(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="aa00aa">| Ling |</font> =( I cant believe that my mum just has to take this weeks copy of the Mind Your Body to her office.. Of all the weeks! Bleahh.

<font color="aa00aa">| Orange |</font> Aiyoooo.. so round like a tiny tua pek gong heehee and that smile! Now its heart warming!

<font color="aa00aa">| Daisybuttons |</font> How come u so clever? Which part of my post u can tell?? Yes I did TRYYY hynobirthing la.. heehee

You ordered your Bumbo already so no need to try mine la? I buying for a gf who also has a Bumbo..

<font color="aa00aa">| Jo |</font> Would you like to try the Bumbo first? Cos I should be bringing to the gathering..

<font color="aa00aa">| little pony |</font> But was yours posterior as well? Or other reasons? Sorry that I so kpo..I also feel that the local gynaes are very much into active management, without consulting the mother first..

<font color="aa00aa">| ilovebabies |</font> Orh.. so dont buy Nestle la.. I went out just now and bought a nice baby &amp; toddler cookbook. I especially like the Chicken Satay recipe!

<font color="aa00aa">| Gathering |</font> I think need to add hubby or helper if any of you bringing so that we can have a better estimation of food.

Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

1) Joon + DN + PF = Dry Mee Siam
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann = wait till more dishes then i make up what's missing! <font color="119911">(Hubbie?)</font>
3) Brenda + Arianne + Shawn = Curry Chix with French Loaves
4) Phoebe + Javier = coconut jelly dessert
5) Ling + Sophie + hubby = Junk food. + chicken wings/sth else|
6) Jo + Kelicia = fried spring roll <font color="119911">(Hubbie?)</font>
7} Orange + Cayden + hubby = apple strudel
8) E-Ling + Annabel + hubby <font color="119911">( How about satays or otaks?|</font>
9) Sha + Sherilyn + maid = Ngor Hiang
10) ilovebabies + Rachel = <font color="119911">(Drinks)</font>

Total headcount = 16 (without some hubbies)

<font color="ff0000">Any other mummies like to join us? Smiley? Blessed Mommy?</font>
Jo, there u go!!

<font color="aa00aa">I want to join the Bumbo Club too!
And Auntie Daisybuttons, one Bumbo Play Tray for me pleeeze!
Love, Trinity</font>


Bumbo Play Tray
1. Brenda x 2
2. Emma
3. Jasmine
4. Joon
5. ilovebabies
6. daisybuttons!!!
7. puppylove
Wah! So many happy bumbo babies!

emma, yah enzo really lost weight. He still don't want to drink his milk ah? How much he taking now?

*sob sob* I gotta miss this gathering. Hope very soon will be another one that I can join!

Cannot help but must tell ilovebabies again : Rachel really very pretty!
Another ace photo! Wah! Trinity also very pretty... Sherilyn also!

Sha, so did you bring Sherilyn for the rotavirus vaccination?
Mmmm... all the food sounds so delicious!! Will try my best to be there w Trinity!

But can't confirm right now as I may hv to go back to work!
Will confirm as soon as I can!
<font color="aa00aa">| Puppylove |</font> Come come! the more the merrier!
What's that on Trinity's head? Looks cool!
I'll try to work overtime later to include Trinity's pic in the Mambo Jumbo Bumbo Bbs collection ya!
<font size="+1"><font color="119911">| Bumbo Play Tray |</font></font>

For clarity sake:

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove

4 more to go! but our dear Phoebe needs to firm up with the manufacturer first ya?

<font color="aa00aa">JIA YOU PHOEBE!</font>
Just thought I remind u, your name not in the list if you're also buying.. don later everyone gets it and u can't!
<font size="+1"><font color="119911">BUMBO PLAY TRAY</font></font>

I emailed the distributor to firm up more details on payment &amp; shipping. With that, can give everyone a confirmed pricing.

Me also getting one. Better put my name inside

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove
9. phoebe
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">BABYCOOK</font></font>

Got a reply from them to say 'only sell in Europe'

Just reply to ask again if they want to sell to me some units (import to Singapore)

Thanks for the contact! I'm still thinking abt it coz i'm not very conservative and i bring sophie out a lot so i think might clash w pd in terms of viewpts. Sigh... Oh btw, i have a Evenflo Ultra Exersaucer too! I can't wait to use it. It's been there since 2 mths ago! I think i'm more excited about toys than Sophie. haha. I'll prob use it when sophie is 4-5 mths too. Her neck still not very stable coz she's got big head. Heh.

Haha yah she does! We're 14 yrs apart. Big age gap. Heh.

yah yah you must go get the copy. It's quite good.

OH BTW, Sophie is 4 mths old today!!!! 25 Sept. Wow time passes so fast!
<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe |</font> Hey, thanks leh.. so late already and you're still working on it.. so pai sei.. hope your hubby won't kill me the next time he sees me.. hee

and guess what I'm doing?! Rushing out my VS orders! hee

<font color="aa00aa">| Ling |</font> Congrats on Sophie's 4months! And how come Sophie and Elmo eyes look so alike?!? hee
nite time is the only time can really tabulate orders and emails (when baby is asleep)
but hor, he will wake up around 3am to feed. so dont get to sleep alot too.
go to work then sleep lor. haha.
WAH HAHA.......... oh my my bro said the same thing! So funny hor, maybe that's why Sophie loves Elmo. She thinks it's the mirror. Haha... Looks like we late birds are still online. Me going to sleep soon...
<font color="119911">Happy</font> <font color="0000ff">Birthday</font> <font color="aa00aa">Sophie</font> <font color="ff0000">!!</font>

big age gap between my bro and i too! 17 yrs... golly. i was in JC1 when my mom gave birth again. i remember visiting her at KK and eating all her catered dinner! (my sis and i shared it) i'm such a horrible daughter. -_-

rahahaha... sleep at work! how true... gee, thanx for organising all these BPs. really appreciate it man. but u must enjoy doing it too right!!!

wah, enzo has really lost weight huh! now he's got a very chiselled face ala brad pitt!! phew-weeet! are our little girls here going ga-ga? now all of the mummies will want to chope enzo for their bb girls! hiak!

thanx for including the hbs in the list
THanks. heh. YOu another late bird
REALLY? wow that's cool. Ok, your mum's cool. Seriously i can't imagine giving birth at 40 like my mum. Oh i was in Sec 2. Heh i also ate my mum's food, esp her yummy confinement food. Ah hahah... When i told my friends my mum's expecting, they were like no lah don't bluff. ?!?!

Oh btw, i thot sophie's sleeping thru right? But past 2 nights, she woke up crying at 3,4,5 and i finally fed her at 6. !?!?! STress man. A bit zonked out.
Hi Peachie,

I am your neighbour!

Hi All,

I am supposed to be Sep mummy but my baby was 2 weeks earlier den due date so she was born end Aug. Hope to join in the chat
| Bumbo Play Tray |

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove
9. phoebe
10. pig2
Hi Yuna,

I see!!! So you are Clarise's mommy!!! Hehehehe... Such a small small world. keke...

How's Clarise??? Haven't seen you guys for the past couple of weeks! Cos you are WELCOME to chat!
She teethed yet?
Hi Ling,

So we have the same exersaucer!!! Great! Will let you know how it is once I've used it! Intend to drag it out of the store room this weekend.
gooda moooooning!

yuna, u are welcome to join in the chat!
you are welcome to our playdate at my plc too.
then peachie can finally know who you are instead of guessing heheehe!

brenda, HA! i guess right! its your comment on the delivery using forceps/vacuum, u said its such a rude shock to the baby, being yanked out into the world like that. that's very like someone who has read a lot on natural birthing aka hypnobirthing hahahahaa..... just tot u may like to know, Joon and I did hypnobirthing too, did u go for the course? Joon managed to have a drug free and super fast labour! I didn't manage to have drug free but I manage to have a relaxed, quiet and i-didn't-break-my-hubby's-hand peaceful 24 hours labour b4 eventually giving in to drug in the last 5hours! hahahahha! what abt u?

oh btw even if i hadn't guessed about hypno from ur earlier posts, i wld have been 100% sure when you said "active management" heee!

pig2, hehehe u also have a bumbo! so many bumbo babies, wait for Jovann!!

puppylove, thats a cute pic! u know, i had visions of decking Jovann out in his christmas best and sitting him under the tree for a nice pic with the presents. BUT we were so tired we decided not to put up the christmas tree this year, and even if i did i din have the bumbo then so how to sit him up? hehehehe!

<font color="0000ff">Playdate</font>
Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

1) Joon + DN + PF = <font color="119911">Dry Mee Siam</font>
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann + Samuel = <font color="119911">wait till more dishes then i make up what's missing!</font>
3) Brenda + Arianne + Shawn = <font color="119911">Curry Chix with French Loaves </font>
4) Phoebe + Javier = <font color="119911">coconut jelly dessert</font>
5) Ling + Sophie + hubby = <font color="119911">Junk food. + chicken wings/sth else</font>
6) Jo + Kelicia = <font color="119911">fried spring roll</font> <font color="ff0000">(Hubbie?)</font>
7} Orange + Cayden + hubby = <font color="119911">apple strudel</font>
8) E-Ling + Annabel + hubby <font color="119911">(How about satays or otaks?</font><font color="ff0000">yes yummy!!!</font>
9) Sha + Sherilyn + maid = <font color="119911">Ngor Hiang</font>
10) ilovebabies + Rachel = <font color="119911">Drinks</font>

<font color="ff6000">Total headcount = 17 (without some hubbies)</font>
No pro my maid will help out in anything needed.

Have not but have been bugging my hubby lor.

I really hate Sherilyn sucking her thumb coz now there is a small like pimple thing at her thumb and one near her mouth!!!!

How much you paid for your bumbo seat?? You got it 2nd hand?

I am interest in the babycook. Thanks for the doing the BP.
oh dear i been so busy i dun think im in time for the VS spree. nvm lah i skip this time anyway im too fat to wear anything sexy!!!!

oh dear there is a blister like thing on sherilyn thumb? my 3 yr old been sucking since birth, really hard to stop him n his blister is so big now!! i was saying thk god he is a not a gal if not so awful!!!

aiyoh so many of u going but looks like i cant go!! grrrr.... organise one again in march can??? mom will be ard to help me then i can free myself up
did you try any method to stop him from sucking coz this is what I am worry about her sucking all the way till dont know when??

Bring all your babies there for the gathering, it would be fun.
i did. i put plaster, put axe oil etc... but no use he get angry n scream!! so now i leave it lah hopefully he will get out of it soon!! but good thing he only suck when he sleepy. my frd's kid suck everywhere she goes!!

u mean bring all my kids?? noway!! they will tear daisybutton's house down!!
try to stop it when she still young? does she wan pacifier? it was my fault i didnt stop my boy early cos i found it so cute when he was sucking his thumb. and he can suck to sleep he dun need me to pat him to sleep. heh
under my care she will suck the pacifier but when she is with my MIL she will suck her thumb and of coz she spend more time there since I need to work.

This is giving me so much stress and I even told my hubby if she still suck her thumb till one year old I will give birth to another baby even if I do my own mummy will look after the most I move back.
oh yah forgot to ask this. does anyone here uses pigeon wide neck bottle to transport EBM??? how to keep it secure? if with the round dome shaped cap without teats inside, its not secure leh. got proper cap i can buy?
| Bumbo Play Tray |

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove
9. phoebe
10. pig2
11. E-Ling

So coincidence to see you here! Ya, havent seen you all for quite a while, how is Clarence? Clarice is not well, having running nose and cough
but getting better now.

Clarice's 2 front teeth is coming out
so cutie...


Thks for the invitation. I will give this gathering a miss as my girl is sick so better not bring her there to sprend virus to the other babies.
Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

1) Joon + DN + PF = Dry Mee Siam
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann + Samuel = wait till more dishes then i make up what's missing!
3) Brenda + Arianne + Shawn = Curry Chix with French Loaves
4) Phoebe + Javier = coconut jelly dessert
5) Ling + Sophie + hubby = Junk food. + chicken wings/sth else
6) Jo + Kelicia = fried spring roll (Hubbie?)
7} Orange + Cayden + hubby = apple strudel
8) E-Ling + Annabel + hubby (How about satays or otaks?yes yummy!!!
9) Sha + Sherilyn + maid = Ngor Hiang
10) ilovebabies + Rachel = Drinks
11) jasmine lay + Jadelle + hubby = mee jiang kueh + DVD of the bao bei yi bu yi bu as promised!

Total headcount = 17 (without some hubbies)

i using pigeon bottle to feed my girl but no transport in it.. but the dome cap can secure leh.. muz be very firm and there will be a click sound! Last time i also tot spoil or wrong design.. but it is juz harder to push down to close it that iz all!
| Bumbo Play Tray |

1 more to go to hit 1 carton. heehee

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove
9. phoebe
10. pig2
11. E-Ling
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Playdate</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">| E-ling |</font> you ok with the otak or satays? Only my suggestion la..
and daisybuttons wrote 'yummy' hee..

<font color="aa00aa">| ilovebabies &amp; Jo |</font> Add in the list if your hubbies are coming ok? Need to tabulate the headcount = food qty
Bumbo Play Tray |

1. Brenda
2. Brenda x 2
3. Emma
4. Jasmine
5. Joon
6. ilovebabies
7. daisybuttons
8. puppylove
9. phoebe
10. pig2
11. E-Ling
12. Sha_987

Phoebe, Thanks.
Brenda, ok but dunno where i can buy it from cos i dun think near my house have. NVM let me go check again if dun have then got to buy some other thing liao
<font color="aa00aa">| Yuna &amp; Clarice |</font> Welcome! Welcome!

<font color="aa00aa">| daisybuttons |</font> My hypnobirthing story is a very very loooong one, so next time then I tell u la.. Don wan to bore the others here!

<font color="aa00aa">| Sha |</font> Haiz.. bbs and MILs..

<font color="aa00aa">| Playdate |</font> <font color="ff0000">Total Headcount</font> after Jasmine's post is <font color="ff0000">19</font>
I think Ilovebabies hubby is not joining the playdate. We are coming together.

starting 01 Feb I might be at my mum's place coz JW is going for field training not coming home. Let you know when we get closer to the date.
Really wanna to go but i have to work that weekend. And moreover, I am 'grounding' Wayne for another month or two.. just to ensure that he is well and healthy after that horrible incident. I hope you all enjoy the gathering and i will join u gals the next time round!!!!
Wayne was in the posterior position as well when i was delivering him. My gynae asked the nurses don't stress me by asking me to keep pushing. Wat my gynae did was to let me rest for an hour... he said Wayne will naturally finetune himself to the right position.

After an hour, yes.. indeed.. Wayne was in the right position but then, i was too tired to push and therefore, my gynae used vacummed. But i muz say my gynae really good lor. heee!
wow! us sept mommies not bad huh! less than 1 week to fill up the bp list!

i'm sure there'll be more chances for us to meet! and before u know it wayne'll be 6 mths old!!

i'm using the fat pigeon bottles too. when i transport the ebm, i put the teat on then the cap. how come u don't do that? are we not supposed to do that? i wanted to buy a sealing disc at first, then the pigeon lady told me that pigeon doesn't have that. when the teat is screwed on and the cap is put on, the teat will reach the top of the cap so nothing will spill out. so far so gd for us, easy for my mil too coz she just warms up the milk direct.
