(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">Selina,</font> Aiyoh! Just saw the pic. Poor Caleb. Hope he is okay. The bruise looks like a cut in the 2nd pic. Am I see it right?

sure, u can ask me along if u going to the one at Eastgate. i'm working part time in the morning till 1pm. i'm ok any day except mon & tues. i hv not check with them though if they hv anything suitable for our babies age group since a couple of mths back.

it would be great to meet up with u & alexis.
aiyo.. sayang sayang Caleb !! what exactly happened? I thought Caleb sleeps on the floor? how did he got those bruises?
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">WallDecorShops Spree</font></font>

Dear mummies,

Please check your order below. If ok, I will place order tomorrow.
You can also transfer payment to:
DBS Saving Plus 020-1-027024

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1.55</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>USD</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>Total </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xena_Princess</TD><TD>Rainbow Border HA70191</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>7.49</TD><TD>14.98</TD><TD>23.22</TD><TD>30.89 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pooh Fun Foam Hooks Priss Prints PP46110</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>7.67</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jamie</TD><TD>Strawberry Shortcake Wall Border</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>12.95</TD><TD>38.85</TD><TD>60.22</TD><TD>60.22 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alicia</TD><TD>Strawberry Shortcake Wall Border</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>12.95</TD><TD>25.9</TD><TD>40.15</TD><TD>40.15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine</TD><TD>Pooh Fun Foam Hooks Priss Prints PP46110</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>7.67</TD><TD>7.67 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">PG</font> the bruise is right under his eyebrow all the way up (the red line u see) to his forehead area then another one below his eye right down to his cheeks area. oh he also had a small cut just under his eye
po xiang now.

<font color="ff6000">orange</font>yes he slps in the bumper mattress on the floor but he has master the skill of getting out of the mattress some time back. check out tis video. http://selinaang2003.multiply.com/video/item/17

n now his new adventure is to find his way out of the room. http://selinaang2003.multiply.com/video/item/18
think he must have tried to get out of the room then end up banging his head against the magnetic door stopper that is fixed at the bottom edge of the door.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">OLD NAVY SPREE #4</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1.55</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Description</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Color</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>USD</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL SGD </TD></TR><TR><TD>diana</TD><TD>Embroidered Dresses for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>dogwood pink</TD><TD>2T</TD><TD>9.99</TD><TD>15.48</TD><TD>38.73 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Buckled Sun Hats for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>multi stripes</TD><TD>L/XL</TD><TD>9.50</TD><TD>14.73</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Logo Baseball Caps for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>light pink</TD><TD>L/XL</TD><TD>5.50</TD><TD>8.53</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>brenda</TD><TD>Tiered Eyelet Skirts for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>White</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>6.99</TD><TD>10.83</TD><TD>26.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Embroidered Dresses for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>dogwood pink</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>9.99</TD><TD>15.48</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz (rina)</TD><TD>Embroidered Denim Skirts for Baby </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Black</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>6.99</TD><TD>10.83</TD><TD>83.68 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Twill Shorts for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Salt</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>8.00</TD><TD>12.40</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cuffed Denim Capris for Baby </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dark Enzyme w Blast</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>16.50</TD><TD>25.58</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Women's Long Denim Skirts</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Authentic</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>22.50</TD><TD>34.88</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Cheekz, the denim skirt will incur additional shipping charges hor.</font>
this's quite interesting...

Rusk (Bread Sticks)

Instead of buying rusk off the shelves, which often contains undesired amount of sugar and other additives, why not make your own? It's easier than you thought and much cheaper!


Bread (even if a few days old, it's ok)

Cut bread into sticks of appropriate size.
Bake in oven on the lowest temperature setting for at least 1 - 1 hours. It should be hard but not burnt. Turn over after 30-45 minutes, if necessary.

Store in airtight container.

Note :

If you don't toast the bread long enough, it will become soft easily. If the bread is toasted long enough, it will remain hard even if you leave it out in the open.

<font color="0000ff">I'll sure try it if ive an oven. now comtemplating whether to get a mini oven :p</font>
<font color="0000ff">sha</font> we suspect it is the door too. when i came back his eye area was still swollen cos it happened shortly b4 i got home but dad used hot towel to try to soothe the swell. the swell has subsided n he looks fine too.
I saw the video, just my tot : maybe it would be better if you dont use the bumper mattress since he is learning to crawl now otherwise he might just lost his balance when he is trying to crawl out of it and might just land straight on his face. That is what happens to my SIL's son and the mouth start bleeding.

You might want to open up the bumper mattress side and let it lay flat on the floor, if possible try not to put it too close to the door as well. Just my tot.
<font color="aa00aa">smiley</font>

actually i dun mind this bad habit or rather i dun see it as a bad habit.

kai is sleeping w us and i breastfeed on bed, so actually i dun lose much sleep.

maybe becos he's a small eater so i feel tt as long as he wants i'll feed him no matter how tired im. im grateful tt he wants to hv milk.
<font color="0000ff">sha</font> now we are considering doing that but we cant avoid placing it near the door cos the rm is darn small (in fact it is my bro's rm) hence we make do wif it. now mum is so scared she will let him slp in the living room in the daytime so she can keep vigilant watch over him.
Maybe what you can do is consider getting some sponge and stick it at the door or at those sharp edge to prevent him from getting hurt again and also see is there any way you can use a hook and eye to secure the door to the wall beside using the magnetic door stopper as a double protection so there is no way he can push and close the door.

Just my tot.
<font size="+1">Sleeping Not so Thru the Night</font>

Hey! I got the same problem too! Looks like babies who latch on at night before sleeping have the same behavior. Chloe sleeps at ard 9pm and wakes up about 2am and 5am to feed. On not so good days, she'll wake up 3-4 times.

Since Monday she suddenly dropped her consumption of milk (<400ml) and cereals and wakes up more often to feed in the middle of the night. I'm so zzzzzzzzzz at work these days. Sigh!

<font color="0000ff">Edksd,</font> thanks for the homemade rusk idea. Think I'll try it out this weekend.
wah you got a lot of tots hor?
Heh heh... But good points leh... need to start thinking of safety in the house...

felt so sad for caleb when i saw his face!!! but he still looks so macho leh...
Oh... not sure if Caleb will "eat" the sponge.... coz sophie has been "eating" her ABC mat... plus everything else she can lay her hands on...
oh u offered pacifier to sophie when she wakes up at nite huh? i dunno if i wanna do this, but R has not wean off nite feeds. on a gd nite, he wakes up twice for feeds. on not so gd nites, he wakes up at least 3 times (coz i can only rem feeding him abt 3 times while i struggle to recall if i fed more than tt) and makes noises at times tt i cant seem to hv proper sleep thru the nite.

tt means sophie sleeps for almost 12 hrs! then how is her milk intake in the daytime? u intro milk btl to her or juz purely latching only?
its so amazing at how u push her schedule. i dunno how to do tt when i stay over at my mum's on alt nites and R's feeding times not tt fixed. i am juz so thankful its every 3 hourly.
love the xylophone (issit?)!!! i wanna get 4 R as well! let him make alot of noise wif it! wat brand is tt? little tikes?

woooooo! u appeared on mag? scan and email me the copy leh! wanna see!
juz read and realised ur baby oso haven weaned off nite feeds. i can understd how zombie u feel. on bad nites, i cant rem how many times i woke up and if i really felt asleep! then will b super zombie in the day. luckily i got drink chix essence! else dunno how to work man.
edksd and Pigeon, last night my gal woke up again and after many times of waking, crying and latching, I finally became so frustrated that I scolded her.. She actually stopped sucking and listened to me.. After a while, I put her down while she was still awake and normally she would cry even louder but last night she actually became quiet. Then she played by herself on the bed. I observed her for a while and felt sorry for scolding her, then I picked her up myself and latch her on again just to sayang her..

Alamak.. heehee.. I reckon I have to continue this for quite a while.. Perhaps next time it's me who can't kick the habit of nursing her to sleep and not her who can't sleep on her own.. Oops..

Selina, Caleb can crawl already?
Ling Ah Ling,
Yes yes I old liao so got lots of tot mah. . haha. .

Plus I am a KS mummy so I tends to think ahead to prevent is better then cure right. That is why my hair is still falling (not that bad thou) and worst more white hair. . haha. .

If you are scare that Sophie will bite the sponge you can use cloth to wrap up the edges which you can remove and wash.
<font color="0000ff">ling</font> yes with caleb. everything that lands on his hands ends up in his mouth. he even went to pull leaves to eat. faintz. it will b either sponge covered wif towel or cloth or just layers of cloths.

<font color="0000ff">smiley</font> if u consider that crawling then yes. he still figuring out how to coordinate his hands but most times he just go on all fours, then launches fwd n end on his tummy. but he is slowly getting the idea of moving his hands at the same time to move fwd now.

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font> oh tks then caleb has completed that jab. he's left wif his 2nd flu jab which is due tis mth. n that'll b all until he turns 1 yr old in 5 mths time.
sha, me too... very KS. I also bought the child proof thingy for the socket from Ikea over the weekend.. I saw my gal trying to poke her little finger into the hole one day when she was in her walker.. SO DANGEROUS!!

selina, that's very early hor? He's just 7 months and can crawl already! So clever!!

My gal puts everything inside her mouth too.. Her favourite object to put inside her mouth? My hair :p Heehee...
selina, i tot prevenar has 3 jabs - 7th, 9th and 12th mth?

smiley, kai oso started crawling. ive a friend her bb is now 9th mth but he simply doesnt crawl. put him down and he'll sit still there w/o moving his butt. whereas for kai, once u put him down, he'll be crawling all over
so we're always on the watchout as he can crawl pretty fast!
Hi <font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>,

The Burberry bag is a fantastic buy!!! $286??? I want!!! keke.....

Too bad cannot do a BP on this... Haiz... otherwise I surely want!!!

Am surfing the ON site now....
Wait for me okie?

Hi <font color="0000ff">JRT</font>,

Yep yep!!! Next time must bring the little ones along.... But bring them along hard to sit down and yak yak for very long leh... Maybe we can go for some trial class together! You interested in MyGym? I am keen to go for their trial class, if any...

Hi <font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>,

Hey gal, you are famous!!! Hehe.... Can scan the photo and email to me or not??? Pleeease??? I am dying of curiosity down here!

Thanks thanks thanks for the wonderful recipe on the lemongrass drink! I like!!! I shall make this weekend. I shall go and find some lemograss today...

You made soyabean already! Hey, you remember what the saleslady said or not? How many tablespoons of soya beans to how much water? I simply cannot recall liao.... Gosh, memory very bad these days.

<font size="-2">hehe, agree that we shall not tell niu zai mama next time we order caramel! by the way, you like caramel pudding??? I love it!!!</font>

Hi <font color="0000ff">Yuna, Cheekz and Brenda</font>,

We shall go shopping together at the next Isetan sale!!! We can take the day off, arrange for home delivery, then proceed to go for a nice lunch somewhere and chat!!! See whether Niu zai mama and JRT want to come too! What a nice way to spend a day yah?

By the way, just to share here.... Clarence flipped over and fell yesterday... He's fine and there is no visible bruising (he was active and alert hours after the fall but we are still monitoring him) but it's still very scary to think how that could have happened....

Basically, my husband put him into the Ocean Wonders Fisher Price bouncer seat (that is supposed to be from birth till 20 pounds) and BUCKLED him up. Then my husband went into the kitchen to warm up his milk while I was in the shower. Who knows less than 3 mins later, my husband heard a bang and then Clarence started screaming and wailing. He rushed out and saw that the entire bouncer had flipped over, and Clarence was lying face down on the floor with the bouncer on top of him, and he was still buckled onto the bouncer!!! We almost fainted.... We didn't know what Clarence did to cause the bouncer to flip, but we won't be putting him alone in the bouncer again.....
I think we are just taking steps to prevent any harm to our darling.

I also notice that Sherilyn like to dig thing as well, she will put her toys under the sofa and start dig it out . .. . hahaha. . I think it is part of their development stage on curiosity e.g. finding.

So now I watch over Sherilyn like a hawk, as she is crawling everywhere and is opening up the sliding door and she tends to hold / put the sofa coz she is learning to stand up as well.
edksd, ooohh... kai started crawling also? Must be very cute.. I like to see babies crawling... Shake Shake Bum Bum.. heehee... Perhaps this weekend I shall train CL to crawl instead of just leaving her in her walker.. heehee..
selina and edksd,
For my girl, she just turned 8 month. Last time she always wiggles forward and kept slamming on his tummy,and can do it very fast. Now she has learned to crawl by raising up one of the hand high up, hang on there, put down and raise another hand up, hang in the air and put down,and legs too. So she have learned to coordinate her hands and legs pretty well but is still trying very hard to do it perfectly. And she can reach out for thing very very fast. She even can crawl up my platform bed to hug me yestersday night. So sweet!

She is also suffering from separation anxiety leh. I cant even do my own stuff. Whenever she saw me or my hubby go out of her sight, she will start whining. So jialat, in the end alway late for work. Got to get myself prepare for work yet have to entertain her.

Oh no....so heartbreak to hear abt Clarence's mishap last nite. He shd be ok, dun worry. I think cos the base of the bouncer is not very firm on the ground and also now tat all our babies know how to sit on their own and like to bend forward, it can very dangerous. We have a fisher price Infant-to-Toddler Rocker and I witnessed before when C try to get out of the rocker and used so much force and strength to bend forward tat she almost lifted up the rocker. U know even the booster seat we had, i put in on the floor and let her sit, at times when she refuses to sit on it and want us to carry her, she will bend forward and almost flip with the booster too. haiz....our babies at tis age are so active n curious tat we must constantly keep an eye on them.

Cayden rolled off my bed last week as well. Scared me to death!! now that they are more mobile and active, it is almost impossible to leave them alone

My baby also suffered from separation anixety
juz like Amabel, once we are out of her sight, she will start to whine. You know wat, i end up doing striptease show in front of her on days when she wakes up too early before i can get ready *faint* . i will put her in the centre of our bed, stand in front of her to talk and sing to her and get myself change at the same time.

I know not a good thing to do it but rushing for time so no choice lor.
Hi Yuna and Orange,

Wah, looks like we are not alone in this! Pretty scary hor? How is Cayden now??? Rolled off your bed!!! Gosh! Is it high???

I think Clarence should be fine lah.... The bouncer is quite low, so it's not so bad... My mom almost flipped when she heard it!
Getting tougher to look after them these days hor? They are so active!!!! Cannot find something good enough to tie them down even for a minute! I am also scared to put him in his crib without supervision now. Clarence will pull himself up to a standing position, and start reaching for the floor in order to get out!!! If he tumble out of his crib I think I really will have a heart attack! Will you gals be lowering the crib some more??? I am thinking of doing so, but this will also mean that I will have a really tough time putting him inside.

I have lower the crib to the lowest level already. As wat u said, they are pulling themselve to a standing position now, i better dun risk. There was one morning, i woke up and found C sitting on the crib playing on her own. she must have flipped and pull herself to a sitting position while i m in my dreamland. *faint*

But like wat you said, it is quite stressing on our back when you lower the crib to the lowest level
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font> wow that's really dangerous. really scary hor.

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font> eh i not sure leh cos he had his prevenar jab at very young i think.

<font color="0000ff">phoebe</font> i sent you my orders

<font color="0000ff">lilpony</font> i also have a long list

<font color="0000ff">msapple</font> yes caleb too. his bumper mattress just next to our mattress so he will crawl out onto our mattress to want me to carry him.

<font color="119911">separation anxiety</font> not sure if caleb is having that but yesterday my sis came over n while nephew was playing wif caleb in the room, she went to peep n then walked off n immediately, caleb started wailing when he saw her walked off. think he mistook sis for me that's y. but every morning when i leave for work n say bye bye to him, he bo hew me one leh. so strange.
not a good thing to do a striptease show in front of them ah??? i have been doing that since she is born leh. She also always see my pumping milk and see me bath too. Nvm lah, both of us are women. haha

so how is Caled now, hope he wasnt get frighten and recover soon, dun worry the bruies will go away very soon.

oh no, clarence fell from bouncer? Hope he is fine
Amabel also trying to pull herself to standing position, so we had lower down her playpen.

my girl also fell from bed when she is abt 4 months. Hope he is ok now, must observe him for afew days.
Sophie also suffering from separating anxiety... esp nite time. If we go out at nite, she only wants me to carry, no one else. Last time she can just sit in the pram n self-entertain but now it's hard to leave her on her own. I walk away also she'll whine... i guess it's a phase they go thru lor... when they start to walk, they won't even "hue" us i think... so let's enjoy this special privilege while it lasts!

okie cool, thanks. Duh why didn't i think of that! Use cloth to cover! Anyways it's the hub's job to baby safe the house! Will leave it to his ingenius ways...

heh heh i know what you mean about us more unwilling to stop nursing... i'm secretly enjoying this separation anxiety thingy coz i think i'm the one having separation anxiety. Enjoying her attachment...

Yep norm i'll let her cry a bit up to 5 mins coz sometimes she stops after a while, if not i'll give her the pacifier. So slowly slowly she woke up later n later. But bringing the last feed forward, I left it up to her, if she cried, i'll feed her and slowly she didn't cry at all so i just let her sleep lor coz for a period of time, i still picked her up to feed her the last feed while she was sleeping. I think it happened when she started 3 solid feeds a day.

Yep on good days she'll sleep 12 hrs, sometimes like this morn she work up at 6, so 11 hrs. But i'm really thankful lor...
I still latch her on so i've no clue how much she drinks during the day. Still latch her 5 times a day - 7, 11, 2.30, 6, 7 plus the milk use for cereal (abt 100mls a day). I assume it's at least 500mls.

I learnt from a mother of 3 that we need to try to stabilise day feeding, then day nap times, then night sleep. Maybe if you want, you can try to stabilise R's schedule over a weekend (kinda means no going out lah...) and then try to get your caregivers to con't, if not on the nights that you look after R, you try to pat him/offer him pacifier instead of nursing. Cut one feed at a time lor... even if you reduce to one feed a nite, you can sleep a bit more already... It worked for sophie slowly lah so different babies different, some get it straightaway, some take longer but eventually they'll all get there...
selina and ling,
my fil very jealous and said this girl (Amabel), "qi buay guai" (in hokkien), haha... whenever me and my hubby go to my Pil house to fetch her home, once she saw us, she is very very excited, keep throwing herself to us and stretched out her hands to me, wanna me to carry her. Then she dun want other people to carry her anymore except me and my hubby and yah the maid too (but she still prefer me and my hubby to the maid). My fil want to carry her, she dun want. When my in law carry her away from us as we need to eat for dinner she will start to cry. But after cry for awhile, will stop lah, so we just ignore her. But when she saw us free already, she again will stretch her hands open, want me to carry again. So often, me and my hubby take turn to eat.
<font color="0077aa">Selina</font>, oh dear.. poor Caleb, it must've been very painful for him
haiz.. hope he recovers quickly yah..
Our babies now are gaining their mobility so I guess we need to start baby-proofing our environment. I feel that a lowered baby cot is by far the safest place to leave a bb instead of on a mattress, on the floor. I once left Arianne on the floor sleeping on the mattress as well thinking that should be the safest but after I found her under my bed, I stopped doing so! Our babies are beyond our imagination now so we need to be super kiasu..

Don't forget the fans on the floor too. Once I was at my gf's place and her son Jack was A MERE SECOND away from sticking his finger in those metal blades, my heart stopped for those minutes when I was trying to lure him away from the fan. I couldn't pull him away immediately cos he was about 6/7 meters away.. so had to use my voice to distract him while his finger was pointing at the vent. So so so frightening..

Do monitor and see if he has fever for the next 72 hours yah.. If fever develops better bring to see PD. And I hope there wasn't any cut caused by some rusty metal, do check yah.. Hope everything turns out fine.
Hi Selina,

Happy 7 months to Caleb!

Hi Yuna and msapple,

Guess I will be lowering Clarence's crib to its lowest postiion this weekend! Better stressful on the back than risking him tumbling out! My poor mom is complaining everyday these days.... She is looking after him alone, so she said that she had to carry him almost everywhere she goes as she is afraid that he will fall.... My mom placed him in the bumbo seat while she feeds him, and he almost toppled the seat on so many occasions! Thank goodness my mom was always sitting in front of him when that happened.

Yep, I have the Fisher Price infant to toddler rocker at my mom's place too!!! Clarence's favorite task while in it is to reach forward and try to get out.... But he did not manage to lift up that chair yet.... Must tell my mom not to leave him alone in that rocker too! Wah, like this really darned tough...

Clarice can pull herself to a sitting position already!!! Wow!!! Way to go, little Clarice!
Hey, I think Clarice should be able to walk soon.
Yuna, soon you will be breathless from chasing after Clarice all day! Hehe....

ling, heehee... I told my husband if I stop at one kid, this will be my one and only time bf-ing and nursing leh.. He says I am crazy.. :p

Hey, so for those babies who are crawling already, are you still putting them on their bumbos? I find it quite a pity leh.. CL hardly use the bumbo.. should I sell it???
