(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH ON 26 AUG</font>

I have tentatively booked the slot at MyGym on 26 Aug (Sun) from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Is this timing OK for all of you? They have another timing which is 3 to 5pm but coz most of our babies would be taking nap during noon so I took the other slot. Do let me know if u prefer the earlier timing but it would be subject to availability. Also, please advise what kind of theme you would like to have at the bash? My suggestion is either winnie the pooh or mickey mouse & friends since this is more neutral not too boyish or girlish.

So lets countdown to the <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">"PARTY OF THE YEAR"</font></font> for our SEP babies!

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>

Thanks for organising. i'm also ok with the earlier slot. Looking forward to meeting those mums & their little ones whom i hv not met!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">SPREE COLLECTION</font></font>

I'll be at Parkway Parade on Monday 30 July from 10am - 12pm.

For those in the East, if timing is convenient, you can collect your spree items.

Kindly email me [email protected] to inform me.
Hi Alicia,

Thanks for organising!!! I am fine with either slot. I am looking forward to the party too!

By the way, I like the Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse theme.
Sounds good!
Hey Michelle.. Congratulations (again)..
have a smooth one ya..

its been a quiet weekend.. and a tiring monday!!! aniwayz.. here's some of ENZ0 to share with u babes..


This is how he will look like when he's OLD.. haha..


Elmo and Elmo.. oopsy.. i meant Enzo..
<font color="aa00aa">Jamie n Peachie</font>, U r most welcome! Just hope that everyone would have lots of fun at the party!

<font color="119911">Peachie</font>, thanks for the birthday cake contact!
I have yet to find out if they do sell per slices. But most prob is no lor. U getting the cake from them?

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH ON 26 AUG FROM 3 - 5PM</font>

Latest Update:
On second thoughts, I have taken the earlier slot at 3 to 5pm. Coz just realized that 5:30 to 7:30pm clash with their dinner time. Wouldn't want our little ones to go hungry. For the theme, MyGym also suggested that we take Winnie the Pooh. If there r no further objections, I will confirm the theme with them next wed.
Hello everyone!
Just got back from Bangkok, it was a lovely trip and the duration (3 nights) was perfect! Weather was good, food was excellent and company even better...

Huge congratulations to all expecting mommies, now that it is the second time round, you must be all well-prepared and have no delivery jitters, yes? It must also be nice to be preparing for the new arrival. Unless you are planning to use only hand-me-downs!!

<font color="0000ff">Pigeon</font>, many thanks for the Kindermusik pixs, we love it. Every photo looked amazing. Thank you once again!

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
I also like the pooh theme, and 3 to 5 p.m. is great, thanks for all the organising and coordination, this will def be a fabulous party for our little ones...

<font color="0000ff">Princess Emma</font>
Enzo is soooo adorable! You take fantastic photos too huh?

<font color="0000ff">Beating/Hitting your child</font>
I guess I am another one who does not believe in discipline by physical means. I just finished reading M&B August issue and it recommend the following 5 ways to discipline:
(a) Praise good behaviour
(b) Use time out
(c) Make rules
(d) Let her learn the consequences
(e) Pre-empt problems

Maybe can try these techniques??

Have a wonderful week ahead!
Hi Alicia,

The 3-5pm slot sounds great! No probs about the cake contact. Yup, I am getting the baby friendly cake for Clarence's 1st birthday. Mine is a high tea buffet, so my guests can eat lots of nice nice cakes already... The final cake is really for Clarence to munch!

I will most likely get the Peach Upsidedown or the Really Chocolate cake... or maybe I get both. Both are gluten free, egg free, wheat free. Guess my cake will be the plainest among all Sept moms. Heheee....

Thanks for coordinating! Let me know how much I owe you yah?

Hi Jerene,

I agree with you totally on disciplining the child!
You are back from BKK!!! Good for you! Wish I could take a short trip too!
Sorry, I got to pull out of the bash cos need to be away during that weekend. Pai say.. hope u girls have fun and do take lots of pics to show us yah

1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
<strike>4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun</strike>
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
6. Jamie - Sat or Sun
7. Phoebe - Sat or Sun
8. Smiley - Sat or Sun
9. Selina - Sat or Sun (prefer sat though)

Arianne at class today, so fun!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Alicia,</font>
Thanks for organising the bash. The 3-5pm timing and Winnie the Pooh theme sounds good.

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>,
Javier look so cute in the hat!

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Sorry to hear that you are unable to make it to the bash. Wah! Your A is topless in class!!

<font color="0000ff">Emma</font>
Enzo is so steady on his legs already. Is he walking already?

Update on Chloe: She's been busy the whole week catching up on her reading. Hee hee!

PG.. wow.. chloe sure is advanced with her reading!!! i'm reading the same book as her.. if i dunno some words, can i call and ask her? hehe... enzo ah.. ya.. he walking alr, but just 3-4 steps and plop on this butt.. keke... but he's trying...
Oops, Brenda's list still has my name included.

1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
<strike>4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun</strike>
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
6. Jamie - Sat or Sun
7. Phoebe - Sat or Sun
<strike>8. Smiley - Sat or Sun</strike>
9. Selina - Sat or Sun (prefer sat though)
The class sure looks fun, what kind of paint do you use? Food colouring? These sort of classes here are soooo expensive in HK, so I just do my own activities with T at home. Can find out what paint to use and I try to see if I can find them here.

I am planning to go back to SGP during the last week of Sep. Anyone interested in organizing another gathering / belated birthday bash? We can look at photos from all the different birthday party.
Oops pai say! didn't know u withdrew too..

Chloe looks more like she's trying to cover her the-the-there with the book than reading it and her eyes are like 'shoo! go away! u paparazzi!' hee.. yah la, will be in KL for that weekend for my hub.. hmmm I was looking forward to the bash actually..
The paint was going everywhere except the block art paper! so I might as well take off her Tee..

I didn't ask, but I know it's non-toxic. And I've seen such paints sold in those children's art shops in SG. I'll look around for you then let u know ok? Let me know exactly when u coming back to SG in Sep, I'll see if I'll still be in town to meet the big girl T!
Hi Brenda,

Totally ingenious of you to take off Arianne's top! On those weekends where Clarence does finger painting, we have a darned tough time cleaning off all the paint from his clothes! Even his little shoes have orange paint on them now.
You should keep all Arianne's art pieces leh... I have actually bought some cheap colorful IKEA frames at $3.90 each (A4 sized), and I am going to frame his abstract art all around the house!
It serves as a strong encouragement to the child later on....

How's the JG class? Good? Haiz, their weekend programs are so packed with a looong waitlist!
I am planning to go back in the last week of Sep. It will between 21 & 29.

Does Arianne and Clarence put their hands in their mouth when painting? I know Trinity likes to taste everything.
Hi Angeline,

The mouthing phase ended for Clarence after he reached 8 months. Just wait a while.... the phase will pass soon.

If Trinity still likes to taste everything, then you may want to consider starting finger painting later on. No rush really... the paint, though non-toxic, is not ingestible. An alternative which I can think of is to use edible food dyes (I know of a friend who did this for her toddler years ago). But her feedback was that food dyes are far too light and hence nothing much can be seen.... thus not very effective for painting. You can try it yourself though.

One option which I've ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted to do, but never had the time to get down to doing it, is to buy some flour and knead into dough for Clarence to play (in place of plasticine). Brenda, you know how to knead dough??? Can share share how? I saw some non-toxic coloured dough (with preservatives added) at Muji Paragon 2 months ago, on which the packaging stated that it is suitable for babies 6 months and above to play. But it costs $25 for one SMALL tub, so cannot bring myself to buy. Otherwise it really is a good alternative to plasticine.

I just did some serious lunch-time retail therapy!!! Bought 5 sets of tops and bottoms (10 pieces of clothing in all!) at FOX BABY. They are having 50% storewide sale right now....
thanks peachie. The dough is a good idea. I've been wanted to do that too. But Trinity is really still tasting everything she gets her hands on.

Maybe you can google for recipe for 'tang1 yuan2' or ask your mum. I think the dough for tang yuan makes good playdoh and i recall my grandma used to be able to make them in many colours.

I have a recipe for bread roll dough. Not sure if it will work the same way for playdoh purpose. But I am just waiting for the right timing to make some tuna rolls with Trinity

Bread Roll

Part A:
1.5 cup Warm water
1 tsp fine sugar
8g active dry yeast

Part B:
5 cups All-purpose flour
2 tbsp fine sugar
1 tsp Salt

Part C:
2/3 cup Milk
3 tbsp Butter
1 large beaten egg

Prepared extra flour for kneading.

1. Dissolve sugar in warm warm and sprinkle the yeast over top. Allow it to stand for 10 minutes or until the yeast has doubled (about 10 to 15 minutes). Stir until yeast dissolve.

2. Sifted Part B into a huge bowl while waiting for Part A to be ready.

3. Add in Part C into Part B and knead. After that add in Part A to knead. Mix until dough pulls away from side of the bowl and is no longer sticky.

4. Knead the dough on a clean and lightly floured surface for 10 minutes and add 1 tbsp of flour at a time if necessary till smooth and elastic. Place dough in a greased extra-large bowl, turning once to greased the top. Cover with greased wax paper and a tea towel. Let it stand in the oven with light on and door closed for 30-45minutes until dough doubled in size.

5. Take the dough out of oven and punch dough down. Turn it on a lightly floured surface and knead for 1 to 2 minutes. Divided the dough into 12 portions. And fill each portion with the filling.

6. After baking the bun, let them stand in the lighted oven for 15-20 minutes, removed from oven. Then heat up the oven to 375 deg F think it is about 180-190 deg C. And bake at the temperature for 25 to 30 minutes (Time varies depending on the size and also oven, so you might have to check every now and then).
<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, yah, I pulled out last Thursday. So apologetic to Alicia.

<font color="119911">peachie</font>, I went to the Fox sale also, but bought 2 tops only. Most of the nice designs do not have size 12-18 months.
Hi Angeline,

Thanks a million for the suggestion to use tang yuan dough!!! I can get tang yuan dough from the wet market!

I am a huge lazy bum.... anything that is easy is GOOD! By the way, you really into baking yah? Hehee... next time I see you must buy some ready-made dough from you!

Hi Smiley,

The Fox Baby at Raffles City still has quite a lot of good stuffs! The 5 sets of tops and bottoms are all for 12-18 months! And they cost me $44.50! Wow, less than $4.50 per piece... Hubby will freak out when he sees the clothes later. He always felt Clarence has too many clothes. Haha!
Hi moms,

Just a quick question here... Will you be putting up a montage presentation of your baby's 1st year's photos at the birthday party??? Or will you be sending the montage to those friends and relatives who cannot make it to the party for their viewing?

Asking this cos I am at crossroads now.... Basically the video company whom I signed up with has a pretty good package for $388 nett, which includes the following:

1) Photo Montage
Our Photo Montage is an elaborate pictorial presentation of photos from day 1 of the baby to 1 year. Set to music, the Photo Montage transforms your still pictures into an animated video presentation that you will be proud to present during your birthday party.
a) Editing of approximately 35-40 photos into a Photo Montage video (approx 5 mins)
b) A complete set of DVD with edited raw footages and Photo Montage MTV for your retention
c) Easy access to your beautifully done up Photo Montage MTV for 1 week on our website - The greatest way to share your precious moments with your relatives and friends

2) Videography services
A complete documentation of your birthday event, in a creative manner that is none comparable to your friend's or relative's handheld video camera.
a) 2 hours of videographers service
b) Birthday MTV - edited video complemented with your favourite music
c) A complete set of DVD with raw footages and Birthday MTV for your retention
d) Easy access to your beautifully done up Birthday MTV for 1 week on our website - The greatest way to share your precious moments for those that miss your party.

If I don't want the montage, it will mean unbundling the whole package, which means I pay $280 for videography and the MTV.... So the montage costs $108 more.... But to take the montage option will mean that I have to source for projector and screen (any lobangs???). I will most likely not do any montage screening, but some of my friends have advised that it is good to send the montage to friends and relatives who cannot make it... plus the montage service looks like a steal at $108.

What are your thoughts on this? Anyone doing the same??? Thanks!
HELO Sept Mommies!!! i have not come in for a long long time!!! but once i come in i see something that interest me - the Harry Potter Book !!! Chloe girl, way to go! heheheee......

Pigeon and emma, u girls reading? Can i tell u the ending?????!!!!!!! hahahhaaa...joking lah. but I LOVE THAT BOOK, its DAMN NICE! i cannot stop gushing over it. me and hubby finished it in 3 days. We got the book delivered to us on sat, finished it monday night. though we wanted very much to take it slow and savour the book but JK rowling didn't let us!

peachie and smiley hahahhahahahh!! Peachie, I KNOW EXACTLY what u mean. we have the same tastes leh, I bought 5 sets of the top and bottoms u talking about too! at united sq branch today during lunch. i am going to let him wear at home or at caregivers plc leh, or when my mum brings him to BP plaza or something. is it too much huh? hahahaaaa.... cannot resist, so cute leh some. and i bought 2 pants, another basketball set, and my total was exactly $100! and I bought a pair of NIKE shoes size 6 for Jovann so darn CUTE!!!

peachie, regarding ur qn on photo montage, u can do it urself actually. and its free! the most basic software to use is actually powerpoint or microsoft movie maker. or u can buy other software but dun need. moviemaker is very user friendly, and u can add subtitles, effects and stuff, and adjust how long u want the photo to stay. u try lah.
it comes with some microsoft programs i think.

Sept Bash! aiyoh........ i wanna go. But the date chosen 26 AUg is my MIL birthday leh.
and the bash is also dinner time. i cannot confirm. i told hubby maybe i can go to the bash at 5pm, leave at 6.30pm or something to join them at dinner. but that also means J will be tired during dinner and grouchy...very undecided....so sorry girls....
<font color="0000ff">Peachie and buttons</font>, you make me so tempted to go to Raffles City branch during lunch time!! I went to the Fox baby at Bugis on Monday lunch time, not much of a selection, then after work, I went to the one at Bishan, but there's only Fox Kids, not Fox Baby! So I got my hubby to drive me to AMK hub one immediately, and I was there for SO LONG but I only managed to pick another top.. All the nice girly ones are 3-6 months or 6 - 12 months!

I think there are more choices for boys.. Lucky Clarence and Jovann!

<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>, I don't mind meeting up with you when you come back to Singapore in late Sept. I want to meet Trinity, the baby who surpasses mnost babies here in terms of milestones! Heeheehee...

<font color="119911">Buttons</font>, yah, you haven't been here for a looooong time.. this forum has been so quiet these few days..
Mummies, remember how we were crazy over the tickers when we were pregnant, counting down to our EDD... now we are counting down to our angel's first birthday!! Heehee...
Hi Buttons,

Thanks for the info on montages!
By the way, you may be interested in this article.... Pretty scary these days.

Fisher-Price to Recall a Million Toys
Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Toy-maker Fisher-Price is recalling 83 types of toys - including the popular Big Bird, Elmo, Dora and Diego characters - because their paint contains excessive amounts of lead.

The worldwide recall being announced Thursday involves 967,000 plastic preschool toys made by a Chinese vendor and sold in the United States between May and August. It is the latest in a wave of recalls that has heightened global concern about the safety of Chinese-made products.

The recall is the first for Fisher-Price Inc. and parent company Mattel Inc. involving lead paint. It is the largest for Mattel since 1998 when Fisher-Price had to yank about 10 million Power Wheels from toy stores.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, David Allmark, general manager of Fisher-Price, said the problem was detected by an internal probe and reported to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The recall is particularly alarming since Mattel, known for its strict quality controls, is considered a role model in the toy industry for how it operates in China.

Fisher-Price and the commission issued statements saying parents should keep suspect toys away from children and contact the company.
The commission works with companies to issue recalls when it finds consumer goods that can be harmful. Under current regulations, children's products found to have more than .06 percent lead accessible to users are subject to a recall.

Allmark says the recall was "fast-tracked," which allowed the company to quarantine two-thirds of the toys before they even made it to store shelves. In negotiating details of the recall, Fisher-Price and the government sought to withhold details from the public until Thursday to give stores time to get suspect toys off shelves and Fisher-Price time to get its recall hot line up and running. However, some news organizations prematurely posted an embargoed version of the story online.
Allmark said the recall was troubling because Fisher-Price has had a long-standing relationship with the Chinese vendor, which had applied decorative paint to the toys. Allmark said the company would use this recall as an opportunity to put even better systems in place to monitor vendors whose conduct does not meet Mattel's standards.

He added: "We are still concluding the investigation, how it happened. ... But there will be a dramatic investigation on how this happened. We will learn from this."
The recall follows another high-profile move from toy maker RC2 Corp., which in June voluntarily recalled 1.5 million wooden railroad toys and set parts from its Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway product line. The company said that the surface paint on certain toys and parts made in China between January 2005 and April 2006 contain lead, affecting 26 components and 23 retailers.

"Anytime a company brings a banned hazardous product into the U.S. marketplace, especially one intended for children, it is unacceptable," said Nancy Nord, acting chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. "Ensuring that Chinese-made toys are safe for U.S. consumers is one of my highest priorities and is the subject of vital talks currently in place between CPSC and the Chinese government."

Carter Keithley, president of the Toy Industries Association, praised Mattel's quick response to the problem, and suggested Mattel will use this setback as a lesson for not only the company but for the entire industry. However, he expressed concern about how the recall and other toy recalls will play out in consumers' minds in advance of the holiday season.
"We are worried about the public feeling," said Keithley, adding he observed how toy companies are embracing strict controls during a recent toy safety seminar in China. "We have thought all along that (consumers) can be confident in the products," he said. "But if companies like Mattel have this, then you have to ask how did this happen?"

Owners of a recalled toy can exchange it for a voucher for another product of the same value. To see pictures of the recalled toys, visit http://www.service.mattel.com . For more information, call Mattel's recall hot line at 800-916-4498.
Anne D'Innocenzio reported from New York.
On the Net:
Consumer Product Safety Commission: http://www.cpsc.gov .
Peachie, these manufacturers are evil and heartless. How can they use lead on toys?! They jolly well know babies and children like to put the toys into their mouth...
Hi Smiley,

Actually all paint contains lead.... it's just whether the lead content is at an acceptable level or not. Hence basically, when you buy painted toys for your baby, you are running the risk that the paint contains lead at unacceptable levels. There is also an added risk that low quality paint may peel off, and the paint peels may then be ingested by the baby when the toy goes into the mouth.

Guess it's safer to avoid painted toys (this includes dolls) for the time being. If you want to get painted toys, it may also be safer to pay a premium for those manufactured in Europe or US rather than China/Indonesia... Just my 2 cents'.
Now a lot of toys are manufactured in China leh.. and that includes soft toys. I went to the Taka Crazy toy fair last Friday and bought two Stitch soft toys... I couldn't resist buying coz they are so cute - although I still feel a bit uneasy because I think it's made in China and I don't know what they stuff into the toy. My hubby told me there's a report that says the black heart manufacturers in China stuff dirty and polluted rags into stuff toys. Sigh... evil evil.
you're right. i know that China has a lot of safety issues but what is NOT made of china nowadays? i think should introduce traditional games to my baby, like hopskotch or zero-point.. lol.. lead-free!
<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>, Enzo still looks like a baby even when he is old. hehehe!!

<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, The class looks interesting! What class is it? Arianne sure enjoys herself very much. I don think can bring Adele to such classes. She puts everything into her mouth. Wouldn't want her to end up swallowing the paint. *sigh*

<font color="119911">Phoebe</font>, Can I collect all my stuff from you when I see you at the birthday bash? Is it convenient?

<font color="0000ff">PG</font>, u r most welcome! Wah, Chloe is a harry potter fan too! I am as well but more of a movie fan than a book fan. Never read any of the books but watched all the movies! hehehehe!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Peachie</font>, I am thinking of doing a powerpoint slide show for my guests to view all the photos of Adele from birth right up till her 1 year old birthday. Will save the slide show into a CD and play it using the player in the function room. Like that its cheaper mah! hahaha!!!

<font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>, the timing for the bash is now 3 to 5pm instead of the later slot. Hope that you are able to join in too!

<font color="119911">Smiley</font>, no worries! You can join us in our next gathering! Look forward to seeing you some other time!

<font color="0000ff">Angeline</font>, great to know that you will be back end of Sep! Hope to meet up with you and Trinity if time permits!
<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>, Enzo still looks like a baby even when he is old. hehehe!!

<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, The class looks interesting! What class is it? Arianne sure enjoys herself very much. I don think can bring Adele to such classes. She puts everything into her mouth. Wouldn't want her to end up swallowing the paint. *sigh*

<font color="119911">Phoebe</font>, Can I collect all my stuff from you when I see you at the birthday bash? Is it convenient?

<font color="0000ff">PG</font>, u r most welcome! Wah, Chloe is a harry potter fan too! I am as well but more of a movie fan than a book fan. Never read any of the books but watched all the movies! hehehehe!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Peachie</font>, I am thinking of doing a powerpoint slide show for my guests to view all the photos of Adele from birth right up till her 1 year old birthday. Will save the slide show into a CD and play it using the player in the function room. Like that its cheaper mah! hahaha!!!

<font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>, the timing for the bash is now 3 to 5pm instead of the later slot. Hope that you are able to join in too!

<font color="119911">Smiley</font>, no worries! You can join us in our next gathering! Look forward to seeing you some other time!

<font color="0000ff">Angeline</font>, great to know that you will be back end of Sep! Hope to meet up with you and Trinity if time permits!

how do you manage to finish reading it over the weekend? Who looks after Jovann then? I just finished reading mine last night. I have to wait till Trinity falls asleep to read it. Been staying up till 2 - 3 am the last few nites to finish the book. But it was definately worth it.

On the downside, there's no more to look forward to now. :-(
Thanks for the important info. We really have to be very selective with the toys we buy. For the montage at A's party, I intend to just put all the pics I want to show in my memory stick, using my camera to output. It has a presentation's feature and we've arranged for a Plasma TV at the venue. It's too expensive to get a video montage done, like wedding la! hee..

I actually thought big plastic bibs some babies worn were quite cute but I also think my supermarket plastic bag trick can do the same.. u try at his next art class la
or just be topless, so much easier to wash off the skin than clothes! Sorry I don't know about making doughs.. Failed too many times at making bread! hee..

21-29? ok if u want to meet up, just ring me yah..

Arianne is also passing the phase of putting everything in her mouth, not only selected few, and the SCV remote control is no longer one of her possessions.. heh.. so with the cotton painting that she was doing, only occasionally the paint brushed her face but I didn't see her attempting to put into her mouth.

That's part of the Julia Gabriel's Playnest program I've enrolled Arianne. Cotton Painting is just 1 activity for that day, these special activities change every week which is what I like and also they've got outdoor activities like sand and water play. I like the idea of the change of environment so you're not stuck at the classroom for the entire time. Only at Evans Road's branch they've got the outdoor facilities and next week, we've got swimming. They'll be filling up 2 large tubs and we'll be going in!
hello! long time no see!

ive an urgent qn on hand, hope someone can help :p

it's rgdg circumcision. those having bb boy not intend to do it?

my hubby is considering but im not quite sure leh.

asked PD but he oso didnt say much, solely up to the parents.....
hello! long time no see!

ive an urgent qn on hand, hope someone can help :p

it's rgdg circumcision. those having bb boy not intend to do it?

my hubby is considering but im not quite sure leh.

asked PD but he oso didnt say much, solely up to the parents.....
hi all:

how is everyone??


i saw from asiaone article, below is the report in case the link does work.

Fisher-Price Recalls Nearly 1M Toys
Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Toy-maker Fisher-Price is recalling 83 types of toys - including the popular Big Bird, Elmo, Dora and Diego characters - because their paint contains excessive amounts of lead.

The recall being announced Thursday involves 967,000 plastic preschool toys made by a Chinese vendor and sold in the United States between May and August. It is the latest in a wave of recalls that has heightened global concern about the safety of Chinese-made products.

The recall is the first for Fisher-Price Inc. and parent company Mattel Inc. involving lead paint. It is the largest for Mattel since 1998 when Fisher-Price had to yank about 10 million Power Wheels from toy stores.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, David Allmark, general manager of Fisher-Price, said the problem was detected by an internal probe and reported to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The recall is particularly alarming since Mattel, known for its strict quality controls, is considered a role model in the toy industry for how it operates in China.

Fisher-Price and the commission issued statements saying parents should keep suspect toys away from children and contact the company.

The commission works with companies to issue recalls when it finds consumer goods that can be harmful. Under current regulations, children's products found to have more than .06 percent lead accessible to users are subject to a recall.

Allmark says the recall was "fast-tracked," which allowed the company to quarantine two-thirds of the recalled toys before they even made it to store shelves. In negotiating details of the recall, Fisher-Price and the government sought to withhold details from the public until Thursday to give stores time to get suspect toys off shelves and Fisher-Price time to get its recall hot line up and running. However, some news organizations prematurely posted an embargoed version of the story online.

Allmark said the recall was troubling because Fisher-Price has had a long-standing relationship with the Chinese vendor, which had applied decorative paint to the toys. Allmark said the company would use this recall as an opportunity to put even better systems in place to monitor vendors whose conduct does not meet Mattel's standards.

He added: "We are still concluding the investigation, how it happened. ... But there will be a dramatic investigation on how this happened. We will learn from this."

The recall follows another high-profile move from toy maker RC2 Corp., which in June voluntarily recalled 1.5 million wooden railroad toys and set parts from its Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway product line. The company said that the surface paint on certain toys and parts made in China between January 2005 and April 2006 contain lead, affecting 26 components and 23 retailers.

"Anytime a company brings a banned hazardous product into the U.S. marketplace, especially one intended for children, it is unacceptable," said Nancy Nord, acting chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. "Ensuring that Chinese-made toys are safe for U.S. consumers is one of my highest priorities and is the subject of vital talks currently in place between CPSC and the Chinese government."

Carter Keithley, president of the Toy Industries Association, praised Mattel's quick response to the problem, and suggested Mattel will use this setback as a lesson for not only the company but for the entire industry. However, he expressed concern about how the recall and other toy recalls will play out in consumers' minds in advance of the holiday season.

"We are worried about the public feeling," said Keithley, adding he observed how toy companies are embracing strict controls during a recent toy safety seminar in China. "We have thought all along that (consumers) can be confident in the products," he said. "But if companies like Mattel have this, then you have to ask how did this happen?"

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., introduced a bill last month that he contended would dramatically expand the product safety commission's ability to protect consumers. In a statement Wednesday night, Durbin also called for better safety standards for products imported from China.

"Sadly, this is the most recent in a series of disturbing recalls of children's toys. While the toys may be different, they have one thing in common - they were manufactured in China," he said. "With the current tools and resources the Consumer Product Safety Commission has, it cannot adequately protect American consumers."

Owners of a recalled toy can exchange it for a voucher for another product of the same value. To see pictures of the recalled toys, visit http://www.service.mattel.com . For more information, call Mattel's recall hot line at 800-916-4498.


Hi edksdid,

On the subject of circumcision, may I ask why you wanted to do that for Kai? Is it purely for religious reasons?

Honestly I never have any plans to circumcise Clarence, so not of much help here..... But given I read all sorts of junk and have a good memory for all the junk which I read, there was a medical paper put up a couple of years back on the effects and dangers of circumcision for babies and children. According to the article, there is always a risk that the penis may be permanently disfigured during a botched attempt, and circumcision is a medical procedure that is absolutely unnecessary. There is too little made known to parents on the risks of circumcision, and a lot of parents do it in the mistaken belief that it will promote better hygiene for the child later on. But the medical article stated that the risk involved is not worth the small inconvenience of teaching the child about basic hygiene later on in life.

But that is just one article. I do know of 2 sets of parents who send their baby boys for circumcision due to religious reasons. It is a very simple and small medical procedure, and the child will recover pretty fast in a day or two. But given the above, you may wish to research more on circumcision before taking that irrevocable step.

On the subject of medical procedures, I read in yesterday's Straits Times that the Health Promotion Board recommends that the child's first dental visit should in fact commence BEFORE his/her first birthday. In fact, a baby should start visiting the dentist when his/her first tooth appears, which is typically at 6 months.

I was stunned when I saw the article! Gosh! This means that we have to start looking for a dentist for our little ones soon! By the way, I know there is a Kinder Dental Clinic on 7th floor of Paragon Medical Centre.... Anyone been there before? Any comments? Brenda, your PD is around there right? Any chance you know whether the Dental Clinic is good?

Thanks all!
hi all

i just read today posting, peachie already posted this article.

hi edskd:
ur nick very familiar leh, are u sept04 bride?


wow Enzo steady leh!!! he already can stand n walk few steps!!! that is fast.
my Xabi still cannot stand up for long. my MIL said his body too heavy liao.....is tt true??

so all of u going to have a one yr old big birthday party for your babies? any ideas to share?

what is this my gym party abt?
hi peachie,

no not for religion reasons, my religion doesnt has a rule on this at all.

my hubby is circumcised n he feels tt it's like a prevention than cure kind of thing. solely hygenie purpose.

i duno how to go ard asking guys if they r not circumcised, how do they keep clean etc. duno who to ask. of course i read on it before but somehow practical n theory are not the same. n i oso wanted to ask those uncircumcised guys whether is it so far so gd for them? -_-
nah me no tai tai leh, no money to send my Hannah to dentist so early. she still only have two teeth. so cute bah!

i will circumcise if i have a boy. my hubby is circumcised too. looks good and definitely hygienic. i heard that when done within 24 hours born, babies don't feel pain yet, hence the best time to circumcise.
Hi Brenda,

You arranging for plasma TV is such a fantastis idea!!! Gosh, you are really really FULL of bright bright ideas!!!

I am sooo inspired! I can bring my own LCD TV which is sleeping away in my bedroom to the cafe and screen the first year photos! Then I can save $$$ from the projector and screen rental and montage services!

Hi Edksd,

I see. You can seek a medical opinion on this maybe? Or you can call KKH hotline (chargeable at 90cts per min) at 1900-5568773 to ask? May be better than asking the normal man-in-the street.

Hi Melissa,

Hannah has 2 teeth? That's cute!!!
Hi all

Whose baby is still 'bogay'? My Dylan is and no sign of pearlies at all in fact no sign of teething also How har? A bit worried is it something wrong with his gum or ??
Do you all brush your babies teeth? My hubby just bought the Pigeon toothbrush during his lunch break -> for 6-8 months old because I think he says it's stated on the packaging it's for 2 -3 teeth (or something like that, I haven't seen it yet).

Then he asked me need to get toothpaste or not. There's a First Teeth or something like that (oops, I have such a poor memory) but I recalled someone in the forum mentioned before this toothpaste contains egg, so better not use?

So do you all use toothpaste??
edksd, I think let the baby decide coz it's his body. In the future if he wants, then he can opt to go.. just my opinion lah... :p
i haven't started with toothbrush yet. but now that mention it, i will. but i won't start on toothpaste until after 1 yr.

don't worry. Dylan will have his pearls soon. reminds me of Rachel. kekeke. each babies will have their own milestones.

Oh, one more question. I know it is not good not to brush baby's teeth after the last milk feed. But, if the baby is beginning to doze off to sleep after the last feed for the day, how to brush baby's teeth?? Risk getting the baby wide awake from the brushing??

Melissa, so use only clean water without toothpaste is it??
