(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">jamie</font>
I will prob check out eastgate then, thanks for pointing out the location, it is so near to my place!

<font color="0000ff">cheekz</font>
I join you in your fantasy

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>
I see you on MB! Jang-tek lah...

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe, Dumpty, Jerene</font>
SO nice to meet u all again although I'm so late...hehehe
Okie lah saved myself from gaining a few pounds. Cos after that went to have lunch with my mum.
btw I'm such a gundo mummy. Was showing u ladies Damien's upper left tooth right. N i only realised at home jus now that BOTH his upper teeth r out!!....no wonder he was super cranky.

u r most welcome. think eastgate is much bigger than UE Sq. although i can use their playgym there, but until now i still hv not been there! must check out one of these days...
hahahhaha.. emoments,

I was going to type that this morning when you jumped my queue! WOO HOO!! *wolf whistle*

<font color="ff0000">BRENDA</font>,

Hot MAMA!! You rocked on Mother & Baby Magazine!! Did us proud manz!!! And you naughty ah.. take Arianne half naked again!!!
heehee... Jasmine, u slow lah.... I was reading the M&B in the train this morning when I saw Arianne ('cos I never meet Brenda b4).... then I was like... wow.... so gorgeous... when I read the names... wow wow...
<font color="0077aa">Phoebe</font>, ME! ME! I want ON/Gymboree spree please! okok me spreeing now at ON site first..

<font color="0077aa">Smiley</font>, hey you're back!

When my A was 8 weeks old, she started sleeping from around midnight till 9am the next day. Just some days ago she started sleeping from 8.30pm till 8am.. I think their sleeping pattern is also changing now besides their feeding.. and what about your Clarisse?

<font color="0077aa">E-Ling</font>, I don know what the Chinese name for Jap rice is le.. but that zehn zhu mee sounds like glutinuous rice?! oopss hope I'm not wrong about this.. which brand did u buy? where did u buy? how much did u pay for? I check for u if it's confirm Jap rice..
I don't grind the Jap rice, cos if it's cooked for about 3 hours in a slow cooker, it's really soft and smooth. And I think the brown rice also no need to grind but I've no idea how long does brown rice grains need to take to soften le.. so I just grind the brown rice grains into powder and add together at the same time when I start cooking the Jap porridge. Oh, the other thing is, I really don't like the taste of brown rice! so my thinking is, if it's in powder form, the taste/texture not so obvious right.. heh

<font color="0077aa">Jerene</font>, oh traveled for work! Eh, 'Jang-Tek' is what? heehee sounds like some kueh I ate before called 'Mee-Jang-Kueh'! sorry my HYPY really sucks..

<font color="0077aa">Emoments/Jasmine</font>, u saw the wrong person la! my face was fat and the makeup/hair was uurrgghhh
anyhow if u did see the right person, thanks for your compliments! heh..
I bought it at Carrefour leh. The brand is Paddy King US Calrose rice. It stated that it is Japanese rice then chinese written "zhen zhu mee" so i wanna know how many type of rice Japan have. Hehe! I cant remember how much i bought it liao leh. Here the pic

As for brown rice, i like got saw many type leh, got different colour of the rice somemore, so i dunno which type to buy so nv buy in the end.
brenda.. glutinous rice is "zook bee".. cant believe i know the dialect but dunno the chinese!!!! lol... oya.. remmeber alr.. chinese is "nuo4 mi3"
I really miss u by that split second leh. Haaa!!! Coz i did see ilovebb when i am up the escalator. Yes, i am rushing to go back to work!! Next time surely we have chance to meet again!!!!
<font color="0077aa">Em</font>, yah! that's the Jap rice I bought too! thanks for showing the pic! But I really don know zhen zu mi is Jap rice in Chinese, thanks for enlightening that too heehee.. I can go how lian to Shawn and my mum liao.. heh

<font color="0077aa">E-Ling</font>, errrr I've not seen this brand of Jap rice le.. well if it says on the packaging that it's Jap rice then I guess it should be la hee..

I know 2 nice brands to buy, one is the Nishiki that Em has shown here and the other one if Hxxxx, heh I can't remember. I showed Peachie, Buttons and jRt that Jap rice that day, maybe they can remember? heh.. supposedly cheap and nice, my Jap gf recommended me. But becos I couldn't find this Hxxxxx, I got the Nishiki in the end..

<font color="0077aa">Emoments</font>, heehee
Hi hi... msapple,jerene and Brenda. Thanks for your reply..

My gal she sleeps around 9+pm but every night she will wake up around 2am. Then I latch her on and she will fall asleep again quickly and she will wake up again at around 4am. I will latch her on again, she will suckle and then go back to sleep. Half an hour or sometimes an hour later, she will wake up again..

From 9+pm to 2am is around 5 straight hours, so I was wondering whether that's considered as sleeping through the night already and whether I have been putting her to bed too early.. But from your replies, apparently she's not sleeping through the night still... hmmm...
baby whisperer says sleeping through the night = 5 hours straight...

anyway, i am having the same issue as you now..

Jadelle sleeps from 9pm to 8am.. but in between, she wake up @ 1am, 3am, 6am to latch for comfort.. each time, she drink 60ml max only! i know cos 1 night i refuse to latch her and feed her bottle to "see" how much she is actually drinking..

Tried to feed her 6 oz extra in the day before sleeping, but she refused to take in so much.. and when she wake up and i don't latch her, she cry so loud lor.. and i am too tired to pat her and sayang her back to sleep (scared i drop her cos i am so sleepy!), so i end up latch her still, especially since i am lazy to pump..
hi smiley, ive been having tt since kai was born - he waking up in the middle of the night just to latch for comfort. i didnt even bother to see wat time n count how many times a night :p so u r not alone!
this morning while i was pureeing the squash using the ulike-lookalike blender, the black part at the bottom came out. burnt i guess coz it gave out a burnt smell.

alamak. im making fresh puree for kai everyday. did i overwork it? i'll on then off within 10sec. why like tt.

wonder if i can just buy a replacement of tt part instead of the whole thing.

guess tomorrow will hv to give him some mashable food while i sort this out.
can i do a poll whether u all are giving bb prevenar jab before or after 1 yr old?

im still thinking leh. if give after 1 yr old, he'll only need to jab twice. if before 1 yr old, then 3 times. so poor thing.
<font color="0000ff">Jamie</font>
I call you when I am going to the Eastgate one, perhaps we can go together?? Are you working?

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Alamak, jang-tek is Pretty in Melayu lah...BTW how did you get assign the Agnes B dress? Or did you choose it?

<font color="0000ff">Smiley</font>
You are welcome. Last night, I was so tired I decided to let Alexis sleep with my helper and I actually slept uninterrupted from 2 a.m. to noon today! Soaking the bed in the process with my precious BM!

<font color="0000ff">Littlepony</font>
Yeah lor, I was looking fwd to meeting you too...Next gathering we shall meet
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies sorry i MIA from this thread for some time. Just started new job so trying to settle in. Had a rude shock when I was shown to my new office. the room was in utter mess. until today it is still in a mess cos i have no idea where to start n what to throw or not. nv knew anyone cld leave the coy wif the room so darn messy. how responsible of this person.

ok enf of my grumbling.</font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">HAPPY 7 MONTHS TO SOPHIE</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font> WOOHOO!!! u featured in M&B? i must go get a copy to see.

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font> may i know what is tis jab for? i let caleb take all the jabs. not sure if tis is one of it.

<font color="0000ff">cheekz</font> nice meeting u too & Rae Ann & hb. hope we can chat more next time.

<font color="0000ff">smiley</font> caleb slps at 9pm and can slp for straight 7hrs b4 he wakes for milk again n 95% of the time he can finish 180-200ml of milk.

<font color="119911">jap rice</font> what is the diff between the jap rice n normal rice? cos caleb's porridge is cooked using the normal rice.

<font color="0000ff">phoebe</font> i m also interested in the ON spree. oredi have the items i want. do let me know if u r able to include me. tks.
Jasmine and edksd, I guess we are facing this problem because we started this bad habit for baby by latching baby on whenever they cried in the past? That's why they look for comfort in the breast now? What's going to happen if they start teething?! I know my colleague's wife who's still bf her son who's 1 year old simply becoz he can't kick the habit of nursing for comfort leh!

Mine cries not because she's hungry. If she cries in the middle of the night and I offer her bottle instead, she'll cry even louder.. haha.. And her mouth will open big big, head turning here and there to look for my breast.

Oooh... 5 hours is considered as sleeping through the night already according to that book? How do the other babies sleep for more than 5 hours har? My husband will stay up later to give her a last feed for the day around 11+pm but she will still wake up at 2am every night. It's like an alarm clock.. 2am.. waaaaahhh... heehee...
Hi Selina! You've been gone a long time... how's the new job?

Happy 7th month to Caleb too!

Thank you Auntie Selina and Auntie Orange!

Sweet Sophie says hi and plays a tune for all...

<font color="0000ff">Ling</font> yes. was so bz handing over my work at previous work place n bz wif caleb's caregiving at the same time since he hasnt been well for a while (after his bronchitis, went back to infantcare for 1 day and lost his voice on that very day from too much crying). so i was like a siao char bo shuttling here n there. n yes not forgetting my dive trip to tioman as well... hee hee...

sophie is ever so cute. n she n caleb really has some resemblances. seeing her reminds me of caleb. so cute she can appreciate music oredi.
Sophie has been sleeping from 7pm to 6/7am the past few weeks. For her, it slowly changed from waking up at 4am, then 5am, then 6am, she's slowly pushing to 7. And I slowly moved her last feed from 11pm to 10.30pm to 9pm to 8.30pm and then finally I just fed her at 7pm, just before she sleeps. This has been a gradual process the past 2-3 mths.

For a period of time, she woke up at 4/5am and cried, on n off I'll check to see if she's go back to sleep after a while, if not, i'll feed her.

I think it helps that she sleeps in her own room and I try my best not to nurse her to sleep. But i do the other "evil" thing, she sleeps with a pacifier. Heh... I give her a little smelly bolster (but i change this so not so smelly) and offer her a pacifier so she'll know it's time to sleep.

Really trial n error and bit by bit... don't give up trying tho.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Happy 7th Month Bday to Smiley girl - Sophie and Handsome boy - Caleb!</font></font>

<font color="0077aa">Smiley</font>, I think your C's pattern is quite sama sama to some of the mummies here so I think should be considered normal la.. heh My own definition of sleeping through is, from falling asleep when it's night time through to day break.. no interruptions in between.. heehee

<font color="0077aa">edksd</font>, <font color="ff0000">Cheekz</font> mentioned that day that the manual says can only blend continuously for 1 minute but if u say 10 seconds, then thats weird. When my U-Like stopped abruptly, there wasn't any smoke or burnt smell, the machine just felt really hot.. then I rested it for like half a day while I went out and when I came back at night, it worked again.. I guess you'll need to contact them for replacement.

<font color="0077aa">Jerene</font>, it's all arranged! when I went there I had TOTALLY no idea what was going on..

<font color="0077aa">Selina</font>, oh so u left Caleb in infantcare becos of your new job ah? that's why I was wondering if I remembered correctly that u told me u were doing part time job. So now you're back to full time ah?
Your new company's HR is to blame for not clearing your antecessor's stuff! cos they should be preparing for your arrival isn't it.. hmmm
So how's Caleb now? fully recovered? still in that infantcare ah?
Dive in Tioman! wah must be a nice hols!
oooooooo i saw the mag already! heh.... yah still think you look better before BUT still look better than the rest of the mummies!

ooh... so how is Caleb adjusting to infant care now? Hope both of you are adjusting better now...

Thank you Auntie Brenda & Auntie Cheekz....
ling, my gal does not like the pacifier.. She gets angrier when we try to put the pacifier in her mouth! Haha... That's my gal..
Oh, and happy 7th month to Sophie!

Brenda, Arianne's on magazine again? This time it's with you?? Cool! Can share the photo here??
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy 7th month to Pretty Sophie</font></font>

You use Jap rice to make porridge for Enzo, good huh. You are so smart. I will buy and try out this weekend.
sha.. my mil says its more nutritious leh.. i'm not sure if she's right.. but this pack is sponsored by enzo's da gu gu.. haha.. so i juz cook loh.. after 4-5 hrs of slow cooking, totally cannot see the rice grains.. enzo like eating sharksfin leh.. haha.. cos still got fish bits.. hehe...
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font> yah the plan was to put him in infantcare so i can take on this new job. was along FTWM but cos my previous job no 'government' here so most time i eat snake work from home illegally. but too bad Caleb didnt take on the infantcare too well n fell sick right after being there for just 3 days. then returned for 1 day n ended having sexy hoarse voice cos he cried too much. now managed to convince my mum to quit her job to help look after Caleb (with new job, more $$$ to help her finance her flat). now i more relief n can focus on my work better.

<font color="0000ff">ling</font> definitely not adjusting to infantcare well cos tis boy got funny habits hence the caregiver find it hard to adapt to him cos he's routine also doesnt fit very well into their schedule. hence they wanna change his bad habits n routine to fit into theirs soonest possible but Caleb needs time to adjust so very hard.
Sound so yummy. Can't wait need to go and buy one pack and try.

hahaha. . sharksfin leh no play play ok. You put the fish inside and cook together right?
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>
You request to have your head chop off! Then you will be a headless! Look better huh?? hhaha
<font color="0077aa">Sha/Orange</font>, heehee :p
wu gui no head means hiding in the shell la! *KOK*
ya la better la.. otherwise later u girls vomit! then start asking me not to post my pics anymore howww!

just asking out of concern, hope u don't mind

did u really mean that enzo eats sharks fin? i thought its not good due to the mercury content, ie risk of autism, etc. I stayed away from sharks fin the moment i found out i was preggie...

just wanna check lah, maybe i'm wrong and just plain paranoid...maybe other mummies can shed some light on this?
<font color="ff6000">brenda/diana</font>
got your ON order.
my gf also email me her order.

<font color="ff6000">OLD NAVY SPREE #4 - CONFIRMED</font>

Exchange Rate fixed at US$1.00 = S$1.55

Please email/PM me your order.




<font color="ff6000">GYMBOREE SPREE #1</font>
Can start surfing 1st.
Will advise when to email me

<font color="ff6000">WALLDECORSHOPS SPREE</font>
Will post the confirmed list later.
If ok, will try to order tonight or tomorrow.
cheekz.. lol.. no lahz.. i was juz saying, the rice grains were all gone, so the fish porridge resembles the texture of sharkfin soup... did that not come across right? sorry...

sha.. i cook the rice with carrots for abt 3 hrs first, then last hr then i add the fish.. if not the fish over cooked will be v tough leh..
think i can cook its for a shorter duration alr.. since enzo older alr.. no need so fine lah hor...
<font color="ff0000">haiz. what a way to celebrate his 7th mth birthday. caleb bruised his right eye tis evening. mum settled him for his nap then she n dad wanna have dinner while caleb slps. who knows, b4 they cld b sit down to eat, they heard him cry darn loud n rushed to check on him n saw him behind the room door (took them a while to hoax him away b4 they cld open the door to reach him). now he has quite a bad bruise on his right eye. so heartpain. mum had teary eye when she recounted what happened to us.</font>


<blink><font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Happy 7th Month Sophie and Caleb</font></font></blink>

<font color="ff6000">Orange, Selina, Cheekz</font>, glad you liked the photos.

<font color="ff6000">Selina,</font> just saw your mail. My hubby is preparing the high res photo now so that it prints nicely into 4R size. Will it across via email.

<font color="ff6000">Cheekz,</font> the camera used is a Nikon D200 with a portrait lens. Hubby say that its the lens and photoshop that makes the photos nicer.
