need to consider alternative venues one day.
Or provide some birthday consultancy service to my friends! Hehee.... by the way, I have pm'ed u.

Hi edksd,

That's what I told her actually. I told her don't bother about what others give and just give what she can afford. But she kept saying that I won't understand right now cos I am not in her shoes.... Anyway, hers is the worst case I've heard. I know it is a norm, but usually not so bad... Guess I will just buy a cake and give some tidbits when the time comes!

Okie okie... back to work. Come tomorrow, the next round of meetings start all over again! Haiz.... Today is the temporary calm before the next storm.... Dunno when I can log in again to this forum. Haiz....
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO CLARICE N JAC!</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">BM</font>, thanks for the info! Guess I gotta crack my head now to think of what to feed Adele when I go over to Perth.

<font color="aa00aa">Buttons</font>, no prob! Erm... I am thinking of feeding Adele those bottled organic food by healthy times. Esp on certain days when I dun have the time to cook. Perhaps u might wan to consider this option too? Just a suggestion lah.

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>, I will at the forum branch. Will be able to meet up with you finally!

<font color="ff6000">Peachie</font>, no worries abt not replying on the birthday bash. I know u must be really busy with Clarence's birthday party. Just saw the photos! Your party looks great! Love the cake! And I must say the price is reasonable. I almost ordered a 3 tier cake from ecreative and it costs $220! I have decided to replace the birthday cake with cupcakes instead. I also ordered a zucchini cake just for Adele from the website that u gave me the other time. It is sugar free, egg free, dairy free and also nut free! No choice leh coz Adele is allergic to egg so cant give her the cupcakes. As for the christmas bash, u can always put down your name once u can confirm ur schedule. Really hope that u can make it.
Hi Alicia,

Haiz, I wasn't busy with Clarence's party.... Rather was up to my neck with work.... Got this mega project which involved tonnes of off-site meetings, on top of my normal workload.
So I have been working practically every night and every weekend. Today is the brief respite before the next round of meetings start tomorrow.

Felt kinda bad cos I did absolutely nothing for Clarence's birthday.... no slide show, no photos, no menu planning, no rsvp, no sign-in scroll. I just gave whatever decorations I had to the cafe staff and asked them to put them wherever suitable. Had I chose the catering option I would have died. Anyway, very glad that the birthday is over! Hehe... The cake was a last minute decision too!

You used cupcakes!!! Wow! They must have cost a bomb! I absolutely love cupcakes!

I am ordering a small cake from Conscious Choice too for this Friday's family celebration.... For Clarence to eat his first birthday cake. No nuts no sugar no dairy no gluten.

Hope that I can make it too! Will let you know once I can confirm.... Hurray, the thread is alive again!
oh yes, yes...
better faster order! OOS very quickly...20% off is a steal lah...

show u one of my favs:
was 26.50, now 6.39

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">BM</font></font>, eh thanks for the dentist contact. Ill visit her after A turns 1 next week..Ya! I was shocked when I took her temp that night! But she didnt cry or fuss. Just sat there and mumbled. My PD told me to watch her closely in case she gets into a fit. During those 24 hours my heart beat was racing doubly fast! Shes ok now, but me having flu! 1 after another passing the baton-bug hmmm Eh, sad la, our parties clash on the same day.. But Im sure both will be a bash yahh! Have lots of fun! And.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance to sweetie Jo!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, ooooh good deal for the cake! Looks like a Cheryl Shuen actually.. heehee.. so nobody ate Nemo ahh? Ya, I can imagine how candied those figurines are. Heh.. yes! Im also very much looking forward to this Sat, just hope my nose will not fail me and recover quickly. BTW, can share what were your headaches or hiccups for the party? Like a post mortem la.. so that I can take note :p And looks like Im the only one having a regular adults birthday cake for A, no cartoon, no bright colors.. heh.. OOoh, dont forget our Sentosa, building sand castles plan ahh.. we should start planning soon!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Diana</font></font>, what I know from some discovery science channel is, mozzies usually go for people who oozes sexuality! So u must be sexy during your zoo trip! Heehee..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, Im glad to hear that Kai has recovered! Now Im worried that Ill pass my flu bug to A uurrgggghhh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yuna</font></font>, hahah! C looks so cute in that bucket!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Jasmine</font></font>, oh u celebrating same day too ah??! Ya, where will u be holding the party? Is it at your condo's club house? Anyway, have a great party, with so many bbs I'm sure Jadelle's going to have lots of fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance to JADELLE!

You've caught me just in time! I took one small peep into this forum before leaving office and saw your question....

Post mortem ah? Got got got lots of headaches!

Here they are:
- I FORGOT the treat bags!!! Unbelievable. I trawled through Concourse for one entire evening 2 months ago and got all my treat bag stuffs. And I merrily placed my treat bags in a cabinet and FORGOT to bring them on the actual day! I am still kicking myself. Now I am arranging to send the treat bags out by mail together with all the Thank You cards.

- The videographer did not turn up. This is again unbelievable and I was so busy that day that I totally forgot about the absence of the videographer till I reached home!

3) The balloons were too small. But this is also my fault cos I just dumped everything on Legends and asked them to fill up my balloons with helium gas, which they agreed to do so FOC. So after they incurred the expenses to rent the helium tank and took the time and effort to inflat my 30 balloons and tie them to chairs plus put up all the decor I have, I cannot "hiam" them right?

4) There were too few photos. Again also my fault.... I very giam gu and asked my father in law to be the photographer FOC. So well...... My FIL has to entertain his guests plus take photos..... Well well....

5) This I really hate to admit in an open forum, but what the heck, all friends right? We have know each other so well and so long..... I truly truly regretted taking the high tea buffet. Basically the high tea buffet is for all the high tea stuffs, which are caramel pudding, macaroons, sandwiches, scones, muffins etc etc.... I told the exec chef at Legends that I have quite a number of elderly folks and I want stuffs that are more filling. But honestly it was the price that stopped me from going for something that is much much better, which is the lunch buffet (which costs $23.80 instead of $16.80 for the high tea). My rationale is that it is a birthday celebration after all, and most of the relatives should be giving us presents and the cost is something which we must be comfortable to pay. However, the angpow and vouchers received were more than 2 times the cost of the buffet. That was totally unexpected. If we have known, we would have gone for the lunch buffet which offers a much larger spread, plus with a sushi station, a separate cold cuts station and a separate hot station.... Well well....

That'a all. Just go ahead and enjoy yourself on that day! Gotta run now!
Just in case I am too busy to log in the next few days, here is my birthday wishes to all the Sep babies!


<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>, sorry to hear that u r down with flu. Me too leh. Guess the flu bug is out there again. Take care yah!

<font color="ff0000">Peachie</font>, poor gal! U take care yah! Dun get too stressed up at work.
<font color="ff0000">Alicia</font>,

YAY! I will see you next term!

<font color="ff0000">Peachie & Brenda</font>,
me holding it at home lah.. easier for the mummies who want to change Diapers/ BF/ wash tod's hands/ put sleeping toddlers on beds, playpens etc./ feed them their lunch..

Happy 1st Birthday to all the Sept Babies!
Coming up: <font color="ff0000">Pjen, Aariane, Sherilyn, DN, Johannah!</font> WHO ELSE I MISSED??
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, oh dear.. no wonder u were lamenting that you're so glad it's over.. poor thing u, must be too tied up with your mega project la.. it's ok, there' always another bday to celebrate and the next one will definitely be better and more fabulous!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, hey oh dear.. that makes us the nosy mummies! hee.. drink lots of water yah!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jasmine</font></font>, wah say! your house can fit in so many bbs and adults! Have a good time~
Hey Brenda,

so long no see you on MSN yah? what's up? the no. of people ah.. haha.. squeeze lor... they all appear and disappear different times mah..
Hi Brenda and Alicia,

I am back from my meetings! Wah lao.... This project is to go on for the NEXT TWO YEARS.... There will be scoping, piloting and testing phase, conversion, change management for the whole organisation plus user training! Siau...... All on top of my usual work load.
Anyway, I am back to do second shift. Tonnes of work waiting on my desk.

As I have always told my bosses, I only have one brain, one pair of hands and a pair of eyes. Can only do what I can right? I have here for 5.5 years and still counting. Stress is just a state of mind, not a state of being.... hehe.... The most my usual work gets piled up loh... Things always work out in the end. I am a hopeless optimist.

But honestly speaking, I will be checking this forum very infrequently again, so anything just sms me yah?

The beach idea simply rocks!!! Brenda, when you free??? Probably we can organise a beach outing somewhere in Oct/Nov, after all the birthday mayhem is over. ClarenceI has tonnes and tonnes of beach toys! Hehee.... We can do a stayover at Sentosa and spend a nice day chilling out on the beach! The rest of the forum moms if keen, come along too yah?

Hi Yuna,

I love the picture of Clarice!!! I have just called David.... Thanks for the contact!

You should do up a nice nice album and develop the pics leh.... Clarice can walk already!!!! Congrats!

Hi Jasmine

Your bash sounds fun, especially with so many babies! Remember to share the pics yah!
hi mummies,
wah, finally get to catch up on the posts today!

<font color="aa00aa">yuna</font>
hey, clarice looks so cute in that pic! wow, she's really getting to be so pretty!

<font color="aa00aa">brenda/alicia</font>
you're down with flu? take care yah? i think its the season...

worst, i think the haze is coming back! and the weather's been so unpredictable! i'm wondering whether i should take rae ann outdoors to celebrate her actual b'day!

i don't want to be stranded @ the beach or zoo!

<font color="aa00aa">jasmine</font>
wow, i admire u man! ur social calendar must be bursting the past few weeks! how do u keep up with all that and baby?

agree with peachie! ur party sounds so fun with so many babies...jadelle will have so many cute birthday pics to see when she grows up!

must share with us the pics okie

<font color="aa00aa">edksd</font>
dunno leh...i dunno if babies can eat chocolates or not...i think quite sweet, right....is it for kai's b'day?

<font color="aa00aa">peachie</font>
dun worry lah! ur party was great! and i could see the guests were also happily tucking in (i was one of them)...And there was more than enough food lah...but i think the high tea timing is good for babies lah....i wouldn't wanna go out and feed her outside! Too stressful!

wow, ur work sounds really stressful! all the more u should come into this forum as often as u can...to DE-STRESS!

for me, i don't really get the chance to do so in the office lah...everybody can see what i'm doing

everytime have to post quickly and log off :p

at home is worse...rae ann's getting to be such a handful and helper is still useless...

we must chat more, okie! don't disappear!
<font color="ff6000">yuna</font>,

love the picture of clarice!!

<font color="ff6000">Cheekz & Peachie</font>,
Thks! I hope to remember to take photos too.. actually the reason for so many babies? cos my TTC group mummies have been so occupied with their babies that we have not gathered since the last of us delivered! So, i thought that it was a good excuse.. so, 8-10 babies from aug thread and 8-10 babies from my TTC group of forum frenz..
50% are already pregnant with no. 2! haiz.. ~~stress....
it's been such a long time since i last logged in, and i'm so glad i finally did tonight coz i got to see all the latest pics and how much all the bbs (hannah, rachel, amabel, malcolm, jac here have grown... golly!

<font color="0000ff">Thanks for all the birthday wishes for DN, mummies!</font>

<font size="-2">prepare urselves for the long post ahead!</font>

<font color="ff0000">peachie,</font>
when i saw clarence's pics, i literally went "wah"! he is all grown up now! no longer a baby, and i must say, in some of the pics, he looks japanese! kawaiiiiii! and what a wonderful looking party and cake. i ordered DN's cake from PG too and met emoments there, so qiao. dylan and DN had a fun time "catching up" with each other, lol. can i ask u though, ur cake was 3kg? i also ordered a 3 tier cake, but the lady there said the min weight was 4kg! (which is too big for me, but i'm super gian to have a 3 tier cake so i ordered it anyway)

<font color="0000ff">alicia,</font>
an x'mas party!?? yes! count me in! it'll be so fun. by then, our bbs should be walking i think so they'll have more fun at MyGym.

<font color="aa00aa">brenda,</font>
yes! the gift exchange sounds like a great idea. we can set a value for the gift and once the confirmed number of babies come in, we can assign each other to buy a "boy" or "girl" gift. no vouchers! let's make things a little "challenging", hahahahhaaaa... alamak, u sick? oh dear... too stressed planning A's party? ;) take care ok? drink lotsa water and rest well!

<font color="119911">buttons,</font>
ur comment abt bringing J on holiday is so true. when (or, if) we have number 2, it will be even more challenging! so, u'll be happy to know that after reading that, my little family of 3 will be going on holiday this Dec! and it's all thanks to ur comment. :D i was at the Taka baby fair and saw that pigeon has pre-cooked porridge for babies. i think i might rely on that when we bring DN overseas. just pop the packet into boiling water to heat up and serve.

<font color="ff6000">edksd,</font>
DN is also still on 100% bm. we've already tried some brands of FM, but he hates them all! (NAN HA, Isomil, Enfalac HA, Frisosoy) he would gag after a mouthful, push the bottle away and then make himself puke. jia lat. i'm not looking forward to fighting this battle man. *sighhhh* but anyway, i still like latching him on, so am reluctant to wean him off, but i know i have to do it soon because he's started to do this - pull open my top and reach his hand inside to grab! *HORRORS*

<font color="ff0000">jasmine,</font>
wow! u'll be one busy host this sat. have a great party!

<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Happy Birthday to all the babies here! Here's to years and years and years of <font color="ff0000">FUN</font> and <font color="ff0000">GOOD HEALTH!</font></font></font>
oh gosh. u know what i just realised? i haven't arranged to have DN's miserable 13 balloons filled with helium!!!!! and his bday is on sun!

haha, we are all going nuts this weekend! post pictures after the event!!

latching on
i fully symphathise with you!!
Jadelle has taken to the habit of banging on my chest to indicate "I want to latch NOW!"
A question: Does DN gag cos of the milk bottle or the taste of the milk ah?

If you express and give via bottle? iz ok? think you gotta go through the list of milk powder to find one that he likes. Wyeth? dumex? similac/ gain iq? how about goat's milk?

if not, how to wean off BF?
Long time no see ur postings.
btw when I tried FM on Damien he totally refused once he tasted the FM too. N I must say I was really persistant that time. I refuse to let him latch on. Jus keep giving him the bottle n telling him that its milk n if he doesn't want it there's no other milk.
N I will jus pat him back to sleep even if he refuse the FM. I didn't try other FM at all as I tried the FM(enfapro) n felt the taste was okie. After about 2 weeks of that he finally drank little by little. Now he's totally okie with it even though I only give it like once a week or less.

Hmmm too bad I am not hardhearted enough to continue else I might be able to wean him off night feeds completely.....

Okie I'm a little lazy here so
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy Birthday to all Sept thread babies</font></font>
Happy Birthday to Clarence!
And advance Happy Birthday to DN, Sherilyn, Jadelle, Arianne & Johannah. May your birthday be filled with lots of fun & laughter!! Have Fun
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Happy advance birthday to DN, Sherilyn,Arianne and Johanna!</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">may all your hopes and wishes come true

<font color="119911">jasmine/j@@n</font>
hey! rae ann does the same things! She will slap my boobs in public when she wants milk and sometimes, when she can, she will pull up my top too!


<font color="0000ff">am @ home now because rae ann has been having fever intermittently since yesterday afternoon. Her highest temperature was 38.5C. Have not brought her to the Dr yet because she has gone down to 37C.

I wonder if its because of teething. She has no other symptoms except being less active than usual</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Yuna</font>
hey thanks for the link...clarice is really so pretty lah! she has such nice eyes!

and i love the clothes u picked for her!
<font color="119911">aunty melody & cheekz, thank u for the bday wishes!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">jasmine,</font>
yup! i'll post pics after the event, hee hee... u must share jadelle's bday party pics too!

when DN gags, it's def becoz of the taste of the milk coz he's been drinking ebm from the bottle since Jan and no prob at all. abt goat's milk, i've read on the forum that it's got a very STRONG taste, so my gut feel is he will surely puke! if i remember right, jadelle is drinking NAN HA right?

<font color="aa00aa">doreen,</font>
how long did damien resist the FM before he finally drank it? u mean he didn't drink much milk for about 2 weeks?

<font color="ff0000">cheekz,</font>
oh no! hope rae ann gets better soon.
fever is no joke. u're right, it could be because she's teething. do u have paracetamol at home? better give if it starts to climb again. btw, she has such nice, big, watery eyes!
(referring to clarence's bday pics)

<font color="0000ff">yuna,</font>
that pic of clarice is so cute! which studio did u go to to take those pics? my MIL is bugging us to get a family picture taken. hahaha... she is more "on" than us.

i don't remember who brought it up, but thot i'd share this pic of the funny looking humidifier that we have in DN's room. if u look closely, u can see the "steam" coming out of the ears!!!

<font color="ff6000">j@@n</font>
hey, i went straight to pine gardens right after clarence's party! peachie's hubby kindly tore off their address off the cake box and gave it to me...that solved my cake search instantly!

PG have this cute strawberry shortcake birthday cake...but mine is only 2-tier...the auntie said 2-tier is enuf for 60pple...

do u know where to get SBSC dolls? i don't have any to put on top of the cake, so mebbe just put the SBSC candle...

anyways, u must post photos of his cake okie!

btw, her fever is stabilised now...hovering @ 37C and getting lower...cross fingers...been giving her paracetamol...
<font color="119911">j@@n</font>
cute humidifier...do u use it every night? we had a phillips one but we only used it when rae ann had bronciolitis @ 5mths old...stopped using it after she recovered...

too lazy to clean and fill up every day :p

morning! Yupz, jadelle on NAN 2 HA, but only 1 feed a day.. haiz.. so i only use a 400gm tin a month so far.. haven't buy any milk powder yet.. still going through the small tins that PD/ gynae given me

<font color="ff0000">Brenda n Cheekz</font>, thanks! This flu bug is really persistent. Have been blowing my nose for the entire week and its still not dried up yet.
Worse still, it comes with the cough.

<font color="0000ff">Cheekz</font>, Glad to know that Rae Ann is feeling better now.
My PD mentioned b4 that teething do cause fever at times.

<font color="aa00aa">Joon</font>, welcome back to the forum! U MIA for such a long time! hahaha!!! So happy to know that you and DN will be joining the X'mas bash. Will help u put down your name in our list.

<font color="119911">X'MAS PARTY BASH ON 15 DEC FROM 4 - 6PM</font>

1. Alicia
2. PG
3. Phoebe
4. Jaime
5. Brenda
6. Joon
