(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

bjiou, where can i buy the prune juice? What brand? Thanks.

forgetmenot, me too having blocked nose and cough. Nv see doctor for this leh.

hey ladies

I bought avent bottles during the metro 20% sale and my friend bought steriliser. Its really a great savings man.
hi! sounds like some of us weren't feeling well last weekend huh? for me, i drank lemon juice while out shopping n immediately got tummy ache n nausea. Ended up vomiting like crazy in the toilet... lucky i felt better after that... quite a scare! must be too acidic!

the prune juice u drink - is it ready-made bottled juice or something u prepare urself?
Also, u said u took medicine to stop ur early contractions. How did those contractions feel like? regular pulling n relaxing of tummy muscles, or sharp pains that last for a while? Last night i woke up with sharp pains on my lower abdomen, not sure if itz the way i slept. u think itz something i shld b concerned abt? I'm better this morning.
You can get it anywhere. Provision shop, carefour, NTUC etc. I tink only 2 brand leh. But cannot rem liao. Sorry.
oh ya ...me too. Now having flu.


Prune juice is those ready to drink. No need to add water. Its quite concentrated.

For me, contractions is frequent braxton hicks contraction and feeling dropping and dump feeling around the vaginal area (below). So my gyane listen already he precribe the med for me lor.
I havent start eating tonics yet but already bought bird nest and pao sheng.Now waiting for mil to make for me. Hehehe.

You can get prune juice at supermarket.
Maybe check with your gynae whether you can drink redoxon Vit C?
If your flu and cough not getting better, i suggest you better go and consult a doc.

Your detailed scan still earlier than me.
But your supplement cant last till 10 May.How?

Glad to know you r alright now. Do rest more.Drink more water.
Hey ladies
Do not over worried abt the pre-labour thing. I tink it only happens more to the 2nd and 3rd time mum. Becuz i didnt hve this for my 1st pg.
wow, you girls start really early and are fast. just 1 monring and so many posts. I actually feel that my health is better after I'm preggie. Probably cos I eat better now. Used to get flu every 2 months or so, haven't had it since preggie.

Went for a swim yesterday. So shiok, although it was still a little cold in HK. Will try to make it to the pool at least once a week from now. Scared to get too fat now that tummy is really starting to grow.

Little baby was so active yesterday. Kicking all day long. Pity hubby no patience to place his hand on my tummy and wait to feel the kick.

Anyone out there feels that their armpit is getting darker? I noticed that mine is. Was a little consious of it in the swimsuit yesterday. Wonder if there is any remedies to help lighten the colour?
Haha~ all no mood to work after long wkend.
Btw, are you working?

Me too. I used to get flu easily but i found that my immune system is better when i'm preg.

My baby will stopped kicking whenever my hubby placed his hand on my tummy, haha...i think she can sensed that its not mummy's hand.~so cute hor.

Not to worry,I think the colour will fade once we have given birth.
hi gals !! so many posts !! I was down with flu cough and sorethroat over the weekend and am on MC today ... sometimes I do get diarhoea once in a while .... esp when I take Macdonalds !! dunno why ....
hi Elmo,
Yes I'm in the office now. Lucky for me Firday is also a PH in HK. The colour is really ugly to look at when wearing short sleeve mah. Will try to scrub harder at the armpits when I bathe.

When I felt baby kicking yesterday, i rush to the room and asked hubby to place hand on tummy, then talked to baby to kick for daddy to feel. But it not 'kuai', didn't listen to me.

Anyone started to read books to baby yet? I was thinking about it.
hi angeline .. i also tot so .. but when I eat KFC i am ok ??
haha anyway good to cut down on fast food ...

eh I also get darker armpits .. but bo chap lah ... not as if I raised my armpit all the time...

i dun read books to bb ..but i talk to her how I felt... where I am and what I am doing ...

hubby felt her kicks with his palms .. and he was extremely excited ! hehehe must make them more patient !!

yest .. I saw a bump in my tummy due to bb's kick !!!!!!! i was so shocked .. tot it is so early to see the bump !! but it was really cool !
I have extracted this from web...fyi.

Skin Changes During Pregnancy

Now that you are pregnant your skin may begin to change right before your very eyes. Your skin can change from a sudden new glow on your face to pinkish, reddish streaks on your stomach. Not every pregnant woman will experience all the same skin changes. Below is a list of skin changes that are common during pregnancy.

Stretch Marks:

Stretch marks are one of the most famous and talked about skin changes that can occur during pregnancy. Almost 90% of pregnant woman will experience stretch marks. Stretch marks appear as pinkish or reddish streaks running down your abdomen and/or breasts.

What can I do? Exercising and applying lotions that contain vitamin E and alpha hydroxy acids have been said to help in the prevention of stretch marks. These remedies have not been medically proven to have a direct effect on stretch marks but it never hurts to try. If you find that nothing is working for you, take comfort in knowing that these streaks will fade to silvery faint lines after delivery.

Mask of Pregnancy:

"Mask of pregnancy" is also referred to as melasma and chlosma. Melasma causes dark splotchy spots to appear on your face. These spots most commonly appear on your forehead and cheeks and are a result of increased pigmentation. When you become pregnant your body produces more hormones, which causes an increase in your pigmentation. Nearly 50% of pregnant women show some signs of the "mask of pregnancy".

What can I do? To prevent "mask of pregnancy" from happening to you, you should wear a good sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 whenever you plan on being outside. You can also wear your favorite ball cap to protect you face from the sun. Your skin is extra sensitive, and the sun increases your chances of these dark spots showing up on your face.

Pregnancy Glow:

When you are pregnant your body produces 50% more blood resulting in more blood circulation through your body. This increase in blood circulation causes your face to be brighter. Your body is also producing a fair amount of hormones that cause your oil glands to work in over drive, leaving your face shiny. Both of these things can result in the "pregnancy glow" you have heard of.

What can I do? If your skin becomes too oily you can use an oil free cleanser to clean your face. Other than that, do nothing but smile!

Pimple Breakouts and Acne:

If you have a problem with acne already, your acne may become more irritated during pregnancy or it may just clear up. The extra hormones in your body cause your oil glands to secrete more oil, which can cause breakouts.

What can I do? You should keep a strict cleansing routine. You can start with a simple over the counter face soap. It is a good idea to use fragrance free soap to avoid nausea. Cleanse your face every night and every morning. Washing your face more than this can cause your skin to be dry. Next use an astringent to remove any remaining oil. Stay away from any acne medicated astringents; they may contain acne medicine that may not be recommended for pregnant women. Finally, follow this procedure with an oil free moisturizer. If you find that you are having problems with acne consult with your doctor on acne treatment during pregnancy.

Varicose Veins:

Varicose veins are bulky bluish veins that usually appear on the legs during pregnancy. This happens because your body is compensating for the extra blood flow that is going to your baby. Varicose veins can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Unfortunately if you have a family history of varicose veins, you may be prone to get them during your pregnancy. The good news is that you can take measures now to prevent or decrease the symptoms.

What can I do? To prevent or decrease symptoms, you should:

Avoid standing for long periods of time
Walk as much as possible, to help the blood return to your heart
Always prop your feet up on a stool when sitting
Avoid sitting for long periods of time
Wear support stockings
Get enough vitamin C (this helps keeps your veins healthy and elastic)
Sit with your legs higher than your head for at least half an hour a day.
Avoid excessive weight gain

Spider Veins:

Spider veins, also known as spider nevi, are minute reddish tiny blood vessels that branch outward. These spider veins are also caused by the increase in blood circulation. They will usually appear on the face, neck, upper chest and arms. Spider veins do not hurt and usually disappear shortly after delivery. Spider veins appear more often in Caucasian women than in African American women.

What can I do? Increasing your vitamin C intake and not crossing your legs can help minimize spider veins. Spider veins may also be hereditary in which case there is nothing you can do to prevent them. Fortunately, these will most likely fade shortly after delivery. Laser treatment can also be done to help remove any spider veins that have not faded away.

Dry Itchy Abdomen:

As your beautiful belly grows, your skin stretches and tightens. This causes very uncomfortable dryness and itching. If you begin to experience severe itching late in your pregnancy, possibly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and possibly jaundice, you should contact your doctor. This could be a sign of cholestasis, which is related to the function of the liver. Your doctor may take blood tests to verify if you are experiencing cholestasis. Cholestasis occurs in about one in every 50 pregnancies and is not a problem after pregnancy.

If the itching is intense and spreads to your arms and legs it could as be pruritic urticarial papules and plagues (PUPP). PUPP occurs in about one in every 150 pregnancies. PUPP is itchy, reddish, raised patches on the skin that will go away after delivery.

What can I do? To help alleviate your dry itchy abdomen, you should keep your abdomen moisturized. You can also use anti-itch cream such as calamine lotion to help provide more relief. Cholestasis can be treated with medications. To help alleviate PUPP your doctor can prescribe oral medicine and anti-itch creams. Try taking a nice oatmeal bath to help relieve some of the discomfort.

Linea Nigra:

Linea nigra is the dark line that runs from your navel to your pubic bone. This is a line that may have always been there, but you may have never noticed it before because it was a light color. During pregnancy this line darkens and is possibley caused by the imbalence in hormones. It usually appears around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.

What can I do? There is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening, but after your pregnancy this line will fade.

Skin Tags:

Skin tags are very small, loose growths of skin that usually appear under your arms or breasts.

What can I do? After pregnancy you skin tags may disappear. If they do not disappear, there are ways to remove them.

Darkening of Freckles, Moles and Other Areas of Your Skin:

Increased hormones cause changes in your skin pigmentation. You will notice that areas with dark pigmentation, such as freckles, moles, nipples, areolas, and labia, can become even darker.

What can I do? There is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening. If you notice that a mole of freckle changes in appearance or shape you should contact your doctor. These darker areas can remain darkened after pregnancy. The change in pigmentation can be noticeable, but not drastic.
Hi gals,

I haven't been to the forum for a while and there are so many posts!

Angeline and Elmo88, I have the same situation like you. I can feel the baby kicking inside me but everytime I ask my hubby to feel, the baby stops kicking. AND when he removes his hand from my tummy, she kicks again.

I ask my hubby to be patient and he is trying to but this has happened so many times, my hubby says the baby is "playing" him.. :p
hi elmo88

tks for the info !! ya my beautician has strongly advised me to ALWAYS put on sunblock as preggies are more prone to black patches (HEI BAN) on the face ... and it is not easy to remove them ....
hi ilovebabies

I very kiasi...dun dare to apply any cream onto myself at all. The most a little bit of moisturiers in the morning before i put on my usual makeup. Even when im out to the sun..i didnt apply sunblock. Is it ok to apply them?
yes it is definitely ok !! u shld put on sunblock no matter where u are .... w/o sunblock we will age v v fast cos the sun rays are too strong in Singapore. I did ask my gynae before on facial products, he said products off the shelve are generally safe .... just avoid products of Vit A ingredient.
Hi bjiou,

I thought moisturisers and sunblocks should be fine. I used Clarins day cream with spf 20 everyday. I even use Neostrata at night. I asked my gynae before, she says it is fine. I brought the own bottle to show her lest she needs to know what are the ingredients. Heehee...
hi all,
wah so many pple sick during the weekends huh? me too! i had the fever and flu and blocked nose for 5 days already. doctor gave me the nasal decongestant and that saved my life! so once i recovered, i went to see my gynae and we went for a scan.

she said i have this band in my uterus. no idea what it is so i must prepare to deliver early. wah lao. scary man. suddenly i thought of c-sect! damn i hope i won't get operated on. i want to go through natural birth! she also said that even though i'm almost 19 weeks, my uterus is measuring 22 weeks. when i asked her to find out the gender, she said she couldn't see any boy parts so she assume it's a girl! gah! but nevermind, i still thank God for giving me a baby! pls make it healthy that's what i'm asking for.

but i will still wait for my detail scan at tmc at 16 may for final confirmation. will ask about the band too. all in all baby is healthy and i have been feeling her kicking me everyday now! i'm so excited!
hi melissa .... wah u sound quite sick too .. 5 days !
i saw GP yest and I sort of recover today already ... dun want to drag too long also ...

wat does it means when ur uterus is oredi 22 weeks ? what causes it ? and yes pls find out what this band means and let us know ! tks !

however I found this article on babycentre but it may not be the one your gynae refers to. Dont worry you will be fine !

Hi Elmo88,

Do u know what skin tags look like actually? I notice I have 2 small little lumps near each of my armpit. On closer look, each little lump consists of small little lumps that form a ring, with a opening in the center.. Looks very gross, like a small little nipple and I have one on each side. Yucks... So I am wondering what is a skin tag?

Does anyone else have this?
This is what i got from the web.

A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.
A skin tag is a common but harmless skin growth.
Skin tags are frequently found on the eyelids, neck, chest, armpits, and groin.
Treatments include freezing, tying off with a thread or suture, or cutting off.

I dont think i have it.Hopefully, wont get it too.
hi elmo

now that I read ur post, I think i know wat it is. my mum used to have it on her tummy and she usually tie it with a string and it will drop off after a few days.
thanks elmo88. i think mine's maybe a skin tag... but it is quite small and relatively flat, definitely not protruding enough to tie it with a string :p
Wow you're very resourceful! I've been googling myself but I couldn't find a definite answer. Maybe b'cos the diagnosis is still inconclusive. I did not drink plenty of water during the scan so the picture is a bit fuzzy. However the black hole is there still. I'll keep you updated. I don't know why my uterus is measuring big but it's probably b'cos of that band that my doc is talking about. It is occupying space so in future it will be competing space with my bb. Hence, the need to deliver early to avoid complications

I hope I can get a more definite answer during the detail scan. I'm quite sure my uterus must have scarred a bit during my repeated miscarriages. I've had 4 D&Cs before
hi Smiley,

I think I have want you have too (whatever it is). Just like yours, there's one on each armpit that looks like a mini nipple with a hole in the center. Very embarassing for me as it kinda juts out even when my arms are down. Sure hope it goes away soon.
hi melissa

no prob ! glad that I helped in ur research. Dont worry i am sure your gynae will advise you along the way .... as long as we know our babies are well and fine! and I rem u mentioned that you were not feeling the bb kick during ur 17th week... now that ur bb is kicking u everyday, i am sure it will spurs u on !! jia you ....
I use to have these skin tags too even b4 I got pregnant. Had undergo a a few times in the last few yrs of laser surgeries to remove 'em. I had it more on my underarms. And for me, there'll be re growths. That means it doesnt 'duan geng'. But not to worry, like wat elmo88 has explained...it's nothing serious.
Hi Angeline,

So you have the same problem as me! I find it quite embarrassing too, especially most of the maternity clothes are sleeveless, so they are quite exposed and obvious.. :p
I sure hope they will go away after we give birth!!
Yeah I think for most of us now, baby kicking is the best thing already. I read that you should have at least 10 kicks within 12 hours to know that your baby is normal or not. I didn't bother to count at the moment. It just felt weird but I always look forward to it!
ah my baby didn't care if i'm full or hungry she just kicks for thrill.. lol.

i also read from somewhere that some babies will react to sugar. so if you had sweet drinks, they may kick harder or faster. sugar high i guess. hahaha.
I can only feel my baby kick when I pay special attention. If I am engrossed in working, I hardly notice it..

But from last night till today, I have this tight cramp feeling inside my lower tummy, hope it is normal and alright.
agree, bb kicks r so precious! itz like him/her playing w u. And like elmos88 says, itz so funny when bb doesn't kick when ur hubby's hand is on ur tummy. Somehow bb knows itz not u! So far, my hubby only manages to feel bb's kicks twice - the first time actually shocked him cos he wasn't expecting such a hard kick!
E-ling, can help me update...I'm having a bb Gal =). Tks.

Just went for my detail scan, haha, so interesting. She was actively kicking and moving. The best is we can even see her yawning. I'm amazed! Was told that my gal is bigger than normal...I'm at 20th wk and BB weighs ard 360gm. Is tat normal?
Hi mummies!

how was weekend?
lots of postings man.

Eh? was there a mummy in Aug MTB thread who lost her bb?? No leh, i never read about it, since i am straddling 2 threads...
Hi Chng's wife

Congrats for having a bb gal. Tink I will have gal too. Heeheee..they are so sweet.

Think it should be okay if your gynae is not worried abt it. Maybe becuz your baby has absorbed all the food that you eat thats y she grows faster.
bjiou, Tks! I wanna go thru normal birth w/o epidural. If bb too big, we wun be able to normal birth rite? And you have any idea when the gynae will advise us on natural or c-section?
Angeline, me too..my bb seems to be most active esp whenever I'm having bread and butter compared to other food I take for breakfast like cornflakes / biscuits etc...haha..prob it's coincidence too..

E-ling, pls assist to update
EDD - 11 Sept
Gynae - Mary Yang
Hospital - Gleneagles
Lovenest - Punggol
Gender - Boy
Preferred Birth Mtd - Natural w Epidural
BB # 1

Chng's wife, yeah you are right. But that oni applies if your baby head is more than 10cm. Cuz your cervix can only open till 10cm the max. You will oso have to go for c-section if your baby is breach position. The final 1 is cervix cannot dilate. All the above condition will means you have to go for c-section.

sure ah ? 10 kicks ? i am not counting leh ... so one movement is consider once right ? cos bb have several movements at once leh .. sometimes moving her hands and sometimes a kick in the legs ...
yeah i googled "quickening" and that's just some that came out. they say, even if you have 3 successful movements, you should count that as 3 and not a group of 1 movement. mine also feels like flutters sometimes so that's like multiple movement right. anyway the best time to do a kick count is when you're 28 weeks and beyond. now lesser than 10 oso still ok liao.
