(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


i have i have ! hehe since I know mine is a gal... she will be called Rachel .... which I have started to address her whenever I talk to her...


sorry what about harness ?sorry i dun rem if I see ur post ...

yes TMC actually sent two copies, one for my gynae and one for me... and they have all the printous from the scans and the readings.
I LOVE the name RACHEL leh. No joking. I adore this name so much that i wanted to call my bb Rachel if she's a girl. Now i know bb is a boy, i am calling him Wayne.
My gal's name will be jadienne.. keke.. pronounced "Jade-diant"
eheh littlepony

it is ok if u call ur gal Rachel lah .. it is not a unique name so wont be surprise if I meet another bb rachel ...

jasmine, the name is unique .. u tot of it urself ?
oh puppylove, the carrier ! my sis also pass me hers ... but i wonder if I will use it .. sometimes I tot it makes the bb very uncomfortable esp on hot weathers and the body is hanging there ... will it cause any pain "down" there ?

btw any good tips on choosing car seat ? I presume the car seat is suitable for new borns and until at least 2 yrs old right ?
Where do u MTMs get the names from? I have not started choosing name yet...probably will wait till i know the gender then start choosing.
we're not giving our bb any english name.

nowadays almost everyone as an english name. so i want my bb to stand out w just a nice unique chinese name.

in future, if he/she wants an english, he/she can always get one which him/her think is suitable for himself/herself.
Do you gals shortlist a few names and then decide on the ONE when baby is born or you have confirmed you will use the name once you know the baby's gender?

I read in the internet that it is good to shortlist a few names, then name the baby after the baby is born so as to choose the most suitable name. I read in a case the couple thought of a few names, e.g. Name A means "strong", name B means "bright", and in their case when the baby is born prematurely, they decide to name the baby Name A in the hope that the baby will be strong..

But another school of thought is to confirm the name early so that you can start calling your baby by name when he/ she's in your tummy.
Hi edksd

My hubby said the same thing as u... dun give our child any English name, if he really wants it, he has the freedom to choose one for himself...

Hmm... but I wanna 'tok' to him by calling him by his name now leh... but haven't come across anything we both like yet....
haa! nope. i decided to just hide at a corner and adore this name 'Rachel' . My bb is a boy. So Wayne is his name. If next time, i get a baby girl, i will call her Waylyn. haaa! I tot of all these already.. kaisu right!
Smiley, i also same thought as u. Now feels weird talking to my bb, calling him/her bb :p
If can settle the name sooner, then can start calling by the name and probably by the time he/she is born, can respond when called
hi smilely, emoments, u can always hv a nickname for ur bb for urself to call him/her now tt he/she is still in ur tummy

this's what i did. i named my bb a nickname coz i dun even noe it's a boy or girl yet, so just use an unisex nickname. haha...
Are you going to announce the baby's name after birth or are you going to do it right after you have confirmed you want to use the name? Would you ask around your family/ frens/ colleagues what they think of the name you are going to give to your child?

I read somewhere that if you ask around for opinions, you will get a lot of negative comments like too common lah, blar blar blar. But once you tell them "my baby's name is ABC", they will usually accept it and say "ohhh.. that's a nice name"
edksd... tt's a good idea. Now we call him ah boy lor.... my mum calls one of my dogs, ah boy, too... :p luckily my ah boy also a 'dog'
Hi Smiley... I agree.. So once u confirmed on the name, just announce. No need to ask for opinions, cos sure got lots of comments one. As long as u & yr hubby likes the name, tt's more impt.
75% b'cos not 100% lor hehee. The scan is really grainy b'cos I didn't drink enough water. In fact my bladder is empty when she scanned me and nothing is sticking out in between 2 legs. I will double confirm after my real detail scan in two weeks.
i have been calling my baby his name for the past 1 month, ever since i know his gender. And yes, i did mention the name to my close friends, msn friends and family members . hee. Actually, some of them say 'Wayne is not a nice name!' but hoh, i can't be bother too much.. coz it's the name my husband and i chose. so actually, no matter how nice the name, sure got alot of comments. Don't bother too much about their comments... as long u like it.
For those of us who're Chinese, I heard fr colleagues that when u register ur bb's name, they'll make u write ur bb's Chinese name directly on the BC. Unless ur handwriting is superb, itz best to have the Chinese name typed out properly in advance, so u can stick it on the BC. Neater this way.
puppylove, i saw the baby carrier u asking about at mothercare too. they have quite a few i think, looks sturdy and strong.
check it out.

beda, Welcome welcome!

jasmine, wow what a nice name.
i have not decided on one yet coz have not confirm the gender of our baby yet hehehee.

ilovebabies, was doing some research over the weekend. i feel that infant car seats are really important leh, coz they allow newborns to lie down nearly flat which is important during the first 6 mths. but hor, infant car seats can only last til baby 18mths old, or even earlier if our baby grows fast. it depends on size. and one car seat costs from $130 to $400 also have. we prefer those that can remove whole thing and strap onto stroller kind. any recommendations anyone?

also, we need to upgrade to child seat when kid grows bigger right? the usual car child seat, that one we shldnt think so early now issit? some shop assistant suggested we just get the normal child seat, but recline it fully for newborn. but i find the position not very good for newborn leh. somemore dun have the flexibility of removing the whole thing when baby sleeping so as not to wake him up. if child seat need to wake baby up....

quite confused. any recommendations?

I didn't think of my baby's name lah.. hubby wanted gal's name like mine, start with J, end with -NE.... Jadienne is variant of Jade.,.. i found it in baby book.. hubby heard it, like it immediately...

I agree not good to ask people's opinion.. cos hor, when i tell my frens we shortlisted this name if gal & this name if boy, frens gave comments.. what is most important is that both parents like it lor.. frens think my baby's name a bit like boy's name, jayden.. keke
hhaha ya ya .. as long as the parents of the bb are fine with the name ! what the hack !

and as long as the chinese name do not suggests any nicknames in case our child are being make fun of when they go to school....

daisybuttons, tks for the info. I think i rather spend $ to buy a proper car seat for new born then change to booster when the child gets bigger... anyway can use the child seat for my 2nd child in future.. so it wont be a waste ... right ?

dun think I wanna compromise safety with $ saved.
haaa. yes, like what ilovebabies says... chinese names are very important as well so that they won't be make fun of in school or for boys, in NS...

One good example. In NS, they go by initials. So if your bb's family name is Tan and if initials are S A. Then on their tag, it will be S A TAN...
If you put them together, it's SATAN... This is one good classic example of how they make fun of names... very poor thing leh.

And one of my brother's friend is called Nelson. Nice name isn't it.. but his family name is Tan.
So Nelson Tan.. which sounds like 'Niao Sen Dan -which is Bird hatching egg' ...........
Haha.. LittlePony, I have heard of this before.. about being careful of the surname.. What I have heard before was Monica cannot go with surname Chng.. else would be like Mo Ni Ca Chng.. (touch your buttocks)..

Disclaimer : No offence to anyone name Monica or anyone with surname Chng!!
i guess tatz one reason we tell friends/relatives abt potential names sometimes? so they can tell u the various ways the name can be made fun of... sometimes grandparents who cannot pronounce the English name can also unwittingly distort the name!

btw, i once had a teacher called S.A.TAN!!
oh... talk about pronouncing.. my mum can't pronounce Wayne.. she heard it as Rain. And i laughed and i told her.. if next time, i call my daughter Waylyn, she can pronounced it as Raining.
haha, so cute... I guess ur mum can give her own pet name to her grandson lah... or as ilovebabies said, she can use chinese name loh. Juz gotta make sure ur son recognises both!
Haaa... i had a good laugh too but i try to make sure my mum pronounce it properly. Yes, will try to make sure my son recognise both the chinese and english name.
hahahaha little pony, u got me laughing by the name "raining" hehehehehe yah can imagine, sometimes parents will prnounce names differently. hehehhehehehehe!

ilovebabies, actually its not for safety reasons leh. its more for the development of baby, good to put him in sleeping position in first 6 mths for his development. but u imagine hor....i thinking, if we buy a infant seat, about $300 say, then a stroller that can fit this infant seat, prob at least $500 - $700. then add up to close to $1K leh. shld it be this price huh? why i have parents telling me can get good strollers at $200??? where? all the $200 strollers i see are either very flumsy, or non cushy at all, so uncomfortable i also dun wana to sit inside.....

anyone has good brands to recommend? anyone can comment on lucky baby prams? issit really too light? i feel not all lucky baby is light right, depends on model. but i think combi is generally light?
helo ilovebabies, think depends on the type of stroller? why cannot use stroller so soon leh? i hoping to use stroller, esp those that can allow baby to face me one. either that or those can put infant seat on top so baby can face me. dunno how to describe hehehe.

wah so good u got stroller liaoz then dun need to buy.
sigh....now i still confused.

babies supposed to use pramp as they can sleep on it
stroller are more lightweight, dun think can change the position with the stroller. So the toddler is supposed to be in a sitting position.

Right ?
ilovebabies, think in singapore very few ppl use prams ah. got meh? strollers got light weight and heavy weight ones, hehee. and yes u can let baby face you, via 2 means. buy a stroller that can fit an infant car seat on top, so baby faces u. OR get a stroller that has reversible handles, so u can push with baby facing you. and strollers got diff positions for reclination, and i think also depend on model. thats where the headache comes in loh. some strollers cannot recline fully also leh. but some can lah. and gotta balance it with the comfort too...
good morning mommies!

prams reminds me of those things in fairy tales books leh. hehehe. the kind that old english woman used to push their young.

anyway I'm not getting a stroller until baby is old enough to lift her head. it's going to be the good old baby sling for baby and me. check out hugabub. looks cool. you'll look like a mother kangaroo.
i think it varies from babies to babies... i see some real strong bb that can slightly lift their heads when they are even 2 mths old !! but I think generally it will be in their 4th mth onwards ?
I thought prams are more for babies and strollers are more for toddlers. For prams, they can be adjusted to an angle that the baby can lie flat. But for strollers, they are more like sitting positions...

For babies whose neck are still soft, they must be in prams and not strollers...

I prefer my baby to face me like what daisybutton says cos that way I can see what the baby is doing. But my hubby prefers the baby to face out so that baby can see more...
ya Smiley that's what I meant on prams and strollers.

Ya maybe we shld get those prams that we can adjust the handle so that bb can face us or face out as we wish.
yap.. i think it depends on babies.. i also seen babies who can lift their heads up by the 3rd month.. and some later. so it really depends. Drink more milk, get more calcium so baby can build up his/her bones.
Morning ilovebabies..
Haha.. true.. but I think that should cost a lot!!

I notice that Caucasians like to use prams that have BIG wheels.. looks very cool but seems quite difficult to manuveur..


ya space is a constraint in SG leh ... think we can just stick to normal prams lah.... who knows our bb grow so fast and we may need a stroller very soon.
