(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

wah lao finally can update!!

GREAT JOB!!! This will be my favorite montage b'cos the pictures makes me laugh!! Hahaha. How did you think of the background? it's always very catchy and appropriate!! thank you!!!

I am back from my scan. My EDD is 13/3/2008. Means I'm 6 weeks a long. Heartbeat detected. Came to the scan with hubby and big sister Hannah. So happy to realise that my family is suddenly expanding and most importantly, i get to go for 3 months maternity leave again! Hahahahahahaaaa!

oops! I must've got so so frustrated with uploading the pic that day and forgotten to credit our <font color="ff0000">MISS EMMA</font> who had kindly contributed the Calvin&Hobbes background! Thanks Em!

Melissa & Rexbabie,
Thanks! but credit should go to Emma. Such a brilliant idea right! hee.. I was having such a great time laughing while putting our bbs' pics on it! but my hands were shaking badly.. heh
<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>, Thanks for the montage! It really makes my day!

<font color="ff0000">Mommies, r u all keen to have a birthday bash for our little ones say on the last weekend of Aug? We can have it at places like MyGym, Kidsloft etc where they can help us organize a birthday party. Hope to have a response from you gals soon as we need to book a place really soon if majority of you decided to go ahead.</font>
Hey <font color="0000ff">Buttons, Alicia, PG, Puppylove</font>
We had a lot of fun yesterday at Lavina's and if not for the mad travel schedule, I would have sign up like you guys did. We were terribly late though and missed like half the class, or more! Mei and baby Kyana said nice to meet you all.

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>
I have asked her about the shoes and she said nope, she wasnt wearing birkes with small pink flowers. Sorry, maybe you can called Lavina to ask or be VERY alert next Saturday and spy on everyone's shoes. It is hard for me to reply via sms nowadays due to my lousy Nokia. I am on the lookout for a new phone so if anyone is a phone expert I would appreciate it if you could let me know what is a good model to get. Requirements: Can retrieve email, listen to music and has a camera. Thank you!

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
Are you talking about 26 August (Sunday)? <font color="0000ff">All</font>, the few of us were talking about having a birthday party for the Sept babies and it may be nice to have a little party at a central location. Just to give an indication of pricing:

MyGym at GWC has a package at $688 for 20 kids (minimum) and it is an aditional $10 per extra kid. This works out to be about 34.40 per pax if we have 20 kids. Costs goes down if there are more kids. Prices quoted does not include snacks for our little ones, just water.

If the adults wish to eat, we can get in our own caterer. Note: This is a parent participation party so may not have so much time to eat as one will be with the child while the other is prob happily snapping away.

This package includes Theme decoration complete with invitation stickers, Action-packed entertainment in the gym and VIP studio, Table ware - Plates, cups, napkins, cutlery and table covers, Helium balloons, Party leaders, and helping hands.

Themes they have done before are fairies, winnie the pooh, mickey mouse, under the sea and colours such as purple and pink or red and blue.

I just called them and there are two slots avail, either 3 to 5 p.m. or 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. Once we confirmed, a 50% deposit is required.
<font color="ff0000">Jerene</font>, Both Adele n I had a great time yesterday too! It was a great pleasure to meet up with Mei and her baby Kyana. Hope to see them again soon.

<font color="ff6000">Thanks for all the info on the birthday bash, Jerene! Perhaps we should appoint u as the Chairman for our birthday committee! hehehe!!! </font>I was thinking Sat say 5:30 to 7:30pm might be a better choice coz we could stay on a little longer and majority of us do not have to work on Sundays. <font color="0000ff">Mommies who r interested to join, please indicate your preference as to sat or sun next to your nick</font>. I will give MyGym a call tomorrow to check if they have slots available on Sat (25 Aug) too. If not, then we will have to do it on Sunday. For the theme, we will have to keep it neutral since there will be birthday boys n girls. Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse sounds good.

<font color="aa00aa">Mommies, all these r just Jerene n my suggestions. If there are other places which u think its nice to hold the party at, please feel free to add on in the thread.</font>
Hey <font color="0000ff">Buttons, Alicia, Puppylove,</font>
I was nice meeting you all for the first time yesterday. Chloe benefited from attending the class. Today she seems to want to meet all the babies she see on the street, urging me to bring her closer to them as we pass them in the shopping mall.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Buttons</font>
Is there a mix up in the birkes? Not sure if this helps. On my way out, I saw two pairs of them. I was thinking at the back of my mind that this design must be popular with the sept mommies.

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
The birthday bash sounds good. I'm interested in taking part.

Haven't been posting in a while. Here's photo update of Chloe. Taken last weekend at Botanical Gardens. Have a great week ahead all mommies! Just relax and breathe when things get too crazy during the week.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia/Jerene/Buttons/Puppylove</font></font>, sorry that we didn't make it for the class again
We were still stuck at Marine Parade at 1.40pm, let alone have her lunch! I'll try again next Saturday.. hee.. Oh <font color="ff0000">Pigeon</font> u went too?! aiya I missed cutesy Chloe, nice pic! So will you be signing up?

<font color="ff0000">Jerene/Alicia > Bday Bash</font>, eh thanks for taking up the efforts to put this together. COUNT ME IN! Let me start the list rolling..

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font></font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun?
2. Jerene - Sat or Sun?
3. PG - Sat or Sun?
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>, R is so pretty in that hat! I wish I make make C put on a hat! Heeheee... and hey, we have the same Pooh Bear play mat! :D

<font color="119911">Alicia</font>, a birthday bash sounds cool but last week of Aug would be a bit too early for C as she's born late Sept, that would mean a month too early leh..

Perhaps <font color="ff0000">buttons and/or puppylove</font> and/or others whose babies have closer birthdates, we can have one together?
I know Trinity's bday is on 17 Sept, Jovann's on 18 Sept and Clarisse's on 20 Sept..
you are such a good mummy. I remember you also train R from young to sit in car seat right? I am only beginning to train C recently.. Oops.. Heehee... Big struggle now.

hey i train her to relief myself of having to carry her in the car ! aha .. and most importanly, for safety reasons. It's always good and easier to start young.

well it's not too late for C ... it's better late than never right ? ;)
yes.. so now I am trying loh..
But my heart always soften when she screams, so half of the time I will carry her out of the car seat. Lousy mummy... :p

not sure for your C, but my rachel can be pacify with children's music. if she fuss in the car, we'll turn on her CD and she will be quiet thru'out the car ride.
ilovebabies.. what CD is that? i have been looking for nice CDs for enzo... cos i'm afraid he's eyesight will deteriorate if he keeps watching tv in the car...

mommies.. any nice music cds?

hmm i cant rem the name of the CD now. I bought it during Taka baby fair. I look for children's CD with songs that I am familiar with so that I can sing to her hehehe
<font color="0000ff">Smiley</font>, we decided to have the bash at end of Aug becoz Sep month would be the busiest for most of the mommies here with their own planning to do for their little one's party. Furthermore, holding it in the month of sep would somehow clash with a sep birthday party. Almost every weekend would be taken up by at least 1 party. And it would not be fair to those babies born in early sep whose birthdays would be over when we hold the bash in mid sep. According to the old folks, it is better to celebrate b4 the actual date than after. Perhaps I may sound a bit pang tang but its for the good of all the babies here. Hope you can understand.
Alicia, understood-ed!
Makes sense when you say that there will be one party every weekend in the month of Sept held for families and frens..

No, not pang tang, better to be safe than sorry
Good morning! All had a wonderful weekend?
<font color="0000ff">Bren</font>
Thanks for consolidating, and we miss you last Sat! I kaypoh answer for PG, nope she is not signing up, she also pretty busy with some travelling and other stuff.

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun?
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Sat or Sun?
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
I won't be able to join the Bday bash if its in Aug. You girls go ahead and remember to take plenty of photos and videos to share OK.

Can we organize one more for end Sept? I plan to go back in the last 2 weeks of Sept.
Hi Pigeon,

That's is such a NICE pic of little Chloe!!! I simply love it!

Hi mommies,

I am baack! Woa, birthday bash ah??? I am keen!!! But hor, can avoid 25th August (Sat) or not??? So sorry!!! Clarence is having his 1st year birthday on that day!
Me busy busy busy with all the rsvps and invitations right now.... Anyone knows where to find birthday scroll? The kind which the guests can sign in and write something.... By the way, I also very headache with the cake.... My hubby wants to get the 1st birthday cake from this place which sells cakes suitable for babies (yup!!! No gluten, no soy, no salt, no nuts, no cream (which may contain egg white)....) but the cakes really dun look GOOD. But hubby insisted that since it's Clarence's first birthday, the least we could do is to let him eat his first birthday cake! But I still am thinking leh... You gals got your cake already???

I am fine with MyGym! I think there are quite a few places where we can do it.... such as The Little Gym, GoGoBabini, Globetrotters..... Anywhere is good!

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun?
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Sat or Sun?
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)

Hi Brenda,

Thanks for the nice montage!
<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mommies, I have another suggestion here. Would you all like to have it at a function room instead? I can book the function room at my sis's place. Location is not very centralized though. Its at this condo called Pine Grove (somewhere near to Clementi area). We can use the room from 5pm till as late as midnight but I don think we will stay till that late yeah. I have called this place called "Rent-that-Toy" posted by Jerene some time back. In fact, I did enquire with them for Adele's birthday party. Their prices r pretty reasonable. They will be giving me a list of items we can rent for $200. The $200 would most probably consists of slides, ride-on cars, rockers, hand held toys, playmat, a tub filled with balls etc. We could add on additional items if we wished to like additional rockers, slides etc. In this case, we could cater our own food. Have not thought of any caterer yet. The estimated cost for this bash would be:
- $50 for the function room ($100 refundable deposit is required)
- $200 to $250 for the toys
- $300 to $350 for the food
- $100 to $150 for the cake
- $100 for simple balloon decoration

Total cost: $900 which is approx $45 per family (Parents + baby + maid) if we have 20 babies

It is about $200 more than MyGym but this would include food for parents as well and we could stay for more than 2 hours. It would not be too rush for parents n babies. Both parents n babies would have more time to mingle around.

This is just another suggestion for you to think about. As the bash is just one month away and we need to finalize most of the details, please indicate your preference as to whether you prefer to have it at MyGym or the function room. For MyGym, have called them n their Sat (25 Aug) is already full so we r left with only Sun. For the function room, I have tentatively reserved it on Sat (25 Aug) from 5pm onwards to avoid disappointment. But if any mommies here would like to give their suggestions, please feel free to do so too. It is not a must to accept our suggestions.</font>
Great photo very well taken look like taken by a pro!

Let me know how I can collect the children place stuff from you, .e.g like last Friday?
<font color="0000ff">Angeline</font>
Shame Trinity and you cannot join us. If you come back in end sept, we can always meet up as a gathering, and treat it as a birthday bash, oui? :p

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
I was just wondering what happened to you, how come peachie mia?? Welcome back!
Nope I have not ordered any cake since SSC is giving me one 1-kg cake for free, I am just gonna top up the difference and make it a bigger cake so everyone gets more than a morsel. Your hubby's heart is in the right place. May I know where is this cake shop?? For future reference.

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
Personally I prefer MyGym or some other such place because of the following reasons:
a) The onus will be on parents to entertain otherwise
b) If it is too long, the kids get cranky anyway, 2 hours may be just nice. For those who wish to stay and chat, right outside mygym is a nice little cafe where easily 20+ adults can hang out with the little ones.
c) Location more central
d) Cheaper!
e) We dont hv to clean up or decorate the place ourselves
f) Bright colourful place so our photos will look very nice
g) Dont have to deal with various parties such as caterer, toys rental companies, function room ic, etc.
h) Everywhere is padded so it is safe for our babies

Just my two cents worth, pls contribute yours.
<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Sat or Sun?
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
Sure if we go back end Sep, we will meet up and have a post B'day gathering to look at all the photos ok.

I have done the chinese translation for the flashcard for set 1 - 5, let me know if you wish to have them. I found out that Ipod actually has a shuffling ability for photos, so I am formating my powerpoint slides into Jpeg and will upload onto Ipod so it can shuffle the sequence each time. I've also just bought a cable so I can connect the Ipod to display on TV. Thanks for sharing the tip to just use PC. Now I don't have to print out and manually manage the word rotation
Hi Jerene,

Aiya, darned bo eng for the past couple of weeks!!! Anyway, long long story.... tell you the next time I see you.

I fully agree with you! I also like MyGym.
The babies can really play (since it's their birthday party after all).

Heheee.. about the cake, guess all my guests will have to endure a plain tasting and looking cake!!! Our babies are the ones who really get to eat!

Will get the contact from my hubby. He read about it from the Mind Your Body section of the Straits Times 2 months back and was really excited about it. But the cakes are really really PLAIN and not cheap. Not Cheryl Shuen type.... Haiz
<font color="ff6000">Peachie</font>, I also keen to order the cake that u mentioned. But hor I only want 1 slice juz for Adele. Dunno whether they sell by the slices.
Hi Alicia,

Lemme go home and dig out the cake contacts.
Will let you know soon....

I am also thinking of doing a hybrid.... Cupcakes for my guests, just 1 slice for Clarence. But hubby not keen leh. He said like this not counted as birthday cake.... duh... still thinking. Dunno if I get something like mango cake, perhaps he can eat the mango and the sponge cake without the cream....

Oh yes, since so many moms updating the forum with their babies latest pics, here's little Clarence over the weekend.

1) Blowing kisses


2) On his bike


Hi Melissa,

I am soooo happy for you! That's so exciting! You take care yah? Update us on your Gynea visits hor!

By the way, who else is pregnant??? Who is the other M and R???!!! Melody and Rainnie???
Hi <font color="0000ff">Brenda, Emma, Alicia, Peachie, Sha</font>
Thanks for the compliments. Your comments made my hubby the photographer very happy. :p

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>,
Thank you for being the spokesperson for Pigeon Corporation. Hee hee.

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Your latest montage very cute. Wanted to take part but can't a funny face of Chloe.

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
Aiyoh! Clarence's kiss is so nice! Its a auntie killer kiss man! I can't help smiling everytime I see that picture.

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
Alicia, I hope to join also!!
Sat or Sun is fine for me!!

Something cute for a cold Tuesday morning... Got this pic from my fren
Cup size 10G
<font size="+2">OMG!!!!</font> smiley!!!! wow wow wow!!! haha.. that is a G cupper alright!! keke.. but at first when i juz saw the pict without seeing who posted it, i thought was B's A leh..

but bren! A is only a DD ya? keke.. now still?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, ya la.. where have u been MIAing to?? That's quite a pout Clarence had! heehee.. so funny!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia & Jerene</font></font>, I'm ok with whichever arrangement - MyGym or Condo's Function Rm

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Pigeon</font></font>, but your hub really has that 'feel' for capturing moments with his cam!! I'm sure you've got lots of nice nice pics of Chloe, how envious!
Hahaha.. Emma, it's not C!
It's a pic attachment my fren forwarded to me.. But hor.. Like you, when I first saw the photo, I thought she looks like A also!! Heehee...
<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>

i hv tentatively put my name, but i also hv another birthday gathering which is yet to be confirm on that wkend.

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
6. Jamie - Sat or Sun
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Em</font></font>, heehee now shrunk already la.. See! from DD cup to AA!!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Smiley</font></font>, that's Clarisse?!? WOOOHOO! Way to go! heh..
HI brenda, got a question for you.

I notice on your wonderful blog that you are blending all the food before you feed Arianne. Is there any special reason why so? If the food is soft and mushy enough, can we not cut into tiny pieces and let them chew?

Just wondering, cos I have been letting Trinity eat chopped up pasta, veggie, fruits, bee hoon, kway teow, etc.... Am i stressing her tummy too much?
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font></font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
6. Jamie - Sat or Sun
7. Phoebe - Sat or Sun
Good morning mommies, nice and wet today huh? Noticed smiley been "left out" so here we go...

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
4. Brenda - Either Sat or Sun
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
6. Jamie - Sat or Sun
7. Phoebe - Sat or Sun
8. Smiley - Sat or Sun
<font color="aa00aa">Smiley</font>, that pic is so funny! Perhaps her mum has taken lots of papaya soup during her pregnancy and passed it on to her!

<font color="0000ff">Mommies, Adele has another 2 friends whom she met during her class who r sep babies too. I am thinking of inviting them to join us for the birthday bash celebration as well although they r not in our sep thread. Is this ok with you or u prefer to just keep it to our sep thread babies?</font>
sometimes i don't bother to blender Hannah's food, she's able to chew rice and bread already. sometimes when i was caught unaware, she grab some cupcakes on our tea table and eat it up!

LOL Clarence oso can pout! Cute hor! So he's the pout king huh, here's my pout queen.

smiley.. ya ya.. paiseh.. i saw the photo and got too excited lahz.. muahahahhaa.. after i CALMED down, i reread ur post and realised its not C.. keke... but hor.. tell u a secret.. <font size="-2">Enzo's got cleavage too...muahahahaha...</font>
Hi Brenda,

Arianne is very very pretty! Must be all your good genes!
I love her eyes. She will be one femme fatale one day!

Aiya, super busy for the last few weeks, so din have time to chck this forum. Haiz.... But anyway, I am baack! Time flies hor? Aug coming soon!

Hey, I love your blog leh. Keep blogging yah?

Hi Pigeon/Brenda/Melissa,

Haha, I laffed too when I saw that pout! Gosh.... He was blowing showers of saliva at that window and being fascinated with his saliva spray on the left window pane before he switched to pouting. Melissa, I love your little pout queen too!


<whistle!!!> That gal is really cute with the cleavage!

Hey moms,

On the cake contact, I am still getting it from my husband who might have misplaced the newspaper article.... Wait a while as we search yah?
<font color="aa00aa">Mommies who will be sending invitation cards for their little ones party</font>

Erm.. I am thinking of adding a P.S. message on the invite card which states something like "As there will be young children n babies at the party. Please do not bring your child if he or she is not feeling well or just fully recovered (say the day b4 the party). I am sure you wouldn't want your child to catch the germs while playing with other children. Appreciate your understanding." Does it sound very offensive or rude? I really wouldn't want Adele or other children in my party to fall sick after all the fun. Just wanted to put my stand very clear on this issue. What do you gals think?

Thanks <font color="0000ff">Jerene</font> for adding me to the list =)

<font color="119911">Emma</font>, Enzo has cleverage too? Hahaha! Well, next time it will be well-toned muscles with a bit of chest hair.. hahaha! Then the girls will go crazy over a smiley, well-built Enzo.. How does this sound? Heeheehee...

<font color="ff0000">ilovebabies</font>, Congrats! Finally R's first pearlie emerged? C's still stay at two. I also waited long long before her first pearlie appeared.. Now I am waiting patiently for her third to emerge.

<font color="aa00aa">Alicia</font>, I think that's fine. Not offensive but in fact, very thoughful for the babies =)
