(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Relax lah. You experienced mother still want to hasten up your detail scan ah? I'm very sure your baby is ok. I have to wait till i'm 21 weeks then I can go for my detail scan. I think I'm the last one to go 'cos mine is a TMC package with OSCAR and they will only see me at 16 May. I wonder if I can reschedule and make it earlier. I haven't feel much movement but I can feel very soft pokes on my tummy. Once it was quite ticklish. I'm 18 weeks. Usually can feel it when I'm at work, sitting quietly in front of the PC in this forum. Hehe.

Hi Melissa

Oh I tot of doing my detailed scan at TMC oso leh. Juz to double check on my scan mah since is such a important scan rite. But juz wonder do they take walk in customer becuz i do not want to let my gynae know abt it.

I think u need to call up and book. But i wonder if they will ask u for ur gynae details. mine was at TMC as well .. and they ask if they want to despatch the report to my gynae or not. Prob u can ask them to despatch to u instead.
melissa, hehehe i have the same sentiments about all this pain thingie leh. so glad to find someone who thinks the same way. no offence or disrespect to any mums here, coz giving birth by itself is such a brave task oredi. just that i also do wonder are some stories overrated, esp those i hear from my friends about how terrible their labour is. melissa, i read in a book that contractions are painful coz we fear it. and we fear it coz we expect it to be painful. so i am trying to let all this stories glaze over me too, so i wun be affected. but i do appreciate them sharing their birth stories coz we can learn from it. i also find pap smear not painful at all, though mine is female gynae and they say female gynae chor loh. just wondering, do you take hypnobirthing?

bjiou, what is making u worried? is it coz of the movements? think some oredi assured you they dun feel regularly, so dun be so worried kae? my gynae also tell me wun feel movements so soon one..... what do u mean by not letting ur gyane know about detailed scan? i dun think they take walk in customers though u can call and check.

wow, it sounds very wen xin that ur kids are playing so closely together isn't it?
hhhmm....okie, i think it does have some benefit for age gap to be closer, coz siblings will be closer...

sasha, perfect mom can also be found at suntec city level 3, same level as cloud 9 and spring maternity and i think thyme. u can attack all at one short if u go there.

forgetmenot and e-ling, yah loh, baby sleeps better in yaolan, but its good also that urs can sleep on the bed hor. then wun have trouble when bringinig him out.
oh really, head will be rounder? hehehe so cute.

edksd, think whether can breastfeed during pregnancy depends on the mother's diet and health. usually ppl will not bf during pregnancy coz your baby inside u will take ur nutrients first, not leaving enough for the breastmilk anyway. so not enough nutrients for the older one.
i'm in my 18wks..but think gng to 19 liao..anyway,think i quite jialat..i seldom keep track which wks i'm in..unlike the 1st pregnancy..

i guess every children will sometimes fight no matter how big or close their age gap is..btw ur 2 children isit one boy and one girl?

i hope tt i can hve a girl this time..cos closing factory liao..

u doing ur detailed scan at TMC?i doing it at my gynae's clinic...

e-ling and daisybuttons,
isit?head nicer meh??anyway,my mil keeps complaining tt my boy's head is not nice..cos the back of his head protrudes out..n she said must be flat then nice..

flat is nice ? tot everyone wants a rounded head ? so funny ....

btw some believe sleeping on yao lan can makes the bb sleep much better ....
My gynae is a cho lor female too! Ah glad I have a buddy with the same sentiments! I can't wait to read about your labor story when you're due! To all, sorry we don't want to sound so ya-ya but we want to go through the experience with an open mind and let us be the judge of it. Eh if you're not scared of pain, have you tried brazilian waxing before? I intend to do another one before my due date. Don't want to let doctor shave it. I hate the aftershave re-growth. It's going itch bad! And I have not heard of hypnobirthing. If it's going to cost more $$$, forget it, I'm going natural! haha...

Do call up the fetal assessment unit at 4th floor TMC for an appointment. I scared if you just walk-in, you might have to wait for many hours. Already with appointments, they try to squeeze in 4 patients at the same time.

Hey is it true that once you have a baby it's even easier to conceive the next? B'cos like some of you, I also plan to have at least 2 before I'm 35!

I have 1 boy and 1 girl. This time may be a girl.


Not really. My friend didnt conceive for 1 year without using protection. And her son is already 13 mths old. There are many ppl says it is very easy to conceive during the 1st yr after u gave birth but I think is not true lor. It really depends whether you are that type that is easy to conceive or not.
thanks. my detailed scan also on 8th. like you, dying to find out baby's gender so can get rid of the mny other kids clothes i dont need

heh, now tht you mentioned it, i just noticed it too. my 1st born, started feeling movements after 24wks. my 2nd one started abt 20wks. this one started at end of 16wks or so?

am looking after the kids myself, but my hubby works frm home so at least still got extra help

pls dont stress yourself out. am sure all is well wt your baby. i'm hope that this one is a girl as well. symptoms & cravings exactly like my eldest daughter so fingers crossed

i dont think detailed scan can detect deafness and/or blindness. this can only be done after baby is born. detailed scan usually they check for abnormalities in the organs, growth etc...
hey melissa

brave leh .. i dont think I dare to try brazilian wax !! but the nurses will shave lah ...not the doctor. Think they will shave u once u r admitted and gynae will not be there yet mah ...
hey sasha

Tis is oso ur 3rd pregnancy..happy to hear that..tot i the oni 1. U have 1 girl and 1 boy too? But i find tat girl and boy really diff in many ways.
hi gals

do u all eat a lot of oranges or drink orange juices such as the SUNKIST or FLORIDAS brand ?

I heard eating a lot of oranges can cause bb to easily have cough .. is it true ?
bijou and sasha,
What's the difference huh? Share lah.

Try the brazilian waxing lah. At first I was a bit scared too but the result is very good! You feel so clean and smooth down there. The pain will only last for less than 5 seconds after each wax strip. You will walk out a happy customer I tell you! I think waxing helps a lot in my conception lor. Hubby see he buey tahan oredi.. HAHAHA.. But I'm not all that brave hor, until now I don't dare do bungee jumping! LOL.
hi bjou, my detailed scan will be on 2 may. ive been waiting for this day until my neck long. now tt it's coming, i feel my heart beating as fast as bb's whenever i think abt it. kind of worried tt after scan there'll be bad news. i noe im just being paranoid, but i just cant stay cool and calm abt it like my husband does. sigh.. i think all mothers are like tt.

as for feeling the bb movements, i think i cant feel it yet. no fishes swimming, no butterflies fluttering, nothing. maybe im not sensitive enough to recognise tt's bb's movement.
hey melisssa

u r really comical .. but hor I simply agree with what u mention in improvement in conception ! cos I tried shaving it before ... ya the re-growth is so itchy !! hate it ... but .. hmm still dun dare leh .. ok I'll consider .. wonder if the ppl will be shocked to see a preggie do this !

edksd, i was like u .. v nervous before detailed scanning .. but I tell myself my bb is a strong one and she will be ok ... cos I know I dun want to "pass" that kind of worried feeling to my bb ... right ? just stay calm and think positively.....
Hi Melissa

Boy will be playing playing and playing. And they play untill quite rough. As for girl, they will be more gentle and cry alot. But they will come and hug you and stick with you all the time. Girl needs your accompany even juz step out from the bedroom to the living room and boy will be more independent. Girl will smile sweetly and boy will laugh as thou it is very funny.
bjiou, can share how the diff bet girl and boy? I still prefer girl leh. More close to parent.

forgetmenot, most ppls comment that the back of the head round round nicer leh. Those hairstylist also said girl head must round round then tie hair or style hair also nicer and easier.

The diff i explain above liao. But it is oni for my children hor..so cannot resemable all the girls and boys. hehee
Hi Melissa, hehehe me so glad to find a buddy too.
now i also a bit careful when ppl ask me about whether i am using epidural. i will decide if the person is the supportive kind, before i decide what to tell him/her. some quite one kind one, will pour cold water and it irritates me to no end! yes i will def share my birthing story with you guys hehee, but i think a lot of mums here also aiming for no epi and their EDD is before mine so i also hope to hear from them. oh brazilian waxing i have not tried leh, always have this squeemish feeling about going totally bare down there leh hehehe. how does it feel huh? when the hair regrows it feels wierd right? but i do know that hospital may shave for u when u go deliver, which also means the regrowth will be coarse stubbles. so that kinda sets me thinking do i wanna go do some waxing before that leh. will just bikini waxing help you think? really can't get used to the tot of no hair hehehee.....

bjiou, your description above really really sweet leh. imaging how teh ur girl is, clinging to mummy. really hor, girls so teh so cute....hehehe.
bijou, I don't feel much movement during day time.. usually feel it at night when I'm about to sleep... finally able to feel some pushing 2 nights ago

Do you gals feel tired after walking for a short while? My job requires me to do facility tours and I always feel super tired after walking non-stop for one hour... I also experienced breathlessness last week after walking for just 30 mins and need to sit down immediately to rest...
Hi E-Ling,

Can update for me as well? I am having a baby boy. It is my first child. Thanks!

Brought forward my detailed scan with KK Chow and went yesterday. Baby is fine.... I was truly nervous and worried about the scan for the whole weekend till yesterday. It was a great relief to know that baby is healthy and fine. The scan lasted 20mins cos baby is quite cooperative.
Gd morning gals!
My detailed scan will be on 15th May.By that time, I'm ard 23rd wk.I found that my gynae getting popular,therefore my visit always vy short one as there is a long Q waiting for him ;(
But too lazy to change gynae leh since i'm comfortable with him.

You r not alone.For this 2nd preg,I seldom keep track which wks i'm in.I have to look at the baby ticket to remind myself.

As for yaolan, we only let my gal sleep on it during daytime.At night, she will sleep on the bed.
When i go to my mum's hse where there is no yaolan, i will swing her to sleep (quite tiring).Luckily now, i dont have to do so.She is able to sleep on the bed whenever she is outside but wont sleep for that long.

Daisybuttons and melissa,
You have the correct mindset!Just listen and dont worry so much. Different ppl will have different encounter.Last time,i heard many horror stories but i told myself, i will be able to survive all these if it happened to me. In the end, it turned out fine.When i saw my baby, all the pain are worth.

In my admission letter, i saw my gynae's remarks "No shaving is required". Therefore i m not required to shave for my 1st labour.
Hi 77,
Your gynae is Chris Chong,is his clinic same as KK chow? How many wks are you in now?How you managed to bring forward your detailed scan?
helo amylim and ilovebabies, yah i think now we tend to feel breathless more easily. i dun get that often coz i seldom walk so long but i do feel even the walk to lunch tires me sometimes.

peachie! congrats.
oh u brought forward the detailed scan ah? urs is the one with detailed scan same day as me one right? hehehee. yes its indeed a load off ur mind isn't it?

elmo, thanks for the encouragement. yep, everyone's experience is different, so try not to let myself be affected by some of the stories too. oh how come ur gynae got write no shaving required? isit coz u got waxing done before? i din see such remarks in my admission letter hehehee...
read fr bks n fr my gynae,usu will feel movements earlier if this is not our 1st preg cos we noe how the movements feel like mah..

wow...u can manage taking care of 3 kids??how old are they?sometimes i already buey tahan taking care of my boy alone for the whole day leh..

bjiou n sasha,
so envy...both of u hve one girl n one boy??i oso wan...but hor,cant help feeling tt this one may be a boy too..haiz...

i agreed tt girl will be closer to mummy and of cos not forgetting tt girl has more nice clothes,toys n accessories too...hehe...

last time i can just put my boy on the bed n pat him to sleep..nowadays hve to carry him in my arms n pat him to sleep...headache ah..n he is getting heavier oso....
n the worst thing is tt he dun wan his daddy..he oni wans mi...

congrats for having a bb boy...
Hi Elmo

How come your detailed scan was schedule on 23weeks. For my understanding, the most we can drag till 21 weeks cuz it is a important scan.

No need to envy. Having 2 boys are also very good, they have common things and clothes to share with each other.
bijou n forgetmenot,
i hv a 3yr old girl & 16mth old twin boys. so thts why hope this is a girl

i agree boys & girls are diff in terms of how they behave. but even during my pregnncy was diff. i find that my boys are easier to take care of, they are easily pleased and satisfied. hardly complain unless hungry or tired. but my girl was a bit more diff to please as a baby although on the whole she was quiet and well behaved. always want me arnd her when she was awake.

i dont think that a girl will necessarily be closer to mummy. just depends on how we bond wt the child as they are growing

taking care of 3 kids and at the same time being pregnant is not easy but somehow you find a way. when i'm at home, i believe in routines so that helps me manage my chores. but when i take them out, then am a bit more relaxed.
Hi sasha

Wah...twin boys and a girl!! Thats great. Your twin boy muz be very cute now and your elder girl will know how to play with them already. What makes you go for the 4th?

What you say abt boys are quite true, they are more independent and do not need you to takeare of them too much but they are very mischevious during play time. As for girl they will want you more especially when they are uncomfortable, wake up and sleeping time. haha!! So sometimes you find that so stick to you till you also feel diff to let go.
bjiou n sasha,
yes yes yes...i totally agreed..boy very active leh...my boy like always full of energy,n i hve to chase him ard the hse..so tiring...

having another boy in a way is not bad lah...cos there is a di-di to play with my boy...anyway,the gender is already fixed liao,there nothing i can do abt it...

actually hor,my boy very sticky to mi leh...wans mi to carry...esp when we are at hm..he dun wan my hubby liao..i wonder isit becos he is still young,tt's y like tt...
shsha and forgetmenot

your boy will stick to you becuz you are always the 1 who play with him. My boy and girls do stick to father alot becuz my husband will play with them at home.
for those who've had both girls and boys, do u experience diff pregnancy symptoms? heard that boys can be more active n kick earlier or harder, is it true?

btw, thot u gals can try something interesting. Itz a 'ring' test i saw on TV the other day. Dangle a ring tied to a thread above ur tummy - if u're having a girl, the ring will swing round and round; if boy, the ring will sway back n forth. Same results if u place the ring above ur open palm or someone else's palm. Diff movements for male n female. I tried on myself n hubby, and it works. Tried on my tummy n it shows a boy, so waiting for the actual results during detailed scan next wk. Do try n let me know if it works for u too! Am really curious! thanks!
hi frogetmenot/sasha,
my detailed scan oso will be on the may 8th....really wait until neck vvv long..
Are u mommies doing e scan at TMC?

Can help me update the list bor?Yes, im having a baby gal....v happy...

I wanted to try but always for forget. My friend who gave birth 2 days ago did the test and is proven for her. So yesterday when I visit her she ask me to try this out.
Hi elmo,

Yep, KK Chow is always busy on weekends. But when I went for the scan at 12.30pm yesterday, I was the only one in the clinic besides the staff. So maybe if you can go during weekdays to avoid the crowd. I think it is not advisable to drag your scan beyond the 22 weeks. Maybe you can discuss this with KK Chow?

Yep, my gynea is Chris Chong. But his equipment is not as detailed as KK Chows. Hence the 5th month detailed scan was performed by KK Chow instead. He is fine he took time to explain to me what is being shown on the screen and how he arrived at each conclusion, and there is a checklist to tick off to ensure that he scanned all the vital organs (ie diaphragm, flow of fetal blood between the left/right chambers of the heart, flow of blood in the placenta, limbs, femur length, left/right cortex of brain, bladder, stomach, spine, absence of cleft lip etc). KK Chow will also measure the size of vital organs such as the brain, the head, the stomach and limbs to ensure that they correspond to the gestational age of the fetus. At the end of it all, he will also plot a chart to show the percentile range of the growth of the fetus as compared with the general population, based on the gestational age.

I am worried, especially reading that a poor mom-to-be had to terminate her pregnancy upon learning that her baby had cogenital heart defect in the August thread. Instead of going through a painful wait, I managed to convince the nurse to schedule me for a scan yesterday. I was 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant as at yesterday. Anyway, I was warned before going that should the fetus be too small, I will have to come back again a couple of weeks later. Nonetheless, I still am determined to do the scan earlier.

Yep, I agree that it is a sweet relief to know that the little one is fine! All the best to all mums-to-be here who have yet to do their scan too. After KK Chow, maybe I will cancel the scan with Ann Tan. Can use the $250 and buy something else for the baby....

By the way, anyone here using the "yao lan"? My mom advised me against it, cos I grew up sleeping in the yao lan and my mom had a hard time weaning me off. My spine is slightly curved (which my mom attributed to the yao lan). But at the same time, I recalled my sis (born 8 years after me) slept in a baby cot, and all of us had a hard time getting her to sleep every night. We will have to take turns to pat her on the back for over an hour before she falls asleep. My colleagues also shared that they have the same problem when their babies sleep on the bed. So I am not quite sure here.
my hubby oso got play with him leh..but somehow he still prefer mi...haiz...

mine detailed scan not done at tmc leh...
ya lor..wait till neck long long leh..but this wk coming to an end..cos one more wk to go...i'm counting down...keke
hi, does anyone knows at suntec, which tower is it tt has all the maternity and bb stuff? quite lazy to comb thru all the towers.
I have juz called and asked the nurse. She said its alright for the detailed scan to be done ard 22nd or 23rd wk.
hi bjou, thks. tt means other towers dun hv maternity/bb stuff already right?

i dun frequent suntec, so when im there i just want to visit all the maternity/bb stuff shops there in one go.

im a lazy shopper :p
ya edksd..on 3rd flr..you can walk up and you will see more shops for baby and mother. It started from Tower 2 to Tower 3.
hi edksd
its e tower wher toys'rus is...i oso dun rmbr e tower nbr..keke..i know jus go up to 3rd flr frm mango escalator

hi forgetmenot,
me oso counting down leh..

hi peachie,
pros n cons when comes to using the yao lan...
using it will definitely easier to get baby back to sleep & of cos bb head will be rounder..for me i will monitor for the 1st 3 mths first then decide whether to use yao lan..cos 1st 3mths they will be too soft for it...
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Lovenest</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Preferred Birth method</TD><TD>Baby # </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amylim</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>29-Aug</TD><TD>Dr Yu Su Ling</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Bartley Rd</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Chng</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD>Dr Tan Lay Kok </TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine Lau</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD>Dr. Denas Chandras </TD><TD>Mt. A</TD><TD>St. George's</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>Early Sept</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sembawang</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>E-ling</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boon Tiong Rd</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Charis</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Y C Goh (Thomson Plaza)</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>;) (ilovebabies) </TD><TD>30</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>SK</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Natural birth WITH epidural </TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joon</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>04-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Blastier</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lichristin</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>05-Sep</TD><TD>Dr KC Yeo </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Punggol</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>elaine</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>08-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Ubi</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>DaBee</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Y C Goh (Thomson Plaza)</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Marine Parade</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>elmo88</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>Dr KK Chow </TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Buangkok</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>kelyen</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Ho KK</TD><TD>Mt. A</TD><TD>Buangkok</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>14-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bt Batok</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Pony</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>18-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Fong CW </TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Kim Tian</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>chngs wife</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>19-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Clementi</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>mae</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>19-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Kee W H</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jurong</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>daisybuttons</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>19-Sep</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>77(peachie)</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>19-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Chris Chong </TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Resha (rani) </TD><TD>28</TD><TD>19-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Lee I Wuen </TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD><TD>Telok Blangah </TD><TD>60% girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>rainnie</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Yew Tee</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>forgetmenot</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Tracey Lim </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bt Batok</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>pjen</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>25-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>puppylove</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>25-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Kee W H</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Hougang</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smileys</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>25-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>80% girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>pig2</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>26-Sep</TD><TD>Prof Mary Rauff</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Melissa (veryhappy) </TD><TD>29</TD><TD>27-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Brenda Low </TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>edksd</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>28-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bt Merah View</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bjiou (bjiou)</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>29-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Chew </TD><TD>Mt. E</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>29-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Teoh </TD><TD>Mt. E</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>natural brith w/o epidural</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Domesticgoddess</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>30-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>End Sep</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>HK</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>C-section with Epidural</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

forgetmenot, sasha, bjiou, i really salute u mums leh, and envy you too. wow.....two of you already have 2 or 3 kids. hear so many tiring stories from colls ah, that i also wonder how am i to cope with 2 kids next time. and sasha can cope with 3 and having 4th one! wow.....really admire. need to learn more from you girls. how do u find time to do housework or u have a maid? i think once we have at least 2 kids, we need at least a partime maid yar? and if both of u working, who takes care of the kids in the daytime? if grandparents, can they cope with so many?

forgetmenot, hehehe u so cute. its good that ur boyboy sticks to you ah, such a nice feeling. though i know it takes away time for u to do hsehold chores and stuff thats why u sighing huh? hehehe actually for me hor, i really hope that my baby, be it boyboy or girlgirl, will be very sticky to me.
it will be so sweet and i will treasure all those sticky times coz i know by the time they grow up, have their own friends, they will behave slighly differently liaoz.

peachie, so good that u feel better after assuring that baby is safe. i guess kk chow is so detailed that he helped you make up ur mind about cancelling ann tan's scan. thats good, yes can save the money for more things yar?

pjen, i am doing my detailed scan at tmc next week, but will be at my doc's clinic not 4th level.
