(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Sasha!</font></font>, see I told u some of the old birds (don scold me ahh mummies..) here will remember u! no la, not gossip abt u la.. just wanted to prick these mummmies' memory of u and make u comeback mah.. how's Saarah? recovered already? I've got her pic with Arianne, is it ok with u if I PUBLISH it here? Prolly will see u for lunchie later at the Legends if all goes well here at home

Anyway, good to have u back!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, ehhh on the contary I've been enjoying <font color="ff0000">Citibank</font>'s service! They appear to be very personalised with their service. Maybe becos we've an officer handling our accounts and we call her all the time for any banking matters and she's ever ready to help! (Oohh and I love their leather case diaries!) heehee.. I still remember once I was in HK, probably about 14 years ago and I needed to up my credit card's limit and they did it with not much questions asked and within the next 20 mins or so, it was done! I was burning huge holes in my pockets at the Peninsular Hotel shopping arcade then.. :p heheh.. probably since then I've been happy with them and so far no hiccups at all. Oooh I thought the worse bank around is Stan Chart and that Amex!! uurrggghh

YAh! Precisely! I thought Davidoff was better off with their armpits' deordorant! anyhow, the coffee was not bad..Freebies are ever so tasty, ain't it?! hee..

I think these <font color="ff0000">kums</font> are going to stay for a bit, so u can prolly go grab them next week or so when your Tsunami settles down a little la.. heh (TSUNAMI!! hahahahha!)

BTW, have u tried <font color="ff0000">Jap pessimons</font> before?! WOoow! I love them! SO JUICY and CRUNCHY! just hope that Mediya or Isetan will bring them in when it's in season!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, oh forgot to say, since you've been so kind to me in my combat with the Isetan pte sales, I can help u with my CB's card at Bebe if u don wish your hub to know about yr MORE sprees
hehehe (what are we getting into!) just let me know when/where u want to go and I'll try to arrange my time to meet u yah
Hippee!!! ON arrived!! Thank u so much!! Self collect pls. Can arrange to meet u at Harbourfront and i pass u cash at the same time? I msg u. u let me know. cheers!
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Em</font></font>, <font size="-2">I know u hate purple heeheehee</font>.. har?! what Aunty's section?? WHERE?

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, I think, ya it's my first time seeing <font color="ff0000">Buttons</font> at a sale event but not the first time seeing her prowling the shelves!

<font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>, when I say PROWL, means when I attempted to talk to you:
<font color="0000ff">your nose was sniffing, your ears were shut, you were mumbling, your eyes and mind were already ZOOMed into your radar range.</font>

Oh and I think <font color="ff0000">jRt</font> had the same symptoms but saner (heh..).. I actually didn't manage to catch what u and jRt were saying about the help u girls to get something matter! I kept going har? har? har? but I decided to just move on and to learn to prowl like u girls! hahahahhaHHHaha!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Jerene</font></font>, ehh I thought u said your mum works in Isetan? So she should've all the Isetan's info u need right?! anyway possible to check with her if the Jap pessimons are ever going to come into SG? (heehee getting insider's info..) :p

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, not to stop u but just thought I share with u that <font color="ff0000">Kiwi</font> sits next to strawberry as one of the MOST HIGH ALLERGEN fruits in most studies. Just google for 'kiwi allergy', you'll get whole load of info on it..

Besides the common skin allergic reactions (which can be easily managed), my understanding of other Kiwi/strawberry allergic reactions are:
- Swollen, Itchy lips
- Swollen gums
- Swollen throat with hives (can cause choking)
- Asthmatic
- Hypertension (might lead to death)

Personally, I kena the swollen lips reaction whenever I eat kiwi. I have a friend who had the hypertension reaction and was admitted to the A&E immediately when he was in London. If I remember correctly, it's their seeds(pollen) that causes such adverse reactions.

So in my opinion, if Adele is not missing anything by NOT EATING it, it's better to avoid until she's older.

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, eh thanks for sharing the eye test info! I guess all the bbs who have big eyes will tend to have 'false cross eye' right? heh.. I used to think that my A has crossed eyes...
Hi Mummies
Long time no log in. Seeing all the postings about food... Can i ask, can babies take honeydew??? Coz last weekend i tried given Jayden honeydew, he love it! Kept asking for more....
Hello mummies,

Havent been real active in here but I wanna say I really lurrve this thread. I've been following this thread when I can cos this is where I can find loads of useful infomation!! U all are wonderful!!

Will try to transfer the money for the calendula to u tmrw....Thanks for organising!!

Btw mummies, I've quite a few qns on pureeing that I need ur adv on. I think I'm the last person here to start on pureeing. pai sei

- Can pureed food be added into porridge? (I know giving fresh is best I thgt abt this cos my caregiver aka my mil is not that enthu abt giving greens to Keane, which I dunno why)

- Mrs KC, abt pureed green peas, is this to be served as a snack?

- How to warm up frozen purees?

Sorry for the repeated qns that all of u might have already discussed n answered mummies and Thanks for all ur help!

** Btw, I was shoppin around compasspoint over the weekend and saw that Kiddy Palace is now on storewide 20% except sale n net items.
<font color="0000ff">mrs sim</font>,
thanks for letting me know which car seat u got. it looks real comfy.
re jack n lily, i will revert shortly. i cannot decide coz they are all so nice. when is the latest i have to let u know?

<font color="119911">peachie</font>,
yes, i think i am suppose to get the Isetan brochure but till now, nothing in the letterbox. I will call them when free to find out what happened there.

<font color="0000ff">mrs luk</font>,
how bout using a slow cooker so can cook porridge? u can do that in the hotel. my slow cooker is not the small one but if u dont mind, i can lend it to you. fruits - can give avocado or banana - just peel, mash and eat. anything u need, just shout. me on leave thurs and fri so if anything, i can bring it over to 4 seasons.
<font size="+2">How to get bb to sleep without carrying?</font>

Hi Mummies, How do you get your bb to sleep now? I got to carry him and tap him (either on shoulders and buttocks) before he will sleep. He is so heavy now that I suffer from armache. There was once I carry him the 'wrong way' that I twisted my hand and got to visit a sinseh. It has been close to 1 month since the sinseh visit but my hand still does not feel quite right. **sigh**
<font color="0000ff">satu gosong</font>,
u can put the freezer cube in FTG and then transfer to in-law freezer. i put them in zip lock bag too.

as for the other queries u got, sorry, i also can't help coz i am totally new on this semi-solid thingy.
oh, i use my old blender - coz it's like new hardly used, can count with fingers the no of times.
<font color="0000ff">sarah</font> i rem you now! when they mention twins mommies, i rem! u are the super mommy i looked up to during pregnancy hehee. and now even more so. with Jovann alone, already quite shack. over the weekend, after a particularly exhausting few hrs, i askd hubby "how to have number 2 huh?" and my hubby, whom all along has wanted 3, looked at me innocently and asked me "Are we?" hahahaaa... really cannot imagine. but we are definitely not stopping at one!

<font color="119911">e-ling</font>. my paretns cook at home, so i tell them to seperate their meat chopper and fruits chopping board. so for jovann fruits/veges they use the fruit chopping board. as for MIL side, she dun cook, so its quite okie. my dad bought a WMF pot especially for cooking Jovann's porridge. and i pass him my older U-like old model blender. as for my MIL, we bring our own Ulike blender to her plc every monday and bring back every Tue. yep, a lot of work....we feel like we are moving house every monday moring and tuesday night. but no choice coz we got 2 caregivers sharing duties during the week. we had to do this, else buying 3 sets of everything each will make us broke. for you, perhaps u can consider buying 2 sets.

freezer cube, its likely that the food will oredo thaw during transporation in ur FTG. so its not advisable to refreeze it when you reach there leh. once ur cubes is thawed, can keep in chiller for 24hrs i think. i apply the same logic as EBM lah. so if you are using that day, its okie to keep in chiller when u reach there. dun refreeze it. so for me, again, i bring my food cubes for Jovann every single day loh. every day diff food mah.

Spinach, sorry cannnot help, have not seen that kind before!

washing vege, i wash until i do not see ANY small bits of stones/dirt at the bottom of the washing bowl. it can be after rinsing about 3-5times. i will also use hands to kinda rub the leaves gently. its easier if u use those sieve/bowls esp made for washing vege. i dun want any stones left inside the vege coz little baby's digestive system is not as strong as ours.

<font color="aa00aa">brenda</font>. then what colour do you DON'T like? hehehe. oh my GOODNESS. I look so scary???? u serious? coz you also dunno what u talking abt what, so i rather concentrate more of what i wanna buy loh. are you referring to when jrt and me were discussing and you kept interrupting us and we kept asking u to shut up? hehehehe! hey you lah! left me when i need you to help me carry the deposited bag to the delivery queue. thats what jrt and I were asking ur help on lah! end up i gotta ask some nice isetan young man to help me bring to the queue. i told him bring there can oredi, so i had to carry and push the 3 big bags all the way to the front of the queue at a slow pace...
Hi Jerene and Daisybuttons,

No lah... My info are all kinda outdated. I used to read all sorts of junk before I got pregnant. These days I just don't have the luxury of time anymore... Haiz. So no golden nuggets to share here.

Btw, my hubby was calm when I told him about the Peg Perego stroller. I asked if he was in a good mood, and his next question was - So what did you buy this time round? No nihon kums required.... But he was grumbling that we have so many strollers and Clarence prefers to be carried rather than sit in a stroller.... And as a sweetener, I told him not to worry about the storage issue cos dear Yuna is keen to buy the existing JIVE, which she did!!! Thanks Yuna!!!
Now my home is really running out of space with all of Clarence's stuffs... Argh!!!

By the way, remember I posted something about the bike which the caregiver can push from behind last week? I bought it for $50, and Yuna came to see it on last Friday and was tempted. And she managed to buy the same thing for $36 at AMK!!! Wow, I really kena chopped big time by the seller at Bt Merah. Buttons, if you are keen on the same bike, can get the address of the AMK shop from Yuna.

Hi Sasha,

Welcome back!!! You've got twins?! That's amazing! Let us see their pics can?

Hi Brenda,

You a member of Legends??? Just asking cos I saw that you are meeting Sasha at Legends for lunch. Hehe... My husband is a member there, not for the food or facilities but for their free parking! Unbelievable hor? He sourced and sourced for cheap parking around his office and it turned out that Legends is the best!!! The monthly membership cost is lower than HDB parking some more.

Aiya, you are Citibank's private banking customer is it? That may account for the HUGE disparity in service you know.... Hehe... They are not interested in small shrimps (especially one which is constantly broke) like me!

Thanks thanks thanks for your Bebe offer!!! Guess I will pop by tomorrow lunch and see see! I will get the Nihon kums as well!

I totally understand how you could spend a bomb at the Peninsula Hotel in HKG! That place rocks!!! I love their high tea.... I was there 4 times, and each time I felt like a tai tai eating their high tea and then shopping at the high end boutiques!!! Luckily I was with my husband every time, so didn't manage to do much damage to the wallet. But the stuffs there are truly tempting!
nedlands and Buttons, thanks so much for answering my doubt. Oh no i have been transfering my freezer cube using FTG and put in my in law Freezer leh, i got to ask my maid to put in the fridge instead. Button so you are same as me, prepare the puree myself and brinf the food cube to in-law for baby to eat. For you, y not u ask your in law to make so dun have to freeze the food and transport the food to ur in-law house? What is WMF pot? So u didnt use slow cooker to cook the porridge? I also same as you, everyday like moving house leh, so tiring.
anyone face problem in blending spinach? I unable to blend it until very fine for spinach leh. Is it becos the quantity is too little?
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Button</font>,
Happy 8th month to handsome Jovann. . hehehe.

Isetan SALES = So this time round you managed to take a full day leave and do the entire round at all the four level huh. . hehehehe. . well done!!! Show us your burberry here lah.

Did you go for a foot reflexology after that??

<font color="ff6000">Orange</font>
Wow there is just so much sales going around: Isetan, JL and Robinson the most incredible thing is that I been in good control, did not go for any of the sales at all. I cant believe it myself!

I have change. . hahaha. . not for long I think.
<font color="119911">Alicia and Jerene</font>,
Finally you all got the headband. . look GREAT on your babies.

Alicia, we got the same design. . hahaha.

Know what Sherilyn do not like it everytime I put in on for her she will put it off. . faint.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">nedlands!</font></font>, I've been trying to access Jack & Lily's site but to no avail did I manage to load their page at all. Is it not www.jackandlily.com? one 'L' for lily right? Oh is it u who's been heavily trafficking the site, that's why I can't get in!? heehee..
The Isetan Sales got the toy box which we brought the last time? I would like to get another one if they have it in stock.
Mrs Sim,
How much I own you? Everytime I see you I remember I own you $$$, the cost for the ON Shipping and the Magic Cream.
So sorry for the delay.
satu gosong, i think i know which red spinach u're talking abt, i think tts the one and only red spinach right?

i just used the leaf part i didnt use the stem, so no nd to rid any fibre.

like u n buttons, i oso transport food cubes in ziplock, then in FTG everyday. i just didnt want to trouble my mom too much, make life as easy as possible for her.

but now kai is starting on porridge (in fact today is the first day), so i cant help her on this porridge portion liao.

agree w buttons, shld not refreeze after u transported over in FTG.
<font color="0000ff">e-ling</font> no prob!! about the refreezing, nedlands said she been doing that leh. so it prob depend on your travel time? if the time from ur hme to caregiver is very short, then prob wun have thawed and safe to refreeze. but for us, to my ILs plc, my hubby fetched me to work first then go ILs. so very long.

WMF is a brand lah heheee. quite exp but that time got sale my dad got one nice one at OG for only $29.90 i think. can keep warm off the stove somemore. yep i prepare puree cubes and bring to their plc for Jovann's Lunch. coz now lunch is cereal. so cereal will go with food cubes's vege and/or fresh fruits. for dinner's porridge, i bring fresh ingredients over, and they cook fresh. if its my MIL, i bring all ingredients. if its my moms plc, i can dun bring the meat coz they cook meals at home so have fresh meat all the time. and NTUC just downstairs they can buy if run out of ingredients. my ILs plc not that convnient. so u can imagine how much i bring over? even the feeding bowls/pigeon food maker also keep bringing around.

i dun like the idea of making my MIL prepare the puree fresh coz it takes time and i dunno she can do it a not. i dun wanna make it more troublesome wait she find i troublesome u know what i mean? for my case a bit harder for Mon, Tue at my ILs, Wed-Fri at my parents. so i cannot leave fresh food at my ILs plc else it will stay there for another week or so before cooking again, and thats not considered very fresh liao loh.

blending spinach, try add more water? did you include the stems? and yes when quantity small very hard to puree. if small quantity, u can sieve it? or for brenda she mash it in food maker. i dunno why i cannot seem to mash well and seperate the fibre lah, so i siever if small quantiy. otherwise if i really wanna blend then i blend some another vege e.g. sweet potato or avocado to the spinach so easier to blend hahahaa. tried before. jovann likes it.

<font color="0000ff">sha</font> no i didn't go foot reflexology! and no i ddin't take one day leave! i only toopk half day and i managed to get from all 4 levels? good right? hahahahhaha! i very gian to go to the Ultimate Spa to try after another isetan sales...see next time how hehehe.

<font color="119911">Peachie</font> thanks dear! Yuna has kindly MMSed me the tricyle pic oredi! its so cheap, i can't stand it. she will check addy and let me know.
thanks thanks!
<font color="0000ff">eling</font>, u talking abt the red red spinach ah? that one the stem can remove fibre mah, coz i always remove clean clean b4 steaming.
Hi Sha,

Isetan does not have the same toy box leh... They are selling another one from I'M toy that can double up as a wooden bench for the child for $59 (I bought this at $69 and thought I had a good deal!!! Argh, I am always paying more for the same stuff!!! Cannot believe this...). Daisybuttons bought one too.

You looking for the stack up toy box is it? Can check out www.kidzloft.com to see if they are selling it at their Tagore Lane warehouse.
wow mrs butttons, admire your hardwork ! I only bring 2 sterilised milk bottles to my mum plc every morning ! hehe .. my mum cooks everyday so have fresh meat and fish for Rachel too.
Hi Buttons,

Very cheap hor??? Must get one... Every toddler in SengKang has one... Seen tonnes of them around.
It's very cheap and can last for years.
hi <font color="0000ff">satu gosong & buttons</font>,
I too prepare my puree myself. Prefer it my way than any other person's way.
I put my frozen puree in the cubes to transport over via FTG and its still frozen so I throw it in in-law's freezer. My journey from home takes bout 20mins to my in-laws.

I bring lotsa stuff daily to my in-law's plc i.e new laundered cloth nappy + clothes, milk bottles with milk etc. No need fitness club
, this daily ritual is sufficient to tone the body esp the upper body.
<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>,
Dont have huh. . it is ok then. So sad should have get the other two.

Mrs Button,
Wow you still managed to comb all the four level on half a day!!!!

BTW I think the next Isetan PTE sales would be year end . . so start planning your shopping list. . hahaha

You try the SPA and let us know. I am thinking of SPA as well but must make time out.
Hi <font color="119911">brenda</font>,

<font size="-2">shhhh!! want to buy all but wallet not that fat and hubby will faint too.
U think flying dragon or enchanting whale nice or any other suggestions? Looking for a white and pink combi. </font>
<font color="119911">yuna</font>
the pushbike so cheap. can let me know where u got it from at AMK? i tempted to get one to put at in-law place.

<font color="119911">peachie</font>,
can u also let me know where in bukit merah u got the pushbike? coz its nearer to me, so if no time, i might pop by this plc.

<font color="119911">ilovebbs</font>,
I called them for free eye check but they asked for some voucher which u can get from kinderclinic. I told them I dont have voucher so not entitled to it.

hmm in fact when my hubby called to make an appt, they told him it cost $60+. But on that day, they told me it's FOC !! So we are quite puzzled too. So I suggest you jusst call and make an appt.
hi! does anyone know where aquaducks is? do we just go in and say we're here for the free trial this sunday? are daddies going as well or just mommies? hubby wants to go, but will not if he's the only man there.

great to hear that the wallborders have arrived! i'm bz moving house this week & was hoping to get it soon so i can start doing up my nursery. anyway if time permits, i will collect from u at vivo, otherwise will hv to opt for postage then. Let me know the collection date & time when confirmed. Thanks again!

great to hear that the wallborders have arrived! i'm bz moving house this week & was hoping to get it soon so i can start doing up my nursery. anyway if time permits, i will collect from u at vivo, otherwise will hv to opt for postage then. Let me know the collection date & time when confirmed. Thanks again!
i was laffing when u said i was 'saner' than buttons!!! do i appeared saner??? but i was a little disorientated the other day coz i had wanted 2 hit as many shelves as i cld wif the little time i had! haha... and yah lor, u kept interrupting when we tried 2 tell u how u were 2 help buttons lug the toy benches 2 the delivery queue. in the end, luckily she found help!

i hv a separate set of utensils 4 R at my mum's plc 2. at my own home, i largi more fussy. my mum always commented its amazing my mil dun complain abt me.... but oso coz i usually cook R's porridge n purees on my own, so its my mum tt finds me troublesome. :p

mrs KC
i let R wear socks whenever we go out.
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Nedlands</font></font>, finally I got in! thanks for allowing me to go in ahh! Aiya but u made my heart gnoew gnoew! asked me such a difficult question! how to choose ALL SO CUTE!!

Also thanks to <font color="ff0000">Phoebe</font>, I think I'm going to spend more $$! heh..

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, errrr.. cant think of which color I really don't like le.. depends on what the color is for I guess.. like the ugliest color I'd think is MECONIUM color, right? But if use on some clothes, can be quite nice too!

I seriously didn't manage to catch what u girls were mumbling.. ok la ok la.. i admit la.. my ears were probably prowling the shelves too when u girls talked! heehee..

Did u fake preggy to get the help from the young man?!?!?? haahahha!!

<font color="ff0000">FTG</font> - I don't own one but may I know what's the storing temp in there usually? I heard it's storage is of freezing point isn't it? <font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>, do u remember the beer that was stored in your FTG that fateful day at Bot Gdns? According to SamyB, it was room temp when u guys popped them into the FTG, but when SamyB passed to me, it was almost frozen right? So if it freezes then I guess the drop in temp is only when u do the transfering from freezer to FTG, FTG back to freezer, but not when the food is in the FTG itself right? But of cos, I don't think the FTG can stay in freezing point for forever la.. maybe 3 hours? and if so, that's more than enough for <font color="ff0000">E-Ling</font> to travel around SG to pass the stuffs to her MIL right? I'm only guessing la..

Well if FTG doesn't work in keeping foods frozen while transporting, probably can consider DRY ICE? not sure where to buy though.. but I know ice cream shops sure have! heh..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, my gf is a member there. We meet there for chow and cuppa pretty often! your hub and the car park thing is brilliant! he works in Orchard road ahh?
i still think 'ngeow' is a better spelling than ur 'gnoew'... heee... ur way of spelling more difficult to pronounce leh. i had to read it over a few times to get it. kekeke...

eh, is MECONIUM a colour?! thot it was the poo poo of our new borns?! NO?
i kpo answer 4 peachie though u asked her... think 4 this sale, there wasnt any toy storage box like the last round. not sure if u hv seen this giraffe one on the coupon. it acts like a bench when the box is covered.

eh i curious how come u missed all the sales this time round? dun tell me u saving the best for.... GSS?! kekeke
You are never KPO to me. I got the giraffe one was thinking of getting the other two and it was so economically price as well. Wonder is it out of stock or they are not carrying it anymore. . aiyo stupid me should have grab it the last time. . hehehe

Why I skip all the SALES huh?? Hhhhmmmmmmmm. . . I keep asking myself over and over again whether I need anymore bed sheets, home appliances, clothing, shoes, and bags, etc. . . but the answer is no and no and no again.. . hahaha. .

I just weight between my needs and want not so much of saving and also not waiting for the GSS as well. Maybe when my WANTS arise I will go crazy again
<font color="ff0000">Moving house woes</font>
Moving house, as anyone knows, is one of the most stressful experiences in life. My house is a total mess right now, everything I need are in boxes and everything I don't are still unpacked! And we are moving coming Monday morning. God help me.

<font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>
Looks like I should buy Robinson's shares as well!

<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>
Nedlands's suggestion of slow cooker is good! I fed alexis commercial food for the entire duration I was in NZ as we were on the move and hard to prepare anything fresh. Plus we were on hols and didnt want to stress ourselves out so we took the easy way out.
If you wish, I can prepare extra portions of puree for Trinity, all you have to do is put in the hotel room's freezer and heat it up for her to eat come meal times.

<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>
How do you say persimmons in Mandarin? If you can find that out, I sure will ask my mom for you.
hehehe... *phew* luckily i am not a kpo to u. u can ask isetan the nxt time u go there... probably they sold out during the previous sale?

wahhhhh... wished i can b like u! u soooo GOOD man!!! hahahahaa, exercise self ctrl!
i can skip most sales, but nvr isetan one leh! i will need sthg to go there! hahaha... and i am oso one of those tt likes to stock up on bed sheets until my hb asked me how many beds do we hv?! why do we need so many sets? i stopped buyg now coz really no space. :p

I've sent out an email to the attendees.

(Rexbabie, sorry, I don't have ur email. Hope u'll read this. Anybody has her email? Can let her know?)

Sorry, MIA for a while...been so busy training the maid lah...more hair drop, migraine, wrinkles....

Anyways, here are the details:


Venue: Suntec City,Access to 4th Flr through lift located next to Glamour shots at Tower 2
Time: Pls arrrive 15mins prior to start of lesson (Grp 1 @ 4pm, Grp2 @ 4.30pm)

Other info: U need to bring all the changing items, toiletries, etc. Bring sunscreen if you think necessary.

Contact: If u need my hp no. pls PM me, thanks!.

See you soon!

27th May @ 4pm
1) Ling + Sophie
2) Emma + Enzo
3) Orange + Cayden
4) Sha + Sherilyn
5) Rexbabie + Megan

27th May @ 4.30pm
1) Joon + DN
2) Cheekz + Rae Ann
3) Emoments + Dylan
4) Mgoh + Chavez
5) dumpty + gabriel
6) joanne + maeve
Hi <font color="0000ff">mrs luk aka angeline</font>,
oh yes, i jus remembered this. u can also cook porridge using the tiger food jar. i have this so i can pass it to you, just let me know.
Saw this interesting article from babycenter.

Once your baby starts standing and cruising, you may wonder if shoes are necessary. Until your baby is walking around outdoors regularly, most pediatricians and developmental experts don't think so. It's normal for your baby to walk a little bowlegged or with her feet turned out, and her feet may look flat. Going barefoot can help strengthen your baby's arches and leg muscles, and feeling the textures of what she's walking on can help her balance.
